コード例 #1
ファイル: planner.py プロジェクト: cwillu/flimsy
      def best_path_to(current, p):
        p will be offset to 0.5 due to our use of truncation elsewhere

        p //= 1.0
        p += 0.5
        trial_angle = int(math.atan2(p.y - current.y, p.x - current.x) * point.RADS_TO_BIN) % 65520
        for step in xrange(0, 65520, 1):
          # print t('trial'), step,
          trial = current + P.angle((trial_angle - step) % 65520)
          # print a(trial)
          if trial // 1 == p:
          if get_point(trial, 2) != POINT.NO_GO_MASK:
            # print m(get_point(trial, 2))
          assert False, current
        return (trial_angle - step) % 65520
コード例 #2
            def best_path_to(current, p):
        p will be offset to 0.5 due to our use of truncation elsewhere

                p //= 1.0
                p += 0.5
                trial_angle = int(
                    math.atan2(p.y - current.y, p.x - current.x) *
                    point.RADS_TO_BIN) % 65520
                for step in xrange(0, 65520, 1):
                    # print t('trial'), step,
                    trial = current + P.angle((trial_angle - step) % 65520)
                    # print a(trial)
                    if trial // 1 == p:
                    if get_point(trial, 2) != POINT.NO_GO_MASK:
                        # print m(get_point(trial, 2))
                    assert False, current
                return (trial_angle - step) % 65520
コード例 #3
def path(surface, runs=10, cutter_diameter=20):
    d = surface.d
    get_point = surface.get_point
    set_point = surface.set_point

    #cutter radius in 1/1000 of an inch
    radius = cutter_size / 2

    show_path = 1
    show_heading = 1
    show_scan = 1
    show_debug = []

    radius_sq = radius**2
    initial_scan_yaw = 1

    def clockwise_sorted(l):
        l = list(set(l))
            key=lambda p: (math.atan2(p.y, p.x) * point.RADS_TO_BIN) % 65520)
        return l

    def scanline_sorted(l):
        l = list(set(l))
        l.sort(key=lambda p: (p.y, p.x))
        return l

    def distance_sorted(current, l):
        l = list(set(l))
        l.sort(key=lambda p: math.hypot(p.x - current.x, p.y - current.y))
        return l

    cut_points = []
    for angle in range(65520):
        for inwards in range(2):
            p = P.angle(angle) * (radius - (inwards / 2.0))
            p = P(round(p.x), round(p.y))

    offset_points = [P(0, -1), P(-1, 0), P(1, 0), P(0, 1)]
    offset_points_solid = [
        P(0, -1),
        P(-1, 0),
        P(1, 0),
        P(0, 1),
        P(-1, -1),
        P(-1, 1),
        P(1, -1),
        P(1, 1)
    offset_points_with_center = [P(0, -1), P(-1, 0), P(1, 0), P(0, 1)]

    no_go_trace_points = []
    for cut_point in cut_points:
        for offset in offset_points_solid:
            p = cut_point + offset

    scanner_points = cut_points + no_go_trace_points

    for point_list in [cut_points, no_go_trace_points]:
        point_list[:] = scanline_sorted(point_list)

    print offset_points_solid
    for point_list in [offset_points, offset_points_solid, scanner_points]:
        point_list[:] = clockwise_sorted(point_list)
    print offset_points_solid

    # for p in offset_points_solid:
    #   print p, int(math.atan2(p.y, p.x) * point.RADS_TO_BIN % 65520)
    # return

    for run in xrange(1, runs + 1):
        print "Run {}\r".format(run),

        for f in [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]:
            for p in surface:
                set_point(p, 0x00000000, f)
        for p in surface:
            set_point(p, POINT.MATERIAL, 0)
            set_point(p, POINT.NO_BOUND, 2)

        offset = P(200, 250)
        size = (500, 200)

        tl = P(250, 250)
        br = P(800, 650)

        lines = [
            (P(600 - radius, 250), P(600, 500)),
            (P(700 - radius, 250), P(700, 500)),

        print "Rendering path"
        for y in range(d.y):
            for x in range(d.x):
                if y > tl.y and y < br.y:
                    if abs(x - tl.x) < 40 or abs(x - br.x) < 40:
                        set_point(P(x, y), POINT.NO_GO)
                if x > tl.x and x < br.x:
                    if abs(y - tl.y) < 40 or abs(y - br.y) < 40:
                        set_point(P(x, y), POINT.NO_GO)

                circle_center = math.hypot(800 - x, 800 - y)
                if circle_center > 50 and circle_center < 80:
                    set_point(P(x, y), POINT.NO_GO)

                for p1, p2 in lines:
                    if y >= p1.y and y <= p2.y:
                        if x >= p1.x and x <= p2.x:
                            set_point(P(x, y), POINT.NO_GO)

                if x == 0 or x == d.x - 1 or y == 0 or y == d.y - 1:
                    set_point(P(x, y), POINT.NO_GO)

        c = P(200, 800)
        for r in range(1, 50):
            for offset in offset_points_with_center:
                set_point(c + P.angle(0, r) + offset, POINT.NO_GO, 0)
            set_point(c + P.angle(65520 / 4, r), POINT.NO_GO, 0)

        print "Copying part rendering"
        for y in range(d.y):
            for x in range(d.x):
                p = P(x, y)
                if get_point(p) not in [POINT.NO_GO]:

                set_point(p, POINT.NO_GO, 2)

        print "Filling cutter radius around parts"
        for y in range(d.y):
            for x in range(d.x):
                p = P(x, y)
                if get_point(p, 0) != POINT.NO_GO:

