def plot_distro(data, data_descriptor=None, ax=None, grid_columns=None, x_tics=None, y_tics=None, linewidth=2,\ box_plot=False, violin_plot=False, bar_plot=False, point_plot=False, count_plot=False, swarm_plot=False, strip_plot=False,\ y_range=None, x_log=False, y_log=False, sep=None, horizontal=False, order=None, hue_order=None,\ box_outlier=5, box_whis=1.5, box_notch=False,\ violin_scale='area', violin_inner='box', violin_cut=2, violin_split=False, violin_scale_hue=False,\ estimator=plot_utils.ESTIMATORS['mean'], ci=95, capsize=0.2,\ strip_jitter=True, points_colour=None,\ point_markers='o', point_marker_size=2,\ title=None, x_label=None, y_label=None, rotate_x_tics=None, bold_x_tics=False,\ hide_x_tick_marks=False, hide_y_tick_marks=False,\ hide_x_ticks=False, hide_y_ticks=False,\ label=None, show_legend=True, legend_out=False, legend_out_pad=None,\ despine=True, style='whitegrid_ticks', fontsize=16, colours=None, palette=None, reverse_palette=False, ncolours=None, figsize=None, fig_padding=0.1, dpi=None, output=None, out_format=None,\ box_kwargs=None, violin_kwargs=None, bar_kwargs=None, point_kwargs=None, count_kwargs=None, swarm_kwargs=None, strip_kwargs=None, legend_kwargs=None, kwargs=None, color=None): ''' Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame with indexes 'x', 'y', 'hue' or data : 3-tuple of lists x, y, and hue ([...], [...], [...]), thus for a single plot data=(None, [...], None) ''' if not (box_plot or violin_plot or bar_plot or point_plot or count_plot or swarm_plot or strip_plot): raise PlotsError( message= 'Specify a plot to plot: box or violin or bar or count or swarm or strip' ) if count_plot and (box_plot or violin_plot or bar_plot or point_plot or swarm_plot or strip_plot): raise PlotsError( message='Count plot cannot be combined with any other plot') if point_plot and (box_plot or violin_plot or bar_plot or count_plot or swarm_plot or strip_plot): raise PlotsError( message='Point plot cannot be combined with any other plot') # PARSED DATA IS SUPPLIED AS pd.DataFrame({'x':[] , 'y':[] , 'hue':[] }) OR ([...], [...], [...]) if data is not None: if data_descriptor is not None: raise PlotsError( message= 'You can specify only one of the mutually exclusive arguments: "data" or "data_descriptor"' ) if grid_columns is not None: raise PlotsError( message= 'The grid_columns option is only used when the data is supplied as a filename' ) # pd.DataFrame({'x':[] , 'y':[] , 'hue':[] }) if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) and ( ('y' not in data and not count_plot) or ('x' not in data and count_plot)): raise PlotsError( message= 'The dataframe has to have a "y" column, optionally also "x" and "hue" columns' if not count_plot else 'The dataframe has to have a "x" column, optionally also a "hue" column' ) # ([...], [...], [...]) else: if len(data) != 3 or ((data[1] is None and not count_plot) or (data[0] is None and count_plot)): raise PlotsError( message= 'The data should be a pandas.DataFrame or a 3-tuple of lists (x, y, hue). ' + ('The y list cannot be None, x and hue are optional (can be None).' if not count_plot else 'The x list cannot be None, hue is optional (can be None), y is ignored (set it None).' )) x, y, hue = data data = make_xyhue_dataframe(x, y, hue) # DATA IS SUPPLIED AS A FILENAME - THE FILE IS A THREE_COLUMN_FILE OR A GRID_LIKE_FILE else: if data_descriptor is None: raise PlotsError( message='You must specify "data" or "data_descriptor"') # GRID_LIKE_FILE if '?' not in data_descriptor: if grid_columns is None: raise PlotsError( message= 'You must specify columns for y, or x and y, or x, y and hue, or specify grid-columns: filename?y or filename?x?y or filename?x?y?hue or filename --grid_columns x1 x2 x3' ) if x_tics is None: raise PlotsError( message= 'When specifying --grid_columns, you have to specify also the labels for xtics (--xtics)' ) if len(x_tics) != len(grid_columns): raise