コード例 #1
def test_upper_hybrid_frequency():
    r"""Test the upper_hybrid_frequency function in parameters.py."""

    omega_uh = upper_hybrid_frequency(B, n_e=n_e)
    omega_uh_hz = upper_hybrid_frequency(B, n_e=n_e, to_hz=True)
    omega_ce = gyrofrequency(B, "e-")
    omega_pe = plasma_frequency(n=n_e, particle="e-")
    assert omega_ce.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)
    assert omega_pe.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)
    assert omega_uh.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)
    assert omega_uh_hz.unit.is_equivalent(u.Hz)
    left_hand_side = omega_uh**2
    right_hand_side = omega_ce**2 + omega_pe**2
    assert np.isclose(left_hand_side.value, right_hand_side.value)

    assert np.isclose(omega_uh_hz.value, 69385868857.90918)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        upper_hybrid_frequency(5 * u.T, n_e=-1 * u.m**-3)

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        assert upper_hybrid_frequency(1.2, 1.3) == upper_hybrid_frequency(
            1.2 * u.T, 1.3 * u.m**-3)

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        assert upper_hybrid_frequency(1.4 * u.T,
                                      1.3) == upper_hybrid_frequency(
                                          1.4, 1.3 * u.m**-3)

コード例 #2
def test_lower_hybrid_frequency():
    r"""Test the lower_hybrid_frequency function in parameters.py."""

    ion = "He-4 1+"
    omega_ci = gyrofrequency(B, particle=ion)
    omega_pi = plasma_frequency(n=n_i, particle=ion)
    omega_ce = gyrofrequency(B)
    omega_lh = lower_hybrid_frequency(B, n_i=n_i, ion=ion)
    omega_lh_hz = lower_hybrid_frequency(B, n_i=n_i, ion=ion, to_hz=True)
    assert omega_ci.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)
    assert omega_pi.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)
    assert omega_ce.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)
    assert omega_lh.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)
    left_hand_side = omega_lh ** -2
    right_hand_side = (
        1 / (omega_ci ** 2 + omega_pi ** 2) + omega_ci ** -1 * omega_ce ** -1
    assert np.isclose(left_hand_side.value, right_hand_side.value)

    assert np.isclose(omega_lh_hz.value, 299878691.3223296)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        lower_hybrid_frequency(0.2 * u.T, n_i=5e19 * u.m ** -3, ion="asdfasd")

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        lower_hybrid_frequency(0.2 * u.T, n_i=-5e19 * u.m ** -3, ion="asdfasd")

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        lower_hybrid_frequency(np.nan * u.T, n_i=-5e19 * u.m ** -3, ion="asdfasd")

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        assert lower_hybrid_frequency(1.3, 1e19) == lower_hybrid_frequency(
            1.3 * u.T, 1e19 * u.m ** -3
コード例 #3
def spectral_density(
    wavelengths: u.nm,
    probe_wavelength: u.nm,
    n: u.m**-3,
    Te: u.K,
    Ti: u.K,
    efract: np.ndarray = None,
    ifract: np.ndarray = None,
    ion_species: Union[str, List[str], Particle, List[Particle]] = "H+",
    electron_vel: u.m / u.s = None,
    ion_vel: u.m / u.s = None,
    probe_vec=np.array([1, 0, 0]),
    scatter_vec=np.array([0, 1, 0]),
) -> Tuple[Union[np.floating, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]:
    Calculate the spectral density function for Thomson scattering of a
    probe laser beam by a multi-species Maxwellian plasma.

    This function calculates the spectral density function for Thomson
    scattering of a probe laser beam by a plasma consisting of one or more ion
    species and a one or more thermal electron populations (the entire plasma
    is assumed to be quasi-neutral)

    .. math::
        S(k,\omega) = \sum_e \frac{2\pi}{k}
        \bigg |1 - \frac{\chi_e}{\epsilon} \bigg |^2
        f_{e0,e} \bigg (\frac{\omega}{k} \bigg ) +
        \sum_i \frac{2\pi Z_i}{k}
        \bigg |\frac{\chi_e}{\epsilon} \bigg |^2 f_{i0,i}
        \bigg ( \frac{\omega}{k} \bigg )

    where :math:`\chi_e` is the electron component susceptibility of the
    plasma and :math:`\epsilon = 1 + \sum_e \chi_e + \sum_i \chi_i` is the total
    plasma dielectric  function (with :math:`\chi_i` being the ion component
    of the susceptibility), :math:`Z_i` is the charge of each ion, :math:`k`
    is the scattering wavenumber, :math:`\omega` is the scattering frequency,
    and :math:`f_{e0,e}` and :math:`f_{i0,i}` are the electron and ion velocity
    distribution functions respectively. In this function the electron and ion
    velocity distribution functions are assumed to be Maxwellian, making this
    function equivalent to Eq. 3.4.6 in `Sheffield`_.


    wavelengths : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Array of wavelengths over which the spectral density function
        will be calculated. (convertible to nm)

    probe_wavelength : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Wavelength of the probe laser. (convertible to nm)

    n : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Mean (0th order) density of all plasma components combined.
        (convertible to cm^-3.)

    Te : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, shape (Ne, )
        Temperature of each electron component. Shape (Ne, ) must be equal to the
        number of electron components Ne. (in K or convertible to eV)

    Ti : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, shape (Ni, )
        Temperature of each ion component. Shape (Ni, ) must be equal to the
        number of ion components Ni. (in K or convertible to eV)

    efract : array_like, shape (Ne, ), optional
        An array-like object where each element represents the fraction (or ratio)
        of the electron component number density to the total electron number density.
        Must sum to 1.0. Default is a single electron component.

    ifract : array_like, shape (Ni, ), optional
        An array-like object where each element represents the fraction (or ratio)
        of the ion component number density to the total ion number density.
        Must sum to 1.0. Default is a single ion species.

    ion_species : str or `~plasmapy.particles.Particle`, shape (Ni, ), optional
        A list or single instance of `~plasmapy.particles.Particle`, or strings
        convertible to `~plasmapy.particles.Particle`. Default is `'H+'`
        corresponding to a single species of hydrogen ions.

    electron_vel : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, shape (Ne, 3), optional
        Velocity of each electron component in the rest frame. (convertible to m/s)
        Defaults to a stationary plasma [0, 0, 0] m/s.

    ion_vel : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, shape (Ni, 3), optional
        Velocity vectors for each electron population in the rest frame
        (convertible to m/s) Defaults zero drift
        for all specified ion species.

    probe_vec : float `~numpy.ndarray`, shape (3, )
        Unit vector in the direction of the probe laser. Defaults to
        [1, 0, 0].

    scatter_vec : float `~numpy.ndarray`, shape (3, )
        Unit vector pointing from the scattering volume to the detector.
        Defaults to [0, 1, 0] which, along with the default `probe_vec`,
        corresponds to a 90 degree scattering angle geometry.

    alpha : float
        Mean scattering parameter, where `alpha` > 1 corresponds to collective
        scattering and `alpha` < 1 indicates non-collective scattering. The
        scattering parameter is calculated based on the total plasma density n.

