def voteBanCheck(userid, choice, popupid): """ Executed when a player has chosen another to vote ban. Get the steamid of the victim, and check for the amount of bans needed. Ban the player if their are enough votes """ userid = str(userid) if not es.exists('userid', choice): """ Something went wrong, the user no longer exists, return early """ return steamid = es.getplayersteamid(choice) if userid not in userids or steamid not in targets: """ One of the instances weren't avaiable, return early """ return xavotekickban.logging.log("has voted to ban user %s [%s]" % (es.getplayername(choice), es.getplayersteamid(choice) ), userid ) userids[userid]["bans"].append(choice) targets[steamid]["bans"] += 1 bansRemaining = getBansRemaining(steamid) if bansRemaining == 0: """ There has been enough kicks passed, kick the player. """ removePlayer(steamid) es.server.queuecmd('banid %s %s;writeid;kickid %s "You have been banned"' % (banTime, choice, choice) ) tokens = {} tokens['name'] = es.getplayername(choice) for player in playerlib.getPlayerList('#all'): es.tell(int(player), '#multi', xalanguage('player banned', tokens, player.get("lang") ) ) xavotekickban.logging.log("has been vote banned", choice) else: tokens = {} tokens['name'] = es.getplayername(choice) tokens['amount'] = bansRemaining for player in playerlib.getPlayerList("#all"): es.tell( int(player), '#multi', xalanguage('player votes banned', tokens, player.get("lang") ) ) xavotekickban.logging.log("needs %s more votes till they are banned" % bansRemaining, choice)
def _Win(self, popupid, optionid, choice, winner_votes, winner_percent, total_votes, was_tied, was_canceled): self.display.Stop() es.cexec_all('playgamesound', str(vote_end_sound) ) if not was_tied or was_canceled: if choice != "0" and winner_votes: if self.option and self.options[choice]['winner']: if isinstance(self.option, str): es.server.cmd(self.option) elif callable(self.option): self.params = {} self.params['winner'] = choice self.params['votes'] = winner_votes self.params['percent'] = winner_percent self.params['total votes'] = total_votes self.option(self.params) tokens = {} tokens['winner'] = choice tokens['votes'] = winner_votes tokens['totalvotes'] = total_votes tokens['percent'] = winner_percent for player in playerlib.getPlayerList("#human"): es.tell(int(player),'#multi',xalanguage("vote win",tokens, player.get("lang"))) else: for player in playerlib.getPlayerList("#human"): es.tell(int(player),'#green',xalanguage("vote no voters", {}, player.get("lang"))) elif was_tied and not was_canceled: for player in playerlib.getPlayerList("#human"): es.tell(int(player),'#green',xalanguage("vote tie", player.get("lang"))) possibilities = [] maxAmount = 0 for possibility in self.display.SortDict(): amount = self.display.votes[possibility]['votes'] if amount < maxAmount: break maxAmount = amount possibilities.append(possibility) winner = random.choice(possibilities) tokens = {} tokens['winner'] = winner for player in playerlib.getPlayerList("#human"): es.tell(int(player),'#multi',xalanguage("random win", tokens, player.get("lang"))) if self.option and self.options[winner]['winner']: if isinstance(self.option, str): es.server.cmd(self.option) elif callable(self.option): self.params = {} self.params['winner'] = winner self.params['votes'] = winner_votes self.params['percent'] = winner_percent self.params['total votes'] = total_votes self.option(self.params) else: for player in playerlib.getPlayerList("#human"): es.tell(int(player), '#green', xalanguage("vote canceled", player.get("lang") ) )
