コード例 #1
ファイル: egg_info.py プロジェクト: 0x00xw/wooyun
 def tagged_version(self):
     version = self.distribution.get_version()
     # egg_info may be called more than once for a distribution,
     # in which case the version string already contains all tags.
     if self.vtags and version.endswith(self.vtags):
         return safe_version(version)
     return safe_version(version + self.vtags)
コード例 #2
def _parse_wheel_filename(basename, project_name=None, return_tags=False):
    components = basename.split('-')
    distname = components[0]
    if (project_name is not None and
            distname != _wheel_escape(project_name)):
        raise ValueError('File %s.whl does not match project name %s'
                         % (basename, project_name))

    if len(components) < 3 or not len(components[2]) >= 4:
        raise ValueError('Invalid wheel filename %s.whl' % basename)
    version = components[1]
    pytag = components[2]
    abitag = components[3]
    platformtag = components[4]

    if pytag == 'py2.py3':
        # special handling of the universal Python version tag:
        pyversion = '.'.join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:2])
    elif pytag[:2] == 'py' and len(pytag) == 4:
        pyversion = '%s.%s' % (pytag[2], pytag[3])
    elif pytag[:2] == 'cp':
        pyversion = '%s.%s' % (pytag[2], pytag[3])
        raise ValueError('Invalid or unsupported Python version tag in '
                         'filename %s.whl' % basename)
    if return_tags:
        tags = {
            'python': pytag,
            'abi': abitag,
            'platform': platformtag,
        return (distname, safe_version(version), pyversion, 'bdist_wheel',
        return (distname, safe_version(version), pyversion, 'bdist_wheel')
コード例 #3
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: ogrisel/wheelhouse-uploader
def _parse_source_filename(basename, project_name=None, return_tags=True):
    distname, version = basename.rsplit('-', 1)
    distname = _wheel_escape(distname)
    if project_name is not None and _wheel_escape(project_name):
        raise ValueError('File %s does not match expected project name %s'
                         % (basename, project_name))
    if return_tags:
        return (distname, safe_version(version), '', 'sdist', {})
    return (distname, safe_version(version), '', 'sdist')
コード例 #4
def research_package(name, version=None):
    f = urlopen("https://pypi.python.org/pypi/{}/json".format(name))
    reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")
    pkg_data = json.load(reader(f))
    d = {}
    d['name'] = pkg_data['info']['name']
    d['homepage'] = pkg_data['info'].get('home_page', '')
    artefact = None
    if version:
        for pypi_version in pkg_data['releases']:
            if pkg_resources.safe_version(pypi_version) == version:
                for version_artefact in pkg_data['releases'][pypi_version]:
                    if version_artefact['packagetype'] == 'sdist':
                        artefact = version_artefact
        if artefact is None:
            warnings.warn("Could not find an exact version match for "
                          "{} version {}; using newest instead".
                          format(name, version), PackageVersionNotFoundWarning)

    if artefact is None:  # no version given or exact match not found
        for url in pkg_data['urls']:
            if url['packagetype'] == 'sdist':
                artefact = url

    d['url'] = artefact['url']
    f = urlopen(artefact['url'])
    d['checksum'] = sha256(f.read()).hexdigest()
    d['checksum_type'] = 'sha256'
    return d
コード例 #5
ファイル: fetch.py プロジェクト: ogrisel/wheelhouse-uploader
def download_artifacts(index_url, folder, project_name, version=None,
    if version is not None:
        version = safe_version(version)
    artifacts, found_versions = _parse_html(index_url, folder, project_name,
    if not artifacts:
        print('Could not find any matching artifact for project "%s" on %s'
              % (project_name, index_url))
        if version is not None:
            print("Requested version: %s" % version)
            print("Available versions: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(found_versions)))

    print('Found %d artifacts to download from %s'
          % (len(artifacts), index_url))
    if not os.path.exists(folder):
    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as e:
        # Dispatch the file download in threads
        futures = [e.submit(download, url_, filepath)
                   for url_, filepath in artifacts]
        for future in as_completed(futures):
            # We don't expect any returned results be we want to raise
            # an exception early in case if problem
コード例 #6
def _parse_exe_filename(basename, project_name=None, return_tags=True):
    remainder, pythontag = basename.rsplit('-', 1)
    name_and_version, platform = remainder.rsplit('.', 1)
    distname, version = name_and_version.rsplit('-', 1)
    distname = _wheel_escape(distname)
    if project_name is not None and distname != _wheel_escape(project_name):
        raise ValueError('File %s.exe does not match project name %s'
                         % (basename, project_name))
    pyversion = pythontag[2:]
    if return_tags:
        tags = {
            'python': pythontag.replace('.', ''),
            'platform': _wheel_escape(platform),
        return (distname, safe_version(version), pyversion, 'bdist_wininst',
    return (distname, safe_version(version), pyversion, 'bdist_wininst')
コード例 #7
 def scan(link):
     # Process a URL to see if it's for a package page
     if link.startswith(self.index_url):
         parts = list(map(urllib.parse.unquote, link[len(self.index_url) :].split("/")))
         if len(parts) == 2 and "#" not in parts[1]:
             # it's a package page, sanitize and index it
             pkg = safe_name(parts[0])
             ver = safe_version(parts[1])
             self.package_pages.setdefault(pkg.lower(), {})[link] = True
             return to_filename(pkg), to_filename(ver)
     return None, None
コード例 #8
 def get_package_info(self, dir, develop=False):
     python = self.python
     rc, lines = self.process.popen(
         '"%(python)s" setup.py --name --version' % locals(), echo=False)
     if rc == 0 and len(lines) == 2:
         name, version = lines
         if develop:
             parser = ConfigParser(warn)
             version += parser.get('egg_info', 'tag_build', '').strip()
         return name, pkg_resources.safe_version(version)
     err_exit('Bad setup.py')
コード例 #9
ファイル: dist.py プロジェクト: AlerzDev/Brazo-Proyecto-Final
 def patch_missing_pkg_info(self, attrs):
     # Fake up a replacement for the data that would normally come from
     # PKG-INFO, but which might not yet be built if this is a fresh
     # checkout.
     if not attrs or 'name' not in attrs or 'version' not in attrs:
     key = pkg_resources.safe_name(str(attrs['name'])).lower()
     dist = pkg_resources.working_set.by_key.get(key)
     if dist is not None and not dist.has_metadata('PKG-INFO'):
         dist._version = pkg_resources.safe_version(str(attrs['version']))
         self._patched_dist = dist
コード例 #10
 def scan(link):
     # Process a URL to see if it's for a package page
     if link.startswith(self.index_url):
         parts = list(
         if len(parts) == 2 and '#' not in parts[1]:
             # it's a package page, sanitize and index it
             pkg = safe_name(parts[0])
             ver = safe_version(parts[1])
             self.package_pages.setdefault(pkg.lower(), {})[link] = True
             return to_filename(pkg), to_filename(ver)
     return None, None
コード例 #11
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: ogrisel/wheelhouse-uploader
def _parse_exe_filename(basename, project_name=None, return_tags=True):
    remainder, pythontag = basename.rsplit('-', 1)
    if not pythontag.startswith('py'):
        # There was no python tag with this file, therefore it must be
        # python version independent
        pythontag = 'py' + '.'.join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:2])
        remainder = basename
    name_and_version, platform = remainder.rsplit('.', 1)
    distname, version = name_and_version.rsplit('-', 1)
    distname = _wheel_escape(distname)
    if project_name is not None and distname != _wheel_escape(project_name):
        raise ValueError('File %s.exe does not match project name %s'
                         % (basename, project_name))
    pyversion = pythontag[2:]
    if return_tags:
        tags = {
            'python': pythontag.replace('.', ''),
            'platform': _wheel_escape(platform),
        return (distname, safe_version(version), pyversion, 'bdist_wininst',
    return (distname, safe_version(version), pyversion, 'bdist_wininst')
コード例 #12
ファイル: humpty.py プロジェクト: tirkarthi/humpty
 def egg_name(self):
     wheel = self.wheel
     name = pkg_resources.safe_name(wheel.name)
     version = pkg_resources.safe_version(wheel.version)
     pyver = 'py%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2]
     bits = [pkg_resources.to_filename(name),
     if any(abi != 'none' or arch != 'any'
            for pyver, abi, arch in wheel.tags):
         # not pure python
     return '-'.join(bits) + '.egg'
コード例 #13
ファイル: eggs.py プロジェクト: brandon-rhodes/pyron
def write_egg(project, version_info, egg_data, destdir='.'):
    """Write an egg file, formatting its name per the egg specifications."""

