コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: msabramo/pip-accel
def build_missing_binary_dists(requirements):
    Convert source distributions to binary distributions.

    :param requirements: A list of tuples in the format of the return value of
                         the :py:func:`unpack_source_dists()` function.

    :returns: ``True`` if it succeeds in building a binary distribution,
              ``False`` otherwise (probably because of missing binary
              dependencies like system libraries).
    existing_binary_dists = find_cached_binary_dists()
    logger.info("Building binary distributions ..")
    pyversion = get_python_version()
    for name, version, directory in requirements:
        # Check if a binary distribution already exists.
        filename = existing_binary_dists.get((name.lower(), version, pyversion))
        if filename:
            logger.debug("Existing binary distribution for %s (%s) found at %s.", name, version, filename)
        # Make sure the source distribution contains a setup script.
        setup_script = os.path.join(directory, 'setup.py')
        if not os.path.isfile(setup_script):
            logger.warn("Package %s (%s) is not a source distribution.", name, version)
        # Try to build the binary distribution.
        if not build_binary_dist(name, version, directory, pyversion):
            if not build_binary_dist(name, version, directory, pyversion):
                return False
    logger.info("Finished building binary distributions.")
    return True
コード例 #2
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: msabramo/pip-accel
def install_requirements(requirements, install_prefix=ENVIRONMENT):
    Manually install all requirements from binary distributions.

    :param requirements: A list of tuples in the format of the return value of
    :param install_prefix: The "prefix" under which the requirements should be
                           installed. This will be a pathname like ``/usr``,
                           ``/usr/local`` or the pathname of a virtual
    :returns: ``True`` if it succeeds in installing all requirements from
              binary distribution archives, ``False`` otherwise.
    install_timer = Timer()
    existing_binary_dists = find_cached_binary_dists()
    pyversion = get_python_version()
    logger.info("Installing from binary distributions ..")
    for name, version, directory in requirements:
        filename = existing_binary_dists.get((name.lower(), version, pyversion))
        if not filename:
            logger.error("No binary distribution of %s (%s) available!", name, version)
            return False
        install_binary_dist(name, filename, install_prefix=install_prefix)
    logger.info("Finished installing all requirements in %s.", install_timer)
    return True
コード例 #3
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: msabramo/pip-accel
def download_source_dists(arguments):
    Download missing source distributions.

    :param arguments: A list with the arguments intended for ``pip``.
    download_timer = Timer()
    logger.info("Downloading source distributions ..")
    # Execute pip to download missing source distributions.
        run_pip(arguments + ['--no-install'], use_remote_index=True)
        logger.info("Finished downloading source distributions in %s.", download_timer)
    except Exception, e:
        logger.warn("pip raised an exception while downloading source distributions: %s.", e)
コード例 #4
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: pior/pip-accel
def download_source_dists(arguments, build_directory):
    Download missing source distributions.

