def make(self, key): water_res_num, sess_date = get_wr_sessdate(key) sess_dir = store_stage / water_res_num / sess_date sess_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # -- Plotting -- fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 12)) fig.suptitle(f'{water_res_num}, session {key["session"]}') gs = GridSpec(5, 1, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4, bottom=0.07, top=0.95, left=0.1, right=0.9) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:3, :]) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[3, :]) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[4, :]) ax1.get_shared_x_axes().join(ax1, ax2, ax3) # Plot settings plot_setting = {'left lick': 'red', 'right lick': 'blue'} # -- Get event times -- key_subject_id_session = ( experiment.Session() & (lab.WaterRestriction() & 'water_restriction_number="{}"'.format(water_res_num)) & 'session="{}"'.format(key['session'])).fetch1("KEY") go_cue_times = (experiment.TrialEvent() & key_subject_id_session & 'trial_event_type="go"').fetch( 'trial_event_time', order_by='trial').astype(float) lick_times = pd.DataFrame( (experiment.ActionEvent() & key_subject_id_session).fetch(order_by='trial')) trial_num = len(go_cue_times) all_trial_num = np.arange(1, trial_num + 1).tolist() all_trial_start = [[-x] for x in go_cue_times] all_lick = dict() for event_type in plot_setting: all_lick[event_type] = [] for i, trial_start in enumerate(all_trial_start): all_lick[event_type].append( (lick_times[(lick_times['trial'] == i + 1) & (lick_times['action_event_type'] == event_type )]['action_event_time'].values.astype(float) + trial_start).tolist()) # -- All licking events (Ordered by trials) -- ax1.plot([0, 0], [0, trial_num], 'k', lw=0.5) # Aligned by go cue ax1.set(ylabel='Trial number', xlim=(-3, 3), xticks=[]) # Batch plotting to speed up ax1.eventplot(lineoffsets=all_trial_num, positions=all_trial_start, color='k') # Aligned by go cue for event_type in plot_setting: ax1.eventplot(lineoffsets=all_trial_num, positions=all_lick[event_type], color=plot_setting[event_type], linewidth=2) # Trial start # -- Histogram of all licks -- for event_type in plot_setting: sns.histplot(np.hstack(all_lick[event_type]), binwidth=0.01, alpha=0.5, ax=ax2, color=plot_setting[event_type], label=event_type) # 10-ms window ymax_tmp = max(ax2.get_ylim()) sns.histplot(-go_cue_times, binwidth=0.01, color='k', ax=ax2, label='trial start') # 10-ms window ax2.axvline(x=0, color='k', lw=0.5) ax2.set(ylim=(0, ymax_tmp), xticks=[], title='All events') # Fix the ylim of left and right licks ax2.legend() # -- Histogram of reaction time (first lick after go cue) -- plot_setting = {'LEFT': 'red', 'RIGHT': 'blue'} for water_port in plot_setting: this_RT = (foraging_analysis.TrialStats() & key_subject_id_session & (experiment.WaterPortChoice() & 'water_port="{}"'.format(water_port)) ).fetch('reaction_time').astype(float) sns.histplot(this_RT, binwidth=0.01, alpha=0.5, ax=ax3, color=plot_setting[water_port], label=water_port) # 10-ms window ax3.axvline(x=0, color='k', lw=0.5) ax3.set(xlabel='Time to Go Cue (s)', title='First lick (reaction time)' ) # Fix the ylim of left and right licks ax3.legend() # ---- Save fig and insert ---- fn_prefix = f'{water_res_num}_{sess_date}_' fig_dict = save_figs((fig, ), ('session_foraging_licking_psth', ), sess_dir, fn_prefix) plt.close('all') self.insert1({**key, **fig_dict})
def make(self, key):'BehaviorIngest.make(): key: {key}'.format(key=key)) subject_id = key['subject_id'] h2o = (lab.WaterRestriction() & { 'subject_id': subject_id }).fetch1('water_restriction_number') ymd = key['session_date'] datestr = ymd.strftime('%Y%m%d')'h2o: {h2o}, date: {d}'.format(h2o=h2o, d=datestr)) # session record key skey = {} skey['subject_id'] = subject_id skey['session_date'] = ymd skey['username'] = self.get_session_user() skey['rig'] = key['rig'] # File paths conform to the pattern: # dl7/TW_autoTrain/Session Data/dl7_TW_autoTrain_20180104_132813.mat # which is, more generally: # {h2o}/{training_protocol}/Session Data/{h2o}_{training protocol}_{YYYYMMDD}_{HHMMSS}.mat path = pathlib.Path(key['rig_data_path'], key['subpath']) if experiment.Session() & skey:"note: session exists for {h2o} on {d}".format(h2o=h2o, d=ymd)) trial = namedtuple( # simple structure to track per-trial vars 'trial', ('ttype', 'stim', 'free', 'settings', 'state_times', 'state_names', 'state_data', 'event_data', 'event_times', 'trial_start')) if os.stat(path).st_size / 1024 < 1000:'skipping file {} - too small'.format(path)) return log.debug('loading file {}'.format(path)) mat = spio.loadmat(path, squeeze_me=True) SessionData = mat['SessionData'].flatten() # parse session datetime session_datetime_str = str('').join( (str(SessionData['Info'][0]['SessionDate']), ' ', str(SessionData['Info'][0]['SessionStartTime_UTC']))) session_datetime = datetime.strptime(session_datetime_str, '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S') AllTrialTypes = SessionData['TrialTypes'][0] AllTrialSettings = SessionData['TrialSettings'][0] AllTrialStarts = SessionData['TrialStartTimestamp'][0] AllTrialStarts = AllTrialStarts - AllTrialStarts[0] # real 1st trial RawData = SessionData['RawData'][0].flatten() AllStateNames = RawData['OriginalStateNamesByNumber'][0] AllStateData = RawData['OriginalStateData'][0] AllEventData = RawData['OriginalEventData'][0] AllStateTimestamps = RawData['OriginalStateTimestamps'][0] AllEventTimestamps = RawData['OriginalEventTimestamps'][0] # verify trial-related data arrays are all same length assert (all((x.shape[0] == AllStateTimestamps.shape[0] for x in (AllTrialTypes, AllTrialSettings, AllStateNames, AllStateData, AllEventData, AllEventTimestamps, AllTrialStarts, AllTrialStarts)))) # AllStimTrials optional special case if 'StimTrials' in SessionData.dtype.fields: log.debug('StimTrials detected in session - will include') AllStimTrials = SessionData['StimTrials'][0] assert (AllStimTrials.shape[0] == AllStateTimestamps.shape[0]) else: log.debug('StimTrials not detected in session - will skip') AllStimTrials = np.array( [None for _ in enumerate(range(AllStateTimestamps.shape[0]))]) # AllFreeTrials optional special case if 'FreeTrials' in SessionData.dtype.fields: log.debug('FreeTrials detected in session - will include') AllFreeTrials = SessionData['FreeTrials'][0] assert (AllFreeTrials.shape[0] == AllStateTimestamps.shape[0]) else: log.debug('FreeTrials not detected in session - synthesizing') AllFreeTrials = np.zeros(AllStateTimestamps.shape[0], dtype=np.uint8) trials = list( zip(AllTrialTypes, AllStimTrials, AllFreeTrials, AllTrialSettings, AllStateTimestamps, AllStateNames, AllStateData, AllEventData, AllEventTimestamps, AllTrialStarts)) if not trials: log.warning('skipping date {d}, no valid files'.format(d=date)) return # # Trial data seems valid; synthesize session id & add session record # XXX: note - later breaks can result in Sessions without valid trials # assert skey['session_date'] == skey['session_date'] = skey['session_time'] = session_datetime.time() log.debug('synthesizing session ID') session = (dj.U().aggr(experiment.Session() & { 'subject_id': subject_id }, n='max(session)').fetch1('n') or 0) + 1'generated session id: {session}'.format(session=session)) skey['session'] = session key = dict(key, **skey) # # Actually load the per-trial data #'BehaviorIngest.make(): trial parsing phase') # lists of various records for batch-insert rows = { k: list() for k in ('trial', 'behavior_trial', 'trial_note', 'trial_event', 'corrected_trial_event', 'action_event', 'photostim', 'photostim_location', 'photostim_trial', 'photostim_trial_event') } i = 0 # trial numbering starts at 1 for t in trials: # # Misc # t = trial(*t) # convert list of items to a 'trial' structure i += 1 # increment trial counter log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): parsing trial {i}'.format(i=i)) # covert state data names into a lookup dictionary # # names (seem to be? are?): # # Trigtrialstart, PreSamplePeriod, SamplePeriod, DelayPeriod # EarlyLickDelay, EarlyLickSample, ResponseCue, GiveLeftDrop # GiveRightDrop, GiveLeftDropShort, GiveRightDropShort # AnswerPeriod, Reward, RewardConsumption, NoResponse # TimeOut, StopLicking, StopLickingReturn, TrialEnd # states = {k: (v + 1) for v, k in enumerate(t.state_names)} required_states = ('PreSamplePeriod', 'SamplePeriod', 'DelayPeriod', 'ResponseCue', 'StopLicking', 'TrialEnd') missing = list(k for k in required_states if k not in states) if len(missing): log.warning('skipping trial {i}; missing {m}'.format( i=i, m=missing)) continue gui = t.settings['GUI'].flatten() # ProtocolType - only ingest protocol >= 3 # # 1 Water-Valve-Calibration 2 Licking 3 Autoassist # 4 No autoassist 5 DelayEnforce 6 SampleEnforce 7 Fixed # if 'ProtocolType' not in gui.dtype.names: log.warning( 'skipping trial {i}; protocol undefined'.format(i=i)) continue protocol_type = gui['ProtocolType'][0] if gui['ProtocolType'][0] < 3: log.warning('skipping trial {i}; protocol {n} < 3'.format( i=i, n=gui['ProtocolType'][0])) continue # # Top-level 'Trial' record # tkey = dict(skey) startindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['PreSamplePeriod'])[0] # should be only end of 1st StopLicking; # rest of data is irrelevant w/r/t separately ingested ephys endindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['StopLicking'])[0] log.debug('states\n' + str(states)) log.debug('state_data\n' + str(t.state_data)) log.debug('startindex\n' + str(startindex)) log.debug('endindex\n' + str(endindex)) if not (len(startindex) and len(endindex)): log.warning('skipping {}: start/end mismatch: {}/{}'.format( i, str(startindex), str(endindex))) continue try: tkey['trial'] = i tkey['trial_uid'] = i tkey['start_time'] = t.trial_start tkey['stop_time'] = t.trial_start + t.state_times[endindex][0] except IndexError: log.warning('skipping {}: IndexError: {}/{} -> {}'.format( i, str(startindex), str(endindex), str(t.state_times))) continue log.debug('tkey' + str(tkey)) rows['trial'].append(tkey) # # Specific BehaviorTrial information for this trial # bkey = dict(tkey) bkey['task'] = 'audio delay' # hard-coded here bkey['task_protocol'] = 1 # hard-coded here # determine trial instruction trial_instruction = 'left' # hard-coded here if gui['Reversal'][0] == 1: if t.ttype == 1: trial_instruction = 'left' elif t.ttype == 0: trial_instruction = 'right' elif gui['Reversal'][0] == 2: if t.ttype == 1: trial_instruction = 'right' elif t.ttype == 0: trial_instruction = 'left' bkey['trial_instruction'] = trial_instruction # determine early lick early_lick = 'no early' if (protocol_type >= 5 and 'EarlyLickDelay' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['EarlyLickDelay'])): early_lick = 'early' if (protocol_type >= 5 and ('EarlyLickSample' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['EarlyLickSample']))): early_lick = 'early' bkey['early_lick'] = early_lick # determine outcome outcome = 'ignore' if ('Reward' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['Reward'])): outcome = 'hit' elif ('TimeOut' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['TimeOut'])): outcome = 'miss' elif ('NoResponse' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['NoResponse'])): outcome = 'ignore' bkey['outcome'] = outcome # Determine free/autowater (Autowater 1 == enabled, 2 == disabled) bkey['auto_water'] = True if gui['Autowater'][0] == 1 else False bkey['free_water'] = rows['behavior_trial'].append(bkey) # # Add 'protocol' note # nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'protocol #' nkey['trial_note'] = str(protocol_type) rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) # # Add 'autolearn' note # nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'autolearn' nkey['trial_note'] = str(gui['Autolearn'][0]) rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) # # Add 'bitcode' note # if 'randomID' in gui.dtype.names: nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'bitcode' nkey['trial_note'] = str(gui['randomID'][0]) rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) # # Add presample event # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): presample') ekey = dict(tkey) sampleindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['SamplePeriod'])[0] ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'presample' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[startindex][0] ekey['duration'] = (t.state_times[sampleindex[0]] - t.state_times[startindex])[0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']): log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): fixing