コード例 #1
ファイル: op.py プロジェクト: sohnryang/plaidml
 def __init__(self, lhs, rhs):
     shape = tile.Shape(plaidml.DType.BOOLEAN,
                        tile.broadcast_dims(lhs.shape.dims, rhs.shape.dims))
     self.lhs = lhs
     self.rhs = rhs
     super(Equal, self).__init__('function (L, R) -> (O) { O = (L == R); }',
                                 [('L', lhs), ('R', rhs)], [('O', shape)])
コード例 #2
 def test_tuple_deriv(self):
     """Test tuples work via derivatives"""
     A = tile.Value.from_ndims(2)
     B = tile.Value.from_ndims(2)
     out_dims = (A.shape.dims[0], B.shape.dims[1])
     out_shape = tile.Shape(tile.common_dtype(A.shape.dtype, B.shape.dtype),
     out = tile.Operation(
         function (A[I, K], B[K, J]) -> (O) {
             T = tuple(A, B);
             C = element(T, 0);
             D = element(T, 1);
             O[i, j : I, J] = +(C[i, k] * D[k, j]);
         """, [('A', A), ('B', B)], [('O', out_shape)]).outputs['O']
     tot = op.summation(out, [0, 1])
     dA = op.gradients(tot, [A])[0]
     func = tile.compose(self._ctx,
                         inputs=[('A', A), ('B', B)],
                         outputs=[('DA', dA)])
     invoker = plaidml.Invoker(self._ctx, func)
     invoker.set_input('A', self.make_inited_tensor((3, 3)))
     invoker.set_input('B', self.make_inited_tensor((3, 3)))
     output = self.make_output_tensor(invoker.get_output_shape('DA'))
     invoker.set_output('DA', output)
コード例 #3
ファイル: op.py プロジェクト: sohnryang/plaidml
    def __init__(self, lhs, rhs):
        lmax = ismax(lhs.source.op.value, axes=(lhs.source.op.axis, ))
        rmax = ismax(rhs.source.op.value, axes=(rhs.source.op.axis, ))

        and_shape = tile.Shape(
            tile.broadcast_dims(lmax.shape.dims, rmax.shape.dims))
        and_op = tile.Operation(
            'function (L, R) -> (O) { O = L ? (R ? 1 : 0) : 0; }',
            [('L', lmax), ('R', rmax)], [('O', and_shape)])
        sum_val = summation(and_op.output_tuple[0],
                            axes=(lhs.source.op.axis, ),
        eq_shape = tile.Shape(plaidml.DType.BOOLEAN, sum_val.shape.dims)
              self).__init__('function (I) -> (O) { O = 0 < I; }',
                             [('I', sum_val)], [('O', eq_shape)])
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self,
        rank = data.shape.ndims - 2
        padding = _convert_auto_pad(auto_pad, pads)
        pads = _extend_pads(pads, rank)
        if not strides:
            strides = tuple(1 for _ in range(rank))
        if not dilations:
            dilations = tuple(1 for _ in range(rank))
        if not kernel_shape:
            kernel_shape = kernel.shape.dims
            kernel_shape = tuple([kernel.shape.dims[0], kernel.shape.dims[1]] +

        for entry in dilations:
            if not isinstance(entry, six.integer_types) or entry <= 0:
                raise ValueError('Invalid dilation_rate: {}'.format(dilations))
        if kernel.shape.ndims != rank + 2:
            raise ValueError(
                'Convolution kernel shape inconsistent with input shape: ' +
                '{} (rank {}) v {} (rank {})'.format(
                    kernel.shape, kernel.shape.ndims -
                    2, data.shape, data.shape.ndims - 2))
        if len(strides) != rank:
            raise ValueError(
                'Convolution strides length inconsistent with input shape: ' +
                '{} (rank {}) v {} (rank {})'.format(strides, len(
                    strides), data.shape, data.shape.ndims - 2))
        if len(dilations) != rank:
            raise ValueError(
                'Convolution dilations length inconsistent with input shape: '
                + '{} (rank {}) v {} (rank {})'.format(dilations, len(
                    dilations), data.shape, data.shape.ndims - 2))

        conv_strs = _format_conv_strings(rank, data.shape.dims, kernel_shape,
                                         strides, padding, pads, dilations,

        outshape = tile.Shape(data.shape.dtype, conv_strs['outshape_tuple'])

