def play_sound_start(): sound = ps() try: while True: #メインループ #keybord input! fin_tmp = int(input('ps >>')) if fin_tmp == 7777: del sound break fin_tmp -= 1 if fin_tmp < 0 or fin_tmp > 8: fin_tmp = -1 #data_input! ''' f = open('./input_data.txt', 'r') lines = f.readlines() for l in lines: i_data = l.split(':') print(i_data[1]) fin_tmp = sound.fingering_check(i_data[1].strip()) print(fin_tmp) sound.sr_play(int(fin_tmp)) time.sleep(0.1) ''' #device input! #fin_tmp = int(ps.FingeringCheck(ifingering)) sound.sr_play(fin_tmp) time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
def __init__(self, cv, root): self.damy_mode = 0 #演奏デバイスと通信せずに動かす self.center_adj = 100 #中央寄せ調整用 self.draw_mag = 2.0 #フルスクリーン時、表示するディスプレイに合わせるため = cv self.root = root self.flag = 0 self.button = gi()#PaspberryPiでの動作確認 # 再帰回数の設定 sys.setrecursionlimit(6000) # sound dataの読み込み_試験用 self.sound_data = self.__read_file() # 受信の準備 if not self.damy_mode: self.udp_data = uc()#PaspberryPiでの動作確認 # 音を出す準備 self.sound = ps() #記録をとる準備 self.write_rec = o_re() self.write_rec_flag = 0
def __init__(self, music_name, cv, p_frame, mode_name): = cv self.root = p_frame self.music_name = music_name self.mode_name = mode_name #self.button = gi() #RaspberryPiでの動作確認 self.music_deta = [] self.last_time = time.time() self.first_roop = 1 self.draw_point = 0 self.seek_point = 5 self.last_seek_point = 5 #入力描画用 self.end_flag = 0 self.bpm = 0 self.measure = 0 self.music_sound = ["ド", "レ", "ミ", "ファ", "ソ", "ラ", "シ", "ド", "レ"] self.labals_update = -1 self.labels = [] # 受信の準備 #RaspberryPiでの動作確認 and 演奏デバイスと通信時 # self.udp_data = uc()#PaspberryPiでの動作確認 # 音を出す準備 self.sound = ps() self.rcv_data_s = [] #記録をとる準備 self.write_rec = o_re() self.chan_in = 0 self.chan_in_point = 0 self.score_update = 1 self.d_input = di() #PCでの動作確認 if self.mode_name == "PLAY_RECORDING": l_music_data = rs.read_score(self.music_name) self.bpm = l_music_data[0] self.measure = l_music_data[1] del l_music_data[0:2] self.music_deta = l_music_data for i in self.music_deta: print(i) else: l_music_data = rs.read_score(self.music_name) #, self.mode_name) self.bpm = l_music_data[0] self.measure = l_music_data[1] del l_music_data[0:2] self.music_deta = l_music_data for i in self.music_deta: print(i)
def __init__(self, cv, root): = cv self.root = root self.flag = 0 #self.button = gi()#PaspberryPiでの動作確認 # 再帰回数の設定 sys.setrecursionlimit(6000) # sound dataの読み込み_試験用 self.sound_data = self.__read_file() # 受信の準備 # self.udp_data = uc() # 音を出す準備 self.sound = ps()
def __init__(self, music_name, cv, p_frame, mode_name): self.damy_mode = 0 #演奏デバイスと通信せずに動かす self.center_adj = 100 #中央寄せ調整用 self.draw_mag = 2.0 #フルスクリーン時、表示するディスプレイに合わせるため = cv self.root = p_frame self.music_name = music_name self.mode_name = mode_name self.button = gi() #RaspberryPiでの動作確認 self.music_deta = [] self.last_time = time.time() self.last_input_time = time.time() self.start_time = time.time() self.first_roop = 1 #self.draw_point = 0 self.seek_point = 5 self.last_seek_point = 5 #入力描画用 self.end_flag = 0 self.music_sound = ["ド", "レ", "ミ", "ファ", "ソ", "ラ", "シ", "ド", "レ"] self.labels = [] self.m_p = [ 127.5, 122.5, 117.5, 112.5, 107.5, 102.5, 97.5, 92.5, 87.5 ] #音階の描画位置 # 受信の準備 #RaspberryPiでの動作確認 and 演奏デバイスと通信時 if not self.damy_mode: self.udp_data = uc() #PaspberryPiでの動作確認 # PCでの動作確認 self.d_input = di() # 音を出す準備 self.sound = ps() self.rcv_data_s = ['0', '00000000'] #記録をとる準備 self.write_rec = o_re() #お手本を読む if self.mode_name == 'JUDGE_PLAY': l_music_data = rs.read_score(self.music_name) else: l_music_data = rs.read_recording(self.music_name) noteLength = l_music_data[0] self.radix = l_music_data[1] self.bpm = 60 / noteLength del l_music_data[0:2] self.exa_music_datas = l_music_data self.exa_counter = 0 #カタカナデータを読む self._read_scale_kana() self.kana_last_write = 0 self.kana_num = 0 self.drawing_kana = self.kana_lines[self.kana_num] #.split(':') self.seek_limit = noteLength * self.radix * 2 #2小説の演奏にかかる時間7 print('self.seek_limit : ', self.seek_limit) self.num_measure_data = self.seek_limit / 0.05 #二小説の描画に必要なデータ数 print('self.num_measure_data : ', self.num_measure_data) #print('self.num_measure_data to int: ', int(self.num_measure_data)) self.draw_min_size = 500 * self.draw_mag / self.num_measure_data #実験用 self.input_counter = 0 self.reflesh = 1 #メトロノームの準備 self.b_metro = bm(self.root, self.bpm)