presample duration') ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: lookup from previous trial rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add other 'sample' events # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): sample events') last_dur = None for s in sampleindex: # in protocol > 6 ~-> n>1 # todo: batch events ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'sample' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[s] ekey['duration'] = gui['SamplePeriod'][0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is None: log.warning( '... trial {} bad duration, no last_edur'.format( i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: cross-trial check rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) elif math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is not None: log.warning( '... trial {} duration using last_edur {}'.format( i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = last_dur rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) else: last_dur = ekey['duration'] # only track 'good' values. rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add 'delay' events # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): delay events') last_dur = None delayindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['DelayPeriod'])[0] for d in delayindex: # protocol > 6 ~-> n>1 ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'delay' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[d] ekey['duration'] = gui['DelayPeriod'][0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is None: log.warning('... {} bad duration, no last_edur'.format( i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: cross-trial check rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) elif math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is not None: log.warning('... {} duration using last_edur {}'.format( i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = last_dur rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) else: last_dur = ekey['duration'] # only track 'good' values. log.debug('delay event duration: {}'.format(ekey['duration'])) rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add 'go' event # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): go') ekey = dict(tkey) responseindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['ResponseCue'])[0] ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'go' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[responseindex][0] ekey['duration'] = gui['AnswerPeriod'][0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']): log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): fixing go duration') ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: lookup from previous trials rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add 'trialEnd' events # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): trialend events') last_dur = None trialendindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['TrialEnd'])[0] ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'trialend' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[trialendindex][0] ekey['duration'] = 0.0 rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add lick events # lickleft = np.where(t.event_data == 69)[0] log.debug('... lickleft: {r}'.format(r=str(lickleft))) action_event_count = len(rows['action_event']) if len(lickleft): [ rows['action_event'].append( dict(tkey, action_event_id=action_event_count + idx, action_event_type='left lick', action_event_time=t.event_times[l])) for idx, l in enumerate(lickleft) ] lickright = np.where(t.event_data == 71)[0] log.debug('... lickright: {r}'.format(r=str(lickright))) action_event_count = len(rows['action_event']) if len(lickright): [ rows['action_event'].append( dict(tkey, action_event_id=action_event_count + idx, action_event_type='right lick', action_event_time=t.event_times[r])) for idx, r in enumerate(lickright) ] # # Photostim Events # if t.stim: log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): t.stim == {}'.format(t.stim)) rows['photostim_trial'].append(tkey) delay_period_idx = np.where( t.state_data == states['DelayPeriod'])[0][0] rows['photostim_trial_event'].append( dict(tkey, photo_stim=t.stim, photostim_event_id=len(rows['photostim_trial_event']), photostim_event_time=t.state_times[delay_period_idx], power=5.5)) # end of trial loop. # Session Insertion'BehaviorIngest.make(): adding session record') experiment.Session().insert1(skey) # Behavior Insertion'BehaviorIngest.make(): bulk insert phase')'BehaviorIngest.make(): saving ingest {d}'.format(d=key)) self.insert1(key, ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.Session.Trial') experiment.SessionTrial().insert(rows['trial'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.BehaviorTrial') experiment.BehaviorTrial().insert(rows['behavior_trial'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.TrialNote') experiment.TrialNote().insert(rows['trial_note'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.TrialEvent') experiment.TrialEvent().insert(rows['trial_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True, skip_duplicates=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... CorrectedTrialEvents') BehaviorIngest().CorrectedTrialEvents().insert( rows['corrected_trial_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.ActionEvent') experiment.ActionEvent().insert(rows['action_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True) # Photostim Insertion photostim_ids = np.unique( [r['photo_stim'] for r in rows['photostim_trial_event']]) unknown_photostims = np.setdiff1d(photostim_ids, list(photostims.keys())) if unknown_photostims: raise ValueError( 'Unknown photostim protocol: {}'.format(unknown_photostims)) if photostim_ids.size > 0:'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.Photostim') for stim in photostim_ids: experiment.Photostim.insert1(dict(skey, **photostims[stim]), ignore_extra_fields=True) experiment.Photostim.PhotostimLocation.insert( (dict( skey, **loc, photo_stim=photostims[stim]['photo_stim']) for loc in photostims[stim]['locations']), ignore_extra_fields=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.PhotostimTrial') experiment.PhotostimTrial.insert(rows['photostim_trial'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.PhotostimTrialEvent') experiment.PhotostimEvent.insert(rows['photostim_trial_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True) # Behavior Ingest Insertion'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... BehaviorIngest.BehaviorFile') BehaviorIngest.BehaviorFile().insert1(dict( key, behavior_file=os.path.basename(key['subpath'])), ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)
def _export_recording(insert_key, output_dir='./', filename=None, overwrite=False): ''' Export a 'recording' (probe specific data + related events) to a file. Parameters: - insert_key: an ephys.ProbeInsertion.primary_key currently: {'subject_id', 'session', 'insertion_number'}) - output_dir: directory to save the file at (default to be the current working directory) - filename: an optional output file path string. If not provided, filename will be autogenerated using the 'mkfilename' function. ''' if filename is None: filename = mkfilename(insert_key) filepath = pathlib.Path(output_dir) / filename if filepath.exists() and not overwrite: print('{} already exists, skipping...'.format(filepath)) return print('exporting {} to {}'.format(insert_key, filepath)) print('fetching spike/behavior data') insertion = (ephys.ProbeInsertion.InsertionLocation & insert_key).fetch1() units = (ephys.Unit & insert_key).fetch() trial_spikes = (ephys.Unit.TrialSpikes & insert_key).fetch(order_by='trial asc') behav = (experiment.BehaviorTrial & insert_key).fetch(order_by='trial asc') trials = behav['trial'] exports = [ 'neuron_single_units', 'neuron_unit_info', 'behavior_report', 'behavior_early_report', 'behavior_lick_times', 'task_trial_type', 'task_stimulation', 'task_cue_time' ] edata = {k: None for k in exports} print('reshaping/processing for export') # neuron_single_units # ------------------- # [[u0t0.spikes, ..., u0tN.spikes], ..., [uNt0.spikes, ..., uNtN.spikes]] print('... neuron_single_units:', end='') _su = defaultdict(list) ts = trial_spikes[['unit', 'trial', 'spike_times']] for u, t in ((u, t) for t in trials for u in units['unit']): ud = ts[np.logical_and(ts['unit'] == u, ts['trial'] == t)] if ud: _su[u].append(ud['spike_times'][0]) else: _su[u].append(np.array([])) ndarray_object = np.empty((len(_su.keys()), 1), dtype=np.object) for idx, i in enumerate(sorted(_su.keys())): ndarray_object[idx, 0] = np.array(_su[i], ndmin=2).T edata['neuron_single_units'] = ndarray_object print('ok.') # neuron_unit_info # ---------------- # # [[depth_in_um, cell_type, recording_location] ...] print('... neuron_unit_info:', end='') dv = float(insertion['depth']) if insertion['depth'] else np.nan loc = (ephys.ProbeInsertion & insert_key).aggr( ephys.ProbeInsertion.RecordableBrainRegion.proj( brain_region='CONCAT(hemisphere, " ", brain_area)'), brain_regions='GROUP_CONCAT(brain_region SEPARATOR ", ")').fetch1( 'brain_regions') cell_types = { u['unit']: u['cell_type'] for u in (ephys.UnitCellType & insert_key).fetch(as_dict=True) } _ui = [] for u in units: typ = cell_types[u['unit']] if u['unit'] in cell_types else 'unknown' _ui.append([u['unit_posy'] + dv, typ, loc]) edata['neuron_unit_info'] = np.array(_ui, dtype='O') print('ok.') # behavior_report # --------------- print('... behavior_report:', end='') behavior_report_map = {'hit': 1, 'miss': 0, 'ignore': 0} # XXX: ignore ok? edata['behavior_report'] = np.array( [behavior_report_map[i] for i in behav['outcome']]) print('ok.') # behavior_early_report # --------------------- print('... behavior_early_report:', end='') early_report_map = {'early': 1, 'no early': 0} edata['behavior_early_report'] = np.array( [early_report_map[i] for i in behav['early_lick']]) print('ok.') # behavior_touch_times # -------------------- behavior_touch_times = None # NOQA no data (see ActionEventType()) # behavior_lick_times # ------------------- print('... behavior_lick_times:', end='') _lt = [] licks = (experiment.ActionEvent() & insert_key & "action_event_type in ('left lick', 'right lick')").fetch() for t in trials: _lt.append([ float(i) for i in # decimal -> float licks[licks['trial'] == t]['action_event_time'] ] if t in licks['trial'] else []) edata['behavior_lick_times'] = np.array(_lt) behavior_whisker_angle = None # NOQA no data behavior_whisker_dist2pol = None # NOQA no data print('ok.') # task_trial_type # --------------- print('... task_trial_type:', end='') task_trial_type_map = {'left': 'l', 'right': 'r'} edata['task_trial_type'] = np.array( [task_trial_type_map[i] for i in behav['trial_instruction']], dtype='O') print('ok.') # task_stimulation # ---------------- print('... task_stimulation:', end='') _ts = [] # [[power, type, on-time, off-time], ...] photostim = (experiment.Photostim * experiment.PhotostimBrainRegion.proj( stim_brain_region='CONCAT(stim_laterality, " ", stim_brain_area)') & insert_key).fetch() photostim_map = {} photostim_dat = {} photostim_keys = ['left ALM', 'right ALM', 'both ALM'] photostim_vals = [1, 2, 6] # XXX: we don't detect duplicate presence of photostim_keys in data for fk, rk in zip(photostim_keys, photostim_vals): i = np.where(photostim['stim_brain_region'] == fk)[0][0] j = photostim[i]['photo_stim'] photostim_map[j] = rk photostim_dat[j] = photostim[i] photostim_ev = (experiment.PhotostimEvent & insert_key).fetch() for t in trials: if t in photostim_ev['trial']: ev = photostim_ev[np.where(photostim_ev['trial'] == t)] ps = photostim_map[ev['photo_stim'][0]] pd = photostim_dat[ev['photo_stim'][0]] _ts.append([ float(ev['power']), ps, float(ev['photostim_event_time']), float(ev['photostim_event_time'] + pd['duration']) ]) else: _ts.append([0, math.nan, math.nan, math.nan]) edata['task_stimulation'] = np.array(_ts) print('ok.') # task_pole_time # -------------- task_pole_time = None # NOQA no data # task_cue_time # ------------- print('... task_cue_time:', end='') _tct = (experiment.TrialEvent() & { **insert_key, 'trial_event_type': 'go' }).fetch('trial_event_time') edata['task_cue_time'] = np.array([float(i) for i in _tct]) print('ok.') # savemat # ------- print('... saving to {}:'.format(filepath), end='') scio.savemat(filepath, edata) print('ok.')
