def stacked_bar(data, axes=None, labels=None, lighten_by=0.1, cmap=None, **kwargs): """Create a stacked bar graph Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of data, in which each row is a stack, each column a value in that stack. axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `None`, optional Axes in which to place plot. If `None`, a new figure is generated. (Default: `None`) labels : list, optional Labels for each stack. If `None`, stacks are labeled sequentially by number. (Default: `None`) lighten_by : float, optional Amount by which to lighten sequential blocks in each stack. (Default: 0.10) cmap : :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional Colormap from which to generate bar colors. If supplied, will override any `color` attribute in `**kwargs`. (Default: `None`) **kwargs : keyword arguments Other keyword arguments to pass to :func:`` Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Parent figure of axes :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes containing plot """ fig, ax = get_fig_axes(axes) rows, cols = data.shape labels = labels if labels is not None else range(rows) defaults = [("align", "center"), ("width", 0.8)] if cmap is not None: kwargs["color"] = cmap(numpy.linspace(0, 1.0, num=10)) elif kwargs.get("color", None) is None: kwargs["color"] = [next(get_color_cycle(ax)) for _ in range(rows)] x = numpy.arange(rows) + 0.5 xaxis = ax.xaxis xaxis.set_ticks(x) xaxis.set_ticklabels(labels) bottoms = numpy.zeros(rows) for k, v in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = v for i in range(cols): color = kwargs["color"] if i > 0: kwargs["color"] = lighten(color, amt=lighten_by) heights = data[:, i], heights, bottom=bottoms, **kwargs) heights.shape bottoms += heights ax.set_xlim(-0.5, rows + 0.5) return fig, ax
def triangle_plot(data, axes=None, fn="scatter", vertex_labels=None, grid=None, clip=True, do_setup=True, **kwargs): """Plot data lying in a plane x + y + z = k in a homogenous triangular space. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Mx2 or Mx3 list or array of points in triangular space, where the first column is the first coordinate, the second column the second, and the third, the third. axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `None`, optional Axes in which to place plot. If `None`, a new figure is generated. (Default: `None`) fn : str, optional Name of plotting function. Must correspond to an attribute of a :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` (e.g. 'scatter', 'plot', 'hexbin'et c.), that is be able to take an Nx2 :class:`numpy.ndarray` in Cartesian space as input (e.g. 'plot', 'scatter', 'hexbin'; Default: 'scatter'). vertex_labels : list or None, optional Labels for vertex. If `None`, vertices aren't labeled. (Default: `None`) grid : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or None, optional If not `None`, draw gridlines at intervals specified in `grid`, as long as the grid coordinate is > 0.33333 (center of triangle) and <= 1.0 (border). clip : bool, optional If `True` clipping masks corresponding to the triangle boundaries will be applied to all plot elements (Default: `True`) do_setup : bool, optional If `True`, the plot area will be prepared. A triangle will be drawn, gridlines drawn, et c. Specify `False` if plotting a second dataset ontop of an already-prepared axes (Default: `True`) **kwargs : keyword arguments Other keyword arguments to pass to function specified by `fn`. Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Parent figure of axes :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes containing plot """ fig, ax = get_fig_axes(axes) mplrc = matplotlib.rcParams if do_setup == True: triverts = trianglize(_triverts) tripatch = matplotlib.patches.Polygon( triverts, closed=True, facecolor=mplrc["axes.facecolor"], edgecolor=mplrc["axes.edgecolor"], linewidth=mplrc["axes.linewidth"], zorder=-10) ax.add_patch(tripatch) # format axes ax.set_xlim((0, 1)) ax.set_ylim((0, _triverts[:, 1].max())) ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) # label vertices if vertex_labels is not None: l1, l2, l3 = vertex_labels tkwargs = {"fig": fig, "units": "points"} p1trans = matplotlib.transforms.offset_copy(ax.transData, x=0, y=8, **tkwargs) p2trans = matplotlib.transforms.offset_copy(ax.transData, x=-10, y=-12, **tkwargs) p3trans = matplotlib.transforms.offset_copy(ax.transData, x=10, y=-12, **tkwargs) ax.text(triverts[0, 0], triverts[0, 1], l1, transform=p1trans) ax.text(triverts[1, 0], triverts[1, 1], l2, transform=p2trans) ax.text(triverts[2, 0], triverts[2, 1], l3, transform=p3trans) # add gridlines grid_kwargs = { K.replace("grid.", ""): V for (K, V) in mplrc.items() if K.startswith("grid") } if grid is not None: grid = numpy.array(grid) remainders = (1.0 - grid) / 2 for i, r in zip(grid, remainders): if i >= 1.0 / 3: points = [numpy.array([i, r, r])] for _ in range(3): points.append([-1])) points = numpy.array(points) points = trianglize(points[:, [0, 2]]) myline = matplotlib.lines.Line2D(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], **grid_kwargs) ax.add_line(myline) # scale data data = trianglize(data) # plot data artists = [] fn = getattr(ax, fn) res = fn(*zip(*data), **kwargs) if isinstance(res, Artist): artists.append(res) elif isinstance(res, list): artists.extend([X for X in res if isinstance(X, Artist)]) # clip if clip == True: for artist in artists: artist.set_clip_path(tripatch) artist.set_clip_on(True) return fig, ax
def profile_heatmap(data, profile=None, x=None, axes=None, sort_fn=sort_max_position, cmap=None, nancolor="#666666", im_args={}, plot_args={}): """Create a dual-paned plot in which `profile` is displayed in a top panel, above a heatmap showing the intensities of each row of `data`, optionally sorted top-to-bottom by `sort_fn`. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of data, in which each row is an individual aligned vector of data for region of interest, and each column a position in that vector profile : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or None Reduced profile of data, often a column-wise median. If not supplied, it will be calculated. x : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of values for X-axis axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `None`, optional Axes in which to place plot. If `None`, a new figure is generated. (Default: `None`) sort_fn : function, optional Sort rows in `data` by this function before plotting. Function must return a :class:`numpy.ndarray` of indices corresponding to rows in `data` (Default: sort by ascending argmax of each row) cmap : :class:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional Colormap to use in heatmap. It not `None`, overrides any value in `im_args`. (Default: `None`) nancolor : str or matplotlib colorspec Color used for plotting `nan` and other illegal or masked values im_args : dict Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` plot_args : dict Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` for plotting metagene average Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Parent figure of axes dict Dictionary of :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`. "top" refers to the panel containing the summary profile. "main" refers to the heatmap of individual values """ fig, ax = get_fig_axes(axes) axes = split_axes(ax, top_height=0.2) if sort_fn is None: sort_indices = numpy.arange(data.shape[0]) else: sort_indices = sort_fn(data) if x is None: x = numpy.arange(0, data.shape[1]) if profile is None: profile = numpy.nanmedian(data, axis=0) im_args = copy.deepcopy(im_args) # populate with defaults for k, v in _heatmap_defaults.items(): if k not in im_args: im_args[k] = v if "extent" not in im_args: im_args["extent"] = [x.min(), x.max(), 0, data.shape[0]] #,0] if "vmin" not in im_args: im_args["vmin"] = numpy.nanmin(data) if "vmax" not in im_args: im_args["vmax"] = numpy.nanmax(data) if cmap is not None: im_args["cmap"] = cmap elif "cmap" in im_args: cmap =["cmap"]) else: cmap = cmap.set_bad(nancolor, 1.0) axes["top"].plot(x, profile, **plot_args) axes["top"].set_ylim(0, profile.max()) axes["top"].set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) #axes["top"].set_yticks([]) axes["top"].set_yticks([0, profile.max()]) axes["top"].xaxis.tick_bottom() axes["top"].grid(True, which="both") axes["main"].xaxis.tick_bottom() axes["main"].imshow(data[sort_indices, :], **im_args) return fig, axes