                # interior points can be ignored re: radius checks
                for offset in offset_points:
                    if get_point(p + offset, 0) != POINT.NO_GO:

                for cut_point in cut_points:
                    no_go_radius = p + cut_point
                    if get_point(no_go_radius, 2) != POINT.NO_BOUND:
                    set_point(no_go_radius, POINT.CANT_REACH, 2)
                for bound in offset_points:
                    for rad in range(radius - 1):
                        no_go_radius = p + bound * rad
                        if get_point(no_go_radius, 2) != POINT.NO_BOUND:
                        set_point(no_go_radius, POINT.CANT_REACH, 2)

        print "Tracing limit path"
        for y in range(d.y):
            for x in range(d.x):
                p = P(x, y)
                if get_point(p, 2) != POINT.CANT_REACH:

                for offset in offset_points:
                    edge = p + offset
                    if get_point(edge, 2) != POINT.NO_BOUND:
                    set_point(edge, POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS, 2)

        print "Filling cutter radius around limit path"
        for y in range(d.y):
            for x in range(d.x):
                p = P(x, y)
                if get_point(p, 2) != POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS:

                for cut_point in cut_points:
                    no_go_radius = p + cut_point
                    if get_point(no_go_radius, 2) != POINT.CANT_REACH:
                    set_point(no_go_radius, POINT.NO_GO_MASK, 2)
                for bound in offset_points:
                    for rad in range(radius - 1):
                        no_go_radius = p + bound * rad
                        if get_point(no_go_radius, 2) != POINT.CANT_REACH:



            def nextprev_radius_point(p, direction):
        direction is only needed to make single-pixel radius "rivers" tractable, to set a bias

        Note that the next and previous points may be the same (i.e. if the p is a deadend)
                # print (direction-1) / (65520/8) * (65520/8)
                if p is None:
                    return None

                # if show_debug: # and math.hypot(current.x-755, current.y-710) > 5:
                #   print t(tick), p, direction
                #   import traceback
                #   traceback.print_stack()
                #   # os._exit(0)
                # if p // 1 == P(754, 710):
                #   show_debug.append(1)

                index = (((direction) / (65520 / 8)) + 1) % 8

                no_go_offsets = offset_points_solid[
                    index:] + offset_points_solid[:index]
                if show_debug:
                    print t(tick), "radpoint ", p, a(direction), " "
                    print t(tick), "offset_points_solid"
                    for ii, offset in enumerate(offset_points_solid):
                        print t(ii), offset
                    print t(), "index", index, offset_points_solid[index]

                    print t(tick), "no_go_mask_offsets"
                    for ii, offset in enumerate(no_go_offsets):
                        print t(ii), offset

                no_go_index = None
                for _no_go_index, neighbour in enumerate(no_go_offsets):
                    bound = get_point(p + neighbour, 2)
                    if bound == POINT.NO_GO_MASK:
                        no_go_index = _no_go_index
                        if show_debug:
                            print no_go_index
                if no_go_index is None:
                    return None
                if show_debug:
                    print t(), "no_go_index", no_go_index, no_go_offsets[
                        no_go_index], neighbour

                next_radius_offsets = (no_go_offsets[no_go_index:] +
                if show_debug:
                    print t(tick), "next radius offsets"
                    for ii, offset in enumerate(next_radius_offsets):
                        print t(), ii, offset

                for next_radius_index, neighbour in enumerate(
                    bound = get_point(p + neighbour, 2)
                    if show_debug:
                        print 'Neighbour:', neighbour, m(bound)
                    if bound == POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS:
                        if show_debug:
                            print t(
                            ), "next_radius_index", next_radius_index, next_radius_offsets[
                                next_radius_index], neighbour
                            print "Got it", p + neighbour
                    assert False
                if show_debug:
                    print t('*****'), a(direction), p
                    print t('search'), index, offset_points_solid[
                        index], p + offset_points_solid[index]
                    print t('no-go'), no_go_index, offset_points_solid[
                        no_go_index], p + offset_points_solid[no_go_index]
                    print t(), "next:", neighbour
                next_radius = p + neighbour

                next_radius_offsets = next_radius_offsets[::-1]
                # next_radius_offsets[next_radius_index:] + next_radius_offsets[next_radius_index:]
                for next_radius_index, neighbour in enumerate(
                    bound = get_point(p + neighbour, 2)
                    if bound == POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS:
                    assert False
                if show_debug:
                    print t(), "previous:", neighbour
                previous_radius = p + neighbour

                return next_radius, previous_radius

            def direct_path_to(current, p):
        p will be offset to 0.5 due to our use of truncation elsewhere

                p //= 1.0
                p += 0.5
                return int(
                    math.atan2(p.y - current.y, p.x - current.x) *
                    point.RADS_TO_BIN) % 65520

            def best_path_to(current, p):
        p will be offset to 0.5 due to our use of truncation elsewhere

                p //= 1.0
                p += 0.5
                trial_angle = int(
                    math.atan2(p.y - current.y, p.x - current.x) *
                    point.RADS_TO_BIN) % 65520
                for step in xrange(0, 65520, 1):
                    # print t('trial'), step,
                    trial = current + P.angle((trial_angle - step) % 65520)
                    # print a(trial)
                    if trial // 1 == p:
                    if get_point(trial, 2) != POINT.NO_GO_MASK:
                        # print m(get_point(trial, 2))
                    assert False, current
                return (trial_angle - step) % 65520

            skip = 0
            direction = 0
            current = P(400.0, 500.0)
            last_bound = None
            current_bound = None

            feed_step = 1

            working = P(0.0, 0.0)
            old_current = current
            old_direction = direction

            jogging_target = None
            jogging_direction = direction

            last_on_radius = None
            last_on_direction = None
            last_off_radius = None
            last_off_direction = None

            prior_last_on = None

            cuts = 0
            no_cuts_for = 0
            total_cuts = 0
            total_cuts_for_path = 0
            total_distance = 0

            recent_off_radius = None
            last_offs = {}
            last_cuts = {}
            last_ons = {}

            tick = 0
            timer = 0.00
            while True:
                if show_debug:
                tick += 1
                skip += 1

                scan_angle = direction
                # scan_angle += initial_scan_yaw

                if jogging_target is None:
                    last_checked = None
                    for step in xrange(65520):
                        scan_angle = direction + step
                        scan_point = current + P.angle(scan_angle,
                                                       radius + 1) // 1
                        if scan_point == last_checked:
                        last_checked = scan_point
                        material = get_point(scan_point)

