コード例 #1
class GameShell(cmd.Cmd):
    def __init__(self):
        self.prompt = 'GAME~->'

    def preloop(self):
        print "Welcome! You can interact with the Board game using this shell."
        print "Getting started with the game U - Up, D - Down, L - Left, R - Right\n"
        name = raw_input("Please Enter your name: ")
        self.player = Player(name)

    def _execute(self,request):
        c= Client()
        request = json.dumps(request)
        response= c.make_request(request)
        return json.loads(response)['resp']

    def do_move(self, args):
        request = {"action":'check_and_update',
                "data":[ self.player.name,self.player.current_position,self.player.direction] }
        response = self._execute(request)

        if response == "OCC":
            print "Occuppied"

            if response[0] != None:
                self.player.current_position = response[0]
            if response[1] != None:
                print response[1]

        print self.player.current_position

    def do_show(self, args):#Connect to the server, get the positions array that is it.
        if args == "all":
            request = {"action":"postions","data":[]}
            print self._execute(request)
            print self.player.view()

    def do_pickup(self, args=None):
        request = {"action":"pickup",
                   "data": [self.player.current_position]}
        resp = self._execute(request)
        if resp == "TA":
            self.player.bucket = +1
            print "Picked Up!! Move on"
            print resp

    def do_turn(self, direction):
        if direction.upper() in ["U","D","R","L"]:
            print self.player.update_direction(direction.upper())
            print "Invalid direction"

    def do_EOF(self, line):
        print "Bye!!"
        return True
コード例 #2
class GameShell(cmd.Cmd):
    def __init__(self):
        self.board = Pyro4.Proxy("PYRO:game.board@localhost:9090")
        self.prompt = 'GAME~->'

    def preloop(self):
        print "Welcome! You can interact with the Board game using this shell."
        print "Getting started with the game U - Up, D - Down, L - Left, R - Right\n"
        name = raw_input("Please Enter your name: ")
        self.player = Player(name)
        print self.board

    def do_move(self, args):
        new_position = self.board.check_and_update(self.player.name,self.player.current_position,self.player.direction)
        if len(new_position) ==2:
            if new_position[0] is not None:
                self.player.current_position = new_position[0]
            if new_position[1]:
                print new_position[1]
            print self.player.current_position
            print new_position

    def do_show(self, args):#Connect to the server, get the positions array that is it.
        if args == "all":
            print self.board.player_postions()
            print self.player.view()

    def do_pickup(self, args=None):
        resp = self.board.pickup(self.player.current_position)
        if resp[1] == "TA":
            self.player.bucket = +1
            print "Picked Up!! Move on"
            print resp

    def do_turn(self, direction):
        if direction.upper() in ["U","D","R","L"]:
            print self.player.update_direction(direction.upper())
            print "Invalid direction"

    def do_EOF(self, line):
        print "Bye!!"
        return True