    filename = '{0}-{1}-py{2[0]}.{2[1]}.egg'.format(
    f = open(os.path.join(destdir, filename), 'w')
    return filename
コード例 #14
def _parse_exe_filename(basename, project_name=None, return_tags=True):
    remainder, pythontag = basename.rsplit('-', 1)
    if not pythontag.startswith('py'):
        # There was no python tag with this file, therefore it must be
        # python version independent
        pythontag = 'py' + '.'.join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:2])
        remainder = basename
    name_and_version, platform = remainder.rsplit('.', 1)
    distname, version = name_and_version.rsplit('-', 1)
    distname = _wheel_escape(distname)
    if project_name is not None and distname != _wheel_escape(project_name):
        raise ValueError('File %s.exe does not match project name %s' %
                         (basename, project_name))
    pyversion = pythontag[2:]
    if return_tags:
        tags = {
            'python': pythontag.replace('.', ''),
            'platform': _wheel_escape(platform),
        return (distname, safe_version(version), pyversion, 'bdist_wininst',
    return (distname, safe_version(version), pyversion, 'bdist_wininst')
コード例 #15
ファイル: humpty.py プロジェクト: dairiki/humpty
 def egg_name(self):
     wheel = self.wheel
     name = pkg_resources.safe_name(wheel.name)
     version = pkg_resources.safe_version(wheel.version)
     pyver = 'py%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2]
     bits = [pkg_resources.to_filename(name),
     if any(abi != 'none' or arch != 'any'
            for pyver, abi, arch in wheel.tags):
         # not pure python
     return '-'.join(bits) + '.egg'
コード例 #16
def matched_by_list(package, version, requirements):
    Verify whether the given version of the package is matched by the given requirements file.

    :param package: Name of the package to look for
    :param version: Version of the package to look for
    :param requirements: A list of requirements as read by read_raw()
    :return: True if the package can be used to fulfil on of the requirements in the file, False otherwise
    version = pkg_resources.safe_version('{}'.format(version))
    package = pkg_resources.safe_name(package)
    matches = (package == requirement.project_name and version in requirement
               for requirement in requirements)
    return any(matches)
コード例 #17
ファイル: plugins.py プロジェクト: MrRKernelPanic/Voice
	def tagged_version(self):
		using_hg_version = (
			or getattr(self.distribution, 'use_hg_version', False)
		if force_hg_version:
			# disable patched `tagged_version` to avoid affecting
			#  subsequent installs in the same interpreter instance.
			egg_info.tagged_version = orig_ver
		if using_hg_version:
			result = safe_version(self.distribution.get_version())
			result = orig_ver(self)
		self.tag_build = result
		return result
コード例 #18
def _parse_wheel_filename(basename, project_name=None, return_tags=False):
    components = basename.split('-')
    distname = components[0]
    if (project_name is not None and distname != _wheel_escape(project_name)):
        raise ValueError('File %s.whl does not match project name %s' %
                         (basename, project_name))

    if len(components) < 3 or not len(components[2]) >= 3:
        raise ValueError('Invalid wheel filename %s.whl' % basename)
    version = components[1]
    pytag = components[2]
    abitag = components[3]
    platformtag = components[4]

    if pytag == 'py2.py3':
        # special handling of the universal Python version tag:
        pyversion = '.'.join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:2])
    elif pytag[:2] == 'py' and len(pytag) == 3:
        pyversion = '%s' % pytag[2]
    elif pytag[:2] in ['pp', 'py'] and len(pytag) == 4:
        pyversion = '%s.%s' % (pytag[2], pytag[3])
    elif pytag[:2] == 'cp':
        pyversion = '%s.%s' % (pytag[2], pytag[3])
        raise ValueError('Invalid or unsupported Python version tag in '
                         'filename %s.whl' % basename)
    if return_tags:
        tags = {
            'python': pytag,
            'abi': abitag,
            'platform': platformtag,
        return (distname, safe_version(version), pyversion, 'bdist_wheel',
        return (distname, safe_version(version), pyversion, 'bdist_wheel')
コード例 #19
ファイル: pip.py プロジェクト: geekswagg/Openstack-Anvil
def extract_requirement(pkg_info):
    p_name = pkg_info.get('name', '')
    p_name = p_name.strip()
    p_name = pkg_resources.safe_name(p_name)
    if not p_name:
        raise ValueError("Pip requirement provided with an empty name")
    p_version = pkg_info.get('version')
    if p_version is not None:
        if isinstance(p_version, (int, float, long)):
            p_version = str(p_version)
        if isinstance(p_version, (str, basestring)):
            p_version = pkg_resources.safe_version(p_version)
            raise TypeError("Pip requirement version must be a string or numeric type")
    return pip_helper.Requirement(p_name, p_version)
コード例 #20
    def _scan(self, link):
        # Process a URL to see if it's for a package page
        NO_MATCH_SENTINEL = None, None
        if not link.startswith(self.index_url):
            return NO_MATCH_SENTINEL

        parts = list(
            map(urllib.parse.unquote, link[len(self.index_url):].split('/')))
        if len(parts) != 2 or '#' in parts[1]:
            return NO_MATCH_SENTINEL