                        if material in [POINT.MATERIAL]:
                            direction = scan_angle
                        scan_angle = direction
                        working = current + P.angle(scan_angle + step,
                                                    radius + 1)
                        material = get_point(working)
                        last_checked = None

                    if last_checked is not None and material == POINT.MATERIAL:
                        for step in xrange(65520):
                            scan_angle = direction - step
                            scan_point = current + P.angle(
                                scan_angle, radius + 1)
                            material = get_point(scan_point)

                            if show_scan:
                                    current + P.angle(scan_angle, radius),
                                    0x88444444, 3)
                            if material in [POINT.REMOVED]:
                                if show_debug:
                                    print t(tick), "scan 1", m(material)
                                direction = scan_angle
                            if show_debug:
                                print t(tick), "Scan fail 1"
                    elif last_checked is not None and current_bound not in [
                        for step in xrange(65520):
                            # TODO most of these loops can be massively improved by seeking the angle by bisection instead of stepping like this
                            scan_angle = direction - step
                            scan_point = current + P.angle(
                                scan_angle, radius + 1)
                            material = get_point(scan_point)

                            if show_scan:
                                    current + P.angle(scan_angle, radius),
                                    0xffff0000, 3)
                            if material not in [POINT.REMOVED]:
                                direction -= step
                                direction %= 65520
                                if show_debug:
                                    print t(tick), "scan 2", m(material)

                            # material = get_point(current + P.angle(scan_angle, radius+2))
                            # if show_scan:
                            #   set_point(current + P.angle(scan_angle, radius), 0xffffffff, 3)
                            #   time.sleep(0.01)
                            # if material not in [POINT.REMOVED]:
                            #   direction -= step
                            #   direction %= 65520
                            #   if show_debug:
                            #     print t(tick), "scan 2a", m(material)
                            #   break

                            no_cuts_for = radius * 8
                            if show_debug or True:
                                print t(
                                ), "Scan fail 2", cuts, last_cuts, no_cuts_for, len(
                                    last_ons), len(last_offs)
                            if no_cuts_for > radius:
                                print t(tick), "No cut fail 2"
                                no_cuts_for = radius * 8
                                # TODO We shouldn't get here nearly as often, we're dropping the last cut at intersections with existing material cuts (not at a bound)

                    direction %= 65520

                    off_node = None

                    on_radius = nextprev_radius_point(
                        direct_path_to(old_current, current)
                        if old_current else direction)
                    next_bound = get_point(current + P.angle(direction), 2)

                    # if current.x > 747 and current.x < 780 and current.y > 708 and current.y < 718:
                    #   print t(tick), "corner", current, on_radius, a(direction)
                    #   timer = 0.05
                    #   # print
                    #   # print
                    #   #
                    #   # print nextprev_radius_point(P(752, 711), 350*65520/360)
                    #   # print nextprev_radius_point(P(753, 711), 350*65520/360)
                    #   #
                    #   # print
                    #   # print
                    # else:
                    #   # if timer:
                    #   #   return
                    #   timer = 0

                    if (on_radius and get_point(on_radius[0], 5)) or (
                            not on_radius and no_cuts_for > radius):
                        jog_charge = 0

                        if not last_offs:
                            closest = math.hypot(d.x, d.y)
                            jogging_target = None
                            for y in range(0, d.y, radius / 2):
                                for x in range(0, d.x, radius / 2):
                                    proposal = P(x, y)
                                    if get_point(proposal,
                                                 0) != POINT.MATERIAL:
                                    if get_point(proposal,
                                                 2) != POINT.NO_BOUND:
                                    distance = math.hypot(
                                        current.x - x, current.y - y)
                                    if distance <= closest and distance > radius:
                                        closest = distance
                                        jogging_target = proposal
                                        jogging_direction = direct_path_to(
                                            current, jogging_target)
                            if not jogging_target:
                                raise NothingToDo

                            print t(tick), "Long jog"
                            if show_debug:
                                print t(
                                ), "jogging3 from {} to {} ({})".format(
                                    current, jogging_target,
                            # if not just_set and get_point(on_radius[0], 5) and last_offs and no_cuts_for > radius / 2:
                            targets = distance_sorted(current, last_offs)
                            # targets = last_offs.keys()
                            jogging_target = targets[0]
                            jogging_direction = last_offs.pop(
                                jogging_target, None)

                            set_point(jogging_target, 0xff0000ff, 4)

                            if show_debug:
                                print t(
                                ), "jogging2 from {} to {} ({})".format(
                                    current, jogging_target,

                            recent_off_radius = None

                    if on_radius:
                        # offs = get_point(on_radius[-1], 4)
                        # ons = get_point(on_radius[-1], 5)
                        if show_debug:
                            print t(tick), "on rad", a(direction), current
                            print t(
                            ), "next", on_radius[0], "", "prev", on_radius[-1]
                            print t(), "current bound", m(
                                current_bound), "", "next (trial) bound", m(

