コード例 #1
ファイル: __main__.py プロジェクト: nickhand/lsskit
def plot_mcmc_bestfit():
    Load a mcmc bestfit and plot it
    from pyRSD.rsdfit import FittingDriver
    import plotify as pfy
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter
    # arguments
    h = 'the name of directory holding the results'
    parser.add_argument('results_dir', type=str, help=h)
    h = 'the name of the results file to load'
    parser.add_argument('results_file', type=str, help=h)
    h = 'the name of the model to load'
    parser.add_argument('model', type=str, help=h)
    h = 'the output file name'
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, help=h)
    h = 'the number of burnin steps to set'
    parser.add_argument('-b', '--burnin', type=int, help=h)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # load the driver
    kwargs = {'results_file':args.results_file, 'model_file':args.model}
    driver = FittingDriver.from_directory(args.results_dir, **kwargs)
    if args.burnin is not None:
        driver.results.burnin = args.burnin
    if args.output is not None:
コード例 #2
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: nickhand/lsskit
def compare_bestfits(mode, **kwargs):
    Compare the best-fit parameters to the data.
    mode : str, {`function`, `params`, `gp`, `spline`}
        either compare to bestfit function or bestfit params
    kwargs : key/value pairs
        data : subclass of lsskit.speckmod.plugins.ModelInput
            plugin instance specifying the data
        model : subclass of lsskit.speckmod.plugins.ModelInput
            plugin instance specifying the model, only needed
            for `mode == params`
        bestfit_file : str
            the name of the file holding the pickled dataframe
        select : list of str
            a list holding strings with the format should 
            `index_col`:value'. This specifies which bin to be
    import plotify as pfy
    import pandas as pd
    if mode == 'gp':
        from pyRSD.rsd.mu0_modeling import GPModelParams
    elif mode == 'spline':
        from pyRSD.rsd.mu0_modeling import SplineTableModelParams
    if mode not in ['function', 'params', 'gp', 'spline']:
        raise ValueError("``mode`` in compare_bestfits must be `function`, `params`, `gp`, or `spline`")
    # make the index cols
        index_cols = [x.split(':')[0] for x in kwargs['select']]
        select = [int(x.split(':')[1]) for x in kwargs['select']]
        raise ValueError("``select`` should have format: `index_col`:value")
    # read the bestfits file and select 
    df = pd.read_pickle(kwargs['bestfit_file'])
    valid = index_cols
    if mode == 'function': valid += ['k']
    if not all(x in df.columns for x in valid):
        raise ValueError("please specify a bestfit file with columns: %s" %(", ".join(valid)))
    df = df.set_index(valid)
    # get the key dictionary and print out what we are selecting
    key = dict((df.index.names[i], df.index.levels[i][v]) for i, v in enumerate(select))
    msg = ", ".join("%s = %s" %(k,v) for k,v in key.items())
    print("selecting " + msg)
    # select the bestfit
    select = tuple(df.index.levels[i][v] for i, v in enumerate(select))
    # load the GP
    if mode == 'gp':
        gp = GPModelParams(kwargs['gp_file'])
        args = tuple(df.loc[select, col] for col in kwargs['interp_cols'])
        bestfits = gp.to_dict(*args)
        print("gp bestfit values:\n-------------")
        print("\n".join("%s = %s" %(k,str(v)) for k,v in bestfits.items()))
        actual = {k:df.loc[select, k] for k in kwargs['model'].param_names}
        print("actual bestfit values:\n-------------")
        print("\n".join("%s = %s" %(k,str(v)) for k,v in actual.items()))
    # load the spline table
    elif mode == 'spline':    
        table = SplineTableModelParams(kwargs['spline_file'])
        s8_z = df.loc[select, 's8_z']
        b1 = df.loc[select, 'b1']
        bestfits = table(s8_z, b1)
        print("spline table bestfit values:\n-------------")
        print("\n".join("%s = %s" %(k,str(v)) for k,v in bestfits.items()))
        actual = {k:df.loc[select, k] for k in kwargs['model'].param_names}
        print("actual bestfit values:\n-------------")
        print("\n".join("%s = %s" %(k,str(v)) for k,v in actual.items()))
    elif mode == 'params':
        bestfits = {k:df.loc[select, k] for k in kwargs['model'].param_names}
    if mode == 'params' or mode == 'gp' or mode == 'spline':
        kwargs['data'].select = key
        # this should hopefully only loop over one thing
        for key, extra, data_df in kwargs['data']:    
            # plot the data
            pfy.errorbar(data_df.index.values, data_df['y'], data_df['error'])
            # plot the bestfit parameters
            x = data_df.index.values
            y = kwargs['model'](x, **dict(bestfits, **extra))
            lines = pfy.plot(x, y)
    else: # mode is `function`
        df = df.xs(select)

        # select the data
        data_df = kwargs['data'].to_dataframe(key)
        # plot the data
        pfy.errorbar(data_df.index.values, data_df['y'], data_df['error'])
        # plot the bestfit function mean
        x = df.index.values
        y = df['mean']
        errs = df['error']
        lines = pfy.plot(x, y)
        pfy.plt.fill(np.concatenate([x, x[::-1]]),
                     np.concatenate([y - errs,
                                    (y + errs)[::-1]]),
                                    alpha=.5, fc=lines[0].get_color(), ec='None')

    ax = pfy.gca()
    ax.title.update('Bestfit (%s) comparison for %s' %(mode,msg), fontsize=16)
    ax.xlabel.update(r"$k$ ($h$/Mpc)", fontsize=16)
    ax.ylabel.update(kwargs['data'].variable_str, fontsize=16)