def show_indexed_timeseries_plotly(timeseries: TimeSeries, istart=None, istop=None, fig: go.FigureWidget = None, col=None, row=None, zero_start=False, xlabel='time (s)', ylabel=None, title=None, neurodata_vis_spec=None, **kwargs): if ylabel is None and timeseries.unit: ylabel = timeseries.unit tt = get_timeseries_tt(timeseries, istart=istart, istop=istop) if zero_start: tt = tt - tt[0] data, unit = get_timeseries_in_units(timeseries, istart=istart, istop=istop) trace_kwargs = dict() if col is not None or row is not None: trace_kwargs.update(row=row, col=col) fig.add_trace(x=tt, y=data, **trace_kwargs, **kwargs) layout_kwargs = dict(xaxis_title=xlabel) if ylabel is not None: layout_kwargs.update(yaxis_title=ylabel) if title is not None: layout_kwargs.update(title=title) fig.update_layout(**layout_kwargs)
def update( self, index: int, start_label: str = "start_time", before: float = 0.0, after: float = 1.0, order=None, group_inds=None, labels=None, align_to_zero=False, fig: go.FigureWidget = None, ): data, time_ts_aligned = self.align_data(start_label, before, after, index) if group_inds is None: group_inds = np.zeros(len(self.trials), if align_to_zero: for trial_no in order: data_zero_id = bisect(time_ts_aligned[trial_no], 0) data[trial_no] -= data[trial_no][data_zero_id] fig = fig if fig is not None else go.FigureWidget() = [] fig.layout = {} return self.plot_group(group_inds, data, time_ts_aligned, fig, order)
def addMesh(fig: go.FigureWidget, faces, props=dict(color='white', opacity=1.0, facecolor=None, lighting=None)): (verts, facesIndices) = getVertsAndFaces(faces) xVert, yVert, zVert, _ = np.array(verts).T xFace, yFace, zFace = np.array(facesIndices).T return fig.add_mesh3d(x=xVert, y=yVert, z=zVert, i=xFace, j=yFace, k=zFace, lighting=props["lighting"], facecolor=props["facecolor"], color=props["color"], opacity=props["opacity"])
def createFigureWidget(self): x_id = self.dimensions[0] d_val =[x_id] if hasattr([x_id], 'codes'): d_val =[x_id].codes hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(d_val.flatten(), bins='auto') xedges = [] for i in range(len(bin_edges) - 1): xedges.append((bin_edges[i + 1] + bin_edges[i]) / 2) traces = [] trace = { 'type': "bar", 'name':, 'marker': { 'color': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)' }, 'x': xedges, 'y': hist, } if self.only_subsets == False: traces.append(trace) for sset in if hasattr(sset, "disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: s_val = sset[x_id] if hasattr(sset[x_id], 'codes'): s_val = sset[x_id].codes hist, bin_edges2 = np.histogram( s_val.flatten(), range=(bin_edges[0], bin_edges[len(bin_edges) - 1]), bins=(len(bin_edges) - 1)) color = trace = { 'type': "bar", 'name': sset.label, 'marker': { 'color': color }, 'x': xedges, 'y': hist, } traces.append(trace) layout = { 'title': self.options['title'].value, 'margin': { 'l': 50, 'r': 0, 'b': 50, 't': 30 }, 'xaxis': { 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': True, 'title': self.options['xaxis'].value, 'linecolor':, 'tickcolor':, 'ticklen': 4, 'linewidth': 4, }, 'yaxis': { 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': True, 'title': self.options['yaxis'].value, }, 'legend': { 'orientation': self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x': self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y': self.margins['legend_ypos'].value }, 'showlegend': self.margins['showlegend'].value, 'barmode': 'overlay', } return FigureWidget({'data': traces, 'layout': layout})
def createFigureWidget(self, x_id, y_id_list): traces = [] alpha_min, alpha_max, alpha_delta = self.getDeltaFunction( len(y_id_list)) alpha_val = alpha_max self.polyfun = {} for step, y_id in enumerate(y_id_list): z = np.polyfit([x_id].flatten().astype('float'),[y_id].flatten().astype('float'), self.options['fit_degree'].value) f = np.poly1d(z) color = "#444444" color = 'rgba' + str(self.getDeltaColor(color, alpha_val, step)) trace = { 'type': "scattergl", 'mode': "markers", 'name': + "_" + y_id, 'marker': dict({ 'symbol': 'circle', 'size': self.options['marker_size'].value, 'color': color, 'line': { 'width': self.options['line_width'].value, 'color': color } }), 'x':[x_id].flatten(), 'y':[y_id].flatten(), } if self.only_subsets == False: traces.append(trace) x_new =[x_id].flatten().astype('float').tolist() x_new.sort() y_new = f(x_new) trace = { 'type': "scattergl", 'mode': "lines", 'name': + "_fit_" + y_id, 'line': { 'width': self.options['line_width'].value, 'color': color }, 'x': x_new, 'y': y_new, 'showlegend': False } if self.only_subsets == False: traces.append(trace) alpha_val = alpha_val - alpha_delta self.polyfun[y_id] = f for sset in if hasattr(sset, "disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: alpha_val = alpha_max for step, y_id in enumerate(y_id_list): z = np.polyfit(sset[x_id].flatten().astype('float'), sset[y_id].flatten().astype('float'), self.options['fit_degree'].value) f = np.poly1d(z) color = color = 'rgba' + str( self.getDeltaColor(color, alpha_val, step)) trace = { 'type': "scattergl", 'mode': "markers", 'name': sset.label + "_" + y_id, 'marker': dict({ 'symbol': 'circle', 'size': self.options['marker_size'].value, 'color': color, 'line': { 'width': self.options['line_width'].value, 'color': color } }), 'x': sset[x_id].flatten(), 'y': sset[y_id].flatten(), } traces.append(trace) x_new = sset[x_id].flatten().astype('float').tolist() x_new.sort() y_new = f(x_new) trace = { 'type': "scattergl", 'mode': "lines", 'name': sset.label + "_fit_" + y_id, 'line': { 'width': self.options['line_width'].value, 'color': color }, 'x': x_new, 'y': y_new, 'showlegend': False } traces.append(trace) alpha_val = alpha_val - alpha_delta self.polyfun[sset.label + "_" + y_id] = f y_color = 'rgb(0,0,0)' if len(y_id_list) == 1: y_color =[0]).color layout = { 'title': self.options['title'].value, 'margin': { 'l': 50, 'r': 0, 'b': 50, 't': 30 }, 'xaxis': { 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': True, 'title': self.options['xaxis'].value, 'linecolor':, 'tickcolor':, 'ticklen': 4, 'linewidth': 4, }, 'yaxis': { 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': True, 'title': self.options['yaxis'].value, 'linecolor': y_color, 'tickcolor': y_color, 'ticklen': 4, 'linewidth': 4, }, 'showlegend': self.margins['showlegend'].value, 'legend': { 'orientation': self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x': self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y': self.margins['legend_ypos'].value }, } return FigureWidget({'data': traces, 'layout': layout})
def _init_widgets(self): """Initializes all configuration widgets. Possible image config parameters are:""" layout = Layout(width="200px", max_width="200px") self._alpha = FloatSlider( value=1, min=0, max=1.0, step=0.1, description="alpha:", description_tooltip="Overlay image alpha level (0 to 1).", disabled=False, continuous_update=True, orientation="horizontal", readout=True, readout_format=".1f", layout=layout, ) self._lut = Dropdown( options=PapayaConfigWidget.lut_options, value="Red Overlay", description="lut:", description_tooltip="The color table name.", layout=layout, ) self._nlut = Dropdown( options=PapayaConfigWidget.lut_options, value="Red Overlay", description="negative-lut:", description_tooltip= "The color table name used by the negative side of the parametric pair.", layout=layout, ) self._min = FloatText( value=None, description="min:", description_tooltip="The display range minimum.", step=0.01, continuous_update=True, disabled=False, layout=layout, ) self._minp = BoundedFloatText( value=None, min=0, max=100, step=1, continuous_update=True, description="min %:", description_tooltip= "The display range minimum as a percentage of image max.", disabled=False, layout=layout, ) self._max = FloatText( value=None, description="max:", description_tooltip="The display range maximum.", step=0.01, continuous_update=True, disabled=False, layout=layout, ) self._maxp = BoundedFloatText( value=None, min=0, max=100, step=1, continuous_update=True, description="max %:", description_tooltip= "The display range minimum as a percentage of image max.", disabled=False, layout=layout, ) self._sym = Checkbox( value=False, description="symmetric", description_tooltip= "When selected, sets the negative range of a parametric pair to the same size as the positive range.", disabled=False, layout=layout, ) # figure to display histogram of image data fig = Figure() fig.update_layout( height=300, margin=dict(l=15, t=15, b=15, r=15, pad=4), showlegend=True, legend_orientation="h", ) self._hist = FigureWidget(fig) self._hist.add_trace( Histogram(x=[], name="All image data", visible="legendonly")) self._hist.add_trace(Histogram(x=[], name="Image data without 0s")) self._handlers = defaultdict()
