def _configure_report(self): """Configure transport and exporter.""" if self.ctx.args.output_format == '?': print_objs('exporter', raise SystemExit(0) if self.ctx.args.transport == '?': print(', '.join(get_all_transports())) raise SystemExit(0) if not self.ctx.args.transport: if self.ctx.args.transport_where: _logger.error( _("--transport-where is useless without --transport")) raise SystemExit(1) if self.ctx.args.transport_options: _logger.error( _("--transport-options is useless without --transport")) raise SystemExit(1) if self.ctx.args.output_file != '-': self.transport = 'file' self.transport_where = self.ctx.args.output_file self.transport_options = '' else: self.transport = 'stream' self.transport_where = 'stdout' self.transport_options = '' else: if self.ctx.args.transport not in get_all_transports(): _logger.error("The selected transport %r is not available", self.ctx.args.transport) raise SystemExit(1) self.transport = self.ctx.args.transport self.transport_where = self.ctx.args.transport_where self.transport_options = self.ctx.args.transport_options self.exporter = self.ctx.args.output_format self.exporter_opts = self.ctx.args.output_options
def _prepare_transport(self, ns): if ns.transport not in get_all_transports(): return None transport_cls = get_all_transports()[ns.transport] try: return transport_cls(ns.transport_where, ns.transport_options) except ValueError as exc: raise SystemExit(str(exc))
def _print_results(self): all_transports = get_all_transports() transport = get_all_transports()[self.transport]( self.transport_where, self.transport_options) print(self.C.header(_("Results"))) if self.transport == 'file': print(_("Saving results to {}").format(self.transport_where)) elif self.transport == 'certification': print(_("Sending results to {}").format(self.transport_where)), transport, self.exporter_opts)
def submit_launchpad_results(self): transport_cls = get_all_transports().get('launchpad') options_string = "field.emailaddress={}".format( self.config.email_address) transport = transport_cls(self.config.lp_url, options_string) # TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the {} format markers. print( _("Submitting results to {0} for email_address {1}").format( self.config.lp_url, self.config.email_address)) with open(self.submission_file, encoding='utf-8') as stream: try: # NOTE: don't pass the file-like object to this transport json = transport.send(, self.config, session_state=self.manager.state) if json.get('url'): # TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the {} format marker. print(_("Submission uploaded to: {0}".format(json['url']))) elif json.get('status'): print(json['status']) else: # TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the {} format marker. print( _("Bad response from {0} transport".format(transport))) except TransportError as exc: print(str(exc))
def submit_certification_results(self): from checkbox_ng.certification import InvalidSecureIDError transport_cls = get_all_transports().get('certification') # TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the {} format markers. print( _("Submitting results to {0} for secure_id {1}").format( self.config.c3_url, self.config.secure_id)) option_chunks = [] option_chunks.append("secure_id={0}".format(self.config.secure_id)) if self.config.submit_to_hexr: option_chunks.append("submit_to_hexr=1") # Assemble the option string options_string = ",".join(option_chunks) # Create the transport object try: transport = transport_cls(self.config.c3_url, options_string) except InvalidSecureIDError as exc: print(exc) return False with open(self.submission_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as stream: try: # Send the data, reading from the fallback file result = transport.send(stream, self.config) if 'url' in result: # TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the {} format marker. print( _("Successfully sent, submission status" " at {0}").format(result['url'])) else: # TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the {} format marker. print( _("Successfully sent, server response" ": {0}").format(result)) except TransportError as exc: print(str(exc))
def _prepare_transports(self): self.base_dir = os.path.join( os.getenv( 'XDG_DATA_HOME', os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/")), "checkbox-ng") self._available_transports = get_all_transports() self.transports = dict()
def create_transport(self): """ Create the ISessionStateTransport based on the command line options This sets the attr:`_transport`. """ if self.ns.transport is None: return # XXX: perhaps we should be more vocal about it? if self.ns.transport not in get_all_transports(): logger.error("The selected transport %r is not available", self.ns.transport) return transport_cls = get_all_transports()[self.ns.transport] try: self._transport = transport_cls(self.ns.transport_where, self.ns.transport_options) except ValueError as exc: raise SystemExit(str(exc))
def register_parser(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser("run", help="run a test job") parser.set_defaults(command=self) group = parser.add_argument_group(title="user interface options") group.add_argument('--not-interactive', action='store_true', help="Skip tests that require interactivity") group.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', help="Don't actually run any jobs") group = parser.add_argument_group("output options") assert 'text' in get_all_exporters() group.add_argument('-f', '--output-format', default='text', metavar='FORMAT', choices=['?'] + list(get_all_exporters().keys()), help=('Save test results in the specified FORMAT' ' (pass ? for a list of choices)')) group.add_argument( '-p', '--output-options', default='', metavar='OPTIONS', help=('Comma-separated list of options for the export mechanism' ' (pass ? for a list of choices)')) group.add_argument('-o', '--output-file', default='-', metavar='FILE', type=FileType("wb"), help=('Save test results to the specified FILE' ' (or to stdout if FILE is -)')) group.add_argument('-t', '--transport', metavar='TRANSPORT', choices=['?'] + list(get_all_transports().keys()), help=('use TRANSPORT to send results somewhere' ' (pass ? for a list of choices)')) group.add_argument( '--transport-where', metavar='WHERE', help=('Where to send data using the selected transport.' ' This is passed as-is and is transport-dependent.')) group.add_argument( '--transport-options', metavar='OPTIONS', help=('Comma-separated list of key-value options (k=v) to ' ' be passed to the transport.')) # Call enhance_parser from CheckBoxCommandMixIn self.enhance_parser(parser)