PlotsError( message= 'The number of columns (--grid_columns) differ from the number of xtics (--xtics)' ) x, y, hue = read_grid_as_xyhue(data_descriptor, grid_columns, x_tics, sep=sep, comment='#') data = make_xyhue_dataframe(x, y, hue) x_tics = None #hack; they have been already assigned; this will prevent re-assigning again below # THREE_COLUMN_FILE else: if grid_columns is not None: raise PlotsError( message= 'When specifying columns using ?, you cannot specify --grid_columns.' ) data_descriptor_split = data_descriptor.split('?') filename = data_descriptor_split[0] if len(data_descriptor_split) == 2: columns_names = { 'y': int(data_descriptor_split[1]) } if not count_plot else { 'x': int(data_descriptor_split[1]) } elif len(data_descriptor_split) == 3: columns_names = { 'x': int(data_descriptor_split[1]), 'y': int(data_descriptor_split[2]) } if not count_plot else { 'x': int(data_descriptor_split[1]), 'hue': int(data_descriptor_split[2]) } elif len(data_descriptor_split) == 4: if count_plot: raise PlotsError( message='For count plot, you can only specify x and hue' ) columns_names = { 'x': int(data_descriptor_split[1]), 'y': int(data_descriptor_split[2]), 'hue': int(data_descriptor_split[3]) } else: raise PlotsError( message= 'You can specify only up to 3 columns for x, y and hue: filename or filename?y or filename?x?y or filename?x?y?hue' ) names, columns = zip( *sorted(columns_names.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])) data = plot_utils.read_table(filename, usecols=columns, names=names, sep=sep) if x_tics is not None: if 'x' in data: raise PlotsError( message= 'You specified the x-categories in your data, thus you cannot use the xtics option' ) elif len(x_tics) != 1: raise PlotsError( message= 'You can specify only one x-category using xtics (unless you use a grid-like file input)' ) else: data['x'] = np.array([x_tics[0]] * len(data['y'])) if not show_legend and (legend_out or legend_kwargs != None): raise PlotsError( message= 'If you hide the legend (--hide_legend or show_legend=False), you cannot set it outside (legend_out) or set it properties (legend_kwargs)' ) if y_range is not None and (len(y_range) != 2 or y_range[0] >= y_range[1]): raise PlotsError( message= 'You need to provide exactly two numbers to set yrange: "min max"') for my_order, variable in ((order, 'x'), (hue_order, 'hue')): if my_order is not None: if variable not in data: raise PlotsError( message= 'You specified order for %s but your data does not contain %s' % (variable, variable)) set_variable = set(data[variable]) if len(my_order) != len(set_variable) or set( my_order) != set_variable: raise PlotsError( message='The specified order does not match %s' % variable) if ci is not None and ci != 'std' and not callable(ci) and (ci < 0 or ci > 100): raise PlotsError(message='"ci" must be None or within 0 and 100') #if (swarm or strip) and 'hue' in data: raise PlotsError(message='Swarmplot is not supported when plotting plots with hue.') if colours is not None: if palette is not None: raise PlotsError( message= 'You can specify only one of the mutually exclusive arguments: "colours" or "palette"' ) if ncolours is not None: raise PlotsError( message= 'You cannot specify "ncolours" when you specified "colours"') if figsize is not None and len(figsize) != 2: raise PlotsError( message= 'You need to provide exactly two numbers to set figure size: "width height"' ) ## font = plot_utils.init_plot_style(style, fontsize, colours, palette, reverse_palette, ncolours, hide_x_tick_marks=hide_x_tick_marks, hide_y_tick_marks=hide_y_tick_marks) fig = plt.figure() if figsize is not None: fig.set_figwidth(figsize[0]) fig.set_figheight(figsize[1]) if dpi is not None: fig.set_dpi(dpi) default_kwargs = { 'ax': ax, 'x': 'x' if 'x' in data else None, 'y': 'y' if 'y' in data else None, 'hue': 'hue' if 'hue' in data else None, 'data': data, 