def test_clist_nl(): """Cell list neighbor test Compare with ASE implementation """ from import bulk from ase.neighborlist import neighbor_list from pinn.layers import cell_list_nl to_test = [bulk('Cu'), bulk('Mg'), bulk('Fe')] ind, coord, cell = [], [], [] for i, a in enumerate(to_test): ind.append([[i]] * len(a)) coord.append(a.positions) cell.append(a.cell) with tf.Graph().as_default(): tensors = { 'ind_1': tf.constant(np.concatenate(ind, axis=0), tf.int32), 'coord': tf.constant(np.concatenate(coord, axis=0), tf.float32), 'cell': tf.constant(np.stack(cell, axis=0), tf.float32) } nl = cell_list_nl(tensors, rc=10) with tf.Session() as sess: dist_pinn =['dist']) dist_ase = [] for a in to_test: dist_ase.append(neighbor_list('d', a, 10)) dist_ase = np.concatenate(dist_ase, 0) assert np.all(np.sort(dist_ase) - np.sort(dist_pinn) < 1e-4)
def lj(tensors, rc=3.0, sigma=1.0, epsilon=1.0): """Lennard-Jones Potential This is a simple implementation of LJ potential for the purpose of testing distance/force calculations rather than a network. Args: tensors: input data (nested tensor from dataset). rc: cutoff radius. sigma, epsilon: LJ parameters """ tensors.update(cell_list_nl(tensors, rc=rc)) connect_dist_grad(tensors) e0 = 4 * epsilon * ((sigma / rc)**12 - (sigma / rc)**6) c6 = (sigma / tensors['dist'])**6 c12 = c6**2 en = 4 * epsilon * (c12 - c6) - e0 natom = tf.shape(tensors['ind_1'])[0] nbatch = tf.reduce_max(tensors['ind_1']) + 1 en = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(en, tensors['ind_2'][:, 0], natom) return en / 2.0
def pinet(tensors, pp_nodes=[16, 16], pi_nodes=[16, 16], ii_nodes=[16, 16], en_nodes=[16, 16], depth=4, atom_types=[1, 6, 7, 8], act='tanh', rc=4.0, cutoff_type='f1', basis_type='polynomial', n_basis=4, gamma=3.0, preprocess=False): """Network function for the PiNet neural network Args: tensors: input data (nested tensor from dataset). atom_types (list): elements for the one-hot embedding. pp_nodes (list): number of nodes for pp layer. pi_nodes (list): number of nodes for pi layer. ii_nodes (list): number of nodes for ii layer. en_nodes (list): number of nodes for en layer. depth (int): number of interaction blocks. rc (float): cutoff radius. basis_type (string): type of basis function to use, can be "polynomial" or "gaussian". gamma (float): controls width of gaussian function for gaussian basis. n_basis (int): number of basis functions to use. cutoff_type (string): cutoff function to use with the basis. act (string): activation function to use. preprocess (bool): whether to return the preprocessed tensor. Returns: prediction or preprocessed tensor dictionary """ if "ind_2" not in tensors: tensors.update(cell_list_nl(tensors, rc)) connect_dist_grad(tensors) tensors['embed'] = atomic_onehot(tensors['elems'], atom_types) else: connect_dist_grad(tensors) if preprocess: return tensors # Basis function if basis_type == 'polynomial': basis = polynomial_basis(tensors['dist'], cutoff_type, rc, n_basis) elif basis_type == 'gaussian': basis = gaussian_basis(tensors['dist'], cutoff_type, rc, n_basis, gamma) # We name some tensors here nodes = {1: tf.identity(tensors['embed'], name='embed')} diff = tf.identity(tensors['diff'], name='diff') coord = tf.identity(tensors['coord'], name='coord') elems = tf.identity(tensors['elems'], name='elems') ind_1 = tf.identity(tensors['ind_1'], name='ind_1') ind_2 = tf.identity(tensors['ind_2'], name='ind_2') basis = tf.expand_dims(basis, -2) natom = tf.shape(tensors['ind_1'])[0] # Then Construct the model output = 0.0 for i in range(depth): if i > 0: nodes[1] = fc_layer(nodes[1], pp_nodes, act=act, name='pp-{}'.format(i)) nodes[2] = pi_layer(ind_2, nodes[1], basis, pi_nodes, act=act, name='pi-{}'.format(i)) nodes[2] = fc_layer(nodes[2], ii_nodes, use_bias=False, act=act, name='ii-{}'.format(i)) if nodes[1].shape[-1] != nodes[2].shape[-1]: nodes[1] = tf.layers.dense(nodes[1], nodes[2].shape[-1], use_bias=False, activation=None) nodes[1] = tf.add(nodes[1], ip_layer(ind_2, nodes[2], natom, name='ip_{}'.format(i)), name='prop_{}'.format(i)) output = tf.add(output, en_layer(nodes[1], en_nodes, act=act, name='en_{}'.format(i)), name='out_{}'.format(i)) return output
def bpnn(tensors, sf_spec, nn_spec, rc=5.0, act='tanh', cutoff_type='f1', fp_range=[], fp_scale=False, preprocess=False, use_jacobian=True): """ Network function for Behler-Parrinello Neural Network Example of sf_spec:: [{'type':'G2', 'i': 1, 'j': 8, 'Rs': [1.,2.], 'eta': [0.1,0.2]}, {'type':'G2', 'i': 8, 'j': 1, 'Rs': [1.,2.], 'eta': [0.1,0.2]}, {'type':'G4', 'i': 8, 'j': 8, 'lambd':[0.5,1], 'zeta': [1.,2.], 'eta': [0.1,0.2]}] The symmetry functions are defined according to the paper: Behler, Jörg. “Constructing High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials: A Tutorial Review.” International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 115, no. 16 (August 15, 2015): 103250. (Note the naming of symmetry functions is different from For more detials about symmetry functions, see the definitions of symmetry functions. Example of nn_spec:: {8: [32, 32, 32], 1: [16, 16, 16]} Args: tensors: input data (nested tensor from dataset). sf_spec (dict): symmetry function specification. nn_spec (dict): elementwise network specification, each key points to a list specifying the number of nodes in the feed-forward subnets. rc (float): cutoff radius. cutoff_type (string): cutoff function to use. act (str): activation function to use in dense layers. fp_scale (bool): scale the fingerprints according to fp_range. fp_range (list of [min, max]): the atomic fingerprint range for each SF used to pre-condition the fingerprints. preprocess (bool): whether to return the preprocessed tensor. use_jacobian (bool): whether to reconnect the grads of fingerprints. note that one must use the jacobian if one want forces with preprocessing, the option is here mainly for verifying the jacobian implementation. Returns: prediction or preprocessed tensor dictionary """ if 'ind_2' not in tensors: tensors.update(cell_list_nl(tensors, rc)) connect_dist_grad(tensors) tensors['cutoff_func'] = cutoff_func(tensors['dist'], cutoff_type, rc) tensors.update(bp_symm_func(tensors, sf_spec, rc, cutoff_type)) tensors.pop('dist') tensors.pop('cutoff_func') tensors.pop('ind_3', None) else: connect_dist_grad(tensors) if preprocess: return tensors fps = make_fps(tensors, sf_spec, nn_spec, use_jacobian, fp_range, fp_scale) output = 0.0 n_atoms = tf.shape(tensors['elems'])[0] for k, v in nn_spec.items(): ind = tf.where(tf.equal(tensors['elems'], k)) with tf.variable_scope("BP_DENSE_{}".format(k)): nodes = fps[k] for n_node in v: nodes = tf.layers.dense(nodes, n_node, activation=act) atomic_en = tf.layers.dense(nodes, 1, activation=None, use_bias=False, name='E_OUT_{}'.format(k)) output += tf.unsorted_segment_sum(atomic_en[:, 0], ind[:, 0], n_atoms) return output