コード例 #1
class PiWallController:
        Class that controls the PiWall
    NUMBER_OF_TILES = Config.get_num_of_tiles()

    def __init__(self):
        self.__video_files = Config.load_video_files()
        self.__tiles = Config.load_tiles()
        self.__tiles_on = False
        self.__stop_flag = True
        self.__current_video = ""

    def run_commands(self, playlist):
            Runs all necessary commands to start the tiles and then starts the master
        if not self.__tiles_on:

        for item in playlist.get_items():
            print("Video: " + item.get_video_file())
            print("Timeout: " + str(item.get_timeout()))
            print("Command: " + item.get_command())
            end_time = int(time.time()) + item.get_timeout()
            while (int(time.time()) < end_time) or item.get_timeout() == -1:
                if self.__stop_flag == False:
                call(item.get_command(), shell=True)

        print("Playlist finished")

        self.__stop_flag = True

    def stop_wall(self):
            Stops the wall from running
        self.__stop_flag = False

    def turn_on_tiles(self):
            Starts all tiles
        remote_command = "pwomxplayer --config={0} udp://" \
        for tile in self.__tiles:
            call("nohup sshpass -p raspberry ssh {0} '{1}' > /dev/null 2>&1 &".
                 format(tile['ip'], remote_command),
        self.__tiles_on = True

    def reboot_pis(self):
            Reboots all tiles
        self.__tiles_on = False
        reboot_command = "nohup sshpass -p raspberry ssh {0} 'sudo reboot' > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
        for tile in self.__tiles:
            print("Rebooting tile with ip {0}".format(tile['ip']))
            call(reboot_command.format(tile['ip']), shell=True)
        self.__stop_flag = True

    def get_video_file_list(self):
        Returns a list of the video files in the video/ directory
        :rtype  : list
        :return: list of the video files in the videos/ directory
        return self.__video_files

    def get_current_playing_video(self):
            Returns the current playing video
        return self.get_current_playing_video