def select_contact_to_make(x_com, dx_com, robot, name_contact_to_break, contacts, contact_candidates, mu, gravity, mass, viewer=None, verb=0): (p, N) = compute_contact_points_from_contact_dictionary(robot, contacts); stabilityCriterion = StabilityCriterion("Stab_crit", x_com, dx_com, p.T, N.T, mu, gravity, mass, verb=verb); c_pred = mat_zeros((3,len(contact_candidates))); dc_pred = mat_zeros((3,len(contact_candidates))); v_pred = mat_zeros(len(contact_candidates)); t_pred = mat_zeros(len(contact_candidates)); # compute contact points for all contacts except the one to move contacts_minus_one = dict(contacts); del contacts_minus_one[name_contact_to_break]; (P_minus_one, N_minus_one) = compute_contact_points_from_contact_dictionary(robot, contacts_minus_one); i = P_minus_one.shape[1]; p[:,:i] = P_minus_one; N[:,:i] = N_minus_one; c_id=0; P_cand = np.matrix(contacts[name_contact_to_break]['P']).T; # contact points of contact to break in local frame N_cand = np.matrix(contacts[name_contact_to_break]['N']).T; # contact normals of contact to break in local frame for (c_id,oMi) in enumerate(contact_candidates): # compute new position of contact points for j in range(P_cand.shape[1]): p[:,i+j] = oMi.act(P_cand[:,j]); N[:,i+j] = oMi.rotation * N_cand[:,j]; if(verb>0 and viewer is not None): # update contact points in viewer for j in range(p.shape[1]): viewer.addSphere("contact_point"+str(j), 0.005, p[:,j], (0.,0.,0.), (1, 1, 1, 1)); viewer.updateObjectConfigRpy("contact_point"+str(j), p[:,j]); # check whether the system can stop with this contacts stabilityCriterion.set_contacts(p.T, N.T, mu); try: stab_res = stabilityCriterion.can_I_stop(x_com, dx_com); c_pred[:,c_id] = np.asmatrix(stab_res.c).T; dc_pred[:,c_id] = np.asmatrix(stab_res.dc).T; v_pred[c_id] = norm(stab_res.dc); t_pred[c_id] = stab_res.t; if(verb>0): print "[select_contact_to_make] Candidate %d, predicted com vel in %.3f s = %.3f"%(c_id, stab_res.t, norm(stab_res.dc)); # raw_input(); except Exception as e: print "ERROR while computing stability criterion:", e; best_candidate_ids = np.where(abs(v_pred-np.min(v_pred))<EPS)[0]; if(best_candidate_ids.shape[0]>1): # if multiple contacts result in the same final com velocity (typically that would be 0), # pick the one who does it faster best_candidate_id = best_candidate_ids[np.argmin(t_pred[best_candidate_ids])]; else: best_candidate_id = best_candidate_ids[0]; return Bunch(index=best_candidate_id, c=c_pred[:,best_candidate_id], dc=dc_pred[:,best_candidate_id], t=t_pred[best_candidate_id,0]);
def predict_future_com_state(x_com, dx_com, robot, mass, contacts, mu, gravity, time, verb=0): ''' Predict future com state ''' (P,N) = compute_contact_points_from_contact_dictionary(robot, contacts); stabilityCriterion = StabilityCriterion("Stab_crit", x_com, dx_com, P.T, N.T, mu, gravity, mass, verb=verb); try: res = stabilityCriterion.predict_future_state(time); if(verb>0): print "[predict_future_com_state] Contacts can be kept for %.3f s"%(res.t); print " Predicted com state = (", res.c.T, res.dc.T, "), norm(dc)=%.3f"%norm(res.dc); except Exception as e: print "ERROR while computing stability criterion predict_future_state:", e; return res;
