def display(self, q): RobotWrapper.display(self, q) M1 =[1] self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/mobilebasis', se3ToXYZQUAT(M1)) self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/mobilewheel1', se3ToXYZQUAT(M1)) self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/mobilewheel2', se3ToXYZQUAT(M1)) self.viewer.gui.refresh() pinocchio.updateFramePlacements(self.model, self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/framebasis', se3ToXYZQUAT([-2])) self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/frametool', se3ToXYZQUAT([-1])) self.viewer.gui.refresh()
def display(self, q): RobotWrapper.display(self, q) M1 =[1] self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/mobilebasis', pin.se3ToXYZQUATtuple(M1)) self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/mobilewheel1', pin.se3ToXYZQUATtuple(M1)) self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/mobilewheel2', pin.se3ToXYZQUATtuple(M1)) self.viewer.gui.refresh() pin.framesKinematics(self.model, self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/framebasis', pin.se3ToXYZQUATtuple([-2])) self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/frametool', pin.se3ToXYZQUATtuple([-1])) self.viewer.gui.refresh()
def display(self, q): RobotWrapper.display(self, q) M1 =[1] self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/mobilebasis', M2gv(M1)) self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/mobilewheel1', M2gv(M1)) self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/mobilewheel2', M2gv(M1)) self.viewer.gui.refresh() se3.framesKinematics(self.model, self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/framebasis', M2gv([-2])) self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration('world/frametool', M2gv([-1])) self.viewer.gui.refresh()
class PlayFromFile: def __init__(self,log="/tmp/log_pickup.txt"): self.wrapper = RobotWrapper("/local/mgeisert/models/ur5_quad.urdf") self.client=Client() self.client.gui.createWindow("w") self.client.gui.createScene("world") self.client.gui.addSceneToWindow("world",0L) self.client.gui.addURDF("world/ur5","/local/mgeisert/models/ur5_quad.urdf","/local/mgeisert/models/universal_robot/") self.client.gui.addSphere("world/sphere",0.07,[0.7,0.,0.,1.]) self.client.gui.createGroup("world/gripper") self.client.gui.addLandmark("world/gripper",0.1) self.wrapper.initDisplay("world/ur5") self.list = [] file = open(log, "r") configs = file.readlines() list1 = [] tmp3 = 0. for i in range(len(configs)): tmp = np.fromstring(configs[i][2:], dtype=float, sep="\t") tmp2 = [] if tmp[0]-tmp3>0.: tmp2.extend([tmp[0]-tmp3]) tmp2.extend(tmp[1:4]) x = Quaternion().fromRPY(tmp[4],tmp[5],tmp[6]) tmp2.extend(x.array[1:4]) tmp2.extend([x.array[0]]) tmp2.extend(tmp[7:13]) tmp2.append(tmp[0]) tmp3 = tmp[0] list1.append(tmp2) self.list.append(list1) def play(self, i=0, speed=1): for config in self.list[i]: q = np.matrix([[config[1]],[config[2]],[config[3]],[config[4]],[config[5]],[config[6]],[config[7]],[config[8]],[config[9]],[config[10]],[config[11]],[config[12]],[config[13]]]) self.wrapper.display(q) x = np.matrix([[0],[0.15],[0]]) x =[7]*x x = x.transpose() x = x.tolist()[0] print x quat = Quaternion([7].rotation) x.extend(quat.array[0:4]) self.client.gui.applyConfiguration("world/gripper",x) if config[14]<3: self.client.gui.applyConfiguration("world/sphere",[2,-1,-1,1,0,0,0]) elif config[14]<7: self.client.gui.applyConfiguration("world/sphere",x) self.client.gui.refresh() time.sleep(config[0]*speed) def display(self,k, i=0): config = self.list[i][k] q = np.matrix([[config[1]],[config[2]],[config[3]],[config[4]],[config[5]],[config[6]],[config[7]],[config[8]],[config[9]],[config[10]],[config[11]],[config[12]],[config[13]]]) self.wrapper.display(q) def reload(self,file="/tmp/log_pickup.txt"): file = open(file, "r") configs = file.readlines() list1 = [] tmp3 = 0. for i in range(len(configs)): tmp = np.fromstring(configs[i][2:], dtype=float, sep="\t") tmp2 = [] if tmp[0]-tmp3>0.: tmp2.extend([tmp[0]-tmp3]) tmp2.extend(tmp[1:4]) x = Quaternion().fromRPY(tmp[4],tmp[5],tmp[6]) tmp2.extend(x.array[1:4]) tmp2.extend([x.array[0]]) tmp2.extend(tmp[7:13]) tmp2.append(tmp[0]) tmp3 = tmp[0] list1.append(tmp2) self.list.insert(0,list1)
robot.deactivateCollisionPairs(NON_ACTIVE_COLLISION_PAIRS) dcrba = DCRBA(robot) coriolis = Coriolis(robot) drnea = DRNEA(robot) robot.initDisplay(loadModel=True) #robot.loadDisplayModel("world/pinocchio", "pinocchio", model_path) robot.viewer.gui.setLightingMode('world/floor', 'OFF') #print robot.model Q_MIN = robot.model.lowerPositionLimit Q_MAX = robot.model.upperPositionLimit DQ_MAX = robot.model.velocityLimit TAU_MAX = robot.model.effortLimit q = se3.randomConfiguration(robot.model, Q_MIN, Q_MAX) robot.display(q) # Display the robot in Gepetto-Viewer. nq = robot.nq nv = robot.nv v = mat_zeros(robot.nv) dv = mat_zeros(robot.nv) ddq_ub_min = mat_zeros(nq) + 1e10 ddq_lb_max = mat_zeros(nq) - 1e10 M_max = mat_zeros((nv, nv)) - 1e10 M_min = mat_zeros((nv, nv)) + 1e10 h_max = mat_zeros(nv) - 1e10 h_min = mat_zeros(nv) + 1e10 dh_dq_max = mat_zeros((nv, nq)) - 1e10 dh_dq_min = mat_zeros((nv, nq)) + 1e10 dh_dv_max = mat_zeros((nv, nv)) - 1e10