'orient': 'h' if horizontal else 'v', 'order': order, 'hue_order': hue_order, 'linewidth': linewidth } if box_plot: axs = sb.boxplot(**plot_utils.merged_kwargs( default_kwargs, dict(fliersize=box_outlier, whis=box_whis, notch=box_notch, flierprops={'marker': 'o'}), kwargs, box_kwargs)) if violin_plot: axs = sb.violinplot(**plot_utils.merged_kwargs( default_kwargs, dict(scale=violin_scale, inner=violin_inner, cut=violin_cut, split=violin_split, scale_hue=violin_scale_hue), kwargs, violin_kwargs)) if bar_plot: axs = sb.barplot(**plot_utils.merged_kwargs( default_kwargs, dict(estimator=estimator, ci=ci, capsize=capsize), kwargs, bar_kwargs)) if point_plot: axs = sb.pointplot(**plot_utils.merged_kwargs( default_kwargs, dict(markers=point_markers, estimator=estimator, ci=ci, capsize=capsize), kwargs, point_kwargs)) if count_plot: axs = sb.countplot( **plot_utils.merged_kwargs(default_kwargs, kwargs, count_kwargs)) if swarm_plot: axs = sb.swarmplot(**plot_utils.merged_kwargs( default_kwargs, dict(edgecolor='black', linewidth=1), dict(facecolor=points_colour) if points_colour is not None else {}, kwargs, swarm_kwargs)) if strip_plot: axs = sb.stripplot(**plot_utils.merged_kwargs( default_kwargs, dict(edgecolor='black', linewidth=1, jitter=strip_jitter, split=True), dict(facecolor=points_colour) if points_colour is not None else {}, kwargs, strip_kwargs)) if point_plot: plt.setp(axs.collections, sizes=[point_marker_size]) plt.setp(axs.lines, linewidth=linewidth) if y_range is not None: axs.set_ylim(y_range[0], y_range[1]) axs.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.2f')) if y_tics is not None: axs.set_yticks(y_tics) if x_log: axs.set_xscale('log') if y_log: axs.set_yscale('log') if x_label is not None: axs.set_xlabel(x_label, labelpad=8, fontproperties=font.get('b')) else: axs.set_xlabel('', labelpad=8) if y_label is not None: axs.set_ylabel(y_label, labelpad=10, fontproperties=font.get('b')) else: axs.set_ylabel('', labelpad=10) if title is not None: ttl = axs.set_title(title, fontproperties=font.get('b')) ttl.set_position([.5, 1.05]) if label is not None: axs.text(label[1], label[2], label[0], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=axs.transAxes, fontproperties=font.get('b')) plt.setp(axs.get_xticklabels(), rotation=rotate_x_tics) plot_utils.set_fontproperties(font.get('b' if bold_x_tics else 'n'), axs.get_xticklabels()) plot_utils.set_fontproperties(font.get('n'), axs.get_yticklabels()) if hide_x_ticks: axs.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.NullLocator()) if hide_y_ticks: axs.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.NullLocator()) if despine or style in ['despine_ticks', 'whitegrid_ticks']: sb.despine(top=True, right=True) #Legend is a little tricky if the option is to be outside of the plot artists = [] if show_legend: legend_handles, legend_labels = axs.get_legend_handles_labels() num_plots = sum([ box_plot, violin_plot, bar_plot, point_plot, count_plot, swarm_plot, strip_plot ]) if num_plots != 1: legend_handles, legend_labels = legend_handles[:len( legend_handles) / num_plots], legend_labels[:len(legend_labels ) / num_plots] legend_out_kwargs = dict( bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc=2, borderpad=legend_out_pad) if legend_out else None legend_handles, legend_labels = legend_handles[::-1], legend_labels[:: -1] legend = axs.legend( legend_handles, legend_labels, **plot_utils.merged_kwargs(dict(prop=font.get('n')), legend_out_kwargs, legend_kwargs)) artists.append(legend) plt.tight_layout() if output is not None: plt.savefig(output, format=out_format, dpi=dpi, additional_artists=artists, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=fig_padding) else: plt.close()