    :param arguments: A list with the arguments intended for ``pip``.
    download_timer = Timer()
    logger.info("Downloading source distributions ..")
    # Execute pip to download missing source distributions.
        run_pip(arguments + ['--no-install'], use_remote_index=True, build_directory=build_directory)
        logger.info("Finished downloading source distributions in %s.", download_timer)
    except PreviousBuildDirError:
        # Shouldn't be swallowed.
    except Exception, e:
        logger.warn("pip raised an exception while downloading source distributions: %s.", e)
コード例 #5
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: graingert/pip-accel
def main():
    Main logic of the ``pip-accel`` command.
    arguments = sys.argv[1:]
    # If no arguments are given, the help text of pip-accel is printed.
    if not arguments:
    # If no install subcommand is given we pass the command line straight
    # to pip without any changes and exit immediately afterwards.
    elif 'install' not in arguments:
        sys.exit(os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, 'pip', ['pip'] + arguments))
    # Initialize logging output.
    # Increase verbosity based on -v, --verbose options.
    for argument in arguments:
        if argument == '--verbose' or (len(argument) >= 2 and argument[0] ==
                '-' and argument[1] != '-' and 'v' in argument):
    # Make sure the prefix is the same as the environment.
    if not os.path.samefile(sys.prefix, ENVIRONMENT):
        logger.error("You are trying to install packages in environment #1 which is different from environment #2 where pip-accel is installed! Please install pip-accel under environment #1 to install packages there.")
        logger.info("Environment #1: %s ($VIRTUAL_ENV)", ENVIRONMENT)
        logger.info("Environment #2: %s (installation prefix)", sys.prefix)
    main_timer = Timer()
    build_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    # Execute "pip install" in a loop in order to retry after intermittent
    # error responses from servers (which can happen quite frequently).
        for i in xrange(1, MAX_RETRIES):
                requirements = unpack_source_dists(arguments, build_directory)
            except DistributionNotFound:
                logger.warn("We don't have all source distributions yet!")
                download_source_dists(arguments, build_directory)
                if not requirements:
                    logger.info("No unsatisfied requirements found, probably there's nothing to do.")
                    logger.info("Done! Took %s to install %i package%s.", main_timer, len(requirements), '' if len(requirements) == 1 else 's')
            logger.warn("pip failed, retrying (%i/%i) ..", i + 1, MAX_RETRIES)
    except InstallationError:
        # Abort early when pip reports installation errors.
        logger.fatal("pip reported unrecoverable installation errors. Please fix and rerun!")
        # Always cleanup temporary build directory.
    # Abort when after N retries we still failed to download source distributions.
    logger.fatal("External command failed %i times, aborting!" % MAX_RETRIES)
コード例 #6
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: msabramo/pip-accel
def build_binary_dist(name, version, directory, pyversion):
    Convert a single, unpacked source distribution to a binary distribution.

    :param name: The name of the requirement to build.
    :param version: The version of the requirement to build.
    :param directory: The directory where the unpacked sources of the
                      requirement are available.

    :returns: ``True`` if we succeed in building a binary distribution,
              ``False`` otherwise (probably because of missing binary
              dependencies like system libraries).
    # Cleanup previously generated distributions.
    dist_directory = os.path.join(directory, 'dist')
    if os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
        logger.info("Cleaning up previously generated distributions in %s ..", dist_directory)
    # Let the user know what's going on.
    build_text = "Building binary distribution of %s (%s) .." % (name, version)
    logger.info("%s", build_text)
    # Compose the command line needed to build the binary distribution.
    command_line = '"%s/bin/python" setup.py bdist_dumb --format=gztar' % ENVIRONMENT
    logger.debug("Executing external command: %s", command_line)
    # Redirect all output of the build to a temporary file.
    fd, temporary_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
    command_line = '%s > "%s" 2>&1' % (command_line, temporary_file)
    # Start the build.
    build = subprocess.Popen(['sh', '-c', command_line], cwd=directory)
    # Wait for the build to finish.
        # Provide feedback to the user in the mean time.
        spinner = Spinner(build_text)
        while build.poll() is None:
    # Make sure the build succeeded.
    if build.returncode != 0:
        logger.error("Failed to build binary distribution of %s! (version: %s)", name, version)
        with open(temporary_file) as handle:
            logger.info("Build output (will probably provide a hint as to what went wrong):\n%s", handle.read())
        return False
    # Move the generated distribution to the binary index.
    filenames = os.listdir(dist_directory)
    if len(filenames) != 1:
        logger.error("Build process did not result in one binary distribution! (matches: %s)", filenames)
        return False
    cache_file = '%s:%s:%s.tar.gz' % (name, version, pyversion)
    logger.info("Copying binary distribution %s to cache as %s.", filenames[0], cache_file)
    cache_binary_dist(os.path.join(directory, 'dist', filenames[0]),
                      os.path.join(binary_index, cache_file))
    return True
コード例 #7
def run_pip(arguments, use_remote_index, build_directory=None):
    Execute a modified ``pip install`` command. This function assumes that the
    arguments concern a ``pip install`` command (:py:func:`main()` makes sure
    of this).