        code = """
        function (I[{input_dims_str}], K[{ker_dims_str}]) -> (O) {{
            GO[{out_idx_str} : {out_dims_str}] = +(I[{input_idx_str}]*K[{ker_idx_str}]);
            O = {group_reshape};

        super(Convolution, self).__init__(code, [('I', data), ('K', kernel)],
                                          [('O', outshape)])
コード例 #5
 def testSkipping(self):
     I = K.variable(np.array([[1., 2.], [3., 4.], [5., -4.], [-5., 6.], [-7., 9.]]))
     code = """function (I[N, M]) -> (O) {
                   O[2 * i: N] = +(I[2 * i, j]);
     value = tile.Operation(code,
                            [('I', I)],
                            [('O', tile.Shape(I.shape.dtype, (5,)))],
                            name='Skip') \
     npt.assert_allclose(value.eval(), np.array([3., 0., 1., 0., 2.]))
コード例 #6
ファイル: op.py プロジェクト: sohnryang/plaidml
    def __init__(self, value, axes, keepdims=False):
        dims, _, subs = tile.compute_aggregation_axes(value.shape.dims, axes,

        code = """function (I[{src_ranges}]) -> (O) {{
                    O[{dest_indices}{dest_sep}{dest_ranges}] = +(I[{src_indices}]);

              self).__init__(code, [('I', value)],
                             [('O', tile.Shape(value.shape.dtype, dims))])
コード例 #7
 def testSameMaxPool(self):
     I = K.variable(np.array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]))
     code = """function (I[N]) -> (O) {
                   O[i: (N + 1) / 2] = >(I[2 * i + j]), j < 2;
     value = tile.Operation(code,
                            [('I', I)],
                            [('O', tile.Shape(I.shape.dtype, ((I.shape.dims[0] + 1) // 2,)))],
                            name='ValidMaxpool') \
     npt.assert_allclose(value.eval(), np.array([2., 4., 5.]))
コード例 #8
 def testCumSum(self):
     I = K.variable(np.array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.]))
     code = """function (I[N]) -> (O) {
                   O[i: N] = +(I[i - j]), j < N;
     value = tile.Operation(code,
                            [('I', I)],
                            [('O', tile.Shape(I.shape.dtype, (6,)))],
                            name='CumulativeSum') \
     code2 = """function (I[N]) -> (O) {
                    O[i: N] = +(I[k]), i - k < N;
     value2 = tile.Operation(code,
                             [('I', I)],
                             [('O', tile.Shape(I.shape.dtype, (6,)))],
                             name='CumulativeSum2') \
     reference = K.cumsum(I)
     npt.assert_allclose(value.eval(), reference.eval())
     npt.assert_allclose(value2.eval(), reference.eval())
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self,
        if not broadcast and c.shape.ndims != 2:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Gemm without multiplier broadcast requires a two-dimensional scalar multiplier; multiplier rank={}'

        def gemm_reshape(value):
            if value.shape.ndims < 2:
                raise tile.LogicError(
                    'Invalid Gemm input; two-dimensions required, got: {}'.
            if value.shape.ndims == 2:
                return value
            newdims = (value.shape.dims[0],
                       functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y,
            return op.reshape(value, newdims)

        a = gemm_reshape(a)
        b = gemm_reshape(b)

        code = """
        function (A[{a_dims}], B[{b_dims}], C) -> (O) {{
          OM[row, col : ROW, COL] = +(A[{a_idxs}] * B[{b_idxs}]);
          OA = {alpha_expr};
          CB = {beta_expr};
          O = OA + CB;
            a_dims='MID, ROW' if transA else 'ROW, MID',
            b_dims='COL, MID' if transB else 'MID, COL',
            a_idxs='mid, row' if transA else 'row, mid',
            b_idxs='col, mid' if transB else 'mid, col',
            alpha_expr='OM * {}'.format(alpha) if alpha else 'OM',
            beta_expr='C * {}'.format(beta) if beta else 'C',

        outshape = tile.Shape(
            tile.common_dtype(a.shape.dtype, b.shape.dtype, c.shape.dtype),
                a.shape.dims[1] if transA else a.shape.dims[0],
                b.shape.dims[0] if transB else b.shape.dims[1],
            ), c.shape.dims))

