def process(self, baton): groups = collections.defaultdict(list) items = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.input_path, list()) for item in items: value = util.dict_get_path(item, self.key_path, self.fallback) groups[value].append(item) util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, groups) return baton
def process(self, baton): value = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.counter_path) delta = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.delta_path) rate = value / delta log_string = self.format % dict(rate=rate, delta=delta, value=value) if(rate != 0 or self.report_zero): return baton
def test_getting_attribute(self): class Bar(object): def __init__(self, wrapped): self.wrapped = wrapped d = dict(a=Bar(dict(b='c'))) self.assertEquals(util.dict_get_path(d, 'a.wrapped.b'), 'c') self.assertEquals(util.dict_get_path(d, 'a.nonexistent', 'fallback'), 'fallback')
def process(self, baton): deferred = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.deferred_path) result = self.result if result is Ellipsis: result = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.result_path) deferred.callback(result) return baton
def test_setdefault_through_attributes(self): class Bar(object): def __init__(self, wrapped): self.wrapped = wrapped d = dict(a=Bar(dict(b='c'))) self.assertEquals(util.dict_setdefault_path(d, 'a.wrapped.b', 'd'), 'c') self.assertEquals(util.dict_get_path(d, 'a.wrapped.b'), 'c') self.assertEquals(util.dict_setdefault_path(d, 'a.wrapped.c', 'd'), 'd') self.assertEquals(util.dict_get_path(d, 'a.wrapped.c'), 'd')
def test_not_a_dictionary(self): class Foo(object): def __getitem__(self, key): if key == 'foo': return self return key foo = Foo() self.assertEquals(util.dict_get_path(foo, ''), foo) self.assertEquals(util.dict_get_path(foo, ''), 'bar')
def process(self, baton): root = yield self.root_dependency.wait_for_resource() args = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.args_path, list()) if self.args_path is not None else list() kwargs = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.kwargs_path, dict()) if self.kwargs_path is not None else dict() result = yield root.callRemote(self.remote_name, *args, **kwargs) if self.output_path == "": defer.returnValue(result) util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, result) defer.returnValue(baton)
def test_setting_attribute(self): class Bar(object): def __init__(self, wrapped): self.wrapped = wrapped d = dict(a=Bar(dict(b=Bar('c')))) util.dict_set_path(d, 'a.wrapped.b.wrapped', 'not c') self.assertEquals(util.dict_get_path(d, 'a.wrapped.b.wrapped'), 'not c') util.dict_set_path(d, 'a.wrapped', 'not a bar') self.assertEquals(util.dict_get_path(d, 'a.wrapped'), 'not a bar') self.assertRaises(AttributeError, util.dict_set_path, d, '', 'whatever')
def process(self, baton): message = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.message_path) from_addr = self.from_addr if not from_addr: from_addr = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.from_path) to_addr = self.to_addr if not to_addr: to_addr = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.to_path) yield smtp_provider.send_mail(from_addr, to_addr, message, **self.configuration) defer.returnValue(baton)
def process(self, baton): # For every specified attribute path, check if there's # anything processable. If there is, process it and store the # result in the supplied attribute. ds = [] for mapped_attribute in self.mapping: input_path = self.input_path_prefix + mapped_attribute.get('input_path', '') input_baton = util.dict_get_path(baton, input_path, Ellipsis) if input_baton is Ellipsis: continue pipeline_name = mapped_attribute['pipeline'] output_path = self.output_path_prefix + mapped_attribute.get('output_path', pipeline_name) pipeline = self.get_pipeline(pipeline_name) input_baton = self.preprocess_baton(self._maybe_copy(input_baton)) d = defer.maybeDeferred(pipeline.process, input_baton) d.addCallback(lambda _, resulting_baton=input_baton, output_path=output_path: util.dict_set_path(baton, output_path, resulting_baton)) ds.append(d) results = yield defer.DeferredList(ds) for success, result in results: if not success: # It's a failure. Reraise it, so the resulting # stack-trace is correct. Note that if there are # failures in multiple pipelines, only the first one # is raised. result.raiseException() defer.returnValue(baton)
def get_consumers(self, baton): input = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.input_path) should_stop = self.decider(input) if should_stop: return [] else: return self.consumers
def __init__(self, site_name, site_configuration): service.MultiService.__init__(self) self.site_name = site_name self.site_configuration = site_configuration self.log_exceptions_level = site_configuration.get("log_exceptions", None) self.debug_configuration = util.dict_get_path(self.site_configuration, "debug", dict())
def process(self, baton): input_for_conditional = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.condition_input_path) should_invoke_pipeline = self.lambda_(input_for_conditional) if not should_invoke_pipeline: return baton return super(ConditionalPipelineRunner, self).process(baton)
def process(self, baton): input = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.input_path) if input: output = self.format % self.formatter(input) if self.encode: output = output.encode(self.encode) self.file.write(output) return baton
def process(self, baton): reporter = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.reporter_path) loader = statustest.StatusTestLoader(self.get_namespace(baton)) for suite in self.get_suites(baton, loader): yield defer.returnValue(baton)