def _select_player(userid, choice, popupid): command = admins[userid]['command'] if command.startswith('weapon_') or command.startswith('item_'): if 'vest' not in command: if str(admingive_stripfirst) == '1': if command.replace('weapon_','') in pistols: secondary = playerlib.getPlayer(choice).get('secondary') if secondary: RemoveWeapon(choice, secondary) elif command.replace('weapon_','') in (list(shotguns) + list(smgs) + list(rifles) + list(snipers) + ['m249']): primary = playerlib.getPlayer(choice).get('primary') if primary: RemoveWeapon(choice, primary) gamethread.delayed(0.1, es.server.queuecmd, 'es_xgive %s %s'%(choice, command)) else: if 'helm' in command: es.setplayerprop(choice, 'CCSPlayer.m_bHasHelmet', 1) es.setplayerprop(choice, 'CCSPlayer.m_ArmorValue', 100) if str(admingive_anonymous) == '0': tokens = {} tokens['admin'] = es.getplayername(userid) tokens['user'] = es.getplayername(choice) for myplayer in playerlib.getPlayerList('#human'): tokens['item'] = '#greena #lightgreen' + str(xalanguage(command.replace('weapon_','').replace('item_',''), lang=myplayer.get("lang"))) es.tell(int(myplayer), '#multi', xalanguage('admin give', tokens, myplayer.get("lang"))) elif command.startswith('health_'): if str(admingive_anonymous) == '0': tokens = {} tokens['admin'] = es.getplayername(userid) tokens['user'] = es.getplayername(choice) health = command.replace('health_','') c = '' while len(health) > 3: c = ',' + health[-3:] health = health[0:-3] c = health + c tokens['item'] = '#green' + c + ' #lightgreenhealth' for myplayer in playerlib.getPlayerList('#human'): es.tell(int(myplayer), '#multi', xalanguage('admin give', tokens, myplayer.get("lang"))) es.setplayerprop(choice, 'CBasePlayer.m_iHealth', es.getplayerprop(choice, 'CBasePlayer.m_iHealth') + int(command.replace('health_',''))) elif command.startswith('cash_'): if str(admingive_anonymous) == '0': tokens = {} tokens['admin'] = es.getplayername(userid) tokens['user'] = es.getplayername(choice) cash = command.replace('cash_','') c = '' while len(cash) > 3: c = ',' + cash[-3:] cash = cash[0:-3] c = '$' + cash + c tokens['item'] = '#green' + c for myplayer in playerlib.getPlayerList('#human'): es.tell(int(myplayer), '#multi', xalanguage('admin give', tokens, myplayer.get("lang"))) es.setplayerprop(choice, 'CCSPlayer.m_iAccount', es.getplayerprop(choice, 'CCSPlayer.m_iAccount') + int(command.replace('cash_','')))
def setAttribute(filter, attribute, value): ''' Sets a Player() attribute by userid or by filter: #all, #alive, #dead, #human, #bot, #un, #spec Note: See playerlib.getPlayerList() for the appropriate filters. Usage: from gungame.core.players.shortcuts import setAttribute # Set a custom attribute for all players setAttribute('#all', 'myattribute', 0) # Call this attribute (from some event that provides a userid) es.msg('myattribute for %s = %s' % (event_var['es_username'], Player(event_var['userid']).myattribute)) ''' if isinstance(filter, int): filter = str(filter) if '#' in filter: for userid in getPlayerList(filter): Player(userid)[attribute] = copy(value) return Player(filter)[attribute] = value
def deleteAttribute(filter, attribute): ''' Deletes a Player() attribute by userid or by filter: #all, #alive, #dead, #human, #bot, #un, #spec Note: See playerlib.getPlayerList() for the appropriate filters. Usage: from gungame.core.players.shortcuts import deleteAttribute # Delete a custom attribute for all players deleteAttribute('#all', 'myattribute') # Delete a custom attribute from one player deleteAttribute(event_var['userid'], 'myattribute') ''' if isinstance(filter, int): filter = str(filter) if '#' in filter: for userid in getPlayerList(filter): del Player(userid)[attribute] return del Player(filter)[attribute]
