def processOutput(path): rawResult = []; with open(path, 'r') as f: for content in f: m ='\[(\d+)\]', content); if m is not None: #print content; #print; rawResult.append(int(; #print rawResult; rawArray = np.asarray(rawResult); rawArray = np.reshape(rawArray,(-1,3)); #print rawArray; xTrails = np.arange(0,rawArray.shape[0],10); for i in xTrails: tmpMean,tmpStd = gf.calcMeanandStd(rawArray[i:i+10]); print tmpMean,tmpStd;
def drawFig(datasetTitle, data=None, path=None, n_trails=1, type='f1', figSavedPath=None): import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter def to_percent(y, position): # Display the ylabel in percent. # Ignore the passed in position. This has the effect of scaling the default # tick locations. s = str(100 * y) # The percent symbol needs escaping in latex if matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] is True: return s + r'$\%$' else: return s + '%' plt.clf() if path is not None: rawData = np.loadtxt(path, delimiter=",") if type is 'f1': data = rawData[:, [3, 7, 11, 15]] elif type is 'accuracy': data = rawData[:, [4, 8, 12, 16]] elif type is 'misclassRate': data = 1 - rawData[:, [4, 8, 12, 16]] elif type is 'precision': data = rawData[:, [1, 5, 9, 13]] elif type is 'recall': data = rawData[:, [2, 6, 10, 14]] print(data.shape) n_dim = data.shape[0] if n_trails is not 1: n_dim = int(data.shape[0] / n_trails) data = data.reshape(n_trails, n_dim, data.shape[1]) data_mean, data_std = gf.calcMeanandStd(data) print(data_mean.shape) print(data_std.shape) else: data_mean = data data_std = np.zeros(data.shape) print "Number of points on x-axis: %d" % n_dim x = rawData[:n_dim, 0] ''' if type is 'f1': data_mean = data_mean[:,[3,7,11,15]]; data_std = data_std[:,[3,7,11,15]]; elif type is 'accuracy': #drawAccuracy(datasetTitle, data=data, path=path, figSavedPath=figSavedPath); data_mean = data_mean[:, [4, 8, 12,16]]; data_std = data_std[:, [4, 8, 12,16]]; elif type is 'precision': #drawPrecision(datasetTitle, data=data, path=path, figSavedPath=figSavedPath) data_mean = data_mean[:, [1, 5, 9,13]]; data_std = data_std[:, [1, 5, 9,13]]; elif type is 'recall': #drawRecall(datasetTitle, data=data, path=path, figSavedPath=figSavedPath) data_mean = data_mean[:, [2, 6, 10,14]]; data_std = data_std[:, [2, 6, 10,14]]; ''' minVector = np.amin(data_mean, axis=0) yMin = min(minVector) maxVector = np.amax(data_mean, axis=0) yMax = max(maxVector) yMin = (yMin - 0.05) if (yMin - 0.05) > 0 else 0 yMax = (yMax * 1.25) if (yMax * 1.25) < 1 else 1.05 if type is '': pcaAccErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, data_mean[:, 0], yerr=data_std[:, 0], fmt='b', capsize=4) pcaAccLine, = plt.plot(x, data_mean[:, 0], 'b-') dpdpcaErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, data_mean[:, 1], yerr=data_std[:, 1], fmt='m', capsize=4) dpdpcaLine, = plt.plot(x, data_mean[:, 1], 'm-') wishartErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, data_mean[:, 2], yerr=data_std[:, 2], fmt='g', capsize=4) wishartLine, = plt.plot(x, data_mean[:, 2], 'g-') dpproErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, data_mean[:, 3], yerr=data_std[:, 3], fmt='r', capsize=4) dpproLine, = plt.plot(x, data_mean[:, 3], 'r-') #plt.axis([0.05, x[-1] + 0.05, yMin, yMax]); plt.axis([0, 2, yMin, yMax]) plt.legend([pcaAccLine, dpdpcaLine, wishartLine, dpproLine], ['PCA', 'DPDPCA', 'Wishart', 