コード例 #1
def write_list_of_stenograms_summary_pages():
    logger_html.info("Generating html summary page of all stenograms.")
    all_stenograms_template = templates.get_template("stenograms_template.html")

    sessionscur = db.cursor()
        """SELECT description, stenogram_date
                           FROM vote_sessions
                           ORDER BY stenogram_date, session_number"""
    date_stenogr = groupby_list(sessionscur, operator.itemgetter(1))

    year_date_stenogr = groupby_list(date_stenogr, lambda d_s: d_s[0].year)
    years = zip(*year_date_stenogr)[0]
    for y, y_date_stenogr in year_date_stenogr:
        month_date_stenogr = [("all", y_date_stenogr)] + groupby_list(y_date_stenogr, lambda d_s: d_s[0].month)
        months = zip(*month_date_stenogr)[0]
        for m, m_date_stenogr in month_date_stenogr:
            with open("generated_html/stenograms%s%s.html" % (y, m), "w") as html_file:
                        years=years, months=months, current_y=y, stenogram_mgroup=m_date_stenogr
                sitemap.add("stenograms%s%s.html" % (y, m), 0.8)

    # Copy the most recent one
    os.system("cp generated_html/stenograms%s%s.html generated_html/stenograms.html" % (y, m))
    sitemap.add("stenograms.html", 0.8)
コード例 #2
def load_votes_regs_data():
    global data_loaded
    if data_loaded:
    data_loaded = True
    logger_html.info("Fetching most of the db in memory.")

    # All MPs
    mpscur = db.cursor()
        """SELECT mp_name,
                             (SELECT LAST(with_party ORDER BY mp_reg.stenogram_date) FROM mp_reg WHERE mp_reg.mp_name = mps.mp_name),
                      FROM mps
                      ORDER BY orig_party_name, mp_name"""
    global mps, parties
    mps = mpscur.fetchall()
    parties = groupby_list(mps, operator.itemgetter(1))

    # All sessions
    sescur = db.cursor()
        """SELECT stenogram_date, session_number
                      FROM vote_sessions
                      ORDER BY stenogram_date, session_number"""
    global sessions, session_dates
    sessions = sescur.fetchall()
    session_dates = groupby_list(sessions, operator.itemgetter(0))

    # All dates - includes dates on which no voting was done
    datecur = db.cursor()
        """SELECT stenogram_date
                       FROM stenograms
                       ORDER BY stenogram_date"""
    global all_dates
    all_dates = [d[0] for d in datecur]

    def aggregate_sessions_in_dates(array):
        new_shape = list(array.shape)
        new_shape[1] = len(session_dates)
        new_array = np.zeros(new_shape, dtype=np.int32)
        start = 0
        for date_i, date in enumerate(session_dates):
            end = start + len(date[1])
            new_array[:, date_i, :] = np.sum(array[:, start:end, :], 1)
            start = end
        return new_array

    def aggregate_names_in_parties(array):
        new_shape = list(array.shape)
        new_shape[0] = len(parties)
        new_array = np.zeros(new_shape, dtype=np.int32)
        start = 0
        for party_i, party in enumerate(parties):
            end = start + len(party[1])
            new_array[party_i, :, :] = np.sum(array[start:end, :, :], 0)
            start = end
        return new_array

    # All regs.
    datacur = db.cursor()
    global mps_dates_reg
    mps_dates_reg = np.zeros((len(mps), len(all_dates), 3), dtype=np.int32)
    """ A 3D array with the same structure as described for `mps_sessions_vote`."""
    reg_dict = {"present": 0, "absent": 1, "manually_registered": 2}
    for (mp_i, mp) in enumerate(mps):
            """SELECT reg, stenogram_date FROM mp_reg
                           WHERE mp_name = %s
                           ORDER BY stenogram_date""",
        f = datacur.fetchone()
        for r in datacur:
            date_i = index(all_dates, r[1])  # While the index is monotonic it is not always +=1
            mps_dates_reg[mp_i, date_i, reg_dict[r[0]]] = 1

    global mps_all_reg
    mps_all_reg = np.sum(mps_dates_reg, 1)