def make(self, key):'BehaviorIngest.make(): key: {key}'.format(key=key)) rigpaths = [ p for p in RigDataPath().fetch(order_by='rig_data_path') if 'RRig' in p['rig'] ] # change between TRig and RRig subject_id = key['subject_id'] h2o = (lab.WaterRestriction() & { 'subject_id': subject_id }).fetch1('water_restriction_number') date = key['session_date'] datestr = date.strftime('%Y%m%d') log.debug('h2o: {h2o}, date: {d}'.format(h2o=h2o, d=datestr)) # session record key skey = {} skey['subject_id'] = subject_id skey['session_date'] = date skey['username'] = '******' # username has to be changed # e.g: dl7/TW_autoTrain/Session Data/dl7_TW_autoTrain_20180104_132813.mat # # p.split('/foo/bar')[1] for rp in rigpaths: root = rp['rig_data_path'] path = root path = os.path.join(path, h2o) # path = os.path.join(path, 'TW_autoTrain') path = os.path.join(path, 'tw2') path = os.path.join(path, 'Session Data') path = os.path.join( # path, '{h2o}_TW_autoTrain_{d}*.mat'.format(h2o=h2o, d=datestr)) # earlier program protocol path, '{h2o}_tw2_{d}*.mat'.format( h2o=h2o, d=datestr)) # later program protocol log.debug('rigpath {p}'.format(p=path)) matches = glob.glob(path) if len(matches): log.debug('found files, this is the rig') skey['rig'] = rp['rig'] break else:'no file matches found in {p}'.format(p=path)) if not len(matches): log.warning('no file matches found for {h2o} / {d}'.format( h2o=h2o, d=datestr)) return # # Find files & Check for split files # XXX: not checking rig.. 2+ sessions on 2+ rigs possible for date? # if len(matches) > 1: log.warning( 'split session case detected for {h2o} on {date}'.format( h2o=h2o, date=date)) # session:date relationship is 1:1; skip if we have a session if experiment.Session() & skey: log.warning("Warning! session exists for {h2o} on {d}".format( h2o=h2o, d=date)) return # # Extract trial data from file(s) & prepare trial loop # trials = zip() trial = namedtuple( # simple structure to track per-trial vars 'trial', ('ttype', 'settings', 'state_times', 'state_names', 'state_data', 'event_data', 'event_times')) for f in matches: if os.stat(f).st_size / 1024 < 100:'skipping file {f} - too small'.format(f=f)) continue mat = spio.loadmat(f, squeeze_me=True) SessionData = mat['SessionData'].flatten() AllTrialTypes = SessionData['TrialTypes'][0] AllTrialSettings = SessionData['TrialSettings'][0] RawData = SessionData['RawData'][0].flatten() AllStateNames = RawData['OriginalStateNamesByNumber'][0] AllStateData = RawData['OriginalStateData'][0] AllEventData = RawData['OriginalEventData'][0] AllStateTimestamps = RawData['OriginalStateTimestamps'][0] AllEventTimestamps = RawData['OriginalEventTimestamps'][0] # verify trial-related data arrays are all same length assert (all( (x.shape[0] == AllStateTimestamps.shape[0] for x in (AllTrialTypes, AllTrialSettings, AllStateNames, AllStateData, AllEventData, AllEventTimestamps)))) z = zip(AllTrialTypes, AllTrialSettings, AllStateTimestamps, AllStateNames, AllStateData, AllEventData, AllEventTimestamps) trials = chain(trials, z) # concatenate the files trials = list(trials) # all files were internally invalid or size < 100k if not trials: log.warning('skipping date {d}, no valid files'.format(d=date)) # # Trial data seems valid; synthesize session id & add session record # XXX: note - later breaks can result in Sessions without valid trials # log.debug('synthesizing session ID') session = (dj.U().aggr(experiment.Session() & { 'subject_id': subject_id }, n='max(session)').fetch1('n') or 0) + 1'generated session id: {session}'.format(session=session)) skey['session'] = session key = dict(key, **skey) log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): adding session record') experiment.Session().insert1(skey) # # Actually load the per-trial data #'BehaviorIngest.make(): trial parsing phase') # lists of various records for batch-insert rows = { k: list() for k in ('trial', 'behavior_trial', 'trial_note', 'trial_event', 'action_event') } i = -1 for t in trials: # # Misc # t = trial(*t) # convert list of items to a 'trial' structure i += 1 # increment trial counter'BehaviorIngest.make(): parsing trial {i}'.format(i=i)) # covert state data names into a lookup dictionary # # names (seem to be? are?): # # Trigtrialstart # PreSamplePeriod # SamplePeriod # DelayPeriod # EarlyLickDelay # EarlyLickSample # ResponseCue # GiveLeftDrop # GiveRightDrop # GiveLeftDropShort # GiveRightDropShort # AnswerPeriod # Reward # RewardConsumption # NoResponse # TimeOut # StopLicking # StopLickingReturn # TrialEnd states = {k: (v + 1) for v, k in enumerate(t.state_names)} required_states = ('PreSamplePeriod', 'SamplePeriod', 'DelayPeriod', 'ResponseCue', 'StopLicking', 'TrialEnd') missing = list(k for k in required_states if k not in states) if len(missing):'skipping trial {i}; missing {m}'.format(i=i, m=missing)) continue gui = t.settings['GUI'].flatten() # ProtocolType - only ingest protocol >= 3 # # 1 Water-Valve-Calibration 2 Licking 3 Autoassist # 4 No autoassist 5 DelayEnforce 6 SampleEnforce 7 Fixed # if 'ProtocolType' not in gui.dtype.names:'skipping trial {i}; protocol undefined'.format(i=i)) continue protocol_type = gui['ProtocolType'][0] if gui['ProtocolType'][0] < 3:'skipping trial {i}; protocol {n} < 3'.format( i=i, n=gui['ProtocolType'][0])) continue # # Top-level 'Trial' record # tkey = dict(skey) startindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['PreSamplePeriod'])[0] # should be only end of 1st StopLicking; # rest of data is irrelevant w/r/t separately ingested ephys endindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['StopLicking'])[0] log.debug('states\n' + str(states)) log.debug('state_data\n' + str(t.state_data)) log.debug('startindex\n' + str(startindex)) log.debug('endendex\n' + str(endindex)) if not (len(startindex) and len(endindex)):'skipping trial {i}: start/end index error: {s}/{e}'. format(i=i, s=str(startindex), e=str(endindex))) continue try: tkey['trial'] = i tkey['trial_uid'] = i tkey['start_time'] = t.state_times[startindex][0] except IndexError:'skipping trial {i}: error indexing {s}/{e} into {t}'. format(i=i, s=str(startindex), e=str(endindex), t=str(t.state_times))) continue log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): Trial().insert1') # TODO msg log.debug('tkey' + str(tkey)) rows['trial'].append(tkey) # # Specific BehaviorTrial information for this trial # bkey = dict(tkey) bkey['task'] = 'audio delay' bkey['task_protocol'] = 1 # determine trial instruction trial_instruction = 'left' if gui['Reversal'][0] == 1: if t.ttype == 1: trial_instruction = 'left' elif t.ttype == 0: trial_instruction = 'right' elif gui['Reversal'][0] == 2: if t.ttype == 1: trial_instruction = 'right' elif t.ttype == 0: trial_instruction = 'left' bkey['trial_instruction'] = trial_instruction # determine early lick early_lick = 'no early' if (protocol_type >= 5 and 'EarlyLickDelay' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['EarlyLickDelay'])): early_lick = 'early' if (protocol_type > 5 and ('EarlyLickSample' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['EarlyLickSample']))): early_lick = 'early' bkey['early_lick'] = early_lick # determine outcome outcome = 'ignore' if ('Reward' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['Reward'])): outcome = 'hit' elif ('TimeOut' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['TimeOut'])): outcome = 'miss' elif ('NoResponse' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['NoResponse'])): outcome = 'ignore' bkey['outcome'] = outcome # add behavior record log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): BehaviorTrial()') rows['behavior_trial'].append(bkey) # # Add 'protocol' note # nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'protocol #' nkey['trial_note'] = str(protocol_type) log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): TrialNote().insert1') rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) # # Add 'autolearn' note # nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'autolearn' nkey['trial_note'] = str(gui['Autolearn'][0]) rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) #pdb.set_trace() # # Add 'bitcode' note # if 'randomID' in gui.dtype.names: nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'bitcode' nkey['trial_note'] = str(gui['randomID'][0]) rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) # # Add presample event # ekey = dict(tkey) sampleindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['SamplePeriod'])[0] ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'presample' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[startindex][0] ekey['duration'] = (t.state_times[sampleindex[0]] - t.state_times[startindex])[0] log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): presample') rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add 'go' event # ekey = dict(tkey) responseindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['ResponseCue'])[0] ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'go' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[responseindex][0] ekey['duration'] = gui['AnswerPeriod'][0] log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): go') rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add other 'sample' events # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): sample events') for s in sampleindex: # in protocol > 6 ~-> n>1 # todo: batch events ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'sample' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[s] ekey['duration'] = gui['SamplePeriod'][0] rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add 'delay' events # delayindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['DelayPeriod'])[0] log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): delay events') for d in delayindex: # protocol > 6 ~-> n>1 # todo: batch events ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'delay' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[d] ekey['duration'] = gui['DelayPeriod'][0] rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add lick events # lickleft = np.where(t.event_data == 69)[0] log.debug('... lickleft: {r}'.format(r=str(lickleft))) if len(lickleft): [ rows['action_event'].append( dict(**tkey, action_event_type='left lick', action_event_time=t.event_times[l])) for l in lickleft ] lickright = np.where(t.event_data == 70)[0] log.debug('... lickright: {r}'.format(r=str(lickright))) if len(lickright): [ rows['action_event'].append( dict(**tkey, action_event_type='right lick', action_event_time=t.event_times[r])) for r in lickright ] # end of trial loop.'BehaviorIngest.make(): bulk insert phase')'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.Session.Trial') experiment.SessionTrial().insert(rows['trial'], ignore_extra_fields=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.BehaviorTrial') experiment.BehaviorTrial().insert(rows['behavior_trial'], ignore_extra_fields=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.TrialNote') experiment.TrialNote().insert(rows['trial_note'], ignore_extra_fields=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.TrialEvent') experiment.TrialEvent().insert(rows['trial_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.ActionEvent') experiment.ActionEvent().insert(rows['action_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): saving ingest {d}'.format(d=key)) self.insert1(key, ignore_extra_fields=True) BehaviorIngest.BehaviorFile().insert( (dict(key, behavior_file=f.split(root)[1]) for f in matches), ignore_extra_fields=True)