def plot_curves(data, data_descriptors=None, labels=None, linewidth=2, y_tics=None, \ x_range=None, y_range=None, x_log=False, y_log=False, sep='\t',\ title=None, x_label=None, y_label=None, rotate_x_tics=None, bold_x_tics=False,\ hide_x_tick_marks=False, hide_y_tick_marks=False,\ hide_x_ticks=False, hide_y_ticks=False,\ label=None, show_legend=True, legend_out=False, legend_out_pad=None, show_auc=True, despine=False,\ style='despine_ticks', font=None, fontsize=16, colours=None, palette=None, reverse_palette=False, ncolours=None,\ figsize=None, fig_padding=0.1, dpi=None, output=None, out_format=None, legend_kwargs=None, kwargs=None): ''' Parameters ---------- data : a list of tuples of lists aka a list of curves [([x11, x12, ...], [y11, y12, ...]), ([x21, x22, ...], [y21, y22, ...]), ...] ''' if data is not None: for x, y in data: if len(x) != len(y): PlotsError(message='unpaired samples detected: x size: ' + str(len(x)) + ' y size: ' + str(len(y))) if data_descriptors is not None: raise PlotsError( message= 'You can specify only one of the mutually exclusive arguments: "x" and "y" or "data_descriptors"' ) else: if data_descriptors is None: raise PlotsError( message='You must specify "data" or "data_descriptors"') total_lists = 0 for data_descriptor in data_descriptors: total_lists += data_descriptor.count('?') if total_lists % 2 != 0: raise PlotsError( message='you need to specify an even number of columns ' + str(total_lists)) if not show_legend and (legend_out or legend_kwargs != None): raise PlotsError( message= 'If you hide the legend (--hide_legend or show_legend=False), you cannot set it outside (legend_out) or set it properties (legend_kwargs)' ) for x_y_range in [(x_range, 'xrange'), (y_range, 'yrange')]: if x_y_range[0] is not None and (len(x_y_range[0]) != 2 or x_y_range[0][0] >= x_y_range[0][1]): raise PlotsError( message= 'You need to provide exactly two numbers to set %s: "min max"' % x_y_range[1]) if colours is not None: if palette is not None: raise PlotsError( message= 'You can specify only one of the mutually exclusive arguments: "colours" or "palette"' ) if figsize is not None and len(figsize) != 2: raise PlotsError( message= 'You need to provide exactly two numbers to set figure size: "width height"' ) if data is None: data = parse_data(data_descriptors, sep=sep) if labels is not None: if len(data) != len(labels): PlotsError(message='wrong number of labels: ' + str(len(data)) + ', ' + str(len(labels))) font = plot_utils.init_plot_style(style, fontsize, colours, palette, reverse_palette, ncolours, hide_x_tick_marks=hide_x_tick_marks, hide_y_tick_marks=hide_y_tick_marks) fig = plt.figure() if figsize is not None: fig.set_figwidth(figsize[0]) fig.set_figheight(figsize[1]) if dpi is not None: fig.set_dpi(dpi) axs = plt.gca() for i, curve in enumerate(data): legend_label = labels[i] if labels is not None else ('curve ' + str(i + 1)) if show_auc: auc = ml_utils.calc_AUC(zip(curve[0], curve[1])) legend_label += ' (AUC = ' + ('%.3f' % auc) + ')' plt.plot( curve[0], curve[1], **plot_utils.merged_kwargs( { 'label': legend_label, 'linewidth': linewidth }, kwargs)) if x_range is not None: axs.set_xlim(x_range[0], x_range[1]) if y_range is not None: axs.set_ylim(y_range[0], y_range[1]) if y_tics is not None: axs.set_yticks(y_tics) if x_log: axs.set_xscale('log') if y_log: axs.set_yscale('log') if x_label is not None: axs.set_xlabel(x_label, labelpad=15, fontproperties=font.get('b')) if y_label is not None: axs.set_ylabel(y_label, labelpad=15, fontproperties=font.get('b')) if title is not None: axs.set_title(title, fontproperties=font.get('b')) if label is not None: axs.text(0.05, 0.95, label, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=axs.transAxes, fontproperties=font.get('n')) if show_legend: axs.legend(loc='lower right', prop=font.get('n')) plt.setp(axs.get_xticklabels(), rotation=rotate_x_tics) plot_utils.set_fontproperties(font.get('b' if bold_x_tics else 'n'), axs.get_xticklabels()) plot_utils.set_fontproperties(font.get('n'), axs.get_yticklabels()) if hide_x_ticks: axs.