コード例 #1
ファイル: runner.py プロジェクト: p15zerv/compilers1718a2
    def create_scanner(self, fp):
        """ Creates a plex scanner for a particular grammar
        to operate on file object fp. """

        self.run_values = []
        self.vars = {}

        # define some pattern constructs
        letter = plex.Range('azAZ')
        digit = plex.Range('09')
        id = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)

        bool_values = plex.NoCase(plex.Str('true', 'false', 't', 'f', '0', '1'))
        operator = plex.Str('and', 'or', 'not', '(', ')', '=')
        space = plex.Any(' \t\n')
        print_keyword = plex.Str('print')

        # the scanner lexicon - constructor argument is a list of (pattern,action ) tuples
        lexicon = plex.Lexicon([
            (print_keyword, plex.TEXT),
            (operator, plex.TEXT),
            (bool_values, 'BOOL'),
            (id, 'IDENTIFIER'),
            (space, plex.IGNORE),

        # create and store the scanner object
        self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon, fp)

        # get initial lookahead
        self.la, self.val = self.next_token()
コード例 #2
	def __init__(self):
		letter = plex.Range('azAZ')
		digit = plex.Range('01')
		digitvalue = plex.Rep1(digit) #oi times twn metavlitwn a kai b
		name = letter + plex.Rep(letter|digit)
		space = plex.Any(' \n\t')
		Keyword = plex.Str('print','PRINT')
		equals = plex.Str( '=')
		leftparen = plex.Str('(')
		rightparen = plex.Str(')')
		and_token = plex.Str('&')
		or_token = plex.Str('|')
		xor_token = plex.Str('^')
		self.lexicon = plex.Lexicon([   
			(Keyword, 'PRINT_TOKEN'),
			(name, 'ID_TOKEN'),
			(equals, 'EQUALS_TOKEN'),
			(leftparen, '('),
			(rightparen, ')'),
			(and_token, '&'),
			(or_token, '|'),
			(xor_token, '^'),
			(digitvalue, 'digitvalue'),
			(space, plex.IGNORE)			
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self):
        DIGIT = plex.Range("09")
        LETTER = plex.Range('azAZ')
        NUMBER = plex.Rep1(plex.Any('01'))
        XOR_OPERATOR = plex.Str("^")
        OR_OPERATOR = plex.Str("|")
        AND_OPERATOR = plex.Str("&")
        EQUALITY_OPERATOR = plex.Str("=")
        OPEN_PARENTHESES = plex.Str("(")
        CLOSE_PARENTHESES = plex.Str(")")
        PRINT_TOKEN = plex.Str("print")
        SPACE = plex.Any(" \n\t")

        self.LEXICON = plex.Lexicon([(SPACE, plex.IGNORE),
                                     (NUMBER, "NUMBER"),
                                     (XOR_OPERATOR, "^"),
                                     (OR_OPERATOR, "|"),
                                     (AND_OPERATOR, "&"),
                                     (EQUALITY_OPERATOR, "="),
                                     (PRINT_TOKEN, "PRINT"),
                                     (OPEN_PARENTHESES, "("),
                                     (IDENTIFIER_TOKEN_OPERATOR, "IDENTIFIER"),
                                     (CLOSE_PARENTHESES, ")")])
        self.VARS = {}
コード例 #4
	    def create_scanner(self, fp):
	        and_operator = plex.Str('and')
	        or_operator = plex.Str('or')
	        xor_operator = plex.Str('xor')
	        assignment_operator = plex.Str('=')
	        print_operator = plex.Str('print')

	        space = plex.Any(' \t\n')
	        parenthesis_opened = plex.Str('(')
	        parenthesis_closed = plex.Str(')')
	        binary = plex.Rep1(plex.Range('01'))
	        digit = plex.Range('09')
	        letter = plex.Range('AZaz')        
	        variable = letter + plex.Rep(letter|digit)