        # it's a package page, sanitize and index it
        pkg = safe_name(parts[0])
        ver = safe_version(parts[1])
        self.package_pages.setdefault(pkg.lower(), {})[link] = True
        return to_filename(pkg), to_filename(ver)
コード例 #21
def extract_requirement(pkg_info):
    p_name = pkg_info.get('name', '')
    p_name = p_name.strip()
    p_name = pkg_resources.safe_name(p_name)
    if not p_name:
        raise ValueError("Pip requirement provided with an empty name")
    p_version = pkg_info.get('version')
    if p_version is not None:
        if isinstance(p_version, (int, float, long)):
            p_version = str(p_version)
        if isinstance(p_version, (str, basestring)):
            p_version = pkg_resources.safe_version(p_version)
            raise TypeError(
                "Pip requirement version must be a string or numeric type")
    return pip_helper.Requirement(p_name, p_version)
コード例 #22
def matched_by_list(package, version, requirements):
    Verify whether the given version of the package is matched by the given requirements file.

    :param package: Name of the package to look for
    :param version: Version of the package to look for
    :param requirements: A list of requirements as read by read_raw()
    :return: True if the package can be used to fulfil on of the requirements in the file, False otherwise
    version = pkg_resources.safe_version('{}'.format(version))
    package = pkg_resources.safe_name(package)
    matches = (
        package == requirement.project_name and version in requirement
        for requirement in requirements
    return any(matches)
コード例 #23
ファイル: serializers.py プロジェクト: loganasherjones/docbot
    def update(self, instance, validated_data):
        for k in [
            setattr(instance, k, validated_data.get(k, getattr(instance, k)))

        instance.version = str(
            safe_version(validated_data.get("version", instance.version)))
コード例 #24
        def scan(link):
            # Process a URL to see if it's for a package page
            if link.startswith(self.index_url):
                parts = list(map(
<<<<<<< HEAD
                    unquote, link[len(self.index_url):].split('/')
                    urllib.parse.unquote, link[len(self.index_url):].split('/')
>>>>>>> 54eef0be98b1b67c8507db91f4cfa90b64991027
                if len(parts)==2 and '#' not in parts[1]:
                    # it's a package page, sanitize and index it
                    pkg = safe_name(parts[0])
                    ver = safe_version(parts[1])
                    self.package_pages.setdefault(pkg.lower(),{})[link] = True
                    return to_filename(pkg), to_filename(ver)
            return None, None
コード例 #25
def matched_by_file(package, version, filename):
    Verify whether the given version of the package is matched by the given requirements file.

    :param package: Name of the package to look for
    :param version: Version of the package to look for
    :param filename: Filename of the requirements-style file.
    :return: True if the package can be used to fulfil on of the requirements in the file, False otherwise
    version = pkg_resources.safe_version('{}'.format(version))
    package = pkg_resources.safe_name(package)
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        parsed_requirements = list(pkg_resources.parse_requirements(input_file))
        matches = [
            package == requirement.project_name and version in requirement
            for requirement in parsed_requirements
        return any(matches)
コード例 #26
def any_to_version(obj):
    Convert any python object to a version string.


    :param any obj: object to convert to version
    :rtype: str
    version = obj

    if not isinstance(version, str):
        if hasattr(version, "__iter__"):
            version = ".".join(map(str, version))
            version = str(version)

    return pkg_resources.safe_version(version)
コード例 #27
def research_package(name, version=None):
    with closing(urlopen("https://pypi.io/pypi/{}/json".format(name))) as f:
        reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")
        pkg_data = json.load(reader(f))
    d = {}
    d['name'] = pkg_data['info']['name']
    d['homepage'] = pkg_data['info'].get('home_page', '')
    artefact = None
    if version:
        for pypi_version in pkg_data['releases']:
            if pkg_resources.safe_version(pypi_version) == version:
                for version_artefact in pkg_data['releases'][pypi_version]:
                    if version_artefact['packagetype'] == 'sdist':
                        artefact = version_artefact
        if artefact is None:
                "Could not find an exact version match for "
                "{} version {}; using newest instead".format(name, version),

    if artefact is None:  # no version given or exact match not found
        for url in pkg_data['urls']:
            if url['packagetype'] == 'sdist':
                artefact = url

    if artefact:
        d['url'] = artefact['url']
        if 'digests' in artefact and 'sha256' in artefact['digests']:
            logging.debug("Using provided checksum for %s", name)
            d['checksum'] = artefact['digests']['sha256']
            logging.debug("Fetching sdist to compute checksum for %s", name)
            with closing(urlopen(artefact['url'])) as f:
                d['checksum'] = sha256(f.read()).hexdigest()
            logging.debug("Done fetching %s", name)
    else:  # no sdist found
        d['url'] = ''
        d['checksum'] = ''
        warnings.warn("No sdist found for %s" % name)
    d['checksum_type'] = 'sha256'
    return d
コード例 #28
def matched_by_file(package, version, filename):
    Verify whether the given version of the package is matched by the given requirements file.

    :param package: Name of the package to look for
    :param version: Version of the package to look for
    :param filename: Filename of the requirements-style file.
    :return: True if the package can be used to fulfil on of the requirements in the file, False otherwise
    version = pkg_resources.safe_version('{}'.format(version))
    package = pkg_resources.safe_name(package)
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        parsed_requirements = list(
        matches = [
            package == requirement.project_name and version in requirement
            for requirement in parsed_requirements
        return any(matches)
コード例 #29
ファイル: setup.py プロジェクト: ChrisJrWilliams/rinohtype
def get_version():
    import sys

    from datetime import datetime

    VERSION = '0.4.3.dev'

