コード例 #1
def centroid_bootstrap(catalog):
  centfile = settings.RMSD_CENTROID_FILE
  centroid = np.load(centfile)
  cent_npts = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]  # TBD
  numLabels = len(centroid)
  binlist = [(a, b) for a in range(numLabels) for b in range(numLabels)]
  logging.info("Loaded Starting Centroids from %s", centfile)

  name = catalog.get('name')
  if name is None:
    logging.info('Name not configured in this catalog. Set it and try again')

  # Load/Set initial (current) Configs from Catalog
  if catalog.exists('thetas'):
    thetas = catalog.loadNPArray('thetas')
    thetas = np.zeros(shape=(numLabels, numLabels))
    thetas[:] = 0.25

  if catalog.exists('transition_sensitivity'):
    trans_factor = catalog.loadNPArray('transition_sensitivity')
    trans_factor = 0.2
  use_gradient = True
  obs_count = {ab: 0 for ab in binlist}
  C_delta = []
  T_delta = []

  # Configure Noise Filter
  noise = int(catalog.get('obs_noise'))
  dcdfreq = int(catalog.get('dcdfreq'))
  stepsize = int(catalog.get('sim_step_size'))
  nwidth = noise//(2*stepsize)
  noisefilt = lambda x, i: np.mean(x[max(0,i-nwidth):min(i+nwidth, len(x))], axis=0)

  # Get previously Labeled data (or label data IAW current settings)
  eid = db.get_expid(name)
  obslist = [i[0] for i in db.runquery('SELECT obs FROM obs WHERE expid=%d' % eid)]
  jobs = [i[0] for i in sorted(catalog.hgetall('anl_sequence').items(), key=lambda x: x[1])]
  shape = None

  # Initialize lists for pair-wise distances (top 2 nearest centroids)
  diffList  = {}
  transList = {}
  scatPlot  = {}
  for A in range(0, numLabels-1):
    for B in range(A+1, numLabels):
      diffList[(A, B)]  = []
      transList[(A, B)] = []
      scatPlot[(A, B)]  = []
  allScat = []
  # Load trajectories & filter
  obs_global = []

  # Process learning in batches (static batch size to start)
  batch_size = 25
  max_obs = 150
  batch = 0
  while batch <= max_obs:
    logging.info("Procssing Jobs %d - %d", batch, batch+batch_size)
    exec_sim = []
    obs_list = []
    for job in jobs[batch:batch+25]:
      conf = catalog.hgetall('jc_' + job)
      traj = md.load(conf['dcd'], top=conf['pdb'])
      alpha = datareduce.filter_alpha(traj)
      conf['alpha'] = alpha.xyz
      if shape is None:
        shape = conf['alpha'].shape[1:]

      # xyz_filtered = np.array([noisefilt(alpha.xyz, i) for i in range(alpha.n_frames)])
      rmslist = calc_rmsd(alpha, centroid)
      labels = []
      for rms in rmslist:
        # [cw[i]*LA.norm(pt - centroid[i]) for i in range(5)]
        A, B = np.argsort(rms)[:2]
        delta = np.abs(rms[B] - rms[A])
        if delta < thetas[A][B]:
          sub_state = B
          sub_state = A
        classify = (A, sub_state)
        obs_count[classify] += 1

        # For globally updating Thetas
        if A < B:
          diffList[(A, B)].append(rms[A] - rms[B])
          diffList[(B, A)].append(rms[B] - rms[A])

        for a in range(0, numLabels-1):
          for b in range(a+1, numLabels):
            transList[(a, b)].append(rms[a] - rms[b])
            if (a, a) == classify or (b, b) == classify:
              c = 'b'
            elif (a, b) == classify or (b, a) == classify:
              c = 'g'
            elif a == A or b == A:
              c = 'r'
              c = 'black'
            scatPlot[(a, b)].append((rms[a] - rms[b], c))

    logging.info('Bin Distribution:')
    grpby = {}
    for llist in obs_list:
      for l in llist:
        if l not in grpby:
          grpby[l] = 0
        grpby[l] += 1
    for k in sorted(grpby.keys()):
      logging.info('%s:  %5d', k, grpby[k])
    for A in range(0, numLabels-1):
      for B in range(A+1, numLabels):
        d = diffList[(A, B)]
        logging.info('Diff list for %d,%d:  %d, %5.2f, %5.2f', A, B, len(d), min(d), max(d))

