def update_clustering_figure(selectedData, value): print("c") selectedData = json.loads(selectedData) kmeans_val = value clickpoint = selectedData['selectedData'] print(clickpoint) if clickpoint != 'null': clickpoint = json.loads(clickpoint) print("in here") clicked_type = clickpoint['points'][0]['label'] # if prev_clicked_cluster_type != clicked_type: # prev_clicked_cluster_type = clicked_type local_df = df[df.Type_1 == clicked_type] stats = local_df.iloc[:, 5:11] normalized_stats = stats for i in stats.columns: mini, maxi = stats[i].min(), stats[i].max() normalized_stats[i] = (stats[i] - mini) / (maxi - mini) pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit(normalized_stats) stats2d = pca.transform(normalized_stats) df_stats2d = pd.DataFrame(stats2d, index=local_df.index) model, z = cluster(kmeans_val, normalized_stats.iloc[:, 0:5]) trace = go.Scatter(x=df_stats2d.iloc[:, 0], y=df_stats2d.iloc[:, 1], text=local_df['Name'], name='', mode='markers', marker=go.Marker(opacity=0.5, color=z), showlegend=False) else: print("error") stats = df.iloc[:, 5:11] normalized_stats = stats for i in stats.columns: mini, maxi = stats[i].min(), stats[i].max() normalized_stats[i] = (stats[i] - mini) / (maxi - mini) pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit(normalized_stats) stats2d = pca.transform(normalized_stats) model, z = cluster(kmeans_val, normalized_stats.iloc[:, 0:5]) trace = go.Scatter(x=stats2d[:, 0], y=stats2d[:, 1], text=df['Name'], name='', mode='markers', marker=go.Marker(opacity=0.5, color=z), showlegend=False) layout = go.Layout( title='k-means clustering of catch_rate and total stats', xaxis=go.XAxis(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), yaxis=go.YAxis(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), hovermode='closest') data = go.Data([trace]) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) return fig
def highlight_point(hoverData): xy = pd.DataFrame() xy['neighbourhood'] = df['id_neighbourhood'].unique() x = list(df[(df.year == 2019) & ( df.variable == 'Average weight of airbnb inside the neighbourhood' )]['Nominal ']) - (df[(df.year == 2015) & ( df.variable == 'Average weight of airbnb inside the neighbourhood')] ['Nominal ']) y = (list(df[(df.year == 2019) & (df.variable == 'Average renting price/m2')]['Nominal ']) - df[(df.year == 2015) & (df.variable == 'Average renting price/m2')]['Nominal ']) / df[ (df.year == 2015) & (df.variable == 'Average renting price/m2')]['Nominal '] xy['x'] = x.values xy['y'] = y.values xy['total_houses'] = total_houses['total_houses'].values xy['name'] = df['neighbourhood'].unique() if len(hoverData) == 1: point_highlight = (go.Scatter( x=xy[xy['neighbourhood'] == hoverData['points'][0] ['location']]['x'], y=xy[xy['neighbourhood'] == hoverData['points'][0] ['location']]['y'], mode='markers', showlegend=False, marker=go.Marker(size=14, line={'width': 5}, color='orange', symbol='circle-open'))) if len(fig_scatter['data']) == 2: fig_scatter['data'][1] = point_highlight else: fig_scatter['data'].append(point_highlight) return fig_scatter
