コード例 #1
def FirstPart(lines, functionPts, SlopeTakingPointsLimit, MinLengthPermitted, SlopeList, StartList):
	totalList = []
	for index, junction in enumerate(functionPts):					#For each junction Point
		t, normal, j = GR.lookaround(lines, junction[0], junction[1])			#Calculate the Neighbours
		skiplist = deepcopy(normal)									#Points to be skipped in middle of trace. Immediate Neighbours
		for term in normal:											#Starting up for each neighbour
			pointslist = [ [junction[0] , junction[1] ] ] 			#This Should be done every time, for slope calc

			for count in range(SlopeTakingPointsLimit):				#How long should the length of the slope be? set it to 5
				t, subnormal, j = GR.lookaround(lines, term[0], term[1])		#Moving to next object
				if len(subnormal) == 2:  			 				#This is the ideal case, if it is going away, from the junction
					for tempterm in subnormal:
						if not tempterm in pointslist and not tempterm in skiplist:
							term = tempterm[:]
				elif len(subnormal) == 1 or len(subnormal) > 2: break 			#We are done on this pointslist
			if len(pointslist) > MinLengthPermitted:
				SlopeList, StartList, totalList = AddToResult(SlopeList, StartList, totalList, index, pointslist)

	return SlopeList, StartList, totalList
def FirstPart(lines, functionPts, SlopeTakingPointsLimit, MinLengthPermitted,
              SlopeList, StartList):
    totalList = []
    for index, junction in enumerate(functionPts):  #For each junction Point

        t, normal, j = GR.lookaround(lines, junction[0],
                                     junction[1])  #Calculate the Neighbours

        skiplist = deepcopy(
        )  #Points to be skipped in middle of trace. Immediate Neighbours

        for term in normal:  #Starting up for each neighbour
            pointslist = [[junction[0], junction[1]]
                          ]  #This Should be done every time, for slope calc

            for count in range(
            ):  #How long should the length of the slope be? set it to 5

                t, subnormal, j = GR.lookaround(
                    lines, term[0], term[1])  #Moving to next object

                if len(
                ) == 2:  #This is the ideal case, if it is going away, from the junction
                    for tempterm in subnormal:
                        if not tempterm in pointslist and not tempterm in skiplist:
                            term = tempterm[:]
                elif len(subnormal) == 1 or len(subnormal) > 2:
                    break  #We are done on this pointslist

            if len(pointslist) > MinLengthPermitted:
                SlopeList, StartList, totalList = AddToResult(
                    SlopeList, StartList, totalList, index, pointslist)

    return SlopeList, StartList, totalList
コード例 #3
def LoopyPart(lines, functionPts, JunctionPointDistLimit, MinLengthPermitted, SlopeList, StartList):

	for index, junction in enumerate(functionPts):					#For each junction Point
		t, normal, j = GR.lookaround(lines, junction[0], junction[1])			#Calculate the Neighbours
		skiplist = deepcopy(normal)									#Points to be skipped in middle of trace. Immediate Neighbours
		for term in normal:											#Starting up for each neighbour
			if not term in functionPts: continue
			num = functionPts.index(term)

			for slope, value in zip( SlopeList[num], StartList[num]):
				if value in StartList[index]: continue
				if value in skiplist: continue
				if value == junction: continue

				SlopeList, StartList = AddToLists(SlopeList, StartList, index, slope, value)
	return SlopeList, StartList
def LoopyPart(lines, functionPts, JunctionPointDistLimit, MinLengthPermitted,
              SlopeList, StartList):

    for index, junction in enumerate(functionPts):  #For each junction Point

        t, normal, j = GR.lookaround(lines, junction[0],
                                     junction[1])  #Calculate the Neighbours

        skiplist = deepcopy(
        )  #Points to be skipped in middle of trace. Immediate Neighbours

        for term in normal:  #Starting up for each neighbour
            if not term in functionPts: continue
            num = functionPts.index(term)

            for slope, value in zip(SlopeList[num], StartList[num]):
                if value in StartList[index]: continue
                if value in skiplist: continue
                if value == junction: continue