def select_contact_to_break(x_com, dx_com, robot, mass, contacts, mu, gravity, step_time, verb=0): ''' Select which contact to break ''' p = mat_zeros((3,1)); N = mat_zeros((3,1)); N[2,:] = 1.0; stabilityCriterion = StabilityCriterion("Stab_crit", x_com, dx_com, p.T, N.T, mu, gravity, mass, verb=verb); t_pred = mat_zeros(len(contacts)); t_min = mat_zeros(len(contacts)); v_pred = mat_zeros(len(contacts)); c_pred = mat_zeros((3,len(contacts))); dc_pred = mat_zeros((3,len(contacts))); dc_min = mat_zeros((3,len(contacts))); for (contactId, name_of_contact_to_break) in enumerate(contacts): # compute the contact points without name_of_contact_to_break contacts_minus_one = dict(contacts); del contacts_minus_one[name_of_contact_to_break]; (p,N) = compute_contact_points_from_contact_dictionary(robot, contacts_minus_one); # predict future com state supposing to break name_of_contact_to_break stabilityCriterion.set_contacts(p.T, N.T, mu); try: res = stabilityCriterion.predict_future_state(step_time); t_pred[contactId] = res.t; t_min[contactId] = res.t_min; c_pred[:,contactId] = np.asmatrix(res.c).T; dc_pred[:,contactId] = np.asmatrix(res.dc).T; dc_min[:,contactId] = np.asmatrix(res.dc_min).T; v_pred[contactId] = norm(res.dc); if(verb>0): print "[select_contact_to_break] Without contact %s contacts can be kept for %.3f s"%(name_of_contact_to_break,res.t); print " Predicted com state = (", res.c.T, res.dc.T, "), norm(dc)=%.3f"%norm(res.dc); except Exception as e: print "ERROR while computing stability criterion:", e; t_pred_sorted = sorted(t_pred.A.squeeze()); if(t_pred_sorted[-1] > t_pred_sorted[-2]+EPS): id_contact_to_break = np.argmax(t_pred); else: id_contact_to_break = np.argmin(v_pred); name_of_contact_to_break = contacts.keys()[id_contact_to_break]; return Bunch(name=name_of_contact_to_break, c=c_pred[:,id_contact_to_break], dc=dc_pred[:,id_contact_to_break], t=t_pred[id_contact_to_break,0], t_min=t_min[id_contact_to_break,0], dc_min=dc_min[:,id_contact_to_break]);
def com_pos_after_t(c, q_hpp, contacts, v = None, t = 0.7): q0 = q_pin(q_hpp) init(q0); v0 = mat_zeros(nv); #~ invDynForm.setNewSensorData(0, q0, v0); #~ updateConstraints(0, q0, v0, invDynForm, contacts); #~ draw_q(q0); print 'Gonna compute initial joint velocities that satisfy contact constraints'; print 'conf.MAX_INITIAL_COM_VEL', conf.MAX_INITIAL_COM_VEL if(v == None): (success, v) = compute_initial_joint_velocities_multi_contact(q0, robot, contacts, [True]*6,[0], conf.ZERO_INITIAL_ANGULAR_MOMENTUM, conf.ZERO_INITIAL_VERTICAL_COM_VEL, False, #conf.ENSURE_STABILITY, True, #conf.ENSURE_UNSTABILITY, conf.MAX_INITIAL_COM_VEL,conf.MAX_MIN_JOINT_ACC , 100); else: success = True if (not success): print "Could not find initial velocities" return (success, v[:], c, v0); c_init = np.matrix(c) dx_com_des = mat_zeros(3); #~ P = np.matlib.copy(invDynForm.contact_points); #~ N = np.matlib.copy(invDynForm.contact_normals); robot.computeAllTerms(q0, mat_zeros(nv)); robot.framesKinematics(q0); (P,N) = compute_contact_points_from_contact_dictionary(robot, contacts) print "contacts ", len(contacts) print "contacts ", contacts print "normals ", N M = robot.mass(q0, update_kinematics=True); J_com = robot.Jcom(q0, update_kinematics=False); print "Mas ", M stab_criterion = StabilityCriterion("default", np.matrix(c), dx_com_des, P.T, N.T,[0], np.array([0,0,-9.81]), M[0,0]) res = stab_criterion.predict_future_state(t, c_init, J_com * v) #TODO : res.t != 0.7 print "c ", res.c print "dc ", res.dc return success and abs(res.t - t)< EPS , res.dc, res.c, v0
