def calculator(a, b, c, d): df3 = pd.DataFrame(a, columns=[i['name'] for i in b]) df4 = pd.DataFrame(c, columns=[i['name'] for i in d]) luas = np.random.normal(int(df3.iloc[2, 1]), int(df3.iloc[3, 1]), int(df4.iloc[0, 0])) luas2 = luas.clip(int(df3.iloc[0, 1]), int(df3.iloc[1, 1])) ketebalan = np.random.normal(int(df3.iloc[2, 2]), int(df3.iloc[3, 2]), int(df4.iloc[0, 0])) ketebalan2 = ketebalan.clip(int(df3.iloc[0, 2]), int(df3.iloc[1, 2])) ntg = np.random.normal(int(df3.iloc[2, 3]), int(df3.iloc[3, 3]), int(df4.iloc[0, 0])) ntg2 = ntg.clip(int(df3.iloc[0, 3]), int(df3.iloc[1, 3])) por = np.random.normal(int(df3.iloc[2, 4]), int(df3.iloc[3, 4]), int(df4.iloc[0, 0])) por2 = por.clip(int(df3.iloc[0, 4]), int(df3.iloc[1, 4])) sw = np.random.normal(int(df3.iloc[2, 5]), int(df3.iloc[3, 5]), int(df4.iloc[0, 0])) sw2 = sw.clip(int(df3.iloc[0, 5]), int(df3.iloc[1, 5])) bo = np.random.uniform(int(df3.iloc[0, 6]), int(df3.iloc[1, 6]), int(df4.iloc[0, 0])) cadangan = 7758 * (luas2 * 0.000247105) * (ketebalan2 * 3.28084) * ( ntg2 / 100) * ((100 - sw2) / 100) * (por2 / 100) / bo total = pd.DataFrame(cadangan, columns=[ 'OOIP' ]).describe(percentiles=[.1, .2, .25, .5, .6, .75, .9]).round().T fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=cadangan, cumulative_enabled=True)) fig.update_layout( title_text='OOIP Iteration ' + str(df4.iloc[0, 0]), # title of plot xaxis_title_text='Barrel Oil', # xaxis label yaxis_title_text='Count', # yaxis label ) des = [ dash_table.DataTable( id='tes', columns=[{ "name": i, "id": i } for i in total.columns], data=total.to_dict('records'), ) ] return (des, fig)
def make_hist(ys: Iterable[float], name: str): fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Histogram( x=ys, xbins=dict(size=0.1) )) fig.update_layout( title_text=f'{name} Score Distribution', xaxis_title_text='Docking Score', yaxis_title_text='Count' ) return fig.write_image(f'{name}_clusters_scores_histogram.pdf')
def plot_hours(df): """Plots the hours required to work in an Histogram. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame containing job offers data. """ fig = go.Figure() fig.add_traces(go.Histogram(x=df["hours_worked"], marker_color="#ffa000")) fig.update_xaxes(title="Hours Required", ticks="outside", ticklen=10, gridwidth=0.5, tickcolor="#FFFFFF", linewidth=2, showline=True, mirror=True, nticks=35, title_standoff=20) fig.update_yaxes(title="Number of Job Offers", ticks="outside", ticklen=10, separatethousands=True, tickcolor="#FFFFFF", linewidth=2, showline=True, mirror=True, nticks=18, gridwidth=0.5, title_standoff=5) # Add final customizations. fig.update_layout(showlegend=False, width=1200, height=800, font_color="#FFFFFF", font_size=18, title_text="Labour Hours Distribution", title_x=0.5, title_y=0.93, margin_l=120, margin_b=120, title_font_size=30, paper_bgcolor="#37474f", plot_bgcolor="#263238") fig.write_image("7.png")
def q3Plotter(productCD, width=800, height=300): enable_plotly_in_cell() fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, subplot_titles=['Histogram', 'Violin Plot'], horizontal_spacing=0.1) fig.append_trace(go.Histogram(x = mergeData[mergeData.ProductCD==productCD].TransactionAmt), row=1, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Violin(x = mergeData[mergeData.ProductCD==productCD].TransactionAmt, box_visible=True), row=1, col=2) #trace = go.Histogram(x = mergeData[mergeData.ProductCD==i].TransactionAmt) #data = [trace] #layout = go.Layout(title=go.layout.Title(text='Distribution of TransactionAmt for ProductCD: '+i), # xaxis=go.layout.XAxis(title=go.layout.xaxis.Title(text="$"))) #fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) fig.update_layout(height = height, width = width, showlegend=False, title_text="Distribution of TransactionAmt for ProductCD: "+productCD) iplot(fig)