    Skw : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Computed spectral density function over the input `wavelengths` array
        with units of s/rad.


    For details, see "Plasma Scattering of Electromagnetic Radiation" by
    Sheffield et al. `ISBN 978\\-0123748775`_. This code is a modified version
    of the program described therein.

    For a concise summary of the relevant physics, see Chapter 5 of Derek
    Schaeffer's thesis, DOI: `10.5281/zenodo.3766933`_.

    .. _`ISBN 978\\-0123748775`: https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780123748775/plasma-scattering-of-electromagnetic-radiation
    .. _`10.5281/zenodo.3766933`: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3766933
    .. _`Sheffield`: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-374877-5.00003-8
    if efract is None:
        efract = np.ones(1)
        efract = np.asarray(efract, dtype=np.float64)

    if ifract is None:
        ifract = np.ones(1)
        ifract = np.asarray(ifract, dtype=np.float64)

    # If electon velocity is not specified, create an array corresponding
    # to zero drift
    if electron_vel is None:
        electron_vel = np.zeros([efract.size, 3]) * u.m / u.s

    # If ion drift velocity is not specified, create an array corresponding
    # to zero drift
    if ion_vel is None:
        ion_vel = np.zeros([ifract.size, 3]) * u.m / u.s

    # Condition ion_species
    if isinstance(ion_species, (str, Particle)):
        ion_species = [ion_species]
    if len(ion_species) == 0:
        raise ValueError("At least one ion species needs to be defined.")
    for ii, ion in enumerate(ion_species):
        if isinstance(ion, Particle):
        ion_species[ii] = Particle(ion)

    # Condition Te
    if Te.size == 1:
        # If a single quantity is given, put it in an array so it's iterable
        # If Te.size != len(efract), assume same temp. for all species
        Te = np.repeat(Te, len(efract))
    elif Te.size != len(efract):
        raise ValueError(f"Got {Te.size} electron temperatures and expected "

    # Condition Ti
    if Ti.size == 1:
        # If a single quantity is given, put it in an array so it's iterable
        # If Ti.size != len(ion_species), assume same temp. for all species
        Ti = [Ti.value] * len(ion_species) * Ti.unit
    elif Ti.size != len(ion_species):
        raise ValueError(f"Got {Ti.size} ion temperatures and expected "

    # Make sure the sizes of ion_species, ifract, ion_vel, and Ti all match
    if ((len(ion_species) != ifract.size) or (ion_vel.shape[0] != ifract.size)
            or (Ti.size != ifract.size)):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Inconsistent number of species in ifract ({ifract}), "
            f"ion_species ({len(ion_species)}), Ti ({Ti.size}), "
            f"and/or ion_vel ({ion_vel.shape[0]}).")

    # Make sure the sizes of efract, electron_vel, and Te all match
    if (electron_vel.shape[0] != efract.size) or (Te.size != efract.size):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Inconsistent number of electron populations in efract ({efract.size}), "
            f"Te ({Te.size}), or electron velocity ({electron_vel.shape[0]}).")

    # Ensure unit vectors are normalized
    probe_vec = probe_vec / np.linalg.norm(probe_vec)
    scatter_vec = scatter_vec / np.linalg.norm(scatter_vec)

    # Define some constants
    C = const.c.si  # speed of light

    # Calculate plasma parameters
    vTe = thermal_speed(Te, particle="e-")
    vTi, ion_z = [], []
    for T, ion in zip(Ti, ion_species):
        vTi.append(thermal_speed(T, particle=ion).value)
        ion_z.append(ion.integer_charge * u.dimensionless_unscaled)
    vTi = vTi * vTe.unit
    zbar = np.sum(ifract * ion_z)
    ne = efract * n
    ni = ifract * n / zbar  # ne/zbar = sum(ni)
    # wpe is calculated for the entire plasma (all electron populations combined)
    wpe = plasma_frequency(n=n, particle="e-")

    # Convert wavelengths to angular frequencies (electromagnetic waves, so
    # phase speed is c)
    ws = (2 * np.pi * u.rad * C / wavelengths).to(u.rad / u.s)
    wl = (2 * np.pi * u.rad * C / probe_wavelength).to(u.rad / u.s)

    # Compute the frequency shift (required by energy conservation)
    w = ws - wl

    # Compute the wavenumbers in the plasma
    # See Sheffield Sec. 1.8.1 and Eqs. 5.4.1 and 5.4.2
    ks = np.sqrt(ws**2 - wpe**2) / C
    kl = np.sqrt(wl**2 - wpe**2) / C

    # Compute the wavenumber shift (required by momentum conservation)
    scattering_angle = np.arccos(np.dot(probe_vec, scatter_vec))
    # Eq. 1.7.10 in Sheffield
    k = np.sqrt(ks**2 + kl**2 - 2 * ks * kl * np.cos(scattering_angle))
    # Normal vector along k
    k_vec = (scatter_vec - probe_vec) * u.dimensionless_unscaled

    # Compute Doppler-shifted frequencies for both the ions and electrons
    # Matmul is simultaneously conducting dot product over all wavelengths
    # and ion components
    w_e = w - np.matmul(electron_vel, np.outer(k, k_vec).T)
    w_i = w - np.matmul(ion_vel, np.outer(k, k_vec).T)

    # Compute the scattering parameter alpha
    # expressed here using the fact that v_th/w_p = root(2) * Debye length
    alpha = np.sqrt(2) * wpe / np.outer(k, vTe)