def fix_session(session_key): paths = behavior_ingest.RigDataPath.fetch(as_dict=True) files = (behavior_ingest.BehaviorIngest * behavior_ingest.BehaviorIngest.BehaviorFile & session_key).fetch(as_dict=True, order_by='behavior_file asc') filelist = [] for pf in [(p, f) for f in files for p in paths]: p, f = pf found = find_path(p['rig_data_path'], f['behavior_file']) if found: filelist.append(found) if len(filelist) != len(files): log.warning("behavior files missing in {} ({}/{}). skipping".format( session_key, len(filelist), len(files))) return False'filelist: {}'.format(filelist)) # # Prepare PhotoStim # photosti_duration = 0.5 # (s) Hard-coded here photostims = { 4: { 'photo_stim': 4, 'photostim_device': 'OBIS470', 'brain_location_name': 'left_alm', 'duration': photosti_duration }, 5: { 'photo_stim': 5, 'photostim_device': 'OBIS470', 'brain_location_name': 'right_alm', 'duration': photosti_duration }, 6: { 'photo_stim': 6, 'photostim_device': 'OBIS470', 'brain_location_name': 'both_alm', 'duration': photosti_duration } } # # Extract trial data from file(s) & prepare trial loop # trials = zip() trial = namedtuple( # simple structure to track per-trial vars 'trial', ('ttype', 'stim', 'settings', 'state_times', 'state_names', 'state_data', 'event_data', 'event_times')) for f in filelist: if os.stat(f).st_size / 1024 < 1000:'skipping file {f} - too small'.format(f=f)) continue log.debug('loading file {}'.format(f)) mat = spio.loadmat(f, squeeze_me=True) SessionData = mat['SessionData'].flatten() AllTrialTypes = SessionData['TrialTypes'][0] AllTrialSettings = SessionData['TrialSettings'][0] RawData = SessionData['RawData'][0].flatten() AllStateNames = RawData['OriginalStateNamesByNumber'][0] AllStateData = RawData['OriginalStateData'][0] AllEventData = RawData['OriginalEventData'][0] AllStateTimestamps = RawData['OriginalStateTimestamps'][0] AllEventTimestamps = RawData['OriginalEventTimestamps'][0] # verify trial-related data arrays are all same length assert (all( (x.shape[0] == AllStateTimestamps.shape[0] for x in (AllTrialTypes, AllTrialSettings, AllStateNames, AllStateData, AllEventData, AllEventTimestamps)))) if 'StimTrials' in SessionData.dtype.fields: log.debug('StimTrials detected in session - will include') AllStimTrials = SessionData['StimTrials'][0] assert (AllStimTrials.shape[0] == AllStateTimestamps.shape[0]) else: log.debug('StimTrials not detected in session - will skip') AllStimTrials = np.array( [None for i in enumerate(range(AllStateTimestamps.shape[0]))]) z = zip(AllTrialTypes, AllStimTrials, AllTrialSettings, AllStateTimestamps, AllStateNames, AllStateData, AllEventData, AllEventTimestamps) trials = chain(trials, z) # concatenate the files trials = list(trials) # all files were internally invalid or size < 100k if not trials: log.warning('skipping ., no valid files') return False key = session_key skey = (experiment.Session & key).fetch1() # # Actually load the per-trial data #'BehaviorIngest.make(): trial parsing phase') # lists of various records for batch-insert rows = { k: list() for k in ('trial', 'behavior_trial', 'trial_note', 'trial_event', 'corrected_trial_event', 'action_event', 'photostim', 'photostim_location', 'photostim_trial', 'photostim_trial_event') } i = -1 for t in trials: # # Misc # t = trial(*t) # convert list of items to a 'trial' structure i += 1 # increment trial counter log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): parsing trial {i}'.format(i=i)) # covert state data names into a lookup dictionary # # names (seem to be? are?): # # Trigtrialstart # PreSamplePeriod # SamplePeriod # DelayPeriod # EarlyLickDelay # EarlyLickSample # ResponseCue # GiveLeftDrop # GiveRightDrop # GiveLeftDropShort # GiveRightDropShort # AnswerPeriod # Reward # RewardConsumption # NoResponse # TimeOut # StopLicking # StopLickingReturn # TrialEnd states = {k: (v + 1) for v, k in enumerate(t.state_names)} required_states = ('PreSamplePeriod', 'SamplePeriod', 'DelayPeriod', 'ResponseCue', 'StopLicking', 'TrialEnd') missing = list(k for k in required_states if k not in states) if len(missing): log.warning('skipping trial {i}; missing {m}'.format(i=i, m=missing)) continue gui = t.settings['GUI'].flatten() # ProtocolType - only ingest protocol >= 3 # # 1 Water-Valve-Calibration 2 Licking 3 Autoassist # 4 No autoassist 5 DelayEnforce 6 SampleEnforce 7 Fixed # if 'ProtocolType' not in gui.dtype.names: log.warning('skipping trial {i}; protocol undefined'.format(i=i)) continue protocol_type = gui['ProtocolType'][0] if gui['ProtocolType'][0] < 3: log.warning('skipping trial {i}; protocol {n} < 3'.format( i=i, n=gui['ProtocolType'][0])) continue # # Top-level 'Trial' record # tkey = dict(skey) startindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['PreSamplePeriod'])[0] # should be only end of 1st StopLicking; # rest of data is irrelevant w/r/t separately ingested ephys endindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['StopLicking'])[0] log.debug('states\n' + str(states)) log.debug('state_data\n' + str(t.state_data)) log.debug('startindex\n' + str(startindex)) log.debug('endindex\n' + str(endindex)) if not (len(startindex) and len(endindex)): log.warning( 'skipping trial {i}: start/end index error: {s}/{e}'.format( i=i, s=str(startindex), e=str(endindex))) continue try: tkey['trial'] = i tkey[ 'trial_uid'] = i # Arseny has unique id to identify some trials tkey['start_time'] = t.state_times[startindex][0] tkey['stop_time'] = t.state_times[endindex][0] except IndexError: log.warning( 'skipping trial {i}: error indexing {s}/{e} into {t}'.format( i=i, s=str(startindex), e=str(endindex), t=str(t.state_times))) continue log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): Trial().insert1') # TODO msg log.debug('tkey' + str(tkey)) rows['trial'].append(tkey) # # Specific BehaviorTrial information for this trial # bkey = dict(tkey) bkey['task'] = 'audio delay' # hard-coded here bkey['task_protocol'] = 1 # hard-coded here # determine trial instruction trial_instruction = 'left' # hard-coded here if gui['Reversal'][0] == 1: if t.ttype == 1: trial_instruction = 'left' elif t.ttype == 0: trial_instruction = 'right' elif gui['Reversal'][0] == 2: if t.ttype == 1: trial_instruction = 'right' elif t.ttype == 0: trial_instruction = 'left' bkey['trial_instruction'] = trial_instruction # determine early lick early_lick = 'no early' if (protocol_type >= 5 and 'EarlyLickDelay' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['EarlyLickDelay'])): early_lick = 'early' if (protocol_type > 5 and ('EarlyLickSample' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['EarlyLickSample']))): early_lick = 'early' bkey['early_lick'] = early_lick # determine outcome outcome = 'ignore' if ('Reward' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['Reward'])): outcome = 'hit' elif ('TimeOut' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['TimeOut'])): outcome = 'miss' elif ('NoResponse' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['NoResponse'])): outcome = 'ignore' bkey['outcome'] = outcome rows['behavior_trial'].append(bkey) # # Add 'protocol' note # nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'protocol #' nkey['trial_note'] = str(protocol_type) rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) # # Add 'autolearn' note # nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'autolearn' nkey['trial_note'] = str(gui['Autolearn'][0]) rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) # # Add 'bitcode' note # if 'randomID' in gui.dtype.names: nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'bitcode' nkey['trial_note'] = str(gui['randomID'][0]) rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) # # Add presample event # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): presample') ekey = dict(tkey) sampleindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['SamplePeriod'])[0] ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'presample' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[startindex][0] ekey['duration'] = (t.state_times[sampleindex[0]] - t.state_times[startindex])[0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']): log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): fixing presample duration') ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: lookup from previous trial rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add other 'sample' events # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): sample events') last_dur = None for s in sampleindex: # in protocol > 6 ~-> n>1 # todo: batch events ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'sample' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[s] ekey['duration'] = gui['SamplePeriod'][0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is None: log.warning('... trial {} bad duration, no last_edur'.format( i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: cross-trial check rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) elif math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is not None: log.warning('... trial {} duration using last_edur {}'.format( i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = last_dur rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) else: last_dur = ekey['duration'] # only track 'good' values. rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add 'delay' events # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): delay events') last_dur = None delayindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['DelayPeriod'])[0] for d in delayindex: # protocol > 6 ~-> n>1 ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'delay' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[d] ekey['duration'] = gui['DelayPeriod'][0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is None: log.warning('... {} bad duration, no last_edur'.format( i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: cross-trial check rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) elif math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is not None: log.warning('... {} duration using last_edur {}'.format( i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = last_dur rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) else: last_dur = ekey['duration'] # only track 'good' values. log.debug('delay event duration: {}'.format(ekey['duration'])) rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add 'go' event # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): go') ekey = dict(tkey) responseindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['ResponseCue'])[0] ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'go' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[responseindex][0] ekey['duration'] = gui['AnswerPeriod'][0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']): log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): fixing go duration') ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: lookup from previous trials rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add 'trialEnd' events # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): trialend events') last_dur = None trialendindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['TrialEnd'])[0] ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'trialend' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[trialendindex][0] ekey['duration'] = 0.0 rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add lick events # lickleft = np.where(t.event_data == 69)[0] log.debug('... lickleft: {r}'.format(r=str(lickleft))) action_event_count = len(rows['action_event']) if len(lickleft): [ rows['action_event'].append( dict(tkey, action_event_id=action_event_count + idx, action_event_type='left lick', action_event_time=t.event_times[l])) for idx, l in enumerate(lickleft) ] lickright = np.where(t.event_data == 71)[0] log.debug('... lickright: {r}'.format(r=str(lickright))) action_event_count = len(rows['action_event']) if len(lickright): [ rows['action_event'].append( dict(tkey, action_event_id=action_event_count + idx, action_event_type='right lick', action_event_time=t.event_times[r])) for idx, r in enumerate(lickright) ] # Photostim Events # # TODO: # # - base stimulation parameters: # # - should be loaded elsewhere - where # - actual ccf locations - cannot be known apriori apparently? # - Photostim.Profile: what is? fix/add # # - stim data # # - how retrieve power from file (didn't see) or should # be statically coded here? # - how encode stim type 6? # - we have hemisphere as boolean or # - but adding an event 4 and event 5 means querying # is less straightforwrard (e.g. sessions with 5 & 6) if t.stim: log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): t.stim == {}'.format(t.stim)) rows['photostim_trial'].append(tkey) delay_period_idx = np.where( t.state_data == states['DelayPeriod'])[0][0] rows['photostim_trial_event'].append( dict(tkey, **photostims[t.stim], photostim_event_id=len(rows['photostim_trial_event']), photostim_event_time=t.state_times[delay_period_idx], power=5.5)) # end of trial loop.'