コード例 #1
    def verify_attached(self, name: str, pkts=None) -> VerifyResult:
        Verify that the device attaches to the Thread network.

        :param name: The device name.
        result = VerifyResult()
        assert self.is_wpan_device(name), name
        pkts = pkts or self.pkts
        extaddr = self.vars[name]

        src_pkts = pkts.filter_wpan_src64(extaddr)
        src_pkts.filter_mle_cmd(MLE_CHILD_ID_REQUEST).must_next()  # Child Id Request
        result.record_last('child_id_request', pkts)

        dst_pkts = pkts.filter_wpan_dst64(extaddr)
        dst_pkts.filter_mle_cmd(MLE_CHILD_ID_RESPONSE).must_next()  # Child Id Response
        result.record_last('child_id_response', pkts)

        with pkts.save_index():
            src_pkts.filter_mle_cmd(MLE_ADVERTISEMENT).must_next()  # MLE Advertisement
            result.record_last('mle_advertisement', pkts)
            logging.info(f"verify attached: d={name}, result={result}")

        return result
コード例 #2
    def verify_attached(self,
                        child: str,
                        parent: str = None,
                        child_type: str = 'FTD',
                        pkts=None) -> VerifyResult:
        Verify that the device attaches to the Thread network.

        :param child: The child device name.
        :param parent: The parent device name.
        :param child_type: The child device type (FTD, FTD-ED, MTD).
        result = VerifyResult()
        assert self.is_thread_device(child), child
        assert child_type in ('FTD', 'FTD-ED', 'MTD'), child_type
        pkts = pkts or self.pkts
        child_extaddr = self.vars[child]

        src_pkts = pkts.filter_wpan_src64(child_extaddr)
        if parent:
            assert self.is_thread_device(parent), parent
            src_pkts = pkts.filter_wpan_src64(child_extaddr).\
            MLE_CHILD_ID_REQUEST).must_next()  # Child Id Request
        result.record_last('child_id_request', pkts)

        dst_pkts = pkts.filter_wpan_dst64(child_extaddr)
        if parent:
            dst_pkts = pkts.filter_wpan_src64(self.vars[parent]).\
            MLE_CHILD_ID_RESPONSE).must_next()  # Child Id Response
        result.record_last('child_id_response', pkts)

        with pkts.save_index():
            if child_type == 'FTD':
                src_pkts = pkts.filter_wpan_src64(child_extaddr)
                    MLE_ADVERTISEMENT).must_next()  # MLE Advertisement
                result.record_last('mle_advertisement', pkts)
            logging.info(f"verify attached: d={child}, result={result}")

        return result
コード例 #3
    def verify_ping(self,
                    src: str,
                    dst: str,
                    bbr: str = None,
                    pkts: 'PacketVerifier' = None) -> VerifyResult:
        Verify the ping process.

        :param src: The source device name.
        :param dst: The destination device name.
        :param bbr: The Backbone Router name.
                    If specified, this method also verifies that the ping request and reply be forwarded by the Backbone Router.
        :param pkts: The PacketFilter to search.

        :return: The verification result.
        if bbr:
            assert not (self.is_thread_device(src) and self.is_thread_device(dst)), \
                f"both {src} and {dst} are WPAN devices"
            assert not (self.is_backbone_device(src) and self.is_backbone_device(dst)), \
                f"both {src} and {dst} are ETH devices"

        if pkts is None:
            pkts = self.pkts

        src_dua = self.vars[src + '_DUA']
        dst_dua = self.vars[dst + '_DUA']
        if bbr:
            bbr_ext = self.vars[bbr]
            bbr_eth = self.vars[bbr + '_ETH']

        result = VerifyResult()
        ping_req = pkts.filter_ping_request().filter_ipv6_dst(dst_dua)
        if self.is_backbone_device(src):
            p = ping_req.filter_eth_src(self.vars[src + '_ETH']).must_next()
            p = ping_req.filter_wpan_src64(self.vars[src]).must_next()

        # pkts.last().show()
        ping_id = p.icmpv6.echo.identifier
        logging.info("verify_ping: ping_id=%x", ping_id)
        result.record_last('ping_request', pkts)
        ping_req = ping_req.filter(
            lambda p: p.icmpv6.echo.identifier == ping_id)

        # BBR unicasts the ping packet to TD.
        if bbr:
            if self.is_backbone_device(src):

        ping_reply = pkts.filter_ping_reply().filter_ipv6_dst(src_dua).filter(
            lambda p: p.icmpv6.echo.identifier == ping_id)
        # TD receives ping packet and responds back to Host via SBBR.
        if self.is_thread_device(dst):
            ping_reply.filter_eth_src(self.vars[dst + '_ETH']).must_next()

        result.record_last('ping_reply', pkts)

        if bbr:
            # SBBR forwards the ping response packet to Host.
            if self.is_thread_device(dst):

        return result
コード例 #4
    def verify_dua_registration(self,
                                td: str,
                                bbr: str,
                                sbbr=None) -> VerifyResult:
        Run the packet verification for the while DAD registration, including optional steps
        This is commonly used in many test cases.

