コード例 #1
def draw_circles(C):
    This function draws the shaded circles to the screen. We are drawing
    them in a function so we can reuse them quickly for blending.

    # Palette #19 is a good predefined palette with whites and blues
    pal = ph.palette(19)

    # The base radius of our circles. Everything will scale from this
    radius = 1.60
    offset = 0.50
    tc = 0.2  # Base thickness

    # All the circles will have a linear gradient from top to bottom,
    # or bottom to top (we use theta for that). The second parameter [1, 0]
    # controls the alpha (the transparency). The sizing and thickness was
    # choosen by hand to get a nice effect.

    lg = ph.gradient.linear([pal[0], pal[1]], [1, 0], theta=-np.pi / 2)
    C += circle(0, 0, radius + offset, thickness=tc, gradient=lg)

    lg = ph.gradient.linear([pal[0], pal[1]], [1, 0], theta=np.pi / 2)
    C += circle(0, 0, radius - 2 * offset, thickness=tc / 2, gradient=lg)

    lg = ph.gradient.linear([pal[2], pal[1]], [1, 0], theta=-np.pi / 2)
    C += circle(0, 0, radius - offset, thickness=tc / 2, gradient=lg)

    lg = ph.gradient.linear([pal[2], pal[1]], [1, 0], theta=np.pi / 2)
    C += circle(0, 0, radius + 1.5 * offset, thickness=tc / 2, gradient=lg)
コード例 #2
    def gridstack_test(self):
        """ dstack_test:
            Draw an image, stack it, and make sure it's the same as the
            numpy operation.

        C1 = ph.Canvas()
        C2 = ph.Canvas()
        C3 = ph.Canvas()

        C1 += ph.circle()
        C2 += ph.rectangle()
        C3 += ph.circle(x=1)

        # Make sure something was drawn
        assert_true(C1.img.sum() != 0)
        assert_true(C2.img.sum() != 0)
        assert_true(C3.img.sum() != 0)

        X = ph.gridstack([[C1, C2], [C2, C3]])

        img_stack = np.vstack(
            [np.hstack([C1.img, C2.img]),
             np.hstack([C2.img, C3.img])])

        assert_true(np.isclose(img_stack, X.img).all())
コード例 #3
ファイル: small_demos.py プロジェクト: jdc08161063/pixelhouse
def rotating_circles():
    A = Animation(**animation_args)
    x = motion.easeReturn("easeInOutQuad", -1, 1, len(A))

    A(circle(x, 1, r=1.25, color=[0, 250, 150], mode="add"))
    A(circle(-x, -1, r=1.25, color=[255, 5, 100], mode="add"))

    return A
コード例 #4
def rotating_circles():
    A = Animation(**animation_args)
    x = motion.easeInOutQuad(-1, 1, flip=True)

    A(circle(x, 1, r=2.5, color=[0, 250, 150], mode="add"))
    A(circle(-x, -1, r=2.5, color=[255, 5, 100], mode="add"))

    return A
コード例 #5
    def layer_test(self):
        """ layer_test:
            Tests ONLY if the API is working, not a complete test.

        A = ph.Animation()
        A += ph.circle(color="r")
        with A.layer() as AX:
            AX += ph.circle(y=1, color="b")
            AX += ph.transform.translate(x=1)

コード例 #6
ファイル: small_demos.py プロジェクト: jdc08161063/pixelhouse
def simple_circles():
    C = Canvas(**canvas_args)

    n = 3
    t = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi / n) + np.pi / 6
    x, y = np.cos(t), np.sin(t)

    C += circle(x[0], y[0], 1, color=[0, 255, 0], mode="add")
    C += circle(x[1], y[1], 1, color=[255, 0, 0], mode="add")
    C += circle(x[2], y[2], 1, color=[0, 0, 255], mode="add")