def check(self): """ This function is a function which is repeated every second to check all current player positions and relative smoke grenades. If the player is in range, damage them. """ smokeList = es.createentitylist("smokegrenade_projectile") for entity in self.entities.copy(): if entity in smokeList: x, y, z = map( float, es.getindexprop(entity, 'CBaseEntity.m_vecOrigin').split(",")) player = self.entities[entity] level = sourcerpg.players[player][skillName] for loopPlayer in playerlib.getPlayerList( '#t,#alive' if es.getplayerteam(player) == 3 else '#ct,#alive'): xx, yy, zz = loopPlayer.get('location') if abs(x - xx) <= 220 and abs(y - yy) <= 220 and abs( z - zz) <= 220: es.server.queuecmd('damage %s %s 32 %s' % (int(loopPlayer), level * int(damagePerLevel), player)) es.emitsound( 'player', int(loopPlayer), 'player/damage%s.wav' % random.randint(1, 3), '0.7', '0.6') else: self.removeEntity(entity)
def teleportPlayerToPlayer(userid, choice, popupid): target, recipient = choice if es.getplayerprop(target, '') or es.getplayerprop( recipient, ''): es.tell( userid, xalanguage('one player died', {}, playerlib.getPlayer(userid).get("lang"))) return if not es.exists('userid', target) or not es.exists('userid', recipient): """ One of the player's doesn't exists... Return early and break the function """ return x, y, z = es.getplayerlocation(recipient) z += 100 es.server.queuecmd('es_xsetpos %s %s %s %s' % (target, x, y, z)) if not int(xa_anonymous): args = {} args["admin"] = es.getplayername(userid) args["target"] = es.getplayername(target) args["recipient"] = es.getplayername(recipient) for player in playerlib.getPlayerList("#all"): es.tell( int(player), xalanguage("player sent to player", args, player.get("lang"))) xateleport.logging.log( "has teleported user %s [%s] to user %s [%s]" % (es.getplayername(target), es.getplayersteamid(target), es.getplayername(recipient), es.getplayersteamid(recipient)), userid, True)
def _action_remove(userid, popupid): """ Removes one bot, trying to conserve team balance """ if int(es.ServerVar("bot_quota")): if int(es.getplayercount(2)) > int(es.getplayercount(3)): prefteam = 2 else: prefteam = 3 botlist = playerlib.getPlayerList("#bot") currentbot = None currentlevel = 0 for botid in botlist: level = 1 if int(botid.get("teamid")) == prefteam: level += 4 if int(botid.get("isdead")) == 1: level += 2 if level == 7: # max level, we found our bot >:) es.server.queuecmd("bot_kick " + botid.get("name")) return True if level > currentlevel: currentbot = botid currentlevel = level if currentbot: # we found at least one bot... es.server.queuecmd("bot_kick " + currentbot.get("name")) xabotmanagement.logging.log("kicked bot %s" % currentbot.get("name"), userid, True) return True # TODO: Insert a message here telling that no bots on server # message string: remove_no_bots return True
def start_warmup(self): """Called when Warmup Round needs to start""" # Add Warmup Round to PriorityAddon self.priorities.add( # Set the Warmup Message self.message = "Timer_Ended" # Store a backup of mp_freezetime self.freezetime = int(mp_freezetime) # Set Freeze Time to 0 mp_freezetime.set(0) # Execute the Start Warmup Round cfg es.mexec("gungame51/" + str(warmup_start_file)) # Get the Warmup Weapon self.weapon = self.set_warmup_weapon() # Start the count down self.repeat.start(1, int(warmup_timer)) # Loop through all living players for player in getPlayerList("#alive"): # Give the player the warmup weapon self.give_warmup_weapon(player.userid) # Wait until adding other PriortyAddons delayed(0.1, self.add_priority_addons)