model_path, ]) robot.addAllCollisionPairs() NON_ACTIVE_COLLISION_PAIRS = [] for i in range(len(robot.collision_data.activeCollisionPairs)): if (i not in ACTIVE_COLLISION_PAIRS): NON_ACTIVE_COLLISION_PAIRS += [i] robot.deactivateCollisionPairs(NON_ACTIVE_COLLISION_PAIRS) robot.initDisplay(loadModel=True) robot.viewer.gui.setLightingMode('world/floor', 'OFF') #print robot.model Q_MIN = robot.model.lowerPositionLimit Q_MAX = robot.model.upperPositionLimit q = se3.randomConfiguration(robot.model, Q_MIN, Q_MAX) robot.display(q) # Display the robot in Gepetto-Viewer. nq = robot.nq rightAnswerCounter = 0 for i in range(N_SAMPLING): if (rightAnswerCounter > 10): ans = input( "The model has been right for %d times in a row. Do you wanna stop?" % rightAnswerCounter) if 'y' in ans: print("Stopping script") print("Active collision pairs are: [", end=' ') for (cp, active) in enumerate( robot.collision_data.activeCollisionPairs): if (active):
class Viewer: backend = None port_forwarding = None _backend_obj = None _backend_proc = None ## Unique threading.Lock for every simulation. # It is required for parallel rendering since corbaserver does not support multiple connection simultaneously. _lock = Lock() def __init__(self, jiminy_model, use_theoretical_model=False, urdf_rgba=None, robot_index=0, backend=None, window_name='python-pinocchio', scene_name='world'): # Backup some user arguments self.urdf_path = jiminy_model.urdf_path self.scene_name = scene_name self.window_name = window_name self.use_theoretical_model = use_theoretical_model # Extract the right Pinocchio model if self.use_theoretical_model: self.pinocchio_model = jiminy_model.pinocchio_model_th self.pinocchio_data = jiminy_model.pinocchio_data_th else: self.pinocchio_model = jiminy_model.pinocchio_model self.pinocchio_data = jiminy_model.pinocchio_data # Select the desired backend if backend is None: if Viewer.backend is None: backend = 'meshcat' if Viewer._is_notebook() else 'gepetto-gui' else: backend = Viewer.backend # Update the backend currently running, if any if (Viewer.backend != backend) and \ (Viewer._backend_obj is not None or \ Viewer._backend_proc is not None): Viewer.close() print("Different backend already running. Closing it...") Viewer.backend = backend # Check if the backend is still available, if any if Viewer._backend_obj is not None and Viewer._backend_proc is not None: if Viewer._backend_proc.poll() is not None: Viewer._backend_obj = None Viewer._backend_proc = None # Access the current backend or create one if none is available try: if (Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui'): if Viewer._backend_obj is None: Viewer._backend_obj, Viewer._backend_proc = \ Viewer._get_gepetto_client(True) if Viewer._backend_obj is not None: self._client = Viewer._backend_obj.gui else: raise RuntimeError("Impossible to open Gepetto-viewer.") else: from pinocchio.visualize import MeshcatVisualizer from pinocchio.shortcuts import createDatas if Viewer._backend_obj is None: Viewer._create_meshcat_backend() if Viewer._is_notebook(): Viewer.display_jupyter_cell() else: self._client = MeshcatVisualizer(self.pinocchio_model, None, None) self._client.viewer = Viewer._backend_obj except: raise RuntimeError("Impossible to load backend.") # Create a RobotWrapper robot_name = "robot_" + str(robot_index) if (Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui'): Viewer._delete_gepetto_nodes_viewer(scene_name + '/' + robot_name) if (urdf_rgba is not None): alpha = urdf_rgba[3] self.urdf_path = Viewer._get_colorized_urdf( self.urdf_path, urdf_rgba[:3]) else: alpha = 1.0 collision_model = pin.buildGeomFromUrdf( self.pinocchio_model, self.urdf_path, os.environ.get('JIMINY_MESH_PATH', []), pin.GeometryType.COLLISION) visual_model = pin.buildGeomFromUrdf( self.pinocchio_model, self.urdf_path, os.environ.get('JIMINY_MESH_PATH', []), pin.GeometryType.VISUAL) self._rb = RobotWrapper(model=self.pinocchio_model, collision_model=collision_model, visual_model=visual_model) if not self.use_theoretical_model: = jiminy_model.pinocchio_data self.pinocchio_data = # Load robot in the backend viewer if (Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui'): if not scene_name in self._client.getSceneList(): self._client.createSceneWithFloor(scene_name) if not window_name in self._client.getWindowList(): self._window_id = self._client.createWindow(window_name) self._client.addSceneToWindow(scene_name, self._window_id) self._client.createGroup(scene_name + '/' + scene_name) self._client.addLandmark(scene_name + '/' + scene_name, 0.1) else: self._window_id = int( np.where([ name == window_name for name in self._client.getWindowList() ])[0][0]) self._rb.initViewer(windowName=window_name, sceneName=scene_name, loadModel=False) self._rb.loadViewerModel(robot_name) self._client.setFloatProperty(scene_name + '/' + robot_name, 'Transparency', 1 - alpha) else: self._client.collision_model = collision_model self._client.visual_model = visual_model, self._client.collision_data, self._client.visual_data = \ createDatas(self.pinocchio_model, collision_model, visual_model) self._client.loadViewerModel(rootNodeName=robot_name, color=urdf_rgba) self._rb.viz = self._client @staticmethod def _create_meshcat_backend(): import meshcat from contextlib import redirect_stdout with redirect_stdout(None): Viewer._backend_obj = meshcat.Visualizer() Viewer._backend_proc = Viewer._backend_obj.window.server_proc @staticmethod def reset_port_forwarding(port_forwarding=None): Viewer.port_forwarding = port_forwarding @staticmethod def display_jupyter_cell(height=600, width=900, force_create_backend=False): if Viewer.backend == 'meshcat' and Viewer._is_notebook(): from IPython.core.display import HTML, display as ipython_display if Viewer._backend_obj is None: if force_create_backend: Viewer._create_meshcat_backend() else: raise ValueError( "No meshcat backend available and 'force_create_backend' is set to False." ) viewer_url = Viewer._backend_obj.url() if Viewer.port_forwarding is not None: url_port_pattern = '(?<=:)[0-9]+(?=/)' port_localhost = int(, viewer_url).group()) if port_localhost in Viewer.port_forwarding.keys(): viewer_url = re.sub( url_port_pattern, str(Viewer.port_forwarding[port_localhost]), viewer_url) else: print( "Port forwarding defined but no port mapping associated with {port_localhost}." ) jupyter_html = f'\n<div style="height: {height}px; width: {width}px; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; resize: both">\ \n<iframe src="{viewer_url}" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none">\ </iframe>\n</div>\n' ipython_display(HTML(jupyter_html)) else: raise ValueError( "Display in a Jupyter cell is only available using 'meshcat' backend and within a Jupyter notebook." ) @staticmethod def close(): if Viewer._backend_proc is not None: Viewer._backend_proc.terminate() Viewer._backend_proc = None Viewer._backend_obj = None @staticmethod def _is_notebook(): try: shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if shell == 'ZMQInteractiveShell': return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole elif shell == 'TerminalInteractiveShell': return False # Terminal running IPython else: return False # Other type, if any except NameError: return False # Probably standard Python interpreter @staticmethod def _get_colorized_urdf(urdf_path, rgb, custom_mesh_search_path=None): """ @brief Generate a unique colorized URDF. @remark Multiple identical URDF model of different colors can be loaded in Gepetto-viewer this way. @param[in] urdf_path Full path of the URDF file @param[in] rgb RGB code defining the color of the model. It is the same for each link. @return Full path of the colorized URDF file. """ color_string = "%.3f_%.3f_%.3f_1.0" % rgb color_tag = "<color rgba=\"%.3f %.3f %.3f 1.0\"" % rgb # don't close tag with '>', in order to handle <color/> and <color></color> colorized_tmp_path = os.path.join( "/tmp", "colorized_urdf_rgba_" + color_string) colorized_urdf_path = os.path.join(colorized_tmp_path, os.path.basename(urdf_path)) if not os.path.exists(colorized_tmp_path): os.makedirs(colorized_tmp_path) with open(urdf_path, 'r') as urdf_file: colorized_contents = for mesh_fullpath in re.findall('<mesh filename="(.*)"', colorized_contents): colorized_mesh_fullpath = os.path.join(colorized_tmp_path, mesh_fullpath[1:]) colorized_mesh_path = os.path.dirname(colorized_mesh_fullpath) if not os.access(colorized_mesh_path, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(colorized_mesh_path) shutil.copy2(mesh_fullpath, colorized_mesh_fullpath) colorized_contents = colorized_contents.replace( '"' + mesh_fullpath + '"', '"' + colorized_mesh_fullpath + '"', 1) colorized_contents = re.sub("<color rgba=\"[\d. ]*\"", color_tag, colorized_contents) with open(colorized_urdf_path, 'w') as colorized_urdf_file: colorized_urdf_file.write(colorized_contents) return colorized_urdf_path @staticmethod def _get_gepetto_client(open_if_needed=False): """ @brief Get a pointer to the running process of Gepetto-Viewer. @details This method can be used to open a new process if necessary. . @param[in] open_if_needed Whether a new process must be opened if no running process is found. Optional: False by default @return A pointer to the running Gepetto-viewer Client and its PID. """ try: from gepetto.corbaserver.client import Client return Client(), None except: try: return Client(), None except: if (open_if_needed): FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') proc = subprocess.Popen(['gepetto-gui'], shell=False, stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL) time.sleep(1) try: return Client(), proc except: try: return Client(), proc except: print("Impossible to open Gepetto-viewer") return None, None def _delete_gepetto_nodes_viewer(self, *nodes_path): """ @brief Delete a 'node' in Gepetto-viewer. @remark Be careful, one must specify the full path of a node, including all parent group, but without the window name, ie 'scene_name/robot_name' to delete the robot. @param[in] nodes_path Full path of the node to delete """ if Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui': for node_path in nodes_path: if node_path in self._client.getNodeList(): self._client.deleteNode(node_path, True) def _getViewerNodeName(self, geometry_object, geometry_type): """ @brief