    # An example of not saturating the images together
    C += circle(0, 0, 0.25, color=[155, 155, 155])

    return C
コード例 #7
    def check_draw_if_offscreen_is_ok_test(self):
        g = ph.gradient.linear(["r", "b"])
        C = ph.Canvas()
        C += ph.circle(x=C.xmax + 20, y=C.ymax + 20, r=1, gradient=g)

        # Check that nothing was drawn
        assert (C.img[:, :, :3] == C.transform_color(C.bg)[:3]).all()
コード例 #8
    def combine_canvas_test(self):
        """ combine_canvas_test:
            Try to add two canvas together with blend, add, subtract modes.
        C1 = ph.Canvas()
        C1 += ph.circle(color="w")

        C2 = ph.Canvas()
        C2 += ph.circle(x=-0.5, color="b")

        C3 = C1.copy().combine(C2, mode="blend")
        C4 = C1.copy().combine(C2, mode="add")
        C5 = C1.copy().combine(C2, mode="subtract")

        # Now check that none of them are equal
        for x, y in itertools.combinations([C1, C3, C4, C5], r=2):
            assert_false((x.img == y.img).all())
コード例 #9
def logo_animation(logo_text):
    pal = ph.palette(3)

    A = ph.Animation(fps=24, duration=1.5, width=800, height=800, bg=pal[2])

    lg = ph.gradient.linear([pal[0], pal[1]], theta=-np.pi / 4)

    A += ph.circle(color=pal[3])
    A += ph.filters.gaussian_blur()
    A += ph.circle(color=pal[3])

    y = ph.motion.easeInOutQuad(0, 1, flip=True)

    for i in np.arange(-6, 6, 1.0):
        A += ph.text(logo_text, y=i * y, gradient=lg, font_size=1.0)

    return A
コード例 #10
    def zero_weight_test(self):
        C0 = ph.Canvas()
        C0 += ph.circle(color=[20, 30, 40, 50])

        C1 = C0.copy()
        C1 += ph.filters.instafilter("1977", weight=0)

        # Check that they are equal
        assert_true(np.isclose(C0.img, C1.img).all())
コード例 #11
ファイル: small_demos.py プロジェクト: jdc08161063/pixelhouse
def instagram_filters():

    f_sample = "pixelhouse/filter/insta/samples/Normal.jpg"
    C = Canvas(bg="w", **canvas_args).load(f_sample)
    C += scale(fx=0.25)
    C += circle(r=0.50, color="r")
    C += instafilter("Ludwig", weight=0.80)

    return C
コード例 #12
    def simple_all_frames_the_same_test(self):
        """ simple_all_frames_the_same_test:
            Draw a circle and make sure all frames are the same

        canvas = ph.Animation()
        canvas += ph.circle()

        for rhs in canvas.frames[1:]:
            assert_true((rhs.img == canvas.frames[0].img).all())
コード例 #13
 def setup(self):
     kwargs = {
         "width": 200,
         "height": 200,
         "extent": 4.0,
         "bg": "black",
         "shift": 8,
     self.source = ph.Canvas(**kwargs)
     self.source += ph.circle(x=1, y=-0.5, color=[50, 75, 100, 100])
     self.source += ph.rectangle(x=-1, y=0.5, color=[70, 75, 100, 100])
     self.target = self.source.copy()
コード例 #14
    def something_moved_test(self):
        """ something_moved_test:
            Draw a circle and make sure it moved

        canvas = ph.Animation()

        x = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
        canvas += ph.circle(x=x)

        for rhs in canvas.frames[1:]:
            assert_true((rhs.img != canvas.frames[0].img).any())
コード例 #15
    def blank_doesnt_modify_in_place_test(self):
        """ blank_doesnt_modify_in_place_test:
            If the canvas has not had anything painted on it, its sum is 0
            If the canvas has been blanked out, its sum is 0
            Otherwise, its sum should be > 0

        canvas = ph.Canvas()
        assert_true(canvas.img.sum() == 0)
        canvas += ph.circle()
        assert_true(canvas.img.sum() > 0)
        assert_true(canvas.img.sum() > 0)
        assert_true(canvas.blank().img.sum() == 0)
コード例 #16
    def layer_test(self):
        """ layer_test:
            Test if layers work by testing order of operations
        C1 = ph.Canvas()
        C2 = ph.Canvas()