    # Calculate the normalized phase velocities (Sec. 3.4.2 in Sheffield)
    xe = (np.outer(1 / vTe, 1 / k) * w_e).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)
    xi = (np.outer(1 / vTi, 1 / k) * w_i).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)

    # Calculate the susceptibilities

    chiE = np.zeros([efract.size, w.size], dtype=np.complex128)
    for i, fract in enumerate(efract):
        chiE[i, :] = permittivity_1D_Maxwellian(w_e[i, :], k, Te[i], ne[i],

    # Treatment of multiple species is an extension of the discussion in
    # Sheffield Sec. 5.1
    chiI = np.zeros([ifract.size, w.size], dtype=np.complex128)
    for i, ion in enumerate(ion_species):
        chiI[i, :] = permittivity_1D_Maxwellian(w_i[i, :],

    # Calculate the longitudinal dielectric function
    epsilon = 1 + np.sum(chiE, axis=0) + np.sum(chiI, axis=0)

    econtr = np.zeros([efract.size, w.size], dtype=np.complex128) * u.s / u.rad
    for m in range(efract.size):
        econtr[m, :] = efract[m] * (2 * np.sqrt(np.pi) / k / vTe[m] * np.power(
            np.abs(1 - np.sum(chiE, axis=0) / epsilon), 2) *
                                    np.exp(-xe[m, :]**2))

    icontr = np.zeros([ifract.size, w.size], dtype=np.complex128) * u.s / u.rad
    for m in range(ifract.size):
        icontr[m, :] = ifract[m] * (
            2 * np.sqrt(np.pi) * ion_z[m] / k / vTi[m] *
            np.power(np.abs(np.sum(chiE, axis=0) / epsilon), 2) *
            np.exp(-xi[m, :]**2))

    # Recast as real: imaginary part is already zero
    Skw = np.real(np.sum(econtr, axis=0) + np.sum(icontr, axis=0))

    return np.mean(alpha), Skw
コード例 #4
def test_plasma_frequency():
    r"""Test the plasma_frequency function in parameters.py."""

    assert plasma_frequency(n_e, "e-").unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)

    assert plasma_frequency(n_e, "e-", to_hz=True).unit.is_equivalent(u.Hz)

    assert np.isclose(plasma_frequency(1 * u.cm**-3, "e-").value,

    assert np.isclose(plasma_frequency(1 * u.cm**-3, particle="N").value,

    assert np.isclose(
        plasma_frequency(1 * u.cm**-3, particle="N", to_hz=True).value,

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        plasma_frequency(u.m**-3, "e-")

    with pytest.raises(u.UnitTypeError):
        plasma_frequency(5 * u.m**-2, "e-")

    assert np.isnan(plasma_frequency(np.nan * u.m**-3, "e-"))

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        assert plasma_frequency(1e19, "e-") == plasma_frequency(
            1e19 * u.m**-3, "e-")

        assert plasma_frequency(n_i,
                                particle="p").unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)

    # Case where Z=1 is assumed
    assert plasma_frequency(n_i,
                            particle="H-1+") == plasma_frequency(n_i,

    assert np.isclose(plasma_frequency(mu * u.cm**-3, particle="p").value,

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        plasma_frequency(n=5 * u.m**-3, particle="sdfas")

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        plasma_freq_no_units = plasma_frequency(1e19, particle="p")
        assert plasma_freq_no_units == plasma_frequency(1e19 * u.m**-3,

    plasma_frequency(1e17 * u.cm**-3, particle="p")
    # testing for user input z_mean
    testMeth1 = plasma_frequency(1e17 * u.cm**-3, particle="p",
    testTrue1 = 333063562455.4028
    errStr = f"plasma_frequency() gave {testMeth1}, should be {testTrue1}."
    assert np.isclose(testMeth1, testTrue1, atol=0.0, rtol=1e-6), errStr

コード例 #5
ファイル: dielectric.py プロジェクト: stargazingtech/PlasmaPy
def cold_plasma_permittivity_SDP(B: u.T, species, n, omega: u.rad / u.s):
    Magnetized Cold Plasma Dielectric Permittivity Tensor Elements.

    Elements (S, D, P) are given in the "Stix" frame, ie. with B // z.

    The :math:`\exp(-i \omega t)` time-harmonic convention is assumed.

    B : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        Magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to tesla.

    species : list of str
        List of the plasma particle species
        e.g.: ['e', 'D+'] or ['e', 'D+', 'He+'].

    n : list of ~astropy.units.Quantity
        `list` of species density in units convertible to per cubic meter
        The order of the species densities should follow species.

    omega : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        Electromagnetic wave frequency in rad/s.

    sum : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        S ("Sum") dielectric tensor element.

    difference : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        D ("Difference") dielectric tensor element.

    plasma : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        P ("Plasma") dielectric tensor element.

    The dielectric permittivity tensor is expressed in the Stix frame with
    the :math:`\exp(-i \omega t)` time-harmonic convention as
    :math:`\varepsilon = \varepsilon_0 A`, with :math:`A` being

    .. math::

        \varepsilon = \varepsilon_0 \left(\begin{matrix}  S & -i D & 0 \\
                              +i D & S & 0 \\
                              0 & 0 & P \end{matrix}\right)


    .. math::
        S = 1 - \sum_s \frac{\omega_{p,s}^2}{\omega^2 - \Omega_{c,s}^2}

        D = \sum_s \frac{\Omega_{c,s}}{\omega}
            \frac{\omega_{p,s}^2}{\omega^2 - \Omega_{c,s}^2}

        P = 1 - \sum_s \frac{\omega_{p,s}^2}{\omega^2}

    where :math:`\omega_{p,s}` is the plasma frequency and
    :math:`\Omega_{c,s}` is the signed version of the cyclotron frequency
    for the species :math:`s`.

    - T.H. Stix, Waves in Plasma, 1992.