def process(self, baton): xml = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.xml_path) e = etree.XML(xml) for xpath, output_path in self.xpaths.items(): result = e.xpath(xpath) util.dict_setdefault_path(baton, output_path, []).extend(result) return baton
def process(self, baton): reporter = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.reporter_path) yield reporter.wait_for_result_processing() if self.done: reporter.done() defer.returnValue(baton)
def get_consumers(self, baton): input = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.input_path) index_or_indexes = self.lambda_(input) if isinstance(index_or_indexes, int): return [self.consumers[index_or_indexes]] else: return [self.consumers[index] for index in index_or_indexes]
def process(self, baton): message = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.message_path) for key, value in self.headers.items(): if key in message: message.replace_header(key, value) else: message.add_header(key, value) return baton
def process(self, baton): if self.message_path: message = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.message_path) else: message = self.message if message: self.logger(message) return baton
def get(self, path_or_paths, fallback=None): """ Return the first value piped in the configuration for the key paths given in *path_or_paths*. If no paths result in a value, *fallback* is returned. .. seealso:: :func:`~piped.util.dict_get_path` for more on the behaviour of getting with key paths. """ return util.dict_get_path(self._config, path_or_paths, fallback)
def process(self, baton): to_request = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.to_request) from_request = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.from_request) # write the headers for key, values in from_request.responseHeaders.getAllRawHeaders(): to_request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders(key, values) # copy the response code to_request.setResponseCode(from_request.code, from_request.code_message) # copy the written data if they're available if hasattr(from_request, 'written'): for data in from_request.written: to_request.write(data) if self.finish and from_request.finished: to_request.finish() return baton
def process_input(self, input, baton): replacements = [] for dictionary in input: value = util.dict_get_path(dictionary, self.key_path) if value: replacements.append(value) if self.uniquify: replacements = list(set(replacements)) if self.sort: replacements.sort() return replacements
def process_mapping(self, input, input_path, output_path, baton, **additional_kwargs): output = input if self.deep_copy: output = copy.deepcopy(output) elif self.copy: output = copy.copy(output) if self.extend: output = util.dict_get_path(baton, output_path, list()) + [output] return output
def process(self, baton): response = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.response_path) assert response is not None, "provide a response if you expect something sensible from this processor" message = self._make_http_response(response) self.dependencies.socket.send(message, flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) if self.close: response = dict(response) # Don't empty the body of the original response dict. response['body'] = '' close_message = self._make_close_response(response) self.dependencies.socket.send(close_message) return baton
def process_mapping(self, input, input_path, output_path, baton, only_first=True, load_json=False): # we have to recheck if the input_path is in the request arguments, otherwise we don't know # whether the input is a default provided by our configuration or an actual argument. request = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.request_path) if input_path not in request.args: return input if load_json: for i, value in enumerate(input): input[i] = json.loads(value) if only_first: return input[0] return input
def process(self, baton): reporter_arguments = dict() for key, value in self.arguments.items(): if key.endswith('_path'): key = key[:len('_path')+1] value = util.dict_get_path(baton, value) reporter_arguments[key] = value reporter = self.reporter_class(self.pipeline_dependency, **reporter_arguments) if self.output_path == '': return reporter util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, reporter) return baton
def process(self, baton): for path in self.remove: util.dict_remove_path(baton, path) if self.keep: keepers = dict() for path in self.keep: value = util.dict_get_path(baton, path, Ellipsis) if value is Ellipsis: continue util.dict_set_path(keepers, path, value) # Modify baton in-place baton.clear() baton.update(keepers) return baton
def process(self, baton): input = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.input_path, Ellipsis) if input is Ellipsis: if self.skip_if_nonexistent: defer.returnValue(baton) input = self.input_fallback output = yield self.process_input(input=input, baton=baton) if self.output_path == '': defer.returnValue(output) # the output replaces the baton if self.output_path is None: defer.returnValue(baton) # discard the output util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, output) defer.returnValue(baton)
def process_request(self, request, baton): content = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.content_path, self.fallback_content) if self.response_code: request.setResponseCode(self.response_code) if self.content_type: request.setHeader('content-type', self.content_type) if isinstance(content, unicode): content = content.encode(self.encoding) if content is not Ellipsis: request.write(content) if self.finish: request.finish() return baton