        C1 += ph.circle(color="r")
        C1 += ph.circle(y=1, color="b")
        C1 += ph.transform.translate(x=1)

        C2 += ph.circle(color="r")
        with C2.layer() as CX:
            CX += ph.circle(y=1, color="b")
            CX += ph.transform.translate(x=1)

        img1, img2 = C1.img, C2.img

        # First make sure something was drawn in each case
        assert_true(img1.sum() > 0)
        assert_true(img2.sum() > 0)

        # Now check that they aren't equal
        assert_false((img1 == img2).all())
コード例 #17
    def direct_load_test(self):
        """ direct_load_test:
            Load an image without creating a canvas.
        C = ph.Canvas(bg="yellow")
        C += ph.circle(color="g")

        C2 = ph.Canvas()

        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png") as F:
            C2 = ph.load(F.name)

        dist = C.img[:, :, :3] - C2.img[:, :, :3]
        dist = dist.astype(float) / 255
        assert_equal(dist.sum(), 0)
コード例 #18
    def save_load_test(self):
        """ save_load_test:
            Create an image, save it to a tmp location and try to load it
            back in. Make sure we check in PNG (lossless) and don't try to
            check the alpha channel.
        C = ph.Canvas(bg="yellow")
        C += ph.circle(color="g")

        C2 = ph.Canvas()

        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png") as F:

        dist = C.img[:, :, :3] - C2.img[:, :, :3]
        dist = dist.astype(float) / 255
        assert_equal(dist.sum(), 0)
コード例 #19
ファイル: small_demos.py プロジェクト: jdc08161063/pixelhouse
def teyleen_116():
    C = Canvas(**canvas_args)
    pal = ph.palette(152)

    x = 0.25
    C += circle(x, x, r=x / 2, color=pal[0])
    C += circle(-x, x, r=x / 2, color=pal[1])
    C += circle(x, -x, r=x / 2, color=pal[2])
    C += circle(-x, -x, r=x / 2, color=pal[3])

    C += circle(y=x / 2, r=2 - x, color=pal[4], thickness=x / 20)
    C += circle(y=-x / 2, r=2 - x, color=pal[4], thickness=x / 20)

    return C
コード例 #20
ファイル: small_demos.py プロジェクト: jdc08161063/pixelhouse
def checkerboard():
    A = Animation(**animation_args)
    z = motion.easeReturn("easeInOutQuad", 0, 1, len(A))

    r = 0.20
    c = [150, 250, 0]
    coord = [-2, 0, 2]
    args = {"r": r, "color": c, "mode": "add"}

    for dx, dy in itertools.product(coord, repeat=2):
        A += circle(z + dx, z + dy, **args)
        A += circle(z + dx, -z + dy, **args)
        A += circle(-z + dx, -z + dy, **args)
        A += circle(-z + dx, z + dy, **args)

        A += circle(dx, z + dy, **args)
        A += circle(z + dx, dy, **args)

        A += circle(dx, -z + dy, **args)
        A += circle(-z + dx, dy, **args)

    return A
コード例 #21
# Setup our canvas! Make it 400 by 400 pixels,
# and use the first palette color as the background.
canvas = ph.Canvas(400, 400, bg=background_color)

# Now draw some circles on the screen. We want to loop over this twice,
# once for the vertical direction and the other for the horizontal.
# To give it a wavy feel, we want every other circle to be offset a bit.

radius = 0.40

for k, y in enumerate(np.arange(-6, 6, radius)):

    for x in np.arange(-6, 6, radius * 2.5):