def kde_plot(data, axes=None, color=None, label=None, alpha=0.7, vert=False, log=False, base=10, points=500, bw_method="scott", rescale=False, zorder=None): """Plot a kernel density estimate of `data` on `axes`. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of data axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `None`, optional Axes in which to place plot. If `None`, a new figure is generated. (Default: `None`) color : matplotlib colorspec, optional Color to use for plotting (Default: use next in matplotlibrc) label : str, optional Name of data series (used for legend; default: `None`) alpha : float, optional Amount of alpha transparency to use (Default: 0.7) vert : bool, optional If true, plot kde vertically log : bool, optional If `True`, `data` is log-transformed before the kde is estimated. Data are converted back to non-log space afterwards. base : 2, 10, or :obj:`numpy.e`, optional If `log` is `True`, this serves as the base of the log space. If `log` is `False`, this is ignored. (Default: 2) points : int Number of points over which to evaluate kde. (Default: 100) bw_method : str Bandwith estimation method. See documentation for :obj:`scipy.stats.gaussian_kde`. (Default: "scott") Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Parent figure of axes :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes containing plot """ fig, axes = get_fig_axes(axes) if color is None: color = next(get_color_cycle(axes)) a, b = get_kde(data, log=log, base=base, points=points, bw_method=bw_method) if rescale == True: b /= b.max() fbargs = {"alpha": alpha, "facecolor": lighten(color), "edgecolor": color} if label is not None: fbargs["label"] = label if vert == True: axes.fill_betweenx(a, b, 0, **fbargs) axes.plot( b, a, color=color, alpha=alpha, label=label ) # this is a bit of a hack to get labels to print; fill_between doesn't work with legends if log == True: axes.semilogy() else: axes.fill_between(a, b, 0, **fbargs) axes.plot(a, b, color=color, alpha=alpha, label=label) if log == True: axes.semilogx() return fig, axes
def stacked_bar(data,axes=None,labels=None,lighten_by=0.1,cmap=None,**kwargs): """Create a stacked bar graph Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of data, in which each row is a stack, each column a value in that stack. axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `None`, optional Axes in which to place plot. If `None`, a new figure is generated. (Default: `None`) labels : list, optional Labels for each stack. If `None`, stacks are labeled sequentially by number. (Default: `None`) lighten_by : float, optional Amount by which to lighten sequential blocks in each stack. (Default: 0.10) cmap : :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional Colormap from which to generate bar colors. If supplied, will override any `color` attribute in `**kwargs`. (Default: `None`) **kwargs : keyword arguments Other keyword arguments to pass to :func:`` Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Parent figure of axes :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes containing plot """ fig, ax = get_fig_axes(axes) rows, cols = data.shape labels = labels if labels is not None else range(rows) defaults = [("align","center"), ("width",0.8)] if cmap is not None: kwargs["color"] = cmap(numpy.linspace(0,1.0,num=10)) elif kwargs.get("color",None) is None: kwargs["color"] = [next(get_color_cycle(ax)) for _ in range(rows)] x = numpy.arange(rows) + 0.5 xaxis = ax.xaxis xaxis.set_ticks(x) xaxis.set_ticklabels(labels) bottoms = numpy.zeros(rows) for k,v in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = v for i in range(cols): color = kwargs["color"] if i > 0: kwargs["color"] = lighten(color,amt=lighten_by) heights = data[:,i],heights,bottom=bottoms,**kwargs) heights.shape bottoms += heights ax.set_xlim(-0.5,rows+0.5) return fig, ax