def plot_LDA(data, features): X = data[features] y = data["categoria"] X_std = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X) LDA = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis() Y = LDA.fit_transform(X_std, y) results = [] for name in (2, 3, 13): result = go.Scatter(x=Y[y == name, 0], y=Y[y == name, 1], mode="markers", name=name, marker=go.Marker(size=8, line=go.Line( color="rgba(225,225,225,0.2)", width=0.5), opacity=0.75)) results.append(result) data = go.Data(results) layout = go.Layout(xaxis=go.XAxis(title="CP1", showline=False), yaxis=go.YAxis(title="CP2", showline=False)) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.iplot(fig) return fig
def plotly_histogram2(X, columns, target): colors = { 2: 'rgb(255,127,20)', 3: 'rgb(31, 220, 120)', 13: 'rgb(44, 50, 180)' } traces = [] _targets = sorted(X[target].unique().tolist()) legend = {2: True, 3: True, 13: True} for col in range(2): for key in range(len(_targets)): traces.append( go.Histogram(x=X[X[target] == _targets[key]][columns[col]], opacity=0.7, xaxis="x%s" % (col + 1), marker=go.Marker(color=colors[_targets[key]]), name=_targets[key], showlegend=legend[_targets[key]])) legend = {2: False, 3: False, 13: False} data = go.Data(traces) layout = go.Layout(barmode="overlay", xaxis=go.XAxis(domain=[0, 0.48], title=columns[0]), xaxis2=go.XAxis(domain=[0.52, 1], title=columns[1]), yaxis=go.YAxis(title="Numero de Defectos"), title="Histograma caracteristicas") fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.iplot(fig) return fig
def draw(solver, t0=0, x0=13.41265629, y0=13.46430003, z0=33.46156416): for r in rs: ts, xs, ys, zs = solver(r, t0, x0, y0, z0) print('r = {0}'.format(r)) plt.plot(ts, xs, 'red') plt.plot(ts, ys, 'green') plt.plot(ts, zs, 'blue') fig = go.Figure( data=[go.Scatter3d(x=xs, y=ys, z=zs, marker=go.Marker(size=1))])
def test_update_overwrite_data(self): fig = go.Figure( data=[go.Bar(marker_color="blue"), go.Bar(marker_color="yellow")]) fig.update(overwrite=True, data=[go.Marker(y=[1, 3, 2], line_color="yellow")]) self.assertEqual( fig.to_plotly_json()["data"], [{ "type": "scatter", "y": [1, 3, 2], "line": { "color": "yellow" } }], )
def form_show(self, **event_args): """This method is called when the column panel is shown on the screen""" self.label_2.text = Globals.rmse x_month = Globals.x_month item_lst = Globals.item_lst data_lst = Globals.data_lst colors = ['Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Brown'] plot_data = list() for i in range(len(data_lst)): scatter = go.Scatter(x=x_month, y=data_lst[i], name=str(item_lst[i]), marker=go.Marker(color=colors[i % 5])) plot_data.append(scatter) = plot_data pass
# array=lnyError, # visible=True), # # error_x=dict( # type='data', # value of error bar given in data coordinates # array=lnxError, # visible=True) # ) # #line = go.Scatter( # x=x, # y=line, # mode='lines', # marker=go.Marker(color='rgb(31, 119, 180)'), # name='Linear Regression' # ) line2 = go.Scatter(x=x, y=line2, mode='lines', marker=go.Marker(color='rgb(31, 119, 180)'), name='Linear Regression') #data1 = [Parallel, line] #fig1 = go.Figure(data=data1,layout=layout) data2 = [Ring, line2] fig2 = go.Figure(data=data2, layout=layout2) #py.offline.plot(fig1, filename='Parallel') py.offline.plot(fig2, filename='Ring')
# title='Distribucion de los rasgos de las diferentes flores iris') # fig = ir.