    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'develop':
        # 'pip install -e' or 'python setup.py develop'
        print('Installing in develop mode')
        return '0.0.0.dev'

    version = version_from_pkginfo()
    is_dirty = git('status', '--porcelain')
    if version:  # source distribution
        assert is_dirty is None
        return version

    exact_tag = git('describe', '--exact-match', '--tags', 'HEAD')
    describe = git('describe', '--tags', '--always', 'HEAD')
    if exact_tag:
        print('Working directory is a checkout of git tag {}...'.format(
        assert exact_tag[0] == 'v'
        version = exact_tag[1:]
        assert (version.startswith(VERSION)
                if VERSION.endswith('.dev') else version == VERSION)
    elif describe:
        print('Working directory is a git checkout: {}...'.format(describe))
        version = describe
        if describe[0] == 'v':
            version = version[1:].replace('-', '+', 1)
        print('Missing specific version information...')
        version = VERSION
    if is_dirty:
        print('Git checkout is dirty, adding timestamp to version string...')
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        sep = '-' if '+' in version else '+'
        version += '{}dirty{}'.format(sep, now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'))

    return safe_version(version)
コード例 #30
def get_local_dist_metadata_filepath(dist):
    # Dist filename syntax
    # name ["-" version ["-py" pyver ["-" required_platform]]] "." ext
    # https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/formats.html#filename-embedded-metadata

    def valid_component(component):
        return component[1]

    # Stop taking filename components at the first missing/invalid component
    filename_component = takewhile(valid_component, (
        ('-py', dist.py_version),
        ('-', dist.platform),
    filename = ''.join(chain(*filename_component))

    if isinstance(dist, pkg_resources.EggInfoDistribution):
        ext = 'egg-info'
        metadata_file = 'PKG-INFO'
    elif isinstance(dist, pkg_resources.DistInfoDistribution):
        ext = 'dist-info'
        metadata_file = 'METADATA'
    elif isinstance(dist, pkg_resources.Distribution):
        ext = os.path.join('egg', 'EGG-INFO')
        metadata_file = 'PKG-INFO'
        ext = None
        metadata_file = None

    filename = '{}.{}'.format(filename, ext)
    path = os.path.join(dist.location, filename, metadata_file)

    if ext:
        return path
        return None
コード例 #31
    def build(self, build_dir: str, **kwargs):
        if not os.path.exists(build_dir):
            os.makedirs(build_dir, exist_ok=True)

        context.io.echo("- Building {}...".format(context.io.cyan("sdist")))
        version = to_filename(safe_version(self.meta.version))

        target = os.path.join(
            build_dir, "{}-{}.tar.gz".format(self.meta.project_name, version))
        tar = tarfile.open(target, mode="w:gz", format=tarfile.PAX_FORMAT)

            tar_dir = "{}-{}".format(self.meta.project_name, version)

            files_to_add = self.find_files_to_add(True)

            for relpath in files_to_add:
                    arcname=os.path.join(tar_dir, str(relpath)),
                context.io.echo(f" - Adding: {relpath}",

            fd, temp_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="pkg-info")
            pkg_info = self.format_pkginfo(False).encode("utf-8")
            with open(fd, "wb") as f:
                    arcname=os.path.join(tar_dir, "PKG-INFO"),
            context.io.echo(" - Adding: PKG-INFO", verbosity=context.io.DETAIL)

        context.io.echo("- Built {}".format(

        return target
コード例 #32
def egg_filename(name, version):
    Returns name for egg file as generated by :mod:`setuptools`.

    name: string
        Must be alphanumeric.

    version: string
        Must be alphanumeric.
    assert name and isinstance(name, basestring)
    match = _EGG_NAME_RE.search(name)
    if match is None or match.group() != name:
        raise ValueError('Egg name must be alphanumeric')

    assert version and isinstance(version, basestring)
    match = _EGG_VERSION_RE.search(version)
    if match is None or match.group() != version:
        raise ValueError('Egg version must be alphanumeric')

    name = pkg_resources.to_filename(pkg_resources.safe_name(name))
    version = pkg_resources.to_filename(pkg_resources.safe_version(version))
    return '%s-%s-py%s.egg' % (name, version, sys.version[:3])
コード例 #33
def egg_filename(name, version):
    Returns name for egg file as generated by :mod:`setuptools`.

    name: string
        Must be alphanumeric.

    version: string
        Must be alphanumeric.
    assert name and isinstance(name, basestring)
    match = _EGG_NAME_RE.search(name)
    if match is None or match.group() != name:
        raise ValueError('Egg name must be alphanumeric')

    assert version and isinstance(version, basestring)
    match = _EGG_VERSION_RE.search(version)
    if match is None or match.group() != version:
        raise ValueError('Egg version must be alphanumeric')

    name = pkg_resources.to_filename(pkg_resources.safe_name(name))
    version = pkg_resources.to_filename(pkg_resources.safe_version(version))
    return '%s-%s-py%s.egg' % (name, version, sys.version[:3])
コード例 #34
    def run(self):
        metadata = self.distribution.metadata
        project_name = metadata.get_name()
        version = safe_version(metadata.get_version())
        print("Collecting artifacts for %s==%s in 'dist' folder:" %
              (project_name, version))
        dist_files = []
        for filename in os.listdir('dist'):
                _, file_version, pyversion, command = parse_filename(
                    filename, project_name=project_name)
                if file_version != version:
            except ValueError:
            filepath = os.path.join('dist', filename)
            dist_files.append((command, pyversion, filepath))

        if not dist_files:
            raise DistutilsOptionError(
                "No file collected from the 'dist' folder")

        for command, pyversion, filepath in dist_files:
            self.upload_file(command, pyversion, filepath)
コード例 #35
ファイル: cmd.py プロジェクト: ogrisel/wheelhouse-uploader
    def run(self):
        metadata = self.distribution.metadata
        project_name = metadata.get_name()
        version = safe_version(metadata.get_version())
        print("Collecting artifacts for %s==%s in 'dist' folder:" %
              (project_name, version))
        dist_files = []
        for filename in os.listdir('dist'):
                _, file_version, pyversion, command = parse_filename(
                    filename, project_name=project_name)
                if file_version != version:
            except ValueError:
            filepath = os.path.join('dist', filename)
            dist_files.append((command, pyversion, filepath))

        if not dist_files:
            raise DistutilsOptionError(
                "No file collected from the 'dist' folder")

        for command, pyversion, filepath in dist_files:
            self.upload_file(command, pyversion, filepath)
コード例 #36
 def tagged_version(self):
     return safe_version(self.distribution.get_version() + self.vtags)
コード例 #37
  Based on the original 'suds' project by Jeff Ortel (jortel at redhat
dot com) hosted at 'https://fedorahosted.org/suds'.

  'Suds' is a lightweight SOAP-based web service client for Python licensed
under LGPL (see the LICENSE.txt file included in the distribution).