    :param arguments: A list of strings containing the arguments that will be
                      passed to ``pip``.
    :param use_remote_index: A boolean indicating whether ``pip`` is allowed to
                             contact http://pypi.python.org.
    :returns: A ``RequirementSet`` object created by ``pip``, unless an
              exception is raised by ``pip`` (in which case the exception will
              bubble up).
    command_line = []
    for i, arg in enumerate(arguments):
        if arg == 'install':
            command_line += ['pip'] + arguments[:i + 1] + [
                '--download-cache=%s' % download_cache,
                '--find-links=file://%s' % source_index
            if build_directory:
                command_line += ['--build-directory=%s' % build_directory]
            if not use_remote_index:
                command_line += ['--no-index']
            command_line += arguments[i + 1:]
        command_line = ['pip'] + arguments
    logger.info("Executing command: %s", ' '.join(command_line))
    # XXX Nasty hack required for pip 1.4 compatibility (workaround for global state).
    requirements_option.default = []
    cmd_name, options, args, parser = parseopts(command_line[1:])
    pip = CustomInstallCommand(parser)
    exit_status = pip.main(args[1:], options)
    # Make sure the output of pip and pip-accel are not intermingled.
    if exit_status == SUCCESS:
        return pip.requirement_set
        raise pip.intercepted_exception
コード例 #8
def download_source_dists(arguments, build_directory):
    Download missing source distributions.

    :param arguments: A list with the arguments intended for ``pip``.
    download_timer = Timer()
    logger.info("Downloading source distributions ..")
    # Execute pip to download missing source distributions.
        run_pip(arguments + ['--no-install'],
        logger.info("Finished downloading source distributions in %s.",
    except Exception, e:
            "pip raised an exception while downloading source distributions: %s.",
コード例 #9
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: pior/pip-accel
def run_pip(arguments, use_remote_index, build_directory=None):
    Execute a modified ``pip install`` command. This function assumes that the
    arguments concern a ``pip install`` command (:py:func:`main()` makes sure
    of this).

    :param arguments: A list of strings containing the arguments that will be
                      passed to ``pip``.
    :param use_remote_index: A boolean indicating whether ``pip`` is allowed to
                             contact http://pypi.python.org.
    :returns: A ``RequirementSet`` object created by ``pip``, unless an
              exception is raised by ``pip`` (in which case the exception will
              bubble up).
    command_line = []
    for i, arg in enumerate(arguments):
        if arg == 'install':
            command_line += ['pip'] + arguments[:i+1] + [
                    '--download-cache=%s' % download_cache,
                    '--find-links=file://%s' % source_index]
            if build_directory:
                command_line += ['--build-directory=%s' % build_directory]
            if not use_remote_index:
                command_line += ['--no-index']
            command_line += arguments[i+1:]
        command_line = ['pip'] + arguments
    logger.info("Executing command: %s", ' '.join(command_line))
    # XXX Nasty hack required for pip 1.4 compatibility (workaround for global state).
    requirements_option.default = []
    cmd_name, options, args, parser = parseopts(command_line[1:])
    pip = CustomInstallCommand(parser)
    exit_status = pip.main(args[1:], options)
    # Make sure the output of pip and pip-accel are not intermingled.
    if exit_status == SUCCESS:
        return pip.requirement_set
        raise pip.intercepted_exception
コード例 #10
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: graingert/pip-accel
def confirm_installation(project_name, packages, command_line):
    Notify the user that there are missing dependencies and how they can be
    installed. Then ask the user whether we are allowed to install the

    :param packages: A list of strings with the names of the packages that are
    :param command_line: A list of strings with the command line needed to
                         install the packages.

