コード例 #1
ファイル: test_usage.py プロジェクト: takanattie/placement
    def test_get_all_null(self):
        for uuid in [uuidsentinel.rp_uuid_1, uuidsentinel.rp_uuid_2]:
            self._create_provider(uuid, uuid=uuid)

        usages = usage_obj.get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(
            self.ctx, uuidsentinel.rp_uuid_1)
        self.assertEqual(0, len(usages))
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_usage.py プロジェクト: takanattie/placement
    def test_get_all_multiple_inv(self):
        db_rp = self._create_provider('rp_no_inv')
        tb.add_inventory(db_rp, orc.DISK_GB, 1024)
        tb.add_inventory(db_rp, orc.VCPU, 24)

        usages = usage_obj.get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(
            self.ctx, db_rp.uuid)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(usages))
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_usage.py プロジェクト: takanattie/placement
    def test_get_inventory_no_allocation(self):
        db_rp = self._create_provider('rp_no_inv')
        tb.add_inventory(db_rp, orc.DISK_GB, 1024)

        usages = usage_obj.get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(
            self.ctx, db_rp.uuid)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(usages))
        self.assertEqual(0, usages[0].usage)
        self.assertEqual(orc.DISK_GB, usages[0].resource_class)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_usage.py プロジェクト: takanattie/placement
    def test_get_all_one_allocation(self):
        db_rp, _ = self._make_allocation(tb.DISK_INVENTORY, tb.DISK_ALLOCATION)
        inv = inv_obj.Inventory(resource_provider=db_rp,

        usages = usage_obj.get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(
            self.ctx, db_rp.uuid)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(usages))
        self.assertEqual(2, usages[0].usage)
        self.assertEqual(orc.DISK_GB, usages[0].resource_class)
コード例 #5
ファイル: usage.py プロジェクト: EdLeafe/replacement
def list_usages(req):
    """GET a dictionary of resource provider usage by resource class.

    If the resource provider does not exist return a 404.

    On success return a 200 with an application/json representation of
    the usage dictionary.
    context = req.environ['placement.context']
    uuid = util.wsgi_path_item(req.environ, 'uuid')
    want_version = req.environ[microversion.MICROVERSION_ENVIRON]

    # Resource provider object needed for two things: If it is
    # NotFound we'll get a 404 here, which needs to happen because
    # get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid can return an empty list.
    # It is also needed for the generation, used in the outgoing
    # representation.
        resource_provider = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(context, uuid)
    except exception.NotFound as exc:
        raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(
            "No resource provider with uuid %(uuid)s found: %(error)s" % {
                'uuid': uuid,
                'error': exc

    usage = usage_obj.get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(context, uuid)

    response = req.response
    response.body = encodeutils.to_utf8(
        jsonutils.dumps(_serialize_usages(resource_provider, usage)))
    req.response.content_type = 'application/json'
    if want_version.matches((1, 15)):
        req.response.cache_control = 'no-cache'
        # While it would be possible to generate a last-modified time
        # based on the collection of allocations that result in a usage
        # value (with some spelunking in the SQL) that doesn't align with
        # the question that is being asked in a request for usages: What
        # is the usage, now? So the last-modified time is set to utcnow.
        req.response.last_modified = timeutils.utcnow(with_timezone=True)
    return req.response
コード例 #6
    def test_update_inventory_violates_allocation(self, mock_log):
        # Compute nodes that are reconfigured have to be able to set
        # their inventory to something that violates allocations so
        # we need to make that possible.
        rp, allocation = self._make_allocation(tb.DISK_INVENTORY,
        # attempt to set inventory to less than currently allocated
        # amounts
        new_total = 1
        disk_inv = inv_obj.Inventory(
            resource_class=orc.DISK_GB, total=new_total)

        usages = usage_obj.get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(
            self.ctx, rp.uuid)
        self.assertEqual(allocation.used, usages[0].usage)

        inv_list = inv_obj.get_all_by_resource_provider(self.ctx, rp)
        self.assertEqual(new_total, inv_list[0].total)
            mock.ANY, {'uuid': rp.uuid, 'resource': 'DISK_GB'})
コード例 #7
 def _validate_usage(self, rp, usage):
     rp_usage = usage_obj.get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(
         self.ctx, rp.uuid)
     self.assertEqual(usage, rp_usage[0].usage)
コード例 #8
    def test_allocation_list_create(self):
        max_unit = 10
        consumer_uuid = uuidsentinel.consumer