        super(Gemm, self).__init__(code, [('A', a), ('B', b), ('C', c)],
                                   [('O', outshape)])
コード例 #10
ファイル: op.py プロジェクト: sohnryang/plaidml
    def __init__(self, value, axes):
        dims, _, subs = tile.compute_aggregation_axes(value.shape.dims, axes,

        code = """function (I[{src_ranges}]) -> (O) {{
                    MAX[{dest_indices}{dest_sep}{dest_ranges}] = >(I[{src_indices}]);
                    O = (MAX == I);

              self).__init__(code, [('I', value)],
                             [('O', tile.Shape(plaidml.DType.BOOLEAN, dims))])
コード例 #11
 def testBrokenMaxPool(self):
     I = K.variable(np.array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]))
     code = """function (I[N]) -> (O) {
                   O[i: N / 2] = >(I[2 * i + j]);
     value = tile.Operation(code,
                            [('I', I)],
                            [('O', tile.Shape(I.shape.dtype, (I.shape.dims[0] // 2,)))],
                            name='BrokenMaxpool') \
     reference = K.max(I)
     npt.assert_allclose(value.eval(), [5.] * 2)
コード例 #12
 def testMaxOverAxis(self):
     I = K.variable(np.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]))
     code = """function (I[M, N]) -> (O) {
                   O[n: N] = >(I[m, n]);
     value = tile.Operation(code,
                            [('I', I)],
                            [('O', tile.Shape(I.shape.dtype, (I.shape.dims[1],)))],
                            name='MaxOverAxis') \
     reference = K.max(I, axis=0)
     npt.assert_allclose(value.eval(), reference.eval())
コード例 #13
 def testMeanOverAxis(self):
     I = K.variable(np.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]))
     code = """function (I[X, Y]) -> (O) {
                   Sum[y: Y] = +(I[x, y]);
                   O = Sum / X;
     value = tile.Operation(code,
                            [('I', I)],
                            [('O', tile.Shape(I.shape.dtype, (I.shape.dims[1],)))],
                            name='MeanOverAxis') \
     reference = K.mean(I, axis=0)
     npt.assert_allclose(value.eval(), reference.eval())
コード例 #14
 def testGlobalMean(self):
     I = K.variable(np.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]))
     code = """function (I[X, Y]) -> (O) {
                   Sum[] = +(I[x, y]);
                   O = Sum / (X * Y);
     value = tile.Operation(code,
                            [('I', I)],
                            [('O', tile.Shape(I.shape.dtype, tuple()))],
                            name='GlobalMean') \
     reference = K.mean(I, axis=[0, 1])
     npt.assert_allclose(value.eval(), reference.eval())
コード例 #15
 def testMatMul(self):
     A = K.variable(np.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]))
     B = K.variable(np.array([[1., -2.], [-3., 4.], [5., -6.]]))
     code = """function (A[M, L], B[L, N]) -> (C) {
                   C[i, j: M, N] = +(A[i, k] * B[k, j]);
     value = tile.Operation(code,
                            [('A', A), ('B', B)],
                            [('C', tile.Shape(A.shape.dtype, (2, 2)))],
                            name='MatMul') \
     reference = K.dot(A, B)
     npt.assert_allclose(value.eval(), reference.eval())
コード例 #16
 def testConv1D(self):
     I = K.variable(m(2, 8, 3))
     kernel = K.variable(m(3, 3, 2))
     code = """function (I[N, L, CI], K[LK, CI, CO]) -> (O) {
                   O[n, x, co: N, L - LK + 1, CO] = +(I[n, x + k, ci] * K[k, ci, co]);
     value = tile.Operation(code,
                            [('I', I), ('K', kernel)],
                            [('O', tile.Shape(I.shape.dtype, (2, 6, 2)))],
                            name='CumulativeSum') \
     reference = K.conv1d(I, kernel, padding='valid')
     npt.assert_allclose(value.eval(), reference.eval())
コード例 #17
 def testDilatedConv2D(self):
     I = K.variable(m(2, 6, 10, 3))
     kernel = K.variable(m(3, 2, 3, 2))
     code = """function (I[N, Lx, Ly, CI], K[LKx, LKy, CI, CO]) -> (O) {
                   O[n, x, y, co: N, Lx - 2 * (LKx - 1), Ly - 3 * (LKy - 1), CO] =
                           +(I[n, x + 2 * kx, y + 3 * ky, ci] * K[kx, ky, ci, co]);
     value = tile.Operation(code,
                            [('I', I), ('K', kernel)],
                            [('O', tile.Shape(I.shape.dtype, (2, 2, 7, 2)))],
                            name='CumulativeSum') \
     reference = K.conv2d(I, kernel, padding='valid', dilation_rate=(2, 3))
     npt.assert_allclose(value.eval(), reference.eval())
コード例 #18
 def testGlobalMin(self):
     I = K.variable(np.array([[[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]]))
     code = """function (I) -> (O) {
                   Neg = -I;
                   O_Neg[] = >(Neg[i, j, k]);
                   O = -O_Neg;
     value = tile.Operation(code,
                            [('I', I)],
                            [('O', tile.Shape(I.shape.dtype, tuple()))],
                            name='GlobalMin') \
     reference = K.min(I, axis=[0, 1, 2])
     npt.assert_allclose(value.eval(), reference.eval())
コード例 #19
    def __init__(self, data, mode=None, pads=None, value=None):
        if value is None:
            value = 0.
        rank = data.shape.ndims
        in_dims = ['D{}'.format(d) for d in range(data.shape.ndims)]
        out_dims = list(in_dims)
        in_idxs = ['d{}'.format(d) for d in range(data.shape.ndims)]
        out_idxs = list(in_idxs)
        shape_dims = list(data.shape.dims)

