コード例 #1
    def _dataloader(self) -> DataLoader:
        """Initialize the Replay Buffer dataset used for retrieving experiences"""
        self.buffer = PERBuffer(self.replay_size)

        dataset = PrioRLDataset(self.buffer, self.batch_size)
        dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size,)
        return dataloader
コード例 #2
    def __init__(
            env: str,
            gpus: int = 0,
            eps_start: float = 1.0,
            eps_end: float = 0.02,
            eps_last_frame: int = 150000,
            sync_rate: int = 1000,
            gamma: float = 0.99,
            learning_rate: float = 1e-4,
            batch_size: int = 32,
            replay_size: int = 100000,
            warm_start_size: int = 10000,
            num_samples: int = 500,
        PyTorch Lightning implementation of `DQN With Prioritized Experience Replay <https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.05952>`_

        Paper authors: Tom Schaul, John Quan, Ioannis Antonoglou, David Silver

        Model implemented by:

            - `Donal Byrne <https://github.com/djbyrne>`


            >>> from pl_bolts.models.rl.per_dqn.model import PERDQN
            >>> model = PERDQN("PongNoFrameskip-v4")


            trainer = Trainer()

            env: gym environment tag
            gpus: number of gpus being used
            eps_start: starting value of epsilon for the epsilon-greedy exploration
            eps_end: final value of epsilon for the epsilon-greedy exploration
            eps_last_frame: the final frame in for the decrease of epsilon. At this frame espilon = eps_end
            sync_rate: the number of iterations between syncing up the target network with the train network
            gamma: discount factor
            learning_rate: learning rate
            batch_size: size of minibatch pulled from the DataLoader
            replay_size: total capacity of the replay buffer
            warm_start_size: how many random steps through the environment to be carried out at the start of
                training to fill the buffer with a starting point
            num_samples: the number of samples to pull from the dataset iterator and feed to the DataLoader
        super().__init__(env, gpus, eps_start, eps_end, eps_last_frame, sync_rate, gamma, learning_rate, batch_size,
                         replay_size, warm_start_size, num_samples)

        device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

        self.source = ExperienceSource(self.env, self.agent, device)
        self.buffer = PERBuffer(self.replay_size)
コード例 #3
    def setUp(self) -> None:
        self.buffer = PERBuffer(10)

        self.state = np.random.rand(32, 32)
        self.next_state = np.random.rand(32, 32)
        self.action = np.ones([1])
        self.reward = np.ones([1])
        self.done = np.zeros([1])
        self.experience = Experience(self.state, self.action, self.reward, self.done, self.next_state)
コード例 #4
class TestPrioReplayBuffer(TestCase):
    def setUp(self) -> None:
        self.buffer = PERBuffer(10)

        self.state = np.random.rand(32, 32)
        self.next_state = np.random.rand(32, 32)
        self.action = np.ones([1])
        self.reward = np.ones([1])
        self.done = np.zeros([1])
        self.experience = Experience(self.state, self.action, self.reward,
                                     self.done, self.next_state)

    def test_replay_buffer_append(self):
        """Test that you can append to the replay buffer and the latest experience has max priority"""

        self.assertEqual(len(self.buffer), 0)


        self.assertEqual(len(self.buffer), 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.buffer.priorities[0], 1.0)

    def test_replay_buffer_sample(self):
        """Test that you can sample from the buffer and the outputs are the correct shape"""
        batch_size = 3

        for i in range(10):

        batch, indices, weights = self.buffer.sample(batch_size)

        self.assertEqual(len(batch), 5)
        self.assertEqual(len(indices), batch_size)
        self.assertEqual(len(weights), batch_size)

        # states
        states = batch[0]
        self.assertEqual(states.shape, (batch_size, 32, 32))
        # action
        actions = batch[1]
        self.assertEqual(actions.shape, (batch_size, 1))
        # reward
        rewards = batch[2]
        self.assertEqual(rewards.shape, (batch_size, 1))
        # dones
        dones = batch[3]
        self.assertEqual(dones.shape, (batch_size, 1))
        # next states
        next_states = batch[4]
        self.assertEqual(next_states.shape, (batch_size, 32, 32))
コード例 #5
    def _dataloader(self) -> DataLoader:
        """Initialize the Replay Buffer dataset used for retrieving experiences."""
        self.buffer = PERBuffer(self.replay_size)

        self.dataset = ExperienceSourceDataset(self.train_batch)
        return DataLoader(dataset=self.dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size)
コード例 #6
    def prepare_data(self) -> None:
        """Initialize the Replay Buffer dataset used for retrieving experiences"""
        self.source = ExperienceSource(self.env, self.agent)
        self.buffer = PERBuffer(self.replay_size)

        self.dataset = PrioRLDataset(self.buffer, self.batch_size)
コード例 #7
    def prepare_data(self) -> None:
        """Initialize the Replay Buffer dataset used for retrieving experiences"""
        device = torch.device(self.trainer.root_gpu) if self.trainer.num_gpus >= 1 else self.device
        self.source = ExperienceSource(self.env, self.agent, device)
        self.buffer = PERBuffer(self.replay_size)