Get the full path of a node associated to a given geometry object and geometry type. @remark This is a hidden function that is not automatically imported using 'from wdc_jiminy_py import *'. It is not intended to be called manually. @param[in] geometry_object Geometry object from which to get the node @param[in] geometry_type Geometry type. It must be either pin.GeometryType.VISUAL or pin.GeometryType.COLLISION for display and collision, respectively. @return Full path of the associated node. """ if geometry_type is pin.GeometryType.VISUAL: return self._rb.viz.viewerVisualGroupName + '/' + elif geometry_type is pin.GeometryType.COLLISION: return self._rb.viz.viewerCollisionGroupName + '/' + def _updateGeometryPlacements(self, visual=False): """ @brief Update the generalized position of a geometry object. @remark This is a hidden function that is not automatically imported using 'from wdc_jiminy_py import *'. It is not intended to be called manually. @param[in] visual Wether it is a visual or collision update """ if visual: geom_model = self._rb.visual_model geom_data = self._rb.visual_data else: geom_model = self._rb.collision_model geom_data = self._rb.collision_data pin.updateGeometryPlacements(self.pinocchio_model, self.pinocchio_data, geom_model, geom_data) def setCameraTransform(self, translation, rotation): # translation : [Px, Py, Pz], # rotation : [Roll, Pitch, Yaw] R_pnc = rpyToMatrix(np.array(rotation)) if Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui': T_pnc = np.array(translation) T_R = SE3(R_pnc, T_pnc) self._client.setCameraTransform(self._window_id, se3ToXYZQUAT(T_R).tolist()) else: import meshcat.transformations as tf # Transformation of the camera object T_meshcat = tf.translation_matrix(translation) self._client.viewer[ "/Cameras/default/rotated/<object>"].set_transform(T_meshcat) # Orientation of the camera object Q_pnc = Quaternion(R_pnc).coeffs() Q_meshcat = np.roll(Q_pnc, shift=1) R_meshcat = tf.quaternion_matrix(Q_meshcat) self._client.viewer["/Cameras/default"].set_transform(R_meshcat) def captureFrame(self): if Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui': png_path = next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) self._client.captureFrame(self._window_id, png_path) rgb_array = np.array([:, :, :-1] os.remove(png_path) return rgb_array else: raise RuntimeError( "Screen capture through Python only available using 'gepetto-gui' backend." ) def refresh(self): """ @brief Refresh the configuration of Model in the viewer. """ if self.use_theoretical_model: raise RuntimeError( "'Refresh' method only available if 'use_theoretical_model'=False." ) if Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui': if self._rb.displayCollisions: self._client.applyConfigurations( [self._getViewerNodeName(collision, pin.GeometryType.COLLISION) for collision in self._rb.collision_model.geometryObjects], [pin.se3ToXYZQUATtuple(self._rb.collision_data.oMg[\ self._rb.collision_model.getGeometryId(]) for collision in self._rb.collision_model.geometryObjects] ) if self._rb.displayVisuals: self._updateGeometryPlacements(visual=True) self._client.applyConfigurations( [self._getViewerNodeName(visual, pin.GeometryType.VISUAL) for visual in self._rb.visual_model.geometryObjects], [pin.se3ToXYZQUATtuple(self._rb.visual_data.oMg[\ self._rb.visual_model.getGeometryId(]) for visual in self._rb.visual_model.geometryObjects] ) self._client.refresh() else: self._updateGeometryPlacements(visual=True) for visual in self._rb.visual_model.geometryObjects: T = self._rb.visual_data.oMg[\ self._rb.visual_model.getGeometryId(].homogeneous.A self._client.viewer[\ self._getViewerNodeName(visual, pin.GeometryType.VISUAL)].set_transform(T) def display(self, evolution_robot, speed_ratio, xyz_offset=None): t = [s.t for s in evolution_robot] i = 0 init_time = time.time() while i < len(evolution_robot): s = evolution_robot[i] if (xyz_offset is not None): q = s.q.copy( ) # Make sure to use a copy to avoid altering the original data q[:3] += xyz_offset else: q = s.q with Viewer._lock: # It is necessary to use Lock since corbaserver does not support multiple connection simultaneously. self._rb.display(q) t_simu = (time.time() - init_time) * speed_ratio i = bisect_right(t, t_simu) if t_simu < s.t: time.sleep(s.t - t_simu)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---- ROBOT SPECIFICATIONS---------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---- DYN -------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from pinocchio.robot_wrapper import RobotWrapper import pinocchio as pin from dynamic_graph.sot.dynamics_pinocchio import fromSotToPinocchio pinocchioRobot = RobotWrapper(urdfPath, urdfDir, pin.JointModelFreeFlyer()) pinocchioRobot.initDisplay(loadModel=True) pinocchioRobot.display(fromSotToPinocchio(initialConfig)) from dynamic_graph.sot.dynamics_pinocchio.humanoid_robot import HumanoidRobot robot = HumanoidRobot(robotName, pinocchioRobot.model,, initialConfig, OperationalPointsMap) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ---- Kinematic Stack of Tasks (SoT) ----------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from dynamic_graph import plug from dynamic_graph.sot.core import SOT sot = SOT('sot') sot.setSize(robot.dynamic.getDimension()) plug(sot.control,robot.device.control)