def register_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( 'PATTERN', nargs="*", help=_("run jobs matching the given regular expression")) parser.add_argument('--non-interactive', action='store_true', help=_("skip tests that require interactivity")) parser.add_argument('-f', '--output-format', default='com.canonical.plainbox::text', metavar=_('FORMAT'), help=_('save test results in the specified FORMAT' ' (pass ? for a list of choices)')) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--output-options', default='', metavar=_('OPTIONS'), help=_('comma-separated list of options for the export mechanism' ' (pass ? for a list of choices)')) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output-file', default='-', metavar=_('FILE'), # type=FileType("wb"), help=_('save test results to the specified FILE' ' (or to stdout if FILE is -)')) parser.add_argument('-t', '--transport', metavar=_('TRANSPORT'), choices=[_('?')] + list(get_all_transports().keys()), help=_('use TRANSPORT to send results somewhere' ' (pass ? for a list of choices)')) parser.add_argument( '--transport-where', metavar=_('WHERE'), help=_('where to send data using the selected transport')) parser.add_argument( '--transport-options', metavar=_('OPTIONS'), help=_('comma-separated list of key-value options (k=v) to ' 'be passed to the transport')) parser.add_argument('--title', action='store', metavar='SESSION_NAME', help=_('title of the session to use')) parser.add_argument("-m", "--message", help=_("submission description"))
def send_data_via_transport(self, transport, where, options, data): transport_cls = get_all_transports().get(transport) if transport is None: return "No transport with name '{}' was found".format(transport) try: transport = transport_cls(where, options) json = transport.send(data) return "Submission uploaded to: {}".format(json['url']) except Timeout as error: return "Request to {} timed out: {}".format(where, error) except ConnectionError as error: return "Unable to connect to {}: {}".format(where, error) except HTTPError as error: return "HTTP error"
def register_parser(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser("run", help="run a test job") parser.set_defaults(command=self) group = parser.add_argument_group(title="user interface options") group.add_argument( '--not-interactive', action='store_true', help="Skip tests that require interactivity") group.add_argument( '-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', help="Don't actually run any jobs") group = parser.add_argument_group("output options") assert 'text' in get_all_exporters() group.add_argument( '-f', '--output-format', default='text', metavar='FORMAT', choices=['?'] + list( get_all_exporters().keys()), help=('Save test results in the specified FORMAT' ' (pass ? for a list of choices)')) group.add_argument( '-p', '--output-options', default='', metavar='OPTIONS', help=('Comma-separated list of options for the export mechanism' ' (pass ? for a list of choices)')) group.add_argument( '-o', '--output-file', default='-', metavar='FILE', type=FileType("wb"), help=('Save test results to the specified FILE' ' (or to stdout if FILE is -)')) group.add_argument( '-t', '--transport', metavar='TRANSPORT', choices=['?'] + list( get_all_transports().keys()), help=('use TRANSPORT to send results somewhere' ' (pass ? for a list of choices)')) group.add_argument( '--transport-where', metavar='WHERE', help=('Where to send data using the selected transport.' ' This is passed as-is and is transport-dependent.')) group.add_argument( '--transport-options', metavar='OPTIONS', help=('Comma-separated list of key-value options (k=v) to ' ' be passed to the transport.')) # Call enhance_parser from CheckBoxCommandMixIn self.enhance_parser(parser)
def get_all_transports(self): return [transport for transport in get_all_transports()]
def _print_transport_list(self, ns): print( _("Available transports: {}").format(', '.join( get_all_transports())))
class LauncherDefinitionLegacy(LauncherDefinition): """ Launcher definition class for 'unversioned' launchers. This definition is used for launchers that do not specify 'launcher_version' in their [launcher] section. """ api_flags = config.Variable( section='launcher', kind=list, default=[], help_text=_('List of feature-flags the application requires')) api_version = config.Variable( section='launcher', default='0.99', help_text=_('Version of API the launcher uses')) title = config.Variable( section="welcome", help_text=_("Application Title")) text = config.Variable( section="welcome", help_text=_("Welcome Message")) dont_suppress_output = config.Variable( section="ui", kind=bool, default=False, help_text=_("Don't suppress the output of certain job plugin types.")) whitelist_filter = config.Variable( section="suite", # TODO: valid regexp text validator help_text=_("Pattern that whitelists need to match to be displayed")) whitelist_selection = config.Variable( section="suite", # TODO: valid regexp text validator help_text=_("Pattern that whitelists need to match to be