                        # if get_point(current, 4):
                        #   if show_debug:
                        #     print t("***"), "current and last:", current, old_current
                        #   # we've been at this radius point before, so we can potentially jog
                        #   if last_offs and no_cuts_for > 0:
                        #     jogging_target = distance_sorted(current, last_offs)[0]
                        #     jogging_direction = last_offs.pop(jogging_target)
                        #     set_point(jogging_target, 0xff0000ff, 4)
                        #     if show_debug or True:
                        #       print t(), "jogging1 from {} to {} ({})".format(current, jogging_target, a(jogging_direction))
                        if last_bound == POINT.NO_BOUND and not nextprev_radius_point(
                                old_current, old_direction):
                            if show_debug:
                                print t(), "add on rad mark", on_radius[-1]
                            last_ons[on_radius[-1]] = direction
                            set_point(on_radius[-1], 0xffffffff, 5)

                        if next_bound in [
                                POINT.NO_GO_MASK, POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS
                        ] or last_checked == None:
                            if show_debug:
                                print t('clamping'), current, on_radius[0], a(
                            direction = best_path_to(current, on_radius[0])
                            if show_debug:
                                print t(), "no go clamp", a(direction)
                                print t(), m(
                                    get_point(current + P.angle(direction), 2))
                                print t(
                                ), "next point", current + P.angle(direction)
                                print t(), "new_angle", P.angle(direction)
                        elif next_bound == POINT.NO_BOUND and not nextprev_radius_point(
                                current + P.angle(direction), direction):
                            last_on = nextprev_radius_point(
                                on_radius[0], direction)
                            last_dir = best_path_to(last_on[-1], last_on[0])
                            if show_debug:
                                print t(), "add off rad mark"
                                if show_debug:
                                    print t(), "from {}: {}".format(
                                        current, repr(on_radius))
                                    print t(), "  so {}: {}".format(
                                        repr(last_on)), a(last_dir)
                            off_node = last_on[0], last_dir
                            last_offs[last_on[0]] = last_dir
                            set_point(last_on[0], 0xffccccff, 4)

                if show_debug:
                    print t(tick), "loc:", current
                    print t(tick), "dir", P.angle(direction), a(direction)
                    print t(tick), "old:", old_current
                    print t(tick), "oldv", P.angle(old_direction), a(
                    print t(tick), "mat", m(current_bound)
                if jogging_target is None and (
                        old_current is None
                        or current // 1 != old_current // 1):
                    next_bound = get_point((current) + P.angle(direction), 2)
                    last_cuts = cuts
                    cuts = 0
                    for cut_point in cut_points:
                        # was = set_point(old_current + cut_point, POINT.REMOVED, 0)
                        was = set_point(current + cut_point, POINT.REMOVED, 0)
                        if was == POINT.NO_GO:
                            assert False
                        elif was == POINT.REMOVED:
                        cuts += 1
                    total_cuts_for_path += cuts
                    total_cuts += cuts

                    if cuts:
                        no_cuts_for = 0
                        no_cuts_for += 1
                    if show_debug:
                        print t(
                        ), "cuts", cuts, "previous", last_cuts, "# since cut", no_cuts_for

                    # if was_jogging or no_cuts_for > 1:
                    # if no_cuts_for > radius:
                    #   assert False
                    #   if prior_last_on and math.hypot(prior_last_on.x - current.x, prior_last_on.y - current.y) < 1.5:
                    #     no_cuts_for = radius * 8
                    #     print t(tick), "ping"
                    #   else:
                    #     for last_on in last_ons:
                    #       if last_on == last_on_radius:
                    #         continue
                    #       if current_bound != POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS:
                    #         continue
                    #       if math.hypot(last_on.x - current.x, last_on.y - current.y) < 1.5:
                    #         no_cuts_for = radius * 8
                    #         last_ons.remove(last_on)
                    #         set_point(last_on_radius, 0xff88880, 4)
                    #         prior_last_on = last_on
                    #         break

                if show_path:
                    if jogging_target:
                        if not skip % 3 or True:
                                current + P.angle(direction + 65520 / 4, 1),
                                0x6666ff66, 7)
                                current + P.angle(direction + 65520 / 4, -1),
                                0x6666ff66, 7)
                            # for offset in offset_points:
                            #   set_point(current + offset + offset, 0xff226622, 7)
                    elif no_cuts_for > 0:
                        set_point(current, 0xcc999999, 1)
                        set_point(current, 0xccffffff, 1)

                direction %= 65520
                if show_heading and not skip % 3 and not jogging_target:
                    for r in range(1, int(radius / 2)):
                        set_point(current + P.angle(direction + 65520 / 4, r),
                                  0x88888800, 6)

                last_bound = current_bound
                old_current = current
                old_direction = direction

                if jogging_target is not None:
                    distance = math.hypot(current.x - jogging_target.x,
                                          current.y - jogging_target.y)

                    # timer = 0.00
                    # if distance < 10 and not timer:
                    #   timer = 0.05
                    # if distance < 2:

                    if distance > 1:
                        direction = direct_path_to(current, jogging_target)
                        current = jogging_target
                        direction = jogging_direction
                        jogging_target = None
                        jogging_direction = None

                        no_cuts_for = 0
                        cuts = 0
                        total_cuts_for_path = 0
                        total_distance += distance

                        old_current = None

                        # no_cuts_for = -radius
                        # direction = jogging_direction
                        # current = jogging_target
                        # old_current = current
                        # cuts = 1
                        # total_cuts_for_path = 0
                        # current_bound = get_point(current, 2)

                    vector = P.angle(direction)

                if current == old_current:  #if jogging cause the current location to snap to the destination
                    if show_debug:
                        print t(tick), current, a(direction)
                    current += P.angle(direction)
                    total_distance += 1
                    if show_debug:
                        print t(tick), current, a(direction)

                current_bound = get_point(current, 2)
                next_bound = get_point(current + P.angle(direction), 2)

                # if current_bound in [POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS]:
                #   last_on_radius = current // 1.0