	        lexicon = plex.Lexicon([
	            (and_operator, 'and'),
	            (or_operator, 'or'),
	            (xor_operator, 'xor'),
	            (assignment_operator, '='),
	            (print_operator, 'print'),            
	            (space, plex.IGNORE),
	            (parenthesis_opened, '('),
	            (parenthesis_closed, ')'),
	            (binary, 'bin'),
	            (variable, 'var')            

	       	        self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon, fp)
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self):
        keyword = plex.Str('print', 'PRINT')
        letter = plex.Range('azAZ')
        num = plex.Range('09')
        space = plex.Any(" \n\t")
        name = letter + plex.Rep(letter | num)
        digit = plex.Range('01')
        binary = plex.Rep1(digit)
        eq = plex.Str('=')
        paren1 = plex.Str('(')
        paren2 = plex.Str(')')
        and_op = plex.Str('and')
        or_op = plex.Str('or')
        xor_op = plex.Str('xor')
        self.st = {}

        self.lexicon = plex.Lexicon([
            (binary, 'BINARY_TOKEN'),
            (keyword, 'PRINT'),
            (name, 'IDENTIFIER'),
            (space, plex.IGNORE),
            (and_op, plex.TEXT),
            (or_op, plex.TEXT),
            (xor_op, plex.TEXT),
            (eq, '='),
            (paren1, '('),
            (paren2, ')'),
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self):
        DIGIT = plex.Range("09")
        BINARY_DIGIT = plex.Range("01")
        LETTER = plex.Range('azAZ')
        BINARY_TOKEN = plex.Rep1(BINARY_DIGIT)
        AND_TOKEN = plex.Str("and")
        OR_TOKEN = plex.Str("or")
        XOR_TOKEN = plex.Str("xor")
        EQUALITY_OPERATOR = plex.Str("=")
        OPEN_PARENTHESES = plex.Str("(")
        CLOSE_PARENTHESES = plex.Str(")")
        PRINT_TOKEN = plex.Str("print")
        SPACE = plex.Any(" \n\t")

        self.LEXICON = plex.Lexicon([(SPACE, plex.IGNORE),
                                     (BINARY_TOKEN, "binary"),
                                     (AND_TOKEN, "and"), (OR_TOKEN, "or"),
                                     (XOR_TOKEN, "xor"),
                                     (EQUALITY_OPERATOR, "="),
                                     (PRINT_TOKEN, "print"),
                                     (OPEN_PARENTHESES, "("),
                                     (CLOSE_PARENTHESES, ")"),
                                     (IDENTIFIER_TOKEN_OPERATOR, "id")])

        self.ST = {}
コード例 #7
    def create_scanner(self, fp):

        # define some pattern constructs
        decimal = plex.Range('09')
        binary = plex.Range('01')
        letter = plex.Range('azAZ')

        equals = plex.Str('=')
        lPar = plex.Str('(')
        rPar = plex.Str(')')
        space = plex.Any(' \n\t')
        binary = plex.Rep1(binaryDigit)
        name = letter + plex.Rep(letter | decimalDigit)
        printOp = plex.Str('print')
        andOp = plex.Str('and')
        orOp = plex.Str('or')
        xorOp = plex.Str('xor')

        # the scanner lexicon - constructor argument is a list of (pattern,action ) tuples
        self.lexicon = plex.Lexicon([(space, plex.IGNORE), (lPar, plex.TEXT),
                                     (rPar, plex.TEXT), (equals, plex.TEXT),
                                     (printOp, plex.TEXT),
                                     (binary, 'BINARY_NUM'),
                                     (andOp, plex.TEXT), (orOp, plex.TEXT),
                                     (xorOp, plex.TEXT), (name, 'id')])

        # create and store the scanner object
        self.scanner = plex.Scanner(self.lexicon, fp)

        # get initial lookahead
        self.la, self.val = self.next_token()
コード例 #8
	def create_scanner(self,fp):
		""" Creates a plex scanner for a particular grammar 
		to operate on file object fp. """