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> from numpy import pi
    >>> B = 2*u.T
    >>> species = ['e', 'D+']
    >>> n = [1e18*u.m**-3, 1e18*u.m**-3]
    >>> omega = 3.7e9*(2*pi)*(u.rad/u.s)
    >>> permittivity = S, D, P = cold_plasma_permittivity_SDP(B, species, n, omega)
    >>> S
    <Quantity 1.02422...>
    >>> permittivity.sum   # namedtuple-style access
    <Quantity 1.02422...>
    >>> D
    <Quantity 0.39089...>
    >>> P
    <Quantity -4.8903...>
    S, D, P = 1, 0, 1

    for s, n_s in zip(species, n):
        omega_c = parameters.gyrofrequency(B=B, particle=s, signed=True)
        omega_p = parameters.plasma_frequency(n=n_s, particle=s)

        S += -(omega_p ** 2) / (omega ** 2 - omega_c ** 2)
        D += omega_c / omega * omega_p ** 2 / (omega ** 2 - omega_c ** 2)
        P += -(omega_p ** 2) / omega ** 2
    return StixTensorElements(S, D, P)
コード例 #6
ファイル: dielectric.py プロジェクト: stargazingtech/PlasmaPy
def permittivity_1D_Maxwellian(
    omega: u.rad / u.s,
    kWave: u.rad / u.m,
    T: u.K,
    n: u.m ** -3,
    z_mean: u.dimensionless_unscaled = None,
) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled:
    The classical dielectric permittivity for a 1D Maxwellian plasma. This
    function can calculate both the ion and electron permittivities. No
    additional effects are considered (e.g. magnetic fields, relativistic
    effects, strongly coupled regime, etc.)

    omega : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The frequency in rad/s of the electromagnetic wave propagating
        through the plasma.

    kWave : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The corresponding wavenumber, in rad/m, of the electromagnetic wave
        propagating through the plasma. This is often modulated by the
        dispersion of the plasma or by relativistic effects. See em_wave.py
        for ways to calculate this.

    T : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The plasma temperature - this can be either the electron or the ion
        temperature, but should be consistent with density and particle.

    n : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The plasma density - this can be either the electron or the ion
        density, but should be consistent with temperature and particle.

    particle : str
        The plasma particle species.

    z_mean : str
        The average ionization of the plasma. This is only required for
        calculating the ion permittivity.

    chi : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The ion or the electron dielectric permittivity of the plasma.
        This is a dimensionless quantity.

    The dielectric permittivities for a Maxwellian plasma are described
    by the following equations [1]_

    .. math::
        \chi_e(k, \omega) = - \frac{\alpha_e^2}{2} Z'(x_e)

        \chi_i(k, \omega) = - \frac{\alpha_i^2}{2}\frac{Z}{} Z'(x_i)

        \alpha = \frac{\omega_p}{k v_{Th}}

        x = \frac{\omega}{k v_{Th}}

    :math:`chi_e` and :math:`chi_i` are the electron and ion permittivities
    respectively. :math:`Z'` is the derivative of the plasma dispersion
    function. :math:`\alpha` is the scattering parameter which delineates
    the difference between the collective and non-collective Thomson
    scattering regimes. :math:`x` is the dimensionless phase velocity
    of the EM wave propagating through the plasma.

    .. [1] J. Sheffield, D. Froula, S. H. Glenzer, and N. C. Luhmann Jr,
       Plasma scattering of electromagnetic radiation: theory and measurement
       techniques. Chapter 5 Pg 106 (Academic press, 2010).

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> from numpy import pi
    >>> from astropy.constants import c
    >>> T = 30 * 11600 * u.K
    >>> n = 1e18 * u.cm**-3
    >>> particle = 'Ne'
    >>> z_mean = 8 * u.dimensionless_unscaled
    >>> vTh = parameters.thermal_speed(T, particle, method="most_probable")
    >>> omega = 5.635e14 * 2 * pi * u.rad / u.s
    >>> kWave = omega / vTh
    >>> permittivity_1D_Maxwellian(omega, kWave, T, n, particle, z_mean)
    <Quantity -6.72809...e-08+5.76037...e-07j>
    # thermal velocity
    vTh = parameters.thermal_speed(T=T, particle=particle, method="most_probable")
    # plasma frequency
    wp = parameters.plasma_frequency(n=n, particle=particle, z_mean=z_mean)
    # scattering parameter alpha.
    # explicitly removing factor of sqrt(2) to be consistent with Froula
    alpha = np.sqrt(2) * (wp / (kWave * vTh)).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)
    # The dimensionless phase velocity of the propagating EM wave.
    zeta = (omega / (kWave * vTh)).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)
    chi = alpha ** 2 * (-1 / 2) * plasma_dispersion_func_deriv(zeta.value)
    return chi
コード例 #7
ファイル: dielectric.py プロジェクト: stargazingtech/PlasmaPy
def cold_plasma_permittivity_LRP(B: u.T, species, n, omega: u.rad / u.s):
    Magnetized Cold Plasma Dielectric Permittivity Tensor Elements.

    Elements (L, R, P) are given in the "rotating" basis, ie. in the basis
    :math:`(\mathbf{u}_{+}, \mathbf{u}_{-}, \mathbf{u}_z)`,
    where the tensor is diagonal and with B // z.

    The :math:`\exp(-i \omega t)` time-harmonic convention is assumed.

    B : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        Magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to tesla.

    species : list of str
        The plasma particle species (e.g.: `['e', 'D+']` or
        `['e', 'D+', 'He+']`.

    n : list of ~astropy.units.Quantity
        `list` of species density in units convertible to per cubic meter.
        The order of the species densities should follow species.

    omega : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        Electromagnetic wave frequency in rad/s.

    left : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        L ("Left") Left-handed circularly polarization tensor element.

    right : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        R ("Right") Right-handed circularly polarization tensor element.

    plasma : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        P ("Plasma") dielectric tensor element.

    In the rotating frame defined by
    :math:`(\mathbf{u}_{+}, \mathbf{u}_{-}, \mathbf{u}_z)`
    with :math:`\mathbf{u}_{\pm}=(\mathbf{u}_x \pm \mathbf{u}_y)/\sqrt{2}`,
    the dielectric tensor takes a diagonal form with elements L, R, P with:

    .. math::
        L = 1 - \sum_s
                \frac{\omega_{p,s}^2}{\omega\left(\omega - \Omega_{c,s}\right)}

        R = 1 - \sum_s
                \frac{\omega_{p,s}^2}{\omega\left(\omega + \Omega_{c,s}\right)}

        P = 1 - \sum_s \frac{\omega_{p,s}^2}{\omega^2}

    where :math:`\omega_{p,s}` is the plasma frequency and
    :math:`\Omega_{c,s}` is the signed version of the cyclotron frequency
    for the species :math:`s`.