    Raises :py:class:`RefusedAutomaticInstallation` when the user refuses to
    let pip-accel install any missing dependencies.
    logger.info("%s: You seem to be missing %i dependenc%s: %s",  project_name,
                len(packages), len(packages) == 1 and 'y' or 'ies', " ".join(packages))
    logger.info("%s: I can install %s for you with this command: %s",
                project_name, len(packages) == 1 and 'it' or 'them',
                " ".join(command_line))
        prompt = "Do you want me to install %s dependenc%s? [y/N] "
        choice = raw_input(prompt % (len(packages) == 1 and 'this' or 'these',
                                     len(packages) == 1 and 'y' or 'ies'))
        if choice.lower().strip() == 'y':
            logger.info("Got permission to install missing dependenc%s.",
                        len(packages) == 1 and 'y' or 'ies')
    logger.error("%s: Refused installation of missing dependenc%s!",
                 project_name, len(packages) == 1 and 'y' or 'ies')
    msg = "%s: User canceled automatic installation of missing dependenc%s!"
    raise RefusedAutomaticInstallation, msg % (project_name, 'y' if len(packages) == 1 else 'ies')
コード例 #11
def install_requirements(requirements, install_prefix=ENVIRONMENT):
    Manually install all requirements from binary distributions.

    :param requirements: A list of tuples in the format of the return value of
    :param install_prefix: The "prefix" under which the requirements should be
                           installed. This will be a pathname like ``/usr``,
                           ``/usr/local`` or the pathname of a virtual
    :returns: ``True`` if it succeeds in installing all requirements from
              binary distribution archives, ``False`` otherwise.
    install_timer = Timer()
    logger.info("Installing from binary distributions ..")
    python = os.path.join(install_prefix, 'bin', 'python')
    pip = os.path.join(install_prefix, 'bin', 'pip')
    for name, version, directory in requirements:
        if os.system('%s uninstall --yes %s >/dev/null 2>&1' %
                     (pipes.quote(pip), pipes.quote(name))) == 0:
            logger.info("Uninstalled previously installed package %s.", name)
        members = get_binary_dist(name,
        install_binary_dist(members, prefix=install_prefix, python=python)
    logger.info("Finished installing all requirements in %s.", install_timer)
    return True
コード例 #12
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: msabramo/pip-accel
def find_cached_binary_dists():
    Find all previously cached binary distributions.

    :returns: A dictionary with (package-name, package-version, python-version)
              tuples as keys and pathnames of binary archives as values.
    logger.info("Scanning binary distribution index ..")
    distributions = {}
    for filename in sorted(os.listdir(binary_index), key=str.lower):
        if filename.endswith('.tar.gz'):
            basename = re.sub('\.tar.gz$', '', filename)
            parts = basename.split(':')
            if len(parts) == 3:
                key = (parts[0].lower(), parts[1], parts[2])
                logger.debug("Matched %s in %s.", key, filename)
                distributions[key] = os.path.join(binary_index, filename)
        logger.debug("Failed to match filename: %s.", filename)
    logger.info("Found %i existing binary distribution%s.",
                len(distributions), '' if len(distributions) == 1 else 's')
    for (name, version, pyversion), filename in distributions.iteritems():
        logger.debug(" - %s (%s, %s) in %s.", name, version, pyversion, filename)
    return distributions
コード例 #13
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: msabramo/pip-accel
def update_source_dists_index():
    Link newly downloaded source distributions into the local index directory
    using symbolic links.
    for download_name in os.listdir(download_cache):
        download_path = os.path.join(download_cache, download_name)
        url = urllib.unquote(download_name)
        if not url.endswith('.content-type'):
            components = urlparse.urlparse(url)
            archive_name = os.path.basename(components.path)
            archive_path = os.path.join(source_index, add_extension(download_path, archive_name))
            if not os.path.isfile(archive_path):
                logger.info("Linking files:")
                logger.info(" - Source: %s", download_path)
                logger.info(" - Target: %s", archive_path)
                os.symlink(download_path, archive_path)
コード例 #14
def update_source_dists_index():
    Link newly downloaded source distributions into the local index directory
    using symbolic links.
    for download_name in os.listdir(download_cache):
        download_path = os.path.join(download_cache, download_name)
        url = urllib.unquote(download_name)
        if not url.endswith('.content-type'):
            components = urlparse.urlparse(url)
            archive_name = os.path.basename(components.path)
            archive_path = os.path.join(
                source_index, add_extension(download_path, archive_name))
            if not os.path.isfile(archive_path):
                logger.info("Linking files:")
                logger.info(" - Source: %s", download_path)
                logger.info(" - Target: %s", archive_path)
                os.symlink(download_path, archive_path)
コード例 #15
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: msabramo/pip-accel
def install_binary_dist(package, filename, install_prefix=ENVIRONMENT):
    Install a binary distribution created with ``python setup.py bdist`` into
    the given prefix (a directory like ``/usr``, ``/usr/local`` or a virtual

