def test__error_3(): valids = [ { 'type': 'string', 'regex': '0x[0-9a-f]{2}' }, { 'type': 'integer', 'min': 0, 'max': 255 }, ] v = Validator(schema={'foo': {'oneof': valids}}) v.document = {'foo': '0x100'} v._error('foo', errors.ONEOF, (), 0, 2) error = v._errors[0] assert error.document_path == ('foo', ) assert error.schema_path == ('foo', 'oneof') assert error.code == 0x92 assert error.rule == 'oneof' assert error.constraint == valids assert error.value == '0x100' assert == ((), 0, 2) assert error.is_group_error assert error.is_logic_error
def test__error_2(): v = Validator(schema={'foo': {'keysrules': {'type': 'integer'}}}) v.document = {'foo': {'0': 'bar'}} v._error('foo', errors.KEYSRULES, ()) error = v._errors[0] assert error.document_path == ('foo', ) assert error.schema_path == ('foo', 'keysrules') assert error.code == 0x83 assert error.rule == 'keysrules' assert error.constraint == {'type': 'integer'} assert error.value == {'0': 'bar'} assert == ((), ) assert error.is_group_error assert not error.is_logic_error
def test__error_1(): v = Validator(schema={'foo': {'type': 'string'}}) v.document = {'foo': 42} v._error('foo', errors.BAD_TYPE, 'string') error = v._errors[0] assert error.document_path == ('foo', ) assert error.schema_path == ('foo', 'type') assert error.code == 0x24 assert error.rule == 'type' assert error.constraint == 'string' assert error.value == 42 assert == ('string', ) assert not error.is_group_error assert not error.is_logic_error
def test_dynamic_types(): decimal_type = TypeDefinition("decimal", (Decimal, ), ()) document = {"measurement": Decimal(0)} schema = {"measurement": {"type": "decimal"}} validator = Validator() validator.types_mapping["decimal"] = decimal_type assert_success(document, schema, validator) class MyValidator(Validator): types_mapping = Validator.types_mapping.copy() types_mapping["decimal"] = decimal_type validator = MyValidator() assert_success(document, schema, validator)
def assert_success(document, schema=None, validator=None, update=False): """Tests whether a validation succeeds.""" if validator is None: validator = Validator(sample_schema) result = validator(document, schema, update) assert isinstance(result, bool) if not result: raise AssertionError(validator.errors)
def test_issue_147_nested_dict(): schema = {'thing': {'type': 'dict', 'schema': {'amount': {'coerce': int}}}} ref_obj = '2' document = {'thing': {'amount': ref_obj}} normalized = Validator(schema).normalized(document) assert document is not normalized assert normalized['thing']['amount'] == 2 assert ref_obj == '2' assert document['thing']['amount'] is ref_obj
def test_coerce_in_listitems(): schema = {'things': {'type': 'list', 'items': [{'coerce': int}, {'coerce': str}]}} document = {'things': ['1', 2]} expected = {'things': [1, '2']} assert_normalized(document, expected, schema) validator = Validator(schema) document['things'].append(3) assert not validator(document) assert validator.document['things'] == document['things']
def test_purge_readonly(): schema = { 'description': {'type': 'string', 'maxlength': 500}, 'last_updated': {'readonly': True}, } validator = Validator(schema=schema, purge_readonly=True) document = {'description': 'it is a thing'} expected = deepcopy(document) document['last_updated'] = 'future' assert_normalized(document, expected, validator=validator)
def test_issue_147_complex(): schema = {'revision': {'coerce': int}} document = {'revision': '5', 'file': NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+')} document['file'].write(r'foobar') document['file'].seek(0) normalized = Validator(schema, allow_unknown=True).normalized(document) assert normalized['revision'] == 5 assert normalized['file'].read() == 'foobar' document['file'].close() normalized['file'].close()
def test_validated_schema_cache(): v = Validator({'foozifix': {'coerce': int}}) cache_size = len(v._valid_schemas) v = Validator({'foozifix': {'type': 'integer'}}) cache_size += 1 assert len(v._valid_schemas) == cache_size v = Validator({'foozifix': {'coerce': int}}) assert len(v._valid_schemas) == cache_size max_cache_size = 163 assert cache_size <= max_cache_size, ( "There's an unexpected high amount (%s) of cached valid " "definition schemas. Unless you added further tests, " "there are good chances that something is wrong. " "If you added tests with new schemas, you can try to " "adjust the variable `max_cache_size` according to " "the added schemas." % cache_size )
def test_allow_unknown_with_purge_unknown_subdocument(): validator = Validator(purge_unknown=True) schema = { 'foo': { 'type': 'dict', 'schema': {'bar': {'type': 'string'}}, 'allow_unknown': True, } } document = {'foo': {'bar': 'baz', 'corge': False}, 'thud': 'xyzzy'} expected = {'foo': {'bar': 'baz', 'corge': False}} assert_normalized(document, expected, schema, validator)
def test_anyof_check_with(): def foo(field, value, error): pass def bar(field, value, error): pass schema = {'field': {'anyof_check_with': [foo, bar]}} validator = Validator(schema) assert validator.schema == { 'field': {'anyof': [{'check_with': foo}, {'check_with': bar}]} }
def test_271_normalising_tuples(): # schema = { 'my_field': {'type': 'list', 'schema': {'type': ('string', 'number', 'dict')}} } document = {'my_field': ('foo', 'bar', 42, 'albert', 'kandinsky', {'items': 23})} assert_success(document, schema) normalized = Validator(schema).normalized(document) assert normalized['my_field'] == ( 'foo', 'bar', 42, 'albert', 'kandinsky', {'items': 23}, )