selected")) skip_whitelist_selection = config.Variable( section="suite", kind=bool, default=False, help_text=_("If enabled then suite selection screen is not displayed")) skip_test_selection = config.Variable( section="suite", kind=bool, default=False, help_text=_("If enabled then test selection screen is not displayed")) input_type = config.Variable( section="submission", # TODO: probably a choice validator help_text=_("Type of the input field?")) ok_btn_text = config.Variable( section="submission", help_text=_("Label on the 'send' button")) submit_to_hexr = config.Variable( section="submission", kind=bool, # TODO: default? help_text=_("If enabled then test results will be also sent to HEXR")) submit_to = config.Variable( section="transport", validator_list=[config.ChoiceValidator(get_all_transports().keys())], help_text=_("Where to submit the test results to")) # TODO: Add a validator to ensure it looks like a valid URL submit_url = config.Variable( section="transport", help_text=_("HTTP endpoint to submit data to, using the" " transport specified with submit_to.")) secure_id = config.Variable( section="submission", validator_list=[config.PatternValidator(SECURE_ID_PATTERN)], help_text=_("Secure ID to identify the system this" " submission belongs to.")) exporter = config.Section( help_text=_("Section with only exported unit ids as keys (no values)"))
def register_parser(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser("run", help=_("run a test job"), prog="plainbox run") parser.set_defaults(command=self) group = parser.add_argument_group(title=_("user interface options")) parser.set_defaults(color=None) group.add_argument('--no-color', dest='color', action='store_false', help=SUPPRESS) group.add_argument('--non-interactive', action='store_true', help=_("skip tests that require interactivity")) group.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', help=_("don't really run most jobs")) group.add_argument( '--dont-suppress-output', action="store_true", default=False, help=_("don't suppress the output of certain job plugin types")) group = parser.add_argument_group(_("output options")) group.add_argument('-f', '--output-format', default='com.canonical.plainbox::text', metavar=_('FORMAT'), help=_('save test results in the specified FORMAT' ' (pass ? for a list of choices)')) group.add_argument( '-p', '--output-options', default='', metavar=_('OPTIONS'), help=_('comma-separated list of options for the export mechanism' ' (pass ? for a list of choices)')) group.add_argument('-o', '--output-file', default='-', metavar=_('FILE'), type=FileType("wb"), help=_('save test results to the specified FILE' ' (or to stdout if FILE is -)')) group.add_argument('-t', '--transport', metavar=_('TRANSPORT'), choices=[_('?')] + list(get_all_transports().keys()), help=_('use TRANSPORT to send results somewhere' ' (pass ? for a list of choices)')) group.add_argument( '--transport-where', metavar=_('WHERE'), help=_('where to send data using the selected transport')) group.add_argument( '--transport-options', metavar=_('OPTIONS'), help=_('comma-separated list of key-value options (k=v) to ' 'be passed to the transport')) # Call enhance_parser from CheckBoxCommandMixIn self.enhance_parser(parser)
class LauncherDefinition(config.Config): """ Launcher definition. Launchers are small executables using one of the available user interfaces as the interpreter. This class contains all the available options that can be set inside the launcher, that will affect the user interface at runtime. """ title = config.Variable(section="welcome", help_text=_("Application Title")) text = config.Variable(section="welcome", help_text=_("Welcome Message")) whitelist_filter = config.Variable( section="suite", # TODO: valid regexp text validator help_text=_("Pattern that whitelists need to match to be displayed")) whitelist_selection = config.Variable( section="suite", # TODO: valid regexp text validator help_text=_("Pattern that whitelists need to match to be selected")) skip_whitelist_selection = config.Variable( section="suite", kind=bool, default=False, help_text=_("If enabled then suite selection screen is not displayed")) skip_test_selection = config.Variable( section="suite", kind=bool, default=False, help_text=_("If enabled then test selection screen is not displayed")) input_type = config.Variable( section="submission", # TODO: probably a choice validator help_text=_("Type of the input field?")) ok_btn_text = config.Variable(section="submission", help_text=_("Label on the 'send' button")) submit_to_hexr = config.Variable( section="submission", kind=bool, # TODO: default? help_text=_("If enabled then test results will be also sent to HEXR")) submit_to = config.Variable( section="transport", validator_list=[config.ChoiceValidator(get_all_transports().keys())], help_text=_("Where to submit the test results to")) # TODO: Add a validator to ensure it looks like a valid URL submit_url = config.Variable( section="transport", help_text=_("HTTP endpoint to submit data to, using the" " transport specified with submit_to.")) secure_id = config.Variable( section="submission", validator_list=[config.PatternValidator(SECURE_ID_PATTERN)], help_text=_("Secure ID to identify the system this" " submission belongs to.")) config_filename = config.Variable( section="config", help_text=_("Name of custom configuration file")) dont_suppress_output = config.Variable( section="ui", kind=bool, default=False, help_text=_("Don't suppress the output of certain job plugin types.")) exporter = config.Section( help_text=_("Section with only exported unit ids as keys (no values)"))
def _print_transport_list(self, ns): print("Available transports: {}".format( ', '.join(get_all_transports())))
def _prepare_transports(self): self._available_transports = get_all_transports() self.transports = dict()