'DPPro'], loc=1) plt.xlabel('Epsilon', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Classification Accuracy', fontsize=18) plt.title(datasetTitle, fontsize=18) plt.xticks(x) formatter = FuncFormatter(to_percent) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15) else: theRange = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] x = x[theRange] data_mean = data_mean[theRange, :] data_std = data_std[theRange, :] ax = plt.gca() width = 0.06 gBar = - 0.1, data_mean[:, 1], width, color='m', yerr=data_std[:, 1], capsize=2) # gBar =, gF1Mean, width, color='r', yerr=gF1Std,capsize=2); wBar = - 0.03, data_mean[:, 2], width, color='g', yerr=data_std[:, 2], capsize=2) dpproBar = + 0.03, data_mean[:, 3], width, color='r', yerr=data_std[:, 3], capsize=2) pcaBar = + 0.1, data_mean[:, 0], width, color='b', yerr=data_std[:, 0], capsize=2) plt.axis([0, 2.1, yMin, yMax]) # plt.legend([pcaF1Line,gF1Line,wF1Line], ['PCA', 'Gaussian Noise', 'Wishart Noise'], loc=4); # ax.legend((gBar[0], wBar[0], pcaBar[0]), ('Gaussian Noise','Wishart Noise','PCA'), loc=1, prop={'size':6}); ax.legend((pcaBar[0], gBar[0], wBar[0], dpproBar[0]), ('PCA', 'DPDPCA', 'Wishart', 'DPPro'), loc=1, prop={'size': 8}) plt.xlabel('Epsilon', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(type, fontsize=18) plt.title(datasetTitle, fontsize=18) plt.xticks(x) if figSavedPath is None: else: plt.savefig(figSavedPath + "dppro_" + datasetTitle + '.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=1000)
def drawF1Score(datasetTitle, data=None, path=None, n_trails=1, figSavedPath=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator plt.clf() if path is not None: data = np.loadtxt(path, delimiter=",") """ #x = [10,40,70,100,130,160,190,220,250,280,310,340]; y1Line,y2Line,y3Line = plt.plot(x, data[:,1], 'bo-', x, data[:,2], 'r^-',x, data[:,3], 'gs-'); plt.legend([y1Line,y2Line,y3Line], ['PCA', 'Gaussian Noise','Wishart Noise'],loc=4); """ minVector = np.amin(data[:, 1:], axis=0) yMin = min(minVector) maxVector = np.amax(data[:, 1:], axis=0) yMax = max(maxVector) yMin = (yMin - 0.05) if (yMin - 0.05) > 0 else 0 yMax = (yMax + 0.05) if (yMax + 0.05) < 1 else 1.05 n_dim = data.shape[0] if n_trails is not 1: n_dim = int(data.shape[0] / n_trails) data = data.reshape(n_trails, -1, data.shape[1]) data_mean, data_std = gf.calcMeanandStd(data) else: data_mean = data data_std = np.zeros(data.shape) print "Number of points on x-axis: %d" % n_dim #print(data_mean); #print(data_std); x = data_mean[:, 0] pcaF1Mean = data_mean[:, 3] pcaF1Std = data_std[:, 3] largestXVal = x[-1] pcaF1ErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, pcaF1Mean, yerr=pcaF1Std, fmt='b', capsize=4) pcaF1Line, = plt.plot(x, pcaF1Mean, 'b-') gF1Mean = data_mean[:, 7] gF1Std = data_std[:, 7] gF1ErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, gF1Mean, yerr=gF1Std, fmt='m', capsize=4) gF1Line, = plt.plot(x, gF1Mean, 'm-') wF1Mean = data_mean[:, 11] wF1Std = data_std[:, 11] wF1ErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, wF1Mean, yerr=wF1Std, fmt='g', capsize=4) wF1Line, = plt.plot(x, wF1Mean, 'g-') plt.axis([0, x[-1] + 1, yMin, yMax]) #plt.axis([0,10,0.4,1.0]); plt.legend([gF1Line, wF1Line, pcaF1Line], ['DPDPCA', 'Wishart', 'PCA'], loc=4) #plt.legend([gF1Line, pcaF1Line], ['DPDPCA', 'PCA'], loc=4); plt.xlabel('Number of Principal Components', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('F1-Score', fontsize=18) plt.title(datasetTitle, fontsize=18) plt.xticks(x) ''' ax = plt.gca(); if largestXVal>200: majorLocator = MultipleLocator(24); else: majorLocator = MultipleLocator(8); ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator); ''' if figSavedPath is None: else: plt.savefig(figSavedPath + "numOfPC_" + datasetTitle + '.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=1000)