		# define some pattern constructs
		letter = plex.Range("AZaz") #letter
		digit = plex.Range("09") #digit

		identifier = letter+plex.Rep(letter|digit) #always starts with letter
		b_var = plex.Str('true','TRUE','True','t','T','false','FALSE','False','f','F','0','1') #t,T,f,F after full words for correct matching

		assign = plex.Str('=')
		parenthesis = plex.Str('(',')')

		keyword = plex.Str('print')
		operator = plex.Str('not','and','or')
		space=plex.Rep1(plex.Any(' \n\t'))

		# the scanner lexicon - constructor argument is a list of (pattern,action ) tuples
		lexicon = plex.Lexicon([
			(keyword, plex.TEXT), #keywords and b_vars before identifiers for correct matching
		# create and store the scanner object
		self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon,fp)
		# get initial lookahead
		self.la,self.val = self.next_token()
コード例 #9
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: p13papa1/compilers1718a2
class MyParser:
	def create_scanner(self,fp):
		""" Creates a plex scanner for a particular grammar 
		to operate on file object fp. """

		# define some pattern constructs
		letter = plex.Range("AZaz")
		digit = plex.Range("09")

		keywords = plex.Str("print", "not", "and", "or")
                true_keyword = plex.NoCase(plex.Str("true", "t", "1"))
                false_keyword = plex.NoCase(plex.Str("false", "f", "0"))
                identifier = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)
                assign = plex.Str("=")
                parenthesis = plex.Str("(", ")")
                space = plex.Rep1(plex.Any(" \n\t"))

           lexicon = plex.Lexicon([
            (keywords, plex.TEXT),
            (true_keyword, "True"),
            (false_keyword, "False"),
            (identifier, "IDENTIFIER"),
            (assign, "="),
            (parenthesis, plex.TEXT),
            (space, plex.IGNORE)
		self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon,fp)
		self.la,self.val = self.next_token()
コード例 #10
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: p15kara3/compilers1718a2
    def create_scanner(self, fp):
        """ Creates a plex scanner for a particular grammar 
		to operate on file object fp. """

        # define some pattern constructs
        letter = plex.Range("AZaz")
        digit = plex.Range("09")
        identifier = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)
        telestes = plex.Str('=')
        parenthesi = plex.Any('()')

        keyword = plex.Str('print')
        AndOrOp = plex.Str('and', 'or')
        NotOp = plex.Str('not')

        BoolTrue = plex.NoCase(plex.Str('true', 't', '1'))
        BoolFalse = plex.NoCase(plex.Str('false', 'f', '0'))

        space = plex.Any(" \t\n")

        # the scanner lexicon - constructor argument is a list of (pattern,action ) tuples
        lexicon = plex.Lexicon([(keyword, plex.TEXT), (space, plex.IGNORE),
                                (NotOp, plex.TEXT), (AndOrOp, plex.TEXT),
                                (BoolTrue, 'TRUE'), (BoolFalse, 'FALSE'),
                                (parenthesi, plex.TEXT),
                                (identifier, 'IDENTIFIER'),
                                (telestes, plex.TEXT)])

        # create and store the scanner object
        self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon, fp)

        # get initial lookahead
        self.la, self.val = self.next_token()
コード例 #11
    def create_scanner(self, fp):
        """ Creates a plex scanner for a particular grammar 
        to operate on file object fp. """

        # define some pattern constructs
        letter = plex.Range("AZaz")
        digit = plex.Range("09")
        binary = plex.Rep1(plex.Any("01"))

        id = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)
        operator = plex.Str("and", "or", "xor", "=")
        paren = plex.Any("()")
        space = plex.Any(" \t\n")
        comment = plex.Str("{") + plex.Rep(plex.AnyBut("}")) + plex.Str("}")
        keyword = plex.NoCase(plex.Str("print"))

        # the scanner lexicon - constructor argument is a list of (pattern,action ) tuples
        lexicon = plex.Lexicon([(binary, "binary"), (operator, plex.TEXT),
                                (keyword, plex.TEXT), (paren, plex.TEXT),
                                (space | comment, plex.IGNORE), (id, 'id')])

