コード例 #1
ファイル: test_finder.py プロジェクト: saxix/pip
def test_finder_priority_page_over_deplink():
    """Test PackageFinder prefers page links over equivalent dependency links"""
    req = InstallRequirement.from_line('gmpy==1.15', None)
    finder = PackageFinder([], ["http://pypi.python.org/simple"])
    link = finder.find_requirement(req, False)
    assert link.url.startswith("http://pypi")
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_finder.py プロジェクト: ronnix/pip
def test_finder_priority_page_over_deplink():
    """Test PackageFinder prefers page links over equivalent dependency links"""
    req = InstallRequirement.from_line('gmpy==1.15', None)
    finder = PackageFinder([], ["https://pypi.python.org/simple"])
    link = finder.find_requirement(req, False)
    assert link.url.startswith("https://pypi"), link
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_finder.py プロジェクト: MathewJennings/pip
def test_finder_deplink():
    Test PackageFinder with dependency links only
    req = InstallRequirement.from_line('gmpy==1.15', None)
    finder = PackageFinder(
    link = finder.find_requirement(req, False)
    assert link.url.startswith("https://pypi"), link
コード例 #4
def test_finder_deplink():
    Test PackageFinder with dependency links only
    req = InstallRequirement.from_line('gmpy==1.15', None)
    finder = PackageFinder(
    link = finder.find_requirement(req, False)
    assert link.url.startswith("https://pypi"), link
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_finder.py プロジェクト: MathewJennings/pip
def test_finder_priority_page_over_deplink():
    Test PackageFinder prefers page links over equivalent dependency links
    req = InstallRequirement.from_line('pip==1.5.6', None)
    finder = PackageFinder(
    all_versions = finder._find_all_versions(req.name)
    # Check that the dependency_link is last
    assert all_versions[-1].location.url.startswith('https://warehouse')
    link = finder.find_requirement(req, False)
    assert link.url.startswith("https://pypi"), link
コード例 #6
def test_finder_priority_page_over_deplink():
    Test PackageFinder prefers page links over equivalent dependency links
    req = InstallRequirement.from_line('pip==1.5.6', None)
    finder = PackageFinder(
    all_versions = finder._find_all_versions(req.name)
    # Check that the dependency_link is last
    assert all_versions[-1].location.url.startswith('https://warehouse')
    link = finder.find_requirement(req, False)
    assert link.url.startswith("https://pypi"), link
コード例 #7
ファイル: package_manager.py プロジェクト: Kryndex/pypi2nix-1
class PackageManager(object):
    """Interface to packages."""
    def __init__(self,
                 link_hook=lambda overrides, spec, link: (link, None),
                 dependency_hook=lambda overrides, spec, deps, package: deps,
                 spec_hook=lambda overrides, spec: spec):
        self.extra = extra
        self.exe, self.python_path = exe, python_path
        self.overrides = overrides or {}
        self.versions = versions or []

        self._dependency_hook = dependency_hook
        self._link_hook = link_hook
        self._spec_hook = spec_hook

        self.finder = PackageFinder(

        self.download_cache_root = download_cache_root
        cache = cache or defaultdict(dict)
        self._link_cache = cache["link_cache"]
        self._dep_cache = cache["dep_cache"]
        self._pkg_info_cache = cache["pkg_info_cache"]
        self._extract_cache = cache["extract_cache"]
        self._best_match_call_cache = {}
        self._dep_call_cache = {}
        self._pkg_info_call_cache = {}

    def find_best_match(self, spec):
        def _find_cached_match(spec):
            #if spec.is_pinned:
            ## If this is a pinned spec, we can take a shortcut: if it is
            ## found in the dependency cache, we can safely assume it has
            ## been downloaded before, and thus must exist.  We can know
            ## this without every reaching out to PyPI and avoid the
            ## network overhead.
            #name, version = spec.name, first(spec.preds)[1]
            #if (name, version) in self._dep_cache:
            #source = 'dependency cache'
            #return version, source
            version = None
            overrides = self.overrides.get(spec.name)

