def purgatory(player): player.__penance += player.getSins() while player.getPenance > 0: print("You are in purgatory. It's not very nice. You feel the weight of your sins crawling on your back.") print("Faintly, you can discern the sounds of monks praying for you. Oddly enough, you feel lighter, like someone took a load of your back...") print("Another day passes....") penance += 0 print("Finally, thanks to the diligent prayers of your fellow monks, you are able to enter heaven! What bliss! What joy! It's really great.")
def sick_day(player): turns = 0 validActions = ['rest','sleep','relax'] while player.getSickliness() > 0: print("You are in the infirmirary. You are still feeling a bit sick. You should rest.") while True: action = input("> ") if action in validActions: print("You close your eyes and rest. You can feel yourself getting healthier already.") player.decreaseHealth(-3) break else: print("Now's not the time for that! You need to rest!") print("You wake up feeling refreshed. Someone brings you some food to eat. Wow, it's meat! Should you eat it?") while True: action = input("> ") if action == 'yes': print("You eat the meat. Delicious! You feel healthier already.") player.decreaseHealth(-1) break elif action == 'no': print("You don't eat the meat. That's very holy of you.") player.decreasePenance(1) break else: print("Answer either yes or no!") if len(player.getSinsList() > 0): print("A monk comes by to see if you have any sins to confess.") while len(player.getSinsList()) > 0: print("Type exit to exit and hint for a hint if you can't remember what sins you've done.") sin = input("What sins do you have to confess? \n > ") self.confessSin(sin) print("You sleep for the rest of the day.") #random chance of dying... rand = randint(0,100) print("Chance of dying is:", rand) if player.getSins() > 10: #more likely to die if you are a sinner.... if rand < player.getSickliness() + 20: print("Unfortunately, however, your illness gets worse and you die. :(") player.die() else: if rand < player.getSickliness() + 10: print("Unfortunately, however, your illness gets worse and you die. :(") player.die() if player.alive == True: player.changeHealth(False) print("You are feeling a lot better! Tomorrow you can leave the infirmary and resume the regular hours.")