        self.dataset = PrioRLDataset(self.buffer, self.batch_size)
コード例 #8
class PERDQN(DQN):
    """ PER DQN Model """

    def __init__(
            env: str,
            gpus: int = 0,
            eps_start: float = 1.0,
            eps_end: float = 0.02,
            eps_last_frame: int = 150000,
            sync_rate: int = 1000,
            gamma: float = 0.99,
            learning_rate: float = 1e-4,
            batch_size: int = 32,
            replay_size: int = 100000,
            warm_start_size: int = 10000,
            num_samples: int = 500,
        PyTorch Lightning implementation of `DQN With Prioritized Experience Replay <https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.05952>`_

        Paper authors: Tom Schaul, John Quan, Ioannis Antonoglou, David Silver

        Model implemented by:

            - `Donal Byrne <https://github.com/djbyrne>`


            >>> from pl_bolts.models.rl.per_dqn.model import PERDQN
            >>> model = PERDQN("PongNoFrameskip-v4")


            trainer = Trainer()

            env: gym environment tag
            gpus: number of gpus being used
            eps_start: starting value of epsilon for the epsilon-greedy exploration
            eps_end: final value of epsilon for the epsilon-greedy exploration
            eps_last_frame: the final frame in for the decrease of epsilon. At this frame espilon = eps_end
            sync_rate: the number of iterations between syncing up the target network with the train network
            gamma: discount factor
            learning_rate: learning rate
            batch_size: size of minibatch pulled from the DataLoader
            replay_size: total capacity of the replay buffer
            warm_start_size: how many random steps through the environment to be carried out at the start of
                training to fill the buffer with a starting point
            num_samples: the number of samples to pull from the dataset iterator and feed to the DataLoader
        super().__init__(env, gpus, eps_start, eps_end, eps_last_frame, sync_rate, gamma, learning_rate, batch_size,
                         replay_size, warm_start_size, num_samples)

        device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

        self.source = ExperienceSource(self.env, self.agent, device)
        self.buffer = PERBuffer(self.replay_size)

    def training_step(self, batch, _) -> OrderedDict:
        Carries out a single step through the environment to update the replay buffer.
        Then calculates loss based on the minibatch recieved

            batch: current mini batch of replay data
            _: batch number, not used

            Training loss and log metrics
        samples, indices, weights = batch

        indices = indices.cpu().numpy()


        # step through environment with agent and add to buffer
        exp, reward, done = self.source.step()

        self.episode_reward += reward
        self.episode_steps += 1

        # calculates training loss
        loss, batch_weights = self.loss(samples, weights)

        # update priorities in buffer
        self.buffer.update_priorities(indices, batch_weights)

        if self.trainer.use_dp or self.trainer.use_ddp2:
            loss = loss.unsqueeze(0)

        if done:
            self.total_reward = self.episode_reward
            self.avg_reward = sum(self.reward_list[-100:]) / 100
            self.episode_count += 1
            self.episode_reward = 0
            self.total_episode_steps = self.episode_steps
            self.episode_steps = 0

        # Soft update of target network
        if self.global_step % self.sync_rate == 0:

        log = {
            "total_reward": torch.tensor(self.total_reward).to(self.device),
            "avg_reward": torch.tensor(self.avg_reward),
            "train_loss": loss,
            "episode_steps": torch.tensor(self.total_episode_steps),
        status = {
            "steps": torch.tensor(self.global_step).to(self.device),
            "avg_reward": torch.tensor(self.avg_reward),
            "total_reward": torch.tensor(self.total_reward).to(self.device),
            "episodes": self.episode_count,
            "episode_steps": self.episode_steps,
            "epsilon": self.agent.epsilon,

        return OrderedDict({"loss": loss, "log": log, "progress_bar": status})

    def loss(
        self, batch: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], batch_weights: List
    ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, List]:
        Calculates the mse loss with the priority weights of the batch from the PER buffer

            batch: current mini batch of replay data
            batch_weights: how each of these samples are weighted in terms of priority

        states, actions, rewards, dones, next_states = batch

        batch_weights = torch.tensor(batch_weights)

        actions_v = actions.unsqueeze(-1)
        state_action_vals = self.net(states).gather(1, actions_v)
        state_action_vals = state_action_vals.squeeze(-1)
        with torch.no_grad():
            next_s_vals = self.target_net(next_states).max(1)[0]
            next_s_vals[dones] = 0.0
            exp_sa_vals = next_s_vals.detach() * self.gamma + rewards
        loss = (state_action_vals - exp_sa_vals) ** 2
        losses_v = batch_weights * loss
        return losses_v.mean(), (losses_v + 1e-5).data.cpu().numpy()

    def _dataloader(self) -> DataLoader:
        """Initialize the Replay Buffer dataset used for retrieving experiences"""
        self.buffer = PERBuffer(self.replay_size)

        dataset = PrioRLDataset(self.buffer, self.batch_size)
        dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size,)
        return dataloader