def beacon(userid): userid = int(userid) for player in playerlib.getPlayerList('#alive'): if == 2: iRed = 255 iBlue = 0 else: iRed = 0 iBlue = 255 spe_effects.beamRingPoint( userid, #'#all', # users 0., # fDelay player.location, # vOrigin 0., # fStartRadius 600., # fEndRadius 'sprites/lgtning.vmt', # szModelPath 1, # iHaloIndex 0, # iStartFrame 255, # iFrameRate 0.3, # fLife 12, # fWidth 0, # iSpread 2., # fAmplitude iRed, # iRed 0, # iGreen iBlue, # iBlue 255, # iAlpha 0.5, # iSpeed 0, # iFlags ) gamethread.delayedname(2, 'beacon_%i' % userid, beacon, userid)
def sendSecondMenu(userid, choice, popupid): oldChoice, target = choice if oldChoice == 2: steamid = playerlib.uniqueid(userid, False) lang = playerlib.getPlayer(userid).get("lang") if steamid not in locations: es.tell(userid, "#green", xalanguage("no locations", {}, lang) ) return currentMap = str(es.ServerVar('eventscripts_currentmap')) if currentMap not in locations[steamid]: es.tell(userid, "#green", xalanguage("no map locations", {}, lang) ) return if es.getplayerprop(target, ''): es.tell(userid, xalanguage('one player died', {}, playerlib.getPlayer(userid).get("lang") ) ) return x, y, z = locations[steamid][currentMap] es.server.queuecmd('es_xsetpos %s %s %s %s' % (target, x, y, z + 10) ) if not int(xa_anonymous): args = {} args["player"] = es.getplayername(target) args["admin"] = es.getplayername(userid) for player in playerlib.getPlayerList("#all"): es.tell(int(player), xalanguage("teleport to location", args, player.get("lang") ) ) xateleport.logging.log("has teleported user %s [%s] to their saved location" % (es.getplayername(target), es.getplayersteamid(target)), userid) else: lang = playerlib.getPlayer(userid).get("lang") popupMenu = popuplib.easymenu("xa_teleport_players", "_popup_choice", teleportPlayerToPlayer) popupMenu.settitle(xalanguage["player select to send to"]) for player in filter(lambda x: not es.getplayerprop(x, ""), es.getUseridList()): popupMenu.addoption([target, player], es.getplayername(player), lang=lang) popupMenu.send(userid)
def _Message(self, userid, votename, optionid, option): tokens = {} tokens['username'] = es.getplayername(userid) tokens['option'] = str(option) for player in playerlib.getPlayerList(): es.tell(int(player),'#multi', xalanguage("vote message", tokens, player.get("lang"))) self.display.ChangeDict(option, 1)
def _action_remove(userid, popupid): ''' Removes one bot, trying to conserve team balance ''' if int(es.ServerVar('bot_quota')): if int(es.getplayercount(2)) > int(es.getplayercount(3)): prefteam = 2 else: prefteam = 3 botlist = playerlib.getPlayerList('#bot') currentbot = None currentlevel = 0 for botid in botlist: level = 1 if int(botid.get('teamid')) == prefteam: level += 4 if int(botid.get('isdead')) == 1: level += 2 if level == 7: # max level, we found our bot >:) es.server.queuecmd('bot_kick '+botid.get('name')) return True if level > currentlevel: currentbot = botid currentlevel = level if currentbot: # we found at least one bot... es.server.queuecmd('bot_kick '+currentbot.get('name')) return True # TODO: Insert a message here telling that no bots on server # message string: remove_no_bots return True
def round_end(eventVar): if int(slay): if eventVar["winner"] == "2" and es.getlivingplayercount(3): cts, ts = getPlayerList("#ct"), getPlayerList("#t") for i in cts: i.kill() es.tell(int(i), "#multi", text("lost")) for i in ts: es.tell(int(i), "#multi", text("won")) elif eventVar["winner"] == "3" and es.getlivingplayercount(2): ts, cts = getPlayerList("#t"), getPlayerList("#ct") for i in ts: i.kill() es.tell(int(i), "#multi", text("lost")) for i in cts: es.tell(int(i), "#multi", text("won"))
def load(): for k, v in cvars.items(): es.ServerVar(k, 0, v) es.server.cmd('exec noblock') es.ServerVar('noblock_version', '1.0.0', 'The version of the ES Python noblock script') for k in playerlib.getPlayerList(): players[k.userid] = dict(queued=False) if(es.getInt('noblock_load_advert')): es.msg('#multi', '#green[NoBlock]#default NoBlock has been loaded')