    :param package: The name of the package to install.
    :param filename: The pathname of the tar archive.
    :param install_prefix: The "prefix" under which the requirements should be
                           installed. This will be a pathname like ``/usr``,
                           ``/usr/local`` or the pathname of a virtual
    # TODO This is quite slow for modules like Django. Speed it up! Two choices:
    #  1. Run the external tar program to unpack the archive. This will
    #     slightly complicate the fixing up of hashbangs.
    #  2. Using links? The plan: We can maintain a "seed" environment under
    #     $PIP_ACCEL_CACHE and use symbolic and/or hard links to populate other
    #     places based on the "seed" environment.
    install_timer = Timer()
    python = os.path.join(install_prefix, 'bin', 'python')
    pip = os.path.join(install_prefix, 'bin', 'pip')
    if os.system('"%s" uninstall --yes "%s" >/dev/null 2>&1' % (pip, package)) == 0:
        logger.info("Uninstalled previously installed package %s.", package)
    logger.info("Installing package %s from binary distribution %s to %s ..", package, filename, install_prefix)
    archive = tarfile.open(filename, 'r:gz')
    for member in archive.getmembers():
        install_path = os.path.join(install_prefix, member.name)
        directory = os.path.dirname(install_path)
        if not os.path.isdir(directory):
            logger.debug("Creating directory: %s ..", directory)
        logger.debug("Writing file: %s ..", install_path)
        file_handle = archive.extractfile(member)
        with open(install_path, 'w') as handle:
            contents = file_handle.read()
            if contents.startswith('#!/'):
                contents = fix_hashbang(python, contents)
        os.chmod(install_path, member.mode)
    logger.info("Finished installing binary distribution in %s.", install_timer)
コード例 #16
def unpack_source_dists(arguments, build_directory):
    Check whether there are local source distributions available for all
    requirements, unpack the source distribution archives and find the names
    and versions of the requirements. By using the ``pip install --no-install``
    command we avoid reimplementing the following pip features:

    - Parsing of ``requirements.txt`` (including recursive parsing)
    - Resolution of possibly conflicting pinned requirements
    - Unpacking source distributions in multiple formats
    - Finding the name & version of a given source distribution

    :param arguments: A list of strings with the command line arguments to be
                      passed to the ``pip`` command.

    :returns: A list of tuples with three strings each: The name of a
              requirement (package), its version number and the directory where
              the unpacked source distribution is located. If ``pip`` fails, an
              exception will be raised by ``pip``.
    unpack_timer = Timer()
    logger.info("Unpacking local source distributions ..")
    # Execute pip to unpack the source distributions.
    requirement_set = run_pip(arguments + ['--no-install'],
    logger.info("Unpacked local source distributions in %s.", unpack_timer)
    requirements = []
    for install_requirement in sorted_requirements(requirement_set):
        if install_requirement.satisfied_by:
            logger.info("Requirement already satisfied: %s.",
            req = ensure_parsed_requirement(install_requirement)
                (req.project_name, install_requirement.installed_version,
    return requirements
コード例 #17
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: graingert/pip-accel
def unpack_source_dists(arguments, build_directory):
    Check whether there are local source distributions available for all
    requirements, unpack the source distribution archives and find the names
    and versions of the requirements. By using the ``pip install --no-install``
    command we avoid reimplementing the following pip features:

    - Parsing of ``requirements.txt`` (including recursive parsing)
    - Resolution of possibly conflicting pinned requirements
    - Unpacking source distributions in multiple formats
    - Finding the name & version of a given source distribution

    :param arguments: A list of strings with the command line arguments to be
                      passed to the ``pip`` command.

