コード例 #1
ファイル: test_pixell.py プロジェクト: mayamkay/pixell
 def test_pixels(self):
     """Runs reference pixel and mean-square comparisons on extracts from randomly generated
     print("Testing reference pixels...")
     results,rname = ptests.get_extraction_test_results(TEST_DIR+"/tests.yml")
     cresults = pickle.load(open(DATA_PREFIX+"%s.pkl" % rname,'rb'))
     assert sorted(results.keys())==sorted(cresults.keys())
     for g in results.keys():
         assert sorted(results[g].keys())==sorted(cresults[g].keys())
         for s in results[g].keys():
             assert sorted(results[g][s].keys())==sorted(cresults[g][s].keys())
             for e in results[g][s].keys():
                 assert np.all(np.isclose(results[g][s][e],cresults[g][s][e]))
コード例 #2
import pixel_tests as ptests
import pickle
import os

import argparse
# Parse command line
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate test results.')
parser.add_argument("-y", "--yaml",     type=str,  default=None,help="Test YAML file.")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str,default=None,help='Name of output pkl file.')
args = parser.parse_args()

i = 0
if args.yaml is None:
    yaml_file = ""
    while not(os.path.isfile(yaml_file)) or i==0:
        if i>0: print("File does not exist.")
        yaml_file = input("Enter name of yaml file to generate test results from: ")
        i += 1
    yaml_file = args.yaml
if args.output is None:
    pkl_file = input("Enter name of pickle file to save test results to (exclude extension): ")
    pkl_file = args.output
results,_ = ptests.get_extraction_test_results(yaml_file)
pickle.dump(results,open("data/%s.pkl" % pkl_file,'wb'),protocol=2)