        :param pkts: The packet filter to verify, or self.pkts if None
        :param td: TB's name.
        :param bbr: BBR's name.
        assert self.is_wpan_device(td)
        assert self.is_wpan_device(bbr) and self.is_eth_device(bbr), bbr

        if pkts is None:
            pkts = self.pkts

        logging.info("verifying DUA registration from %s to %s ...", td, bbr)
        result = VerifyResult()

        TD = self.vars[td]
        BBR = self.vars[bbr]
        BBR_ETH = self.vars[bbr + '_ETH']
        if sbbr:
            SBBR_ETH = self.vars[sbbr + '_ETH']
        # BBR_DUA = self.vars[bbr + '_DUA']
        p = pkts.filter_wpan_src64(TD) \
            .filter_coap_request("/n/dr", port=self.MM_PORT) \

        result.record_last("/n/dr", pkts)

        if dua_deadline is not None:
            p.must_verify(lambda p: p.sniff_timestamp <= dua_deadline)

        idx_after_n_dr = pkts.index

        p.must_verify(lambda p: p.coap.tlv.target_eid and p.coap.tlv.ml_eid)
        DUA = p.coap.tlv.target_eid
        MLEID = p.coap.tlv.ml_eid
        self.add_vars(**{td + "_DUA": DUA, td + "_MLEID": MLEID})
        logging.info(f"DUA={DUA}, MLEID={MLEID}")

        if DAD:
            # DAD (DUA_DATA_REPEAT+1) TIMES
            before_dad_index = pkts.index
            after_dad_index = before_dad_index
            with pkts.save_index():
                for i in range(consts.DUA_DAD_REPEATS + 1):
                    # Step 3: PBBR - Performs DAD on the backbone link - Multicasts a BB.qry CoAP request
                    filter = pkts.filter_eth_src(BBR_ETH) \
                        .filter_LLABMA() \
                        .filter_coap_request("/b/bq") \
                        .filter(lambda p: p.coap.tlv.target_eid == DUA)
                    p = filter.must_next()
                    after_dad_index = self.max_index(after_dad_index, pkts.index)

                    with pkts.save_index():
                        # try to find the next multicast
                        # start_index = pkts.index
                        if filter.next():
                            pe = pkts.last()
                            time_gap = pe.sniff_timestamp - p.sniff_timestamp
                            # PBBR Waits for DUA_DAD_QUERY_TIMEOUT: Verify that DUA_DAD_QUERY_TIMEOUT time passes
                            assert time_gap >= consts.DUA_DAD_QUERY_TIMEOUT - 0.01, time_gap

            # SBBR: Does not respond: SBBR does not respond to the BB.qry message.
            if sbbr is not None:
                dad_pkts_range = pkts.range(before_dad_index, after_dad_index, cascade=False)
                dad_pkts_range.filter_eth_src(SBBR_ETH) \
                    .filter_LLABMA() \
                    .filter_coap_ack("/b/bq") \

        # BBR updates the corresponding entry in its DUA device table.
        # No pass criteria

        # Step 7: BBR informs other BBRs on the network of the DUA registration.
        # FIXME: Test plan requires that last_transaction_time <= 3,
        #  however real OT implementation can have last_transaction_time == 4
        expected_last_transaction_time = 0 if not DAD else 4
        pkts.filter_eth_src(BBR_ETH) \
            .filter_LLABMA() \
            .filter_coap_request("/b/ba") \
            .filter("coap.tlv.target_eid == {DUA}", DUA=DUA) \
            .must_next() \
                    coap.tlv.ml_eid == {MLEID}
                    and coap.tlv.last_transaction_time <= {expected_last_transaction_time}
                    and coap.tlv.net_name == {NET_NAME}
                """, MLEID=MLEID, NET_NAME=self.NET_NAME,

        idx1 = pkts.index

        # SBBR receives PRO_BB.ntf and optionally updates the corresponding entry
        # in its Backup DUA Devices Table. No pass criteria.

        # BBR announces itself as the new ND proxy for the roaming device
        pkts.seek_back(0.2, eth=True) \
            .filter_eth_src(BBR_ETH) \
            .filter_LLANMA() \
            .filter_icmpv6_nd_na(DUA) \
            .must_next() \
                    icmpv6.nd.na.flag.s == 0
                    and icmpv6.nd.na.flag.o == 1
                    and icmpv6.nd.na.flag.r == 1
                    and icmpv6.opt.target_linkaddr == {BBR_ETH}
                """, BBR_ETH=BBR_ETH)

        idx2 = pkts.index
        # BBR responds to the DUA registration
        pkts.index = idx_after_n_dr  # reset index to just after /n/dr request
        pkts.filter_wpan_src64(BBR) \
            .filter_coap_ack("/n/dr") \
            .filter("coap.tlv.target_eid == {DUA}", DUA=DUA) \
            .must_next() \
                    coap.tlv.target_eid == {DUA}
                    and coap.tlv.status == 0
                    """, DUA=DUA)

        pkts.index = self.max_index(idx1, idx2, pkts.index)
        # BBR optionally repeats the unsolicited neighbor advertisement.
        # Optional 1 or 2 times
        with pkts.save_index():
            filter = pkts.filter_eth_src(BBR_ETH) \
                .filter_LLANMA() \

            for i in range(2):
                if not filter.next():

                        icmpv6.nd.na.flag.s == 0
                        and icmpv6.nd.na.flag.o == 1
                        and icmpv6.nd.na.flag.r == 1
                        and icmpv6.opt.target_linkaddr == {BBR_ETH}

        # BBR Optionally repeats the DUA registration notification
        # Optional
        with pkts.save_index():
            filter = pkts.filter_eth_src(BBR_ETH) \
                .filter_LLABMA() \
                .filter_coap_request("/b/ba") \
                .filter("coap.tlv.target_eid == {DUA}", DUA=DUA)

            if filter.next():
                p = filter.last()
                    coap.tlv.ml_eid == {MLEID}
                    and coap.tlv.net_name == {NET_NAME}
                    and 3 < coap.tlv.last_transaction_time < DUA_RECENT_TIME

        if sbbr is not None:
            # SBBR: Does not respond to the ND Neighbor Solicitation message.
            SBBR_ETH = self.vars[sbbr + '_ETH']
            pkts_in_range = pkts.range(idx_after_n_dr, pkts.index, cascade=False)

        return result