def updatecrl(self, pwfile=None): """Update the Certificate Revocation List for this CA. It will return False if one of the following conditions is met: * pwfile was not found (for ca_type == CA_root or CA_INTERMEDIARY) * The configuration file could not be found :param pwfile: Path to a file containing the password for the CA key :type pwfile: str :returns: True if the CRL was created, else False :rtype: bool """ cfg = os.path.abspath(self.ca_data['cfg']) crl = os.path.abspath(self.ca_data['crl']) if self.ca_data['ca_type'] in [CA_ROOT, CA_INTERMEDIARY]: if not pwfile: log.warning('Need a password file') return False else: if not os.path.exists(pwfile): return False if not os.path.exists(cfg): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(cfg)) return False log.debug('Updating certificate revocation list for {0} CA'.format( self.ca_data['name'] )) cmdline = 'openssl ca -gencrl -config {0} -out {1}'.format(cfg, crl) if pwfile: cmdline += ' -passin file:{0}'.format(pwfile) return os.path.exists(crl)
def parse_certificate(self, crt): """Helper function which parses a certificate and returns the subject, fingerprint and serial in a dictionary. It will return False if the certificate does not exist. :param crt: Path to the certificate :type crt: str :returns: Dictionary containing the certificate details or False :rtype: dict, bool """ if not os.path.exists(crt): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(crt)) return False cmdline = 'openssl x509 -in {0} -noout'.format(crt) cmdline += ' -subject -fingerprint -serial' data = {} for line in'\n'): log.debug(line) if line.startswith('subject='): raw_subject = line.strip().replace('subject= ', '') data['subject'] = self.parse_subject(raw_subject) elif line.startswith('serial='): data['serial'] = line.strip().replace('serial=', '') elif line.startswith('SHA1'): data['fp'] = line.strip().replace('SHA1 Fingerprint=', '') return data
def initca(self, pwfile=None): """ initca: Generate the key and certificate for this CA """ if pwfile and not os.path.exists(pwfile): log.warning("{0} does not exist".format(pwfile)) return False"Generating key and csr for {0} CA".format( self.genkey(self.ca_data["cfg"],, pwfile)"Generating certificate for {0} CA".format( self.selfsign(self.ca_data["cfg"],, pwfile)
def sign_intermediary(self, csr, crt, pwfile, days): """Sign an intermediary certificate using this CA. This function will return False when: * The configuration file for this CA could not be found * The CSR could not be found * The certificate already exists * pwfile could not be found * days is not a number :param csr: Path to a file containing the CSR for the intermediary :type csr: str :param crt: Path to the output certificate :type crt: str :returns: True if certificate was created, else False :rtype: bool """ cfg = os.path.abspath(self.ca_data['cfg']) if not os.path.exists(cfg): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(cfg)) return False if not os.path.exists(csr): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(csr)) return False if os.path.exists(crt): log.warning('{0} already exists'.format(crt)) return False if not os.path.exists(pwfile): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(pwfile)) return False try: int(days) except ValueError: log.warning('days needs to be a number') return False log.debug('Signing intermediary certificate using {0} CA'.format( self.ca_data['name'] )) cmdline = 'openssl ca -config {0} -in {1} -out {2} -batch'.format( cfg, csr, crt ) cmdline += ' -passin file:{0}'.format(pwfile) cmdline += ' -extensions intermediate_ca_ext -enddate {0}'.format( utils.gen_enddate(days) ) self.update_cert_db() return os.path.exists(crt)
def load(self): """Read the backingstore from disk. The backingstore must point to a valid file. It will return True if this succeeds, or False in one of the following conditions: - Backing store points to an invalid path - Backing store data could not be parsed to json - Backing store data does not match the expected format :returns: True if loading succeeded, False if not :rtype: bool """ if self._backingstore is None: log.warning('backingstore cannot be None') return False if not isinstance(self._backingstore, str): log.warning('backingstore needs to be a string') return False if not os.path.exists(self._backingstore): log.debug('No backingstore found, using defaults') return True raw_data = open(self._backingstore, 'r').read() try: data = json.loads(raw_data) except (TypeError, ValueError): log.warning('backing store needs to contain json data') return False if not self.validate_store(data): log.warning('backingstore contains invalid data') return False self._store = data return True