def histBox(df, col): fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2) fig.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=df[col], name='Hitrogram'), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(go.Box(y=df[col], name='Boxplot'), row=1, col=2) fig.update_layout(height=600, width=800, title_text=f'Distribution of {col}') return fig
def histogram(vals, thresholds): nbins = int(np.sqrt(vals.size)) h_up = np.histogram(vals, bins=nbins)[0].max() hist = go.Histogram(x=vals, nbinsx=nbins) fig = go.Figure(data=[hist] + [ go.Scatter(x=[x, x], y=[0, h_up], mode='lines', name='Threshold {0}'.format(idx + 1)) for idx, x in enumerate(thresholds) ]) return fig
def plot_hist(kernel_name_1, bin_size_1, kernel_name_1000, bin_size_1000, layer_dfs): fig1 = go.Figure() fig1000 = go.Figure() # BatchSize=1 fig1.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=layer_dfs['l1_df'].query('Name==\'%s\''%kernel_name_1).Duration, name='L1: '+kernel_name_1[:15], xbins=dict(size=bin_size_1), marker_color='lightblue')) fig1.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=layer_dfs['l2_df'].query('Name==\'%s\''%kernel_name_1).Duration, name='L2: '+kernel_name_1[:15], xbins=dict(size=bin_size_1), marker_color='blue')) fig1.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=layer_dfs['l3_df'].query('Name==\'%s\''%kernel_name_1).Duration, name='L3: '+kernel_name_1[:15], xbins=dict(size=bin_size_1), marker_color='darkblue')) # BatchSize=1000 fig1000.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=layer_dfs['l1_df_1000'].query('Name==\'%s\''%kernel_name_1000).Duration, name='L1: '+kernel_name_1000[:15], xbins=dict(size=bin_size_1000), marker_color='lightgreen')) fig1000.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=layer_dfs['l2_df_1000'].query('Name==\'%s\''%kernel_name_1000).Duration, name='L2: '+kernel_name_1000[:15], xbins=dict(size=bin_size_1000), marker_color='green')) fig1000.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=layer_dfs['l3_df_1000'].query('Name==\'%s\''%kernel_name_1000).Duration, name='L3: '+kernel_name_1000[:15], xbins=dict(size=bin_size_1000), marker_color='darkgreen')) # Additional formatting and titles fig1.update_layout(barmode='overlay', title_text='BatchSize=1 Kernel Runtime Variations', xaxis_title_text='Kernel Duration (us)', yaxis_title_text='Number of Occurances (out of 50 trials)' ) fig1.update_traces(opacity=.75) fig1000.update_layout(barmode='overlay', title_text='BatchSize=1 Kernel Runtime Variations', xaxis_title_text='Kernel Duration (us)', yaxis_title_text='Number of Occurances (out of 50 trials)' ) fig1000.update_traces(opacity=.75)
def plot_gain(df): ''' Input: df - Dataframe of the stock Output: Histograms of the daily returns and the daily change in percentage of the stock ''' xDR = np.arange(min(df['Daily Return'].dropna().tolist()), max(df['Daily Return'].dropna().tolist()), len(df['Daily Return'].dropna())) xC = np.arange(min(df['Change %'].dropna().tolist()), max(df['Change %'].dropna().tolist()), len(df['Change %'].dropna())) fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, subplot_titles=(f'Daily Return of stock "{df["Company stock name"][0]}"', f'Daily change in % of stock "{df["Company stock name"][0]}"')) fig.