class DrawScore: ''' music_deta = [ 1,1,0,0,1,1,2,2, 4,4,2,2,1,1,1,1, 2,2,4,4,5,5,4,5, 8,8,6,6,5,5,4,4, 2,2,4,4,5,5,5,5, 8,8,7,7,8,8,8,8, 2,2,4,4,5,5,4,4, 2,2,2,4,1,1,1,1, 5,5,7,7,8,8,8,8, 7,7,8,8,5,5,4,4, 5,5,4,2,1,1,1,1 ] ''' music_deta = [] #root = tk.Tk("1024x600") last_time = time.time() draw_point = 0 seek_point = 10 end_flag = 0 bpm = 0 measure = 0 music_sound = ["ド","レ","ミ","ファ","ソ","ラ","シ","ド","レ"] labals_update = -1 labels = [] #cv = tk.Canvas(root,width = 1024,height = 600) sound = ps() def __init__(self, music_name,cv,p_frame,mode_name): = cv self.root = p_frame self.mode_name =mode_name #self.button = gi() if self.mode_name == "PLAY_RECORDING": l_music_data = rs.read_score(music_name) self.bpm = l_music_data[0] self.measure = l_music_data[1] del l_music_data[0:2] self.music_deta = l_music_data for i in self.music_deta: print(i) self.root.after(10, self._draw_score_line) self.root.mainloop() else: l_music_data = rs.read_score(music_name) self.bpm = l_music_data[0] self.measure = l_music_data[1] del l_music_data[0:2] self.music_deta = l_music_data for i in self.music_deta: print(i) self.root.after(10, self._draw_score_line) self.root.mainloop() def _reset_labels(self): self.labals_update = 1 for i in range(len(self.labels)): self.labels[i].place_forget() self.labels.clear() def _draw_score_line(self): ''' if self.button.gpio_input() == 0: self.root.quit() return ''' x = 0 now_time = time.time() interval = now_time - self.last_time if interval >= self.bpm*self.measure*2: self.draw_point += 32*2#だと思う seek_point = 5#最も左のシーク位置 self.last_time = time.time() if self.end_flag == 1: print("OKOKOKO") self.ans = j_s.judgement_score() print("ANS_e:", self.ans) self.label = tk.Label(self.root,text = "正答率" + str(round(self.ans,1)) + "%" ,background = "white",font = ("",20,"bold")) = 300, y = 240) self.root.update() time.sleep(3) print("interval : " + str(interval)) print("end of draw_score_line") #self.root.destroy() self.root.quit() return self._reset_labels() elif self.labals_update == -1:#要改良 self._reset_labels() else: self.labals_update = 0 seek_point = 5.0+ 500.0*float(interval/(self.bpm*self.measure*2)) self.last_seek = time.time()"all"), 0, 512, 0, 512, 300, 0, 300, fill = "white") #五線譜の表示 #五線譜の表示 for i in range(0,5): i = i * 10,80+i,505,80+i) #小節毎の区切りの線,80,5,120),80,255,120),80,505,120) m_p = [127.5,122.5,117.5,112.5,107.5,102.5,97.5,92.5,87.5]#音階の描画位置 count = 0 old_m = -1 old_change = 5 for j in self.music_deta:#range(draw_point, draw_point + 16): if self.draw_point <= count and self.draw_point + 32*2 > count: if count > len(self.music_deta): break #print(str(j) + ':' + str(draw_point)) x1=x * 500/(32*2)#x1 = x * 62.5 + 10,M_s[j],72.5 + x1,M_s[j],72.5 + x1,M_s[j] + 10,x1 + 10,M_s[j] + 10 , tag ="polygon") + 5,m_p[j],5 + 500/(32*2) + x1,m_p[j],5 + 500/(32*2) + x1,m_p[j] + 5,x1 + 5,m_p[j] + 5 , tag ="polygon") #音階が変わったかを検知 if count == self.draw_point: old_m = j if self.labals_update == 1: if j != old_m or count == self.draw_point + 32*2-1 or count == len(self.music_deta)-1: self.labels.append(tk.Label(text = self.music_sound[old_m],background = "white",font = ("",10,"bold"))) self.labels[len(self.labels)-1].place(x = (old_change + x1 )/2 - 5,y = 150) old_m = j old_change = x1 + 5 #cv.update() x = x + 1 if x == 32*2: x = 0 #cv.delete("polygon") if count >= self.draw_point + 32*2: break count += 1, 50, seek_point+2, 50, seek_point + 2, 140, seek_point -2, 140, fill = "red")#シーク線 if self.draw_point + 32*2 >= len(self.music_deta): #print("flag of draw_score_line") self.end_flag = 1 self.root.after(10, self._draw_score_line)