def owns_fqdn(srcip=None, fqdn=None): """Check if a fqdn is owned by srcip. It does this by performing a DNS lookup for the PTR records of fqdn, and matches srcip against these. If a match is found, True is returned, else False. Note that the ip check can be overridden by using PERMISSIVE_MODE. This function will also return False if srcip and/or fqdn are invalid. :param srcip: Source ip address to check against :type srcip: str :param fqdn: Fully-Qualified Domain-Name to check :type fqdn: str :returns: True if fqdn is owned by srcip, else False :rtype: bool """ if not srcip: log.warning('srcip cannot be None') return False if not isinstance(srcip, str): log.warning('srcip need to be a string') return False if not valid_fqdn(fqdn): return False # Get the PTR entries for fqdn try: socket_data = socket.getaddrinfo(fqdn, 80) except socket.gaierror as err: log.warning('Failed to resolve PTR for {0}: {1}'.format(fqdn, err)) return False # Parse socket_data and assemble a list of ip addresses for fqdn ips = [] for item in socket_data: ipaddr = item[4][0] if ipaddr not in ips: ips.append(ipaddr) # Check if srcip is one of the ip addresses of fqdn. Return True if # permissive mode is enabled if srcip not in ips: if not PERMISSIVE_MODE: log.warning('{0} does not belong to {1}'.format(fqdn, srcip)) return False else: log.warning('{0} does not belong to {1} (permissive)'.format( fqdn, srcip )) return True
def selfsign(self, name, pwfile): """Self-sign a certificate. It expects the following conditions to be true. If one of them is not met, this function will return False: * The ca_type is not CA_ROOT * pwfile cannot be found * The CSR or configuration file cannot be found * The certificate already exists :param name: Name as mentioned in the CN :type name: str :returns: True if the certificate was signed, False if not :rtype: bool """ cfg = os.path.abspath(self.ca_data['cfg']) csr = '{0}/csr/{1}.csr'.format(self.ca_data['basedir'], name) crt = '{0}/certs/{1}.pem'.format(self.ca_data['basedir'], name) if self.ca_data['ca_type'] != CA_ROOT: log.warning('{0} CA cannot be self-signed'.format( self.ca_data['ca_type'] )) return False try: open(pwfile, 'r') except (TypeError, EnvironmentError): log.warning('{0} cannot be read'.format(pwfile)) return False if not os.path.exists(cfg): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(cfg)) return False if not os.path.exists(csr): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(csr)) return False if os.path.exists(crt): log.warning('{0} already exists'.format(crt)) return False log.debug('Self-signing certificate for {0} CA'.format(name)) cmdline = 'openssl ca -config {0} -in {1} -out {2} -batch'.format( cfg, csr, crt ) cmdline += ' -selfsign -extensions root_ca_ext' cmdline += ' -passin file:{0}'.format(pwfile) self.update_cert_db() return os.path.exists(crt)
def update_cert_db(self): """Helper function to update the in-memory certificate database. It will return False if the CA database file or the certificate directory cannot be found. :returns: Flag indicating the status of the database update :rtype: bool """ dbf = self.ca_data['db'] certsdir = self.ca_data['certsdir'] if not os.path.exists(dbf): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(dbf)) return False if not os.path.exists(certsdir): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(certsdir)) return False data = {} # Pass 1, read the OpenSSL certificate database for line in open(dbf, 'r').readlines(): cert_data = self.parse_db_line(line) common_name = cert_data['CN'] if common_name not in data: data[common_name] = [] data[common_name].append(cert_data) # Pass 2, read certificate details from disk certs = glob.glob('{0}/[0-9A-Z]*.pem'.format(certsdir)) for crt in certs: cert_data = self.parse_certificate(crt) common_name = cert_data['subject']['CN'] if common_name not in data: continue cn_certs = [] for db_crt in data[common_name]: if db_crt['serial'] == cert_data['serial']: db_crt.update(cert_data) cn_certs.append(db_crt) data[common_name] = cn_certs self.cert_db = data return True