    # # 6. Apply Heuristics Labeling
    # # logging.debug('Applying Labeling Heuristic. Origin:   %d, %d', srcA, srcB)
    # rmslabel = []
    # label_count = {ab: 0 for ab in binlist}
    # groupbystate = [[] for i in range(numLabels)]
    # groupbybin = {ab: [] for ab in binlist}

    # For each frame in each traj: ID labeled well pts & build avg op
    logging.info('Selecting observed Well States')
    coor_sum = {i: np.zeros(shape=shape) for i in range(numLabels)}
    coor_tot = {i: 0 for i in range(numLabels)}
    for job, obslist in zip(exec_sim, obs_list):
      # offset = int(job['xid:start'])
      # for i, frame in enumerate(job['alpha']):
      for frame, label in zip(job['alpha'], obslist):
        # A, B = eval(obslist[offset+i])
        A, B = label
        if A != B:
        coor_sum[A] += frame
        coor_tot[A] += 1

    logging.info('Calculating Avg from following stats:')
    logging.info('   Total Frames: %d', sum([len(sim['alpha']) for sim in exec_sim]))

    # Calculate New Centroids (w/deltas)
    delta = []
    for S in range(numLabels):
      if coor_tot[S] == 0:
        logging.info("   State: %d --- NO OBSERVATIONS IN THIS WELL STATE", S)
      cent_local = coor_sum[S] / coor_tot[S]
      diff_local = LA.norm(centroid[S] - cent_local)
      update = ((centroid[S] * cent_npts[S]) + (cent_local * coor_tot[S])) / (cent_npts[S] + coor_tot[S])
      delta.append(LA.norm(update - centroid[S]))
      logging.info('   State %d:  NewPts=%5d   Delta=%5.2f   LocalDiff=%5.2f', 
        S, coor_tot[S], delta[-1], diff_local)
      centroid[S] = update
      cent_npts[S] += coor_tot[S]
    centroid_change = np.mean(delta)
    if len(C_delta) > 1:
      rel_change = np.abs((centroid_change - C_delta[-1]) / C_delta[-1])
      logging.info('Centroid Change:  %5.2f   (%5.2f%%)', centroid_change, 100*rel_change)
    batch += batch_size

    # Update Thetas (usig global data ?????)
    delta = []
    for A in range(0, numLabels-1):
      for B in range(A+1, numLabels):
        X = sorted(diffList[(A, B)])
        if len(X) < 100:
          logging.info('Lacking data on %d, %d', A, B)
        # logging.info('  Total # Obs: %d', len(X))
        crossover = 0
        for i, x in enumerate(X):
          if x > 0:
            crossover = i
        # logging.info('  Crossover at Index: %d', crossover)
        if crossover < 50 or (len(X)-crossover) < 50:
          logging.info('  Lacking local data skipping.')