def update( self, index: int, start_label: str = "start_time", before: float = 0.0, after: float = 1.0, order=None, group_inds=None, labels=None, align_to_zero=False, sem=False, fig: go.FigureWidget = None, ): data, time_ts_aligned = self.align_data(start_label, before, after, index) if group_inds is None: group_inds = np.zeros(len(self.trials), if align_to_zero: for trial_no in order: data_zero_id = bisect(time_ts_aligned[trial_no], 0) data[trial_no] -= data[trial_no][data_zero_id] fig = go.FigureWidget() if fig is None else fig = [] fig.layout = {} if sem: group_stats = [] for group in np.unique(group_inds): this_mean = np.nanmean(data[group_inds == group, :], axis=0) err = scipy.stats.sem(data[group_inds == group, :], axis=0, nan_policy="omit") group_stats.append( dict( mean=this_mean, lower=this_mean - 2 * err, upper=this_mean + 2 * err, group=group, )) for stats in group_stats: plot_kwargs = dict() color = color_wheel[stats["group"]] if labels is not None: plot_kwargs.update(text=labels[stats["group"]]) fig.add_scattergl(x=time_ts_aligned[0], y=stats["lower"], line_color=color) fig.add_scattergl(x=time_ts_aligned[0], y=stats["upper"], line_color=color, fill='tonexty', opacity=0.2) fig.add_scattergl(x=time_ts_aligned[0], y=stats["mean"], line_color=color, **plot_kwargs) else: fig = self.plot_group(group_inds, data, time_ts_aligned, fig, order) return fig
def player_strength_by_horizon(player_eps: DF, players_gw_eps: DF, horizon: str, position: str, team: str, player: str, ctx: Context): """ Returns a plotly chart with expected points as the y-axis and cost on the x-axis for a specific time horizon. This chart can be displayed in the Jupyter notebook. Args: player_eps: The data frame with data to chart. horizon: The time horizon of the chart, e.g. Next GW, Next 8 GWs, etc. Returns: The plotly chart. """ def if_in_cols(df: DF, col: str, other): return df[col].fillna(other) if col in df.columns else other def in_team_trace(player_eps: DF) -> Scatter: return Scatter( x=player_eps['Current Cost'], y=player_eps['Expected Points ' + horizon], mode='markers', marker={'size': MAX_POINT_SIZE, 'color': 'white', 'line': {'width': 1}}, name='In Team', text=player_eps['Label']) def position_traces(player_eps: DF, ctx: Context) -> list: def trace(player_eps: DF, position: str) -> Scatter: return Scatter( x=player_eps['Current Cost'], y=player_eps['Expected Points ' + horizon], name=position, mode='markers', marker={'color': POSITION_COLORS[position], 'opacity': player_eps['Opacity'], 'size': player_eps['Size']}, text=player_eps['Label']) return [trace(player_eps[player_eps['Field Position'] == position], position) for position in ctx.position_by_type.values()] def event_capture_trace(player_eps: DF) -> Scatter: return Scatter( x=player_eps['Current Cost'], y=player_eps['Expected Points ' + horizon], mode='markers', opacity=0, marker={'size': player_eps['Size'], 'color': 'white', 'opacity': 1.0}, name='Player', text=player_eps['Label']) def player_clicked(trace, points, selector): message.value = '' try: player = None player_code = None for ind in points.point_inds: player = player_eps_chart.iloc[ind] player_code = player_eps_chart.index[ind] if player is not None: player_gw_eps = players_gw_eps.loc[player_code] detail.children = tuple([display_player(player, player_gw_eps, horizon, ctx)]) else: detail.children = tuple([]) # Make sure exceptions are displayed in footer because they are swallowed otherwise. except Exception as e: message.value = traceback.format_exc() def break_text(text: str, max_num_per_line: int, sep=','): lines = [] items = text.split(sep) while len(items) > 0: lines += [sep.join(items[:max_num_per_line])] items = items[max_num_per_line:] return (sep + '<br>').join(lines) def get_player_eps_chart(player_eps: DF) -> DF: return (player_eps[ ['Name', 'Name and Short Team', 'Long Name', 'Team Name', 'Field Position', 'Current Cost', 'Total Points', 'Minutes Percent', 'News And Date', 'Minutes Played', 'Total Points Recent Fixtures', 'Avg Total Points Recent Fixtures', 'Avg ICT Index Recent Fixtures', 'Avg Influence Recent Fixtures', 'Avg Creativity Recent Fixtures', 'Avg Threat Recent Fixtures', 'ICT Index', 'Influence', 'Creativity', 'Threat', 'Chance Avail This GW', 'Stats Completeness', 'Stats Completeness Percent', 'Profile Picture', 'Team Last Updated', 'Player Last Updated'] + [col for col in player_eps.columns if col.startswith('Expected Points ') or col.startswith('Fixtures ')] + (['In Team?'] if 'In Team?' in player_eps.columns else [])] # Add visualisation columns that need to be calculated on the unfiltered set. .assign(**{'Opacity': lambda df: if_in_cols(df, 'Stats Completeness Percent', 100) * (1 - MIN_OPACITY) / 100 + MIN_OPACITY}) .assign(**{'Size': lambda df: np.maximum(np.where(df['Field Position'] != 'GK', df.groupby('Field Position')['Avg Threat Recent Fixtures'].transform(lambda x: x / x.max() * MAX_POINT_SIZE), df['Avg Influence Recent Fixtures'] / df['Avg Influence Recent Fixtures'].max() * MAX_POINT_SIZE), MIN_POINT_SIZE)})) def get_player_eps_formatted(player_eps_chart: DF) -> DF: return (player_eps_chart .pipe(ctx.dd.format) [player_eps_chart.columns] .astype(str)) def get_labels(player_eps_chart: DF) -> S: player_eps_formatted = player_eps_chart.pipe(get_player_eps_formatted) return (player_eps_formatted['Name and Short Team'] + ', ' + player_eps_formatted['Field Position'] + ', Cost: ' + player_eps_formatted['Current Cost'] + '<br>Exp. Points: ' + player_eps_formatted[f'Expected Points {horizon}'] + ', Total Points: ' + player_eps_formatted['Total Points'] + '<br>Minutes Percent: ' + player_eps_formatted['Minutes Percent'] + f', Stats Completeness (Recent {ctx.player_fixtures_look_back} Fixtures): ' + player_eps_formatted['Stats Completeness'] + np.where(player_eps_formatted['Field Position'] != 'GK', f'<br>Average Threat (Recent {ctx.player_fixtures_look_back} Fixtures): ' + player_eps_formatted['Avg Threat Recent Fixtures'], f'<br>Avg Influence (Recent {ctx.player_fixtures_look_back} Fixtures): ' + player_eps_formatted['Avg Influence Recent Fixtures']) + ', ICT: ' + player_eps_formatted['ICT Index'] + '<br>Next: ' + player_eps_formatted[f'Fixtures Next 8 GWs'].map(lambda v: break_text(v, 4)) + '<br>News: ' + player_eps_formatted['News And Date'] ) player_eps_chart = player_eps.pipe(get_player_eps_chart) pad = 0.5 min_cost, max_cost = (player_eps_chart['Current Cost'].min() - pad, player_eps_chart['Current Cost'].max() + pad) min_eps, max_eps = (player_eps_chart[f'Expected Points {horizon}'].min() - pad, player_eps_chart[f'Expected Points {horizon}'].max() + pad) last_updated = player_eps_chart['Player Last Updated'].min() if position != SEL_ALL: player_eps_chart = player_eps_chart[lambda df: df['Field Position'] == position] if team != SEL_ALL: player_eps_chart = player_eps_chart[lambda df: df['Team Name'] == team] if player is not None and player != '': player_eps_chart = player_eps_chart[lambda df: df['Name'].str.lower().str.contains(player.lower())] # Add labels player_eps_chart = player_eps_chart.assign(**{'Label': lambda df: df.pipe(get_labels)}) traces = [] if 'In Team?' in player_eps_chart.columns: traces += [in_team_trace(player_eps_chart[lambda df: df['In Team?'] == True])] traces += position_traces(player_eps_chart, ctx) traces += [event_capture_trace(player_eps_chart)] chart = FigureWidget( traces, layout={ 'title': f'Expected Points from Game Week {ctx.next_gw} for {horizon}' if horizon != 'Next GW' else f'Expected Points for Game Week {ctx.next_gw}', 'xaxis': dict(title='Current Cost (lower is better)', showspikes=True, range=[min_cost, max_cost]), 'yaxis': dict(title=f'Expected Points {horizon} (higher is better)', showspikes=True, range=[min_eps, max_eps]), 'hovermode': 'closest', 'legend': dict(itemsizing='constant') }, ) # Register the click event handler. Unfortunately, this cannot be done on the scatter trace itself at creation time for some reason. for trace in trace.on_click(player_clicked, True) data_quality = HTML(f'''<p><center>Color: field position - Size: threat (recent fixtures) for non-goalies, influence (recent fixtures) for goalies - Opacity: stats completeness (recent fixtures)<br> Data last updated: {last_updated.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")}</center></p>''') message = HTML('<p><center>Click on player for more detail!</center></p>') out = Output() detail = VBox([]) chart_and_detail = VBox([message, out, chart, data_quality, detail]) return chart_and_detail