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=df['Daily Return'].dropna(), marker_color='#330C73', opacity=0.8), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=xDR, y=df['Daily Return'].dropna(), mode='lines', line_color='#330C73'), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=df['Change %'].dropna(), marker_color='#330C73', opacity=0.8), row=1, col=2) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=xC, y=df['Change %'].dropna(), mode='lines', line_width=5, line_color='#330C73'), row=1, col=2) fig.update_layout(showlegend=False) fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Price USD ($)", row=1, col=1) fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Percentage %", row=1, col=2) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Counts", row=1, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Counts", row=1, col=2) fig.update_layout( bargap=0.1, bargroupgap=0.1 ) return fig
def generate_histogram(n_clicks, decision, range, table_data): if n_clicks > 0 and decision and range: df = pd.DataFrame(table_data) data = df[decision] min_val = data.min() max_val = data.max() size = (max_val - min_val) / int(range) return { 'data': [go.Histogram(x=df[decision], xbins=dict( start=min_val, end=max_val, size=size), autobinx=False)], 'layout': go.Layout( xaxis={'title': decision}, yaxis={'title': 'Quantity'}, margin={'l': 40, 'b': 40, 't': 30, 'r': 0}, clickmode='event+select', title='histogram' ) } elif n_clicks > 0 and decision: df = pd.DataFrame(table_data) return { 'data': [go.Histogram(x=df[decision])], 'layout': go.Layout( xaxis={'title': decision}, yaxis={'title': 'Ilość'}, margin={'l': 40, 'b': 40, 't': 30, 'r': 0}, clickmode='event+select', title='histogram' ) } else: return { 'data': [], 'layout': go.Layout(title='histogram'), }
def plot_distributions(self): df = self.normalised_df[self.col_types['int']].set_index( self.y_cols[0]) if df.shape[0] > 1000: df = df.sample(1000) fig = go.Figure() def get_kde(col, var): fig_temp = ff.create_distplot( [df[col]], ['distplot']) # TODO: check curve_type='normal' x = fig_temp['data'][1].x y = fig_temp['data'][1].y if var == 'x': return x elif var == 'y': return y fig_temp = ff.create_distplot([df[df.columns[0]]], ['distplot']) fig.add_trace( go.Histogram(x=df[df.columns[0]], visible=True, histnorm='probability density', marker_color='#2D3949', opacity=0.75)) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=fig_temp['data'][1].x, y=fig_temp['data'][1].y, visible=True, marker_color='#ff9900')) buttons = [] for col in df.columns: buttons.append( dict( method='restyle', label=col, visible=True, args=[{ 'y': [None, get_kde(col, 'y')], 'x': [df[col], get_kde(col, 'x')], 'type': ['histogram', 'scatter'] }], )) updatemenu = set_up_buttons(buttons) fig.update_layout( showlegend=False, updatemenus=updatemenu, title_text=f"Distribution", template="plotly_white_custom", ) return opy.plot(fig, auto_open=False, output_type='div')
def histogram(df, title='Histogram', out_path=None, max_col=2, layout_kwargs={}, to_image=False, bin_algo='default', str_length=None, hidden_char='..'): bin_algos = ['default', 'count', 'width'] assert bin_algo in bin_algos, f'bin_algo not in valid list: {bin_algos}' data = [] colors = DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS columns = df.columns for column in columns: try: # n_data = len(np.unique(df[column])) n_bins = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_data))) width = (df[column].max() - df[column].min()) / n_bins nbinsx = n_bins if bin_algo == 'count' else None xbins = {'size': width} if bin_algo == 'width' else None except TypeError: nbinsx = None xbins = None x = df[column].copy() if x.dtype == object: x = x.sort_values() x = np.where( x.str.len() > str_length, x.str.slice(stop=str_length).str.strip() + hidden_char, x) data.append( go.Histogram(x=x, name=column, showlegend=False, nbinsx=nbinsx, xbins=xbins, marker={'color': colors[0]})) plot_subplots(data, max_col=max_col, title=title, out_path=out_path, layout_kwargs=layout_kwargs, to_image=to_image)
