コード例 #1
def extract_commit(source):
    Try to extract git archive information from a source entry
    origin_name = '{0}.origin'.format(source)
    if not os.path.exists(origin_name):
        return (None, None)

    with open(origin_name, 'r') as origin_file:
        url = origin_file.readline().strip()
        # Note: sha is the empty string if EOF
        sha = origin_file.readline().strip()

    # .gitarchive-info wins over everything else
    if tarfile.is_tarfile(source):
        with Tarball(source) as tarball:
                archive_info = tarball.extractfile('.gitarchive-info')
                if archive_info:
                    commitish = get_commit_id(archive_info)
                    return (url, commitish)
            except KeyError:
                print("No .gitarchive-info info found for {0}".format(source))

    if sha:
        return (url, sha)

    return (None, None)
コード例 #2
ファイル: blobs.py プロジェクト: herrold/planex
 def __contains__(self, name):
     # the extraction of the names is delayed as we may not yet
     # have downloaded the Archive at the time of creating the
     # object
     if self._names is None:
         with Tarball(self.path) as tarball:
             self._names = [os.path.basename(n) for n in tarball.getnames()]
     return name in self._names
コード例 #3
ファイル: blobs.py プロジェクト: herrold/planex
 def extract_source(self, name, destdir):
     Extract source 'name' to destdir.   Raises KeyError if the
     requested source cannot be found.
     # For an archive, extract_source extracts the file from the archive
     # and writes it to the destination.
     with Tarball(self.path) as tarball:
         target_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.prefix, name))
         tarball.extract((target_path, ), destdir)
コード例 #4
ファイル: blobs.py プロジェクト: herrold/planex
 def extract_sources(self, names, destdir):
     Extract all the source [names] to [destdir].   Raises [KeyError]
     for the first requested source that cannot be found.
     with Tarball(self.path) as tarball:
         target_paths = [
             os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.prefix, name))
             for name in names
         tarball.extract(target_paths, destdir)
コード例 #5
ファイル: makesrpm.py プロジェクト: makunterry/planex
def extract_commit(source, manifests):
    Try to extract git archive information from a source entry
    if tarfile.is_tarfile(source):
        with Tarball(source) as tarball:
                archive_info = tarball.extractfile('.gitarchive-info')
                if archive_info:
                    name = os.path.basename(source)
                    origin_name = '{0}.origin'.format(source)
                    if os.path.exists(origin_name):
                        with open(origin_name, 'r') as origin_file:
                            name = origin_file.readline()
                    manifests[name.strip()] = get_commit_id(archive_info)
            except KeyError:
コード例 #6
ファイル: blobs.py プロジェクト: psafont/planex
 def extract_sources(self, names, destdir):
     Extract all the source [names] to [destdir].   Raises [KeyError]
     for the first requested source that cannot be found.
     with Tarball(self.path) as tarball:
         # patches within the patchqueue
         target_paths = [
             os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.prefix, name))
             for name in set(names) & set(self.series())
         # files not in the patchqueue
         target_paths += [
             for name in set(names) - set(self.series())
         tarball.extract(target_paths, destdir)
コード例 #7
ファイル: makesrpm.py プロジェクト: makunterry/planex
def populate_working_directory(tmpdir, spec, link, sources, patchqueue):
    Build a working directory containing everything needed to build the SRPM.
    # Copy spec to working area
    tmp_specfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(spec))
    shutil.copyfile(spec, tmp_specfile)

    manifests = {}

    # Copy sources to working area
    for source in sources:
        extract_commit(source, manifests)
        shutil.copy(source, tmpdir)

    if manifests:
        add_manifest_entry(manifests, tmp_specfile)
        print("No .gitarchive-info found for {0}".format(spec))

    spec = Spec(tmp_specfile, check_package_name=False)

    # Expand patchqueue to working area, rewriting spec as needed
    if link and patchqueue:
        # Extract patches
        if link.patchqueue is not None:
            with Patchqueue(patchqueue, branch=link.patchqueue) as patches:
                patches.add_to_spec(spec, tmp_specfile)

        # Extract non-patchqueue sources
        with Tarball(patchqueue) as tarball:
            if link.sources is not None:
                for source in spec.local_sources():
                    path = os.path.join(link.sources, source)
                    tarball.extract(path, tmpdir)
            if link.patches is not None:
                for patch in spec.local_patches():
                    path = os.path.join(link.patches, patch)
                    tarball.extract(path, tmpdir)

    return tmp_specfile
コード例 #8
def populate_working_directory(tmpdir, spec, link, sources, patchqueue):
    Build a working directory containing everything needed to build the SRPM.
    # Copy spec to working area
    tmp_specfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(spec))
    shutil.copyfile(spec, tmp_specfile)

    # Copy sources to working area, rewriting spec as needed
    tarball_filters = ['.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2']
    for source in sources:
        if any([ext in source for ext in tarball_filters]):
            extract_topdir(tmp_specfile, source)
        shutil.copy(source, tmpdir)

    spec = Spec(tmp_specfile, check_package_name=False)

    # Expand patchqueue to working area, rewriting spec as needed
    if link and patchqueue:
        # Extract patches
        if link.patchqueue is not None:
            with Patchqueue(patchqueue, branch=link.patchqueue) as patches:
                patches.add_to_spec(spec, tmp_specfile)

        # Extract non-patchqueue sources
        with Tarball(patchqueue) as tarball:
            if link.sources is not None:
                for source in spec.local_sources():
                    path = os.path.join(link.sources, source)
                    tarball.extract(path, tmpdir)
            if link.patches is not None:
                for patch in spec.local_patches():
                    path = os.path.join(link.patches, patch)
                    tarball.extract(path, tmpdir)

    return tmp_specfile