        # create and store the scanner object
        self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon, fp)

        # get initial lookahead
        self.la, self.val = self.next_token()
コード例 #12
 def __init__(self):
     #ta pattern pou xreiazomaste
     string = plex.Range("azAZ")
     token_equals = plex.Str('=')
     token_leftParenthesis = plex.Str('(')
     token_rightParenthesis = plex.Str(')')
     number = plex.Range('01')
     space = plex.Any(' \n\t')
     token_xor = plex.Str('xor')
     token_or = plex.Str('or')
     token_and = plex.Str('and')
     identifier = string + plex.Rep(string | number)
     binary = plex.Rep1(number)
     token_print = plex.Str('print')
     #to scanner leksiko
     self.lexicon = plex.Lexicon([
         (token_xor, 'xor'),
         (token_or, 'or'),
         (token_and, 'and'),
         (token_leftParenthesis, '('),
         (token_rightParenthesis, ')'),
         (token_equals, '='),
         (binary, 'binary'),
         (token_print, 'print'),
         (identifier, 'id'),
         (space, plex.IGNORE),
コード例 #13
ファイル: runner.py プロジェクト: geocfu/compilers1819a2
    def __init__(self):
        space = plex.Any(' \n\t')
        symbol_xor = plex.Str('xor')
        symbol_or = plex.Str('or')
        symbol_and = plex.Str('and')
        letter = plex.Range("azAZ")
        symbol_equals = plex.Str('=')
        symbol_leftParenthesis = plex.Str('(')
        symbol_rightParenthesis = plex.Str(')')
        digit = plex.Range('01')
        identifier = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)
        binary_number = plex.Rep1(digit)
        keyword_print = plex.Str('print')

        self.lexicon = plex.Lexicon([
            (symbol_leftParenthesis, '('),
            (symbol_rightParenthesis, ')'),
            (symbol_xor, 'xor'),
            (symbol_or, 'or'),
            (symbol_and, 'and'),
            (symbol_equals, '='),
            (binary_number, 'binary'),
            (keyword_print, 'print'),
            (identifier, 'id'),
            (space, plex.IGNORE),
        self.st = {}
コード例 #14
    def create_scanner(self, fp):
        """ Creates a plex scanner for a particular grammar 
                to operate on file object fp. """

        # define some pattern constructs
        letter = plex.Range("AZaz")
        digit = plex.Range("09")

        id = plex.Rep1(letter | digit)
        var = plex.Rep1(letter | digit)
        operator = plex.Any("!?()=#")
        space = plex.Any(" \t\n")

        # the scanner lexicon - constructor argument is a list of (pattern,action ) tuples
        lexicon = plex.Lexicon([(operator, plex.TEXT), (space, plex.IGNORE),
                                (Str("id"), plex.TEXT),
                                (Str("print"), plex.TEXT),
                                (Str("or"), plex.TEXT),
                                (Str("and"), plex.TEXT),
                                (Str("not"), plex.TEXT), (var, 'var')])

        # create and store the scanner object
        self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon, fp)

        # get initial lookahead
        self.la, self.val = self.next_token()
コード例 #15
	def __init__(self):
		letter = plex.Range("Azaz")
		digit  = plex.Range("09")
		binary = plex.Range("01")
		id_token= letter + plex.Rep(letter|digit)
      		and_token = plex.Str('and')
        	or_token= plex.Str('or')
        	xor = plex.Str('xor')
        	equals = plex.Str('=')
        	open_parenthesis= plex.Str('(')
        	close_parenthesis= plex.Str(')')
        	print_token = plex.Str('print')
        	space = plex.Any(' \n\t')
		binary_num = Rep1(binary)