        for idx in range(rank):
            start = pads[idx]
            end = pads[idx + rank]
            if start + end:
                out_dims[idx] = 'D{}+{}'.format(idx, start + end)
                shape_dims[idx] += start + end
            if start:
                out_idxs[idx] = 'd{}+{}'.format(idx, start)

        if value:
            # TODO: This is a somewhat inefficient way to write a padding operation.
            code = """
            function (I[{in_dims}], One[], V[]) -> (O) {{
                Ones[{out_idxs} : {in_dims}] = =(One[]);
                InMask[{out_idxs} : {out_dims}] = =(Ones[{in_idxs}]);
                ValMask = 1 - InMask;
                Vals = ValMask * V;
                Ins[{out_idxs} : {out_dims}] = =(I[{in_idxs}]);
                O = Ins+Vals;
            }}""".format(in_dims=', '.join(in_dims),
                         out_dims=', '.join(out_dims),
                         in_idxs=', '.join(in_idxs),
                         out_idxs=', '.join(out_idxs))
            value_input = [('One', tile.Value.from_var(1, tuple())),
                           ('V', tile.Value.from_var(value, tuple()))]
            code = """
            function (I[{in_dims}]) -> (O) {{
                O[{out_idxs} : {out_dims}] = =(I[{in_idxs}]);
            }}""".format(in_dims=', '.join(in_dims),
                         out_dims=', '.join(out_dims),
                         in_idxs=', '.join(in_idxs),
                         out_idxs=', '.join(out_idxs))
            value_input = []

        outshape = tile.Shape(data.shape.dtype, shape_dims)

        super(PadConstant, self).__init__(code, [('I', data)] + value_input,
                                          [('O', outshape)])
コード例 #20
    def __init__(self, tensors):
        tnames = ['I{}'.format(n) for n in range(len(tensors))]
        code = """
        function ({inputs}) -> (O) {{
            O = (({input_sum}) / {input_count});

        outshape = tile.Shape(
            tile.common_dtype(*[t.shape.dtype for t in tensors]),
            tile.broadcast_dims(*[t.shape.dims for t in tensors]))

        super(Mean, self).__init__(code, list(zip(tnames, tensors)),
                                   [('O', outshape)])
コード例 #21
 def __init__(self, value):
     """Initialize the Constant tensor operation.
         value (onnx_pb2.TensorProto): The tensor to construct.
     self.value = value
         outshape = tile.Shape(
             opset_util.ONNX_DTYPE_TO_PLAIDML[value.data_type], value.dims)
     except KeyError:
                 'ONNX data type {} is not yet implemented by the PlaidML ONNX backend'
                     value.data_type))), None)
     super(Constant, self).__init__(None, [], [('O', outshape)])
コード例 #22
    def __init__(self, data, perm=None):
        if not perm:
            perm = range(data.shape.ndims - 1, -1, -1)