                # if jogging_target is None and current_bound in [POINT.NO_GO_MASK]:
                #   print t(tick), current, jogging_target
                #   print type(direction), type(last_off_direction)
                #   print t(tick), "In forbidden area", last_off_radius, m(current_bound), a(direction)
                #   assert False

                if not skip % 10:
                    skip = 0

                if timer:

        except NothingToDo:
            failed_points = 0
            for y in range(d.y):
                for x in range(d.x):
                    p = P(x, y)
                    if get_point(p) != POINT.MATERIAL:
                    if get_point(p, 2) == POINT.CANT_REACH:

                    set_point(p, 0xff4444ff)
                    set_point(p, 0x00000000, 1)
                    set_point(p, 0x00000000, 2)
                    failed_points += 1

            print "    Total cuts: {:>8,.0f}".format(total_cuts)
            print "Total distance: {:>8,.0f}".format(total_distance)
            print "    Efficiency: {:>8,.0f}%".format(
                100 * total_cuts / total_distance / (radius * 2))

            if failed_points:
                print Exception(
                    "Failed to cut {} reachable points".format(failed_points))
コード例 #4
ファイル: planner.py プロジェクト: cwillu/flimsy
def path(surface, runs=10, cutter_diameter=20):
  d = surface.d
  get_point = surface.get_point
  set_point = surface.set_point

  #cutter radius in 1/1000 of an inch
  radius = cutter_size / 2

  show_path = 1
  show_heading = 1
  show_scan = 1
  show_debug = []

  radius_sq = radius ** 2
  initial_scan_yaw = 1

  def clockwise_sorted(l):
    l = list(set(l))
    l.sort(key=lambda p: (math.atan2(p.y, p.x) * point.RADS_TO_BIN) % 65520)
    return l
  def scanline_sorted(l):
    l = list(set(l))
    l.sort(key=lambda p: (p.y, p.x))
    return l
  def distance_sorted(current, l):
    l = list(set(l))
    l.sort(key=lambda p: math.hypot(p.x - current.x, p.y - current.y))
    return l

  cut_points = []
  for angle in range(65520):
    for inwards in range(2):
      p = P.angle(angle) * (radius - (inwards / 2.0))
      p = P(round(p.x), round(p.y))

  offset_points = [P(0, -1), P(-1, 0), P(1, 0), P(0, 1)]
  offset_points_solid = [P(0, -1), P(-1, 0), P(1, 0), P(0, 1), P(-1, -1), P(-1, 1), P(1, -1), P(1, 1)]
  offset_points_with_center = [P(0, -1), P(-1, 0), P(1, 0), P(0, 1)]

  no_go_trace_points = []
  for cut_point in cut_points:
    for offset in offset_points_solid:
      p = cut_point + offset

  scanner_points = cut_points + no_go_trace_points

  for point_list in [cut_points, no_go_trace_points]:
    point_list[:] = scanline_sorted(point_list)

  print offset_points_solid
  for point_list in [offset_points, offset_points_solid, scanner_points]:
    point_list[:] = clockwise_sorted(point_list)
  print offset_points_solid

  # for p in offset_points_solid:
  #   print p, int(math.atan2(p.y, p.x) * point.RADS_TO_BIN % 65520)
  # return

  for run in xrange(1, runs+1):
    print "Run {}\r".format(run),

    for f in [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]:
      for p in surface:
        set_point(p, 0x00000000, f)
    for p in surface:
      set_point(p, POINT.MATERIAL, 0)
      set_point(p, POINT.NO_BOUND, 2)

    offset = P(200, 250)
    size = (500, 200)

    tl = P(250, 250)
    br = P(800, 650)

    lines = [
      (P(600-radius, 250), P(600, 500)),
      (P(700-radius, 250), P(700, 500)),

    print "Rendering path"
    for y in range(d.y):
      for x in range(d.x):
        if y > tl.y and y < br.y:
          if abs(x-tl.x) < 40 or abs(x-br.x) < 40:
            set_point(P(x, y), POINT.NO_GO)
        if x > tl.x and x < br.x:
          if abs(y-tl.y) < 40 or abs(y-br.y) < 40:
            set_point(P(x, y), POINT.NO_GO)

        circle_center = math.hypot(800-x, 800-y)
        if circle_center > 50 and circle_center < 80:
          set_point(P(x, y), POINT.NO_GO)

        for p1, p2 in lines:
          if y >= p1.y and y <= p2.y:
            if x >= p1.x and x <= p2.x:
              set_point(P(x, y), POINT.NO_GO)

        if x == 0 or x == d.x - 1 or y == 0 or y == d.y - 1:
          set_point(P(x, y), POINT.NO_GO)

    c = P(200, 800)
    for r in range(1, 50):
      for offset in offset_points_with_center:
        set_point(c + P.angle(0, r) + offset, POINT.NO_GO, 0)
      set_point(c + P.angle(65520/4, r), POINT.NO_GO, 0)

    print "Copying part rendering"
    for y in range(d.y):
      for x in range(d.x):
        p = P(x, y)
        if get_point(p) not in [POINT.NO_GO]:

        set_point(p, POINT.NO_GO, 2)

    print "Filling cutter radius around parts"
    for y in range(d.y):
      for x in range(d.x):
        p = P(x, y)
        if get_point(p, 0) != POINT.NO_GO:

        # interior points can be ignored re: radius checks
        for offset in offset_points:
          if get_point(p+offset, 0) != POINT.NO_GO:

        for cut_point in cut_points:
          no_go_radius = p + cut_point
          if get_point(no_go_radius, 2) != POINT.NO_BOUND:
          set_point(no_go_radius, POINT.CANT_REACH, 2)
        for bound in offset_points:
          for rad in range(radius-1):
            no_go_radius = p + bound * rad
            if get_point(no_go_radius, 2) != POINT.NO_BOUND:
            set_point(no_go_radius, POINT.CANT_REACH, 2)

    print "Tracing limit path"
    for y in range(d.y):
      for x in range(d.x):
        p = P(x, y)
        if get_point(p, 2) != POINT.CANT_REACH:

        for offset in offset_points:
          edge = p + offset
          if get_point(edge, 2) != POINT.NO_BOUND:
          set_point(edge, POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS, 2)

    print "Filling cutter radius around limit path"
    for y in range(d.y):
      for x in range(d.x):
        p = P(x, y)
        if get_point(p, 2) != POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS:

        for cut_point in cut_points:
          no_go_radius = p + cut_point
          if get_point(no_go_radius, 2) != POINT.CANT_REACH:
          set_point(no_go_radius, POINT.NO_GO_MASK, 2)
        for bound in offset_points:
          for rad in range(radius-1):
            no_go_radius = p + bound * rad
            if get_point(no_go_radius, 2) != POINT.CANT_REACH:


      def nextprev_radius_point(p, direction):
        direction is only needed to make single-pixel radius "rivers" tractable, to set a bias

        Note that the next and previous points may be the same (i.e. if the p is a deadend)
        # print (direction-1) / (65520/8) * (65520/8)
        if p is None:
          return None

        # if show_debug: # and math.hypot(current.x-755, current.y-710) > 5:
        #   print t(tick), p, direction
        #   import traceback
        #   traceback.print_stack()
        #   # os._exit(0)
        # if p // 1 == P(754, 710):
        #   show_debug.append(1)

        index = (((direction) / (65520/8))+1) % 8

        no_go_offsets = offset_points_solid[index:] + offset_points_solid[:index]
        if show_debug:
          print t(tick), "radpoint ", p, a(direction), " "
          print t(tick), "offset_points_solid"
          for ii, offset in enumerate(offset_points_solid):
            print t(ii), offset
          print t(), "index", index, offset_points_solid[index]

          print t(tick), "no_go_mask_offsets"
          for ii, offset in enumerate(no_go_offsets):
            print t(ii), offset

        no_go_index = None
        for _no_go_index, neighbour in enumerate(no_go_offsets):
          bound = get_point(p + neighbour, 2)
          if bound == POINT.NO_GO_MASK:
            no_go_index = _no_go_index
            if show_debug:
              print no_go_index
        if no_go_index is None:
          return None
        if show_debug:
          print t(), "no_go_index", no_go_index, no_go_offsets[no_go_index], neighbour

        next_radius_offsets = (no_go_offsets[no_go_index:] + no_go_offsets[:no_go_index])[::-1]
        if show_debug:
          print t(tick), "next radius offsets"
          for ii, offset in enumerate(next_radius_offsets):
            print t(), ii, offset

        for next_radius_index, neighbour in enumerate(next_radius_offsets):
          bound = get_point(p + neighbour, 2)
          if show_debug:
            print 'Neighbour:', neighbour, m(bound)
          if bound == POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS:
            if show_debug:
              print t(), "next_radius_index", next_radius_index, next_radius_offsets[next_radius_index], neighbour
              print "Got it", p + neighbour
          assert False
        if show_debug:
          print t('*****'), a(direction), p
          print t('search'), index, offset_points_solid[index], p + offset_points_solid[index]
          print t('no-go'), no_go_index, offset_points_solid[no_go_index], p + offset_points_solid[no_go_index]
          print t(), "next:", neighbour
        next_radius = p + neighbour

        next_radius_offsets = next_radius_offsets[::-1]
        # next_radius_offsets[next_radius_index:] + next_radius_offsets[next_radius_index:]
        for next_radius_index, neighbour in enumerate(next_radius_offsets):
          bound = get_point(p + neighbour, 2)
          if bound == POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS:
          assert False
        if show_debug:
          print t(), "previous:", neighbour
        previous_radius = p + neighbour

        return next_radius, previous_radius

      def direct_path_to(current, p):
        p will be offset to 0.5 due to our use of truncation elsewhere

        p //= 1.0
        p += 0.5
        return int(math.atan2(p.y - current.y, p.x - current.x) * point.RADS_TO_BIN) % 65520

      def best_path_to(current, p):
        p will be offset to 0.5 due to our use of truncation elsewhere

        p //= 1.0
        p += 0.5
        trial_angle = int(math.atan2(p.y - current.y, p.x - current.x) * point.RADS_TO_BIN) % 65520
        for step in xrange(0, 65520, 1):
          # print t('trial'), step,
          trial = current + P.angle((trial_angle - step) % 65520)
          # print a(trial)
          if trial // 1 == p:
          if get_point(trial, 2) != POINT.NO_GO_MASK:
            # print m(get_point(trial, 2))
          assert False, current
        return (trial_angle - step) % 65520

      skip = 0
      direction = 0
      current = P(400.0, 500.0)
      last_bound = None
      current_bound = None

      feed_step = 1

      working = P(0.0, 0.0)
      old_current = current
      old_direction = direction

      jogging_target = None
      jogging_direction = direction

      last_on_radius = None
      last_on_direction = None
      last_off_radius = None
      last_off_direction = None

      prior_last_on = None

      cuts = 0
      no_cuts_for = 0
      total_cuts = 0
      total_cuts_for_path = 0
      total_distance = 0

      recent_off_radius = None
      last_offs = {}
      last_cuts = {}
      last_ons = {}

      tick = 0
      timer = 0.00
      while True:
        if show_debug:
        tick += 1
        skip += 1