def drawScore(datasetTitle, data=None, path=None, n_trails=1, type='Accuracy', figSavedPath=None): import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter def to_percent(y, position): # Display the ylabel in percent. # Ignore the passed in position. This has the effect of scaling the default # tick locations. s = str(100 * y) # The percent symbol needs escaping in latex if matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] is True: return s + r'$\%$' else: return s + '%' plt.clf() if path is not None: data = np.loadtxt(path, delimiter=",") n_dim = data.shape[0] if n_trails is not 1: n_dim = int(data.shape[0] / n_trails) data = data.reshape(n_trails, -1, data.shape[1]) data_mean, data_std = gf.calcMeanandStd(data) else: data_mean = data data_std = np.zeros(data.shape) print "Number of points on x-axis: %d" % n_dim x = data_mean[:, 0] if type is 'f1': #drawF1Score(datasetTitle, data=data, path=path, figSavedPath=figSavedPath); data_mean = data_mean[:, [3, 7, 11]] data_std = data_std[:, [3, 7, 11]] elif type is 'accuracy': #drawAccuracy(datasetTitle, data=data, path=path, figSavedPath=figSavedPath); data_mean = data_mean[:, [4, 8, 12]] data_std = data_std[:, [4, 8, 12]] """ minVector = np.amin(data[:,1:],axis=0); yMin = min(minVector); maxVector = np.amax(data[:,1:],axis=0); yMax = max(maxVector); yMin = (yMin-0.1) if (yMin-0.1)>0 else 0; yMax = (yMax+0.1) if (yMax+0.1)<1 else 1; #x = [10,40,70,100,130,160,190,220,250,280,310,340]; y1Line,y2Line,y3Line = plt.plot(x, data[:,1], 'bo-', x, data[:,2], 'r^-',x, data[:,3], 'gs-'); if datasetTitle is 'Ionosphere': plt.legend([y1Line,y2Line,y3Line], ['PCA','DPDPCA','PrivateLocalPCA'],loc=4); else: plt.legend([y1Line,y2Line,y3Line], ['PCA','DPDPCA','PrivateLocalPCA'],loc=2); """ #x = np.arange(10,60,10); pcaF1 = [] dpdpcaF1 = [] privateF1 = [] ''' for i in range(0, len(x)): pcaIndices = np.arange(i, data.shape[0], len(x)); print pcaIndices; pcaF1.append(data[pcaIndices, 3]); dpdpcaF1.append(data[pcaIndices, 7]); privateF1.append(data[pcaIndices, 11]); # print np.asarray(gF1); ''' ax = plt.gca() width = 2.3 #pcaF1Mean, pcaF1Std = gf.calcMeanandStd(np.asarray(pcaF1).T); #pcaF1ErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, pcaF1Mean, yerr=pcaF1Std, fmt='b', capsize=4); #pcaF1Line, = plt.plot(x,pcaF1Mean,'b-'); #dpdpcaF1Mean, dpdpcaF1Std = gf.calcMeanandStd(np.asarray(dpdpcaF1).T); #dpdpcaF1ErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, dpdpcaF1Mean, yerr=dpdpcaF1Std, fmt='m', capsize=4); #dpdpcaF1Line, = plt.plot(x,dpdpcaF1Mean,'m-'); #privateF1Mean, privateF1Std = gf.calcMeanandStd(np.asarray(privateF1).T); #privateF1ErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, privateF1Mean, yerr=privateF1Std, fmt='c', capsize=4); #privateF1Line, = plt.plot(x,privateF1Mean,'c-'); pcaBar = + 2.5, data_mean[:, 0], width, color='b', yerr=data_std[:, 0], capsize=2) dpdpcaBar = - 2.5, data_mean[:, 1], width, color='m', yerr=data_std[:, 1], capsize=2) privateBar =, data_mean[:, 2], width, color='c', yerr=data_std[:, 2], capsize=2) yMin = round(np.amin(data_mean[:, 2]), 1) - 0.1 if datasetTitle == 'GISETTE': plt.axis([5, 55, yMin, 1.05]) else: plt.axis([5, 55, yMin, 1.13]) """ if 'p53' in datasetTitle: plt.legend([pcaF1Line, dpdpcaF1Line, privateF1Line], ['PCA', 'DPDPCA', 'PrivateLocalPCA'], loc=2, fontsize='small'); else: plt.legend([pcaF1Line, dpdpcaF1Line, privateF1Line], ['PCA', 'DPDPCA', 'PrivateLocalPCA'], loc=4, fontsize='small'); """ #plt.legend([pcaF1Line, dpdpcaF1Line, privateF1Line], ['PCA', 'DPDPCA', 'PrivateLocalPCA'], loc=4, fontsize='small'); ax.legend((dpdpcaBar[0], privateBar[0], pcaBar[0]), ('DPDPCA', 'PrivateLocalPCA', 'PCA'), loc=1, prop={'size': 7}) plt.xlabel('Samples at Each Data Owner', fontsize=18) #plt.ylabel('Accuracy', fontsize=18); plt.title(datasetTitle, fontsize=18) plt.xticks(x) if type == 'Accuracy': plt.ylabel('Accuracy', fontsize=18) formatter = FuncFormatter(to_percent) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15) else: plt.ylabel('F1-Score', fontsize=18) plt.yticks(np.arange(yMin, 1.05, 0.1)) """ ax = plt.gca(); if x[-1] > 100: majorLocator = MultipleLocator(8); else: majorLocator = MultipleLocator(2); #ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator); """ if figSavedPath is None: else: plt.savefig(figSavedPath + "samples_" + datasetTitle + '_bar.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=1000)
def drawF1Score(datasetTitle, data=None, path=None, figSavedPath=None): plt.clf() if path is not None: data = np.loadtxt(path, delimiter=",") numOfDim = data.shape[0] / 9 x = data[:numOfDim, 0] xBound = x[-1] + 1 """ minVector = np.amin(data[:,1:],axis=0); yMin = min(minVector); maxVector = np.amax(data[:,1:],axis=0); yMax = max(maxVector); yMin = (yMin-0.1) if (yMin-0.1)>0 else 0; yMax = (yMax+0.1) if (yMax+0.1)<1 else 1; #x = [10,40,70,100,130,160,190,220,250,280,310,340]; y1Line,y2Line,y3Line = plt.plot(x, data[:,1], 'bo-', x, data[:,2], 'r^-',x, data[:,3], 'gs-'); if datasetTitle is 'Ionosphere': plt.legend([y1Line,y2Line,y3Line], ['PCA','DPDPCA','PrivateLocalPCA'],loc=4); else: plt.legend([y1Line,y2Line,y3Line], ['PCA','DPDPCA','PrivateLocalPCA'],loc=2); """ pcaF1 = [] dpdpcaF1 = [] privateF1 = [] for i in range(0, numOfDim): pcaIndices = np.arange(i, data.shape[0], numOfDim) pcaF1.append(data[pcaIndices, 1]) dpdpcaF1.append(data[pcaIndices, 2]) privateF1.append(data[pcaIndices, 3]) # print np.asarray(gF1); pcaF1Mean, pcaF1Std = gf.calcMeanandStd(np.asarray(pcaF1).T) pcaF1ErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, pcaF1Mean, yerr=pcaF1Std, fmt='b', capsize=4) pcaF1Line, = plt.plot(x, pcaF1Mean, 'b-') dpdpcaF1Mean, dpdpcaF1Std = gf.calcMeanandStd(np.asarray(dpdpcaF1).T) dpdpcaF1ErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, dpdpcaF1Mean, yerr=dpdpcaF1Std, fmt='m', capsize=4) dpdpcaF1Line, = plt.plot(x, dpdpcaF1Mean, 'm-') privateF1Mean, privateF1Std = gf.calcMeanandStd(np.asarray(privateF1).T) privateF1ErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, privateF1Mean, yerr=privateF1Std, fmt='c', capsize=4) privateF1Line, = plt.plot(x, privateF1Mean, 'c-') plt.axis([0, xBound, -0.05, 1.05]) if 'p53' in datasetTitle: plt.legend([pcaF1Line, dpdpcaF1Line, privateF1Line], ['PCA', 'DPDPCA', 'PrivateLocalPCA'], loc=2, fontsize='small') else: plt.legend([pcaF1Line, dpdpcaF1Line, privateF1Line], ['PCA', 'DPDPCA', 'PrivateLocalPCA'], loc=4, fontsize='small') # plt.axis([0,10,0.4,1.0]); plt.xlabel('Number of Principal Components', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('F1-Score', fontsize=18) plt.title(datasetTitle, fontsize=18) plt.xticks(x) ax = plt.gca() if x[-1] > 100: majorLocator = MultipleLocator(8) else: majorLocator = MultipleLocator(2) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) if figSavedPath is None: else: plt.savefig(figSavedPath + "dataOwner_" + datasetTitle + '.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=1000)