		# the scanner lexicon - constructor argument is a list of (pattern,action ) tuples
		self.LEXICON = plex.Lexicon([(space, plex.IGNORE),
                                    	     (and_token, 'and'),
                                             (or_token, 'or'),
                                             (xor, 'xor'),
                                             (equals, '='),
                                             (print_token, 'print'),
                                             (open_parenthesis, '('),
                                             (close_parenthesis, ')'),
                                             (binary_num, 'binary_num'),
                                             (id_token, 'id')])
コード例 #16
 def __init__(self):
     letter = plex.Range('azAZ')
     and_operatorop = plex.Str('and')
     or_operatorop = plex.Str('or')
     xor_operatorop = plex.Str('xor')
     num = plex.Range('09')
     digit = plex.Range('01')
     IDsymbol = letter + plex.Rep(letter | num)
     space = plex.Any(' \n\t')
     Keyword = plex.Str('print', 'PRINT')
     binary = plex.Rep1(digit)
     equals = plex.Str('=')
     parethensys1 = plex.Str('(')
     parethensys2 = plex.Str(')')
     self.varList = {}
     self.lexicon = plex.Lexicon([
         (Keyword, 'PRINT'),
         (and_operatorop, plex.TEXT),
         (or_operatorop, plex.TEXT),
         (xor_operatorop, plex.TEXT),
         (IDsymbol, 'IDENTIFIER'),  #name = letter + plex.Rep(letter|digit)
         (binary, 'BIN_NUM'),
         (equals, '='),
         (parethensys1, '('),
         (parethensys2, ')'),
         (space, plex.IGNORE)
コード例 #17
    def create_scanner(self, fp):

        logvalTrue = plex.NoCase(plex.Str('true', 't', '1'))
        logvalFalse = plex.NoCase(plex.Str('false', 'f', '0'))
        digit = plex.Range('09')
        letter = plex.Range('azAZ')

        identifier = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)
        keyword = plex.Str('print')
        Moperator = plex.Str('and', 'or')
        Soperator = plex.Str('not')
        equals = plex.Str("=")
        parenthesis = plex.Any("()")
        space = plex.Rep1(plex.Any(' \n\t'))

        lexicon = plex.Lexicon([(keyword, plex.TEXT), (Moperator, plex.TEXT),
                                (Soperator, plex.TEXT),
                                (logvalTrue, 'LOGVALTRUE'),
                                (logvalFalse, 'LOGVALFALSE'),
                                (identifier, 'IDENTIFIER'),
                                (space, plex.IGNORE), (Moperator, plex.TEXT),
                                (Soperator, plex.TEXT),
                                (parenthesis, plex.TEXT), (equals, plex.TEXT)])

        self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon, fp)
        self.la, self.val = self.next_token()
コード例 #18
    def create_scanner(self, fp):
        letter = plex.Range('azAZ')  #ena gramma
        digit = plex.Range('09')  #ena pshfio

        telesths3 = plex.Str('=')

        parenthesis = plex.Str('(', ')')
        name = letter + plex.Rep(
            letter | digit)  #gramma kai  perissotera pshfia  h grammata
        boolFalse = plex.NoCase(plex.Str('false', 'f', '0'))
        boolTrue = plex.NoCase(plex.Str('true', 't', '1'))
        space = plex.Rep1(plex.Any(' \n\t'))
        keyword = plex.Str('print', 'not', 'or', 'and')

        simple_comment = plex.Str('//') + plex.Rep(
            plex.AnyBut('\n'))  #sbhnei ta sxolia kati pou den einai new line

        lexicon = plex.Lexicon([
            (keyword, plex.TEXT),
            (boolTrue, 'true'),
            (boolFalse, 'false'),
            (name, 'IDENTIFIER'),
            (space, plex.IGNORE),
            (telesths3, '='),
            (parenthesis, plex.TEXT),
            (simple_comment, plex.IGNORE)  #kanei ignore ta comment

        self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon, fp)
        self.la, self.val = self.next_token()
コード例 #19
ファイル: runner.py プロジェクト: rdnt/compilers1819a2
    def __init__(self):

        letter = plex.Range('azAz')
        digit = plex.Range('09')

        ID = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)

        BINARY = plex.Rep1(plex.Range('01'))

        AND = plex.Str('and')
        OR = plex.Str('or')
        XOR = plex.Str('xor')

        ASSIGN = plex.Str('=')

        LEFTPAR = plex.Str('(')
        RIGHTPAR = plex.Str(')')