def create_histogram(df: pd.DataFrame, column: str) -> dcc.Graph: """Create Histogram for dataframe and column""" return dcc.Graph( id="graph-{:s}".format(column), figure={ "data": [go.Histogram(x=df[column])], "layout": { "title": column.title(), "xaxis": {"title": column.title()}, "yaxis": {"title": "Frequency"}, } } )
def plot_hit_miss(data, min_value, max_value, step): fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Histogram( x=data['hits'], name='hits', xbins=dict( start=min_value, end=max_value, size=step ), )) fig.add_trace(go.Histogram( x=data['misses'], name='misses', xbins=dict( start=min_value, end=max_value, size=step ), )) fig.layout.xaxis.update(range=[min_value,max_value])
def plot_histogram(X,opt): if opt == 'ambos': #Dataset completo x = df[X] elif opt == 'crash': #Dataset filtrado por coque x = df[df[trg[0]]==1][X] elif opt == 'libre': #Dataset filtrado por libre de accidente x = df[df[trg[0]]==0][X] fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Histogram(x=x)]) fig.update_layout(title_text=X) return fig
def get_unit_tab_content(self, unit_idx, active_tab): """ Get the content of the selected tab """ w = self.weights[:, unit_idx] if active_tab == 'info': return self._get_unit_info(unit_idx, len(w)), None elif active_tab == 'weights': fig = go.Figure(data=[ go.Histogram(x=w, marker=self.theme.gradient_color_scale.as_dict(w)) ]) fig.update_layout( margin=self.theme.bottom_figure_margins, title=dict(text='Weight histogram', font=dict(size=14)), xaxis_title_text='Amplitude', bargap=0.2, # gap between bars of adjacent location coordinates) template=self.theme.plotly) return [], fig elif active_tab == 'grads': if self.grads is None: return html.P("No gradients available"), None g = self.grads[:, unit_idx] fig = go.Figure(data=[ go.Histogram(x=g, marker=self.theme.gradient_color_scale.as_dict(g)) ]) fig.update_layout( margin=self.theme.bottom_figure_margins, title=dict(text='Gradients histogram', font=dict(size=14)), xaxis_title_text='Amplitude', # yaxis_title_text='Count', bargap=0.2, # gap between bars of adjacent location coordinates) template=self.theme.plotly) return [], fig return AbstractLayer.get_layer_tab_content(self, active_tab)
def trimPlot(data, out_pre): k = list(data.keys()) k.sort() y1 = [data[y][READS_W_ADAPTERS] for y in k] y2 = [data[y][READS_WRITTEN] for y in k] fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Histogram(histfunc="sum", y=y1, x=k, name="reads written")) fig.update_layout(autosize=True, height=700) fig.update_xaxes(title_text='File Name') fig.update_yaxes(title_text='Percent Trimmed with 3\' Adapter Found') fig.write_html(str(out_pre) + "/trim_plot.html")
def view_data(state): # Get data... mvals = df[(df['State_Name'].str.match(state)) & (df['Mean'] != 0)]['Mean'] # Print Histogram... fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Histogram(x=mvals)]) fig.update_layout(title_text='{} Mean Household Income'.format(state), xaxis_title_text='Household Income', yaxis_title_text='Count', bargap=0.2, bargroupgap=0.1) # Print Probability Plot... stats.probplot(mvals, plot=plt) # Log Transformation... mvals_log = df[(df['State_Name'].str.contains(state)) & (df['Mean'] != 0)]['Mean'].apply(lambda x: np.log(x)) # Log Transformation Histogram... fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Histogram(x=mvals_log)]) fig.update_layout( title_text='{} Mean Household Income (Log Transformation)'.format( state), xaxis_title_text='Household Income', yaxis_title_text='Count', bargap=0.2, bargroupgap=0.1) # Log Transforamtion Probability Plot stats.probplot(mvals_log, plot=plt)
