コード例 #1
    def run(self):
        self.ts = pf.fetch_timeseries(self.symbol)
        self.ts = pf.select_tradeperiod(self.ts, self.start, self.end, use_adj=True)

        # Add technical indicator: 200 sma regime filter
        self.ts['regime'] = \
            pf.CROSSOVER(self.ts, timeperiod_fast=1, timeperiod_slow=200)
        # Add technical indicator: instrument risk, i.e. annual std
        self.ts['vola'] = \
            pf.VOLATILITY(self.ts, lookback=20, time_frame='yearly')

        # Add technical indicator: X day sma
        sma = SMA(self.ts, timeperiod=self.sma)
        self.ts['sma'] = sma

        # Add technical indicator: X day high, and X day low
        period_high = pd.Series(self.ts.close).rolling(self.period).max()
        period_low = pd.Series(self.ts.close).rolling(self.period).min()
        self.ts['period_high'] = period_high
        self.ts['period_low'] = period_low
        self.ts, self.start = pf.finalize_timeseries(self.ts, self.start)
        self.tlog = pf.TradeLog(self.symbol)
        self.dbal = pf.DailyBal()

コード例 #2
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: rahulmr/pinkfish
def volatility_graph(rets, labels, points_to_plot=None):

    def _boxplot(volas, labels):
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
        axes = fig.add_subplot(111, ylabel='Volatility')
        plt.ylim(0, 1)
        plt.boxplot(volas, labels=labels)
    def _volas_plot(volas, labels):
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,10))
        axes = fig.add_subplot(111, ylabel='Volatility')
        for i, vola in enumerate(volas):
            axes.plot(vola, label=labels[i])


    # default is to plot all points (days)
    if points_to_plot is None:
        points_to_plot = 0;

    # get volatility for each return set
    volas = []
    for ret in rets:

    # build metrics dataframe
    index = []
    columns = labels
    data = []
    # add metrics
    metrics = ['avg', 'median', 'min', 'max', 'std', 'last']
    for metric in metrics:
        if   metric == 'avg': data.append(vola.mean() for vola in volas)
        elif metric == 'median': data.append(vola.median() for vola in volas)
        elif metric == 'min': data.append(vola.min() for vola in volas)
        elif metric == 'max': data.append(vola.max() for vola in volas)
        elif metric == 'std': data.append(vola.std() for vola in volas)
        elif metric == 'last': data.append(vola[-1] for vola in volas)

    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns, index=index)
    _boxplot(volas, labels)
    _volas_plot(volas, labels)
    return df
コード例 #3
ファイル: strategy.py プロジェクト: tombohub/pinkfish
    def run(self):
        self.ts = pf.fetch_timeseries(self.symbol)
        self.ts = pf.select_tradeperiod(self.ts, self.start, self.end)

        # add regime filter
        self.ts['regime'] = \

        # Add technical indicator: volatility
        self.ts['vola'] = pf.VOLATILITY(self.ts)

        self.ts, self.start = pf.finalize_timeseries(self.ts, self.start)

        self.tlog = pf.TradeLog(self.symbol)
        self.dbal = pf.DailyBal()

コード例 #4
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: tombohub/pinkfish
def volatility_graphs(dbals, labels, points_to_plot=None):
    Plot volatility graphs.
    The first graph is a boxplot showing the differences between
    2 or more returns.  The second graph shows the volatility plotted
    for 2 or more returns.

    dbals : list of pd.DataFrame
        A list of daily closing balances (or daily instrument closing
        prices) indexed by date.
    labels : list of str
        A list of labels.
    points_to_plot : int, optional
        Define how many points (trading days) we intend to plot
        (default is None, which implies plot all points or days).

        Statistics comparing the `dbals`.

    >>> df = pf.volatility_graph([ts, dbal], ['SPY', 'Strategy'],
    >>> df
    def _boxplot(volas, labels):
        Plot a volatility boxplot.
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
        axes = fig.add_subplot(111, ylabel='Volatility')
        plt.ylim(0, 1)
        plt.boxplot(volas, labels=labels)

    def _volas_plot(volas, labels):
        Plot volatility.
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10))
        axes = fig.add_subplot(111, ylabel='Volatility')
        for i, vola in enumerate(volas):
            axes.plot(vola, label=labels[i])

    if points_to_plot is None:
        points_to_plot = 0

    # Get volatility for each dbal set.
    volas = []
    for dbal in dbals:

    # Build metrics dataframe.
    index = []
    columns = labels
    data = []
    # Add metrics.
    metrics = ['avg', 'median', 'min', 'max', 'std', 'last']
    for metric in metrics:
        if metric == 'avg': data.append(vola.mean() for vola in volas)
        elif metric == 'median': data.append(vola.median() for vola in volas)
        elif metric == 'min': data.append(vola.min() for vola in volas)
        elif metric == 'max': data.append(vola.max() for vola in volas)
        elif metric == 'std': data.append(vola.std() for vola in volas)
        elif metric == 'last': data.append(vola[-1] for vola in volas)

    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns, index=index)
    _boxplot(volas, labels)
    _volas_plot(volas, labels)
    return df
コード例 #5
ファイル: strategy.py プロジェクト: alialamiidrissi/pinkfish
 def _volatility(ts, ta_param, input_column):
     return pf.VOLATILITY(ts, price=input_column)