        PRINT = plex.NoCase(plex.Str('PRINT'))

        self.lexicon = plex.Lexicon([(AND, 'AND'), (OR, 'OR'), (XOR, 'XOR'),
                                     (ASSIGN, 'ASSIGN'), (LEFTPAR, 'LEFTPAR'),
                                     (RIGHTPAR, 'RIGHTPAR'), (PRINT, 'PRINT'),
                                     (BINARY, 'BINARY'), (ID, 'ID'),
                                     (plex.Rep1(plex.Any(" \t\n")),

        self.stack = {}
コード例 #20
	def __init__(self):
		AND_OP = plex.Str('and')
		OR_OP = plex.Str('or')
		XOR_OP = plex.Str('xor')
		ASSIGN_OP = plex.Str('=')
		OPEN_PAR = plex.Str('(')
		CLOSE_PAR = plex.Str(')')
		PRINT_TOKEN = plex.Str('print')
		DIGIT = plex.Range('09')
		BINARY = plex.Range('01')
		LETTER = plex.Range('AZaz')
		B_NUM = plex.Rep1(BINARY)
		SPACE = plex.Any(' \n\t')
		self.LEXICON = plex.Lexicon([
			(AND_OP, 'and'),
			(OR_OP, 'or'),
			(XOR_OP, 'xor'),
			(SPACE, plex.IGNORE),
			(ASSIGN_OP, '='),
			(PRINT_TOKEN, 'print'),
			(OPEN_PAR, '('),
			(CLOSE_PAR, ')'),
			(ID_TOKEN, 'id'),
			(B_NUM, 'b_num')
		self.ST = {}
コード例 #21
    def __init__(self):
        letter = plex.Range('azAZ')
        digit = plex.Range('01')
        num = plex.Range('09')
        name = letter + plex.Rep(letter | num)
        space = plex.Any(' \n\t')
        Keyword = plex.Str('print', 'PRINT')
        bin = plex.Rep1(digit)
        ando = plex.Str('and')
        oro = plex.Str('or')
        xoro = plex.Str('xor')
        equals = plex.Str('=')

        parethensys1 = plex.Str('(')
        parethensys2 = plex.Str(')')

        self.st = {}

        self.lexicon = plex.Lexicon([
            (Keyword, 'PRINT_TOKEN'),
            (ando, plex.TEXT),
            (oro, plex.TEXT),
            (xoro, plex.TEXT),
            (name, 'ID_TOKEN'),  #name = letter + plex.Rep(letter|digit)
            (bin, 'BIN_NUM'),
            (equals, '='),
            (parethensys1, '('),
            (parethensys2, ')'),
            (space, plex.IGNORE)
コード例 #22
    def create_scanner(self, fp):
        """ Creates a plex scanner for a particular grammar 
        to operate on file object fp. """

        # define some pattern constructs
        letter = plex.Range("AZaz")
        demicalDigit = plex.Range("09")
        binaryDigit = plex.Range('01')

        equals = plex.Str('=')
        parentheniL = plex.Str('(')
        parentheniR = plex.Str(')')
        binaryNumber = plex.Rep1(binaryDigit)
        name = letter + plex.Rep(letter | demicalDigit)
        space = plex.Any(" \t\n")
        print_key = plex.Str('print')
        andOperator = plex.Str('and')
        orOperator = plex.Str('or')
        xorOperator = plex.Str('xor')
        self.variableList = {}

        # the scanner lexicon - constructor argument is a list of (pattern,action ) tuples
        lexicon = plex.Lexicon([(space, plex.IGNORE), (parentheniL, plex.TEXT),
                                (parentheniR, plex.TEXT), (equals, plex.TEXT),
                                (print_key, 'print'), (binaryNumber, 'number'),
                                (andOperator, plex.TEXT),
                                (orOperator, plex.TEXT),
                                (xorOperator, plex.TEXT), (name, 'id')])