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.NullLocator()) if hide_y_ticks: axs.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.NullLocator()) if despine or style in ['despine_ticks', 'whitegrid_ticks']: sb.despine(top=True, right=True) #Legend is a little tricky if the option is to be outside of the plot artists = [] if show_legend: legend_out_kwargs = dict( bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc=2, borderpad=legend_out_pad) if legend_out else None legend = axs.legend(**plot_utils.merged_kwargs( dict(prop=font.get('n'), loc='lower right'), legend_out_kwargs, legend_kwargs)) artists.append(legend) plt.tight_layout() if output is not None: plt.savefig(output, format=out_format, dpi=dpi, additional_artists=artists, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=fig_padding) else: plt.close()
def plot_hist(data, data_descriptors=None, labels=None, auto_labels=False, y_tics=None, linewidth=2, nbins=None, binw=None, groups=None, factors=None, ncols=None,\ x_range=None, y_range=None, x_log=False, y_log=False, sep='\t', hist=True, kde=True, rug=True, normed=True, title=None, x_label=None, y_label=None, rotate_x_tics=None, bold_x_tics=False,\ hide_x_tick_marks=False, hide_y_tick_marks=False,\ hide_x_ticks=False, hide_y_ticks=False,\ label=None, show_binw=True, show_legend=True, legend_out=False, legend_out_pad=None, despine=True, style='despine_ticks',\ fontsize=16, colours=None, palette=None, reverse_palette=False, ncolours=None, figsize=None, fig_padding=0.1, dpi=None, output=None, out_format=None, legend_kwargs=None, kwargs=None): ''' Parameters ---------- data : list of lists (subplots) of lists (histograms) [ [ [1, 1, 2, 2] ], [ [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.3, 0.4, 0.5] ] ] --------------------------data---------------------------- ---subplot_1---- --------------subplot_2------------- -histogram- ---histogram--- ---histogram--- ''' if data is not None: if data_descriptors is not None: raise PlotsError(message='You can specify only one of the mutually exclusive arguments: "data" or "data_descriptors"') if groups is not None: raise PlotsError(message='You cannot specify "groups" if "data" is specified"') if factors is not None: raise PlotsError(message='You cannot specify "factors" if "data" is specified') data_items_count = sum([len(x) for x in data]) else: if data_descriptors is None: raise PlotsError(message='You must specify "data" or "data_descriptors"') if len(data_descriptors) == 1: data_items_count = data_descriptors[0].count('?') else: data_items_count = len(data_descriptors) for d in data_descriptors: if d.count('?') != 1: raise PlotsError(message='data filenames and 0-based columns must be in this format: filenameA?columnX') if groups is not None and factors is not None: raise PlotsError(message='You can specify only one of the mutually exclusive arguments: "groups" or "factors"') if groups is not None and sum(groups) != data_items_count: raise PlotsError(message='Number of data items specified as "data_descriptors" must be equal to the sum of counts specified by "groups"') if auto_labels and labels is not None: raise PlotsError(message='You cannot specify "labels" if "auto_labels" is set') if factors is not None: if len(factors) == 1: factors_count = factors[0].count('?') else: factors_count = len(factors) for f in factors: if f.count('?') != 1: raise PlotsError(message='factor filenames and 0-based columns must be in this format: filenameA?columnX') if factors_count != 1 and factors_count != data_items_count: raise PlotsError(message='Number of data items specified as "data_descriptors" must be equal to the number of factors specified as "factors"') if labels is not None and factors is None and len(labels) != data_items_count: raise PlotsError(message='Number of data items specified as "data_descriptors" must be equal to the number of labels specified as "label"') if