def sign(self, name): """Sign a certificate using this CA. Name must be a valid fqdn. This function will return False if one of the following conditions is met: * Name is invalid * The configuration file for this CA could not be found * The CSR for name could not be found * The certificate for name already exists :param name: Name of the certificate to sign :type name: str :returns: True if certificate was created, else False :rtype: bool """ cfg = os.path.abspath(self.ca_data['cfg']) csr = '{0}/csr/{1}.csr'.format(self.ca_data['basedir'], name) crt = '{0}/certs/{1}.pem'.format(self.ca_data['basedir'], name) if name is None: log.warning('Need a fqdn to sign a certificate for') return False if name == '': log.warning('Fqdn cannot be empty') return False if not os.path.exists(cfg): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(cfg)) return False if not os.path.exists(csr): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(csr)) return False if os.path.exists(crt): log.warning('{0} already exists'.format(crt)) return False log.debug('Signing certificate using {0} CA'.format( self.ca_data['name'] )) cmdline = 'openssl ca -config {0} -in {1} -out {2}'.format( cfg, csr, crt ) cmdline += ' -batch -extensions server_ext' self.update_cert_db() return os.path.exists(crt)
def gen_server_cfg(self, fqdn=None): """Generate configuration data for a TLS server request. When called with a valid fqdn, it will return a string containing the configuration data for a TLS server request. The fqdn can contain two or three elements. It will return False if one of the following conditions is true: * The fqdn is invalid * The tls_server.template cannot be found * The template could not be parsed :param fqdn: Fully-Qualified domain-name for the server :type fqdn: str :returns: String containing the configuration, else False :rtype: str, bool """ templates = self.ca_data['templates'] server_template = '{0}/tls_server.template'.format(templates) if not os.path.exists(server_template): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(server_template)) return False if not isinstance(fqdn, str): log.warning('fqdn needs to be a string') return False if '.' not in fqdn: log.warning('Need atleast a two-level fqdn') return False if len(fqdn.split('.')) > 3: log.warning('Number of levels cannot exceed 3') return False log.debug('Generating TLS configuration for {0}'.format(fqdn)) template_data = open(server_template, 'r').read() template = mako.template.Template(template_data) template_cfg = self.ca_data template_cfg['fqdn'] = fqdn template_cfg['san'] = fqdn.split('.')[0] try: cfg_data = template.render(**template_cfg) except NameError as err: log.warning('Failed to generate configuration: {0}'.format(err)) return False return cfg_data
def new(self, fqdn): """Generates a new token for a fqdn if it does not yet exist and return it. This function will return False if the fqdn is invalid or if the token already exists :param fqdn: Fully-Qualified Domain-Name for the host :type fqdn: str :returns: Token for the new host, or False if an error occurred :rtype: str, bool """ if not checks.valid_fqdn(fqdn): return False if self.get(fqdn): log.warning('Token for {0} already exists'.format(fqdn)) return False token = utils.gentoken() self._store[fqdn] = token return token
def parse_subject(raw_subject=None): """Helper function which parses a string containing a certificate subject into a dictionary. It will return False if raw_subject is not a string or if it doesnt start with '/'. :param raw_subject: OpenSSL subject to parse :type raw_subject: str :returns: Dictionary containing the parsed subject or False :rtype: dict, bool """ if raw_subject is None: log.warning('raw_subject cannot be None') return False try: '/' in raw_subject except TypeError: log.warning('raw_subject needs to be a valid string') return False if not raw_subject.startswith('/'): log.warning('{0} is an invalid subject'.format(raw_subject)) return False raw_subject = raw_subject.strip()[1:] subject = {} for field in raw_subject.split('/'): key, value = field.split('=') subject[key] = value return subject
def validate(self, fqdn, token): """Check if fqdn is defined in the in-memory token store and if the stored token matches the supplied token. It will return True if the fqdn has a token in the store, and this matches the supplied token. It will return False if the fqdn or token is invalid. :param fqdn: Fully-Qualified Domain-Name of the host :type fqdn: str :param token: Token to validate :type token: str :returns: True if the fqdn/token pair is found, False if not :rtype: bool """ regexp = re.compile('[0-9a-f]{64,64}') if not checks.valid_fqdn(fqdn): return False if token is None: log.warning('token cannot be None') return False if not isinstance(token, str): log.warning('token needs to be a string') return False if is None: log.warning('token needs to be a valid hex64 string') return False return token == self.get(fqdn)