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.TrialEvent') fix_events = rows['trial_event'] ref_events = (experiment.TrialEvent() & skey).fetch( order_by='trial, trial_event_id', as_dict=True) if False: for e in ref_events: log.debug('ref_events: t: {}, e: {}, event_type: {}'.format( e['trial'], e['trial_event_id'], e['trial_event_type'])) for e in fix_events: log.debug('fix_events: t: {}, e: {}, type: {}'.format( e['trial'], e['trial_event_id'], e['trial_event_type']))'deleting old events') with dj.config(safemode=False):'... TrialEvent') (experiment.TrialEvent() & session_key).delete()'... CorrectedTrialEvents') (behavior_ingest.BehaviorIngest.CorrectedTrialEvents() & session_key).delete_quick()'adding new records')'... experiment.TrialEvent') experiment.TrialEvent().insert(rows['trial_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True, skip_duplicates=True)'... CorrectedTrialEvents') behavior_ingest.BehaviorIngest.CorrectedTrialEvents().insert( rows['corrected_trial_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True) return True
def extract_trials(plottype='2lickport', wr_name='FOR01', sessions=(5, 11), show_bias_check_trials=True, kernel=np.ones(10) / 10, filters=None, local_matching={'calculate_local_matching': False}): #%% # ============================================================================= # plottype = '2lickport' # wr_name = 'FOR11' # sessions = (25,46) # show_bias_check_trials = False # kernel = np.ones(20)/20 # filters = {'ignore_rate_max':40} # local_matching = {'calculate_local_matching': True, # 'sliding_window':50, # 'matching_window':500, # 'matching_step':100} # ============================================================================= movingwindow = local_matching['sliding_window'] fit_window = local_matching['matching_window'] fit_step = local_matching['matching_step'] subject_id = (lab.WaterRestriction() & 'water_restriction_number = "{}"'.format(wr_name) ).fetch1('subject_id') df_behaviortrial = pd.DataFrame(np.asarray( (experiment.BehaviorTrial() * experiment.SessionTrial() * experiment.TrialEvent() * experiment.SessionBlock() * behavior_foraging.TrialReactionTime & 'subject_id = {}'.format(subject_id) & 'session >= {}'.format(sessions[0]) & 'session <= {}'.format(sessions[1]) & 'trial_event_type = "go"').fetch( 'session', 'trial', 'early_lick', 'trial_start_time', 'reaction_time', 'p_reward_left', 'p_reward_right', 'p_reward_middle', 'trial_event_time', 'trial_choice', 'outcome')).T, columns=[ 'session', 'trial', 'early_lick', 'trial_start_time', 'reaction_time', 'p_reward_left', 'p_reward_right', 'p_reward_middle', 'trial_event_time', 'trial_choice', 'outcome' ]) unique_sessions = df_behaviortrial['session'].unique() df_behaviortrial['iti'] = np.nan df_behaviortrial['delay'] = np.nan df_behaviortrial['early_count'] = 0 df_behaviortrial.loc[df_behaviortrial['early_lick'] == 'early', 'early_count'] = 1 df_behaviortrial['ignore_rate'] = np.nan df_behaviortrial['reaction_time_smoothed'] = np.nan if type(filters) == dict: df_behaviortrial['keep_trial'] = 1 for session in unique_sessions: total_trials_so_far = ( behavior_foraging.SessionStats() & 'subject_id = {}'.format(subject_id) & 'session < {}'.format(session)).fetch('session_total_trial_num') bias_check_trials_now = (behavior_foraging.SessionStats() & 'subject_id = {}'.format(subject_id) & 'session = {}'.format(session) ).fetch1('session_bias_check_trial_num') total_trials_so_far = sum(total_trials_so_far) gotime = df_behaviortrial.loc[df_behaviortrial['session'] == session, 'trial_event_time'] trialtime = df_behaviortrial.loc[df_behaviortrial['session'] == session, 'trial_start_time'] itis = np.concatenate([[np.nan], np.diff(np.asarray(trialtime + gotime, float))]) df_behaviortrial.loc[df_behaviortrial['session'] == session, 'iti'] = itis df_behaviortrial.loc[df_behaviortrial['session'] == session, 'delay'] = np.asarray(gotime, float) df_behaviortrial.loc[df_behaviortrial['session'] == session, 'ignore_rate'] = np.convolve( df_behaviortrial.loc[ df_behaviortrial['session'] == session, 'outcome'] == 'ignore', kernel, 'same') reaction_time_interpolated = np.asarray( pd.DataFrame( np.asarray( df_behaviortrial.loc[df_behaviortrial['session'] == session, 'reaction_time'].values, float)).interpolate().values.ravel().tolist()) * 1000 df_behaviortrial.loc[df_behaviortrial['session'] == session, 'reaction_time_smoothed'] = np.convolve( reaction_time_interpolated, kernel, 'same') df_behaviortrial.loc[df_behaviortrial['session'] == session, 'trial'] += total_trials_so_far if type(filters) == dict: max_idx = ( df_behaviortrial.loc[df_behaviortrial['session'] == session, 'ignore_rate'] > filters['ignore_rate_max'] / 100).idxmax() session_first_trial_idx = ( df_behaviortrial['session'] == session).idxmax() #print(max_idx) if max_idx > session_first_trial_idx or df_behaviortrial[ 'ignore_rate'][session_first_trial_idx] > filters[ 'ignore_rate_max'] / 100: df_behaviortrial.loc[df_behaviortrial.index.isin( np.arange(max_idx, len(df_behaviortrial))) & (df_behaviortrial['session'] == session), 'keep_trial'] = 0 #% if type(filters) == dict: trialstokeep = df_behaviortrial['keep_trial'] == 1 df_behaviortrial = df_behaviortrial[trialstokeep] df_behaviortrial = df_behaviortrial.reset_index(drop=True) if not show_bias_check_trials: realtraining = (df_behaviortrial['p_reward_left'] < 1) & (df_behaviortrial['p_reward_right'] < 1) & ( (df_behaviortrial['p_reward_middle'] < 1) | df_behaviortrial['p_reward_middle'].isnull()) df_behaviortrial = df_behaviortrial[realtraining] df_behaviortrial = df_behaviortrial.reset_index(drop=True) #% calculating local matching, bias, reward rate kernel = np.ones(movingwindow) / movingwindow p1 = np.asarray( np.max([ df_behaviortrial['p_reward_right'], df_behaviortrial['p_reward_left'] ], 0), float) p0 = np.asarray( np.min([ df_behaviortrial['p_reward_right'], df_behaviortrial['p_reward_left'] ], 0), float) m_star_greedy = np.floor(np.log(1 - p1) / np.log(1 - p0)) p_star_greedy = p1 + (1 - (1 - p0)** (m_star_greedy + 1) - p1**2) / (m_star_greedy + 1) local_reward_rate = np.convolve(df_behaviortrial['outcome'] == 'hit', kernel, 'same') max_reward_rate = np.convolve(p_star_greedy, kernel, 'same') local_efficiency = local_reward_rate / max_reward_rate choice_right = np.asarray(df_behaviortrial['trial_choice'] == 'right') choice_left = np.asarray(df_behaviortrial['trial_choice'] == 'left') choice_middle = np.asarray(df_behaviortrial['trial_choice'] == 'middle') reward_rate_right = np.asarray( (df_behaviortrial['trial_choice'] == 'right') & (df_behaviortrial['outcome'] == 'hit')) reward_rate_left = np.asarray((df_behaviortrial['trial_choice'] == 'left') & (df_behaviortrial['outcome'] == 'hit')) reward_rate_middle = np.asarray( (df_behaviortrial['trial_choice'] == 'middle') & (df_behaviortrial['outcome'] == 'hit')) # ============================================================================= # choice_fraction_right = np.convolve(choice_right,kernel,'same')/np.convolve(choice_right+choice_left+choice_middle,kernel,'same') # reward_fraction_right = np.convolve(reward_rate_right,kernel,'same')/local_reward_rate # ============================================================================= choice_rate_right = np.convolve( choice_right, kernel, 'same') / np.convolve( choice_left + choice_middle, kernel, 'same') reward_rate_right = np.convolve( reward_rate_right, kernel, 'same') / np.convolve( reward_rate_left + reward_rate_middle, kernel, 'same') slopes = list() intercepts = list() trial_number = list() for center_trial in np.arange(np.round(fit_window / 2), len(df_behaviortrial), fit_step): #% reward_rates_now = reward_rate_right[ int(np.round(center_trial - fit_window / 2)):int(np.round(center_trial + fit_window / 2))] choice_rates_now = choice_rate_right[ int(np.round(center_trial - fit_window / 2)):int(np.round(center_trial + fit_window / 2))] todel = (reward_rates_now == 0) | (choice_rates_now == 0) reward_rates_now = reward_rates_now[~todel] choice_rates_now = choice_rates_now[~todel] try: slope_now, intercept_now = np.polyfit(np.log2(reward_rates_now), np.log2(choice_rates_now), 1) slopes.append(slope_now) intercepts.append(intercept_now) trial_number.append(center_trial) except: pass df_behaviortrial['local_efficiency'] = local_efficiency df_behaviortrial['local_matching_slope'] = np.nan df_behaviortrial.loc[trial_number, 'local_matching_slope'] = slopes df_behaviortrial['local_matching_bias'] = np.nan df_behaviortrial.loc[trial_number, 'local_matching_bias'] = intercepts #%% return df_behaviortrial
def populatebehavior_core(IDs = None): if IDs: print('subject started:') print(IDs.keys()) print(IDs.values()) rigpath_1 = 'E:/Projects/Ablation/datajoint/Behavior' #df_surgery = pd.read_csv(dj.config['locations.metadata']+'Surgery.csv') if IDs == None: IDs = {k: v for k, v in zip(*lab.WaterRestriction().fetch('water_restriction_number', 'subject_id'))} for subject_now,subject_id_now in zip(IDs.keys(),IDs.values()): # iterating over subjects print('subject: ',subject_now) # ============================================================================= # if drop_last_session_for_mice_in_training: # delete_last_session_before_upload = True # else: # delete_last_session_before_upload = False # #df_wr = online_notebook.fetch_water_restriction_metadata(subject_now) # ============================================================================= try: df_wr = pd.read_csv(dj.config['locations.metadata_behavior']+subject_now+'.csv') except: print(subject_now + ' has no metadata available') df_wr = pd.DataFrame() for df_wr_row in df_wr.iterrows(): date_now = df_wr_row[1].Date.replace('-','') print('subject: ',subject_now,' date: ',date_now) session_date = datetime(int(date_now[0:4]),int(date_now[4:6]),int(date_now[6:8])) if len(experiment.Session() & 'subject_id = "'+str(subject_id_now)+'"' & 'session_date > "'+str(session_date)+'"') != 0: # if it is not the last print('session already imported, skipping: ' + str(session_date)) dotheupload = False elif len(experiment.Session() & 'subject_id = "'+str(subject_id_now)+'"' & 'session_date = "'+str(session_date)+'"') != 0: # if it is the last dotheupload = False else: # reuploading new session that is not present on the server dotheupload = True # if dotheupload is True, meaning that there are new mat file hasn't been uploaded # => needs to find which mat file hasn't been uploaded if dotheupload: found = set() rigpath_2 = subject_now rigpath_3 = rigpath_1 + '/' + rigpath_2 rigpath = pathlib.Path(rigpath_3) def buildrec(rigpath, root, f): try: fullpath = pathlib.Path(root, f) subpath = fullpath.relative_to(rigpath) fsplit = subpath.stem.split('_') h2o = fsplit[0] ymd = fsplit[-2:-1][0] animal = IDs[h2o] if ymd == date_now: return { 'subject_id': animal, 'session_date': date(int(ymd[0:4]), int(ymd[4:6]), int(ymd[6:8])), 'rig_data_path': rigpath.as_posix(), 'subpath': subpath.as_posix(), } except: pass for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rigpath): for f in files: r = buildrec(rigpath, root, f) if r: found.add(r['subpath']) file = r # now start insert data path = pathlib.Path(file['rig_data_path'], file['subpath']) mat = spio.loadmat(path, squeeze_me=True) SessionData = mat['SessionData'].flatten() # session record key skey = {} skey['subject_id'] = file['subject_id'] skey['session_date'] = file['session_date'] skey['username'] = '******' #skey['rig'] = key['rig'] trial = namedtuple( # simple structure to track per-trial vars 'trial', ('ttype', 'settings', 'state_times', 'state_names', 'state_data', 'event_data', 'event_times', 'trial_start')) # parse session datetime session_datetime_str = str('').join((str(SessionData['Info'][0]['SessionDate']),' ', str(SessionData['Info'][0]['SessionStartTime_UTC']))) session_datetime = datetime.strptime(session_datetime_str, '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S') AllTrialTypes = SessionData['TrialTypes'][0] AllTrialSettings = SessionData['TrialSettings'][0] AllTrialStarts = SessionData['TrialStartTimestamp'][0] AllTrialStarts = AllTrialStarts - AllTrialStarts[0] RawData = SessionData['RawData'][0].flatten() AllStateNames = RawData['OriginalStateNamesByNumber'][0] AllStateData = RawData['OriginalStateData'][0] AllEventData = RawData['OriginalEventData'][0] AllStateTimestamps = RawData['OriginalStateTimestamps'][0] AllEventTimestamps = RawData['OriginalEventTimestamps'][0] trials = list(zip(AllTrialTypes, AllTrialSettings, AllStateTimestamps, AllStateNames, AllStateData, AllEventData, AllEventTimestamps, AllTrialStarts)) if not trials: log.warning('skipping date {d}, no valid files'.format(d=date)) return # # Trial data seems valid; synthesize session id & add session record # XXX: note - later breaks can result in Sessions without valid trials # assert skey['session_date'] == skey['session_date'] = #skey['session_time'] = session_datetime.time() if len(experiment.Session() & 'subject_id = "'+str(file['subject_id'])+'"' & 'session_date = "'+str(file['session_date'])+'"') == 0: if len(experiment.Session() & 'subject_id = "'+str(file['subject_id'])+'"') == 0: skey['session'] = 1 else: skey['session'] = len((experiment.Session() & 'subject_id = "'+str(file['subject_id'])+'"').fetch()['session']) + 1 # # Actually load the per-trial data #'BehaviorIngest.make(): trial parsing phase') # lists of various records for batch-insert rows = {k: list() for k in ('trial', 'behavior_trial', 'trial_note', 'trial_event', 'corrected_trial_event', 'action_event')} #, 'photostim', #'photostim_location', 'photostim_trial', #'photostim_trial_event')} i = 0 # trial numbering starts at 1 for t in trials: t = trial(*t) # convert list of items to a 'trial' structure i += 1 # increment trial counter log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): parsing trial {i}'.format(i=i)) states = {k: (v+1) for v, k in enumerate(t.state_names)} required_states = ('PreSamplePeriod', 'SamplePeriod', 'DelayPeriod', 'ResponseCue', 'StopLicking', 'TrialEnd') missing = list(k for k in required_states if k not in states) if len(missing) and missing =='PreSamplePeriod': log.warning('skipping trial {i}; missing {m}'.format(i=i, m=missing)) continue gui = t.settings['GUI'].flatten() if len(experiment.Session() & 'subject_id = "'+str(file['subject_id'])+'"' & 'session_date = "'+str(file['session_date'])+'"') == 0: if len(experiment.Session() & 'subject_id = "'+str(file['subject_id'])+'"') == 0: skey['session'] = 1 else: skey['session'] = len((experiment.Session() & 'subject_id = "'+str(file['subject_id'])+'"').fetch()['session']) + 1 # # Top-level 'Trial' record # protocol_type = gui['ProtocolType'][0] tkey = dict(skey) has_presample = 1 try: startindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['PreSamplePeriod'])[0] has_presample = 1 except: startindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['SamplePeriod'])[0] has_presample = 0 # should be only end of 1st StopLicking; # rest of data is irrelevant w/r/t separately ingested ephys endindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['StopLicking'])[0] log.debug('states\n' + str(states)) log.debug('state_data\n' + str(t.state_data)) log.debug('startindex\n' + str(startindex)) log.debug('endindex\n' + str(endindex)) if not(len(startindex) and len(endindex)): log.warning('skipping {}: start/end mismatch: {}/{}'.format(i, str(startindex), str(endindex))) continue try: tkey['trial'] = i tkey['trial_uid'] = i tkey['trial_start_time'] = t.trial_start tkey['trial_stop_time'] = t.trial_start + t.state_times[endindex][0] except IndexError: log.warning('skipping {}: IndexError: {}/{} -> {}'.format(i, str(startindex), str(endindex), str(t.state_times))) continue log.debug('tkey' + str(tkey)) rows['trial'].append(tkey) # # Specific BehaviorTrial information for this trial # bkey = dict(tkey) bkey['task'] = 'audio delay' # hard-coded here bkey['task_protocol'] = 1 # hard-coded here # determine trial instruction trial_instruction = 'left' # hard-coded here if gui['Reversal'][0] == 1: if t.ttype == 1: trial_instruction = 'left' elif t.ttype == 0: trial_instruction = 'right' elif t.ttype == 2: trial_instruction = 'catch_right_autowater' elif t.ttype == 3: trial_instruction = 'catch_left_autowater' elif t.ttype == 4: trial_instruction = 'catch_right_noDelay' elif t.ttype == 5: trial_instruction = 'catch_left_noDelay' elif gui['Reversal'][0] == 2: if t.ttype == 1: trial_instruction = 'right' elif t.ttype == 0: trial_instruction = 'left' elif t.ttype == 2: trial_instruction = 'catch_left_autowater' elif t.ttype == 3: trial_instruction = 'catch_right_autowater' elif t.ttype == 4: trial_instruction = 'catch_left_noDelay' elif t.ttype == 5: trial_instruction = 'catch_right_noDelay' bkey['trial_instruction'] = trial_instruction # determine early lick early_lick = 'no early' if (protocol_type >= 5 and 'EarlyLickDelay' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['EarlyLickDelay'])): early_lick = 'early' if (protocol_type >= 5 and ('EarlyLickSample' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['EarlyLickSample']))): early_lick = 'early' bkey['early_lick'] = early_lick # determine outcome outcome = 'ignore' if ('Reward' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['Reward'])): outcome = 'hit' elif ('TimeOut' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['TimeOut'])): outcome = 'miss' elif ('NoResponse' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['NoResponse'])): outcome = 'ignore' bkey['outcome'] = outcome rows['behavior_trial'].append(bkey) # # Add 'protocol' note # nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'protocol #' nkey['trial_note'] = str(protocol_type) rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) # # Add 'autolearn' note # nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'autolearn' nkey['trial_note'] = str(gui['Autolearn'][0]) rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) # # Add 'bitcode' note # if 'randomID' in gui.dtype.names: nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'bitcode' nkey['trial_note'] = str(gui['randomID'][0]) rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) # # Add presample event # sampleindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['SamplePeriod'])[0] if has_presample == 1: log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): presample') ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'presample' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[startindex][0] ekey['duration'] = (t.state_times[sampleindex[0]]- t.state_times[startindex])[0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']): log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): fixing presample duration') ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: lookup from previous trial rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add other 'sample' events # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): sample events') last_dur = None for s in sampleindex: # in protocol > 6 ~-> n>1 # todo: batch events ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'sample' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[s] ekey['duration'] = gui['SamplePeriod'][0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is None: log.warning('... trial {} bad duration, no last_edur'.format(i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: cross-trial check rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) elif math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is not None: log.warning('... trial {} duration using last_edur {}'.format(i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = last_dur rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) else: last_dur = ekey['duration'] # only track 'good' values. rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add 'delay' events # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): delay events') last_dur = None delayindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['DelayPeriod'])[0] for d in delayindex: # protocol > 6 ~-> n>1 ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'delay' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[d] ekey['duration'] = gui['DelayPeriod'][0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is None: log.warning('... {} bad duration, no last_edur'.format(i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: cross-trial check rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) elif math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is not None: log.warning('... {} duration using last_edur {}'.format(i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = last_dur rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) else: last_dur = ekey['duration'] # only track 'good' values. log.debug('delay event duration: {}'.format(ekey['duration'])) rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add 'go' event # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): go') ekey = dict(tkey) responseindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['ResponseCue'])[0] ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'go' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[responseindex][0] ekey['duration'] = gui['AnswerPeriod'][0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']): log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): fixing go duration') ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: lookup from previous trials rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add 'trialEnd' events # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): trialend events') last_dur = None trialendindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['TrialEnd'])[0] ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'trialend' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[trialendindex][0] ekey['duration'] = 0.0 rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add lick events # lickleft = np.where(t.event_data == 69)[0] log.debug('... lickleft: {r}'.format(r=str(lickleft))) action_event_count = len(rows['action_event']) if len(lickleft): [rows['action_event'].append( dict(tkey, action_event_id=action_event_count+idx, action_event_type='left lick', action_event_time=t.event_times[l])) for idx, l in enumerate(lickleft)] lickright = np.where(t.event_data == 71)[0] log.debug('... lickright: {r}'.format(r=str(lickright))) action_event_count = len(rows['action_event']) if len(lickright): [rows['action_event'].append( dict(tkey, action_event_id=action_event_count+idx, action_event_type='right