            ## Try the link cache, and otherwise, try PyPI
            if (spec.no_extra, overrides) in self._link_cache:
                link, version = self._link_cache[(spec.no_extra, overrides)]
                source = 'link cache'
                    requirement = InstallRequirement.from_line(specline)
                    link = self.finder.find_requirement(requirement, False)
                except DistributionNotFound:
                    requirement = InstallRequirement.from_line(
                        specline, prereleases=True)
                    link = self.finder.find_requirement(requirement, False)

                link, version = self._link_hook(overrides, spec, link)

                # Hack to make pickle work
                link.comes_from = None
                source = 'PyPI'

                if link.egg_fragment:
                    version = link.egg_fragment.rsplit('-', 1)[1]
                    link = Link(link.url_without_fragment +
                                "#%s=%s" % self.get_hash(link))
                elif not version:
                    _, version = splitext(link.filename)[0].rsplit('-', 1)

                # It's more reliable to get version from pinned spec then filename
                if spec.is_pinned:
                    version = spec.pinned

                assert version, "Version must be set!"
                self._link_cache[(spec.no_extra, overrides)] = (link, version)

                # Take this moment to smartly insert the pinned variant of this
                # spec into the link_cache, too
                pinned_spec = Spec.from_pinned(spec.name, version)
                self._link_cache[pinned_spec.fullname] = (link, version)

            return version, source

        version = next((v for v in self.versions if v.name == spec.name), None)
        if version:
            spec.pinned = version.pinned

        specline = spec.no_extra
        if '==' not in specline or specline not in self._best_match_call_cache:
            logger.debug('- Finding best package matching %s' % spec)
        version = next((v for v in self.versions if v.name == spec.name), None)
        with logger.indent():
            version, source = _find_cached_match(spec)
        if '==' not in specline or specline not in self._best_match_call_cache:
            logger.debug('  Found best match: %s (from %s)' %
                         (version, source))
        self._best_match_call_cache[specline] = True

        return version

    def get_dependencies(self, name, version, extra=()):
        """Gets list of dependencies from package"""
        spec = Spec.from_pinned(name, version, extra=extra)
        overrides = self.overrides.get(spec.name)
        extra = self.extra + extra

        if spec not in self._dep_call_cache:
            logger.debug('- Getting dependencies for %s-%s' % (name, version))
        with logger.indent():
            deps = self._dep_cache.get((spec, overrides))
            links = self._dep_cache.get((spec, overrides, "links"))
            if deps is not None and links is not None:
                source = 'dependency cache'
                package = self.get_package(spec)

                deps = package.get_deps(extra=extra)
                deps = self._dependency_hook(overrides, spec, deps, package)
                self._dep_cache[(spec, overrides)] = deps

                links = package.get_dependency_links()
                self._dep_cache[(spec, overrides, "links")] = links

                source = 'package archive'

        # Run spec hook
        deps = [(self._spec_hook(self.overrides.get(dep.name), dep),
                 src) if self.overrides.get(dep.name) else (dep, src)
                for dep, src in deps]

        if spec not in self._dep_call_cache:
            logger.debug('  Found: %s (from %s)' % (deps, source))

            # At this point do not forget to add dependency links

        self._dep_call_cache[spec] = True
        return deps

    def get_pkg_info(self, name, version):
        spec = Spec.from_pinned(name, version)

        if spec.no_extra not in self._pkg_info_call_cache:
            logger.debug('- Getting pkginfo for %s-%s' % (name, version))
        with logger.indent():
            pkg_info = self._pkg_info_cache.get(spec.no_extra)
            if pkg_info is not None:
                source = 'pkg_info cache'
                package = self.get_package(spec)