def genkey(self, cfg, name, pwfile=None): """Generate a new key and Certificate Signing Request. Cfg is a path pointing towards the configuration file which should be used for the CSR. The name is the name which will be used for this certificate. This function will return False if one of the following conditions is met: * The configuration file could not be found * The CSR or key already exists * pwfile is missing (if ca_type is CA_ROOT or CA_INTERMEDIARY) :param cfg: Path to the configuration file to be used :type cfg: str :param name: Name as mentioned in the CN :type name: str :param pwfile: Path to the file containing the password for the key :type pwfile: str :returns: True if the key + csr are generated, False if not :rtype: bool """ cfg = os.path.abspath(cfg) key = '{0}/private/{1}.key'.format(self.ca_data['basedir'], name) csr = '{0}/csr/{1}.csr'.format(self.ca_data['basedir'], name) if not os.path.exists(cfg): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(cfg)) return False if os.path.exists(key): log.warning('{0} already exists'.format(key)) return False if os.path.exists(csr): log.warning('{0} already exists'.format(csr)) return False if self.ca_data['ca_type'] in [CA_ROOT, CA_INTERMEDIARY]: if not pwfile: log.warning('Need a password file') return False else: if not os.path.exists(pwfile): return False log.debug('Generating key and csr for {0}'.format(name)) cmdline = 'openssl req -new -config {0} -out {1} -keyout {2}'.format( cfg, csr, key ) if pwfile: cmdline += ' -passout file:{0}'.format(pwfile) return os.path.exists(key)
def valid_fqdn(fqdn=None): """Check if fqdn is valid according to RFC 1123. This means that fqdn can only contains (case-insensitive) letters and numbers, together with '.' and '-'. All other combinations will return False, just like an empty or undefined fqdn. :param fqdn: Fully-Qualified Domain-Name to check :type fqdn: str :returns: True if fqdn is valid or False if not :rtype: bool """ if fqdn is None: log.warning('Fqdn cannot be None') return False if not isinstance(fqdn, str): log.warning('Fqdn needs to be a string') return False regexp = r'^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*' regexp += r'([A-Za-z0-9] |[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$' parser = re.compile(regexp) result = return result is not None
def setup_ca_structure(self): """Creates the directory structure for this CA and initializes it's databases. It will return False for various errors, these include: * An existing base directory * A missing root.template * Failure to parse the template :returns: Flag indicating the success of this function :rtype: bool """ basedir = self.ca_data['basedir'] templates = self.ca_data['templates'] cfg = self.ca_data['cfg'] root_template = '{0}/root.template'.format(templates) # Check if root.template exists if not os.path.exists(root_template): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(root_template)) return False # Setup base directory if os.path.exists(basedir): log.warning('{0} already exists'.format(basedir)) return False log.debug('Setting up directory structure for {0} CA'.format( self.ca_data['name'] )) os.mkdir(basedir) # Setup CA directories for directory in ['certs', 'cfg', 'crl', 'csr', 'db', 'private']: dest_dir = '{0}/{1}'.format(basedir, directory) os.mkdir(dest_dir) # Initialize databases for new_file in [self.ca_data['db'], self.ca_data['db_attr']]: open(new_file, 'w').write('') # Initialize indices for new_file in [self.ca_data['crt_idx'], self.ca_data['crl_idx']]: open(new_file, 'w').write('01\n') # Initialize configuration file template_data = open(root_template, 'r').read() template = mako.template.Template(template_data) try: cfg_data = template.render(**self.ca_data) except NameError as err: log.warning('Failed to generate configuration: {0}'.format(err)) return False open(cfg, 'w').write(cfg_data) return True