    :returns: A list of tuples with three strings each: The name of a
              requirement (package), its version number and the directory where
              the unpacked source distribution is located. If ``pip`` fails, an
              exception will be raised by ``pip``.
    unpack_timer = Timer()
    logger.info("Unpacking local source distributions ..")
    # Execute pip to unpack the source distributions.
    requirement_set = run_pip(arguments + ['--no-install'],
    logger.info("Unpacked local source distributions in %s.", unpack_timer)
    requirements = []
    for install_requirement in sorted_requirements(requirement_set):
        if install_requirement.satisfied_by:
            logger.info("Requirement already satisfied: %s.", install_requirement)
            req = ensure_parsed_requirement(install_requirement)
    return requirements
コード例 #18
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: graingert/pip-accel
def install_requirements(requirements, install_prefix=ENVIRONMENT):
    Manually install all requirements from binary distributions.

    :param requirements: A list of tuples in the format of the return value of
    :param install_prefix: The "prefix" under which the requirements should be
                           installed. This will be a pathname like ``/usr``,
                           ``/usr/local`` or the pathname of a virtual
    :returns: ``True`` if it succeeds in installing all requirements from
              binary distribution archives, ``False`` otherwise.
    install_timer = Timer()
    logger.info("Installing from binary distributions ..")
    python = os.path.join(install_prefix, 'bin', 'python')
    pip = os.path.join(install_prefix, 'bin', 'pip')
    for name, version, directory in requirements:
        if os.system('%s uninstall --yes %s >/dev/null 2>&1' % (pipes.quote(pip), pipes.quote(name))) == 0:
            logger.info("Uninstalled previously installed package %s.", name)
        members = get_binary_dist(name, version, directory, prefix=install_prefix, python=python)
        install_binary_dist(members, prefix=install_prefix, python=python)
    logger.info("Finished installing all requirements in %s.", install_timer)
    return True
コード例 #19
def confirm_installation(project_name, packages, command_line):
    Notify the user that there are missing dependencies and how they can be
    installed. Then ask the user whether we are allowed to install the

    :param packages: A list of strings with the names of the packages that are
    :param command_line: A list of strings with the command line needed to
                         install the packages.

    Raises :py:class:`RefusedAutomaticInstallation` when the user refuses to
    let pip-accel install any missing dependencies.
    logger.info("%s: You seem to be missing %i dependenc%s: %s", project_name,
                len(packages) == 1 and 'y' or 'ies', " ".join(packages))
    logger.info("%s: I can install %s for you with this command: %s",
                len(packages) == 1 and 'it' or 'them', " ".join(command_line))
        prompt = "Do you want me to install %s dependenc%s? [y/N] "
        choice = raw_input(prompt % (len(packages) == 1 and 'this' or 'these',
                                     len(packages) == 1 and 'y' or 'ies'))
        if choice.lower().strip() == 'y':
            logger.info("Got permission to install missing dependenc%s.",
                        len(packages) == 1 and 'y' or 'ies')
    logger.error("%s: Refused installation of missing dependenc%s!",
                 len(packages) == 1 and 'y' or 'ies')
    msg = "%s: User canceled automatic installation of missing dependenc%s!"
    raise RefusedAutomaticInstallation, msg % (project_name, 'y' if
                                               len(packages) == 1 else 'ies')
コード例 #20
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: graingert/pip-accel
def sanity_check_dependencies(project_name, auto_install=None):
    If ``pip-accel`` fails to build a binary distribution, it will call this
    function as a last chance to install missing dependencies. If this function
    does not raise an exception, ``pip-accel`` will retry the build once.

