def ping(ip): try: if ip == 'NA': return True check = False packet_Tx = 1 pass_rate = 51 my_plat = p_system().lower() if my_plat == 'win32' or my_plat == 'windows': count_type = 'n' else: count_type = 'c' raw = _cmdline("ping -%s %s %s" % (count_type, packet_Tx, ip)) if my_plat == 'win32' or my_plat == 'windows': raw = raw.split('%')[0] raw = raw.split(' ')[-1] loss_rate = float(raw[1:]) else: raw = raw.split('%')[0] loss_rate = float(raw.split(' ')[-1]) packet_Rx = 100 - loss_rate if packet_Rx >= pass_rate: return True return False except Exception as e: return True
#!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 #### @martysama0134 start scripts #### ### TODO fix -s -w for srvr and not only channels from subprocess import check_output as sp_co, call as sp_call, CalledProcessError as sp_CalledProcessError from os import getcwd as os_getcwd, chdir as os_chdir from platform import system as p_system v_system = p_system() class M2TYPE: SERVER, DB, AUTH, CHANFOLDER, CHANNEL, CORE = xrange(6) NOCHAN = 0 def fShell(szCmd, bRet=False): try: if bRet: return sp_co(szCmd, shell=True)[:-1] # remove final \n else: return sp_call(szCmd, shell=True) except sp_CalledProcessError: return -1 def keyCheck(dict, key, elem={}): try: dict[key] except KeyError: dict[key]=elem proclist={} whichlist={"serv":[], "chan":[]} def staInit():
def clear_console(): if p_system() == 'Windows': os_system('cls') else: os_system('clear')
def main(year: int, puzzle: int, all_puzzles: bool, cache: bool) -> None: src_path = dirname(abspath(__file__)) year_path = abspath(join(src_path, f'years/{year}')) root_path = abspath(join(src_path, '../')) settings_path = join(year_path, 'settings.json') settings_default_path = join(src_path, 'settings.default.json') output_table_path = join(root_path, './docs/') if isfile(settings_path): with open(settings_path, 'r') as s: settings = loads(''.join(s.readlines())) else: copy(settings_default_path, settings_path) print(f'\nPlease fill in {settings_path} first!') exit(1) session = settings['session'] puzzles_to_run = [puzzle] if all_puzzles is True: puzzles_to_run = [day for day in range(1, min(puzzle + 1, 26))] puzzle_outputs = [ [ '#', 'Part 1', 'Part 1 Time', 'Part 2', 'Part 2 Time', 'Tests', 'Tests Time', ], ] puzzles = load_year(year) for day in [f'{d:02d}' for d in puzzles_to_run]: puzzle_class = f'Puzzle{day}' if puzzle_class in puzzles: print(f'Attempting to execute AoC puzzle {day}...: ', end='', flush=True) start_time = time() try: puzzle_instance = puzzles[puzzle_class](year, day, session) puzzle_instance.execute(cache) puzzle_outputs.append(puzzle_instance.results) end_time = f'{((time() - start_time) * 1000):.3f}' print( f'{BOLD}{GREEN} Successful{RESET} in {BOLD}{PURPLE}{end_time} ms{RESET}' ) except ConnectionError: print(f'{BOLD}{GREEN} Failed {RESET}') except Exception: print(f'{BOLD}{GREEN} Failed {RESET}') print_exc() print() else: template = base_template.format(day) puzzle_dir = join(year_path, f'{day}') puzzle_solution = join(year_path, f'{day}/') puzzle_path = Path(puzzle_dir) puzzle_path.mkdir() with open(puzzle_solution, 'w') as f: f.writelines(template) print(f'\nClass for day {day} created. Happy Coding!!\n') exit(1) if len(puzzle_outputs) > 1: table = tabulate( puzzle_outputs, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='pretty', numalign='left', stralign='left', ) if all_puzzles is True: if p_system() != 'Windows': o_system('clear') print(table) with open(join(root_path, output_table_path), 'w') as f: f.writelines( tabulate( puzzle_outputs, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='html', numalign='left', stralign='left', ), )