def createFigureWidget(self): dimensions = self.dimensions data_lines = [] i=0 if self.only_subsets == False: colors = [i for r in range(] colorscale = [[0,'#EEEEEE']] else: colors = [] colorscale = [] i=-1 for sset in if hasattr(sset,"disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: i = i+1 tmplist = [i for r in range(len(sset.to_index_list()))] colors.extend(tmplist) colorscale.append([i,]) t_color = len(colorscale) if (t_color > 1): for c in colorscale: c[0] = c[0]/(t_color-1) else: colorscale = [[0,'#EEEEEE'], [1,'#EEEEEE']] traces = [] for dimension in dimensions: line={} if hasattr([dimension].flatten(), 'codes'): line['values'] =[dimension].flatten().codes.tolist() tickvals, tickmask = np.unique([dimension].flatten().codes, return_index=True) ticktext =[dimension][tickmask] line['tickvals'] = tickvals.tolist() line['ticktext'] = ticktext.tolist() else: line['values'] =[dimension].flatten().tolist() line['label'] = dimension for sset in if hasattr(sset,"disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: if hasattr(sset[dimension].flatten(), 'codes'): tmplist = sset[dimension].codes.tolist() else: tmplist = sset[dimension].tolist() line['values'].extend(tmplist) data_lines.append(line); trace = { 'type' : 'parcoords', 'line' : { 'color' : colors, 'colorscale' : colorscale }, 'dimensions' : data_lines, } traces.append(trace) for sset in if hasattr(sset,"disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: color = trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name' : sset.label, 'textposition' : 'middle right', 'x' : [-1000], 'y' : [i], 'mode' : 'markers', 'marker': { 'color' : color, 'size' : 20, 'line': { 'width': 1, 'color' : 'light grey' }, 'symbol' : 'square' } } traces.append(trace) layout = { 'title' : self.options['title'].value, 'xaxis': { 'title' : self.options['xaxis'].value, 'range' : [0,1], 'showgrid':False, 'showline':False, 'showticklabels':False, 'zeroline':False }, 'yaxis': { 'title' : self.options['yaxis'].value, 'range' : [0,1], 'showgrid':False, 'showline':False, 'showticklabels':False, 'zeroline':False }, 'showlegend': self.margins['showlegend'].value, 'legend' : { 'orientation' : self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x' : self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y' : self.margins['legend_ypos'].value }, } return FigureWidget(data = traces, layout = layout)
def createFigureWidget(self, x_id, y_id, z_id): traces = [] color = "#444444" color = 'rgba' + str(self.getDeltaColor(color, .8)) trace = { 'type': "scatter3d", 'mode': "markers", 'name':, 'marker': dict({ 'symbol': 'circle', 'size': self.options['marker_size'].value, 'color': color, }), 'x':[x_id].flatten(), 'y':[y_id].flatten(), 'z':[z_id].flatten(), } if self.only_subsets == False: traces.append(trace) for sset in if hasattr(sset, "disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: color = color = 'rgba' + str(self.getDeltaColor(color, .8)) trace = { 'type': "scatter3d", 'mode': "markers", 'name': sset.label, 'marker': dict({ 'symbol': 'circle', 'size': self.options['marker_size'].value, 'color': color, }), 'x': sset[x_id].flatten(), 'y': sset[y_id].flatten(), 'z': sset[z_id].flatten(), } traces.append(trace) layout = { 'margin': { 'l': 0, 'r': 0, 'b': 0, 't': 30 }, 'scene': { 'xaxis': { 'title': self.options['xaxis'].value, 'linecolor':, 'tickcolor':, 'ticklen': 4, 'linewidth': 4, }, 'yaxis': { 'title': self.options['yaxis'].value, 'linecolor':, 'tickcolor':, 'ticklen': 4, 'linewidth': 4, }, 'zaxis': { 'title': self.options['zaxis'].value, 'linecolor':, 'tickcolor':, 'ticklen': 4, 'linewidth': 4, } }, 'showlegend': self.margins['showlegend'].value, 'legend': { 'orientation': self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x': self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y': self.margins['legend_ypos'].value } } return FigureWidget({'data': traces, 'layout': layout})
def createFigureWidget(self): traces = [] Xpca = [] for x_id in self.dimensions: if hasattr([x_id].flatten(), 'codes'): Xpca.append([x_id].flatten().codes.tolist()) else: Xpca.append([x_id].flatten()) Xpca = np.array(Xpca).transpose() Xt = self.pca.transform(Xpca) data_l = [[col_id].astype(str) for col_id in self.dimensions] data_l = zip(*data_l) t_val = [' - '.join( dat ) for dat in data_l] x_val = Xt[:,0] y_val = Xt[:,1] color = "#444444" trace = { 'type': "scattergl", 'mode': "markers", 'name':, 'marker': dict({ 'symbol':'circle', 'size': self.options['marker_size'].value, 'color': color, 'line' : { 'width' : self.options['line_width'].value, 'color' : color } }), 'x': x_val.tolist(), 'y': y_val.tolist(), 'text': t_val, } #print(trace) if self.only_subsets == False: traces.append(trace) for sset in if hasattr(sset,"disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: sset_mask = sset.to_mask() color = trace = { 'type': "scattergl", 'mode': "markers", 'name': sset.label, 'marker': dict({ 'symbol':'circle', 'size': self.focused_size_marker, 'color': color, 'line' : { 'width' : self.options['line_width'].value, 'color' : color} }), 'x': (x_val[sset_mask]).tolist(), 'y': (y_val[sset_mask]).tolist(), } traces.append(trace) layout = { 'title' : self.options['title'].value, 'margin' : { 'l':self.margins['left'].value, 'r':self.margins['right'].value, 'b':self.margins['bottom'].value, 't':self.margins['top'].value }, 'xaxis': { 'autorange' : True, 'zeroline': True, 'title' : self.options['xaxis'].value, 'type' : self.options['xscale'].value, }, 'yaxis': { 'autorange':True, 'zeroline': True, 'title' : self.options['yaxis'].value, 'type' : self.options['yscale'].value }, 'showlegend': self.margins['showlegend'].value, 'legend' : { 'orientation' : self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x' : self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y' : self.margins['legend_ypos'].value } } return FigureWidget({ 'data': traces, 'layout': layout })
def createFigureWidget(self): traces = [] params = [] for param in self.dimensions: if hasattr([param].flatten(), 'codes'): params.append([param].flatten().codes.tolist()) else: params.append([param].flatten()) self.mat = np.corrcoef(params) self.mat = np.nan_to_num(self.mat) self.mat = np.flip(self.mat, axis=1) trace = { 'type': 'heatmap', 'x': self.dimensions[::-1], 'y': self.dimensions, 'z': self.mat, 'colorscale': 'RdBu', 'autocolorscale': False, 'reversescale': True, 'zauto': False, 'zmin': -1, 'zmax': 1, } layout = { 'title': self.options['title'].value, 'margin': { 'l': self.margins['left'].value, 'r': self.margins['right'].value, 'b': self.margins['bottom'].value, 't': self.margins['top'].value }, 'showlegend': True, 'xaxis': { 'side': 'top' }, 'annotations': [] } if self.only_subsets == False: traces.append(trace) for i in range(len(self.dimensions)): for j in range(len(self.dimensions)): currentValue = self.mat[i][j] if abs(currentValue) > 0.6: textColor = 'white' else: textColor = 'black' result = { 'xref': 'x1', 'yref': 'y1', 'x': j, 'y': i, 'text': round(currentValue, 2), 'showarrow': False, 'font': { 'color': textColor } } layout['annotations'].append(result) for sset in if hasattr(sset, "disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: params = [] for param in self.dimensions: if hasattr(sset[param].flatten(), 'codes'): params.append(sset[param].flatten().codes.tolist()) else: params.append(sset[param].flatten()) mat = np.corrcoef(params) mat = np.nan_to_num(mat, 1) mat = np.flip(mat, axis=1) trace = { 'type': 'heatmap', 'x': self.dimensions[::-1], 'y': self.dimensions, 'z': mat, 'colorscale': 'RdBu', 'autocolorscale': False, 'reversescale': True, 'zauto': False, 'zmin': -1, 'zmax': 1, } traces.append(trace) for i in range(len(self.dimensions)): for j in range(len(self.dimensions)): currentValue = mat[i][j] if abs(currentValue) > 0.6: textColor = 'white' else: textColor = 'black' result = { 'xref': 'x1', 'yref': 'y1', 'x': j, 'y': i, 'text': round(currentValue, 2), 'showarrow': False, 'font': { 'color': textColor } } layout['annotations'].append(result) return FigureWidget({'data': traces, 'layout': layout})