                SlopeList, StartList = AddToLists(SlopeList, StartList, index,
                                                  slope, value)
    return SlopeList, StartList
コード例 #5
def trial(path, strokepath, k, rejects, debug = False):
	outpath = "abc.txt"
	#outpath = strokepath.strip(".txt") + "_stroke.txt"					#temppath
	IMTXT.imgtotxt (path, outpath, k)
	text = open(outpath, "r")
	lines = GR.converttoint(text)			#lines is 2D int array, with boundary values == 1
	functionPts, endPts, lines, totalPts = GR.CalculateEndpoints(lines)		#correct. Checked
	order = GR.orderEndPts(endPts, functionPts)
	covered = 0
	functionPtsSlopes, totalList = CalFPSlopes(deepcopy(lines), functionPts)

	term, x, y, continuity = GR.getendpoints(order, lines, functionPts)
	if term == -1:
		randompoint, randompointContinuity = GR.CalculateRandomPoint(lines)
		x = randompoint[0]
		y = randompoint[1]
		continuity = randompointContinuity
		term = randompoint[:]
	printtoouttext = []
	printout = []
	DoNotPrintAnyData = False

	pastlist = []

	cutatthird = 1

	while 1:

		covered += 1 					#tracks the number of text points covered in the image
		# print x,y
		# # if (x,y) in [(35,1)]: debug = True
		# else: debug = False

		total, normal, junction = GR.lookaround(lines, x, y)
		if debug == True: print "total, normal, junction == ",  total, normal, junction

		lines, valid = GR.updategraph(len(total), x, y, lines, path, rejects)
		if valid == False:
			DoNotPrintAnyData = True

		if len(total) > 2:			#Junction
			continueflag, x, y, term, continuity = GR.nextTermJunction(normal, x, y, continuity, lines, functionPts, functionPtsSlopes, printout, False)
			order = GR.appendtoOrder(lines, normal, order)	#Only the points around the Junction that are left over are appended to order. In priority
			for onelist in totalList:
				if onelist[1] == [x,y]:
					covered += 1 
					lines, valid = GR.updategraph(2, x, y, lines,path, rejects)
					if valid == False:
						DoNotPrintAnyData = True

					x = onelist[2][0]
					y = onelist[2][1]

			continueflag, x, y, term, continuity = GR.nextTermNormal(normal,x, y ,continuity, lines,  debug)
			if continueflag == -1:
				continueflag, x, y, term, continuity = GR.ChecknextTermJunction(pastlist[-2], normal, oldx, oldy, continuity, lines, functionPts, functionPtsSlopes, printout)
		if continueflag == 1: continue
		#If we reached here, that means that the path has hit a stop, possibly at an endpoint or a junction point #Checking the Junction POint theory
		printtoouttext , printout = GR.printing(printout, printtoouttext);							#Later we will implement a better model
		if len(junction) > 0:
			GR.IncreaseJunctionTouch(junction, lines)
			#I could try and start from a point around the junction, even it has been visited, when another stroke reaches here
			#There are two optimizations left. This and the one improving continuity

		if covered == totalPts- len(functionPts):
			if debug == True: print "Atleast totalPts - len(functionPts) == ", totalPts- len(functionPts), " are covered." 
		term, x, y, continuity = GR.getendpoints(order, lines, functionPts)
		if debug == True: print "Ordesmbedbhjr == ", order
		if debug == True: print "Total points have not been covered, so next term from the endpoints == ", term

		if term == -1: break
		else: continue
	if covered >= totalPts- len(functionPts):
		if debug == True:print "Atleast totalPts - len(functionPts) == ", totalPts- len(functionPts), " are covered." 
	if DoNotPrintAnyData == False:
		print "here"
		outtext = open(strokepath, "w")
		GR.finalprint(printtoouttext, outtext,cutatthird)