not show_legend and (legend_out or legend_kwargs != None): raise PlotsError(message='If you hide the legend (--hide_legend or show_legend=False), you cannot set it outside (legend_out) or set it properties (legend_kwargs)') for x_y_range in [(x_range, 'xrange'), (y_range, 'yrange')]: if x_y_range[0] is not None and (len(x_y_range[0]) != 2 or x_y_range[0][0] >= x_y_range[0][1]): raise PlotsError(message='You need to provide exactly two numbers to set %s: "min max"' % x_y_range[1]) if nbins is not None and binw is not None: raise PlotsError(message='You can specify only one of the mutually exclusive arguments: "bins" or "binw"') if colours is not None: if palette is not None: raise PlotsError(message='You can specify only one of the mutually exclusive arguments: "colours" or "palette"') if ncolours is not None: raise PlotsError(message='You cannot specify "ncolours" when you specified "colours"') if figsize is not None and len(figsize) != 2: raise PlotsError(message='You need to provide exactly two numbers to set figure size: "width height"') if not hist and not kde and not rug: raise PlotsError(message='You need to plot at least one of a) histogram or b) KDE density or c) a rug plot') #if nbins is None and binw is None: print 'INFO: calculating the number of histogram bins using the Freedman-Diaconis rule' if y_label is None: y_label = 'Density' if kde or normed else 'Frequency' if ncols is None: if groups is not None: ncols = len(groups) if len(groups) < 4 else 2 elif factors is not None: ncols = data_items_count if data_items_count < 4 else 2 else: ncols = 1 if data is None: if groups is not None: force_groups = groups elif factors is not None: force_groups = [1] * data_items_count else: force_groups = [data_items_count] data, parsed_labels = parse_data(data_descriptors, groups=force_groups, factors=factors, auto_labels=auto_labels, sep=sep) if labels is None: labels = parsed_labels if len(labels) != len(parsed_labels): raise ValueError font = plot_utils.init_plot_style(style, fontsize, colours, palette, reverse_palette, ncolours, hide_x_tick_marks=hide_x_tick_marks, hide_y_tick_marks=hide_y_tick_marks) nrows = int(len(data) / ncols) + (len(data) % ncols != 0) fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, sharex=False, sharey=False, squeeze=False) if figsize is not None: fig.set_figwidth(figsize[0]); fig.set_figheight(figsize[1]) if dpi is not None: fig.set_dpi(dpi) artists, l = [], 0 if label is None: label = '' original_label = label for i, group_data in enumerate(data): label = original_label r = int(i / ncols) c = i % ncols bins, binw = get_bins(group_data, nbins=nbins, binw=binw if nbins is None else None, minimum=x_range[0] if x_range is not None else None, maximum=x_range[1] if x_range is not None else None) last_l = l for data_list in group_data: default_kwargs = dict(a=data_list, ax=axs[r][c], hist=hist, kde=kde, rug=rug, norm_hist=normed, label=labels[l]) try: sb.distplot(kde_kws={'lw': linewidth}, hist_kws={'linewidth': linewidth}, **plot_utils.merged_kwargs(default_kwargs, dict(bins=bins), kwargs)) l += 1 except ValueError: l = last_l label += '\nWARNING: number of bins is 10' for data_list in group_data: sb.distplot(kde_kws={'lw': linewidth}, hist_kws={'linewidth': linewidth}, **plot_utils.merged_kwargs(default_kwargs, dict(bins=10), kwargs)) l += 1 break if x_range is not None: axs[r][c].set_xlim(x_range[0], x_range[1]) if y_range is not None: axs[r][c].set_ylim(y_range[0], y_range[1]) if y_tics is not None: axs.set_yticks(y_tics) if x_log: axs[r][c].set_xscale('log') if y_log: axs[r][c].set_yscale('log') if x_label is not None: axs[r][c].set_xlabel(x_label, labelpad=15, fontproperties=font.get('b')) if y_label is not None: axs[r][c].set_ylabel(y_label, labelpad=15, fontproperties=font.get('b')) if title is not None: axs[r][c].set_title(title, fontproperties=font.get('b')) #if show_binw and binw is not