        ndims = data.shape.ndims

        code = """
        function (I[{in_dims}]) -> (O) {{
            O[{out_idxs} : {out_dims}] = =(I[{in_idxs}]);
            in_dims=', '.join(['D{}'.format(d) for d in range(ndims)]),
            out_dims=', '.join(['D{}'.format(perm[d]) for d in range(ndims)]),
            in_idxs=', '.join(['d{}'.format(d) for d in range(ndims)]),
            out_idxs=', '.join(['d{}'.format(perm[d]) for d in range(ndims)]))

        outshape = tile.Shape(data.shape.dtype,
                              [data.shape.dims[perm[d]] for d in range(ndims)])

        super(Transpose, self).__init__(code, [('I', data)], [('O', outshape)])
コード例 #23
    def __init__(self, data, axis):
        in_dim_list = ['N{}'.format(i) for i in range(data.shape.ndims)]
        out_l_dim_list = [
            '*'.join(['1'] + ['N{}'.format(i) for i in range(axis)])
        out_r_dim_list = [
            '*'.join(['1'] +
                     ['N{}'.format(i) for i in range(axis, data.shape.ndims)])
        in_dims = list(data.shape.dims)
        l_size = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, [1] + in_dims[:axis])
        r_size = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, [1] + in_dims[axis:])

        code = 'function (I[{idims}]) -> (O) {{ O = reshape(I, {o_l_dims}, {o_r_dims}); }}'.format(
            idims=', '.join(in_dim_list),
            o_l_dims=', '.join(out_l_dim_list),
        super(Flatten, self).__init__(
            code, [('I', data)],
            [('O', tile.Shape(data.shape.dtype, (l_size, r_size)))])
コード例 #24
    def __init__(self, frame, kernel, rules=((3, ), (2, 3)), wrap=True):
        code = """
            function (I[Y, X, Z], K[KY, KX, Z], NULL, ONE, RGB) -> (O, ORGB){{
                O = {rules};
                ORGB = RGB * O;
        # TODO: we could simplify this
        # TODO: add other rules
        rule_map = {
            ((3, ), (2, 3)):
            '( T < 12 ? (T == 3 ? ONE : NULL) : (T > 13 ? NULL : ONE) )',
            # labyrinthish
            ((3, ), (2, 3, 4)):
            '( T < 12 ? (T == 3 ? ONE : NULL) : (T > 14 ? NULL : ONE) )',
        if isinstance(rules, (list, tuple)):
            rules = rule_map[tuple(rules)]
        if wrap:
            # TODO:
            raise NotImplementedError("Wrap not implemented because no modulo")
            conv = 'T[y, x, z: Y, X, Z] = +(I[y -1 + ky, x -1 + kx, z] * K[ky, kx, z]), ky < KY, kx < KX'

        code = code.format(rules=rules, conv=conv)
        logger.debug("TILE CODE: %s:", code)
        rgb = np.zeros(frame.shape.dims[:-1] + (4, ), dtype="uint8")
        rgb[:, :] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
        super(GolOp, self).__init__(code, [
            ('I', frame),
            ('K', kernel),
            ('NULL', K.constant(np.array(0, dtype='uint8'), dtype='uint8')),
            ('ONE', K.constant(np.array(1, dtype='uint8'), dtype='uint8')),
            ('RGB', K.variable(rgb, dtype='uint8')),
        ], [('O', frame.shape),
            ('ORGB', ptile.Shape(frame.shape.dtype, rgb.shape))])
コード例 #25
def main(code, tensor_A, tensor_B, output_shape):
    op = SandboxOp(code, tensor_A, tensor_B,
                   tile.Shape(plaidml.DType.FLOAT32, output_shape))
コード例 #26
ファイル: op.py プロジェクト: sohnryang/plaidml
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        # So, for matmul, we have identity dimensions (which remain the same
        # in the output tensor), and summation dimensions (which are
        # eliminated in the output tensor).  We call these I{1,2,...} and S.
        # The matrix multiplication and summation takes place on the low two dimensions.
        # If either input is one-dimensional, that's its summation dimension.
        # Otherwise, A's summation dimension is the lowest dimension, and B's summation
        # dimension is its second-to-lowest.
        # Naturally, there can be broadcasting involved; corresponding dimensions
        # must be broadcast-compatible.
        a_ndims = a.shape.ndims
        b_ndims = b.shape.ndims