def histogram(column, telcom): # Separating churn and non churn customers churn = telcom[telcom["Churn"] == "Yes"] not_churn = telcom[telcom["Churn"] == "No"] trace1 = go.Histogram(x=churn[column], histnorm="percent", name="Churn Customers", marker=dict(line=dict(width=.5, color="black")), opacity=.9) x = np.random.randn(500) fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Histogram(x=x, histnorm='probability')]) trace2 = go.Histogram(x=not_churn[column], histnorm="percent", name="Non churn customers", marker=dict(line=dict(width=.5, color="black")), opacity=.9) data = [trace1, trace2] layout = go.Layout( dict( title=column + " distribution in customer attrition ", plot_bgcolor="rgb(243,243,243)", paper_bgcolor="rgb(243,243,243)", xaxis=dict(gridcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)', title=column, zerolinewidth=1, ticklen=5, gridwidth=2), yaxis=dict(gridcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)', title="percent", zerolinewidth=1, ticklen=5, gridwidth=2), )) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig)
def GetTotalsPlot(): # get the data # later must filter by active movies master_ls = list(TB.MasterMovie.objects.values()) year_distrib = {'netflix': [], 'amazon': [], 'hulu': []} for mov in master_ls: year = int(mov['Year']) index_dx = json.loads(mov['Indeces']) for key, val in index_dx.items(): if key in year_distrib and year >= 1980: year_distrib[key].append(year) # create the plot fig = GO.Figure() fig.add_trace(GO.Histogram(x= year_distrib['amazon'], xbins={'size': 1}, name='Amazon', marker_color='darkblue', opacity=0.6)) fig.add_trace(GO.Histogram(x= year_distrib['netflix'], xbins={'size': 1}, name='Netflix', marker_color='crimson', opacity=0.7)) fig.add_trace(GO.Histogram(x= year_distrib['hulu'], xbins={'size': 1}, name='Hulu', marker_color='green', opacity=0.8)) fig.update_layout( title="Total Movie Count for Each Service", xaxis_title="Release Year", yaxis_title="Movie Count", width=600, height=400, margin=GO.layout.Margin(t=50, r=20, b=50, l=70, pad=0), paper_bgcolor="LightSteelBlue", barmode='overlay', ) # format and send to frontend return UT.ConvertFigureToJson(fig)
def plot_distribution(metric, start, end, size): fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Histogram(x=df_stat[metric], name=metric, xbins=dict(start=start, end=end, size=size))) fig.update_layout( barmode='overlay', title_text=metric + ' distribution', xaxis_title_text='Value', # xaxis label yaxis_title_text='Count', # yaxis label ) return fig
def histogram(selected_patient, selector, value): x = histogram_soz(selected_patient, selector, value) data = [] for e in x: d = go.Histogram(x=e['d'], name=e[0], opacity=0.75, bingroup=1) data.append(d) layout = go.Layout(title_text="Histogram prove", showlegend=True, xaxis_title_text=value, yaxis_title_text='Count', barmode='overlay') fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) return fig
def plot_user_analysis_chart(df, search_type): if (df is None) or (search_type is None): raise PreventUpdate subplot_titles = [ 'Followers Count', 'Statuses Count', 'Friends Count', 'Favourites Count', 'Verified', 'Tweet Source', 'Lang', 'User Created At' ] df = pd.DataFrame(df).drop_duplicates('user_screen_name') fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=4, subplot_titles=subplot_titles) for i, col in enumerate(subplot_titles[:4], start=1): col = ('user_' + col).replace(' ', '_').lower() fig.append_trace(go.Histogram(x=df[col], nbinsx=30, name='Users'), 