class Viewer: backend = None port_forwarding = None _backend_obj = None _backend_exception = None _backend_proc = None _lock = Lock( ) # Unique threading.Lock for every simulations (in the same thread ONLY!) def __init__(self, robot, use_theoretical_model=False, mesh_root_path=None, urdf_rgba=None, lock=None, backend=None, robot_name="robot", window_name='jiminy', scene_name='world'): """ @brief Constructor. @param robot The jiminy.Robot to display. @param use_theoretical_model Whether to use the theoretical (rigid) model or the flexible model for this robot. @param mesh_root_path Optional, path to the folder containing the URDF meshes. @param urdf_rgba Color to use to display this robot (rgba). - @param lock Custom threading.Lock - Optional: Only required for parallel rendering using multiprocessing. It is required since some backends does not support multiple simultaneous connections (e.g. corbasever). @param backend The name of the desired backend to use for rendering. Optional, either 'gepetto-gui' or 'meshcat' ('panda3d' available soon). @param robot_name Unique robot name, to identify each robot in the viewer. @param scene_name Scene name, used only when gepetto-gui is used as backend. @param window_name Window name, used only when gepetto-gui is used as backend. Note that it is not allowed to be equal to the window name. """ # Backup some user arguments self.urdf_path = robot.urdf_path self.robot_name = robot_name self.scene_name = scene_name self.window_name = window_name self.use_theoretical_model = use_theoretical_model self._lock = lock if lock is not None else Viewer._lock if self.scene_name == self.window_name: raise ValueError( "Please, choose a different name for the scene and the window." ) # Extract the right Pinocchio model if self.use_theoretical_model: self.pinocchio_model = robot.pinocchio_model_th self.pinocchio_data = robot.pinocchio_data_th else: self.pinocchio_model = robot.pinocchio_model self.pinocchio_data = robot.pinocchio_data # Select the desired backend if backend is None: if Viewer.backend is None: if Viewer._is_notebook() or (not 'gepetto-gui' in backends_available): backend = 'meshcat' else: backend = 'gepetto-gui' else: backend = Viewer.backend else: if not backend in backends_available: raise ValueError("%s backend not available." % backend) # Update the backend currently running, if any if (Viewer.backend != backend) and \ (Viewer._backend_obj is not None or \ Viewer._backend_proc is not None): Viewer.close() print("Different backend already running. Closing it...") Viewer.backend = backend # Check if the backend is still available, if any if Viewer._backend_obj is not None and Viewer._backend_proc is not None: is_backend_running = True if Viewer._backend_proc.poll() is not None: is_backend_running = False if (Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui'): from omniORB.CORBA import TRANSIENT as gepetto_server_error try: Viewer._backend_obj.gui.refresh() except gepetto_server_error: is_backend_running = False if not is_backend_running: Viewer._backend_obj = None Viewer._backend_proc = None Viewer._backend_exception = None else: is_backend_running = False # Access the current backend or create one if none is available try: if (Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui'): import omniORB Viewer._backend_exception = omniORB.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE if Viewer._backend_obj is None: Viewer._backend_obj, Viewer._backend_proc = \ Viewer._get_gepetto_client(True) is_backend_running = Viewer._backend_proc is None if Viewer._backend_obj is not None: self._client = Viewer._backend_obj.gui else: raise RuntimeError("Impossible to open Gepetto-viewer.") if not scene_name in self._client.getSceneList(): self._client.createSceneWithFloor(scene_name) if not window_name in self._client.getWindowList(): self._window_id = self._client.createWindow(window_name) self._client.addSceneToWindow(scene_name, self._window_id) self._client.createGroup(scene_name + '/' + scene_name) self._client.addLandmark(scene_name + '/' + scene_name, 0.1) else: self._window_id = int( np.where([ name == window_name for name in self._client.getWindowList() ])[0][0]) # Set the default camera pose if the viewer is not running before if not is_backend_running: self.setCameraTransform( translation=DEFAULT_CAMERA_XYZRPY_OFFSET_GEPETTO[:3], rotation=DEFAULT_CAMERA_XYZRPY_OFFSET_GEPETTO[3:]) else: from pinocchio.visualize import MeshcatVisualizer from pinocchio.shortcuts import createDatas if Viewer._backend_obj is None: Viewer._create_meshcat_backend() if Viewer._is_notebook(): Viewer.display_jupyter_cell() else: self._client = MeshcatVisualizer(self.pinocchio_model, None, None) self._client.viewer = Viewer._backend_obj except: raise RuntimeError("Impossible to load backend.") # Create a RobotWrapper root_path = mesh_root_path if mesh_root_path is not None else os.environ.get( 'JIMINY_MESH_PATH', []) if (Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui'): Viewer._delete_gepetto_nodes_viewer(scene_name + '/' + self.robot_name) if (urdf_rgba is not None): alpha = urdf_rgba[3] self.urdf_path = Viewer._get_colorized_urdf( self.urdf_path, urdf_rgba[:3], root_path) else: alpha = 1.0 collision_model = pin.buildGeomFromUrdf(self.pinocchio_model, self.urdf_path, root_path, pin.GeometryType.COLLISION) visual_model = pin.buildGeomFromUrdf(self.pinocchio_model, self.urdf_path, root_path, pin.GeometryType.VISUAL) self._rb = RobotWrapper(model=self.pinocchio_model, collision_model=collision_model, visual_model=visual_model) if not self.use_theoretical_model: = robot.pinocchio_data self.pinocchio_data = # Load robot in the backend viewer if (Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui'): self._rb.initViewer(windowName=window_name, sceneName=scene_name, loadModel=False) self._rb.loadViewerModel(self.robot_name) self._client.setFloatProperty(scene_name + '/' + self.robot_name, 'Transparency', 1 - alpha) else: self._client.collision_model = collision_model self._client.visual_model = visual_model, self._client.collision_data, self._client.visual_data = \ createDatas(self.pinocchio_model, collision_model, visual_model) self._client.loadViewerModel(rootNodeName=self.robot_name, color=urdf_rgba) self._rb.viz = self._client @staticmethod def _create_meshcat_backend(): import meshcat from contextlib import redirect_stdout with redirect_stdout(None): Viewer._backend_obj = meshcat.Visualizer() Viewer._backend_proc = Viewer._backend_obj.window.server_proc @staticmethod def reset_port_forwarding(port_forwarding=None): Viewer.port_forwarding = port_forwarding @staticmethod def display_jupyter_cell(height=600, width=900, force_create_backend=False): if Viewer.backend == 'meshcat' and Viewer._is_notebook(): from IPython.core.display import HTML, display as ipython_display if Viewer._backend_obj is None: if force_create_backend: Viewer._create_meshcat_backend() else: raise ValueError( "No meshcat backend available and 'force_create_backend' is set to False." ) viewer_url = Viewer._backend_obj.url() if Viewer.port_forwarding is not None: url_port_pattern = '(?<=:)[0-9]+(?=/)' port_localhost = int(, viewer_url).group()) if port_localhost in Viewer.port_forwarding.keys(): viewer_url = re.sub( url_port_pattern, str(Viewer.port_forwarding[port_localhost]), viewer_url) else: print( "Port forwarding defined but no port mapping associated with {port_localhost}." ) jupyter_html = f'\n<div style="height: {height}px; width: {width}px; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; resize: both">\ \n<iframe src="{viewer_url}" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none">\ </iframe>\n</div>\n' ipython_display(HTML(jupyter_html)) else: raise ValueError( "Display in a Jupyter cell is only available using 'meshcat' backend and within a Jupyter notebook." ) @staticmethod def close(): if Viewer._backend_proc is not None: if Viewer._backend_proc.poll() is None: Viewer._backend_proc.terminate() Viewer._backend_proc = None Viewer._backend_obj = None Viewer._backend_exception = None @staticmethod def _is_notebook(): try: shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if shell == 'ZMQInteractiveShell': return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole elif shell == 'TerminalInteractiveShell': return False # Terminal running IPython else: return False # Other type, if any except NameError: return False # Probably standard Python interpreter @staticmethod def _get_colorized_urdf(urdf_path, rgb, root_path=None): """ @brief Generate a unique colorized URDF. @remark Multiple identical URDF model of different colors can be loaded in Gepetto-viewer this way. @param[in] urdf_path Full path of the URDF file @param[in] rgb RGB code defining the color of the model. It is the same for each link. @param[in] root_path Root path of the meshes. @return Full path of the colorized URDF file. """ color_string = "%.3f_%.3f_%.3f_1.0" % rgb color_tag = "<color rgba=\"%.3f %.3f %.3f 1.0\"" % rgb # don't close tag with '>', in order to handle <color/> and <color></color> colorized_tmp_path = os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), "colorized_urdf_rgba_" + color_string) colorized_urdf_path = os.path.join(colorized_tmp_path, os.path.basename(urdf_path)) if not os.path.exists(colorized_tmp_path): os.makedirs(colorized_tmp_path) with open(urdf_path, 'r') as urdf_file: colorized_contents = for mesh_fullpath in re.findall('<mesh filename="(.