def createFigureWidget(self): x_id = self.dimensions[0] y_id_list = [ self.dimensions[i] for i in range(1, len(self.dimensions)) ] d_val =[x_id] if hasattr([x_id], 'codes'): d_val =[x_id].codes.flatten() hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(d_val.flatten(), bins='auto') bin_list = bin_edges.searchsorted(d_val.flatten(), 'right') xedges = [] for i in range(len(bin_edges) - 1): xedges.append((bin_edges[i + 1] + bin_edges[i]) / 2) traces = [] alpha_min, alpha_max, alpha_delta = self.getDeltaFunction( len(y_id_list), 0.1, 0.5) alpha_val = alpha_max for y_id in y_id_list: d_val =[y_id] if hasattr([y_id], 'codes'): d_val =[y_id].codes y_mean = [] y_std_u = [] y_std_l = [] y_min = [] y_max = [] for i in range(1, len(bin_edges)): d_col = d_val[(bin_list == i)].flatten() if len(d_col) > 0: i_mean = d_col.mean() i_min = d_col.min() i_max = d_col.max() i_std = d_col.std() else: i_mean = 0 i_std = 0 i_min = 0 i_max = 0 y_mean.append(i_mean) y_std_u.append(i_mean + i_std) y_std_l.append(i_mean - i_std) y_min.append(i_min) y_max.append(i_max) color = "#444444" color = 'rgba' + str(self.getDeltaColor(color, alpha_val)) trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name': '-', 'marker': { 'color': color }, 'line': { 'width': 0 }, 'x': xedges, 'y': y_min, 'mode': 'lines', 'showlegend': False } if self.only_subsets == False: traces.append(trace) trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name': + "_" + y_id, 'marker': { 'color': color }, 'fillcolor': color, 'fill': 'tonexty', 'line': { 'color': color }, 'x': xedges, 'y': y_mean, 'mode': 'lines', } if self.only_subsets == False: traces.append(trace) trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name': '+', 'marker': { 'color': color }, 'fillcolor': color, 'fill': 'tonexty', 'line': { 'width': 0 }, 'x': xedges, 'y': y_max, 'mode': 'lines', 'showlegend': False } if self.only_subsets == False: traces.append(trace) alpha_val = alpha_val - alpha_delta for sset in if hasattr(sset, "disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: s_val = sset[x_id] if hasattr(sset[x_id], 'codes'): s_val = sset[x_id].codes bin_list = bin_edges.searchsorted(s_val, 'right') alpha_val = alpha_max for y_id in y_id_list: s_val = sset[y_id] if hasattr(sset[y_id], 'codes'): s_val = sset[y_id].codes y_s_mean = [] y_s_std_u = [] y_s_std_l = [] for i in range(1, len(bin_edges)): s_col = s_val[(bin_list == i)] if len(s_col) > 0: i_mean = s_col.mean() i_std = s_col.std() i_min = s_col.min() i_max = s_col.max() else: i_mean = 0 i_std = 0 i_min = 0 i_max = 0 y_s_mean.append(i_mean) y_s_std_u.append(i_mean + i_std) y_s_std_l.append(i_mean - i_std) color = color = 'rgba' + str(self.getDeltaColor(color, alpha_val)) trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name': '-', 'marker': { 'color': color }, 'line': { 'width': 0 }, 'x': xedges, 'y': y_s_std_l, 'mode': 'lines', 'showlegend': False } traces.append(trace) trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name': sset.label + "_" + y_id, 'marker': { 'color': color }, 'fillcolor': color, 'fill': 'tonexty', 'line': { 'color': color }, 'x': xedges, 'y': y_s_mean, 'mode': 'lines', } traces.append(trace) trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name': '+', 'marker': { 'color': color }, 'fillcolor': color, 'fill': 'tonexty', 'line': { 'width': 0 }, 'x': xedges, 'y': y_s_std_u, 'mode': 'lines', 'showlegend': False } traces.append(trace) alpha_val = alpha_val - alpha_delta y_color = 'rgb(0,0,0)' if len(y_id_list) == 1: y_color =[0]).color layout = { 'title': self.options['title'].value, 'margin': { 'l': 50, 'r': 0, 'b': 50, 't': 30 }, 'xaxis': { 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': True, 'title': self.options['xaxis'].value, 'linecolor':, 'tickcolor':, 'ticklen': 4, 'linewidth': 4, }, 'yaxis': { 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': True, 'title': self.options['yaxis'].value, 'linecolor': y_color, 'tickcolor': y_color, 'ticklen': 4, 'linewidth': 4, }, 'showlegend': self.margins['showlegend'].value, 'barmode': 'overlay', 'legend': { 'orientation': self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x': self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y': self.margins['legend_ypos'].value }, } return FigureWidget({'data': traces, 'layout': layout})
class PapayaConfigWidget(VBox): """A widget that displays widgets to adjust NLPapayaViewer image parameters.""" lut_options = [ "Grayscale", "Red Overlay", "Green Overlay", "Blue Overlay", "Gold", "Spectrum", "Overlay (Positives)", "Overlay (Negatives)", ] def __init__(self, viewer, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- viewer: NlPapayaViewer associated viewer. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._viewer = viewer self._init_widgets() self.children = [ VBox([ VBox( [self._hist], layout=Layout( height="auto", margin="0px 0px 0px 0px", padding="5px 5px 5px 5px", ), ), VBox( [ self._alpha, self._lut, self._nlut, self._min, self._minp, self._max, self._maxp, self._sym, ], layout=Layout(width="230px"), ), ]) ] def _init_widgets(self): """Initializes all configuration widgets. Possible image config parameters are:""" layout = Layout(width="200px", max_width="200px") self._alpha = FloatSlider( value=1, min=0, max=1.0, step=0.1, description="alpha:", description_tooltip="Overlay image alpha level (0 to 1).", disabled=False, continuous_update=True, orientation="horizontal", readout=True, readout_format=".1f", layout=layout, ) self._lut = Dropdown( options=PapayaConfigWidget.lut_options, value="Red Overlay", description="lut:", description_tooltip="The color table name.", layout=layout, ) self._nlut = Dropdown( options=PapayaConfigWidget.lut_options, value="Red Overlay", description="negative-lut:", description_tooltip= "The color table name used by the negative side of the parametric pair.", layout=layout, ) self._min = FloatText( value=None, description="min:", description_tooltip="The display range minimum.", step=0.01, continuous_update=True, disabled=False, layout=layout, ) self._minp = BoundedFloatText( value=None, min=0, max=100, step=1, continuous_update=True, description="min %:", description_tooltip= "The display range minimum as a percentage of image max.", disabled=False, layout=layout, ) self._max = FloatText( value=None, description="max:", description_tooltip="The display range maximum.", step=0.01, continuous_update=True, disabled=False, layout=layout, ) self._maxp = BoundedFloatText( value=None, min=0, max=100, step=1, continuous_update=True, description="max %:", description_tooltip= "The display range minimum as a percentage of image max.", disabled=False, layout=layout, ) self._sym = Checkbox( value=False, description="symmetric", description_tooltip= "When selected, sets the negative range of a parametric pair to the same size as the positive range.", disabled=False, layout=layout, ) # figure to display histogram of image data fig = Figure() fig.update_layout( height=300, margin=dict(l=15, t=15, b=15, r=15, pad=4), showlegend=True, legend_orientation="h", ) self._hist = FigureWidget(fig) self._hist.add_trace( Histogram(x=[], name="All image data", visible="legendonly")) self._hist.add_trace(Histogram(x=[], name="Image data without 0s")) self._handlers = defaultdict() def _set_values(self, config, range, data): """Sets config values from the specified `config` and creates histogram for `data`. Parameters ---------- config : dict configuration parameters for the image. Possible keywords are: alpha : int the overlay image alpha level (0 to 1). lut : str the color table name. negative_lut : str the color table name used by the negative side of the parametric pair. max : int the display range maximum. maxPercent : int the display range maximum as a percentage of image max. min : int the display range minimum. minPercent : int the display range minimum as a percentage of image min. symmetric : bool if true, sets the negative range of a parametric pair to the same size as the positive range. range: float range of image values. data: [] flattened image data. """ self._alpha.value = config.get("alpha", 1) self._lut.value = config.get("lut", PapayaConfigWidget.lut_options[1]) self._nlut.value = config.get("negative_lut", PapayaConfigWidget.lut_options[1]) self._min.value = config.get("min", 0) self._minp.value = self._get_per_from_value(range, config.get("min", 0)) self._max.value = config.get("max", 0.1) self._maxp.value = self._get_per_from_value(range, config.get("max", 0.1)) self._sym.value = config.get("symmetric", "false") == "true" # set histogram data[0].x = data # leave out 0 values[1].x = [] if (data == [] or data is None) else data[data != 0] def _add_handlers(self, image): """Add config widget event handlers to change the config values for the specified `image`. Parameters ---------- image: neurolang_ipywidgets.PapayaImage image whose config values will be viewed/modified using this config widget. """ # Dropdown does not support resetting event handlers after Dropdown.unobserve_all is called # So handlers are stored to be removed individually # github issue self._handlers["alpha"] = partial(self._config_changed, image=image, name="alpha") self._handlers["lut"] = partial(self._config_changed, image=image, name="lut") self._handlers["nlut"] = partial(self._config_changed, image=image, name="negative_lut") self._handlers["min"] = partial(self._config_changed, image=image, name="min") self._handlers["minp"] = partial(self._set_min_max, image=image, name="minPercent") self._handlers["max"] = partial(self._config_changed, image=image, name="max") self._handlers["maxp"] = partial(self._set_min_max, image=image, name="maxPercent") self._handlers["sym"] = partial(self._config_bool_changed, image=image, name="symmetric") self._alpha.observe(self._handlers["alpha"], names="value") self._lut.observe(self._handlers["lut"], names="value") self._nlut.observe(self._handlers["nlut"], names="value") self._min.observe(self._handlers["min"], names="value") self._minp.observe(self._handlers["minp"], names="value") self._max.observe(self._handlers["max"], names="value") self._maxp.observe(self._handlers["maxp"], names="value") self._sym.observe(self._handlers["sym"], names="value") def _remove_handlers(self): """Removes all event handlers set for the config widgets.""" if len(self._handlers): self._alpha.unobserve(self._handlers["alpha"], names="value") self._lut.unobserve(self._handlers["lut"], names="value") self._nlut.unobserve(self._handlers["nlut"], names="value") self._min.unobserve(self._handlers["min"], names="value") self._minp.unobserve(self._handlers["minp"], names="value") self._max.unobserve(self._handlers["max"], names="value") self._maxp.unobserve(self._handlers["maxp"], names="value") self._sym.unobserve(self._handlers["sym"], names="value") self._handlers = defaultdict() @debounce(0.5) def _config_changed(self, change, image, name): if name == "min": self._minp.unobserve(self._handlers["minp"], names="value") self._minp.value = self._get_per_from_value( image.range, self._minp.observe(self._handlers["minp"], names="value") elif name == "max": self._maxp.unobserve(self._handlers["maxp"], names="value") self._maxp.value = self._get_per_from_value( image.range, self._maxp.observe(self._handlers["maxp"], names="value") self._set_config(image, name, @debounce(0.5) def _set_min_max(self, change, image, name): if name == "minPercent": self._min.unobserve(self._handlers["min"], names="value") self._min.value = self._get_value_from_per(image.range, self._set_config(image, "min", self._min.value) self._min.observe(self._handlers["min"], names="value") elif name == "maxPercent": self._max.unobserve(self._handlers["max"], names="value") self._max.value = self._get_value_from_per(image.range, self._set_config(image, "max", self._max.value) self._max.observe(self._handlers["max"], names="value") def _config_bool_changed(self, change, image, name): value = "false" if value = "true" self._set_config(image, name, value) def _set_config(self, image, key, value): image.config[key] = value self._viewer.set_images() def _get_per_from_value(self, range, value): return round(value * 100 / range, 0) def _get_value_from_per(self, range, per): return round(per * range / 100, 2) def set_image(self, image): """Sets the image whose config values will be viewed/modified using this config widget. If image is `None`, all config values are reset. Parameters ---------- image: neurolang_ipywidgets.PapayaImage image whose config values will be viewed/modified using this config widget. """ if image: self._remove_handlers() self._set_values(image.config, image.range, image.image.get_fdata().flatten()) self._add_handlers(image) else: self.reset() def reset(self): """Resets values for all config widgets.""" self._remove_handlers() self._set_values({}, 100, []) self.layout.visibility = "hidden"
def createFigureWidget(self, x_id, y_id_list): traces = [] alpha_min, alpha_max, alpha_delta = self.getDeltaFunction(len(y_id_list)) alpha_val = alpha_max x_values =[x_id].flatten() x_sort = x_values.argsort() for y_id in y_id_list: y_values =[y_id].flatten() color = "#444444" color = 'rgba'+str(self.getDeltaColor(color, alpha_val)) trace = { 'type': "scattergl", 'mode': self.options['marker_type'].value, 'name': + "_" + y_id, 'line' : { 'width' : self.options['line_width'].value, 'color' : color }, 'x': x_values[x_sort], 'y': y_values[x_sort], } if self.only_subsets == False: traces.append(trace) alpha_val = alpha_val - alpha_delta for sset in if hasattr(sset,"disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: alpha_val = alpha_max x_values = sset[x_id].flatten() x_sort = x_values.argsort() for step, y_id in enumerate(y_id_list): y_values = sset[y_id].flatten() color = color = 'rgba'+str(self.getDeltaColor(color, alpha_val, step)) trace = { 'type': "scattergl", 'mode': self.options['marker_type'].value, 'name': sset.label + "_" + y_id, 'line' : { 'width' : self.options['line_width'].value, 'color' : color}, 'x': x_values[x_sort], 'y': y_values[x_sort], } traces.append(trace) alpha_val = alpha_val - alpha_delta y_color = 'rgb(0,0,0)' if len(y_id_list) == 1: y_color =[0]).color layout = { 'margin' : {'l':50,'r':0,'b':50,'t':30 }, 'xaxis': { 'autorange' : True, 'zeroline': True, 'title' : self.options['xaxis'].value, 'type' : self.options['xscale'].value , 'linecolor' :, 'tickcolor' :, 'ticklen' : 4, 'linewidth' : 4, }, 'yaxis': { 'autorange':True, 'zeroline': True, 'title' : self.options['yaxis'].value, 'type' : self.options['yscale'].value, 'linecolor' : y_color, 'tickcolor' : y_color, 'ticklen' : 4, 'linewidth' : 4, }, 'showlegend': self.margins['showlegend'].value, 'legend' : { 'orientation' : self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x' : self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y' : self.margins['legend_ypos'].value }, } return FigureWidget({ 'data': traces, 'layout': layout })
def createFigureWidget(self, x_id, y_id): traces = [] color = "#444444" df = df_merge = df.merge(df, on=y_id) dfo = pd.crosstab(df_merge[x_id + '_x'], df_merge[x_id + '_y']) idx = dfo.columns.union(dfo.index) dfo = dfo.reindex(index=idx, columns=idx, fill_value=0) self.G = nx.convert_matrix.from_pandas_adjacency(dfo) if self.options['layout_type'].value == 'bipartite_layout': pos = nx.bipartite_layout(self.G) elif self.options['layout_type'].value == 'circular_layout': pos = nx.circular_layout(self.G) elif self.options['layout_type'].value == 'kamada_kawai_layout': pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(self.G) elif self.options['layout_type'].value == 'planar_layout': pos = nx.planar_layout(self.G) elif self.options['layout_type'].value == 'random_layout': pos = nx.random_layout(self.G) elif self.options['layout_type'].value == 'shell_layout': pos = nx.shell_layout(self.G) elif self.options['layout_type'].value == 'spectral_layout': pos = nx.spectral_layout(self.G) elif self.options['layout_type'].value == 'shell_layout': pos = nx.shell_layout(self.G) else: pos = nx.spring_layout( self.G, k=self.options['layout_k'].value, iterations=self.options['layout_iter'].value) degree = dict( n_x = [0 for i in range(len(self.G.nodes()))] n_y = [0 for i in range(len(self.G.nodes()))] n_t = ['' for i in range(len(self.G.nodes()))] n_s = [0 for i in range(len(self.G.nodes()))] for i, node in enumerate(self.G.nodes()): n_x[i] = pos[node][0] n_y[i] = pos[node][1] n_t[i] = node n_s[i] = degree[node] max_degree = max(n_s) min_degree = min(n_s) n_s = [ math.ceil( (n - min_degree) / (max_degree - min_degree) * self.focused_size_marker * self.options['marker_size'].value) + self.options['marker_size'].value for n in n_s ] node_trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name': + "_" + x_id, 'x': n_x, 'y': n_y, 'text': n_t, 'mode': 'markers', 'hoverinfo': 'text', 'marker': { 'size': n_s, 'color':, 'line': { 'width': self.options['line_width'].value, 'color':, } }, 'showlegend': True, } e_x = [0 for i in range(2 * len(self.G.edges()))] e_y = [0 for i in range(2 * len(self.G.edges()))] for i, edge in enumerate(self.G.edges()): e_x[2 * i] = pos[edge[0]][0] e_y[2 * i] = pos[edge[0]][1] e_x[2 * i + 1] = pos[edge[1]][0] e_y[2 * i + 1] = pos[edge[1]][1] color = color = re.match(r"rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)", color) color = (int(color[1]), int(color[2]), int(color[3])) color = '#%02x%02x%02x' % color color = 'rgba' + str(self.getDeltaColor(color, 0.2)) edge_trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name': + "_" + y_id, 'x': e_x, 'y': e_y, 'line': { 'width': self.options['line_width'].value, 'color': color, }, 'hoverinfo': 'none', 'mode': 'lines', 'showlegend': True, } if self.only_subsets == False: traces.append(edge_trace) for sset in if hasattr(sset, "disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: color = dfs = df[sset.to_mask()] df_merge = dfs.merge(dfs, on=y_id) dfs = pd.crosstab(df_merge[x_id + '_x'], df_merge[x_id + '_y']) idx = dfs.columns.union(dfs.index) dfs = dfs.reindex(index=idx, columns=idx, fill_value=0) G = nx.convert_matrix.from_pandas_adjacency(dfs) e_x = [0 for i in range(2 * len(G.edges()))] e_y = [0 for i in range(2 * len(G.edges()))] for i, edge in enumerate(G.edges()): e_x[2 * i] = pos[edge[0]][0] e_y[2 * i] = pos[edge[0]][1] e_x[2 * i + 1] = pos[edge[1]][0] e_y[2 * i + 1] = pos[edge[1]][1] trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name': str(sset.label) + "_" + str(y_id), 'x': e_x, 'y': e_y, 'line': { 'width': self.options['line_width'].value, 'color': color }, 'hoverinfo': 'none', 'mode': 'lines', 'showlegend': True, } traces.append(trace) traces.append(node_trace) layout = { 'title': self.options['title'].value, 'margin': { 'l': self.margins['left'].value, 'r': self.margins['right'].value, 'b': self.margins['bottom'].value, 't': self.margins['top'].value }, 'xaxis': { 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': True, 'title': self.options['xaxis'].value, 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': False, 'showticklabels': False, 'showline': True, 'showgrid': False, }, 'yaxis': { 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': True, 'title': self.options['yaxis'].value, 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': False, 'showticklabels': False, 'showline': True, 'showgrid': False, }, 'showlegend': self.margins['showlegend'].value, 'legend': { 'orientation': self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x': self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y': self.margins['legend_ypos'].value } } return FigureWidget({'data': traces, 'layout': layout})