                pkg_info = package.get_pkginfo()
                pkg_info["has_tests"] = package.has_tests()
                self._pkg_info_cache[spec.no_extra] = pkg_info
                source = 'package archive'

        if spec.no_extra not in self._pkg_info_call_cache:
            logger.debug('  Found pkg_info (from %s)' % (source, ))

        self._pkg_info_call_cache[spec.no_extra] = True
        return pkg_info

    def get_link(self, name, version):
        logger.debug('- Getting link for %s-%s' % (name, version))
        spec = Spec.from_pinned(name, version)
        return self._link_cache[spec.fullname]

    def get_hash(self, link):
        if link.hash and link.hash_name:
            return (link.hash_name, link.hash)

        def md5hash(path):
            return ("md5", hashlib.md5(open(path, 'rb').read()).hexdigest())

        url = link.url_without_fragment
        logger.info('- Hashing package on url %s' % (url, ))

        with logger.indent():
            fullpath = self._get_local_package_path(link.url_without_fragment)

            if os.path.exists(fullpath):
                logger.info('  Archive cache hit: {0}'.format(link.filename))
                return md5hash(fullpath)

            return md5hash(self._download_package(link))

    def get_package(self, spec):
        path = self._get_or_download_package(spec.fullname)
        return Package(package_dir=self._extract(path),

    # Helper methods
    def _get_local_package_path(self, url):  # noqa
        """Returns the full local path name for a given URL.  This
        does not require the package archive to exist locally.  In fact, this
        can be used to calculate the destination path for a download.
        cache_key = quote(url, '')
        fullpath = os.path.join(self.download_cache_root, cache_key)
        return fullpath

    def _get_or_download_package(self, specline):
        """Returns the local path from the package cache, downloading as
        logger.debug('- Getting package location for %s' % (specline, ))
        with logger.indent():
            link, version = self._link_cache[specline]
            fullpath = self._get_local_package_path(link.url_without_fragment)

            if os.path.exists(fullpath):
                logger.info('  Archive cache hit: {0}'.format(link.filename))
                return fullpath

            logger.info('  Archive cache miss, downloading {0}...'.format(
            return self._download_package(link)

    def _download_package(self, link):
        """Downloads the given package link contents to the local
        package cache. Overwrites anything that's in the cache already.
        url = link.url_without_fragment
        logger.info('- Downloading package from %s' % (url, ))
        with logger.indent():
            fullpath = self._get_local_package_path(url)
            response = _get_response_from_url(url, link)
            _download_url(response, link, fullpath)
            return fullpath

    def _unpack_archive(self, path, target_directory):
        logger.debug('- Unpacking %s' % (path, ))
        with logger.indent():
            if path.endswith('.zip'):
                archive = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
                archive = tarfile.open(path)

            except IOError:
                logger.error("Error extracting %s" % (path, ))

    def _extract(self, path):
        if path in self._extract_cache:
            return self._extract_cache[path]

        logger.info('- Extracting package %s' % (path, ))

        build_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, build_dir)
        unpack_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'build')
        self._unpack_archive(path, unpack_dir)

        # Cache unpack
        self._extract_cache[path] = unpack_dir

        return unpack_dir
コード例 #8
ファイル: package_manager.py プロジェクト: jgeerds/pypi2nix-1
class PackageManager(object):
    """Interface to packages."""

    def __init__(
        self, overrides={}, versions=[], extra=(), dependency_links=[],
        exe=sys.executable, python_path="",
        download_cache_root="", cache=None,
        link_hook=lambda overrides, spec, link: (link, None),
        dependency_hook=lambda overrides, spec, deps, package: deps,
        spec_hook=lambda overrides, spec: spec
        self.extra = extra
        self.exe, self.python_path = exe, python_path
        self.overrides = overrides or {}
        self.versions = versions or []

        self._dependency_hook = dependency_hook
        self._link_hook = link_hook
        self._spec_hook = spec_hook