        # create and store the scanner object
        self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon, fp)

        # get initial lookahead
        self.la, self.text = self.next_token()
コード例 #23
    def create_scanner(self, fp):
        """ Creates a plex scanner for a particular grammar 
        to operate on file object fp.
        # Define some pattern constructs
        and_op = plex.Str('and')
        or_op = plex.Str('or')
        xor_op = plex.Str('xor')
        assignment_op = plex.Str('=')
        print_op = plex.Str('print')

        space = plex.Any(' \t\n')
        parenthesis_open = plex.Str('(')
        parenthesis_close = plex.Str(')')
        binary = plex.Rep1(plex.Range('01'))
        digit = plex.Range('09')
        letter = plex.Range('AZaz')
        variable = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)

        # The scanner lexicon - constructor argument is
        # a list of (pattern, action) tuples
        lexicon = plex.Lexicon([(and_op, 'and'), (or_op, 'or'),
                                (xor_op, 'xor'), (assignment_op, '='),
                                (print_op, 'print'), (space, plex.IGNORE),
                                (parenthesis_open, '('),
                                (parenthesis_close, ')'), (binary, 'bin'),
                                (variable, 'id')])

        # Create and store the scanner object, and get initial lookahead
        self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon, fp)
        self.la, self.val = self.next_token()

        # Create a dictionary to store variables from file
        self.vars = {}
コード例 #24
    def create_scanner(self, fp):
        letter = plex.Range("azAZ")
        digit = plex.Range("09")
        name = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)
        space = plex.Rep1(plex.Any(" \n\t"))
        keyword = plex.Str("print")

        operator_and_or = plex.Str("and", "or")
        operator_not = plex.Str("not")
        operator_equal = plex.Str("=")
        operator_parenth = plex.Str("(", ")")
        operator_false = plex.NoCase(plex.Str(
            '0', 'f', 'false'))  #den exei shmasia an einai kefalaia h mikra
        operator_true = plex.NoCase(plex.Str(
            '1', 't', 'true'))  # den exei shmasia an einai kefalaia h mikra

        lexicon = plex.Lexicon([(keyword, plex.TEXT),
                                (operator_and_or, plex.TEXT),
                                (operator_not, plex.TEXT),
                                (operator_false, "FALSE"),
                                (operator_true, "TRUE"), (name, "IDENTIFIER"),
                                (space, plex.IGNORE),
                                (operator_parenth, plex.TEXT),
                                (operator_equal, plex.TEXT)])

        self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon, fp)
        self.la, self.val = self.next_token()
コード例 #25
ファイル: runner.py プロジェクト: ntzora/compilers1718a2
    def create_scanner(self, text):
        """ Creates a plex scanner for a particular grammar """

        # define some pattern constructs
        letter = plex.Range("AZaz")
        digit = plex.Range("09")
        boolean = plex.NoCase(plex.Str("true", "false", "t", "f", "0", "1"))
        andoroperators = plex.Str("and", "or")
        notoperator = plex.Str("not")
        equal = plex.Str("=")

        v = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)
        parenthesis = plex.Str("(", ")")
        output = plex.Str("print")
        spaces = plex.Any(" \t\n")

        # the scanner lexicon - constructor argument is a list of (pattern,action ) tuples
        lexicon = plex.Lexicon([
            (andoroperators, 'AND/OR'),
            (notoperator, 'NOT'),
            (boolean, 'BOOLEAN'),
            (equal, '='),
            (parenthesis, plex.TEXT),
            (output, 'PRINT'),
            (spaces, plex.IGNORE),
            (v, 'VARIABLE'
             )  #v for variable to match grammar rules given in report

        # create and store the scanner object
        self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon, text)

        # get initial lookahead
        self.la, self.val = self.next_token()
コード例 #26
    def create_scanner(self, fp):
        """ Creates a plex scanner for a particular grammar 
		to operate on file object fp. """

        # define some pattern constructs
        notop = plex.Str("not")
        andop = plex.Str("and")
        orop = plex.Str("or")
        true = plex.NoCase(plex.Str("true", "t", "1"))
        false = plex.NoCase(plex.Str("false", "f", "0"))
        equals = plex.Str("=")

        letter = plex.Range("AZaz")
        digit = plex.Range("09")

        variable = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)
        parenthesis = plex.Str("(", ")")
        keyword = plex.Str("print")
        space = plex.Any(" \t\n")