lick', action_event_time=t.event_times[r])) for idx, r in enumerate(lickright)] # end of trial loop.. # Session Insertion'BehaviorIngest.make(): adding session record') skey['session_date'] = df_wr_row[1].Date skey['rig'] = 'Old Recording rig' skey['username'] = '******' experiment.Session().insert1(skey,skip_duplicates=True) # Behavior Insertion'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.Session.Trial') experiment.SessionTrial().insert( rows['trial'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.BehaviorTrial') experiment.BehaviorTrial().insert( rows['behavior_trial'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.TrialNote') experiment.TrialNote().insert( rows['trial_note'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.TrialEvent') experiment.TrialEvent().insert( rows['trial_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True, skip_duplicates=True) #'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... CorrectedTrialEvents') # BehaviorIngest().CorrectedTrialEvents().insert( # rows['corrected_trial_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True, # allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.ActionEvent') experiment.ActionEvent().insert( rows['action_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True) #%% for ingest tracking if IDs: print('subject started:') print(IDs.keys()) print(IDs.values()) rigpath_tracking_1 = 'E:/Projects/Ablation/datajoint/video/' rigpath_tracking_2 = subject_now VideoDate1 = str(df_wr_row[1].VideoDate) if len(VideoDate1)==5: VideoDate = '0'+ VideoDate1 elif len(VideoDate1)==7: VideoDate = '0'+ VideoDate1 rigpath_tracking_3 = rigpath_tracking_1 + rigpath_tracking_2 + '/' + rigpath_tracking_2 + '_'+ VideoDate + '_front' rigpath_tracking = pathlib.Path(rigpath_tracking_3) #df_surgery = pd.read_csv(dj.config['locations.metadata']+'Surgery.csv') if IDs == None: IDs = {k: v for k, v in zip(*lab.WaterRestriction().fetch('water_restriction_number', 'subject_id'))} h2o = subject_now session = df_wr_row[1].Date trials = (experiment.SessionTrial() & session).fetch('trial')'got session: {} ({} trials)'.format(session, len(trials))) #sdate = session['session_date'] #sdate_sml = date_now #"{}{:02d}{:02d}".format(sdate.year, sdate.month, paths = rigpath_tracking devices = tracking.TrackingDevice().fetch(as_dict=True) # paths like: <root>/<h2o>/YYYY-MM-DD/tracking tracking_files = [] for d in (d for d in devices): tdev = d['tracking_device'] tpos = d['tracking_position'] tdat = paths'checking {} for tracking data'.format(tdat)) # if not tpath.exists(): # log.warning('tracking path {} n/a - skipping'.format(tpath)) # continue # # camtrial = '{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(h2o, sdate_sml, tpos) # campath = tpath / camtrial # #'trying camera position trial map: {}'.format(campath)) # # if not campath.exists(): #'skipping {} - does not exist'.format(campath)) # continue # # tmap = load_campath(campath) # file:trial # n_tmap = len(tmap) #'loading tracking data for {} trials'.format(n_tmap)) i = 0 VideoTrialNum = df_wr_row[1].VideoTrialNum #tpath = pathlib.Path(tdat, h2o, VideoDate, 'tracking') ppp = list(range(0,VideoTrialNum)) for tt in reversed(range(VideoTrialNum)): # load tracking for trial i += 1 # if i % 50 == 0: #'item {}/{}, trial #{} ({:.2f}%)' # .format(i, n_tmap, t, (i/n_tmap)*100)) # else: # log.debug('item {}/{}, trial #{} ({:.2f}%)' # .format(i, n_tmap, t, (i/n_tmap)*100)) # ex: dl59_side_1-0000.csv / h2o_position_tn-0000.csv tfile = '{}_{}_{}_{}-*.csv'.format(h2o, VideoDate ,tpos, tt) tfull = list(tdat.glob(tfile)) if not tfull or len(tfull) > 1:'file mismatch: file: {} trial: ({})'.format( tt, tfull)) continue tfull = tfull[-1] trk = load_tracking(tfull) recs = {} #key_source = experiment.Session - tracking.Tracking rec_base = dict(trial=ppp[tt], tracking_device=tdev) #print(rec_base) for k in trk: if k == 'samples': recs['tracking'] = { 'subject_id' : skey['subject_id'], 'session' : skey['session'], **rec_base, 'tracking_samples': len(trk['samples']['ts']), } else: rec = dict(rec_base) for attr in trk[k]: rec_key = '{}_{}'.format(k, attr) rec[rec_key] = np.array(trk[k][attr]) recs[k] = rec tracking.Tracking.insert1( recs['tracking'], allow_direct_insert=True) #if len(recs['nose']) > 3000: #continue recs['nose'] = { 'subject_id' : skey['subject_id'], 'session' : skey['session'], **recs['nose'], } #print(recs['nose']['nose_x']) if 'nose' in recs: tracking.Tracking.NoseTracking.insert1( recs['nose'], allow_direct_insert=True) recs['tongue_mid'] = { 'subject_id' : skey['subject_id'], 'session' : skey['session'], **recs['tongue_mid'], } if 'tongue_mid' in recs: tracking.Tracking.TongueTracking.insert1( recs['tongue_mid'], allow_direct_insert=True) recs['jaw'] = { 'subject_id' : skey['subject_id'], 'session' : skey['session'], **recs['jaw'], } if 'jaw' in recs: tracking.Tracking.JawTracking.insert1( recs['jaw'], allow_direct_insert=True) recs['tongue_left'] = { 'subject_id' : skey['subject_id'], 'session' : skey['session'], **recs['tongue_left'], } if 'tongue_left' in recs: tracking.Tracking.LeftTongueTracking.insert1( recs['tongue_left'], allow_direct_insert=True) recs['tongue_right'] = { 'subject_id' : skey['subject_id'], 'session' : skey['session'], **recs['tongue_right'], } if 'tongue_right' in recs: tracking.Tracking.RightTongueTracking.insert1( recs['tongue_right'], allow_direct_insert=True) # fmap = {'paw_left_x': 'left_paw_x', # remap field names # 'paw_left_y': 'left_paw_y', # 'paw_left_likelihood': 'left_paw_likelihood'} # tracking.Tracking.LeftPawTracking.insert1({ # **{k: v for k, v in recs['paw_left'].items() # if k not in fmap}, # **{fmap[k]: v for k, v in recs['paw_left'].items() # if k in fmap}}, allow_direct_insert=True) recs['right_lickport'] = { 'subject_id' : skey['subject_id'], 'session' : skey['session'], **recs['right_lickport'], } if 'right_lickport' in recs: tracking.Tracking.RightLickPortTracking.insert1( recs['right_lickport'], allow_direct_insert=True) # fmap = {'paw_right_x': 'right_paw_x', # remap field names # 'paw_right_y': 'right_paw_y', # 'paw_right_likelihood': 'right_paw_likelihood'} # # tracking.Tracking.RightPawTracking.insert1({ # **{k: v for k, v in recs['paw_right'].items() # if k not in fmap}, # **{fmap[k]: v for k, v in recs['paw_right'].items() # if k in fmap}}, allow_direct_insert=True) recs['left_lickport'] = { 'subject_id' : skey['subject_id'], 'session' : skey['session'], **recs['left_lickport'], } if 'left_lickport' in recs: tracking.Tracking.LeftLickPortTracking.insert1( recs['left_lickport'], allow_direct_insert=True) # tracking_files.append({**key, 'trial': tmap[t], 'tracking_device': tdev, # 'tracking_file': str(tfull.relative_to(tdat))}) # #'... completed {}/{} items.'.format(i, n_tmap)) # # self.insert1(key) # self.TrackingFile.insert(tracking_files) # tracking.VideoFiducialsTrial.populate() bottom_tongue.Camera_pixels.populate() print('start!') bottom_tongue.VideoTongueTrial.populate() sessiontrialdata={ 'subject_id':skey['subject_id'], 'session':skey['session'], 'trial': tt } if len(bottom_tongue.VideoTongueTrial* experiment.Session & experiment.BehaviorTrial & 'session_date = "'+str(file['session_date'])+'"' &{'trial':tt})==0: print('trial couldn''t be exported, deleting trial') print(tt) dj.config['safemode'] = False (experiment.SessionTrial()&sessiontrialdata).delete() dj.config['safemode'] = True'... done.')
def make(self, key):'BehaviorIngest.make(): key: {key}'.format(key=key)) subject_id = key['subject_id'] h2o = (lab.WaterRestriction() & { 'subject_id': subject_id }).fetch1('water_restriction_number') date = key['session_date'] datestr = date.strftime('%Y%m%d')'h2o: {h2o}, date: {d}'.format(h2o=h2o, d=datestr)) # session record key skey = {} skey['subject_id'] = subject_id skey['session_date'] = date skey['username'] = self.get_session_user() # File paths conform to the pattern: # dl7/TW_autoTrain/Session Data/dl7_TW_autoTrain_20180104_132813.mat # which is, more generally: # {h2o}/{training_protocol}/Session Data/{h2o}_{training protocol}_{YYYYMMDD}_{HHMMSS}.mat root = pathlib.Path(key['rig_data_path'], os.path.dirname(key['subpath'])) path = root / '{h2o}_*_{d}*.mat'.format(h2o=h2o, d=datestr)'rigpath {p}'.format(p=path)) matches = sorted( root.glob('{h2o}_*_{d}*.mat'.format(h2o=h2o, d=datestr))) if matches:'found files: {}, this is the rig'.format(matches)) skey['rig'] = key['rig'] else:'no file matches found in {p}'.format(p=path)) if not len(matches): log.warning('no file matches found for {h2o} / {d}'.format( h2o=h2o, d=datestr)) return # # Find files & Check for split files # XXX: not checking rig.. 2+ sessions on 2+ rigs possible for date? # if len(matches) > 1: log.warning( 'split session case detected for {h2o} on {date}'.format( h2o=h2o, date=date)) # session:date relationship is 1:1; skip if we have a session if experiment.Session() & skey: log.warning("Warning! session exists for {h2o} on {d}".format( h2o=h2o, d=date)) return # # Prepare PhotoStim # photosti_duration = 0.5 # (s) Hard-coded here photostims = { 4: { 'photo_stim': 4, 'photostim_device': 'OBIS470', 'brain_location_name': 'left_alm', 'duration': photosti_duration }, 5: { 'photo_stim': 5, 'photostim_device': 'OBIS470', 'brain_location_name': 'right_alm', 'duration': photosti_duration }, 6: { 'photo_stim': 6, 'photostim_device': 'OBIS470', 'brain_location_name': 'both_alm', 'duration': photosti_duration } } # # Extract trial data from file(s) & prepare trial loop # trials = zip() trial = namedtuple( # simple structure to track per-trial vars 'trial', ('ttype', 'stim', 'settings', 'state_times', 'state_names', 'state_data', 'event_data', 'event_times')) for f in matches: if os.stat(f).st_size / 1024 < 1000:'skipping file {f} - too small'.format(f=f)) continue log.debug('loading file {}'.format(f)) mat = spio.loadmat(f, squeeze_me=True) SessionData = mat['SessionData'].flatten() AllTrialTypes = SessionData['TrialTypes'][0] AllTrialSettings = SessionData['TrialSettings'][0] RawData = SessionData['RawData'][0].flatten() AllStateNames = RawData['OriginalStateNamesByNumber'][0] AllStateData = RawData['OriginalStateData'][0] AllEventData = RawData['OriginalEventData'][0] AllStateTimestamps = RawData['OriginalStateTimestamps'][0] AllEventTimestamps = RawData['OriginalEventTimestamps'][0] # verify trial-related data arrays are all same length assert (all( (x.shape[0] == AllStateTimestamps.shape[0] for x in (AllTrialTypes, AllTrialSettings, AllStateNames, AllStateData, AllEventData, AllEventTimestamps)))) if 'StimTrials' in SessionData.dtype.fields: log.debug('StimTrials detected in session - will include') AllStimTrials = SessionData['StimTrials'][0] assert (AllStimTrials.shape[0] == AllStateTimestamps.shape[0]) else: log.debug('StimTrials not detected in session - will skip') AllStimTrials = np.array([ None for i in enumerate(range(AllStateTimestamps.shape[0])) ]) z = zip(AllTrialTypes, AllStimTrials, AllTrialSettings, AllStateTimestamps, AllStateNames, AllStateData, AllEventData, AllEventTimestamps) trials = chain(trials, z) # concatenate the files trials = list(trials) # all files were internally invalid or size < 100k if not trials: log.warning('skipping date {d}, no valid files'.format(d=date)) return # # Trial data seems valid; synthesize session id & add session record # XXX: note - later breaks can result in Sessions without valid trials # log.debug('synthesizing session ID') session = (dj.U().aggr(experiment.Session() & { 'subject_id': subject_id }, n='max(session)').fetch1('n') or 0) + 1'generated session id: {session}'.format(session=session)) skey['session'] = session key = dict(key, **skey) # # Actually load the per-trial data #'BehaviorIngest.make(): trial parsing phase') # lists of various records for