    - T.H. Stix, Waves in Plasma, 1992.

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> from numpy import pi
    >>> B = 2*u.T
    >>> species = ['e', 'D+']
    >>> n = [1e18*u.m**-3, 1e18*u.m**-3]
    >>> omega = 3.7e9*(2*pi)*(u.rad/u.s)
    >>> L, R, P = permittivity = cold_plasma_permittivity_LRP(B, species, n, omega)
    >>> L
    <Quantity 0.63333...>
    >>> permittivity.left    # namedtuple-style access
    <Quantity 0.63333...>
    >>> R
    <Quantity 1.41512...>
    >>> P
    <Quantity -4.8903...>
    L, R, P = 1, 1, 1

    for s, n_s in zip(species, n):
        omega_c = parameters.gyrofrequency(B=B, particle=s, signed=True)
        omega_p = parameters.plasma_frequency(n=n_s, particle=s)

        L += -(omega_p ** 2) / (omega * (omega - omega_c))
        R += -(omega_p ** 2) / (omega * (omega + omega_c))
        P += -(omega_p ** 2) / omega ** 2
    return RotatingTensorElements(L, R, P)
コード例 #8
def thermal_bremsstrahlung(
    frequencies: u.Hz,
    n_e: u.m ** -3,
    T_e: u.K,
    n_i: u.m ** -3 = None,
    ion_species: Particle = "H+",
    kmax: u.m = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Calculate the bremsstrahlung emission spectrum for a Maxwellian plasma
    in the Rayleigh-Jeans limit :math:`ℏ ω ≪ k_B T_e`

    .. math::
       \frac{dP}{dω} = \frac{8 \sqrt{2}}{3\sqrt{π}}
       \bigg ( \frac{e^2}{4 π ε_0} \bigg )^3
       \bigg ( m_e c^2 \bigg )^{-\frac{3}{2}}
       \bigg ( 1 - \frac{ω_{pe}^2}{ω^2} \bigg )^\frac{1}{2}
       \frac{Z_i^2 n_i n_e}{\sqrt(k_B T_e)}

    where :math:`E_1` is the exponential integral

    .. math::
        E_1 (y) = - \int_{-y}^∞ \frac{e^{-t}}{t}dt

    and :math:`y` is the dimensionless argument

    .. math::
        y = \frac{1}{2} \frac{ω^2 m_e}{k_{max}^2 k_B T_e}

    where :math:`k_{max}` is a maximum wavenumber approximated here as
    :math:`k_{max} = 1/λ_B` where  :math:`λ_B` is the electron
    de Broglie wavelength.

    frequencies : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Array of frequencies over which the bremsstrahlung spectrum will be
        calculated (convertible to Hz).

    n_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Electron number density in the plasma (convertible to m\ :sup:`-3`\ ).

    T_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Temperature of the electrons (in K or convertible to eV).

    n_i : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
        Ion number density in the plasma (convertible to m\ :sup:`-3`\ ). Defaults
        to the quasi-neutral condition :math:`n_i = n_e / Z`\ .

    ion : `str` or `~plasmapy.particles.Particle`, optional
        An instance of `~plasmapy.particles.Particle`, or a string
        convertible to `~plasmapy.particles.Particle`.

    kmax :  `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Cutoff wavenumber (convertible to radians per meter). Defaults
        to the inverse of the electron de Broglie wavelength.

    spectrum : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Computed bremsstrahlung spectrum over the frequencies provided.

    For details, see "Radiation Processes in Plasmas" by
    Bekefi. `ISBN 978\\-0471063506`_.

    .. _`ISBN 978\\-0471063506`: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1966rpp..book.....B/abstract

    # Default n_i is n_e/Z:
    if n_i is None:
        n_i = n_e / ion_species.integer_charge

    # Default value of kmax is the electrom thermal de Broglie wavelength
    if kmax is None:
        kmax = (np.sqrt(const.m_e.si * const.k_B.si * T_e) / const.hbar.si).to(1 / u.m)

    # Convert frequencies to angular frequencies
    ω = (frequencies * 2 * np.pi * u.rad).to(u.rad / u.s)

    # Calculate the electron plasma frequency
    ω_pe = plasma_frequency(n=n_e, particle="e-")

    # Check that all ω < wpe (this formula is only valid in this limit)
    if np.min(ω) < ω_pe:
        raise PhysicsError(
            "Lowest frequency must be larger than the electron "
            f"plasma frequency {ω_pe:.1e}, but min(ω) = {np.min(ω):.1e}"

    # Check that the parameters given fall within the Rayleigh-Jeans limit
    # hω << kT_e
    rj_const = (
        np.max(ω) * const.hbar.si / (2 * np.pi * u.rad * const.k_B.si * T_e)
    if rj_const.value > 0.1:

        raise PhysicsError(
            "Rayleigh-Jeans limit not satisfied: "
            "hbar*ω/kT_e = {rj_const.value:.2e} > 0.1. "
            "Try lower ω or higher T_e."

    # Calculate the bremsstrahlung power spectral density in several steps
    c1 = (
        (8 / 3)
        * np.sqrt(2 / np.pi)
        * (const.e.si ** 2 / (4 * np.pi * const.eps0.si)) ** 3
        * 1
        / (const.m_e.si * const.c.si ** 2) ** 1.5

    Zi = ion_species.integer_charge
    c2 = (
        np.sqrt(1 - ω_pe ** 2 / ω ** 2)
        * Zi ** 2
        * n_i
        * n_e
        / np.sqrt(const.k_B.si * T_e)

    # Dimensionless argument for exponential integral
    arg = 0.5 * ω ** 2 * const.m_e.si / (kmax ** 2 * const.k_B.si * T_e) / u.rad ** 2
    # Remove units, get ndarray of values
    arg = (arg.to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)).value

    return c1 * c2 * exp1(arg)
コード例 #9
 def time_plasma_frequency(self):
     plasma_frequency(1e19 * u.m**-3, particle='p', to_hz=True)
コード例 #10
def hollweg_dispersion_solution(
    B: u.T,
    ion: Union[str, Particle],
    k: u.rad / u.m,
    n_i: u.m**-3,
    T_e: u.K,
    T_i: u.K,
    theta: u.deg,
    gamma_e: Union[float, int] = 1,
    gamma_i: Union[float, int] = 3,
    z_mean: Union[float, int] = None,

    # validate argument ion
    if not isinstance(ion, Particle):
            ion = Particle(ion)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(
                f"For argument 'ion' expected type {Particle} but got {type(ion)}."
    if not (ion.is_ion or ion.is_category("element")):
        raise ValueError(
            "The particle passed for 'ion' must be an ion or element.")