None: axs[r][c].text(0.05, 0.95 if label is None else 0.9, 'bin width ' + str(binw if nbins is None else round(binw, 4)), fontsize=fontsize, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=axs[r][c].transAxes) if show_binw and binw is not None: label += ('\n\n' if label is not None else '') + 'bin width ' + str(binw if nbins is None else round(binw, 4)) if label is not None: axs[r][c].text(0.05, 0.95, label, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=axs[r][c].transAxes, fontproperties=font.get('n')) if show_legend: axs[r][c].legend(prop=font.get('n')) #Legend is a little tricky if the option is to be outside of the plot if show_legend: legend_out_kwargs = dict(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc=2, borderpad=legend_out_pad) if legend_out else None legend = axs[r][c].legend(**plot_utils.merged_kwargs(dict(prop=font.get('n')), legend_out_kwargs, legend_kwargs)) artists.append(legend) plt.setp(axs[r][c].get_xticklabels(), rotation=rotate_x_tics) plot_utils.set_fontproperties(font.get('b' if bold_x_tics else 'n'), axs[r][c].get_xticklabels()) plot_utils.set_fontproperties(font.get('n'), axs[r][c].get_yticklabels()) if hide_x_ticks: axs[r][c].xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.NullLocator()) if hide_y_ticks: axs[r][c].yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.NullLocator()) for empty in range(c + 1, ncols): axs[r][empty].axis('off') if despine or style in ['despine_ticks', 'whitegrid_ticks']: sb.despine(top=True, right=True) plt.tight_layout() if output is not None: plt.savefig(output, format=out_format, dpi=dpi, additional_artists=artists, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=fig_padding) else: plt.close()
def plot_scatter(x, y, data_descriptors=None, linewidth=2, y_tics=None, x_range=None, y_range=None, x_log=False, y_log=False, sep='\t', title=None, x_label=None, y_label=None, rotate_x_tics=None, bold_x_tics=False,\ hide_x_tick_marks=False, hide_y_tick_marks=False,\ hide_x_ticks=False, hide_y_ticks=False,\ auto_labels=False, label=None, show_corr=True, show_legend=False, legend_out=False, legend_out_pad=None, fit_reg=False, ci=None, despine=True, style='despine_ticks',\ fontsize=16, colours=None, palette=None, reverse_palette=False, ncolours=None, figsize=None, fig_padding=0.1, dpi=None, output=None, out_format=None, legend_kwargs=None, kwargs=None): if (x is None and y is not None) or (x is not None and y is None): raise PlotsError(message='one sample is None: ' + ('x is None' if x is None else 'y is None')) elif x is not None and y is not None: if len(x) != len(y): raise PlotsError(message='Non-matching number of plots') for xx, yy in zip(x, y): if len(xx) != len(yy): raise PlotsError( message='unpaired samples detected: x size: ' + str(len(xx)) + ' y size: ' + str(len(yy))) if data_descriptors is not None: raise PlotsError( message= 'You can specify only one of the mutually exclusive arguments: "x" and "y" or "data_descriptors"' ) else: if data_descriptors is None: raise PlotsError( message='You must specify "data" or "data_descriptors"') if len(data_descriptors) == 1: if data_descriptors[0].count('?') != 2: raise PlotsError( message= 'When using a single data_descriptor, you need to specify exactly two columns with ?' ) elif len(data_descriptors) == 2: if data_descriptors[0].count( '?') != 1 or data_descriptors[1].count('?') != 1: raise PlotsError( message= 'When using two data_descriptors, you need to specify exactly one column for each with ?' ) else: raise PlotsError( message= 'Either specify one data_descriptor with two columns (2 x ?) or two data_descriptors with one column each (1 x ?)' ) if auto_labels and (x_label is not None or y_label is not None): raise PlotsError( message= 'You cannot specify "xlabel" or "ylabel" if "auto_labels" is set') if ci is not None and (ci < 0 or ci > 100): raise PlotsError(message='"ci" must be None or