1, i) for i, col in enumerate(subplot_titles[4:7], start=5): if (i == 6) and (search_type == 'Search Users'): continue if col == 'Tweet Source': col = 'tweet_source' else: col = ('user_' + col).replace(' ', '_').lower() fig.append_trace( go.Bar(x=df[col].value_counts().index[:14], width=0.9, y=df[col].value_counts().values[:14], name='Users'), 2, i - 4) fig.append_trace( go.Histogram( x=df['user_created_at'], name='Users', nbinsx=30, ), 2, 4) fig['layout'].update(height=600, plot_bgcolor='#878787', paper_bgcolor='#878787', showlegend=False) return fig
def drawHistogram(pos,neg,t): x = [] y = [] xn = [] yn = [] for keys, values in pos.items(): x.append(keys) y.append(values) for keysn,valuesn in neg.items(): xn.append(keysn) yn.append(valuesn) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Histogram(histfunc="sum", y=y, x=x, name="positive")) fig.add_trace(go.Histogram(histfunc="sum", y=yn, x=xn, name="negative")) fig.update_layout( title = t, xaxis_title="Words", yaxis_title="Frequency", )
def plotHistogram(datapoints, title, xlabel, ylabel): layout = go.Layout(title=title, xaxis=dict(title=xlabel), yaxis=dict(title=ylabel)) fig = go.Figure(layout=layout) fig.update_layout(template="ggplot2") fig.add_trace( go.Histogram(x=datapoints.values, # xbins = {'start': 1, 'size': 0.1, 'end' : 5} )) return fig
def hist_by(df:pd.DataFrame, column:str, by:str, alias_column:str=None, alias_by:str=None, colors:list=None, nbins:int=10, func:callable=np.sum) -> go.Figure: ''' This function excludes null values on "column" and "by" doing a simple & functions df -> Pandas DataFrame column -> Column to analyze by -> Column respect to analyze "column" alias_column -> String to show in texts (legend, titles, axis) alias_by -> String to show in texts (legend, titles, axis) func -> Criteria for the histogram. Frequency by defaul colors -> list of colors wich the plots will take. This colors should be representated in format: hexa -> '#F33DF5' rgb -> 'rgb(200, 56, 13)' rgba -> 'rgba(20, 189, 12, 90)' string -> 'green' Thes list can contain mix format. colors=['lightgreen', 'rgba(1,200,3,10)', '#FF0034'] colors=['green', 'lightgreen', 'darkgreen'] This list must be at least teh same lenght of unique values to plot nibins -> Number of bins for the histograms return plotly figure or None ''' if not alias_column: alias_column = column if not alias_by: alias_by = by new_df = not_nulls(df, column, by) uniques = uniques_values(new_df, by) if not colors: colors = ['#7ED388', '#2F668C', '#ABB392', '#EA7251', '#8501BA', '#09993E', '#BB60C4', '#65F587', '#13CEB7', '#C17B62', '#73A12E', '#344620', '#9B355F', '#B02D36', '#22B407', '#B3391C', '#408C09', '#7846C3', '#548FE2', '#290AFC', '#7C01A8', '#0D8911', '#DEC5CB', '#741BE5', '#5E11F9', '#1C4D07', '#7827A1', '#BFA409', '#F6CB1C', '#DC7AE4', '#97F7ED', '#492CDE', '#CEE30D', '#FAD149', '#BE98C9', '#04D364', '#3D4FF6', '#BB326A', '#4F50A5', '#D02CE0', '#11C68F', '#1863DD', '#0BC224', '#4F2000', '#A38BBC', '#06C5B2']*5 fig = make_subplots( rows=len(uniques), subplot_titles=list(uniques)) for i, unique_ in enumerate(uniques): filter_ = new_df[by].apply(contain_substr, args=(unique_,)) # get certain value even on multimple values rows filtered_df = new_df[filter_] # filtered dataframe fig.add_trace( go.Histogram(x=filtered_df[column], name=unique_, marker_color=colors[i], nbinsx=nbins ), row=i+1, col=1 ) fig.update_xaxes(title_text=alias_column, row=i + 1, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text=alias_by, row=i + 1, col=1) # configurating size, titles and legend fig.update_layout(height=350*len(uniques), width=800, title_text=alias_column + ' by ' + alias_by, showlegend=False) return fig