    # validate z_mean
    if z_mean is None:
            z_mean = abs(ion.integer_charge)
        except ChargeError:
            z_mean = 1
        if not isinstance(z_mean, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected int or float for argument 'z_mean', but got {type(z_mean)}."
        z_mean = abs(z_mean)

    # validate arguments
    for arg_name in ("B", "n_i", "T_e", "T_i"):
        val = locals()[arg_name].squeeze()
        if val.shape != ():
            raise ValueError(
                f"Argument '{arg_name}' must a single value and not an array of "
                f"shape {val.shape}.")
        locals()[arg_name] = val

    # validate arguments
    for arg_name in ("gamma_e", "gamma_i"):
        if not isinstance(locals()[arg_name],
                          (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected int or float for argument '{arg_name}', but got "

    # validate argument k
    k = k.squeeze()
    if not (k.ndim == 0 or k.ndim == 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument 'k' needs to be a single valued or 1D array astropy Quantity,"
            f" got array of shape {k.shape}.")
    if np.any(k <= 0):
        raise ValueError("Argument 'k' can not be a or have negative values.")

    # validate argument theta
    theta = theta.squeeze()
    theta = theta.to(u.radian)
    if not (theta.ndim == 0 or theta.ndim == 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument 'theta' needs to be a single valued or 1D array astropy "
            f"Quantity, got array of shape {k.shape}.")
    # Calc needed plasma parameters
    n_e = z_mean * n_i
    c_s = pfp.ion_sound_speed(
    v_A = pfp.Alfven_speed(B, n_i, ion=ion, z_mean=z_mean)
    omega_ci = pfp.gyrofrequency(B=B, particle=ion, signed=False, Z=z_mean)
    omega_pe = pfp.plasma_frequency(n=n_e, particle="e-")

    # Parameters kx and kz

    kz = np.cos(theta.value) * k
    kx = np.sqrt(k**2 - kz**2)

    # Bellan2012JGR beta param equation 3
    beta = (c_s / v_A)**2

    # Parameters D, F, sigma, and alpha to simplify equation 3
    D = (c_s / omega_ci)**2
    F = (c / omega_pe)**2
    sigma = (kz * v_A)**2
    alpha = (k * v_A)**2

    # Polynomial coefficients: c3*x^3 + c2*x^2 + c1*x + c0 = 0
    c3 = (F * kx**2 + 1) / sigma
    c2 = -((alpha / sigma) * (1 + beta + F * kx**2) + D * kx**2 + 1)
    c1 = alpha * (1 + 2 * beta + D * kx**2)
    c0 = -beta * alpha * sigma

    omega = {}
    fast_mode = []
    alfven_mode = []
    acoustic_mode = []

    # If a single k value is given
    if np.isscalar(k.value) == True:

        w = np.emath.sqrt(np.roots([c3.value, c2.value, c1.value, c0.value]))
        fast_mode = np.max(w)
        alfven_mode = np.median(w)
        acoustic_mode = np.min(w)

    # If mutliple k values are given
        # a0*x^3 + a1*x^2 + a2*x^3 + a3 = 0
        for (a0, a1, a2, a3) in zip(c3, c2, c1, c0):

            w = np.emath.sqrt(
                np.roots([a0.value, a1.value, a2.value, a3.value]))

    omega['fast_mode'] = fast_mode * u.rad / u.s
    omega['alfven_mode'] = alfven_mode * u.rad / u.s
    omega['acoustic_mode'] = acoustic_mode * u.rad / u.s

    return omega
コード例 #11
def hirose_dispersion_solution(
    B: u.T,
    ion: Union[str, Particle],
    k: u.rad / u.m,
    n_i: u.m ** -3,
    T_e: u.K,
    T_i: u.K,
    theta: u.deg,
    gamma_e: Union[float, int] = 1,
    gamma_i: Union[float, int] = 3,
    z_mean: Union[float, int] = None,
    # validate argument ion
    if not isinstance(ion, Particle):
            ion = Particle(ion)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(
                f"For argument 'ion' expected type {Particle} but got {type(ion)}."
    if not (ion.is_ion or ion.is_category("element")):
        raise ValueError("The particle passed for 'ion' must be an ion or element.")

    # validate z_mean
    if z_mean is None:
            z_mean = abs(ion.integer_charge)
        except ChargeError:
            z_mean = 1
        if not isinstance(z_mean, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected int or float for argument 'z_mean', but got {type(z_mean)}."
        z_mean = abs(z_mean)

    # validate arguments
    for arg_name in ("B", "n_i", "T_e", "T_i"):
        val = locals()[arg_name].squeeze()
        if val.shape != ():
            raise ValueError(
                f"Argument '{arg_name}' must a single value and not an array of "
                f"shape {val.shape}."
        locals()[arg_name] = val

    # validate arguments
    for arg_name in ("gamma_e", "gamma_i"):
        if not isinstance(locals()[arg_name], (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected int or float for argument '{arg_name}', but got "

    # validate argument k
    k = k.squeeze()
    if not (k.ndim == 0 or k.ndim == 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument 'k' needs to be a single valued or 1D array astropy Quantity,"
            f" got array of shape {k.shape}."
    if np.any(k <= 0):
        raise ValueError("Argument 'k' can not be a or have negative values.")