*)"', colorized_contents): # Replace package path by root_path. if mesh_fullpath.startswith('package://'): mesh_fullpath = root_path + mesh_fullpath[len("package:/"):] colorized_mesh_fullpath = os.path.join(colorized_tmp_path, mesh_fullpath[1:]) colorized_mesh_path = os.path.dirname(colorized_mesh_fullpath) if not os.access(colorized_mesh_path, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(colorized_mesh_path) shutil.copy2(mesh_fullpath, colorized_mesh_fullpath) colorized_contents = colorized_contents.replace( '"' + mesh_fullpath + '"', '"' + colorized_mesh_fullpath + '"', 1) colorized_contents = re.sub("<color rgba=\"[\d. ]*\"", color_tag, colorized_contents) with open(colorized_urdf_path, 'w') as colorized_urdf_file: colorized_urdf_file.write(colorized_contents) return colorized_urdf_path @staticmethod def _get_gepetto_client(create_if_needed=False, create_timeout=2000): """ @brief Get a pointer to the running process of Gepetto-Viewer. @details This method can be used to open a new process if necessary. . @param[in] create_if_needed Whether a new process must be created if no running process is found. Optional: False by default @param[in] create_timeout Wait some millisecond before considering creating new viewer as failed. Optional: 1s by default @return A pointer to the running Gepetto-viewer Client and its PID. """ from gepetto.corbaserver.client import Client as gepetto_client try: # Get the existing Gepetto client client = gepetto_client() # Try to fetch the list of scenes to make sure that the Gepetto client is responding client.gui.getSceneList() return client, None except: try: client = gepetto_client() client.gui.getSceneList() return client, None except: if (create_if_needed): FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') proc = subprocess.Popen( ['/opt/openrobots/bin/gepetto-gui'], shell=False, stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL) for _ in range(max(2, int( create_timeout / 200))): # Must try at least twice for robustness time.sleep(0.2) try: return gepetto_client(), proc except: pass print("Impossible to open Gepetto-viewer") return None, None def _delete_gepetto_nodes_viewer(self, *nodes_path): """ @brief Delete a 'node' in Gepetto-viewer. @remark Be careful, one must specify the full path of a node, including all parent group, but without the window name, ie 'scene_name/robot_name' to delete the robot. @param[in] nodes_path Full path of the node to delete """ if Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui': for node_path in nodes_path: if node_path in self._client.getNodeList(): self._client.deleteNode(node_path, True) def _getViewerNodeName(self, geometry_object, geometry_type): """ @brief Get the full path of a node associated with a given geometry object and geometry type. @remark This is a hidden function not intended to be called manually. @param[in] geometry_object Geometry object from which to get the node @param[in] geometry_type Geometry type. It must be either pin.GeometryType.VISUAL or pin.GeometryType.COLLISION for display and collision, respectively. @return Full path of the associated node. """ if geometry_type is pin.GeometryType.VISUAL: return self._rb.viz.viewerVisualGroupName + '/' + elif geometry_type is pin.GeometryType.COLLISION: return self._rb.viz.viewerCollisionGroupName + '/' + def _updateGeometryPlacements(self, visual=False): """ @brief Update the generalized position of a geometry object. @remark This is a hidden function not intended to be called manually. @param[in] visual Wether it is a visual or collision update """ if visual: geom_model = self._rb.visual_model geom_data = self._rb.visual_data else: geom_model = self._rb.collision_model geom_data = self._rb.collision_data pin.updateGeometryPlacements(self.pinocchio_model, self.pinocchio_data, geom_model, geom_data) def setCameraTransform(self, translation=np.zeros(3), rotation=np.zeros(3), relative=False): # translation : [Px, Py, Pz], # rotation : [Roll, Pitch, Yaw] R_pnc = rpyToMatrix(np.array(rotation)) if Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui': H_abs = SE3(R_pnc, np.array(translation)) if relative: H_orig = XYZQUATToSe3( self._client.getCameraTransform(self._window_id)) H_abs = H_abs * H_orig self._client.setCameraTransform(self._window_id, se3ToXYZQUAT(H_abs).tolist()) else: if relative: raise RuntimeError( "'relative'=True not available with meshcat.") import meshcat.transformations as tf # Transformation of the camera object T_meshcat = tf.translation_matrix(translation) self._client.viewer[ "/Cameras/default/rotated/<object>"].set_transform(T_meshcat) # Orientation of the camera object Q_pnc = Quaternion(R_pnc).coeffs() Q_meshcat = np.roll(Q_pnc, shift=1) R_meshcat = tf.quaternion_matrix(Q_meshcat) self._client.viewer["/Cameras/default"].set_transform(R_meshcat) def captureFrame(self): if Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui': png_path = next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) self._client.captureFrame(self._window_id, png_path) rgb_array = np.array([:, :, :-1] os.remove(png_path) return rgb_array else: raise RuntimeError( "Screen capture through Python only available using 'gepetto-gui' backend." ) def refresh(self): """ @brief Refresh the configuration of Robot in the viewer. """ if self.use_theoretical_model: raise RuntimeError( "'Refresh' method only available if 'use_theoretical_model'=False." ) if Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui': with self._lock: if self._rb.displayCollisions: self._client.applyConfigurations( [self._getViewerNodeName(collision, pin.GeometryType.COLLISION) for collision in self._rb.collision_model.geometryObjects], [pin.se3ToXYZQUATtuple(self._rb.collision_data.oMg[\ self._rb.collision_model.getGeometryId(]) for collision in self._rb.collision_model.geometryObjects] ) if self._rb.displayVisuals: self._updateGeometryPlacements(visual=True) self._client.applyConfigurations( [self._getViewerNodeName(visual, pin.GeometryType.VISUAL) for visual in self._rb.visual_model.geometryObjects], [pin.se3ToXYZQUATtuple(self._rb.visual_data.oMg[\ self._rb.visual_model.getGeometryId(]) for visual in self._rb.visual_model.geometryObjects] ) self._client.refresh() else: self._updateGeometryPlacements(visual=True) for visual in self._rb.visual_model.geometryObjects: T = self._rb.visual_data.oMg[\ self._rb.visual_model.getGeometryId(].homogeneous self._client.viewer[\ self._getViewerNodeName(visual, pin.GeometryType.VISUAL)].set_transform(T) def display(self, evolution_robot, replay_speed, xyz_offset=None): t = [s.t for s in evolution_robot] i = 0 init_time = time.time() while i < len(evolution_robot): s = evolution_robot[i] if (xyz_offset is not None): q = s.q.copy( ) # Make sure to use a copy to avoid altering the original data q[:3] += xyz_offset else: q = s.q try: with self._lock: self._rb.display(q) except Viewer._backend_exception: break t_simu = (time.time() - init_time) * replay_speed i = bisect_right(t, t_simu) sleep(s.t - t_simu)
class CallbackLogger: def __init__(self, sleeptime=1e-2): """ nfevl: iteration number dt: animation time pause """ self.nfeval = 1 self.dt = sleeptime def __call__(self, q): print '===CBK=== {0:4d} {1: 3.2f} {2: 3.2f}'.format( self.nfeval, q[0], q[1]) robot.display(q) place('world/blue', robot.position(q, 6)) self.nfeval += 1 time.sleep(self.dt) ## Question 1-2-3 target = np.matrix([0.5, 0.1, 0.2]).T # x,y,z place('world/red', pinocchio.SE3(eye(3), target)) cost = Cost(target) robot.display(robot.q0) time.sleep(1) print 'Let s go to pdes.' def go(): qopt = fmin_bfgs(cost, robot.q0, callback=CallbackLogger(.5)) return qopt
) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---- ROBOT SPECIFICATIONS---------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---- DYN -------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from pinocchio.robot_wrapper import RobotWrapper import pinocchio as se3 from dynamic_graph.sot.dynamics_pinocchio import fromSotToPinocchio pinocchioRobot = RobotWrapper(urdfPath, urdfDir, se3.JointModelFreeFlyer()) pinocchioRobot.initDisplay(loadModel=True) pinocchioRobot.display(fromSotToPinocchio(initialConfig)) from dynamic_graph.sot.dynamics_pinocchio.humanoid_robot import HumanoidRobot robot = HumanoidRobot(robotName, pinocchioRobot.model,, initialConfig, OperationalPointsMap) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ---- Kinematic Stack of Tasks (SoT) ----------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from dynamic_graph import plug from dynamic_graph.sot.core import SOT sot = SOT('sot') sot.setSize(robot.dynamic.getDimension()) plug(sot.control, robot.device.control)
-0.3490658, 0, # left leg 0, 0, -0.3490658, 0.6981317, -0.3490658, 0, # right leg 0, # chest 1.5, 0.6, -0.5, -1.05, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, # left arm 0, 0, 0, 0, # head 1.5, -0.6, 0.5, 1.05, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, # right arm ]).T robot.display(q0)
) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---- ROBOT SPECIFICATIONS---------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---- DYN -------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from pinocchio.robot_wrapper import RobotWrapper import pinocchio as se3 from dynamic_graph.sot.dynamics_pinocchio import fromSotToPinocchio pinocchioRobot = RobotWrapper(URDFPATH, URDFDIR, se3.JointModelFreeFlyer()) pinocchioRobot.initDisplay(loadModel=DISPLAY) if DISPLAY: pinocchioRobot.display(fromSotToPinocchio(halfSitting)) from dynamic_graph.sot.dynamics_pinocchio.humanoid_robot import HumanoidRobot robot = HumanoidRobot(robotName, pinocchioRobot.model,, halfSitting, OperationalPointsMap) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ---- Kinematic Stack of Tasks (SoT) ----------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from dynamic_graph import plug from dynamic_graph.sot.core import SOT sot = SOT('sot') sot.setSize(robot.dynamic.getDimension()) plug(sot.control, robot.device.control) # DEFINE POSTURE TASK
def display(self, q, refresh=True): self.q_def[NQ_OFFSET:] = q.reshape(self.nq - NQ_OFFSET) return RobotWrapper.display(self, self.q_def)
qInit = np.array([0.59346963, 0.25128594, 0.62805152, 0.17837691, 0.86218068, 0.3577253]) qInit = np.asmatrix(qInit).T se3.forwardKinematics(robot.model,, qInit) visualObj = robot.visual_model.geometryObjects[4] visualName = visualRef = robot.getViewerNodeName(visualObj, se3.GeometryType.VISUAL) rgbt = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] robot.viewer.gui.addSphere("world/sphere", .1, rgbt) qSphere = [0.5, .1, .2, 1.0, 0, 0, 0] robot.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration("world/sphere", qSphere) robot.viewer.gui.refresh() robot.display(qInit) #PyIpopt stuff timeSteps = 3 dt = .01 nvar = robot.nv*timeSteps ncon = 1 #q_ref1 = np.array([-1.49411011e-02,-1.32003896e+00,2.09324591e+00,-7.73206945e-01,-1.49411010e-02,-2.32376275e-09]) q_ref1 = np.array([0.59346963,0.25128594,0.62805152,0.17837691,0.86218068,0.3577253]) q_ref1 = np.asmatrix(q_ref1).T qRef = np.empty([timeSteps, 1, robot.nq, 1]) temp = 0