def createFigureWidget(self): traces = [] xtickmode = "auto" xtickvals = None xticktext = None dimensions = [] color = "#444444" for dimension in self.dimensions: value = {'label': dimension} if hasattr([dimension].flatten(), 'codes'): val =[dimension].flatten().codes.tolist() else: val =[dimension].flatten() value["values"] = val dimensions.append(value) trace = { 'type': "splom", 'name':, 'dimensions': dimensions, 'marker': dict({ 'symbol': 'circle', 'size': self.options['marker_size'].value, 'color': color, 'line': { 'width': self.options['line_width'].value, 'color': color } }), 'showupperhalf': False, 'diagonal': { 'visible': False }, } if self.only_subsets == False: traces.append(trace) for sset in if hasattr(sset, "disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: color = dimensions = [] for dimension in self.dimensions: value = {'label': dimension} if hasattr(sset[dimension].flatten(), 'codes'): val = sset[dimension].flatten().codes.tolist() else: val = sset[dimension].flatten() value["values"] = val dimensions.append(value) trace = { 'type': "splom", 'name': sset.label, 'dimensions': dimensions, 'marker': dict({ 'symbol': 'circle', 'size': self.options['marker_size'].value, 'color': color, 'line': { 'width': self.options['line_width'].value, 'color': color } }), 'showupperhalf': False, 'diagonal': { 'visible': False }, } traces.append(trace) layout = { 'title': self.options['title'].value, 'margin': { 'l': self.margins['left'].value, 'r': self.margins['right'].value, 'b': self.margins['bottom'].value, 't': self.margins['top'].value }, 'showlegend': self.margins['showlegend'].value, 'legend': { 'orientation': self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x': self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y': self.margins['legend_ypos'].value }, 'plot_bgcolor': 'rgba(245,245,245, 0.95)', } for i, dimension in enumerate(self.dimensions): layout['xaxis' + str(i + 1)] = { 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': False, 'showline': True, #'mirror' : 'ticks', 'linecolor':, 'tickcolor':, 'ticklen': 4, 'linewidth': 4, } layout['yaxis' + str(i + 1)] = { 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': False, 'showline': True, #'mirror' : 'ticks', 'linecolor':, 'tickcolor':, 'ticklen': 4, 'linewidth': 4, } return FigureWidget({'data': traces, 'layout': layout})
def createFigureWidget(self): dimensions = self.dimensions data_lines = [] nodes = [{} for dim in dimensions] values = [] colors = [] traces = [] if self.options['colorscale'].value == GlueParallelCategoriesPlotly.default_color: color_set = [ for dim in dimensions] else: color_set = cl.scales['8']['qual'][self.options['colorscale'].value] if (len(self.dimensions) > 8): color_set = cl.interp( color_set, len(dimensions) ) color_set = cl.to_rgb(color_set) for i, dimension in enumerate(dimensions): dvalues = np.unique([dimension].flatten()) if len(dvalues) < self.options['grouping_limit'].value or hasattr([dimension].flatten(), 'codes'): nodes[i]['values'] = np.unique([dimension].flatten()) nodes[i]['masks'] = [] for val in nodes[i]['values']: nodes[i]['masks'].append([dimension] == val) else: hist, bin_edges = np.histogram([dimension].flatten(), bins='auto') if (len(bin_edges) > self.options['grouping_limit'].value): hist, bin_edges = np.histogram([dimension].flatten(), bins=self.options['grouping_limit'].value) nodes[i]['values'] = [] for edge in range(len(bin_edges)-1): nodes[i]['values'].append( "{:.1f}".format(bin_edges[edge]) + " - " + "{:.1f}".format(bin_edges[edge+1])) nodes[i]['masks'] = [] for edge in range(len(bin_edges)-1): if edge == 0: nodes[i]['masks'].append(([dimension] >= bin_edges[edge]) & ([dimension] <= bin_edges[edge+1])) else : nodes[i]['masks'].append(([dimension] > bin_edges[edge]) & ([dimension] <= bin_edges[edge+1])) line = {} line['values'] = np.array(['' for i in range(], dtype = 'object') colorv = np.array(['#EEEEEE' for i in range(]) for k, value in enumerate(nodes[i]['values']): mask = nodes[i]['masks'][k] line['values'][mask] = value for sset in if hasattr(sset,"disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: sset_mask = sset.to_mask() color = colorv[mask & sset_mask] = color mask = mask & ~sset_mask colors.extend(colorv) line['values'] = line['values'].tolist() line['label'] = dimension data_lines.append(line); parcats = { 'type' : 'parcats', 'dimensions' : data_lines, 'line' : { 'color' : colors, 'shape': 'hspline' } } traces.append(parcats) layout = { 'title' : self.options['title'].value, 'xaxis': { 'title' : self.options['xaxis'].value, 'range' : [0,1], 'showgrid':False, 'showline':False, 'showticklabels':False, 'zeroline':False }, 'yaxis': { 'title' : self.options['yaxis'].value, 'range' : [0,1], 'showgrid':False, 'showline':False, 'showticklabels':False, 'zeroline':False }, 'showlegend': self.margins['showlegend'].value, 'legend' : { 'orientation' : self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x' : self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y' : self.margins['legend_ypos'].value } } if self.only_subsets == False: trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name' :, 'textposition' : 'middle right', 'x' : [-1000], 'y' : [i], 'mode' : 'markers', 'marker': { 'color' : "#EEEEEE", 'size' : 20, 'line': { 'width': 0, }, 'symbol' : 'square' } } traces.append(trace) for sset in color = trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name' : sset.label, 'textposition' : 'middle right', 'x' : [-1000], 'y' : [i], 'mode' : 'markers', 'marker': { 'color' : color, 'size' : 20, 'line': { 'width': 0, }, 'symbol' : 'square' } } traces.append(trace) data = traces FigureWidget(data = data, layout = layout) return FigureWidget(data = data, layout = layout)
def createFigureWidget(self, x_id, y_id_list): traces = [] alpha_min, alpha_max, alpha_delta = self.getDeltaFunction( len(y_id_list)) alpha_val = alpha_max xtickmode = "auto" xtickvals = None xticktext = None if hasattr([x_id].flatten(), 'codes'): x_val =[x_id].flatten().codes.tolist() tickvals, tickmask = np.unique([x_id].flatten().codes, return_index=True) ticktext =[x_id][tickmask] xtickmode = "array" xtickvals = tickvals.tolist() xticktext = ticktext.tolist() else: x_val =[x_id].flatten() for step, y_id in enumerate(y_id_list): color = "#444444" color = 'rgba' + str(self.getDeltaColor(color, alpha_val, step)) if hasattr([y_id].flatten(), 'codes'): y_val =[y_id].flatten().codes.tolist() else: y_val =[y_id].flatten() trace = { 'type': "scattergl", 'mode': "markers", 'name': + "_" + y_id, 'marker': { 'symbol': 'circle', 'size': self.options['marker_size'].value, 'color': color, 'line': { 'width': self.options['line_width'].value, 'color': color } }, 'x': x_val, 'y': y_val, } if self.only_subsets == False: traces.append(trace) alpha_val = alpha_val - alpha_delta for sset in if hasattr(sset, "disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: alpha_val = alpha_max if hasattr(sset[x_id].flatten(), 'codes'): x_val = sset[x_id].flatten().codes.tolist() else: x_val = sset[x_id].flatten() for step, y_id in enumerate(y_id_list): if hasattr(sset[y_id].flatten(), 'codes'): y_val = sset[y_id].flatten().codes.tolist() else: y_val = sset[y_id].flatten().astype('float') color = color = 'rgba' + str( self.getDeltaColor(color, alpha_val, step)) trace = { 'type': "scattergl", 'mode': "markers", 'name': sset.label + "_" + y_id, 'marker': { 'symbol': 'circle', 'size': self.options['marker_size'].value, 'color': color, 'line': { 'width': self.options['line_width'].value, 'color': color } }, 'x': x_val, 'y': y_val, } traces.append(trace) alpha_val = alpha_val - alpha_delta y_fid = y_id_list[0] layout = { 'title': self.options['title'].value, 'margin': { 'l': self.margins['left'].value, 'r': self.margins['right'].value, 'b': self.margins['bottom'].value, 't': self.margins['top'].value }, 'xaxis': { 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': True, 'title': self.options['xaxis'].value, 'type': self.options['xscale'].value, 'tickmode': xtickmode, 'tickvals': xtickvals, 'ticktext': xticktext, 'linecolor':, 'tickcolor':, 'ticklen': 4, 'linewidth': 4, }, 'yaxis': { 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': True, 'title': self.options['yaxis'].value, 'type': self.options['yscale'].value, 'linecolor':, 'tickcolor':, 'ticklen': 4, 'linewidth': 4, }, 'showlegend': self.margins['showlegend'].value, 'legend': { 'orientation': self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x': self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y': self.margins['legend_ypos'].value } } return FigureWidget({'data': traces, 'layout': layout})