  This is hopefully just a temporary fork of the original suds Python library
project created because the original project development seems to have stalled.
Should be reintegrated back into the original project if it ever gets revived


package_name = "suds-philpem"
version_tag = pkg_resources.safe_version(__version__)
project_url = "https://github.com/EnetModa/suds-philpem"
base_download_url = project_url + "/releases"
download_distribution_name = "%s-%s.zip" % (package_name, version_tag)
download_url = "%s/%s" % (base_download_url, download_distribution_name)
packages_excluded_from_build = []

#   We generally do not want the tests package or any of its subpackages
# included in our non-source package builds (source distribution content gets
# specified separately via the MANIFEST.ini configuration file). Comment out
# the following line to include the test code anyway, e.g. if you want to run
# Python 3 based tests from the package build folder.
packages_excluded_from_build += ["tests", "tests.*"]

コード例 #38
ファイル: conf.py プロジェクト: B4rsh/StagPy
# source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'

# The master toctree document.
master_doc = "index"

# General information about the project.
project = "StagPy"
copyright = "2016, Adrien Morison, Martina Ulvrova, Stéphane Labrosse"
author = "Adrien Morison, Martina Ulvrova, Stéphane Labrosse"

# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = safe_version(__version__)
# The short X.Y version.
version = ".".join(release.split(".")[:2])

# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
language = None

# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
# non-false value, then it is used:
# today = ''
# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
コード例 #39
def python_package_resource(name,
    name = safe_name(name)
    if version:
        version = safe_version(version)
    if url:
        if not version:
            raise Exception(
                'python package version not specified for <{}> with url <{}>'.
                format(name, url))
        if version not in url:
                'please double check and ensure python package version is consistent with url: %(version)s, %(url)s',
                    'version': version,
                    'url': url

    upgrading = is_upgrading()
    installed_version = get_python_package_installed_version(name)
    downloaded_version = get_downloaded_python_package_version(name, version)
    latest_version = get_resource_latest_version(to_resource_key(name))
    if upgrading:
        may_update_resource_latest_version = VEIL_ENV.is_dev or VEIL_ENV.is_test
        if installed_version:
            if version:
                if version == installed_version:
                    need_install = False
                    need_download = False
                    action = None
                    need_install = True
                    need_download = downloaded_version != version
                    action = 'UPGRADE'
                need_install = None
                need_download = True
                action = 'UPGRADE'
            need_install = True
            need_download = not version or downloaded_version != version
            action = 'INSTALL'
        may_update_resource_latest_version = (
            VEIL_ENV.is_dev or VEIL_ENV.is_test) and (
                not latest_version or version and version != latest_version
                or not version and latest_version < installed_version)
        need_install = not installed_version or (
            version or latest_version
        ) and (version or latest_version) != installed_version
        need_download = need_install and (
            not downloaded_version or (version or latest_version) and
            (version or latest_version) != downloaded_version)
        if need_install:
            action = 'UPGRADE' if installed_version else 'INSTALL'
            action = None

    dry_run_result = get_dry_run_result()
    if dry_run_result is not None:
        if need_download and is_downloading_while_dry_run():
            new_downloaded_version = download_python_package(
                version or (None if upgrading else latest_version),
            if new_downloaded_version != downloaded_version:
                    'python package with new version downloaded: %(name)s, %(installed_version)s, %(latest_version)s, %(downloaded_version)s, %(new_downloaded_version)s, %(url)s',
                        'name': name,
                        'installed_version': installed_version,
                        'latest_version': latest_version,
                        'downloaded_version': downloaded_version,
                        'new_downloaded_version': new_downloaded_version,
                        'url': url
                downloaded_version = new_downloaded_version
            if upgrading and action == 'UPGRADE' and installed_version == downloaded_version:
                action = None
        dry_run_result['python_package?{}'.format(name)] = action or '-'

    if need_download:
        new_downloaded_version = download_python_package(
            version or (None if upgrading else latest_version),
        if new_downloaded_version != downloaded_version:
                'python package with new version downloaded: %(name)s, %(installed_version)s, %(latest_version)s, %(downloaded_version)s, %(new_downloaded_version)s, %(url)s',
                    'name': name,
                    'installed_version': installed_version,
                    'latest_version': latest_version,
                    'downloaded_version': downloaded_version,
                    'new_downloaded_version': new_downloaded_version,
                    'url': url
            downloaded_version = new_downloaded_version
        if upgrading and need_install is None:
            need_install = installed_version != downloaded_version

    if need_install:
        if installed_version:
                'upgrading python package: %(name)s, %(latest_version)s, %(installed_version)s, %(version_to_install)s',
                    'name': name,
                    'latest_version': latest_version,
                    'installed_version': installed_version,
                    'version_to_install': downloaded_version
                'installing python package: %(name)s, %(latest_version)s, %(version_to_install)s',
                    'name': name,
                    'latest_version': latest_version,
                    'version_to_install': downloaded_version
        installed_version = install_python_package(name,
        if reload_after_install:

    if may_update_resource_latest_version and installed_version and installed_version != latest_version:
        set_resource_latest_version(to_resource_key(name), installed_version)
            'updated python package resource latest version: %(name)s, %(latest_version)s, %(new_latest_version)s',
                'name': name,
                'latest_version': latest_version,
                'new_latest_version': installed_version
コード例 #40
 def testSafeVersion(self):
     self.assertEqual(safe_version("1.2-1"), "1.2-1")
     self.assertEqual(safe_version("1.2 alpha"),  "1.2.alpha")
     self.assertEqual(safe_version("2.3.4 20050521"), "")
     self.assertEqual(safe_version("Money$$$Maker"), "Money-Maker")
     self.assertEqual(safe_version("peak.web"), "peak.web")
コード例 #41
 def raw_version(self):
     return safe_version(self._raw_version)
コード例 #42
from os import path
from pkg_resources import safe_version
from setuptools import setup, find_packages

version = {}
with open(
        path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), 'jacquard',
                  'version.py')) as fp:
    exec(fp.read(), {}, version)
version_string = safe_version(version['__version__'])

      description='JSON-based configuration handler for models',
      maintatiner='Brian Cheung',
      classifiers=['License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License'],
コード例 #43
 def testSafeVersion(self):
     assert safe_version("1.2-1") == "1.2.post1"
     assert safe_version("1.2 alpha") == "1.2.alpha"
     assert safe_version("2.3.4 20050521") == ""
     assert safe_version("Money$$$Maker") == "Money-Maker"
     assert safe_version("peak.web") == "peak.web"
コード例 #44
ファイル: egg_info.py プロジェクト: gusdn1135/amator
class InfoCommon:
    tag_build = None
    tag_date = None

    def name(self):
        return safe_name(self.distribution.get_name())

