コード例 #1
ファイル: convert.py プロジェクト: snowbhr06/ndgrutedb
def convert(media_root, uploadedFiles, convert_file_save_loc, input_format, output_format, to_email):
  # Send begin job email
  content = "Hello,\n\n You requested the following files be converted:"
  for fn in uploadedFiles:
    content += "\n- " + os.path.basename(fn)
  content += "\n\nTo the following formats:"
  for fmt in output_format:
    content += "\n- " + fmt

  sendEmail(to_email, "Job launch Notification", content+"\n\n")
  # End Email junk

  err_msg = ""
  outfn = ""
  for fn in uploadedFiles:
    outfn, err_msg = convertTo.convert_graph(fn, input_format, convert_file_save_loc, *output_format)

  dwnld_loc = get_download_path(convert_file_save_loc)
  print "Download path: {0}".format(dwnld_loc)

  if (err_msg):
    err_msg = "Your job completed with errors. The result can be found at {}.\n\n"\
        "Message: %s\n\n" % err_msg
    sendJobFailureEmail(to_email, err_msg, dwnld_loc)
コード例 #2
def raw_upload(request):

  if request.method == "POST":
    form = RawUploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES) # instantiating form
    if form.is_valid():
      # TODO: Alter save path
      data_dir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "c4", 
                strftime("%a%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S/", localtime()), "derivatives")

      dti = form.cleaned_data["dti"]
      mprage = form.cleaned_data["mprage"]
      bvalue = form.cleaned_data["bvalue"]
      bvector = form.cleaned_data["bvector"]

      # Save all derivatives
      for _file in dti, mprage, bvalue, bvector:
        saveFileToDisk(_file, os.path.join(data_dir, _file.name))

      ru_model = RawUploadModel()
      ru_model.dtipath = os.path.join(data_dir, dti.name)
      ru_model.mpragepath = os.path.join(data_dir, mprage.name)
      ru_model.atlas = form.cleaned_data["atlas"]
      ru_model.graphsize = "big" if form.cleaned_data["graphsize"] == True else "small"
      ru_model.email = form.cleaned_data["email"] 
      ru_model.save() # Sync to Db

      task_runc4.delay(ru_model.dtipath, ru_model.mpragepath,
          os.path.join(data_dir, bvalue.name), os.path.join(data_dir, bvector.name), 
          form.cleaned_data["graphsize"], ru_model.atlas, form.cleaned_data["email"])

      sendEmail(form.cleaned_data["email"], "MR Images to graphs job started", 
              "Hello,\n\nYour job launched successfully. You will receive another email upon completion.\n\n")

      request.session["success_msg"] =\
Your job successfully launched. You should receive an email to confirm launch
and another when it upon job completion. <br/> The process can take <i>several hours</i> in some cases.
      return HttpResponseRedirect(get_script_prefix()+"success")

    form = RawUploadForm() # An empty, unbound form

  return render_to_response(
    {"RawUploadForm": form},
コード例 #3
ファイル: download.py プロジェクト: htygithub/m2g
def download(request):
  ATLASES = {"desikan": os.path.join(settings.ATLAS_DIR, "desikan_atlas.nii") ,
              "slab": os.path.join(settings.ATLAS_DIR, "slab_atlas.nii")}

  if request.method == "POST":
    if request.POST.keys()[0] == "query_type": # Means we are doing a search
      form = DownloadQueryForm(request.POST)
      if form.is_valid():
        gdmof = GraphDownloadModel.objects.filter # typedef
        st = str(".*"+ ".*".join(form.cleaned_data["query"].strip().split()) +".*") # Search Term