def drawExplainedVariance(datasetTitle,data=None,path=None,figSavedPath=None): plt.clf(); if path is not None: data = np.loadtxt(path,delimiter=","); ''' x = data[:,0]; gaussianPercent,wishartPercent is the percentage over the non-noise PCA. gaussianPercent = data[:,2]/data[:,1]; wishartPercent = data[:,3]/data[:,1]; y1Line,y2Line = plt.plot(x, gaussianPercent, 'bo-', x, wishartPercent, 'r^-'); if datasetTitle is 'german': plt.legend([y1Line,y2Line], ['Gaussian Noise','Wishart Noise'],loc=2); else: plt.legend([y1Line,y2Line], ['Gaussian Noise','Wishart Noise'],loc=4); ''' #x = range(1, data.shape[1]+1); if data.shape[1]<20: x = np.arange(1,data.shape[1]+1); else: x = np.arange(1,data.shape[1]+1,data.shape[1]/20); pcaIndices = np.arange(0,210,21); print pcaIndices; pcaVal = data[pcaIndices]; pcaValMean,pcaValStd = gf.calcMeanandStd(pcaVal); pcaLine = plt.errorbar(x, pcaValMean[x - 1], yerr=pcaValStd[x - 1], fmt='b-', capsize=4); gepsiIndices = np.arange(1,210,21); gepsiVal = data[gepsiIndices]; gepsiValMean,gepsiValStd = gf.calcMeanandStd(gepsiVal); #y1Line,y2Line = plt.plot(x, pcaValMean, 'bo-', x, pcaValStd, 'r^-'); #gepsi1Line = plt.errorbar(x,gepsiValMean[x-1],yerr=gepsiValStd[x-1],fmt='g-',capsize=4); gepsiIndices = np.arange(5,210,21); gepsiVal = data[gepsiIndices]; gepsiValMean,gepsiValStd = gf.calcMeanandStd(gepsiVal); gepsi5Line = plt.errorbar(x,gepsiValMean[x-1],yerr=gepsiValStd[x-1],fmt='r-',capsize=4); gepsiIndices = np.arange(9,210,21); gepsiVal = data[gepsiIndices]; ggepsiValMean,gepsiValStd = gf.calcMeanandStd(gepsiVal); gepsi9Line = plt.errorbar(x,gepsiValMean[x-1],yerr=gepsiValStd[x-1],fmt='ro-.',capsize=4); wepsiIndices = np.arange(15,210,21); wepsiVal = data[wepsiIndices]; wepsiValMean,wepsiValStd = gf.calcMeanandStd(wepsiVal); #print wepsiValStd; wepsi5Line = plt.errorbar(x,wepsiValMean[x-1],yerr=wepsiValStd[x-1],fmt='y-',capsize=4); wepsiIndices = np.arange(19,210,21); wepsiVal = data[wepsiIndices]; wepsiValMean,wepsiValStd = gf.calcMeanandStd(wepsiVal); wepsi9Line = plt.errorbar(x,wepsiValMean[x-1],yerr=wepsiValStd[x-1],fmt='yo-',capsize=4); plt.axis([0,data.shape[1]+1,0,1.1]); #plt.axis([0,10,0.4,1.0]); plt.xlabel('Epsilon',fontsize=18); plt.ylabel('Captured Energy',fontsize=18); plt.title(datasetTitle, fontsize=18); plt.xticks(x); if figSavedPath is None:; else: plt.savefig(figSavedPath+"explainedVariance_"+datasetTitle+'.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=1000);