def profile_heatmap(data,profile=None,x=None,axes=None,sort_fn=sort_max_position, cmap=None,nancolor="#666666",im_args={},plot_args={}): """Create a dual-paned plot in which `profile` is displayed in a top panel, above a heatmap showing the intensities of each row of `data`, optionally sorted top-to-bottom by `sort_fn`. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of data, in which each row is an individual aligned vector of data for region of interest, and each column a position in that vector profile : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or None Reduced profile of data, often a column-wise median. If not supplied, it will be calculated. x : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of values for X-axis axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `None`, optional Axes in which to place plot. If `None`, a new figure is generated. (Default: `None`) sort_fn : function, optional Sort rows in `data` by this function before plotting. Function must return a :class:`numpy.ndarray` of indices corresponding to rows in `data` (Default: sort by ascending argmax of each row) cmap : :class:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional Colormap to use in heatmap. It not `None`, overrides any value in `im_args`. (Default: `None`) nancolor : str or matplotlib colorspec Color used for plotting `nan` and other illegal or masked values im_args : dict Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` plot_args : dict Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` for plotting metagene average Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Parent figure of axes dict Dictionary of :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`. "top" refers to the panel containing the summary profile. "main" refers to the heatmap of individual values """ fig, ax = get_fig_axes(axes) axes = split_axes(ax,top_height=0.2) if sort_fn is None: sort_indices = numpy.arange(data.shape[0]) else: sort_indices = sort_fn(data) if x is None: x = numpy.arange(0,data.shape[1]) if profile is None: profile = numpy.nanmedian(data,axis=0) im_args = copy.deepcopy(im_args) # populate with defaults for k,v in _heatmap_defaults.items(): if k not in im_args: im_args[k] = v if "extent" not in im_args: im_args["extent"] = [x.min(),x.max(),0,data.shape[0]]#,0] if "vmin" not in im_args: im_args["vmin"] = numpy.nanmin(data) if "vmax" not in im_args: im_args["vmax"] = numpy.nanmax(data) if cmap is not None: im_args["cmap"] = cmap elif "cmap" in im_args: cmap =["cmap"]) else: cmap = cmap.set_bad(nancolor,1.0) axes["top"].plot(x,profile,**plot_args) axes["top"].set_ylim(0,profile.max()) axes["top"].set_xlim(x.min(),x.max()) #axes["top"].set_yticks([]) axes["top"].set_yticks([0,profile.max()]) axes["top"].xaxis.tick_bottom() axes["top"].grid(True,which="both") axes["main"].xaxis.tick_bottom() axes["main"].imshow(data[sort_indices,:],**im_args) return fig, axes
def triangle_plot(data,axes=None,fn="scatter",vertex_labels=None,grid=None,clip=True,do_setup=True,**kwargs): """Plot data lying in a plane x + y + z = k in a homogenous triangular space. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Mx2 or Mx3 list or array of points in triangular space, where the first column is the first coordinate, the second column the second, and the third, the third. axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `None`, optional Axes in which to place plot. If `None`, a new figure is generated. (Default: `None`) fn : str, optional Name of plotting function. Must correspond to an attribute of a :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` (e.g. 'scatter', 'plot', 'hexbin'et c.), that is be able to take an Nx2 :class:`numpy.ndarray` in Cartesian space as input (e.g. 'plot', 'scatter', 'hexbin'; Default: 'scatter'). vertex_labels : list or None, optional Labels for vertex. If `None`, vertices aren't labeled. (Default: `None`) grid : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or None, optional If not `None`, draw gridlines at intervals specified in `grid`, as long as the grid coordinate is > 0.33333 (center of triangle) and <= 1.0 (border). clip : bool, optional If `True` clipping masks corresponding to the triangle boundaries will be applied to all plot elements (Default: `True`) do_setup : bool, optional If `True`, the plot area will be prepared. A triangle will be drawn, gridlines drawn, et c. Specify `False` if plotting a second dataset ontop of an already-prepared axes (Default: `True`) **kwargs : keyword arguments Other keyword arguments to pass to function specified by `fn`. Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Parent figure of axes :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes containing plot """ fig, ax = get_fig_axes(axes) mplrc = matplotlib.rcParams if do_setup == True: triverts = trianglize(_triverts) tripatch = matplotlib.patches.Polygon(triverts, closed=True, facecolor=mplrc["axes.facecolor"], edgecolor=mplrc["axes.edgecolor"], linewidth=mplrc["axes.linewidth"], zorder=-10 ) ax.add_patch(tripatch) # format axes ax.set_xlim((0,1)) ax.set_ylim((0,_triverts[:,1].max())) ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) # label vertices if vertex_labels is not None: l1,l2,l3 = vertex_labels tkwargs = { "fig" : fig, "units" : "points" } p1trans = matplotlib.transforms.offset_copy(ax.transData,x=0, y=8, **tkwargs) p2trans = matplotlib.transforms.offset_copy(ax.transData,x=-10,y=-12,**tkwargs) p3trans = matplotlib.transforms.offset_copy(ax.transData,x=10, y=-12,**tkwargs) ax.text(triverts[0,0],triverts[0,1],l1,transform=p1trans) ax.text(triverts[1,0],triverts[1,1],l2,transform=p2trans) ax.text(triverts[2,0],triverts[2,1],l3,transform=p3trans) # add gridlines grid_kwargs = { K.replace("grid.","") : V for (K,V) in mplrc.items() if K.startswith("grid") } if grid is not None: grid = numpy.array(grid) remainders = (1.0 - grid)/2 for i, r in zip(grid,remainders): if i >= 1.0/3: points = [numpy.array([i,r,r])] for _ in range(3): points.append([-1])) points = numpy.array(points) points = trianglize(points[:,[0,2]]) myline = matplotlib.lines.Line2D(points[:,0], points[:,1], **grid_kwargs) ax.add_line(myline) # scale data data = trianglize(data) # plot data artists = [] fn = getattr(ax,fn) res = fn(*zip(*data),**kwargs) if isinstance(res,Artist): artists.append(res) elif isinstance(res,list): artists.extend([X for X in res if isinstance(X,Artist)]) # clip if clip == True: for artist in artists: artist.set_clip_path(tripatch) artist.set_clip_on(True) return fig, ax
def kde_plot(data,axes=None,color=None,label=None,alpha=0.7,vert=False, log=False,base=10,points=500,bw_method="scott",rescale=False, zorder=None): """Plot a kernel density estimate of `data` on `axes`. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of data axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `None`, optional Axes in which to place plot. If `None`, a new figure is generated. (Default: `None`) color : matplotlib colorspec, optional Color to use for plotting (Default: use next in matplotlibrc) label : str, optional Name of data series (used for legend; default: `None`) alpha : float, optional Amount of alpha transparency to use (Default: 0.7) vert : bool, optional If true, plot kde vertically log : bool, optional If `True`, `data` is log-transformed before the kde is estimated. Data are converted back to non-log space afterwards. base : 2, 10, or :obj:`numpy.e`, optional If `log` is `True`, this serves as the base of the log space. If `log` is `False`, this is ignored. (Default: 2) points : int Number of points over which to evaluate kde. (Default: 100) bw_method : str Bandwith estimation method. See documentation for :obj:`scipy.stats.gaussian_kde`. (Default: "scott") Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Parent figure of axes :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes containing plot """ fig, axes = get_fig_axes(axes) if color is None: color = next(get_color_cycle(axes)) a, b = get_kde(data,log=log,base=base,points=points,bw_method=bw_method) if rescale == True: b /= b.max() fbargs = { "alpha" : alpha, "facecolor" : lighten(color), "edgecolor" : color } if label is not None: fbargs["label"] = label if vert == True: axes.fill_betweenx(a,b,0,**fbargs) axes.plot(b,a,color=color,alpha=alpha,label=label) # this is a bit of a hack to get labels to print; fill_between doesn't work with legends if log == True: axes.semilogy() else: axes.fill_between(a,b,0,**fbargs) axes.plot(a,b,color=color,alpha=alpha,label=label) if log == True: axes.semilogx() return fig, axes