    # validate argument theta
    theta = theta.squeeze()
    theta = theta.to(u.radian)
    if not (theta.ndim == 0 or theta.ndim == 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument 'theta' needs to be a single valued or 1D array astropy "
            f"Quantity, got array of shape {k.shape}."
    n_e = z_mean * n_i
    c_s = pfp.ion_sound_speed(
    v_A = pfp.Alfven_speed(B, n_i, ion=ion, z_mean=z_mean)
    omega_pi = pfp.plasma_frequency(n=n_i, particle=ion)
    #Grid/vector creation for k?
    #Parameters kz
    kz = np.cos(theta.value) * k
    #Parameters sigma, D, and F to simplify equation 3
    A = (kz * v_A) ** 2
    B = (k * c_s) ** 2
    C = (k * v_A) ** 2
    D = ((k * c) / omega_pi ) ** 2
    #Polynomial coefficients where x in 'cx' represents the order of the term
    c3 = 1
    c2 = A * (1 + D) + B  + C
    c1 = A * (2 * B + C + B * D)
    c0 = -B * A ** 2
    [L1, L2, L3] = np.roots([c3, c2.value, c1.value, c0.value])
    [omega1, omega2, omega3] = [np.emath.sqrt(L1), np.emath.sqrt(L2), np.emath.sqrt(L3)]
    return omega1, omega2, omega3
コード例 #12
def two_fluid_dispersion_solution(
    B: u.T,
    ion: Union[str, Particle],
    k: u.rad / u.m,
    n_i: u.m**-3,
    T_e: u.K,
    T_i: u.K,
    theta: u.deg,
    gamma_e: Union[float, int] = 1,
    gamma_i: Union[float, int] = 3,
    z_mean: Union[float, int] = None,
    Using the solution provided by Bellan 2012, calculate the analytical
    solution to the two fluid, low-frequency (:math:`\omega/kc \ll 1`) dispersion
    relation presented by Stringer 1963.  This dispersion relation also
    assummes a uniform magnetic field :math:`\mathbf{B_o}`, no D.C. electric
    field :math:`\mathbf{E_o}=0`, and quasi-neutrality.  For more information
    see the **Notes** section below.

    B : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to :math:`T`.
    ion : `str` or `~plasmapy.particles.particle_class.Particle`
        Representation of the ion species (e.g., ``'p'`` for protons, ``'D+'``
        for deuterium, ``'He-4 +1'`` for singly ionized helium-4, etc.). If no
        charge state information is provided, then the ions are assumed to be
        singly ionized.
    k : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, single valued or 1-D array
        Wavenumber in units convertible to :math:`rad / m`.  Either single
        valued or 1-D array of length :math:`N`.
    n_i : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Ion number density in units convertible to :math:`m^{-3}`.
    T_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The electron temperature in units of :math:`K` or :math:`eV`.
    T_i : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The ion temperature in units of :math:`K` or :math:`eV`.
    theta : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, single valued or 1-D array
        The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the magnetic field,
        :math:`\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)`, in units must be convertible to :math:`deg`.
        Either single valued or 1-D array of size :math:`M`.
    gamma_e : `float` or `int`, optional
        The adiabatic index for electrons, which defaults to 1.  This
        value assumes that the electrons are able to equalize their
        temperature rapidly enough that the electrons are effectively
    gamma_i : `float` or `int`, optional
        The adiabatic index for ions, which defaults to 3. This value
        assumes that ion motion has only one degree of freedom, namely
        along magnetic field lines.
    z_mean : `float` or int, optional
        The average ionization state (arithmetic mean) of the ``ion`` composing
        the plasma.  Will override any charge state defined by argument ``ion``.

    omega : Dict[str, `~astropy.units.Quantity`]
        A dictionary of computed wave frequencies in units :math:`rad/s`.  The
        dictionary contains three keys: ``'fast_mode'`` for the fast mode,
        ``'alfven_mode'`` for the Alfvén mode, and ``'acoustic_mode'`` for the
        ion-acoustic mode.  The value for each key will be a :math:`N x M` array.

        If applicable arguments are not instances of `~astropy.units.Quantity` or
        cannot be converted into one.

        If ``ion`` is not of type or convertible to `~plasmapy.particles.Particle`.

        If ``gamma_e``, ``gamma_i``, or``z_mean`` are not of type `int` or `float`.

        If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected

        If any of ``B``, ``k``, ``n_i``, ``T_e``, or ``T_i`` is negative.

        If ``k`` is negative or zero.

        If ``ion`` is not of category ion or element.

        If ``B``, ``n_i``, ``T_e``, or ``T_I`` are not single valued
        `astropy.units.Quantity` (i.e. an array).

        If ``k`` or ``theta`` are not single valued or a 1-D array.

    : `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.PhysicsWarning`
        When the computed wave frequencies violate the low-frequency
        (:math:`\omega/kc \ll 1`) assumption of the dispersion relation.


    The complete dispersion equation presented by Springer 1963 [2]_ (equation 1
    of Bellan 2012 [1]_) is:

    .. math::
        \left( \cos^2 \theta - Q \frac{\omega^2}{k^2 {v_A}^2} \right) &
            \left( \cos^2 \theta - \frac{\omega^2}{k^2 {c_s}^2} \right)
            - Q \frac{\omega^2}{k^2 {v_A}^2} \left(
                1 - \frac{\omega^2}{k^2 {c_s}^2}
        \right] \\
            &= \left(1 - \frac{\omega^2}{k^2 {c_s}^2} \right)
              \frac{\omega^2}{{\omega_{ci}}^2} \cos^2 \theta


    .. math::
        Q &= 1 + k^2 c^2/{\omega_{pe}}^2 \\
        \cos \theta &= \frac{k_z}{k} \\
        \mathbf{B_o} &= B_{o} \mathbf{\hat{z}}

    :math:`\omega` is the wave frequency, :math:`k` is the wavenumber, :math:`v_A`
    is the Alfvén velocity, :math:`c_s` is the sound speed, :math:`\omega_{ci}` is
    the ion gyrofrequency, and :math:`\omega_{pe}` is the electron plasma frequency.
    This relation does additionally assume low-frequency waves
    :math:`\omega/kc \ll 1`, no D.C. electric field :math:`\mathbf{E_o}=0` and

    Following section 5 of Bellan 2012 [1]_ the exact roots of the above dispersion
    equation can be derived and expressed as one analytical solution (equation 38
    of Bellan 2012 [1]_):

    .. math::
        \frac{\omega}{\omega_{ci}} = \sqrt{
            2 \Lambda \sqrt{-\frac{P}{3}} \cos\left(
                \frac{1}{3} \cos^{-1}\left(
                    \frac{3q}{2p} \sqrt{-\frac{3}{p}}
                - \frac{2 \pi}{3}j
            + \frac{\Lambda A}{3}

    where :math:`j = 0` represents the fast mode, :math:`j = 1` represents the
    Alfvén mode, and :math:`j = 2` represents the acoustic mode.  Additionally,