def display_eps(player_gw_eps: DF) -> Widget: data = (player_gw_eps .reset_index() .sort_values(['Season', 'Game Week'])) data_formatted = data.pipe(ctx.dd.format) data = (data.assign(**{'Label': 'FDR: ' + data_formatted['Fixture Short Name FDR'] + ', ' + 'Rel. Strength: ' + data_formatted['Rel Strength'] + ', ' + 'Cost: ' + data_formatted['Fixture Cost']}) .assign(**{'Game Week': lambda df: 'GW ' + df['Game Week'].apply('{:.0f}'.format)}) .assign(**{'Season Game Week': lambda df: df['Season'] + ', GW ' + df['Game Week']})) x_axis = [data['Season'], data['Game Week']] eps_trace = Scatter(x=x_axis, y=data['Expected Points'], name='Expected Points', line=dict(color='rgb(255, 127, 14)'), mode='lines') ftp_trace = Scatter(x=x_axis, y=data['Fixture Total Points'], name='Actual Points', line=dict(color='rgba(44, 160, 44, 0.3)'), mode='lines') ftpr_trace = Scatter(x=x_axis, y=data['Rolling Avg Game Points'], name='Rolling Actual Points', line=dict(color='rgb(44, 160, 44)'), line_shape='spline', mode='lines') fs_trace = Scatter(x=x_axis, y=data['Expected Points'], name='Rel. Strength', mode='markers', marker=dict(color=(data['Team FDR'].fillna(3)), colorscale=FDR_COLOR_SCALE), text=data['Label']) last_gw = [ctx.current_season, f'GW {ctx.next_gw - 1}'] first_gw = [ctx.current_season, 'GW 1'] last_season_gws_color = 'rgb(230, 230, 230)' past_gws_color = 'rgb(240, 240, 240)' last_season_shape = Shape(type='rect', yref='paper', x0=-6, x1=first_gw, y0=0, y1=1, fillcolor=last_season_gws_color, layer='below', line_width=0, opacity=0.5) past_shape = Shape(type='rect', yref='paper', x0=first_gw, x1=last_gw, y0=0, y1=1, fillcolor=past_gws_color, layer='below', line_width=0, opacity=0.5) start_shape = Shape(type='line', yref='paper', x0=first_gw, x1=first_gw, y0=0, y1=1, line=dict(width=2, color='DarkGrey'), layer='below') current_gw_shape = Shape(type='line', yref='paper', x0=last_gw, x1=last_gw, y0=0, y1=1, line=dict(width=2, color='DarkGrey'), layer='below') max_points = max(max(data['Expected Points'].max(), data['Fixture Total Points'].max()) + 1, 15) min_points = min(data['Expected Points'].min(), data['Fixture Total Points'].min()) - 1 layout = dict( yaxis=dict(title=f'Points', showspikes=True, range=[min_points, max_points]), xaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=8)), shapes=[last_season_shape, start_shape, past_shape, current_gw_shape], hovermode='closest', legend=dict(yanchor='top', xanchor='left', x=0, y=1, bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)'), height=300, margin=dict(l=20, r=0, t=5, b=20, pad=0), annotations=[ dict(x=last_gw, y=0.9, yref='paper', text='Last Game Week', ax=80, ay=0), dict(x=first_gw, y=0.9, yref='paper', text='Start of Season', ax=-80, ay=0) ] ) return VBox([HTML('<h3>Expected Points vs Actual Points</h3>'), FigureWidget([ftp_trace, ftpr_trace, eps_trace, fs_trace], layout=layout)])
def createFigureWidget(self): data_lines = [] traces = [] i=0 if self.only_subsets == False: colors = [i for r in range(] colorscale = [[0,'#EEEEEE']] else: colors = [] colorscale = [] i=-1 values = [] labels = [] nodes_id = [] parents = [] self.masks = [] colors = [] df = ids = 1 queue = deque() if self.options['colorscale'].value == GlueSunburstPlotly.default_color: color_set = [ for dim in self.dimensions] else: color_set = cl.scales['8']['qual'][self.options['colorscale'].value] if (len(self.dimensions) > 8): color_set = cl.interp( color_set, len(dimensions) ) color_set = cl.to_rgb(color_set) color_set.insert(0,'rgb(255,255,255)') queue.append({'id':ids,'dimension':0, 'label':"Data", 'mask':[True for i in range(], 'parent':''}) while len(queue) > 0: toprocess = queue.popleft() mask = toprocess['mask'] id = toprocess['id'] label = toprocess['label'] value = np.count_nonzero(mask) if value > 0: labels.append(label) values.append(value) parents.append(toprocess['parent']) nodes_id.append(id) self.masks.append(mask) colors.append(color_set[toprocess['dimension']]) data = df[mask] if toprocess['dimension'] < len(self.dimensions): dimension = self.dimensions[toprocess['dimension']] dvalues = np.unique(data[dimension].ravel()) if hasattr([dimension].flatten(), 'codes'): for val in dvalues: ids += 1 process = {'id':ids,'dimension':toprocess['dimension']+1, 'label':str(val), 'parent':toprocess['id']} process['mask'] = (mask & ([dimension] == val)) queue.append(process) elif len(dvalues) < self.options['grouping_limit'].value: for val in dvalues: ids += 1 process = {'id':ids,'dimension':toprocess['dimension']+1, 'label':str(val), 'parent':toprocess['id']} process['mask'] = (mask & ([dimension] == val)) queue.append(process) else: hist, bin_edges = np.histogram([dimension].flatten(), bins='auto') if (len(bin_edges) > self.options['grouping_limit'].value): hist, bin_edges = np.histogram([dimension].flatten(), bins=self.options['grouping_limit'].value) for edge in range(len(bin_edges)-1): ids += 1 label = "{:.1f}".format(bin_edges[edge]) + " - " + "{:.1f}".format(bin_edges[edge+1]) process = {'id':ids,'dimension':toprocess['dimension']+1, 'label':label, 'parent':toprocess['id']} if edge == 0: process['mask'] = (mask & (([dimension] >= bin_edges[edge]) & ([dimension] <= bin_edges[edge+1]))) else : process['mask'] = (mask & (([dimension] > bin_edges[edge]) & ([dimension] <= bin_edges[edge+1]))) queue.append(process) trace = { 'type': "sunburst", 'ids': nodes_id, 'labels': labels, 'parents': parents, 'values': values, 'branchvalues' : 'total', 'maxdepth' : 4, 'outsidetextfont': { 'size': 20, 'color': "#377eb8" }, 'leaf': { 'opacity' : 1 }, 'marker': { 'line': { 'width': 2 }, 'colors' : colors }, 'domain':{ 'x': [0, 0.9], 'y': [0, 1], }, } traces.append(trace) layout = { 'title' : self.options['title'].value, 'margin' : { 'l':self.margins['left'].value, 'r':self.margins['right'].value, 'b':self.margins['bottom'].value, 't':self.margins['top'].value }, 'showlegend': True, 'xaxis': { 'title' : self.options['xaxis'].value, 'range' : [0,1], 'showgrid':False, 'showline':False, 'showticklabels':False, 'zeroline':False }, 'yaxis': { 'title' : self.options['yaxis'].value, 'range' : [0,1], 'showgrid':False, 'showline':False, 'showticklabels':False, 'zeroline':False }, 'showlegend': self.margins['showlegend'].value, 'legend' : { 'orientation' : self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x' : self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y' : self.margins['legend_ypos'].value } } for i in range(len(self.dimensions)): dimension = self.dimensions[i] trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name' : dimension, 'textposition' : 'middle right', 'x' : [-1000], 'y' : [i], 'mode' : 'markers', 'marker': { 'color' : color_set[i+1], 'size' : 20, 'line': { 'width': 0, }, 'symbol' : 'square' } } traces.append(trace) return FigureWidget({ 'data': traces, 'layout': layout })
def show_indexed_timeseries_plotly( timeseries: TimeSeries, istart: int = 0, istop: int = None, time_window: list = None, trace_range: list = None, offsets=None, fig: go.FigureWidget = None, col=None, row=None, zero_start=False, scatter_kwargs: dict = None, figure_kwargs: dict = None, ): if istart != 0 or istop is not None: if time_window is not None: raise ValueError( "input either time window or istart/stop but not both") if not (0 <= istart <[0] and (istop is None or 0 < istop <=[0])): raise ValueError("enter correct istart/stop values") t_istart = istart t_istop = istop elif time_window is not None: t_istart = timeseries_time_to_ind(timeseries, time_window[0]) t_istop = timeseries_time_to_ind(timeseries, time_window[1]) else: t_istart = istart t_istop = istop tt = get_timeseries_tt(timeseries, istart=t_istart, istop=t_istop) data, unit = get_timeseries_in_units(timeseries, istart=t_istart, istop=t_istop) if len(data.shape) == 1: data = data[:, np.newaxis] if trace_range is not None: if not (0 <= trace_range[0] < data.shape[1] and 0 < trace_range[1] <= data.shape[1]): raise ValueError("enter correct trace range") trace_istart = trace_range[0] trace_istop = trace_range[1] else: trace_istart = 0 trace_istop = data.shape[1] if offsets is None: offsets = np.zeros(trace_istop - trace_istart) if zero_start: tt = tt - tt[0] scatter_kwargs = dict() if scatter_kwargs is None else scatter_kwargs if fig is None: fig = go.FigureWidget(make_subplots(rows=1, cols=1)) row = 1 if row is None else row col = 1 if col is None else col for i, trace_id in enumerate(range(trace_istart, trace_istop)): fig.add_trace( go.Scattergl(x=tt, y=data[:, trace_id] + offsets[i], mode="lines", **scatter_kwargs), row=row, col=col, ) input_figure_kwargs = dict( xaxis=dict(title_text="time (s)", range=[tt[0], tt[-1]]), yaxis=dict(title_text=unit if unit is not None else None),, ) if figure_kwargs is None: figure_kwargs = dict() input_figure_kwargs.update(figure_kwargs) fig.update_xaxes(input_figure_kwargs.pop("xaxis"), row=row, col=col) fig.update_yaxes(input_figure_kwargs.pop("yaxis"), row=row, col=col) fig.update_layout(**input_figure_kwargs) return fig