def drawVariance_x_epsilon(datasetTitle,data=None,path=None,figSavedPath=None): plt.clf(); if path is not None: data = np.loadtxt(path, delimiter=","); x = np.arange(0.1, 1.1, 0.1); tmpDim = 1; for i in range(data.shape[1]): if data[0,i]>0.8: tmpDim = i; break; print "print dimension: %d" % tmpDim; #tmpDim = 1; pcaRes = []; gRes = []; wRes = []; pcaVal = data[np.arange(0,190,21),tmpDim]; print pcaVal; for i in np.arange(0,190,21): tmpRange = np.arange(i+1,i+11); #print len(tmpRange); #gRes.append(data[tmpRange,tmpDim]/data[i,tmpDim]); gRes.append(data[tmpRange, tmpDim]); print gRes; for i in np.arange(11,200,21): tmpRange = np.arange(i,i+10); #print len(tmpRange); #wRes.append(data[tmpRange,tmpDim]/data[i-11,tmpDim]); wRes.append(data[tmpRange, tmpDim]); gMean, gStd = gf.calcMeanandStd(np.asarray(gRes)); #gErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, gMean, yerr=gStd, fmt='r', capsize=4); #gLine, = plt.plot(x,gMean,'r-'); wMean,wStd = gf.calcMeanandStd(np.asarray(wRes)); #wErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, wMean, yerr=wStd, fmt='g', capsize=4); #wLine, = plt.plot(x,wMean,'g-'); #yMin = min(np.amin(gMean),np.amin(wMean)); #yMax = max(np.amax(gMean),np.amax(wMean)); yMin = np.amin(gMean); yMax = np.amax(gMean); toPlot = []; gResArray = np.asarray(gRes); for i in range(gResArray.shape[1]): toPlot.append(gResArray[:,i]); ax = plt.gca(); ax.boxplot(toPlot,widths=0.05,positions=x,showfliers=False,boxprops={'color':'indigo'}); plt.axis([0.05, 1.05, yMin*0.94, 1.06*yMax]); ax.set_xticklabels(x); #plt.legend([gLine, wLine], ['Gaussian Noise', 'Wishart Noise'], loc=4); # plt.axis([0,10,0.4,1.0]); plt.xlabel('Epsilon', fontsize=18); plt.ylabel('Captured Energy', fontsize=18); plt.title(datasetTitle, fontsize=18); #plt.xticks(x); #plt.tight_layout(); plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15) if figSavedPath is None:; else: plt.savefig(figSavedPath + "explainedVariance_" + datasetTitle + '_box.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=1000);
def drawF1Score(datasetTitle, data=None, path=None, figSavedPath=None): plt.clf() if path is not None: data = np.loadtxt(path, delimiter=",") numOfTrails = data.shape[0] / 10 print "Number of points on x-axis: %d" % numOfTrails """ minVector = np.amin(data[:,1:],axis=0); yMin = min(minVector); maxVector = np.amax(data[:,1:],axis=0); yMax = max(maxVector); yMin = (yMin-0.1) if (yMin-0.1)>0 else 0; yMax = (yMax+0.1) if (yMax+0.1)<1 else 1; #x = [10,40,70,100,130,160,190,220,250,280,310,340]; y1Line,y2Line,y3Line = plt.plot(x, data[:,1], 'bo-', x, data[:,2], 'r^-',x, data[:,3], 'gs-'); plt.legend([y1Line,y2Line,y3Line], ['PCA', 'Gaussian Noise','Wishart Noise'],loc=4); """ x = np.arange(100, 1100, 100) targetDimension = 9 pcaF1 = data[targetDimension::20, 3::3] dpdpcaF1 = data[targetDimension + 1::20, 4::3] minVector = np.amin(pcaF1, axis=0) yMin = min(minVector) maxVector = np.amax(dpdpcaF1, axis=0) yMax = max(maxVector) yMin = (yMin - 0.05) if (yMin - 0.05) > 0 else 0 yMax = (yMax + 0.05) if (yMax + 0.05) < 1 else 1.05 pcaF1Mean, pcaF1Std = gf.calcMeanandStd(np.asarray(pcaF1)) pcaF1ErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, pcaF1Mean, yerr=pcaF1Std, fmt='b', capsize=4) pcaF1Line, = plt.plot(x, pcaF1Mean, 'b-') dpdpcaF1Mean, dpdpcaF1Std = gf.calcMeanandStd(np.asarray(dpdpcaF1)) dpdpcaF1ErrorLine = plt.errorbar(x, dpdpcaF1Mean, yerr=dpdpcaF1Std, fmt='r', capsize=4) dpdpcaF1Line, = plt.plot(x, dpdpcaF1Mean, 'r-') plt.axis([0, x[-1] + 100, yMin, yMax]) # plt.axis([0,10,0.4,1.0]); plt.legend([pcaF1Line, dpdpcaF1Line], ['PCA', 'DPDPCA'], loc=4) plt.xlabel('Number of Epochs', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('F1-Score', fontsize=18) plt.title(datasetTitle, fontsize=18) plt.xticks(x) if figSavedPath is None: else: plt.savefig(figSavedPath + "NN_" + datasetTitle + '.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=1000)