コード例 #1
def get_specset(marker_list):
    # type: (List) -> Optional[SpecifierSet]
    specset = set()
    _last_str = "and"
    for marker_parts in marker_list:
        if isinstance(marker_parts, str):
            _last_str = marker_parts  # noqa
    specifiers = SpecifierSet()
    specifiers._specs = frozenset(specset)
    return specifiers
コード例 #2
def _get_specs(specset):
    if specset is None:
    if is_instance(specset, Specifier):
        new_specset = SpecifierSet()
        specs = set()
        new_specset._specs = frozenset(specs)
        specset = new_specset
    if isinstance(specset, str):
        specset = SpecifierSet(specset)
    result = []
    for spec in set(specset):
        version = spec.version
        op = spec.operator
        if op in ("in", "not in"):
            versions = version.split(",")
            op = "==" if op == "in" else "!="
            for ver in versions:
                result.append((op, _tuplize_version(ver.strip())))
            result.append((spec.operator, _tuplize_version(spec.version)))
    return sorted(result, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
コード例 #3
def parse_marker_dict(marker_dict):
    op = marker_dict["op"]
    lhs = marker_dict["lhs"]
    rhs = marker_dict["rhs"]
    # This is where the spec sets for each side land if we have an "or" operator
    side_spec_list = []
    side_markers_list = []
    finalized_marker = ""
    # And if we hit the end of the parse tree we use this format string to make a marker
    format_string = "{lhs} {op} {rhs}"
    specset = SpecifierSet()
    specs = set()
    # Essentially we will iterate over each side of the parsed marker if either one is
    # A mapping instance (i.e. a dictionary) and recursively parse and reduce the specset
    # Union the "and" specs, intersect the "or"s to find the most appropriate range
    if any(issubclass(type(side), Mapping) for side in (lhs, rhs)):
        for side in (lhs, rhs):
            side_specs = set()
            side_markers = set()
            if issubclass(type(side), Mapping):
                merged_side_specs, merged_side_markers = parse_marker_dict(side)
                marker = _ensure_marker(side)
                marker_parts = getattr(marker, "_markers", [])
                if marker_parts[0][0].value == "python_version":
                    side_specs |= set(get_specset(marker_parts))
        if op == "and":
            # When we are "and"-ing things together, it probably makes the most sense
            # to reduce them here into a single PySpec instance
            specs = reduce(lambda x, y: set(x) | set(y), side_spec_list)
            markers = reduce(lambda x, y: set(x) | set(y), side_markers_list)
            if not specs and not markers:
                return specset, finalized_marker
            if markers and isinstance(markers, (tuple, list, Set)):
                finalized_marker = Marker(" and ".join([m for m in markers if m]))
            elif markers:
                finalized_marker = str(markers)
            specset._specs = frozenset(specs)
            return specset, finalized_marker
        # Actually when we "or" things as well we can also just turn them into a reduced
        # set using this logic now
        sides = reduce(lambda x, y: set(x) & set(y), side_spec_list)
        finalized_marker = " or ".join(
            [normalize_marker_str(m) for m in side_markers_list]
        specset._specs = frozenset(sorted(sides))
        return specset, finalized_marker
        # At the tip of the tree we are dealing with strings all around and they just need
        # to be smashed together
        specs = set()
        if lhs == "python_version":
            format_string = "{lhs}{op}{rhs}"
            marker = Marker(format_string.format(**marker_dict))
            marker_parts = getattr(marker, "_markers", [])
            _set = get_specset(marker_parts)
            if _set:
                specs |= set(_set)
                specset._specs = frozenset(specs)
        return specset, finalized_marker