        if form.cleaned_data["query_type"] == "all":
          table = GraphTable(
              gdmof(genus__iregex=st)      | gdmof(filepath__iregex=st) |
              gdmof(region__iregex=st)     | gdmof(numvertex__iregex=st)|
              gdmof(numedge__iregex=st)    | gdmof(graphattr__iregex=st)|
              gdmof(vertexattr__iregex=st) |  gdmof(edgeattr__iregex=st)|
              gdmof(sensor__iregex=st)     | gdmof(source__iregex=st)   |
        elif form.cleaned_data["query_type"] == "attribute":
          table = GraphTable(
              gdmof(graphattr__iregex=st)| gdmof(vertexattr__iregex=st)|
        elif form.cleaned_data["query_type"] == "name":
          table = GraphTable( gdmof(filepath__iregex=st) )
        elif form.cleaned_data["query_type"] == "genus":
          table = GraphTable( gdmof(genus__iregex=st) )
        elif form.cleaned_data["query_type"] == "region":
          table = GraphTable( gdmof(region__iregex=st) )
        elif form.cleaned_data["query_type"] == "project":
          table = GraphTable( gdmof(project__iregex=st) )

        # NOTE: Or equal to as well
        elif form.cleaned_data["query_type"] == "numvertex_gt":
          table = GraphTable( gdmof(numvertex__gte=int(form.cleaned_data["query"])) )
        elif form.cleaned_data["query_type"] == "numedge_gt":
          table = GraphTable( gdmof(numedge__gte=int(form.cleaned_data["query"])) )

        elif form.cleaned_data["query_type"] == "numvertex_lt":
          table = GraphTable( gdmof(numvertex__lte=int(form.cleaned_data["query"])) )
        elif form.cleaned_data["query_type"] == "numedge_lt":
          table = GraphTable( gdmof(numedge__lte=int(form.cleaned_data["query"])) )

        elif form.cleaned_data["query_type"] == "sensor":
          table = GraphTable( gdmof(sensor__iregex=st) )
        elif form.cleaned_data["query_type"] == "source":
          table = GraphTable( gdmof(source__iregex=st) )

        if (len(table.rows) == 0):
          table = None # Get the no results message to show up
          table.set_html_name("Search Results")

        return render_to_response("downloadgraph.html", {"genera":[],
          "query_result":table}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        return HttpResponseRedirect(get_script_prefix()+"download")

    else: # We just want to download specific files

      form = DownloadGraphsForm(request.POST)

      if form.is_valid():
        selected_files = request.POST.getlist("selection")
        ds_factor = 0 if not request.POST.get("ds_factor") else request.POST.get("ds_factor")

        if ds_factor not in ATLASES.keys():
          ds_factor = int(ds_factor)

        dl_format = form.cleaned_data["dl_format"]

        if not selected_files:
          return HttpResponseRedirect(get_script_prefix()+"download")

        # Something selected for dl/Convert+dl
          data_dir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "public",
                                 strftime("download_%a%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S/", localtime()))
          dwnld_loc = get_download_path(data_dir)

          sendEmail(form.cleaned_data["Email"], "Job launch notification",
                  "Your download request was received. You will receive an email when it completes.\n\n")

          # Testing only
          task_scale.delay(selected_files, dl_format, ds_factor, ATLASES, form.cleaned_data["Email"], 
          dwnld_loc, os.path.join(data_dir, "archive.zip")) # Testing only

          request.session['success_msg'] = \
Your job successfully launched. You should receive an email when your job begins and another 
one when it completes.<br/> The process may take several hours (dependent on graph size). 
If your job fails you will receive an email notification as well.<br/>
If you do not see an email in your <i>Inbox</i> check the <i>Spam</i> folder and add 
<code>[email protected]</code> to your safe list.
          return HttpResponseRedirect(get_script_prefix()+'success')
        return HttpResponseRedirect(get_script_prefix()+"download")

    tbls = []
    for genus in settings.GENERA:
      table = GraphTable(GraphDownloadModel.objects.filter(genus=genus))
      table.set_html_name(genus.capitalize()) # Set the html __repr__
      # TODO: Alter per_page limit to +25
      RequestConfig(request, paginate={"per_page":25}).configure(table) # Each table re-render given a request
      #table.columns["url"].header = "Download Link"

      dl_form = DownloadGraphsForm()

      tbls.append((table, dl_form))

  return render_to_response("downloadgraph.html", {"genera":tbls, "query":DownloadQueryForm()},