        # the scanner lexicon - constructor argument is a list of (pattern,action ) tuples
        lexicon = plex.Lexicon([(notop, plex.TEXT), (andop, plex.TEXT),
                                (orop, plex.TEXT), (true, 'TRUE'),
                                (false, 'FALSE'), (equals, plex.TEXT),
                                (parenthesis, plex.TEXT), (space, plex.IGNORE),
                                (keyword, plex.TEXT), (variable, 'VAR')])

        # create and store the scanner object
        self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon, fp)

        # get initial lookahead
        self.la, self.val = self.next_token()
コード例 #27
	def create_scanner(self,fp):
		""" Creates a plex scanner for a particular grammar 
		to operate on file object fp. """

		letter = plex.Range("azAZ")
		digit = plex.Range("09")

		ops = plex.Str("not", "and", "or")
		kprint = plex.Str("print")
		true = plex.NoCase(plex.Str("true", "t", "1"))
		false = plex.NoCase(plex.Str("false", "f", "0"))
		identifier = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)
		assign = plex.Str("=")
		space = plex.Rep1(plex.Any(" \n\t"))
		par = plex.Any("()")

		lexicon = plex.Lexicon([
			(kprint, "PRINT"),
			(ops, plex.TEXT),
            (true, "TRUE"),
            (false, "FALSE"),
            (identifier, "ID"),
            (assign, "="),
            (par, plex.TEXT),
            (space, plex.IGNORE)
		self.scanner = plex.Scanner(lexicon, fp)
		self.la, self.val = self.next_token()
コード例 #28
 def __init__(self):
     space = plex.Any(" \n\t")
     schar = plex.Str('(', ')')
     letter = plex.Range('azAZ')
     digit = plex.Range('09')
     bit = plex.Range('01')
     bits = plex.Rep1(bit)
     name = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)
     keyword = plex.Str('print', 'PRINT')
     operator = plex.Str('AND', 'OR', 'XOR', '=')
     self.st = {}
     self.lexicon = plex.Lexicon([(operator, plex.TEXT), (keyword, 'PRINT'),
                                  (schar, plex.TEXT), (name, 'IDENTIFIER'),
                                  (bits, 'bit_token'),
                                  (space, plex.IGNORE)])
コード例 #29
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: NoviceDream/compilers1819a2
 def __init__(self):
     YEET = plex.Any(" \n\t")
     Parentheseis = plex.Str('(', ')')
     letter = plex.Range('azAZ')
     digit = plex.Range('09')
     name = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)
     bitch = plex.Range('01')
     ban = plex.Rep1(bitch)
     keyword = plex.Str('print', 'PRINT')
     operator = plex.Str('AND', 'OR', 'XOR', '=')
     self.lexicon = plex.Lexicon([(operator, plex.TEXT), (ban, 'BIT_TOKEN'),
                                  (keyword, 'PRINT'),
                                  (Parentheseis, plex.TEXT),
                                  (name, 'IDENTIFIER'),
                                  (YEET, plex.IGNORE)])
コード例 #30
ファイル: runner.py プロジェクト: p16karg/compilers1819a2
 def __init__(self):
     space = plex.Any(" \n\t")
     par = plex.Str('(', ')')
     letter = plex.Range('azAZ')
     digit = plex.Range('09')
     name = letter + plex.Rep(letter | digit)
     bit = plex.Range('01')
     bits = plex.Rep1(bit)
     keyword = plex.Str('print', 'PRINT')
     space = plex.Any(" \n\t")
     operator = plex.Str('^', '&', '|', '=')
     self.st = {}
     self.lexicon = plex.Lexicon([(operator, plex.TEXT),
                                  (bits, 'BIT_TOKEN'), (keyword, 'PRINT'),
                                  (par, plex.TEXT), (name, 'IDENTIFIER'),
                                  (space, plex.IGNORE)])