    :param project_name: The project name of a requirement as found on PyPI.
    :param auto_install: ``True`` if dependencies on system packages may be
                         automatically installed, ``False`` if missing system
                         packages should raise an error, ``None`` if the
                         decision should be based on the environment variable

    If missing system packages are found, this function will try to install
    them. If anything "goes wrong" an exception is raised:

    - If ``auto_install=False`` then :py:class:`DependencyCheckFailed` is
    - If installation of missing packages fails
      :py:class:`DependencyInstallationFailed` is raised
    - If the user refuses to let pip-accel install missing packages
      :py:class:`RefusedAutomaticInstallation` is raised.

    If all goes well nothing is raised, nor is anything returned.
    # Has the caller forbidden us from automatic installation?
    auto_install_forbidden = (auto_install == False)
    if auto_install is not None:
        # If the caller made an explicit choice, we'll respect that.
        auto_install_allowed = auto_install
        # Otherwise we check the environment variable.
        auto_install_allowed = 'PIP_ACCEL_AUTO_INSTALL' in os.environ
    logger.info("%s: Checking for missing dependencies ..", project_name)
    known_dependencies = current_platform.find_dependencies(project_name.lower())
    if not known_dependencies:
        logger.info("%s: No known dependencies... Maybe you have a suggestion?", project_name)
        installed_packages = set(current_platform.find_installed())
        missing_packages = [p for p in known_dependencies if p not in installed_packages]
        if not missing_packages:
            logger.info("%s: All known dependencies are already installed.", project_name)
        elif auto_install_forbidden:
            msg = "Missing %i system package%s (%s) required by %s but automatic installation is disabled!"
            raise DependencyCheckFailed, msg % (len(missing_packages), '' if len(missing_packages) == 1 else 's',
                                                ', '.join(missing_packages), project_name)
            command_line = ['sudo'] + current_platform.install_command(missing_packages)
            if not auto_install_allowed:
                confirm_installation(project_name, missing_packages, command_line)
            logger.info("%s: Missing %i dependenc%s: %s",
                        project_name, len(missing_packages),
                        'y' if len(missing_packages) == 1 else 'ies',
                        " ".join(missing_packages))
            exit_code = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, 'sudo', command_line)
            if exit_code == 0:
                logger.info("%s: Successfully installed %i missing dependenc%s.",
                            project_name, len(missing_packages),
                            len(missing_packages) == 1 and 'y' or 'ies')
                logger.error("%s: Failed to install %i missing dependenc%s!",
                             project_name, len(missing_packages),
                             len(missing_packages) == 1 and 'y' or 'ies')
                msg = "Failed to install %i system package%s required by %s! (command failed: %s)"
                raise DependencyInstallationFailed, msg % (len(missing_packages), '' if len(missing_packages) == 1 else 's',
                                                           project_name, command_line)
コード例 #21
def sanity_check_dependencies(project_name, auto_install=None):
    If ``pip-accel`` fails to build a binary distribution, it will call this
    function as a last chance to install missing dependencies. If this function
    does not raise an exception, ``pip-accel`` will retry the build once.

    :param project_name: The project name of a requirement as found on PyPI.
    :param auto_install: ``True`` if dependencies on system packages may be
                         automatically installed, ``False`` if missing system
                         packages should raise an error, ``None`` if the
                         decision should be based on the environment variable

    If missing system packages are found, this function will try to install
    them. If anything "goes wrong" an exception is raised:

    - If ``auto_install=False`` then :py:class:`DependencyCheckFailed` is
    - If installation of missing packages fails
      :py:class:`DependencyInstallationFailed` is raised
    - If the user refuses to let pip-accel install missing packages
      :py:class:`RefusedAutomaticInstallation` is raised.