def compute_initial_joint_velocities_multi_contact(q, robot, contacts, constraint_mask, mu, ZERO_INITIAL_ANGULAR_MOMENTUM, ZERO_INITIAL_VERTICAL_COM_VEL, ENSURE_STABILITY, ENSURE_UNSTABILITY, MAX_INITIAL_COM_VEL, MAX_MIN_JOINT_ACC, MAX_ITER): nv = robot.nv; na = robot.nv-6; robot.computeAllTerms(q, mat_zeros(nv)); robot.framesKinematics(q); x_com =, update_kinematics=False); J_com = robot.Jcom(q, update_kinematics=False); M = robot.mass(q, update_kinematics=False); constr_dim = constraint_mask.sum(); k = int(np.sum([constr_dim for con in contacts])); Jc = mat_zeros((k,nv)); i = 0; for name in contacts: fid = robot.model.getFrameId(name); Jc[i:i+constr_dim,:] = robot.frameJacobian(q, fid, False); i += constr_dim; (P,N) = compute_contact_points_from_contact_dictionary(robot, contacts); n_in = k+3 if ZERO_INITIAL_ANGULAR_MOMENTUM else k; n_in += 1 if ZERO_INITIAL_VERTICAL_COM_VEL else 0; A = J_com; A_in = mat_zeros((n_in,nv)); lb_in = mat_zeros(n_in); ub_in = mat_zeros(n_in); A_in[:k,:] = Jc; if(ZERO_INITIAL_ANGULAR_MOMENTUM): A_in[k:k+3,:] = M[3:6,:]; if(ZERO_INITIAL_VERTICAL_COM_VEL): A_in[-1,:] = J_com[2,:]; # compute joint velocity bounds for viability v_lb = mat_zeros(nv)-1e10; v_ub = mat_zeros(nv)+1e10; qMin = robot.model.lowerPositionLimit; qMax = robot.model.upperPositionLimit; dqMax = robot.model.velocityLimit; for j in range(na): (v_lb[6+j], v_ub[6+j]) = computeVelLimits(q[7+j], qMin[7+j], qMax[7+j], dqMax[6+j], MAX_MIN_JOINT_ACC); # verify that given CoM position allows for static equilibrium dx_com_des = mat_zeros(3); v0 = mat_zeros(3); stab_criterion = StabilityCriterion("default", x_com, dx_com_des, P.T, N.T, mu, np.array([0,0,-9.81]), M[0,0]); try: # check initial state is in static equilibrium res = stab_criterion.can_I_stop(); if(not res.is_stable): print "[compute_initial_joint_velocities_multi_contact] ERROR: initial configuration is not in static equilibrium", res.c, res.dc; return (False, v0); except Exception as e: print "[compute_initial_joint_velocities_multi_contact] Error while testing static equilibrium. %s"%str(e); # sample desired CoM velocities initial_state_generated = False; counter = 0; while(not initial_state_generated): counter += 1; if(counter > MAX_ITER): return (False, v0); dx_com_des = MAX_INITIAL_COM_VEL * mat_rand(3) / sqrt(3.0); if(ENSURE_STABILITY or ENSURE_UNSTABILITY): try: res = stab_criterion.can_I_stop(x_com, dx_com_des); if((ENSURE_STABILITY and not res.is_stable) or (ENSURE_UNSTABILITY and res.is_stable)): continue; except Exception as e: print "[compute_initial_joint_velocities_multi_contact] Error while checking stability of desired com velocity. %s"%str(e); continue; # solve QP to find joint velocities (imode,v0) = solveLeastSquare(A.A, dx_com_des.A, v_lb.A, v_ub.A, A_in.A, lb_in.A, ub_in.A, regularization=1e-4); if(imode==0): dx_com_0 =, v0); try: res = stab_criterion.can_I_stop(x_com, dx_com_0); if((ENSURE_UNSTABILITY and not res.is_stable) or (ENSURE_STABILITY and res.is_stable) or (not ENSURE_STABILITY and not ENSURE_UNSTABILITY)): initial_state_generated = True; except Exception as e: print "[compute_initial_joint_velocities_multi_contact] Error while checking stability of com velocity. %s"%str(e); return (True, v0);