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) # # Point 1 (Estandarizar data) X_std = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X) traces = [] legend = {0:True, 1:True, 2:True, 3:True} colors = {'setosa': 'rgb(255,0,0)', 'versicolor': 'rgb(0,255,0)', 'virginica': 'rgb(0,0,255)'} for col in range(4): for key in colors: traces.append(ir.Histogram(x=X_std[y==key, col], opacity=0.7, xaxis="x%s"%(col+1), marker=ir.Marker(color=colors[key]), name=key, showlegend=legend[col])) legend = {0:False, 1:False, 2:False, 3:False} data = ir.Data(traces) layout = ir.Layout(barmode='overlay', xaxis=ir.layout.XAxis(domain=[0, 0.25], title='Long. Sepalos (cm)'), xaxis2=ir.layout.XAxis(domain=[0.3, 0.5], title='Anch. Sepalos (cm)'), xaxis3=ir.layout.XAxis(domain=[0.55, 0.75], title='Long. Petalos (cm)'), xaxis4=ir.layout.XAxis(domain=[0.8, 1], title='Anch. Petalos (cm)'), yaxis=ir.layout.YAxis(title='Numero de ejemplares'), title='Distribucion de los rasgos de las diferentes flores iris') fig = ir.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) # Point 2 (Obtener los vectores y valores propios 'matrix de covarianza')
def visualize(df_viz, mapbox_token): df_viz['tp'] = df_viz['tp'] * 0.0393701 # conversion from mm to in # max_precip = 6 # limiting the highest daily precipitation for coloring plot # df_viz['tp'][df_viz['tp'] >= max_precip] = max_precip # df_viz.tail(20) # colorscale = [[0.0, '#171c42'], [0.07692307692307693, '#263583'], [0.15384615384615385, '#1a58af'], [0.23076923076923078, '#1a7ebd'], [0.3076923076923077, '#619fbc'], [0.38461538461538464, '#9ebdc8'], [0.46153846153846156, '#d2d8dc'], [0.5384615384615384, '#e6d2cf'], [0.6153846153846154, '#daa998'], [0.6923076923076923, '#cc7b60'], [0.7692307692307693, '#b94d36'], [0.8461538461538461, '#9d2127'], [0.9230769230769231, '#6e0e24'], [1.0, '#3c0911']] # colorscale = [ [0, 'rgb(5,10,172)'], [0.35, 'rgb(40,60,190)'], [0.5, 'rgb(70,100,245)'], [0.6, 'rgb(90,120,245)'], [0.7, 'rgb(106,137,247)'], # fades out into: [1, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.05)'] # white nearly invisible ] val_min = df_viz['tp'].min() val_max = df_viz['tp'].max() # print(val_max, val_min) data = [] # data.append( go.Scattermapbox( lon=df_viz['lonbin'].values, lat=df_viz['latbin'].values, mode='markers', text=df_viz['tp'].values, marker=go.Marker( cmax=val_max, cmin=val_min, color=df_viz['tp'].values, colorscale=colorscale, reversescale=True, showscale = True, opacity = 0.65 ), ) ) layout = go.Layout( margin=dict(t=0,b=0,r=0,l=0), autosize=True, hovermode='closest', showlegend=True, mapbox=dict( accesstoken=mapbox_token, bearing=0, center=dict( lat=45, lon=-122 ), pitch=0, zoom=4, style='dark' ), ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) # print out how long this script run took ending = print('Ending:', ending) print() print('Elapsed:', ending - starting)