        scan_angle = direction
        # scan_angle += initial_scan_yaw

        if jogging_target is None:
          last_checked = None
          for step in xrange(65520):
            scan_angle = direction + step
            scan_point = current + P.angle(scan_angle, radius+1) // 1
            if scan_point == last_checked:
            last_checked = scan_point
            material = get_point(scan_point)

            if material in [POINT.MATERIAL]:
              direction = scan_angle
            scan_angle = direction
            working = current + P.angle(scan_angle + step, radius + 1)
            material = get_point(working)
            last_checked = None

          if last_checked is not None and material == POINT.MATERIAL:
            for step in xrange(65520):
              scan_angle = direction - step
              scan_point = current + P.angle(scan_angle, radius+1)
              material = get_point(scan_point)

              if show_scan:
                set_point(current + P.angle(scan_angle, radius), 0x88444444, 3)
              if material in [POINT.REMOVED]:
                if show_debug:
                  print t(tick), "scan 1", m(material)
                direction = scan_angle
              if show_debug:
                print t(tick), "Scan fail 1"
          elif last_checked is not None and current_bound not in [POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS]:
            for step in xrange(65520):
              # TODO most of these loops can be massively improved by seeking the angle by bisection instead of stepping like this
              scan_angle = direction - step
              scan_point = current + P.angle(scan_angle, radius+1)
              material = get_point(scan_point)

              if show_scan:
                set_point(current + P.angle(scan_angle, radius), 0xffff0000, 3)
              if material not in [POINT.REMOVED]:
                direction -= step
                direction %= 65520
                if show_debug:
                  print t(tick), "scan 2", m(material)

              # material = get_point(current + P.angle(scan_angle, radius+2))
              # if show_scan:
              #   set_point(current + P.angle(scan_angle, radius), 0xffffffff, 3)
              #   time.sleep(0.01)
              # if material not in [POINT.REMOVED]:
              #   direction -= step
              #   direction %= 65520
              #   if show_debug:
              #     print t(tick), "scan 2a", m(material)
              #   break

              no_cuts_for = radius * 8
              if show_debug or True:
                print t(tick), "Scan fail 2", cuts, last_cuts, no_cuts_for, len(last_ons), len(last_offs)
              if no_cuts_for > radius:
                print t(tick), "No cut fail 2"
                no_cuts_for = radius * 8
                # TODO We shouldn't get here nearly as often, we're dropping the last cut at intersections with existing material cuts (not at a bound)

          direction %= 65520

          off_node = None

          on_radius = nextprev_radius_point(current, direct_path_to(old_current, current) if old_current else direction)
          next_bound = get_point(current + P.angle(direction), 2)

          # if current.x > 747 and current.x < 780 and current.y > 708 and current.y < 718:
          #   print t(tick), "corner", current, on_radius, a(direction)
          #   timer = 0.05
          #   # print
          #   # print
          #   #
          #   # print nextprev_radius_point(P(752, 711), 350*65520/360)
          #   # print nextprev_radius_point(P(753, 711), 350*65520/360)
          #   #
          #   # print
          #   # print
          # else:
          #   # if timer:
          #   #   return
          #   timer = 0

          if (on_radius and get_point(on_radius[0], 5)) or (not on_radius and no_cuts_for > radius):
            jog_charge = 0

            if not last_offs:
              closest = math.hypot(d.x, d.y)
              jogging_target = None
              for y in range(0, d.y, radius / 2):
                for x in range(0, d.x, radius / 2):
                  proposal = P(x, y)
                  if get_point(proposal, 0) != POINT.MATERIAL:
                  if get_point(proposal, 2) != POINT.NO_BOUND:
                  distance = math.hypot(current.x-x, current.y-y)
                  if distance <= closest and distance > radius:
                    closest = distance
                    jogging_target = proposal
                    jogging_direction = direct_path_to(current, jogging_target)
              if not jogging_target:
                raise NothingToDo

              print t(tick), "Long jog"
              if show_debug:
                print t(), "jogging3 from {} to {} ({})".format(current, jogging_target, a(jogging_direction))
            # if not just_set and get_point(on_radius[0], 5) and last_offs and no_cuts_for > radius / 2:
              targets = distance_sorted(current, last_offs)
              # targets = last_offs.keys()
              jogging_target = targets[0]
              jogging_direction = last_offs.pop(jogging_target, None)

              set_point(jogging_target, 0xff0000ff, 4)

              if show_debug:
                print t(), "jogging2 from {} to {} ({})".format(current, jogging_target, a(jogging_direction))

              recent_off_radius = None

          if on_radius:
            # offs = get_point(on_radius[-1], 4)
            # ons = get_point(on_radius[-1], 5)
            if show_debug:
              print t(tick), "on rad", a(direction), current
              print t(), "next", on_radius[0], "", "prev", on_radius[-1]
              print t(), "current bound", m(current_bound), "", "next (trial) bound", m(next_bound)

            # if get_point(current, 4):
            #   if show_debug:
            #     print t("***"), "current and last:", current, old_current
            #   # we've been at this radius point before, so we can potentially jog
            #   if last_offs and no_cuts_for > 0:
            #     jogging_target = distance_sorted(current, last_offs)[0]
            #     jogging_direction = last_offs.pop(jogging_target)
            #     set_point(jogging_target, 0xff0000ff, 4)
            #     if show_debug or True:
            #       print t(), "jogging1 from {} to {} ({})".format(current, jogging_target, a(jogging_direction))
            if last_bound == POINT.NO_BOUND and not nextprev_radius_point(old_current, old_direction):
              if show_debug:
                print t(), "add on rad mark", on_radius[-1]
              last_ons[on_radius[-1]] = direction
              set_point(on_radius[-1], 0xffffffff, 5)