    def tagged_version(self):
<<<<<<< HEAD
        version = self.distribution.get_version()
        # egg_info may be called more than once for a distribution,
        # in which case the version string already contains all tags.
        if self.vtags and version.endswith(self.vtags):
            return safe_version(version)
        return safe_version(version + self.vtags)
        return safe_version(self._maybe_tag(self.distribution.get_version()))

    def _maybe_tag(self, version):
        egg_info may be called more than once for a distribution,
        in which case the version string already contains all tags.
        return (
            version if self.vtags and version.endswith(self.vtags)
            else version + self.vtags
>>>>>>> 7e5c5fbd6c824de4d4c2b62da3f7cae87d462119
コード例 #45
ファイル: package.py プロジェクト: AllenLiuGit/heron
 def raw_version(self):
   return safe_version(self._raw_version)
コード例 #46
ファイル: forms.py プロジェクト: spikeekips/gppi
    def clean_version (self, ) :
        _v = self.cleaned_data.get("version")
        if pkg_resources.safe_version(_v, ) != _v :
            raise forms.ValidationError("version is not safe")

        return _v
コード例 #47
def python_package_resource(name, version=None, url=None, reload_after_install=False, **kwargs):
    name = safe_name(name)
    if version:
        version = safe_version(version)
    if url:
        if not version:
            raise Exception('python package version not specified for <{}> with url <{}>'.format(name, url))
        if version not in url:
            LOGGER.warn('please double check and ensure python package version is consistent with url: %(version)s, %(url)s', {
                'version': version,
                'url': url

    upgrading = is_upgrading()
    installed_version = get_python_package_installed_version(name)
    downloaded_version = get_downloaded_python_package_version(name, version)
    latest_version = get_resource_latest_version(to_resource_key(name))
    if upgrading:
        may_update_resource_latest_version = VEIL_ENV.is_dev or VEIL_ENV.is_test
        if installed_version:
            if version:
                if version == installed_version:
                    need_install = False
                    need_download = False
                    action = None
                    need_install = True
                    need_download = downloaded_version != version
                    action = 'UPGRADE'
                need_install = None
                need_download = True
                action = 'UPGRADE'
            need_install = True
            need_download = not version or downloaded_version != version
            action = 'INSTALL'
        may_update_resource_latest_version = (VEIL_ENV.is_dev or VEIL_ENV.is_test) and (not latest_version or version and version != latest_version or not version and latest_version < installed_version)
        need_install = not installed_version or (version or latest_version) and (version or latest_version) != installed_version
        need_download = need_install and (not downloaded_version or (version or latest_version) and (version or latest_version) != downloaded_version)
        if need_install:
            action = 'UPGRADE' if installed_version else 'INSTALL'
            action = None

    dry_run_result = get_dry_run_result()
    if dry_run_result is not None:
        if need_download and is_downloading_while_dry_run():
            new_downloaded_version = download_python_package(name, version or (None if upgrading else latest_version), url=url, **kwargs)
            if new_downloaded_version != downloaded_version:
                LOGGER.debug('python package with new version downloaded: %(name)s, %(installed_version)s, %(latest_version)s, %(downloaded_version)s, %(new_downloaded_version)s, %(url)s', {
                    'name': name,
                    'installed_version': installed_version,
                    'latest_version': latest_version,
                    'downloaded_version': downloaded_version,
                    'new_downloaded_version': new_downloaded_version,
                    'url': url
                downloaded_version = new_downloaded_version
            if upgrading and action == 'UPGRADE' and installed_version == downloaded_version:
                action = None
        dry_run_result['python_package?{}'.format(name)] = action or '-'

    if need_download:
        new_downloaded_version = download_python_package(name, version or (None if upgrading else latest_version), url=url, **kwargs)
        if new_downloaded_version != downloaded_version:
            LOGGER.debug('python package with new version downloaded: %(name)s, %(installed_version)s, %(latest_version)s, %(downloaded_version)s, %(new_downloaded_version)s, %(url)s', {
                'name': name,
                'installed_version': installed_version,
                'latest_version': latest_version,
                'downloaded_version': downloaded_version,
                'new_downloaded_version': new_downloaded_version,
                'url': url
            downloaded_version = new_downloaded_version
        if upgrading and need_install is None:
            need_install = installed_version != downloaded_version

    if need_install:
        if installed_version:
            LOGGER.info('upgrading python package: %(name)s, %(latest_version)s, %(installed_version)s, %(version_to_install)s', {
                'name': name,
                'latest_version': latest_version,
                'installed_version': installed_version,
                'version_to_install': downloaded_version
            LOGGER.info('installing python package: %(name)s, %(latest_version)s, %(version_to_install)s', {
                'name': name,
                'latest_version': latest_version,
                'version_to_install': downloaded_version
        installed_version = install_python_package(name, downloaded_version, url=url, **kwargs)
        if reload_after_install:

    if may_update_resource_latest_version and installed_version and installed_version != latest_version:
        set_resource_latest_version(to_resource_key(name), installed_version)
        LOGGER.info('updated python package resource latest version: %(name)s, %(latest_version)s, %(new_latest_version)s', {
            'name': name,
            'latest_version': latest_version,
            'new_latest_version': installed_version
コード例 #48
ファイル: setup.py プロジェクト: mudiman/custom-generic-etl
Created on Oct 6, 2011

@author: Mudassar Ali

from setuptools import setup, find_packages
import pkg_resources 
from pkg_resources import require, DistributionNotFound, VersionConflict
import sys

version = pkg_resources.safe_version("0.1")

#    require('ConflictingDistribution')
#    print 'You have ConflictingDistribution installed.'
#    print 'You need to remove ConflictingDistribution from your site-packages'
#    print 'before installing this software, or conflicts may result.'
#    sys.exit()
#except (DistributionNotFound, VersionConflict):
#    pass

コード例 #49
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: divio/ac-wheelsproxy
def normalize_version(version):
    return safe_version(version)
コード例 #50
ファイル: egg_info.py プロジェクト: runt18/jython-plugin
 def tagged_version(self):
     return safe_version(self.distribution.get_version() + self.vtags)
コード例 #51
 def testSafeVersion(self):
     self.assertEqual(safe_version("1.2-1"), "1.2-1")
     self.assertEqual(safe_version("1.2 alpha"),  "1.2.alpha")
     self.assertEqual(safe_version("2.3.4 20050521"), "")
     self.assertEqual(safe_version("Money$$$Maker"), "Money-Maker")
     self.assertEqual(safe_version("peak.web"), "peak.web")
コード例 #52
 def dist_info_name(self) -> str:
     name = to_filename(self.meta.project_name)
     version = to_filename(safe_version(self.meta.version))
     return f"{name}-{version}.dist-info"
コード例 #53
def write(name,
    Write egg in the manner of :mod:`setuptools`, with some differences:

    - Writes directly to the zip file, avoiding some intermediate copies.
    - Doesn't compile any Python modules.

    name: string
        Must be an alphanumeric string.

    version: string
        Must be an alphanumeric string.

    doc: string
        Used for the `Summary` and `Description` entries in the egg's metadata.

    entry_map: dict
        A :mod:`pkg_resources` :class:`EntryPoint` map: a dictionary mapping
        group names to dictionaries mapping entry point names to
        :class:`EntryPoint` objects.

    src_files: list
        List of non-Python files to include.

    distributions: list
        List of Distributions this egg depends on. It is used for the `Requires`
        entry in the egg's metadata.

    modules: list
        List of module names not found in a distribution that this egg depends
        on. It is used for the `Requires` entry in the egg's metadata and is
        also recorded in the 'openmdao_orphans.txt' resource.

    dst_dir: string
        The directory to write the egg to.

    logger: Logger
        Used for recording progress, etc.

    observer: callable
        Will be called via an :class:`EggObserver` intermediary.

    Returns the egg's filename.
    observer = eggobserver.EggObserver(observer, logger)

    egg_name = egg_filename(name, version)
    egg_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, egg_name)

    distributions = sorted(distributions, key=lambda dist: dist.project_name)
    modules = sorted(modules)

    sources = []
    files = []
    size = 0  # Approximate (uncompressed) size. Used to set allowZip64 flag.

    # Collect src_files.
    for path in src_files:
        path = os.path.join(name, path)
        size += os.path.getsize(path)

    # Collect Python modules.
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.', followlinks=True):
        dirs = copy.copy(dirnames)
        for path in dirs:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirpath, path, '__init__.py')):
        for path in filenames:
            if path.endswith('.py'):
                path = os.path.join(dirpath[2:], path)  # Skip leading './'
                size += os.path.getsize(path)

    # Package info -> EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO
    pkg_info = []
    pkg_info.append('Metadata-Version: 1.1')
    pkg_info.append('Name: %s' % pkg_resources.safe_name(name))
    pkg_info.append('Version: %s' % pkg_resources.safe_version(version))
    pkg_info.append('Summary: %s' % doc.strip().split('\n')[0])
    pkg_info.append('Description: %s' % doc.strip())
    pkg_info.append('Author-email: UNKNOWN')
    pkg_info.append('License: UNKNOWN')
    pkg_info.append('Platform: UNKNOWN')
    for dist in distributions:
        pkg_info.append('Requires: %s (%s)' %
                        (dist.project_name, dist.version))
    for module in modules:
        pkg_info.append('Requires: %s' % module)
    pkg_info = '\n'.join(pkg_info) + '\n'
    sources.append(name + '.egg-info/PKG-INFO')
    size += len(pkg_info)

    # Dependency links -> EGG-INFO/dependency_links.txt
    dependency_links = '\n'
    sources.append(name + '.egg-info/dependency_links.txt')
    size += len(dependency_links)

    # Entry points -> EGG-INFO/entry_points.txt
    entry_points = []
    for entry_group in sorted(entry_map.keys()):
        entry_points.append('[%s]' % entry_group)
        for entry_name in sorted(entry_map[entry_group].keys()):
            entry_points.append('%s' % entry_map[entry_group][entry_name])
    entry_points = '\n'.join(entry_points) + '\n'
    sources.append(name + '.egg-info/entry_points.txt')
    size += len(entry_points)

    # Unsafe -> EGG-INFO/not-zip-safe
    not_zip_safe = '\n'
    sources.append(name + '.egg-info/not-zip-safe')
    size += len(not_zip_safe)

    # Requirements -> EGG-INFO/requires.txt
    requirements = [str(dist.as_requirement()) for dist in distributions]
    requirements = '\n'.join(requirements) + '\n'
    sources.append(name + '.egg-info/requires.txt')
    size += len(requirements)

    # Modules not part of a distribution -> EGG-INFO/openmdao_orphans.txt
    orphans = '\n'.join(modules) + '\n'
    sources.append(name + '.egg-info/openmdao_orphans.txt')
    size += len(orphans)

    # Top-level names -> EGG-INFO/top_level.txt
    top_level = '%s\n' % name
    sources.append(name + '.egg-info/top_level.txt')
    size += len(top_level)

    # Manifest -> EGG-INFO/SOURCES.txt
    sources.append(name + '.egg-info/SOURCES.txt')
    sources = '\n'.join(sorted(sources)) + '\n'
    size += len(sources)

    # Open zipfile.
    logger.debug('Creating %s', egg_path)
    zip64 = size > zipfile.ZIP64_LIMIT
    compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED if compress else zipfile.ZIP_STORED
    egg = zipfile.ZipFile(egg_path, 'w', compression, zip64)

    stats = {
        'completed_files': 0.,
        'total_files': float(8 + len(files)),
        'completed_bytes': 0.,
        'total_bytes': float(size)

    # Write egg info.
    _write_info(egg, 'PKG-INFO', pkg_info, observer, stats)
    _write_info(egg, 'dependency_links.txt', dependency_links, observer, stats)
    _write_info(egg, 'entry_points.txt', entry_points, observer, stats)
    _write_info(egg, 'not-zip-safe', not_zip_safe, observer, stats)
    _write_info(egg, 'requires.txt', requirements, observer, stats)
    _write_info(egg, 'openmdao_orphans.txt', orphans, observer, stats)
    _write_info(egg, 'top_level.txt', top_level, observer, stats)
    _write_info(egg, 'SOURCES.txt', sources, observer, stats)

    # Write collected files.
    for path in sorted(files):
        _write_file(egg, path, observer, stats)


    if os.path.getsize(egg_path) > zipfile.ZIP64_LIMIT:
        logger.warning('Egg zipfile requires Zip64 support to unzip.')
    return egg_name
コード例 #54
 def wheel_filename(self) -> str:
     name = to_filename(self.meta.project_name)
     version = to_filename(safe_version(self.meta.version))
     return f"{name}-{version}-{self.tag}.whl"
コード例 #55
 def testSafeVersion(self):
     assert safe_version("1.2-1") == "1.2.post1"
     assert safe_version("1.2 alpha") == "1.2.alpha"
     assert safe_version("2.3.4 20050521") == ""
     assert safe_version("Money$$$Maker") == "Money-Maker"
     assert safe_version("peak.web") == "peak.web"
コード例 #56
def write(name, version, doc, entry_map, src_files, distributions, modules,
          dst_dir, logger, observer=None, compress=True):
    Write egg in the manner of :mod:`setuptools`, with some differences:

    - Writes directly to the zip file, avoiding some intermediate copies.
    - Doesn't compile any Python modules.

    name: string
        Must be an alphanumeric string.

    version: string
        Must be an alphanumeric string.

    doc: string
        Used for the `Summary` and `Description` entries in the egg's metadata.

    entry_map: dict
        A :mod:`pkg_resources` :class:`EntryPoint` map: a dictionary mapping
        group names to dictionaries mapping entry point names to
        :class:`EntryPoint` objects.

    src_files: list
        List of non-Python files to include.

    distributions: list
        List of Distributions this egg depends on. It is used for the `Requires`
        entry in the egg's metadata.

    modules: list
        List of module names not found in a distribution that this egg depends
        on. It is used for the `Requires` entry in the egg's metadata and is
        also recorded in the 'openmdao_orphans.txt' resource.

    dst_dir: string
        The directory to write the egg to.

    logger: Logger
        Used for recording progress, etc.

    observer: callable
        Will be called via an :class:`EggObserver` intermediary.