batch-insert rows = { k: list() for k in ('trial', 'behavior_trial', 'trial_note', 'trial_event', 'corrected_trial_event', 'action_event', 'photostim', 'photostim_location', 'photostim_trial', 'photostim_trial_event') } i = -1 for t in trials: # # Misc # t = trial(*t) # convert list of items to a 'trial' structure i += 1 # increment trial counter log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): parsing trial {i}'.format(i=i)) # covert state data names into a lookup dictionary # # names (seem to be? are?): # # Trigtrialstart # PreSamplePeriod # SamplePeriod # DelayPeriod # EarlyLickDelay # EarlyLickSample # ResponseCue # GiveLeftDrop # GiveRightDrop # GiveLeftDropShort # GiveRightDropShort # AnswerPeriod # Reward # RewardConsumption # NoResponse # TimeOut # StopLicking # StopLickingReturn # TrialEnd states = {k: (v + 1) for v, k in enumerate(t.state_names)} required_states = ('PreSamplePeriod', 'SamplePeriod', 'DelayPeriod', 'ResponseCue', 'StopLicking', 'TrialEnd') missing = list(k for k in required_states if k not in states) if len(missing): log.warning('skipping trial {i}; missing {m}'.format( i=i, m=missing)) continue gui = t.settings['GUI'].flatten() # ProtocolType - only ingest protocol >= 3 # # 1 Water-Valve-Calibration 2 Licking 3 Autoassist # 4 No autoassist 5 DelayEnforce 6 SampleEnforce 7 Fixed # if 'ProtocolType' not in gui.dtype.names: log.warning( 'skipping trial {i}; protocol undefined'.format(i=i)) continue protocol_type = gui['ProtocolType'][0] if gui['ProtocolType'][0] < 3: log.warning('skipping trial {i}; protocol {n} < 3'.format( i=i, n=gui['ProtocolType'][0])) continue # # Top-level 'Trial' record # tkey = dict(skey) startindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['PreSamplePeriod'])[0] # should be only end of 1st StopLicking; # rest of data is irrelevant w/r/t separately ingested ephys endindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['StopLicking'])[0] log.debug('states\n' + str(states)) log.debug('state_data\n' + str(t.state_data)) log.debug('startindex\n' + str(startindex)) log.debug('endindex\n' + str(endindex)) if not (len(startindex) and len(endindex)): log.warning( 'skipping trial {i}: start/end index error: {s}/{e}'. format(i=i, s=str(startindex), e=str(endindex))) continue try: tkey['trial'] = i tkey[ 'trial_uid'] = i # Arseny has unique id to identify some trials tkey['start_time'] = t.state_times[startindex][0] tkey['stop_time'] = t.state_times[endindex][0] except IndexError: log.warning( 'skipping trial {i}: error indexing {s}/{e} into {t}'. format(i=i, s=str(startindex), e=str(endindex), t=str(t.state_times))) continue log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): Trial().insert1') # TODO msg log.debug('tkey' + str(tkey)) rows['trial'].append(tkey) # # Specific BehaviorTrial information for this trial # bkey = dict(tkey) bkey['task'] = 'audio delay' # hard-coded here bkey['task_protocol'] = 1 # hard-coded here # determine trial instruction trial_instruction = 'left' # hard-coded here if gui['Reversal'][0] == 1: if t.ttype == 1: trial_instruction = 'left' elif t.ttype == 0: trial_instruction = 'right' elif gui['Reversal'][0] == 2: if t.ttype == 1: trial_instruction = 'right' elif t.ttype == 0: trial_instruction = 'left' bkey['trial_instruction'] = trial_instruction # determine early lick early_lick = 'no early' if (protocol_type >= 5 and 'EarlyLickDelay' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['EarlyLickDelay'])): early_lick = 'early' if (protocol_type > 5 and ('EarlyLickSample' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['EarlyLickSample']))): early_lick = 'early' bkey['early_lick'] = early_lick # determine outcome outcome = 'ignore' if ('Reward' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['Reward'])): outcome = 'hit' elif ('TimeOut' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['TimeOut'])): outcome = 'miss' elif ('NoResponse' in states and np.any(t.state_data == states['NoResponse'])): outcome = 'ignore' bkey['outcome'] = outcome rows['behavior_trial'].append(bkey) # # Add 'protocol' note # nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'protocol #' nkey['trial_note'] = str(protocol_type) rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) # # Add 'autolearn' note # nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'autolearn' nkey['trial_note'] = str(gui['Autolearn'][0]) rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) # # Add 'bitcode' note # if 'randomID' in gui.dtype.names: nkey = dict(tkey) nkey['trial_note_type'] = 'bitcode' nkey['trial_note'] = str(gui['randomID'][0]) rows['trial_note'].append(nkey) # # Add presample event # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): presample') ekey = dict(tkey) sampleindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['SamplePeriod'])[0] ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'presample' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[startindex][0] ekey['duration'] = (t.state_times[sampleindex[0]] - t.state_times[startindex])[0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']): log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): fixing presample duration') ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: lookup from previous trial rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add other 'sample' events # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): sample events') last_dur = None for s in sampleindex: # in protocol > 6 ~-> n>1 # todo: batch events ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'sample' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[s] ekey['duration'] = gui['SamplePeriod'][0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is None: log.warning( '... trial {} bad duration, no last_edur'.format( i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: cross-trial check rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) elif math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is not None: log.warning( '... trial {} duration using last_edur {}'.format( i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = last_dur rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) else: last_dur = ekey['duration'] # only track 'good' values. rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add 'delay' events # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): delay events') last_dur = None delayindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['DelayPeriod'])[0] for d in delayindex: # protocol > 6 ~-> n>1 ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'delay' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[d] ekey['duration'] = gui['DelayPeriod'][0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is None: log.warning('... {} bad duration, no last_edur'.format( i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: cross-trial check rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) elif math.isnan(ekey['duration']) and last_dur is not None: log.warning('... {} duration using last_edur {}'.format( i, last_dur)) ekey['duration'] = last_dur rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) else: last_dur = ekey['duration'] # only track 'good' values. log.debug('delay event duration: {}'.format(ekey['duration'])) rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add 'go' event # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): go') ekey = dict(tkey) responseindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['ResponseCue'])[0] ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'go' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[responseindex][0] ekey['duration'] = gui['AnswerPeriod'][0] if math.isnan(ekey['duration']): log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): fixing go duration') ekey['duration'] = 0.0 # FIXDUR: lookup from previous trials rows['corrected_trial_event'].append(ekey) rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add 'trialEnd' events # log.debug('BehaviorIngest.make(): trialend events') last_dur = None trialendindex = np.where(t.state_data == states['TrialEnd'])[0] ekey = dict(tkey) ekey['trial_event_id'] = len(rows['trial_event']) ekey['trial_event_type'] = 'trialend' ekey['trial_event_time'] = t.state_times[trialendindex][0] ekey['duration'] = 0.0 rows['trial_event'].append(ekey) # # Add lick events # lickleft = np.where(t.event_data == 69)[0] log.debug('... lickleft: {r}'.format(r=str(lickleft))) action_event_count = len(rows['action_event']) if len(lickleft): [ rows['action_event'].append( dict(tkey, action_event_id=action_event_count + idx, action_event_type='left lick', action_event_time=t.event_times[l])) for idx, l in enumerate(lickleft) ] lickright = np.where(t.event_data == 71)[0] log.debug('... lickright: {r}'.format(r=str(lickright))) action_event_count = len(rows['action_event']) if len(lickright): [ rows['action_event'].append( dict(tkey, action_event_id=action_event_count + idx, action_event_type='right lick', action_event_time=t.event_times[r])) for idx, r in enumerate(lickright) ] # Photostim Events # # TODO: # # - base stimulation parameters: # # - should be loaded elsewhere - where # - actual ccf locations - cannot be known apriori apparently? # - Photostim.Profile: what is? fix/add # # - stim data # # - how retrieve power from file (didn't see) or should # be statically coded here? # - how encode stim type 6? # - we have hemisphere as boolean or # - but adding an event 4 and event 5 means querying # is less straightforwrard (e.g. sessions with 5 & 6) if t.stim:'BehaviorIngest.make(): t.stim == {}'.format(t.stim)) rows['photostim_trial'].append(tkey) delay_period_idx = np.where( t.state_data == states['DelayPeriod'])[0][0] rows['photostim_trial_event'].append( dict(tkey, **photostims[t.stim], photostim_event_id=len(rows['photostim_trial_event']), photostim_event_time=t.state_times[delay_period_idx], power=5.5)) # end of trial loop. # Session Insertion'BehaviorIngest.make(): adding session record') experiment.Session().insert1(skey) # Behavior Insertion'BehaviorIngest.make(): bulk insert phase')'BehaviorIngest.make(): saving ingest {d}'.format(d=key)) self.insert1(key, ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.Session.Trial') experiment.SessionTrial().insert(rows['trial'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.BehaviorTrial') experiment.BehaviorTrial().insert(rows['behavior_trial'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.TrialNote') experiment.TrialNote().insert(rows['trial_note'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.TrialEvent') experiment.TrialEvent().insert(rows['trial_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True, skip_duplicates=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... CorrectedTrialEvents') BehaviorIngest().CorrectedTrialEvents().insert( rows['corrected_trial_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.ActionEvent') experiment.ActionEvent().insert(rows['action_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True) BehaviorIngest.BehaviorFile().insert( (dict(key, for f in matches), ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True) # Photostim Insertion photostim_ids = set( [r['photo_stim'] for r in rows['photostim_trial_event']]) if photostim_ids:'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.Photostim') experiment.Photostim.insert( (dict(skey, **photostims[stim]) for stim in photostim_ids), ignore_extra_fields=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.PhotostimTrial') experiment.PhotostimTrial.insert(rows['photostim_trial'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)'BehaviorIngest.make(): ... experiment.PhotostimTrialEvent') experiment.PhotostimEvent.insert(rows['photostim_trial_event'], ignore_extra_fields=True, allow_direct_insert=True)