    If all goes well nothing is raised, nor is anything returned.
    # Has the caller forbidden us from automatic installation?
    auto_install_forbidden = (auto_install == False)
    if auto_install is not None:
        # If the caller made an explicit choice, we'll respect that.
        auto_install_allowed = auto_install
        # Otherwise we check the environment variable.
        auto_install_allowed = 'PIP_ACCEL_AUTO_INSTALL' in os.environ
    logger.info("%s: Checking for missing dependencies ..", project_name)
    known_dependencies = current_platform.find_dependencies(
    if not known_dependencies:
            "%s: No known dependencies... Maybe you have a suggestion?",
        installed_packages = set(current_platform.find_installed())
        missing_packages = [
            p for p in known_dependencies if p not in installed_packages
        if not missing_packages:
            logger.info("%s: All known dependencies are already installed.",
        elif auto_install_forbidden:
            msg = "Missing %i system package%s (%s) required by %s but automatic installation is disabled!"
            raise DependencyCheckFailed, msg % (
                len(missing_packages), '' if len(missing_packages) == 1 else
                's', ', '.join(missing_packages), project_name)
            command_line = [
            ] + current_platform.install_command(missing_packages)
            if not auto_install_allowed:
                confirm_installation(project_name, missing_packages,
            logger.info("%s: Missing %i dependenc%s: %s", project_name,
                        'y' if len(missing_packages) == 1 else 'ies',
                        " ".join(missing_packages))
            exit_code = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, 'sudo', command_line)
            if exit_code == 0:
                    "%s: Successfully installed %i missing dependenc%s.",
                    project_name, len(missing_packages),
                    len(missing_packages) == 1 and 'y' or 'ies')
                logger.error("%s: Failed to install %i missing dependenc%s!",
                             project_name, len(missing_packages),
                             len(missing_packages) == 1 and 'y' or 'ies')
                msg = "Failed to install %i system package%s required by %s! (command failed: %s)"
                raise DependencyInstallationFailed, msg % (
                    len(missing_packages), '' if len(missing_packages) == 1
                    else 's', project_name, command_line)
コード例 #22
def main():
    Main logic of the ``pip-accel`` command.
    arguments = sys.argv[1:]
    # If no arguments are given, the help text of pip-accel is printed.
    if not arguments:
    # If no install subcommand is given we pass the command line straight
    # to pip without any changes and exit immediately afterwards.
    elif 'install' not in arguments:
        sys.exit(os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, 'pip', ['pip'] + arguments))
    # Initialize logging output.
    # Increase verbosity based on -v, --verbose options.
    for argument in arguments:
        if argument == '--verbose' or (len(argument) >= 2
                                       and argument[0] == '-'
                                       and argument[1] != '-'
                                       and 'v' in argument):
    # Make sure the prefix is the same as the environment.
    if not os.path.samefile(sys.prefix, ENVIRONMENT):
            "You are trying to install packages in environment #1 which is different from environment #2 where pip-accel is installed! Please install pip-accel under environment #1 to install packages there."
        logger.info("Environment #1: %s ($VIRTUAL_ENV)", ENVIRONMENT)
        logger.info("Environment #2: %s (installation prefix)", sys.prefix)
    main_timer = Timer()
    build_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    # Execute "pip install" in a loop in order to retry after intermittent
    # error responses from servers (which can happen quite frequently).
        for i in xrange(1, MAX_RETRIES):
                requirements = unpack_source_dists(arguments, build_directory)
            except DistributionNotFound:
                logger.warn("We don't have all source distributions yet!")
                download_source_dists(arguments, build_directory)
                if not requirements:
                        "No unsatisfied requirements found, probably there's nothing to do."
                    logger.info("Done! Took %s to install %i package%s.",
                                main_timer, len(requirements),
                                '' if len(requirements) == 1 else 's')
            logger.warn("pip failed, retrying (%i/%i) ..", i + 1, MAX_RETRIES)
    except InstallationError:
        # Abort early when pip reports installation errors.
            "pip reported unrecoverable installation errors. Please fix and rerun!"
        # Always cleanup temporary build directory.
    # Abort when after N retries we still failed to download source distributions.
    logger.fatal("External command failed %i times, aborting!" % MAX_RETRIES)