        self.finder = PackageFinder(

        self.download_cache_root = download_cache_root
        cache = cache or defaultdict(dict)
        self._link_cache = cache["link_cache"]
        self._dep_cache = cache["dep_cache"]
        self._pkg_info_cache = cache["pkg_info_cache"]
        self._extract_cache = cache["extract_cache"]
        self._best_match_call_cache = {}
        self._dep_call_cache = {}
        self._pkg_info_call_cache = {}

    def find_best_match(self, spec):
        def _find_cached_match(spec):
            #if spec.is_pinned:
                ## If this is a pinned spec, we can take a shortcut: if it is
                ## found in the dependency cache, we can safely assume it has
                ## been downloaded before, and thus must exist.  We can know
                ## this without every reaching out to PyPI and avoid the
                ## network overhead.
                #name, version = spec.name, first(spec.preds)[1]
                #if (name, version) in self._dep_cache:
                    #source = 'dependency cache'
                    #return version, source
            version = None
            overrides = self.overrides.get(spec.name)

            ## Try the link cache, and otherwise, try PyPI
            if (spec.no_extra, overrides) in self._link_cache:
                link, version = self._link_cache[(spec.no_extra, overrides)]
                source = 'link cache'
                    requirement = InstallRequirement.from_line(specline)
                    link = self.finder.find_requirement(requirement, False)
                except DistributionNotFound:
                    requirement = InstallRequirement.from_line(
                        specline, prereleases=True)
                    link = self.finder.find_requirement(requirement, False)

                link, version = self._link_hook(overrides, spec, link)

                # Hack to make pickle work
                link.comes_from = None
                source = 'PyPI'

                if link.egg_fragment:
                    version = link.egg_fragment.rsplit('-', 1)[1]
                    link = Link(
                        link.url_without_fragment + "#%s=%s" % self.get_hash(link)
                elif not version:
                    _, version = splitext(link.filename)[0].rsplit('-', 1)

                # It's more reliable to get version from pinned spec then filename
                if spec.is_pinned:
                    version = spec.pinned

                assert version, "Version must be set!"
                self._link_cache[(spec.no_extra, overrides)] = (link, version)

                # Take this moment to smartly insert the pinned variant of this
                # spec into the link_cache, too
                pinned_spec = Spec.from_pinned(spec.name, version)
                self._link_cache[pinned_spec.fullname] = (link, version)

            return version, source

        version = next((v for v in self.versions if v.name == spec.name), None)
        if version:
            spec.pinned = version.pinned

        specline = spec.no_extra
        if '==' not in specline or specline not in self._best_match_call_cache:
            logger.debug('- Finding best package matching %s' % spec)
        version = next((v for v in self.versions if v.name == spec.name), None)
        with logger.indent():
            version, source = _find_cached_match(spec)
        if '==' not in specline or specline not in self._best_match_call_cache:
            logger.debug('  Found best match: %s (from %s)' % (version, source))
        self._best_match_call_cache[specline] = True

        return version

    def get_dependencies(self, name, version, extra=()):
        """Gets list of dependencies from package"""
        spec = Spec.from_pinned(name, version, extra=extra)
        overrides = self.overrides.get(spec.name)
        extra = self.extra + extra

        if spec not in self._dep_call_cache:
            logger.debug('- Getting dependencies for %s-%s' % (name, version))
        with logger.indent():
            deps = self._dep_cache.get((spec, overrides))
            links = self._dep_cache.get((spec, overrides, "links"))
            if deps is not None and links is not None:
                source = 'dependency cache'
                package = self.get_package(spec)

                deps = package.get_deps(extra=extra)
                deps = self._dependency_hook(overrides, spec, deps, package)
                self._dep_cache[(spec, overrides)] = deps

                links = package.get_dependency_links()
                self._dep_cache[(spec, overrides, "links")] = links

                source = 'package archive'