def play_beep(): """Plays a beep sound to all players""" # Loop through all players for player in getPlayerList("#human"): # Play the sound Player(player.userid).playsound("countDownBeep")
def mapmenu_handler(userid, choice, popupname): if gActions[userid] == "changemap": es.server.cmd("changelevel " + choice) elif gActions[userid] == "setnextmap": nextmapvar.set(choice) if str(xa_announce_setnextmap) == "1": for player in playerlib.getPlayerList(): es.tell(player.userid, xalanguage("new next map", {"mapname": choice}, player.get("lang"))) del gActions[userid]
def fillDatabase(): for player in playerlib.getPlayerList('#human'): steamid = sid(int(player)) if steamid not in players: players.newplayer(steamid) players.update(steamid,'sessionstart',player.attributes['timeconnected']) players.update(steamid,'lastseen',time.time()),player.attributes['name']) players.update(steamid,'teamchange_time',player.attributes['timeconnected'])
def _punishment_slay(userid, adminid, args, force): if str(xa_adminslay_anonymous) == '0' and not force: tokens = {} tokens['admin'] = es.getplayername(adminid) tokens['user'] = es.getplayername(userid) for user in playerlib.getPlayerList(): es.tell(int(userid), xalanguage("admin slay", tokens, user.get("lang"))) player = playerlib.getPlayer(userid) player.kill()
def round_end(eventVar): if int(slay): if eventVar["winner"] == "2" and es.getlivingplayercount(3): xaobjectives.logging.log("Counter-Terrorists slayed for failing to meet their objectives") cts, ts = getPlayerList("#ct"), getPlayerList("#t") for i in cts: i.kill() es.tell(int(i), "#multi", text("lost")) for i in ts: es.tell(int(i), "#multi", text("won")) elif eventVar["winner"] == "3" and es.getlivingplayercount(2): xaobjectives.logging.log("Terrorists slayed for failing to meet their objectives") ts, cts = getPlayerList("#t"), getPlayerList("#ct") for i in ts: i.kill() es.tell(int(i), "#multi", text("lost")) for i in cts: es.tell(int(i), "#multi", text("won"))
def round_start(event_var): """Initializes dictionary with the number of grenades each player starts the round with.""" global dict_players dict_players.clear() for player in playerlib.getPlayerList('#all'): dict_current_player = dict_players[int(player)] = {} for str_grenade in dict_grenade_names: dict_current_player[dict_grenade_names[str_grenade]] = player.get(str_grenade)
def _gimp(userid, adminid, args): gimped = players[userid]['gimped'] players[userid]['gimped'] = (1 if not gimped else 0) if str(xa_admingimp_anonymous) == "0": tokens = {} tokens['admin'] = es.getplayername(adminid) tokens['user'] = es.getplayername(userid) for player in playerlib.getPlayerList(): tokens['state'] = xalanguage("gimped", lang=player.get("lang")) if not gimped else xalanguage("ungimped", lang=player.get("lang")) es.tell(int(player), xalanguage("admin state", tokens, player.get("lang")))
def play_admin_say_sound(userid=None): ''' Used to play the admin message sound for everyone to hear. ''' if str(say_admin_soundfile): if userid: es.playsound(userid, str(say_admin_soundfile), 1) else: for p in playerlib.getPlayerList(): es.playsound(int(p), str(say_admin_soundfile), 1)
def _drug(userid, adminid, args): drugged = players[userid]['drugged'] players[userid]['drugged'] = (1 if not drugged else 0) if str(xa_admindrug_anonymous) == "0": tokens = {} tokens['admin'] = es.getplayername(adminid) tokens['user'] = es.getplayername(userid) for player in playerlib.getPlayerList(): tokens['state'] = xalanguage("drugged", lang=player.get("lang")) if not drugged else xalanguage("undrugged", lang=player.get("lang")) es.tell(int(player), xalanguage("admin state", tokens, player.get("lang"))) es.setplayerprop(userid, 'CBasePlayer.m_iDefaultFOV', 165 if not drugged else 90)