def front_page_map(): pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # mapbox_access_token = 'pk.eyJ1IjoibWFrcy1zaCIsImEiOiJjajRnMGhyNzcxZGFzMnd1ZnZteHF1YXo3In0.5R_XD1wl8F7ffCjAN1yxLg' terror_data = pd.read_csv( 'gtd_data/globalterrorismdb_0718dist.csv', encoding='ISO-8859-1', usecols=[0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 29, 35, 84, 98, 101]) terror_data = terror_data.rename( columns={ 'eventid': 'id', 'iyear': 'year', 'imonth': 'month', 'iday': 'day', 'country_txt': 'country', 'provstate': 'state', 'city': 'city', 'targtype1_txt': 'target', 'weaptype1_txt': 'weapon', 'attacktype1_txt': 'attacktype', 'nkill': 'nkill', 'nwound': 'nwound', 'addnotes': 'info' }) terror_data['nkill'] = terror_data['nkill'].fillna(0).astype(int) terror_data['nwound'] = terror_data['nwound'].fillna(0).astype(int) terror_data = terror_data.dropna(how='any', subset=['latitude', 'longitude']) terror_pak = terror_data[terror_data['country'] == 'Pakistan'] terror_india = terror_data[terror_data['country'] == 'India'] terror_afghan = terror_data[terror_data['country'] == 'Afghanistan'] terror_pak_assassination = terror_pak[terror_pak['attacktype'] == 'Assassination'] terror_pak.loc[:, 'day'] = terror_pak.apply( lambda row: str(row['id'])[6:8] if row['day'] == 0 else row['day'], axis=1) # terror_pak.loc[:, 'date'] = pd.to_datetime(terror_pak[['day', 'month', 'year']]) terror_pak = terror_pak.drop_duplicates(['latitude', 'longitude', 'nkill']) terror_peryear = np.asarray(terror_pak.groupby('year').year.count()) terror_years = np.arange(1970, 2016) terror_years = np.delete(terror_years, [1]) trace1 = go.Scattergeo( geo='geo3', lon=terror_pak[(terror_pak['year'] == 2011)]['longitude'], lat=terror_pak[(terror_pak['year'] == 2011)]['latitude'], mode='markers', marker=go.Marker( size=3, opacity=0.7, color='#A60000', ), text=terror_pak[(terror_pak['year'] == 2011)]['country']) trace2 = go.Scattergeo( geo='geo3', lon=terror_india[(terror_india['year'] == 2011)]['longitude'], lat=terror_india[(terror_india['year'] == 2011)]['latitude'], mode='markers', marker=go.Marker( size=3, opacity=0.7, color='#B60000', ), text=terror_india[(terror_india['year'] == 2011)]['country']) # data=trace1 data = [trace1, trace2] layout = go.Layout( title='Terrorist attacks Occurring in Pakistan & India', height=600, # width=1000, autosize=True, dragmode='zoom', geo3=dict( scope='asia', showlakes=True, showocean=True, # oceancolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)', showland=True, showcountries=True, countrywidth=2, countrycolor='rgb(200, 200, 200)', ) # geo3=dict(projection=dict(type='orthographic', ),scope='asia', showlakes=False,showocean=True,showland=True,showcountries=True,) ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) return fig
def create_visuals(test_name, ux, uy, id): f = open("Sites.txt", 'r') temp_sites = temp_sites = temp_sites.split("\n") temp_sites.pop() sites = {} for site in temp_sites: site = site.split(", ") site[0] = int(site[0]) site[1] = float(site[1]) site[2] = float(site[2]) site[3] = str(site[3]) site[4] = str(site[4]) site[5] = str(site[5]) sites[site[0]] = site f = open("Flows.txt", 'r') temp_flows = temp_flows = temp_flows.split("\n") temp_flows.pop() flows = [] for flow in temp_flows: flow = flow.split(", ") flow[0] = int(flow[0]) flow[1] = int(flow[1]) flow[2] = float(flow[2]) flow[3] = float(flow[3]) flow[4] = int(flow[4]) flows.append(flow) if ux != -1 and uy != -1 and id != -1: ux = [ux] uy = [uy] user_click_trace = go.Scatter(x=ux, y=uy, mode='markers', text=[id], hoverinfo='text', marker=dict(color='green', size=10, line_width=2)) real_sites = [] for site in sites.keys(): if sites[site][5] == "True": real_sites.append([sites[site][1], sites[site][2]]) Xr = [real_sites[k][0] for k in range(len(real_sites))] Yr = [real_sites[k][1] for k in range(len(real_sites))] realSites_trace = go.Scatter(x=Xr, y=Yr, mode='markers', hoverinfo='none', marker=dict(color='red', size=10, line_width=2)) midpoints = [] for flow in flows: x0 = sites[flow[0]][1] y0 = sites[flow[0]][2] x1 = sites[flow[1]][1] y1 = sites[flow[1]][2] temp_length = flow[2] new_x = (x0 + x1) / 2 new_y = (y0 + y1) / 2 midpoints.append([temp_length, new_x, new_y]) Xm = [midpoints[k][1] for k in range(len(midpoints))] Ym = [midpoints[k][2] for k in range(len(midpoints))] flow_lengths = [ "This: " + str(flows[k][2]) + "\t Upstream: " + str(flows[k][3]) + "\t straihler: " + str(flows[k][4]) for k in range(len(flows)) ] midpoint_trace = go.Scatter(x=Xm, y=Ym, mode='markers', text=flow_lengths, hoverinfo='text', marker=go.Marker(opacity=0)) G = nx.Graph() my_nodes = range(len(sites)) my_edges = [(flows[k][0], flows[k][1]) for k in range(len(flows))] G.add_nodes_from(my_nodes) G.add_edges_from(my_edges) sL = list(sites.values()) Xn = [] Yn = [] for k in range(len(sL)): Xn.append(sL[k][1]) Yn.append(sL[k][2]) labels = [sL[k][0] for k in range(len(sL))] node_labels = [ "ID: " + str(sL[k][0]) + "\nAssigned ID: " + str(sL[k][3]) + "\nDownward Ref ID:" + sL[k][4] for k in range(len(sL)) ] node_trace = go.Scatter(x=Xn, y=Yn, mode='markers', text=node_labels, hoverinfo='text', marker=dict(color='white', size=7, line_width=2)) Xe = [] Ye = [] Xdict = dict() Ydict = dict() for k in range(len(sL)): Xdict[sL[k][0]] = sL[k][1] Ydict[sL[k][0]] = sL[k][2] for e in G.edges(): x0 = Xdict[e[0]] y0 = Ydict[e[0]] x1 = Xdict[e[1]] y1 = Ydict[e[1]] Xe.append(x0) Xe.append(x1) Xe.append(None) Ye.append(y0) Ye.append(y1) Ye.append(None) edge_trace = go.Scatter(x=Xe, y=Ye, line=dict(width=0.5, color='#888'), mode='lines') axis = dict( showline=False, # hide axis line, grid, ticklabels and title zeroline=False, showgrid=False, showticklabels=False, title='') layout = dict( title=test_name, font=dict(family='Balto'), width=1500, height=1000, autosize=False, showlegend=False, xaxis=axis, yaxis=axis, hovermode='closest', plot_bgcolor='#bad7ff', #set background color ) if ux != -1 and uy != -1 and id != -1: fig = dict(data=[ user_click_trace, node_trace, edge_trace, midpoint_trace, realSites_trace ], layout=layout) else: fig = dict( data=[node_trace, edge_trace, midpoint_trace, realSites_trace], layout=layout) fig['layout'].update(annotations=make_annotations(Xn, Yn, labels)) plot(fig)