            if next_bound in [POINT.NO_GO_MASK, POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS] or last_checked == None:
              if show_debug:
                print t('clamping'), current, on_radius[0], a(direction)
              direction = best_path_to(current, on_radius[0])
              if show_debug:
                print t(), "no go clamp", a(direction)
                print t(), m(get_point(current + P.angle(direction), 2))
                print t(), "next point", current + P.angle(direction)
                print t(), "new_angle", P.angle(direction)
            elif next_bound == POINT.NO_BOUND and not nextprev_radius_point(current + P.angle(direction), direction):
              last_on = nextprev_radius_point(on_radius[0], direction)
              last_dir = best_path_to(last_on[-1], last_on[0])
              if show_debug:
                print t(), "add off rad mark"
                if show_debug:
                  print t(), "from {}: {}".format(current, repr(on_radius))
                  print t(), "  so {}: {}".format(on_radius[-1], repr(last_on)), a(last_dir)
              off_node = last_on[0], last_dir
              last_offs[last_on[0]] = last_dir
              set_point(last_on[0], 0xffccccff, 4)

        if show_debug:
          print t(tick), "loc:", current
          print t(tick), "dir", P.angle(direction), a(direction)
          print t(tick), "old:", old_current
          print t(tick), "oldv", P.angle(old_direction), a(old_direction)
          print t(tick), "mat", m(current_bound)
        if jogging_target is None and (old_current is None or current // 1 != old_current // 1):
          next_bound = get_point((current) + P.angle(direction), 2)
          last_cuts = cuts
          cuts = 0
          for cut_point in cut_points:
            # was = set_point(old_current + cut_point, POINT.REMOVED, 0)
            was = set_point(current + cut_point, POINT.REMOVED, 0)
            if was == POINT.NO_GO:
              assert False
            elif was == POINT.REMOVED:
            cuts += 1
          total_cuts_for_path += cuts
          total_cuts += cuts

          if cuts:
            no_cuts_for = 0
            no_cuts_for += 1
          if show_debug:
            print t(tick), "cuts", cuts, "previous", last_cuts, "# since cut", no_cuts_for

          # if was_jogging or no_cuts_for > 1:
          # if no_cuts_for > radius:
          #   assert False
          #   if prior_last_on and math.hypot(prior_last_on.x - current.x, prior_last_on.y - current.y) < 1.5:
          #     no_cuts_for = radius * 8
          #     print t(tick), "ping"
          #   else:
          #     for last_on in last_ons:
          #       if last_on == last_on_radius:
          #         continue
          #       if current_bound != POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS:
          #         continue
          #       if math.hypot(last_on.x - current.x, last_on.y - current.y) < 1.5:
          #         no_cuts_for = radius * 8
          #         last_ons.remove(last_on)
          #         set_point(last_on_radius, 0xff88880, 4)
          #         prior_last_on = last_on
          #         break

        if show_path:
          if jogging_target:
            if not skip % 3 or True:
              set_point(current + P.angle(direction + 65520/4, 1), 0x6666ff66, 7)
              set_point(current + P.angle(direction + 65520/4, -1), 0x6666ff66, 7)
              # for offset in offset_points:
              #   set_point(current + offset + offset, 0xff226622, 7)
          elif no_cuts_for > 0:
            set_point(current, 0xcc999999, 1)
            set_point(current, 0xccffffff, 1)

        direction %= 65520
        if show_heading and not skip % 3 and not jogging_target:
          for r in range(1, int(radius / 2)):
            set_point(current + P.angle(direction + 65520/4, r), 0x88888800, 6)

        last_bound = current_bound
        old_current = current
        old_direction = direction

        if jogging_target is not None:
          distance = math.hypot(current.x - jogging_target.x, current.y - jogging_target.y)

          # timer = 0.00
          # if distance < 10 and not timer:
          #   timer = 0.05
          # if distance < 2:

          if distance > 1:
            direction = direct_path_to(current, jogging_target)
            current = jogging_target
            direction = jogging_direction
            jogging_target = None
            jogging_direction = None

            no_cuts_for = 0
            cuts = 0
            total_cuts_for_path = 0
            total_distance += distance

            old_current = None

            # no_cuts_for = -radius
            # direction = jogging_direction
            # current = jogging_target
            # old_current = current
            # cuts = 1
            # total_cuts_for_path = 0
            # current_bound = get_point(current, 2)

          vector = P.angle(direction)

        if current == old_current:  #if jogging cause the current location to snap to the destination
          if show_debug:
            print t(tick), current, a(direction)
          current += P.angle(direction)
          total_distance += 1
          if show_debug:
            print t(tick), current, a(direction)

        current_bound = get_point(current, 2)
        next_bound = get_point(current + P.angle(direction), 2)

        # if current_bound in [POINT.NO_GO_RADIUS]:
        #   last_on_radius = current // 1.0

        # if jogging_target is None and current_bound in [POINT.NO_GO_MASK]:
        #   print t(tick), current, jogging_target
        #   print type(direction), type(last_off_direction)
        #   print t(tick), "In forbidden area", last_off_radius, m(current_bound), a(direction)
        #   assert False

        if not skip % 10:
          skip = 0

        if timer:

    except NothingToDo:
      failed_points = 0
      for y in range(d.y):
        for x in range(d.x):
          p = P(x, y)
          if get_point(p) != POINT.MATERIAL:
          if get_point(p, 2) == POINT.CANT_REACH:

          set_point(p, 0xff4444ff)
          set_point(p, 0x00000000, 1)
          set_point(p, 0x00000000, 2)
          failed_points += 1

      print "    Total cuts: {:>8,.0f}".format(total_cuts)
      print "Total distance: {:>8,.0f}".format(total_distance)
      print "    Efficiency: {:>8,.0f}%".format(100*total_cuts / total_distance / (radius * 2))

      if failed_points:
        print Exception("Failed to cut {} reachable points".format(failed_points))