def test_defaults_in_allow_unknown_schema(): schema = {'meta': {'type': 'dict'}, 'version': {'type': 'string'}} allow_unknown = { 'type': 'dict', 'schema': { 'cfg_path': {'type': 'string', 'default': 'cfg.yaml'}, 'package': {'type': 'string'}, }, } validator = Validator(schema=schema, allow_unknown=allow_unknown) document = {'version': '1.2.3', 'plugin_foo': {'package': 'foo'}} expected = { 'version': '1.2.3', 'plugin_foo': {'package': 'foo', 'cfg_path': 'cfg.yaml'}, } assert_normalized(document, expected, schema, validator)
def assert_exception(exception, document={}, schema=None, validator=None, msg=None): """ Tests whether a specific exception is raised. Optionally also tests whether the exception message is as expected. """ if validator is None: validator = Validator() if msg is None: with pytest.raises(exception): validator(document, schema) else: with pytest.raises(exception, match=re.escape(msg)): validator(document, schema)
def test_deprecated_rule_names_in_valueschema(): def check_with(field, value, error): pass schema = { "field_1": { "type": "dict", "valueschema": { "type": "dict", "keyschema": {"type": "string"}, "valueschema": {"type": "string"}, }, }, "field_2": { "type": "list", "items": [ {"keyschema": {}}, {"validator": check_with}, {"valueschema": {}}, ], }, } validator = Validator(schema) assert validator.schema == { "field_1": { "type": "dict", "valuesrules": { "type": "dict", "keysrules": {"type": "string"}, "valuesrules": {"type": "string"}, }, }, "field_2": { "type": "list", "items": [ {"keysrules": {}}, {"check_with": check_with}, {"valuesrules": {}}, ], }, }
def test_queries(): schema = {'foo': {'type': 'dict', 'schema': {'bar': {'type': 'number'}}}} document = {'foo': {'bar': 'zero'}} validator = Validator(schema) validator(document) assert 'foo' in validator.document_error_tree assert 'bar' in validator.document_error_tree['foo'] assert 'foo' in validator.schema_error_tree assert 'schema' in validator.schema_error_tree['foo'] assert errors.MAPPING_SCHEMA in validator.document_error_tree['foo'].errors assert errors.MAPPING_SCHEMA in validator.document_error_tree['foo'] assert errors.BAD_TYPE in validator.document_error_tree['foo']['bar'] assert errors.MAPPING_SCHEMA in validator.schema_error_tree['foo'][ 'schema'] assert (errors.BAD_TYPE in validator.schema_error_tree['foo']['schema']['bar']['type']) assert (validator.document_error_tree['foo'][ errors.MAPPING_SCHEMA].child_errors[0].code == errors.BAD_TYPE.code)
def assert_fail( document, schema=None, validator=None, update=False, error=None, errors=None, child_errors=None, ): """Tests whether a validation fails.""" if validator is None: validator = Validator(sample_schema) result = validator(document, schema, update) assert isinstance(result, bool) assert not result actual_errors = validator._errors assert not (error is not None and errors is not None) assert not (errors is not None and child_errors is not None), ( 'child_errors can only be tested in ' 'conjunction with the error parameter') assert not (child_errors is not None and error is None) if error is not None: assert len(actual_errors) == 1 assert_has_error(actual_errors, *error) if child_errors is not None: assert len(actual_errors[0].child_errors) == len(child_errors) assert_has_errors(actual_errors[0].child_errors, child_errors) elif errors is not None: assert len(actual_errors) == len(errors) assert_has_errors(actual_errors, errors) return actual_errors
def test_empty_schema(): validator = Validator() with pytest.raises(SchemaError, match=errors.SCHEMA_ERROR_MISSING): validator({}, schema=None)
def init_validator(): return Validator(product_schema, purge_unknown=True)
def validator(): return Validator(sample_schema)
def test_coerce_not_destructive(): schema = {'amount': {'coerce': int}} v = Validator(schema) doc = {'amount': '1'} v.validate(doc) assert v.document is not doc
def test_rename_handler(): validator = Validator(allow_unknown={'rename_handler': int}) schema = {} document = {'0': 'foo'} expected = {0: 'foo'} assert_normalized(document, expected, schema, validator)
def test_rulename_space_is_normalized(): Validator(schema={"field": {"default setter": lambda x: x, "type": "string"}})
def test_allow_unknown_with_purge_unknown(): validator = Validator(purge_unknown=True) schema = {'foo': {'type': 'dict', 'allow_unknown': True}} document = {'foo': {'bar': True}, 'bar': 'foo'} expected = {'foo': {'bar': True}} assert_normalized(document, expected, schema, validator)
def test_allow_unknown_wo_schema(): # v = Validator({'a': {'type': 'dict', 'allow_unknown': True}}) v({'a': {}})
def test_expansion_in_nested_schema(): schema = {'detroit': {'schema': {'anyof_regex': ['^Aladdin', 'Sane$']}}} v = Validator(schema) assert v.schema['detroit']['schema'] == { 'anyof': [{'regex': '^Aladdin'}, {'regex': 'Sane$'}] }
def test_repr(): v = Validator({'foo': {'type': 'string'}}) assert repr(v.schema) == "{'foo': {'type': 'string'}}"
def test_recursion(): rules_set_registry.add('self', {'type': 'dict', 'allow_unknown': 'self'}) v = Validator(allow_unknown='self') assert_success({0: {1: {2: {}}}}, {}, v)
def test_purge_unknown(): validator = Validator(purge_unknown=True) schema = {'foo': {'type': 'string'}} document = {'bar': 'foo'} expected = {} assert_normalized(document, expected, schema, validator)