def refresh_data_access_credentials(freq, ssm_client=None, webserver=False): """ Refresh the data access credentials for a particular BATCH USER user and upload them (encrypted) to the AWS Parameter Store. This enables AWS batch jobs to get the credentials and thereby access the data access API (DAA). :param freq: string, one of 'hourly' | 'daily' | 'weekly' | 'monthly' | 'manually' This is used to know what call the data access credentials on AWS. """ # Get or create Researcher with no password. This means that nobody can log in as this # Researcher in the web interface. researcher_name = 'BATCH USER {}'.format(freq) mock_researchers = Researcher.objects.filter(username=researcher_name) if not mock_researchers.exists(): mock_researcher = Researcher.create_without_password(researcher_name) else: mock_researcher = mock_researchers.get() # Ensure that the Researcher is attached to all Studies. This allows them to access all # data via the DAA. for study in Study.objects.all(): StudyRelation.objects.get_or_create( study=study, researcher=mock_researcher, relationship=ResearcherRole.researcher, is_batch_user=True, ) # Reset the credentials. This ensures that they aren't stale. access_key, secret_key = mock_researcher.reset_access_credentials() if not webserver: generic_config = get_generic_config() else: generic_config = get_eb_config() # Append the frequency to the SSM (AWS Systems Manager) names. This ensures that the # different frequency jobs' keys do not overwrite each other. access_key_ssm_name = '{}-{}'.format(generic_config['access_key_ssm_name'], freq) secret_key_ssm_name = '{}-{}'.format(generic_config['secret_key_ssm_name'], freq) # Put the credentials (encrypted) into AWS Parameter Store if not ssm_client: ssm_client = get_boto_client('ssm') ssm_client.put_parameter( Name=access_key_ssm_name, Value=access_key, Type='SecureString', Overwrite=True, ) ssm_client.put_parameter( Name=secret_key_ssm_name, Value=secret_key, Type='SecureString', Overwrite=True, )
def create_one_job(freq, study, patient_id, client=None, webserver=False): """ Create an AWS batch job The aws_object_names and client parameters are optional. They are provided in case that this function is run as part of a loop, to avoid an unnecessarily large number of file operations or API calls. :param freq: string e.g. 'daily', 'manually' :param a Study database object :param a string of a patient id :param client: a credentialed boto3 client or None config needs are the following: job_name, job_defn_name, queue_name """ # Get the AWS parameters and client if not provided if not webserver: aws_object_names = get_generic_config() else: aws_object_names = get_eb_config() # requires region_name be defined. if client is None: client = get_boto_client('batch') client.submit_job( jobName=aws_object_names['job_name'].format(freq=freq), jobDefinition=aws_object_names['job_defn_name'], jobQueue=aws_object_names['queue_name'], containerOverrides={ 'environment': [ { 'name': 'study_object_id', 'value': str(study.object_id), }, { 'name': 'study_name', 'value': Study.objects.get(object_id=study.object_id).name, }, { 'name': 'FREQ', 'value': freq, }, { 'name': 'patient_id', 'value': patient_id, },{ 'name': 'server_url', 'value': DOMAIN_NAME, } ], }, )