def plot_exponential_graph_set(time, t_c, t_h, power, resistance, room_temp): data_dict = { "T_c": (t_c, "#17becf", 40, 20), "T_h": (t_h, "#de1738", 40, -20), "\dot{W}": (power, "#7851a9", 40, -20), } scatters = [] trendlines = [] annotations = [] for dataname, datapair in data_dict.items(): # Use dogleg algorithm popt, pcov = curve_fit(exponential, time, datapair[0], method="dogbox") # Prep constants for return values if dataname == "T_c": tc_coeffs = popt elif dataname == "T_h": th_coeffs = popt elif dataname == "\dot{W}": w_coeffs = popt # Compute R^2 value r_squared = round(metrics.r2_score(exponential(time, *popt), datapair[0]), 3) xx = np.linspace(time[0], time[-1], 2000) yy = exponential(xx, *popt) if dataname == "T_c" or dataname == "T_h": # Creating the dataset, and generating the plot scatters.append( go.Marker( x=time, y=datapair[0] + room_temp, mode="markers", marker=go.Marker(color=list(range(140)), colorscale="Viridis"), name="", showlegend=False, ) ) trendlines.append( go.Marker( x=xx, y=yy + room_temp, mode="lines", marker=go.Marker(color=datapair[1]), name="${{{}}}$".format(dataname), ) ) annotations.append( go.layout.Annotation( x=time[-20], y=exponential(time[-20], *popt) + room_temp, text="${} = {}e^{{-{}(t - 61.9)}} + {{{}}}$".format( dataname, round(popt[0], 3), round(popt[1], 3), room_temp ), showarrow=True, ax=datapair[2], ay=datapair[3], ) ) annotations.append( go.layout.Annotation( x=time[-1], y=exponential(time[-1], *popt) + room_temp, text="$R^2 = {}$".format(r_squared), showarrow=True, ax=datapair[2], ay=datapair[3], ) ) elif dataname == "\dot{W}": scatters.append( go.Marker( x=time, y=datapair[0], mode="markers", marker=go.Marker(color=list(range(140)), colorscale="Viridis"), name="", showlegend=False, ) ) trendlines.append( go.Marker( x=xx, y=yy, mode="lines", marker=go.Marker(color=datapair[1]), name="${{{}}}$".format(dataname), ) ) annotations.append( go.layout.Annotation( x=time[-20], y=exponential(time[-20], *popt), text="${} = {}e^{{-{}(t - 61.9)}}$".format( dataname, round(popt[0], 3), round(popt[1], 3) ), showarrow=True, ax=datapair[2], ay=datapair[3], ) ) annotations.append( go.layout.Annotation( x=time[-1], y=exponential(time[-1], *popt), text="$R^2 = {}$".format(r_squared), showarrow=True, ax=datapair[2], ay=datapair[3], ) ) layout = go.Layout( title="$\\textbf{{Graph for }} {} \\textbf{{ }} \Omega$".format(resistance), plot_bgcolor="rgb(229, 229, 229)", xaxis=go.layout.XAxis( zerolinecolor="rgb(255,255,255)", gridcolor="rgb(255,255,255)", title="$t (s)$", ), yaxis=go.layout.YAxis( zerolinecolor="rgb(255,255,255)", gridcolor="rgb(255,255,255)", title="$T (^\circ C)$", ), annotations=annotations, ) scatter_trendline_pair = list(zip(scatters, trendlines)) final_data = [item for sublist in scatter_trendline_pair for item in sublist] fig = go.Figure(data=final_data, layout=layout) # Show plot on localhost # pio.write_html(fig, file='T_c vs Time', auto_open=True) return tc_coeffs, th_coeffs, w_coeffs
def output_power_graph(resistance_values, output_power_values): scatters = [] trendlines = [] annotations = [] # Use dogleg algorithm popt, pcov = curve_fit( output, resistance_values, output_power_values, method="dogbox" ) # Compute R^2 value r_squared = round( metrics.r2_score(output(resistance_values, *popt), output_power_values), 3 ) xx = np.linspace(resistance_values[0], resistance_values[-1], 2000) yy = output(xx, *popt) scatters.append( go.Marker( x=resistance_values, y=output_power_values, mode="markers", marker=go.Marker(color=list(range(10)), colorscale="Viridis"), name="", showlegend=False, ) ) trendlines.append( go.Marker( x=xx, y=yy, mode="lines", marker=go.Marker(color="#ff007f"), name="${{\dot{W}}}$", ) ) annotations.append( go.layout.Annotation( x=resistance_values[-4], y=output(resistance_values[-4], *popt), text="$\dot{{W}} = \\frac{{{}^2 R_L}}{{{{{} + R_L}}^2}}$".format( round(popt[1], 3), round(popt[0], 3) ), showarrow=True, ax=70, ay=-5, ) ) annotations.append( go.layout.Annotation( x=resistance_values[-1], y=output(resistance_values[-1], *popt), text="$R^2 = {}$".format(r_squared), showarrow=True, ax=70, ay=-5, ) ) layout = go.Layout( title="$\\textbf{Output Power Graph}$", plot_bgcolor="rgb(229, 229, 229)", xaxis=go.layout.XAxis( zerolinecolor="rgb(255,255,255)", gridcolor="rgb(255,255,255)", title="$R_L (\Omega)$", ), yaxis=go.layout.YAxis( zerolinecolor="rgb(255,255,255)", gridcolor="rgb(255,255,255)", title="$\dot{W} (W)$", ), annotations=annotations, ) scatter_trendline_pair = list(zip(scatters, trendlines)) final_data = [item for sublist in scatter_trendline_pair for item in sublist] fig = go.Figure(data=final_data, layout=layout) # Show plot on localhost
def plot_qc_qh_and_w(time, tc_coeffs, th_coeffs, resistance, room_temp): # Define symbols for differentiation t, Tc, Th = symbols("t Tc Th") Tc = tc_coeffs[0] * exp(-tc_coeffs[1] * (t - 61.9)) + room_temp Th = th_coeffs[0] * exp(-th_coeffs[1] * (t - 61.9)) + room_temp dTcdt = diff(Tc, t) dThdt = diff(Th, t) # mc = 21.87 J/°C dQcdt = 21.87 * dTcdt dQhdt = 21.87 * dThdt dWdt = dQhdt + dQcdt actual_Qc = lambdify(t, dQcdt) actual_Qh = lambdify(t, dQhdt) actual_W = lambdify(t, dWdt) # Start plotting data_dict = { "\dot{Q_c}": (tc_coeffs[1], actual_Qc, "#17becf", dQcdt, -40, 20), "\dot{Q_h}": (th_coeffs[1], actual_Qh, "#de1738", dQhdt, 40, -20), "\dot{W}": (th_coeffs[1] + tc_coeffs[1], actual_W, "#7851a9", dWdt, 40, 20), } plots = [] annotations = [] for dataname, datapair in data_dict.items(): xx = np.linspace(time[0], time[-1], 2000) yy = abs(datapair[1](xx)) plots.append( go.Marker( x=xx, y=yy, mode="lines", marker=go.Marker(color=datapair[2]), name="${{{}}}$".format(dataname), ) ) if dataname == "\dot{Q_c}" or dataname == "\dot{Q_h}": annotations.append( go.layout.Annotation( x=time[20], y=abs(datapair[1](time[20])), text="${} = {}e^{{-{}t}}$".format( dataname, abs(round(datapair[3].args[0], 3)), round(datapair[0], 3), ), showarrow=True, ax=datapair[4], ay=datapair[5], ) ) elif dataname == "\dot{W}": annotations.append( go.layout.Annotation( x=time[-20], y=datapair[1](time[-20]), text="${} = {}e^{{-{}t}} - {}e^{{-{}t}}$".format( dataname, abs(round(dQhdt.args[0], 3)), round(th_coeffs[1], 3), abs(round(dQcdt.args[0], 3)), round(tc_coeffs[1], 3), ), showarrow=True, ax=datapair[4], ay=datapair[5], ) ) layout = go.Layout( title="$\\textbf{{Graph for }} {} \\textbf{{ }} \Omega$".format(resistance), plot_bgcolor="rgb(229, 229, 229)", xaxis=go.layout.XAxis( zerolinecolor="rgb(255,255,255)", gridcolor="rgb(255,255,255)", title="$t (s)$", ), yaxis=go.layout.YAxis( zerolinecolor="rgb(255,255,255)", gridcolor="rgb(255,255,255)", title="$\dot{Q} (J/s)$", ), annotations=annotations, ) fig = go.Figure(data=plots, layout=layout) # Show plot on localhost