def test_discretize_vs_discretize_momentum(N_CONTACTS=2, solver='qpoases', verb=0): DO_PLOTS = False PLOT_3D = False mu = 0.5 # friction coefficient lx = 0.1 # half foot size in x direction ly = 0.07 # half foot size in y direction #First, generate a contact configuration CONTACT_POINT_UPPER_BOUNDS = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] CONTACT_POINT_LOWER_BOUNDS = [-0.5, -0.5, 0.0] gamma = atan(mu) # half friction cone angle RPY_LOWER_BOUNDS = [-2 * gamma, -2 * gamma, -pi] RPY_UPPER_BOUNDS = [+2 * gamma, +2 * gamma, +pi] MIN_CONTACT_DISTANCE = 0.3 global mass global g_vector X_MARG = 0.07 Y_MARG = 0.07 succeeded = False while (not succeeded): (p, N) = generate_contacts(N_CONTACTS, lx, ly, mu, CONTACT_POINT_LOWER_BOUNDS, CONTACT_POINT_UPPER_BOUNDS, RPY_LOWER_BOUNDS, RPY_UPPER_BOUNDS, MIN_CONTACT_DISTANCE, False) X_LB = np.min(p[:, 0] - X_MARG) X_UB = np.max(p[:, 0] + X_MARG) Y_LB = np.min(p[:, 1] - Y_MARG) Y_UB = np.max(p[:, 1] + Y_MARG) Z_LB = np.max(p[:, 2] + 0.3) Z_UB = np.max(p[:, 2] + 1.5) #~ (H,h) = compute_GIWC(p, N, mu, False); H = -compute_CWC(p, N, mass, mu) h = zeros(H.shape[0]) (succeeded, c0) = find_static_equilibrium_com(mass, [X_LB, Y_LB, Z_LB], [X_UB, Y_UB, Z_UB], H, h) dc0 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=3) Z_MIN = np.max(p[:, 2]) - 0.1 Ineq_kin = zeros([3, 3]) Ineq_kin[2, 2] = -1 ineq_kin = zeros(3) ineq_kin[2] = -Z_MIN #~ bezierSolver = BezierZeroStepCapturability( "ss", c0, dc0, p, N, mu, g_vector, mass, verb=verb, solver=solver, kinematic_constraints=[Ineq_kin, ineq_kin]) #~ bezierSolver = BezierZeroStepCapturability("ss", c0, dc0, p, N, mu, g_vector, mass, verb=verb, solver=solver, kinematic_constraints = None); stabilitySolver = StabilityCriterion("ss", c0, dc0, p, N, mu, g_vector, mass, verb=verb, solver=solver) window_times = [1] + [0.1 * i for i in range(1, 10) ] + [0.1 * i for i in range(11, 21)] #try nominal time first #~ window_times = [0.2*i for i in range(1,5)] + [0.2*i for i in range(6,11)] #try nominal time first #~ window_times = [1]+ [0.4*i for i in range(1,4)] #try nominal time first #~ window_times = [1]+ [0.4*i for i in range(3,6)] #try nominal time first window_times = [0.7] found = False time_step_check = 0.01 for i, el in enumerate(window_times): if (found): break res = bezierSolver.can_I_stop(T=el, time_step=time_step_check) if (res.is_stable): found = True #~ print "continuous found at ", el __check_trajectory(bezierSolver._p0, bezierSolver._p1, res.c, res.c, el, bezierSolver._H, bezierSolver._mass, bezierSolver._g, time_step=time_step_check, dL=bezier( matrix([p_i.tolist() for p_i in res.wpsdL]).transpose())) if i != 0: print "discretize Failed to stop at 1, but managed to stop at ", el found = False time_step_check = 0.01 for i, el in enumerate(window_times): if (found): break res2 = bezierSolver.can_I_stop(T=el, time_step=time_step_check, l0=zeros(3)) if (res2.is_stable): found = True #~ print "ang_momentum found at ", el __check_trajectory( bezierSolver._p0, bezierSolver._p1, res2.c, res2.c, el, bezierSolver._H, #~ bezierSolver._mass, bezierSolver._g, time_step = time_step_check, dL = res2.dL_of_t) bezierSolver._mass, bezierSolver._g, time_step=time_step_check, dL=bezier( matrix([p_i.tolist() for p_i in res2.wpsdL]).transpose())) if i != 0: print "ang_momentum Failed to stop at 1, but managed to stop at ", el #~ res2 = None #~ try: #~ res2 = stabilitySolver.can_I_stop(); #~ except Exception as e: #~ pass if (res2.is_stable != res.is_stable): if (res.is_stable): print "discretize won" else: print "ang_momentum won" return res2.is_stable, res.is_stable, res2, res, c0, dc0, H, h, p, N