        # If k is odd (eg. every other one), offset it!
        if k % 2:
            x += radius / 2

        # Pick a random color for the circle from our palette
        color = random.choice(primary_colors)

        # Draw a circle to the canvas by "adding" to it
        canvas += ph.circle(x=x, y=y, r=radius, color=color)

# Save the image.

# Display the image. It'll stay open until you press a key.
コード例 #22
# A working file to test various aspects of the module
import numpy as np
from pixelhouse import Artist
from pixelhouse import Canvas, Animation, circle, motion
from pixelhouse.transform.simple import translate, rotate
from pixelhouse.transform.elastic import distort

A = Canvas()
A = Animation(duration=2, fps=15)

A += circle(color="w")
A += circle(-1, 0, 0.25, color="purple")

theta = motion.easeReturn("easeInOutQuad", 0, np.pi, len(A))
A += rotate(theta)

z = motion.easeReturn("easeInOutQuad", 0, 10, len(A))
A += distort(seed=42, sigma=0.05, alpha=z)

コード例 #23
# A working file to test various aspects of the module
import numpy as np
import pixelhouse as ph

# A = ph.Canvas(width=300, height=300)
A = ph.Animation(width=400, height=400, fps=2)

A += ph.circle(r=1.0, color="darkorange")
A += ph.circle(r=0.8, color="w", mode="direct")

z = ph.motion.easeInOutQuad(0, 2 * np.pi)
A += ph.transform.motion_lines(0.4, theta=z)
A += ph.transform.motion_lines(0.4)
A += ph.transform.rotate(z)

コード例 #24
# Testing chained animation

import numpy as np
import random
import pixelhouse as ph
from pixelhouse.filters import gaussian_blur

pal = ph.palette(0)

x = np.linspace(0, 2, 100)

C = ph.Animation(400, 400, bg=pal[0])
C += ph.rectangle(x=x, x1=x + 1, color=pal[3])

C2 = C.blank(duration=1)
C2 += ph.circle(x=x, color=pal[2])
C2 += gaussian_blur()
C += C2

コード例 #25
        dx = dist * (-acc[0])
        dy = 0 * (dist * acc[1])

        # print(c0,c1,c2)
        print(t, acc[1])
        # print(dx.max())

        self.transform(cvs, dy, dx, coords, "nearest", order=0)
        import pylab as plt


C = ph.Animation(400, 200, fps=20)
b = ph.motion.easeInOutQuad(-2, 2, flip=True)
q = ph.circle(x=b, y=0, r=0.5, gradient=g)

C += q
C += squish(q)

コード例 #26
 def check_API_clipped_transparency_test(self):
     """ Check if the API for RGB interpolation works.
     g = ph.gradient.linear(["r", "b"], transparency=[0.5, 2.0])
     self.canvas += ph.circle(gradient=g)
コード例 #27
# A working file to test various aspects of the module
import numpy as np
import pixelhouse as ph

pal = ph.palette(4)

C = ph.Canvas(width=400, height=400, bg=pal[0])
C = ph.Animation(width=400, height=400, bg=pal[0])

C += ph.circle(x=1, y=-0.5, r=2, color=pal[1])
theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi)

with C.layer() as CX:
    CX += ph.polyline(color="k")
    CX += ph.transform.rotate(theta)
    CX += ph.filters.gaussian_blur(0.25, theta / 6)

C += ph.circle(x=-1, r=1.0)

コード例 #28
 def check_API_LAB_test(self):
     """ Check if the API for LAB interpolation works.
     g = ph.gradient.linear(["r", "b"], interpolation="LAB")
     self.canvas += ph.circle(gradient=g)
コード例 #29
 def circle_test(self):
     C = Canvas()
     C += circle()
     assert_true(C._img.sum() > 0)
コード例 #30
 def check_API_discrete_test(self):
     """ Check if the API for RGB interpolation works.
     g = ph.gradient.linear(["r", "b"], interpolation="discrete")
     self.canvas += ph.circle(gradient=g)