        # Create a consumer representing the instance
        inst_consumer = consumer_obj.Consumer(
            self.ctx, uuid=consumer_uuid, user=self.user_obj,

        # Create two resource providers
        rp1_name = uuidsentinel.rp1_name
        rp1_uuid = uuidsentinel.rp1_uuid
        rp1_class = orc.DISK_GB
        rp1_used = 6

        rp2_name = uuidsentinel.rp2_name
        rp2_uuid = uuidsentinel.rp2_uuid
        rp2_class = orc.IPV4_ADDRESS
        rp2_used = 2

        rp1 = self._create_provider(rp1_name, uuid=rp1_uuid)
        rp2 = self._create_provider(rp2_name, uuid=rp2_uuid)

        # Two allocations, one for each resource provider.
        allocation_1 = alloc_obj.Allocation(
            resource_provider=rp1, consumer=inst_consumer,
            resource_class=rp1_class, used=rp1_used)
        allocation_2 = alloc_obj.Allocation(
            resource_provider=rp2, consumer=inst_consumer,
            resource_class=rp2_class, used=rp2_used)
        allocation_list = [allocation_1, allocation_2]

        # There's no inventory, we have a failure.
        error = self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInventory,
                                  alloc_obj.replace_all, self.ctx,
        # Confirm that the resource class string, not index, is in
        # the exception and resource providers are listed by uuid.
        self.assertIn(rp1_class, str(error))
        self.assertIn(rp2_class, str(error))
        self.assertIn(rp1.uuid, str(error))
        self.assertIn(rp2.uuid, str(error))

        # Add inventory for one of the two resource providers. This should also
        # fail, since rp2 has no inventory.
        tb.add_inventory(rp1, rp1_class, 1024, max_unit=1)
                          alloc_obj.replace_all, self.ctx, allocation_list)

        # Add inventory for the second resource provider
        tb.add_inventory(rp2, rp2_class, 255, reserved=2, max_unit=1)

        # Now the allocations will still fail because max_unit 1
                          alloc_obj.replace_all, self.ctx, allocation_list)
        inv1 = inv_obj.Inventory(resource_provider=rp1,
                                 total=1024, max_unit=max_unit)
        inv2 = inv_obj.Inventory(resource_provider=rp2,
                                 total=255, reserved=2, max_unit=max_unit)

        # Now we can finally allocate.
        alloc_obj.replace_all(self.ctx, allocation_list)

        # Check that those allocations changed usage on each
        # resource provider.
        rp1_usage = usage_obj.get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(
            self.ctx, rp1_uuid)
        rp2_usage = usage_obj.get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(
            self.ctx, rp2_uuid)
        self.assertEqual(rp1_used, rp1_usage[0].usage)
        self.assertEqual(rp2_used, rp2_usage[0].usage)

        # redo one allocation
        # TODO(cdent): This does not currently behave as expected
        # because a new allocation is created, adding to the total
        # used, not replacing.
        rp1_used += 1
            rp1, rp1_class, rp1_used, consumer=inst_consumer)

        rp1_usage = usage_obj.get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(
            self.ctx, rp1_uuid)
        self.assertEqual(rp1_used, rp1_usage[0].usage)

        # delete the allocations for the consumer
        # NOTE(cdent): The database uses 'consumer_id' for the
        # column, presumably because some ids might not be uuids, at
        # some point in the future.
        consumer_allocations = alloc_obj.get_all_by_consumer_id(
            self.ctx, consumer_uuid)
        alloc_obj.delete_all(self.ctx, consumer_allocations)

        rp1_usage = usage_obj.get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(
            self.ctx, rp1_uuid)
        rp2_usage = usage_obj.get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(
            self.ctx, rp2_uuid)
        self.assertEqual(0, rp1_usage[0].usage)
        self.assertEqual(0, rp2_usage[0].usage)