        # Run spec hook
        deps = [
            (self._spec_hook(self.overrides.get(dep.name), dep), src)
            if self.overrides.get(dep.name) else (dep, src)
            for dep, src in deps

        if spec not in self._dep_call_cache:
            logger.debug('  Found: %s (from %s)' % (deps, source))

            # At this point do not forget to add dependency links

        self._dep_call_cache[spec] = True
        return deps

    def get_pkg_info(self, name, version):
        spec = Spec.from_pinned(name, version)

        if spec.no_extra not in self._pkg_info_call_cache:
            logger.debug('- Getting pkginfo for %s-%s' % (name, version))
        with logger.indent():
            pkg_info = self._pkg_info_cache.get(spec.no_extra)
            if pkg_info is not None:
                source = 'pkg_info cache'
                package = self.get_package(spec)

                pkg_info = package.get_pkginfo()
                pkg_info["has_tests"] = package.has_tests()
                self._pkg_info_cache[spec.no_extra] = pkg_info
                source = 'package archive'

        if spec.no_extra not in self._pkg_info_call_cache:
            logger.debug('  Found pkg_info (from %s)' % (source,))

        self._pkg_info_call_cache[spec.no_extra] = True
        return pkg_info

    def get_link(self, name, version):
        logger.debug('- Getting link for %s-%s' % (name, version))
        spec = Spec.from_pinned(name, version)
        return self._link_cache[spec.fullname]

    def get_hash(self, link):
        if link.hash and link.hash_name:
            return (link.hash_name, link.hash)

        def md5hash(path):
            return ("md5",  hashlib.md5(open(path, 'rb').read()).hexdigest())

        url = link.url_without_fragment
        logger.info('- Hashing package on url %s' % (url,))

        with logger.indent():
            fullpath = self._get_local_package_path(link.url_without_fragment)

            if os.path.exists(fullpath):
                logger.info('  Archive cache hit: {0}'.format(link.filename))
                return md5hash(fullpath)

            return md5hash(self._download_package(link))

    def get_package(self, spec):
        path = self._get_or_download_package(spec.fullname)
        return Package(
            exe=self.exe, python_path=self.python_path

    # Helper methods
    def _get_local_package_path(self, url):  # noqa
        """Returns the full local path name for a given URL.  This
        does not require the package archive to exist locally.  In fact, this
        can be used to calculate the destination path for a download.
        cache_key = quote(url, '')
        fullpath = os.path.join(self.download_cache_root, cache_key)
        return fullpath

    def _get_or_download_package(self, specline):
        """Returns the local path from the package cache, downloading as
        logger.debug('- Getting package location for %s' % (specline,))
        with logger.indent():
            link, version = self._link_cache[specline]
            fullpath = self._get_local_package_path(link.url_without_fragment)

            if os.path.exists(fullpath):
                logger.info('  Archive cache hit: {0}'.format(link.filename))
                return fullpath

            logger.info('  Archive cache miss, downloading {0}...'.format(
            return self._download_package(link)

    def _download_package(self, link):
        """Downloads the given package link contents to the local
        package cache. Overwrites anything that's in the cache already.
        url = link.url_without_fragment
        logger.info('- Downloading package from %s' % (url,))
        with logger.indent():
            fullpath = self._get_local_package_path(url)
            response = _get_response_from_url(url, link)
            _download_url(response, link, fullpath)
            return fullpath

    def _unpack_archive(self, path, target_directory):
        logger.debug('- Unpacking %s' % (path,))
        with logger.indent():
            if path.endswith('.zip'):
                archive = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
                archive = tarfile.open(path)

            except IOError:
                logger.error("Error extracting %s" % (path,))

    def _extract(self, path):
        if path in self._extract_cache:
            return self._extract_cache[path]

        logger.info('- Extracting package %s' % (path,))

        build_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, build_dir)
        unpack_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'build')
        self._unpack_archive(path, unpack_dir)

        # Cache unpack
        self._extract_cache[path] = unpack_dir

        return unpack_dir