    # All votes
    global mps_sessions_vote
    mps_sessions_vote = np.zeros((len(mps), len(sessions), 4), dtype=np.int32)
    """  A 3D array       sessions /
         with the         index   /___yes_no_abst_absent
         following               |    0   0   0   1
         structure:        names |    1   0   0   0
                           index |   ...
         Contains votes. If the MP was not even registered for the session it contains only zeros."""
    vote_dict = {"yes": 0, "no": 1, "abstain": 2, "absent": 3}
    for (mp_i, mp) in enumerate(mps):
            """SELECT vote, stenogram_date, session_number FROM mp_votes
                           WHERE mp_name = %s
                           ORDER BY stenogram_date, session_number""",
        for v in datacur.fetchall():
            ses_i = index(sessions, v[1:])  # While the index is monotonic it is not always +=1
            mps_sessions_vote[mp_i, ses_i, vote_dict[v[0]]] = 1

    global mps_dates_vote, parties_sessions_vote, parties_dates_vote, mps_all_vote, all_sessions_vote
    mps_dates_vote = aggregate_sessions_in_dates(mps_sessions_vote)
    parties_sessions_vote = aggregate_names_in_parties(mps_sessions_vote)
    parties_dates_vote = aggregate_sessions_in_dates(parties_sessions_vote)
    mps_all_vote = np.sum(mps_dates_vote, 1)
    all_sessions_vote = np.sum(parties_sessions_vote, 0)
    """3D and 2D arrays with aggregated data."""

    global mps_sessions_with_against_party
    mps_sessions_with_against_party = np.zeros((len(mps), len(sessions), 2), dtype=np.int32)
    """ A 3D array with the same structure as above. The data is vote with/against party."""
    offset = 0
    for p_i, (party, p_mps) in enumerate(parties):
        end = offset + len(p_mps)
        for mp_i, ses_i in itertools.product(range(offset, end), range(len(sessions))):
            if not any(mps_sessions_vote[mp_i, ses_i, :2]):
            if parties_sessions_vote[p_i, ses_i, 0] == parties_sessions_vote[p_i, ses_i, 1]:
                mps_sessions_with_against_party[mp_i, ses_i, 0] = 1
            mps_sessions_with_against_party[mp_i, ses_i, 0] = mps_sessions_vote[
                mp_i, ses_i, np.argmax(parties_sessions_vote[p_i, ses_i, :2])
            mps_sessions_with_against_party[mp_i, ses_i, 1] = 1 - mps_sessions_with_against_party[mp_i, ses_i, 0]
        offset = end

    global mps_dates_with_against_party, mps_all_with_against_party
    mps_dates_with_against_party = aggregate_sessions_in_dates(mps_sessions_with_against_party)
    mps_all_with_against_party = np.sum(mps_dates_with_against_party, 1)
    """3D and 2D arrays with aggregated data."""

    global mps_sessions_with_against_all
    mps_sessions_with_against_all = np.zeros((len(mps), len(sessions), 2), dtype=np.int32)
    """ A 3D array with the same structure as above. The data is vote with/against all."""
    for mp_i, ses_i in itertools.product(range(len(mps)), range(len(sessions))):
        if not any(mps_sessions_vote[mp_i, ses_i, :2]):
        if all_sessions_vote[ses_i, 0] == all_sessions_vote[ses_i, 1]:
            mps_sessions_with_against_all[mp_i, ses_i, 0] = 1
        mps_sessions_with_against_all[mp_i, ses_i, 0] = mps_sessions_vote[
            mp_i, ses_i, np.argmax(all_sessions_vote[ses_i, :2])
        mps_sessions_with_against_all[mp_i, ses_i, 1] = 1 - mps_sessions_with_against_all[mp_i, ses_i, 0]

    global mps_dates_with_against_all, mps_all_with_against_all
    mps_dates_with_against_all = aggregate_sessions_in_dates(mps_sessions_with_against_all)
    mps_all_with_against_all = np.sum(mps_dates_with_against_all, 1)
    """3D and 2D arrays with aggregated data."""