within 0 and 100') if not show_legend and (legend_out or legend_kwargs != None): raise PlotsError( message= 'If you hide the legend (--hide_legend or show_legend=False), you cannot set it outside (legend_out) or set it properties (legend_kwargs)' ) for x_y_range in [(x_range, 'xrange'), (y_range, 'yrange')]: if x_y_range[0] is not None and (len(x_y_range[0]) != 2 or x_y_range[0][0] >= x_y_range[0][1]): raise PlotsError( message= 'You need to provide exactly two numbers to set %s: "min max"' % x_y_range[1]) if colours is not None: if palette is not None: raise PlotsError( message= 'You can specify only one of the mutually exclusive arguments: "colours" or "palette"' ) if figsize is not None and len(figsize) != 2: raise PlotsError( message= 'You need to provide exactly two numbers to set figure size: "width height"' ) if x is None and y is None: x, y, parsed_label_x, parsed_label_y = parse_data( data_descriptors, auto_labels=auto_labels, sep=sep) if x_label is None: x_label = parsed_label_x if y_label is None: y_label = parsed_label_y x, y = [x], [y] font = plot_utils.init_plot_style(style, fontsize, colours, palette, reverse_palette, ncolours, hide_x_tick_marks=hide_x_tick_marks, hide_y_tick_marks=hide_y_tick_marks) fig = plt.figure() if figsize is not None: fig.set_figwidth(figsize[0]) fig.set_figheight(figsize[1]) if dpi is not None: fig.set_dpi(dpi) for xx, yy in zip(x, y): default_kwargs = dict(x=np.array(xx), y=np.array(yy), data=None, x_estimator=None, x_bins=None, x_ci='ci', scatter=True, fit_reg=fit_reg, ci=ci, n_boot=1000, units=None, order=1, logistic=False, lowess=False, robust=False, logx=False, x_partial=None, y_partial=None, truncate=False, dropna=False, x_jitter=None, y_jitter=None, label=None, color=None, marker='o', ax=None) axs = sb.regplot(line_kws={'linewidth': linewidth}, **plot_utils.merged_kwargs(default_kwargs, kwargs)) if x_range is not None: axs.set_xlim(x_range[0], x_range[1]) if y_range is not None: axs.set_ylim(y_range[0], y_range[1]) if y_tics is not None: axs.set_yticks(y_tics) if x_log: axs.set_xscale('log') if y_log: axs.set_yscale('log') if x_label is not None: axs.set_xlabel(x_label, labelpad=15, fontproperties=font.get('b')) if y_label is not None: axs.set_ylabel(y_label, labelpad=15, fontproperties=font.get('b')) if title is not None: axs.set_title(title, fontproperties=font.get('b')) if label is not None: axs.text(0.05, 0.95, label, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=axs.transAxes, fontproperties=font.get('n')) if show_corr and len(x) == 1: r, _ = ml_utils.calc_r(x[0], y[0]) axs.text(0.85, 0.95, 'r', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=axs.transAxes, fontproperties=font.get('i')) axs.text(0.87, 0.95, '= ' + ('%.3f' % r), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=axs.transAxes, fontproperties=font.get('n')) plt.setp(axs.get_xticklabels(), rotation=rotate_x_tics) plot_utils.set_fontproperties(font.get('b' if bold_x_tics else 'n'), axs.get_xticklabels()) plot_utils.set_fontproperties(font.get('n'), axs.get_yticklabels()) if hide_x_ticks: axs.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.NullLocator()) if hide_y_ticks: axs.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.NullLocator()) if despine or style in ['despine_ticks', 'whitegrid_ticks']: sb.despine(top=True, right=True) #Legend is a little tricky if the option is to be outside of the plot artists = [] if show_legend: legend_out_kwargs = dict( bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc=2, borderpad=legend_out_pad) if legend_out else None legend = axs.legend( **plot_utils.merged_kwargs(dict( prop=font.get('n')), legend_out_kwargs, legend_kwargs)) artists.append(legend) plt.tight_layout() if output is not None: plt.savefig(output, format=out_format, dpi=dpi, additional_artists=artists, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=fig_padding) else: plt.close()