        if a_ndims == 0 or b_ndims == 0:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'MatMul isn\'t defined over scalar values')

        if a_ndims == 1:
            if b_ndims == 1:
                # Both A and B are one dimensional; C is a scalar.
                #   A's dims are [S]
                #   B's dims are [S]
                #   C's dims are []
                c_dims = tuple()
                a_ranges = ['S']
                a_indicies = ['s']
                b_ranges = ['S']
                b_indicies = ['s']
                c_ranges = []
                c_indicies = []
                # A is one-dimensional, but B is not:
                #   A's dims are [S]
                #   B's dims are [I0, I1... IN-3, S, IN-1]
                #   C's dims are [I0, I1... IN-3, IN-1]
                c_shape = tuple(b.dims[:-2] + b.dims[-1])
                a_ranges = ['S']
                a_indicies = ['s']
                b_ranges = (['I{}'.format(n) for n in range(b_ndims - 2)] +
                            ['S', 'I{}'.format(b_ndims - 1)])
                b_indicies = (['i{}'.format(n) for n in range(b_ndims - 2)] +
                              ['s', 'i{}'.format(b_ndims - 1)])
                c_ranges = [
                    for n in range(b_ndims - 2) + [b_ndims - 1]
                c_indicies = [
                    for n in range(b_ndims - 2) + [b_ndims - 1]
            if b_ndims == 1:
                # B is one-dimensional, but A is not:
                #   A's dims are [I0, I1... IN-3, IN-2, S]
                #   B's dims are [S]
                #   C's dims are [I0, I1... IN-3, IN-2]
                c_dims = tuple(a.shape.dims[:-1])
                a_ranges = ['I{}'.format(n)
                            for n in range(a_ndims - 1)] + ['S']
                a_indicies = ['i{}'.format(n)
                              for n in range(a_ndims - 1)] + ['s']
                b_ranges = ['S']
                b_indicies = ['s']
                c_ranges = ['I{}'.format(n) for n in range(a_ndims - 1)]
                c_indicies = ['i{}'.format(n) for n in range(a_ndims - 1)]
                # Both tensors have more than one dimension.
                #   A's dims are [I0, I1... IN-3, IN-2, S]
                #   B's dims are [I0, I1... IN-3, S, IN-1]
                #   C's dims are [I0, I1... IN-3, IN-2, IN-1].
                c_dims = tuple(
                                            b.shape.dims[:-2])) +
                    [a.shape.dims[-2], b.shape.dims[-1]])
                a_ranges = ['I{}'.format(n)
                            for n in range(a_ndims - 1)] + ['S']
                a_indicies = ['i{}'.format(n)
                              for n in range(a_ndims - 1)] + ['s']
                b_ranges = (['I{}'.format(n) for n in range(b_ndims - 2)] +
                            ['S', 'I{}'.format(b_ndims - 1)])
                b_indicies = (['i{}'.format(n) for n in range(b_ndims - 2)] +
                              ['s', 'i{}'.format(b_ndims - 1)])
                c_ranges = ['I{}'.format(n) for n in range(len(c_dims))]
                c_indicies = ['i{}'.format(n) for n in range(len(c_dims))]

        func = """function(A[{a_ranges}], B[{b_ranges}]) -> (C) {{
                        C[{c_indicies} : {c_ranges}] = +(A[{a_indicies}] * B[{b_indicies}]);
                    }}""".format(a_ranges=', '.join(a_ranges),
                                 a_indicies=', '.join(a_indicies),
                                 b_ranges=', '.join(b_ranges),
                                 b_indicies=', '.join(b_indicies),
                                 c_ranges=', '.join(c_ranges),
                                 c_indicies=', '.join(c_indicies))

        c_shape = tile.Shape(tile.common_dtype(a.shape.dtype, b.shape.dtype),

        super(MatMul, self).__init__(func, [('A', a), ('B', b)],
                                     [('C', c_shape)])
コード例 #27
ファイル: op.py プロジェクト: sohnryang/plaidml
 def __init__(self, x, dims):
     super(Reshape, self).__init__(
         'function (I) -> (O) {{ O = reshape(I, {}); }}'.format(', '.join(
             [str(d) for d in dims])), [('I', x)],
         [('O', tile.Shape(x.shape.dtype, dims))])