        # Find local max gradient  (among 50% of points)
        if use_gradient:
          thetas_updated = np.copy(thetas)
          zoneA = int((1-trans_factor) * crossover)
          zoneB = crossover + int(trans_factor * (len(X) - crossover))
          gradA = zoneA + np.argmax(np.gradient(X[zoneA:crossover]))
          gradB = crossover + np.argmax(np.gradient(X[crossover:zoneB]))
          thetaA = X[gradA]
          thetaB = X[gradB]
          thetas_updated[A][B] = np.abs(thetaA)
          thetas_updated[B][A] = np.abs(thetaB)
          tdeltA = np.abs(thetas_updated[A][B] - thetas[A][B])
          tdeltB = np.abs(thetas_updated[B][A] - thetas[B][A])
          logging.info('  Theta Change (%d,%d):  %4.2f  (%4.1f)', A, B, tdeltA, (100*tdeltA/thetas[A][B]))
          logging.info('  Theta Change (%d,%d):  %4.2f  (%4.1f)', B, A, tdeltB, (100*tdeltB/thetas[B][A]))
          thetas[A][B] = thetas_updated[A][B]
          thetas[B][A] = thetas_updated[B][A]
          # Classify Fixed Percent of observations as Transitional
          thetas_updated = np.copy(thetas)
          transitionPtA = int((1-trans_factor) * crossover)
          transitionPtB = crossover + int(trans_factor * (len(X) - crossover))
          thetaA = X[transitionPtA]
          thetaB = X[transitionPtB]
          thetas_updated[A][B] = np.abs(thetaA)
          thetas_updated[B][A] = np.abs(thetaB)
          tdeltA = np.abs(thetas_updated[A][B] - thetas[A][B])
          tdeltB = np.abs(thetas_updated[B][A] - thetas[B][A])
          logging.info('  Theta Change (%d,%d):  %4.2f  (%4.1f)', A, B, tdeltA, (100*tdeltA/thetas[A][B]))
          logging.info('  Theta Change (%d,%d):  %4.2f  (%4.1f)', B, A, tdeltB, (100*tdeltB/thetas[B][A]))
          thetas[A][B] = thetas_updated[A][B]
          thetas[B][A] = thetas_updated[B][A]

  P.line(np.array(C_delta), 'Avg_CHANGE_Centroid_Pos_%s' % name)
  P.line(np.array(T_delta), 'Avg_CHANGE_Theta_Val_%s' % name)
  P.bargraph_simple(obs_count, 'Final_Histogram_%s' % name)
  # for k, X in diffList.items():
  #   A, B = k
  #   P.transition_line(sorted(X), A, B, title='-X', trans_factor=.5)
  # for k, X in transList.items():
  #   A, B = k
  #   P.transition_line(sorted(X), A, B, title='-ALL', trans_factor=.5)
  for k, X in scatPlot.items():
    collab = {'b': 'Well', 'g': 'Trans', 'r': 'Primary', 'brown': 'Secondary', 'black': 'None'}
    ptmap = {k: [] for k in collab.keys()}
    ordpts = sorted(X, key = lambda x : x[0])
    for i, tup in enumerate(ordpts):
      y, c = tup
      ptmap[c].append((i, y))
      # if c == 'b' or c == 'g':
      #   ptmap[c].append((i, y))
      # else:
      #   ptmap[c].append((i, 0))
    A, B = k
    P.scat_Transtions(ptmap, title='-%d_%d'%(A,B), size=1, labels=collab)
コード例 #2
ファイル: paper_graphs.py プロジェクト: DaMSL/ddc
  colors=EXP_COLORS, xlabel='Observed State', no_ytick=True, ylim=(0,250), \
  ylabel='Frequency (in ns)', figsize=(W,H), latex=True)

#   HISTO: Transitions

denovo   = [1, 4,   15,  17,  43]
histdata = [3, 12,  19,  68,  42]
fsz = 24
fsize = (.2*TEXT_WIDTH, .2*TEXT_WIDTH)
tex_param = {"axes.labelsize": fsz, "font.size": fsz,     "xtick.labelsize": fsz,   "ytick.labelsize": fsz}
P.bargraph_simple(histdata, labels=EXP_N, fname='tran_hist', no_ytick=True, no_xtick=True, ygrid=True,\
  colors=EXP_COLORS, figsize=fsize, yticks=[0,15,30,45,60], latex=True)
P.bargraph_simple(denovo, labels=EXP_N, fname='tran_denovo', no_ytick=True, no_xtick=True, ygrid=True,\
  colors=EXP_COLORS, figsize=fsize, yticks=[0,10,20,30,40], latex=True)

#  RESOURCE BAR CHART - overhead metrics (4 ea)

COL2 = [tblc[i] for i in [0,3]]
COL6 = [tblc[i] for i in [2,4,8,7]]