def histogram_plot(performance_data, ticker): returns = performance_data.diff(axis=0) / performance_data returns = performance_data.diff(axis=0) / performance_data trace_open = go.Histogram(x=returns['Open'], marker={'colorscale': 'Viridis'}, name='Open') trace_close = go.Histogram(x=returns['Open'], marker={'colorscale': 'Viridis'}, name='Close') data = [trace_open, trace_close] layout = { 'title': f'{ticker} Histogram' # 'yaxis':{'type': 'lin'} } fig_histogram = dict(data=data, layout=layout) return fig_histogram
def create_graph(self): #fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(, fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Histogram(]) # Documentazione fig.update_layout( title_text='Tempi percorrenza', # title of plot xaxis_title_text='Value', # xaxis label yaxis_title_text='Count', # yaxis label #bargap=0.2, # gap between bars of adjacent location coordinates bargroupgap=0.1 # gap between bars of the same location coordinates ) fig.write_html('tmp.html', auto_open=True)
def plot_distribution(random_sample, bins): fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Histogram(x=random_sample, nbinsx=bins)]) fig.update_layout(title_text="Гистограмма") st.write(fig) fig = ff.create_distplot([random_sample], [""], bin_size=.2, show_hist=False) fig.update_layout(title_text="Плотность") st.write(fig) fig = go.Figure(go.Histogram2dContour(x=random_sample, y=random_sample)) fig.update_layout(title_text="Контуры плотности") st.write(fig)
def normal_histogram(tweets: List[Tweet]) -> None: """Displays a normal histogram in plotly containing the compound values of each tweet in tweets. Precondition: - all(t.sentiment is not None for t in tweets) """ # Retrieves the compound scores of each tweet compound_values = [tweet.sentiment['compound'] for tweet in tweets] # Compute the summary statistics of the compound values summary_data = summary(compound_values) # Store the summary statistics of the compound values in text form to add as annotation lines = [ 'Mean :' + str(summary_data['mean']), 'Median :' + str(summary_data['median']), 'Standard Deviation :' + str(summary_data['stdev']), 'Range :' + str(summary_data['range']) ] text = '<br>'.join(lines) # HTML '<br>' sequence gives newlines # Adds the annotation that displays the summary statistics in a box below the graph. layout = go.Layout( height=800, width=800, yaxis=go.layout.YAxis(domain=[0.5, 1]), annotations=[ go.layout.Annotation( bordercolor='black', align='left', yanchor='top', # Align text box's top edge with y axis text=text, showarrow=False, width=650, xref='paper', # Place relative to figure, not axes yref='paper', font={'family': 'Courier'}, x=0, # Coordinates start from top left corner y=0.4) ]) # Creates the figure object that draws the histogram and takes in the annotation created above fig = go.Figure( data=[go.Histogram(x=compound_values, histnorm='probability')], layout=layout) fig.update_traces(xbins_size=0.01, selector=dict(type='histogram')) fig.update_layout( title='Percentage of frequency of tweets against compound value range', xaxis_title='Compound value range', yaxis_title='Percentage of occurrence') # Shows the figure object
def alignPlot(data, out_pre): k = list(data.keys()) k.sort() y = [data[y] for y in k] fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Histogram(histfunc="sum", y=y, x=k, name="percent aligned to miR reference")) fig.update_layout(autosize=True, height=700) fig.update_xaxes(title_text='File Name') fig.update_yaxes(title_text='Percent of Trimmed Reads Aligned') fig.write_html(str(out_pre) + "/align_plot.html")