    Returns the egg's filename.
    observer = eggobserver.EggObserver(observer, logger)

    egg_name = egg_filename(name, version)
    egg_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, egg_name)

    distributions = sorted(distributions, key=lambda dist: dist.project_name)
    modules = sorted(modules)

    sources = []
    files = []
    size = 0 # Approximate (uncompressed) size. Used to set allowZip64 flag.

    # Collect src_files.
    for path in src_files:
        path = os.path.join(name, path)
        size += os.path.getsize(path)

    # Collect Python modules.
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.', followlinks=True):
        dirs = copy.copy(dirnames)
        for path in dirs:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirpath, path, '__init__.py')):
        for path in filenames:
            if path.endswith('.py'):
                path = os.path.join(dirpath[2:], path)  # Skip leading './'

                # No reason for a file to appear twice in our file list.
                if path not in files:
                    size += os.path.getsize(path)

    # Package info -> EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO
    pkg_info = []
    pkg_info.append('Metadata-Version: 1.1')
    pkg_info.append('Name: %s' % pkg_resources.safe_name(name))
    pkg_info.append('Version: %s' % pkg_resources.safe_version(version))
    pkg_info.append('Summary: %s' % doc.strip().split('\n')[0])
    pkg_info.append('Description: %s' % doc.strip())
    pkg_info.append('Author-email: UNKNOWN')
    pkg_info.append('License: UNKNOWN')
    pkg_info.append('Platform: UNKNOWN')
    for dist in distributions:
        pkg_info.append('Requires: %s (%s)' % (dist.project_name, dist.version))
    for module in modules:
        pkg_info.append('Requires: %s' % module)
    pkg_info = '\n'.join(pkg_info)+'\n'
    size += len(pkg_info)

    # Dependency links -> EGG-INFO/dependency_links.txt
    dependency_links = '\n'
    size += len(dependency_links)

    # Entry points -> EGG-INFO/entry_points.txt
    entry_points = []
    for entry_group in sorted(entry_map.keys()):
        entry_points.append('[%s]' % entry_group)
        for entry_name in sorted(entry_map[entry_group].keys()):
            entry_points.append('%s' % entry_map[entry_group][entry_name])
    entry_points = '\n'.join(entry_points)+'\n'
    size += len(entry_points)

    # Unsafe -> EGG-INFO/not-zip-safe
    not_zip_safe = '\n'
    size += len(not_zip_safe)

    # Requirements -> EGG-INFO/requires.txt
    requirements = [str(dist.as_requirement()) for dist in distributions]
    requirements = '\n'.join(requirements)+'\n'
    size += len(requirements)

    # Modules not part of a distribution -> EGG-INFO/openmdao_orphans.txt
    orphans = '\n'.join(modules)+'\n'
    size += len(orphans)

    # Top-level names -> EGG-INFO/top_level.txt
    top_level = '%s\n' % name
    size += len(top_level)

    # Manifest -> EGG-INFO/SOURCES.txt
    sources = '\n'.join(sorted(sources))+'\n'
    size += len(sources)

    # Open zipfile.
    logger.debug('Creating %s', egg_path)
    zip64 = size > zipfile.ZIP64_LIMIT
    compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED if compress else zipfile.ZIP_STORED
    egg = zipfile.ZipFile(egg_path, 'w', compression, zip64)

    stats = {'completed_files': 0., 'total_files': float(8+len(files)),
             'completed_bytes': 0., 'total_bytes': float(size)}

    # Write egg info.
    _write_info(egg, 'PKG-INFO', pkg_info, observer, stats)
    _write_info(egg, 'dependency_links.txt', dependency_links, observer, stats)
    _write_info(egg, 'entry_points.txt', entry_points, observer, stats)
    _write_info(egg, 'not-zip-safe', not_zip_safe, observer, stats)
    _write_info(egg, 'requires.txt', requirements, observer, stats)
    _write_info(egg, 'openmdao_orphans.txt', orphans, observer, stats)
    _write_info(egg, 'top_level.txt', top_level, observer, stats)
    _write_info(egg, 'SOURCES.txt', sources, observer, stats)

    # Write collected files.
    for path in sorted(files):
        _write_file(egg, path, observer, stats)


    if os.path.getsize(egg_path) > zipfile.ZIP64_LIMIT:
        logger.warning('Egg zipfile requires Zip64 support to unzip.')
    return egg_name
コード例 #57
 def tagged_version(self):
     return safe_version(self._maybe_tag(self.distribution.get_version()))
コード例 #58
ファイル: setup.py プロジェクト: emergence/suds-philpem
  Based on the original 'suds' project by Jeff Ortel (jortel at redhat
dot com) hosted at 'https://fedorahosted.org/suds'.

  'Suds' is a lightweight SOAP-based web service client for Python licensed
under LGPL (see the LICENSE.txt file included in the distribution).

  This is hopefully just a temporary fork of the original suds Python library
project created because the original project development seems to have stalled.
Should be reintegrated back into the original project if it ever gets revived


package_name = "suds"
version_tag = pkg_resources.safe_version(__version__)
project_url = "https://bitbucket.org/philpem/suds"
base_download_url = project_url + "/downloads"
download_distribution_name = "%s-%s.tar.bz2" % (package_name, version_tag)
download_url = "%s/%s" % (base_download_url, download_distribution_name)
packages_excluded_from_build = []

#   We generally do not want the tests package or any of its subpackages
# included in our non-source package builds (source distribution content gets
# specified separately via the MANIFEST.ini configuration file). Comment out
# the following line to include the test code anyway, e.g. if you want to run
# Python 3 based tests from the package build folder.
packages_excluded_from_build += ["tests", "tests.*"]