    .. math::
        p &= \frac{3B-A^2}{3} \; , \; q = \frac{9AB-2A^3-27C}{27} \\
        A &= \frac{Q + Q^2 \beta + Q \alpha + \alpha \Lambda}{Q^2} \;
            , \; B = \alpha \frac{1 + 2 Q \beta + \Lambda \beta}{Q^2} \;
            , \; C = \frac{\alpha^2 \beta}{Q^2} \\
        \alpha &= \cos^2 \theta \;
            , \; \beta = \left( \frac{c_s}{v_A}\right)^2 \;
            , \; \Lambda = \left( \frac{k v_{A}}{\omega_{ci}}\right)^2

    .. [1] PM Bellan, Improved basis set for low frequency plasma waves, 2012,
       JGR, 117, A12219, doi: `10.1029/2012JA017856

    .. [2] TE Stringer, Low-frequency waves in an unbounded plasma, 1963, JNE,
       Part C, doi: `10.1088/0368-3281/5/2/304

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> from plasmapy.dispersion import two_fluid_dispersion
    >>> inputs = {
    ...     "k": 0.01 * u.rad / u.m,
    ...     "theta": 30 * u.deg,
    ...     "B": 8.3e-9 * u.T,
    ...     "n_i": 5e6 * u.m ** -3,
    ...     "T_e": 1.6e6 * u.K,
    ...     "T_i": 4.0e5 * u.K,
    ...     "ion": "p+",
    ... }
    >>> omegas = two_fluid_dispersion_solution(**inputs)
    >>> omegas
    {'fast_mode': <Quantity 1520.57... rad / s>,
     'alfven_mode': <Quantity 1261.75... rad / s>,
     'acoustic_mode': <Quantity 0.688152... rad / s>}

    >>> inputs = {
    ...     "k": [1e-7, 2e-7] * u.rad / u.m,
    ...     "theta": [10, 20] * u.deg,
    ...     "B": 8.3e-9 * u.T,
    ...     "n_i": 5e6 * u.m ** -3,
    ...     "T_e": 1.6e6 * u.K,
    ...     "T_i": 4.0e5 * u.K,
    ...     "ion": "He+",
    ... }
    >>> omegas = two_fluid_dispersion_solution(**inputs)
    >>> omegas['fast_mode']
    <Quantity [[0.00767..., 0.00779... ],
               [0.01534..., 0.01558...]] rad / s>

    # validate argument ion
    if not isinstance(ion, Particle):
            ion = Particle(ion)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(
                f"For argument 'ion' expected type {Particle} but got {type(ion)}."
    if not (ion.is_ion or ion.is_category("element")):
        raise ValueError(
            f"The particle passed for 'ion' must be an ion or element.")

    # validate z_mean
    if z_mean is None:
            z_mean = abs(ion.integer_charge)
        except ChargeError:
            z_mean = 1
        if not isinstance(z_mean, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected int or float for argument 'z_mean', but got {type(z_mean)}."
        z_mean = abs(z_mean)

    # validate arguments
    for arg_name in ("B", "n_i", "T_e", "T_i"):
        val = locals()[arg_name].squeeze()
        if val.shape != ():
            raise ValueError(
                f"Argument '{arg_name}' must a single value and not an array of "
                f"shape {val.shape}.")
        locals()[arg_name] = val

    # validate arguments
    for arg_name in ("gamma_e", "gamma_i"):
        if not isinstance(locals()[arg_name],
                          (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected int or float for argument '{arg_name}', but got "

    # validate argument k
    k = k.squeeze()
    if not (k.ndim == 0 or k.ndim == 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument 'k' needs to be a single valued or 1D array astropy Quantity,"
            f" got array of shape {k.shape}.")
    if np.any(k <= 0):
        raise ValueError(f"Argument 'k' can not be a or have negative values.")

    # validate argument theta
    theta = theta.squeeze()
    theta = theta.to(u.radian)
    if not (theta.ndim == 0 or theta.ndim == 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument 'theta' needs to be a single valued or 1D array astropy "
            f"Quantity, got array of shape {k.shape}.")

    # Calc needed plasma parameters
    n_e = z_mean * n_i
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=PhysicsWarning)
        c_s = pfp.ion_sound_speed(
    v_A = pfp.Alfven_speed(B, n_i, ion=ion, z_mean=z_mean)
    omega_ci = pfp.gyrofrequency(B=B, particle=ion, signed=False, Z=z_mean)
    omega_pe = pfp.plasma_frequency(n=n_e, particle="e-")

    # Bellan2012JGR params equation 32
    alpha = np.cos(theta.value)**2
    beta = (c_s / v_A).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled).value**2
    alphav, kv = np.meshgrid(alpha, k.value)  # create grid
    Lambda = (kv * v_A.value / omega_ci.value)**2

    # Bellan2012JGR params equation 2
    Q = 1 + (kv * c.value / omega_pe.value)**2

    # Bellan2012JGR params equation 35
    A = ((1 + alphav) / Q) + beta + (alphav * Lambda / Q**2)
    B = alphav * (1 + 2 * Q * beta + Lambda * beta) / Q**2
    C = beta * (alphav / Q)**2

    # Bellan2012JGR params equation 36
    p = (3 * B - A**2) / 3
    q = (9 * A * B - 2 * A**3 - 27 * C) / 27

    # Bellan2012JGR params equation 38
    R = 2 * Lambda * np.emath.sqrt(-p / 3)
    S = 3 * q / (2 * p) * np.emath.sqrt(-3 / p)
    T = Lambda * A / 3
    omega = {}
    for ind, key in enumerate(("fast_mode", "alfven_mode", "acoustic_mode")):
        # The solution corresponding to equation 38
        w = omega_ci * np.emath.sqrt(
            R * np.cos(1 / 3 * np.emath.arccos(S) - 2 * np.pi / 3 * ind) + T)
        omega[key] = w.squeeze()

        # check for violation of dispersion relation assumptions
        # (i.e. low-frequency, w/kc << 0.1)
        wkc_max = np.max(w.value / (kv * c.value))
        if wkc_max > 0.1:
                f"The {key} calculation produced a high-frequency wave (w/kc == "
                f"{wkc_max:.3f}), which violates the low-frequency (w/kc << 1) "
                f"assumption of the dispersion relation.",

    return omega