# filename = "Banfile0_5_10.tif"

# sizes = open("tempsizes.txt", "w")
# trial(filename, filename.rstrip(".tif") + "_stroke.txt", sizes )
def trial(path, strokepath, k, rejects, debug=False):
    outpath = "abc.txt"
    #outpath = strokepath.strip(".txt") + "_stroke.txt"					#temppath
    IMTXT.imgtotxt(path, outpath, k)
    text = open(outpath, "r")

    lines = GR.converttoint(
        text)  #lines is 2D int array, with boundary values == 1
    functionPts, endPts, lines, totalPts = GR.CalculateEndpoints(
        lines)  #correct. Checked
    order = GR.orderEndPts(endPts, functionPts)
    covered = 0

    functionPtsSlopes, totalList = CalFPSlopes(deepcopy(lines), functionPts)

    term, x, y, continuity = GR.getendpoints(order, lines, functionPts)
    if term == -1:
        randompoint, randompointContinuity = GR.CalculateRandomPoint(lines)
        x = randompoint[0]
        y = randompoint[1]
        continuity = randompointContinuity
        term = randompoint[:]

    printtoouttext = []
    printout = []
    DoNotPrintAnyData = False

    pastlist = []

    cutatthird = 1

    while 1:

        covered += 1  #tracks the number of text points covered in the image
        printout.append([x, y])
        pastlist.append([x, y])
        # print x,y
        # # if (x,y) in [(35,1)]: debug = True
        # else: debug = False

        total, normal, junction = GR.lookaround(lines, x, y)
        if debug == True:
            print "total, normal, junction == ", total, normal, junction

        lines, valid = GR.updategraph(len(total), x, y, lines, path, rejects)
        if valid == False:
            DoNotPrintAnyData = True

        if len(total) > 2:  #Junction
            continueflag, x, y, term, continuity = GR.nextTermJunction(
                normal, x, y, continuity, lines, functionPts,
                functionPtsSlopes, printout, False)
            order = GR.appendtoOrder(
                lines, normal, order
            )  #Only the points around the Junction that are left over are appended to order. In priority
            for onelist in totalList:
                if onelist[1] == [x, y]:
                    covered += 1
                    printout.append([x, y])
                    pastlist.append([x, y])
                    lines, valid = GR.updategraph(2, x, y, lines, path,
                    if valid == False:
                        DoNotPrintAnyData = True

                    x = onelist[2][0]
                    y = onelist[2][1]

            continueflag, x, y, term, continuity = GR.nextTermNormal(
                normal, x, y, continuity, lines, debug)
            if continueflag == -1:
                continueflag, x, y, term, continuity = GR.ChecknextTermJunction(
                    pastlist[-2], normal, oldx, oldy, continuity, lines,
                    functionPts, functionPtsSlopes, printout)

        if continueflag == 1: continue

        #If we reached here, that means that the path has hit a stop, possibly at an endpoint or a junction point #Checking the Junction POint theory
        printtoouttext, printout = GR.printing(printout, printtoouttext)
        #Later we will implement a better model
        if len(junction) > 0:
            GR.IncreaseJunctionTouch(junction, lines)
            #I could try and start from a point around the junction, even it has been visited, when another stroke reaches here
            #There are two optimizations left. This and the one improving continuity

        if covered == totalPts - len(functionPts):
            if debug == True:
                print "Atleast totalPts - len(functionPts) == ", totalPts - len(
                    functionPts), " are covered."
        term, x, y, continuity = GR.getendpoints(order, lines, functionPts)
        if debug == True: print "Ordesmbedbhjr == ", order
        if debug == True:
            print "Total points have not been covered, so next term from the endpoints == ", term

        if term == -1: break
        else: continue

    if covered >= totalPts - len(functionPts):
        if debug == True:
            print "Atleast totalPts - len(functionPts) == ", totalPts - len(
                functionPts), " are covered."
    if DoNotPrintAnyData == False:
        print "here"
        outtext = open(strokepath, "w")
        GR.finalprint(printtoouttext, outtext, cutatthird)



# filename = "Banfile0_5_10.tif"

# sizes = open("tempsizes.txt", "w")
# trial(filename, filename.rstrip(".tif") + "_stroke.txt", sizes )