def validate_store(data=None): """This function will validate if the list specified in data represents a correct tokenstore list. The format of this list is as follows:: {'<fqdn>': '<token>'} Use it in the following manner: >>> store_data = {'': '<hex64 string>'} >>> validate_store(store_data) True This function will return True if the data matches the above format, and False if it does not. :param data: List containing the token store :rtype data: list :returns: True if data is a valid token store, else False :rtype: bool """ if data is None: log.warning('data cannot be None') return False if not isinstance(data, dict): log.warning('data needs to be a dictionary') return False regexp = re.compile('[0-9a-f]{64,64}') for fqdn, token in data.items(): if not checks.valid_fqdn(fqdn): return False if token is None or not isinstance(token, str): log.warning('Token needs to be a string') return False if is None: log.warning('Invalid token supplied') return False return True
def updatebundle(self, parent=None): """Generate a certificate bundle for this CA. It will use the parents certificate bundle if it exists, and else it will use the parents certificate. This function will return False if one of the following conditions is met: * parent is not an ssl.OpenSSL object * The parents certificate could not be found * The certificate for this CA could not be found :param parent: Instance of the parent CA :type parent: ssl.OpenSSL :returns: Flag indicating the creation of the bundle :rtype: bool """ if not isinstance(parent, OpenSSL): log.warning('parent needs to be an ssl.OpenSSL object') return False parent_crt = None if os.path.exists(parent.ca_data['bundle']): parent_crt = parent.ca_data['bundle'] elif os.path.exists(parent.ca_data['crt']): parent_crt = parent.ca_data['crt'] else: log.warning('Cannot find a parent certificate') return False if not os.path.exists(self.ca_data['crt']): log.warning('{0} does not exist'.format(self.ca_data['crt'])) return False log.debug('Updating certificate bundle for {0} CA'.format( self.ca_data['name'] )) bundle_data = open(self.ca_data['crt'], 'r').read() bundle_data += open(parent_crt, 'r').read() open(self.ca_data['bundle'], 'w').write(bundle_data) return os.path.exists(self.ca_data['bundle'])
def save(self): """Save the in-memory backing store to disk. It will blindly overwrite the backingstore, so use with caution. This function will return False if the backingstore points to an invalid file or the in-memory database could not be written to disk. :returns: True if saving succeeded, False if it didn't :rtype: bool """ if self._backingstore is None: log.warning('backingstore cannot be None') return False if not isinstance(self._backingstore, str): log.warning('backingstore needs to be a string') return False data = json.dumps(self._store) try: open(self._backingstore, 'w').write(data) except EnvironmentError as err: log.warning('Failed to update backing store: {0}'.format(err)) return False return True
def parse_db_line(self, line): """Helper function which parses a line in OpenSSL database format. It will return False if line is not a string, or if it cannot be parsed into the correct fields. :param line: Single line of OpenSSL database format content :type line: str :returns: Dictionary containing the information or False :rtype: dict, bool """ if not isinstance(line, str): log.warning('line needs to be a string') return False if '\t' not in line: log.warning('{0} is an invalid line'.format(line)) tokens = line.split('\t') if len(tokens) != 6: log.warning('Invalid number of fields') return False status = tokens[0] notbefore = tokens[1] notafter = tokens[2] serial = tokens[3] subject = self.parse_subject(tokens[5]) data = { 'CN': subject['CN'], 'status': status, 'notbefore': notbefore, 'notafter': notafter, 'serial': serial, 'subject': subject, } return data
def updatebundle(): """Empty function to be implemented by subclass """ log.warning('Feature not implemented')
def test_warning_heading(self): the_message = 'Warning message' log.warning(the_message) output = open(LOG_FILE, 'r').read().strip() assert 'WARNING' in output
def test_warning_no_handler(self): log.LOGGER = None assert log.warning('Warning message') is None log.LOGGER = log.get_handler(CFG_FILE, LOG_HANDLER)
def initca(self, pwfile=None): """Empty function to be implemented by subclasses """ log.warning('Feature not implemented')
def test_warning_output(self): the_message = 'Warning message' log.warning(the_message) output = open(LOG_FILE, 'r').read().strip() assert the_message in output