def _admin_say_center(userid, message, teamonly): tokens = {} tokens['username'] = es.getplayername(userid) tokens['message'] = message if not teamonly: for player in filter(lambda x: not es.getplayersteamid(x) == "BOT", es.getUseridList()): es.centertell(player, xalanguage('center message', tokens, playerlib.getPlayer(player).get("lang"))) else: for player in playerlib.getPlayerList('#admin_say'): es.centertell(int(player), xalanguage('admin only center message', tokens, player.get("lang"))) return (0,'',0)
def mapmenu_handler(userid,choice,popupname): if gActions[userid] == 'changemap': xamapmanagement.logging.log("changed map to %s" % choice, userid, True ) es.server.queuecmd('changelevel '+choice) elif gActions[userid] == 'setnextmap': nextmapvar.set(choice) if str(xa_announce_setnextmap) == '1': for player in playerlib.getPlayerList(): es.tell(player.userid, xalanguage('new next map', {'mapname':choice}, player.get('lang'))) xamapmanagement.logging.log("set next map set to %s" % choice, userid, True ) del gActions[userid]
def set_all_players_godmode(self, value): """Sets all players GodMode to the given value""" # Store the value to be used on player_spawn self.godmode = value # Loop through all living players for player in getPlayerList("#alive"): # Give the player GodMode player.godmode = value
def _playerlist(userid): es.dbgmsg(1, '*****_playerlist') global playermenu #uncomment following line, #all is for testing only players = playerlib.getPlayerList('#human') #players = playerlib.getPlayerList('#all') playermenu = popuplib.easymenu('playermenu', None, _manage_player) for player in players: name = player.get('name') playermenu.addoption(name, utfcode(name)) playermenu.settitle(lang['current players']) playermenu.send(userid)
def set_nextmap(): mapname = es.getargv(1) if map_check(mapname): nextmapvar.set(mapname) if str(xa_announce_setnextmap) == '1': for player in playerlib.getPlayerList(): es.tell(player.userid, xalanguage('new next map', {'mapname':mapname}, player.get('lang'))) xamapmanagement.logging.log("set next map set to %s" % mapname, es.getcmduserid(), True ) else: userid = int(es.getcmduserid()) if userid: es.tell(userid,'#multi','#green[XA] #default',xalanguage('invalid map',{'mapname':mapname},playerlib.getPlayer(userid).get('lang')))
def _playerlist(userid): es.dbgmsg(1,'*****_playerlist') global playermenu #uncomment following line, #all is for testing only players = playerlib.getPlayerList('#human') #players = playerlib.getPlayerList('#all') playermenu = popuplib.easymenu('playermenu',None,_manage_player) for player in players: name = player.get('name') playermenu.addoption(name,utfcode(name)) playermenu.settitle(lang['current players']) playermenu.send(userid)
def rtv(): """ Executed when a user types 'rtv' in chat """ global votes_in global vote_req_total userid = es.getcmduserid() steamid = es.getplayersteamid(userid) entry(steamid) if not players[steamid][0]: if (time.time() - map_start_time) < float(vote_req_time): tokens = {} tokens['time'] = int(float(vote_req_time) - int( time.time() - map_start_time ) ) es.tell(userid, '#multi', lang('map_time', tokens, playerlib.getPlayer(userid).get('lang') ) ) xartv.logging.log("has been denied the right to RTV as not enough time in the map has passed", userid ) else: if allowVoting: players[steamid][0] = True vote_req_total = int( round(vote_req_p / 100. * len(playerlib.getPlayerList("#human") ) ) ) if not votes_in: name = es.getplayername(userid) for user in es.getUseridList(): tokens = {} tokens['player'] = es.getplayername(user) es.tell(user, '#multi', lang('player_started', tokens, playerlib.getPlayer(user).get('lang') ) ) popuplib.unsend("nomination_menu", user) votes_in += 1 xartv.logging.log("has rocked the vote, %s votes in" % votes_in, userid ) if votes_in >= int(vote_req_min): if votes_in >= vote_req_total: xartv.logging.log("Rock the vote has passed, starting the vote") rtv_init() else: name = es.getplayername(userid) tokens = {} tokens['player'] = name tokens['votes'] = vote_req_total - votes_in xartv.logging.log("%s votes still needed to rock the vote" % (vote_req_total - votes_in) ) for user in es.getUseridList(): es.tell(user, '#multi', lang('req', tokens ,playerlib.getPlayer(user).get('lang') ) ) else: name = es.getplayername(userid) tokens = {} tokens['player'] = name tokens['votes'] = int(vote_req_min) - votes_in for user in es.getUseridList(): es.tell(user, '#multi', lang('req', tokens, playerlib.getPlayer(user).get('lang') ) ) else: es.tell(userid, '#multi', lang('started', lang=playerlib.getPlayer(userid).get('lang') ) ) else: xartv.logging.log("has attempted to RTV more than once", userid) es.tell(userid, '#multi', lang('1vote', lang=playerlib.getPlayer(userid).get('lang') ) )
def giveObject(adminid, userid): command = admins[adminid]['command'] if command.startswith(('health_', 'cash_')): prop = 'CBasePlayer.m_iHealth' if command.startswith('health_') else 'CCSPlayer.m_iAccount' amount = int(command.replace('health_', '').replace('cash_', '')) currentAmount = es.getplayerprop(userid, prop) es.setplayerprop(userid, prop, currentAmount + amount) # issue #70 :: value formatting error strInt = str(amount) thousands = [] while strInt: thousands.append(strInt[-3:]) strInt = strInt[:-3] formattedAmount = ",".join(reversed(thousands)) tokens = {} tokens['admin'] = es.getplayername(adminid) tokens['user'] = es.getplayername(userid) tokens['item'] = '#green%s #lightgreen%s' % (formattedAmount, 'cash' if command.startswith('cash_') else 'health') for tellplayer in playerlib.getPlayerList('#human'): es.tell(int(tellplayer), '#multi', xalanguage('admin give', tokens, tellplayer.get("lang"))) xaadmingive.logging.log("has given player %s %s" % (tokens['user'], tokens['item']), adminid, True) else: weaponName = _remove_prefix(command) fullName = _prepend_prefix(command) if int(admingive_stripfirst) == 1: if fullName in weaponlib.getWeaponNameList('#secondary'): weapon = playerlib.getPlayer(userid).get('secondary') else: weapon = playerlib.getPlayer(userid).get('primary') if weapon: _remove_weapon(userid, weapon) es.delayed(0.1, 'es_xgive %s %s' % (userid, fullName)) if str(admingive_anonymous) == '0': tokens = {} tokens['admin'] = es.getplayername(adminid) tokens['user'] = es.getplayername(userid) for tellplayer in playerlib.getPlayerList('#human'): tokens['item'] = '#greena #lightgreen%s' % weaponName es.tell(int(tellplayer), '#multi', xalanguage('admin give', tokens, tellplayer.get("lang"))) xaadmingive.logging.log("has given player %s %s" % (tokens['user'], tokens['item']), adminid, True)
def foreach_player(variable, identifier, command): if '#' in identifier: identifier = identifier.replace('#', ',#')[1:] for userid in playerlib.getUseridList(identifier): variable.set(int(userid)) es.server.cmd(command) elif identifier: for player in playerlib.getPlayerList('#all'): if identifier.lower() in player.attributes['name'].lower() or identifier == player.attributes['steamid'] or identifier == str(player): variable.set(int(player)) es.server.cmd(command) else: es.dbgmsg(0, 'foreach player: The identifier "%s" does not exists' % identifier)