def createFigureWidget(self): data_lines = [] traces = [] sources = [] targets = [] values = [] labels = [] parents = [] self.masks = [] colors = [] df = ids = 0 queue = deque() if self.options[ 'colorscale'].value == GlueSankeytreePlotly.default_color: color_set = [ for dim in self.dimensions ] else: color_set = cl.scales['8']['qual'][ self.options['colorscale'].value] if (len(self.dimensions) > 8): color_set = cl.interp(color_set, len(self.dimensions)) color_set = cl.to_rgb(color_set) queue.append({ 'id': ids, 'dimension': 0, 'label': 'Data', 'mask': [True for i in range(], 'parent': '' }) while len(queue) > 0: toprocess = queue.popleft() mask = toprocess['mask'] id = toprocess['id'] label = toprocess['label'] value = np.count_nonzero(mask) if True: #value > 0: labels.append(label) sources.append(toprocess['parent']) targets.append(id) values.append(value) parents.append(toprocess['parent']) colors.append(color_set[toprocess['dimension'] - 1]) self.masks.append(mask) data = df[mask] if toprocess['dimension'] < len(self.dimensions): dimension = self.dimensions[toprocess['dimension']] dvalues = np.unique(data[dimension].ravel()) if hasattr([dimension].flatten(), 'codes'): for val in dvalues: ids += 1 process = { 'id': ids, 'dimension': toprocess['dimension'] + 1, 'label': str(val), 'parent': toprocess['id'] } process['mask'] = (mask & ([dimension] == val)) queue.append(process) elif len(dvalues) < self.options['grouping_limit'].value: for val in dvalues: ids += 1 process = { 'id': ids, 'dimension': toprocess['dimension'] + 1, 'label': str(val), 'parent': toprocess['id'] } process['mask'] = (mask & ([dimension] == val)) queue.append(process) else: hist, bin_edges = np.histogram([dimension].flatten(), bins='auto') if (len(bin_edges) > self.options['grouping_limit'].value): hist, bin_edges = np.histogram([dimension].flatten(), bins=self.options['grouping_limit'].value) for edge in range(len(bin_edges) - 1): ids += 1 label = '{:.1f}'.format( bin_edges[edge]) + ' - ' + '{:.1f}'.format( bin_edges[edge + 1]) process = { 'id': ids, 'dimension': toprocess['dimension'] + 1, 'label': label, 'parent': toprocess['id'] } if edge == 0: process['mask'] = (mask & ( ([dimension] >= bin_edges[edge]) & ([dimension] <= bin_edges[edge + 1]))) else: process['mask'] = (mask & ( ([dimension] > bin_edges[edge]) & ([dimension] <= bin_edges[edge + 1]))) queue.append(process) trace = { 'type': 'sankey', 'node': { 'pad': 15, 'thickness': 20, 'line': { 'color': 'black', 'width': 0.5 }, 'label': labels[1:], 'color': colors[1:], }, 'link': { 'source': [s - 1 for s in sources[1:]], 'target': [t - 1 for t in targets[1:]], 'value': values[1:], 'hovertemplate': '%{label}<br><b>Source: %{source.label}<br>Target: %{target.label}<br> %{flow.value}</b>' }, } traces.append(trace) layout = { 'title': self.options['title'].value, 'margin': { 'l': self.margins['left'].value, 'r': self.margins['right'].value, 'b': self.margins['bottom'].value, 't': self.margins['top'].value }, 'showlegend': True, 'xaxis': { 'title': self.options['xaxis'].value, 'range': [0, 1], 'showgrid': False, 'showline': False, 'showticklabels': False, 'zeroline': False }, 'yaxis': { 'title': self.options['yaxis'].value, 'range': [0, 1], 'showgrid': False, 'showline': False, 'showticklabels': False, 'zeroline': False }, 'legend': { 'orientation': self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x': self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y': self.margins['legend_ypos'].value } } for i in range(len(self.dimensions)): dimension = self.dimensions[i] trace = { 'type': 'scatter', 'name': dimension, 'textposition': 'middle right', 'x': [-1000], 'y': [i], 'mode': 'markers', 'marker': { 'color': color_set[i], 'size': 20, 'line': { 'width': 0, }, 'symbol': 'square' } } traces.append(trace) return FigureWidget({'data': traces, 'layout': layout})
def createFigureWidget(self): dimensions = self.dimensions data_lines = [] sources = [] targets = [] nodes = [{} for dim in dimensions] nodest = [{} for dim in dimensions] values = [] labels = [] colors = [] self.masks = [] nodes_id = [] if self.options['colorscale'].value == GlueSankeyPlotly.default_color: color_set = [ for dim in dimensions ] else: color_set = cl.scales['8']['qual'][ self.options['colorscale'].value] if (len(self.dimensions) > 8): color_set = cl.interp(color_set, len(dimensions)) color_set = cl.to_rgb(color_set) for i, dimension in enumerate(dimensions): dvalues = np.unique([dimension].flatten()) if len(dvalues) < self.options['grouping_limit'].value or hasattr([dimension].flatten(), 'codes'): nodes[i]['values'] = np.unique([dimension].flatten()) nodes[i]['local_nodes'] = [ len(nodes_id) + cnt for cnt in range(len(nodes[i]['values'])) ] nodes[i]['masks'] = [] for val in nodes[i]['values']: nodes[i]['masks'].append([dimension] == val) else: hist, bin_edges = np.histogram([dimension].flatten(), bins='auto') if (len(bin_edges) > self.options['grouping_limit'].value): hist, bin_edges = np.histogram([dimension].flatten(), bins=self.options['grouping_limit'].value) nodes[i]['values'] = [] for edge in range(len(bin_edges) - 1): nodes[i]['values'].append( '{:.1f}'.format(bin_edges[edge]) + ' - ' + '{:.1f}'.format(bin_edges[edge + 1])) nodes[i]['local_nodes'] = [ len(nodes_id) + cnt for cnt in range(len(nodes[i]['values'])) ] nodes[i]['masks'] = [] for edge in range(len(bin_edges) - 1): if edge == 0: nodes[i]['masks'].append( ([dimension] >= bin_edges[edge]) & ([dimension] <= bin_edges[edge + 1])) else: nodes[i]['masks'].append( ([dimension] > bin_edges[edge]) & ([dimension] <= bin_edges[edge + 1])) nodes_id.extend(nodes[i]['local_nodes']) labels.extend(nodes[i]['values']) colors.extend([color_set[i] for val in nodes[i]['values']]) self.masks.extend(nodes[i]['masks']) link_colors = [] for i in range(len(dimensions) - 1): for j in range(len(nodes[i]['local_nodes'])): for k in range(len(nodes[i + 1]['local_nodes'])): total = np.count_nonzero( (nodes[i]['masks'][j] & nodes[i + 1]['masks'][k])) if total > 0: mask = nodes[i]['masks'][j] & nodes[i + 1]['masks'][k] for sset in if hasattr(sset, "disabled" ) == False or sset.disabled == False: sset_mask = sset.to_mask() color = settotal = np.count_nonzero(mask & sset_mask) mask = mask & ~sset_mask sources.append(nodes[i]['local_nodes'][j]) targets.append(nodes[i + 1]['local_nodes'][k]) values.append(settotal) link_colors.append(color) total = total - settotal if self.only_subsets == False: sources.append(nodes[i]['local_nodes'][j]) targets.append(nodes[i + 1]['local_nodes'][k]) values.append(total) link_colors.append('rgba(238, 238, 238, 0.6)') traces = [] sankey = { 'type': 'sankey', #'arrangement' : 'perpendicular', 'node': { 'pad': 8, 'thickness': 15, 'line': { 'color': 'black', 'width': 0.5 }, 'label': labels, 'color': colors }, 'link': { 'source': sources, 'target': targets, 'value': values, 'hovertemplate': '%{label}<br><b>Source: %{source.label}<br>Target: %{target.label}<br> %{flow.value}</b>', 'color': link_colors, 'line': { 'color': 'lightgrey', 'width': 0.5 } }, #'domain':{ # 'x': [0, 0.9], # 'y': [0, 1], #}, } traces.append(sankey) layout = { 'title': self.options['title'].value, 'xaxis': { 'title': self.options['xaxis'].value, 'range': [0, 1], 'showgrid': False, 'showline': False, 'showticklabels': False, 'zeroline': False }, 'yaxis': { 'title': self.options['yaxis'].value, 'range': [0, 1], 'showgrid': False, 'showline': False, 'showticklabels': False, 'zeroline': False }, 'showlegend': self.margins['showlegend'].value, 'legend': { 'orientation': self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x': self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y': self.margins['legend_ypos'].value }, 'font': { 'size': 10, }, } for i in range(len(self.dimensions)): dimension = self.dimensions[i] trace = { 'type': 'scatter', 'name': dimension, 'textposition': 'middle right', 'x': [-1000], 'y': [i], 'mode': 'markers', 'marker': { 'color': color_set[i], 'size': 20, 'line': { 'width': 0, }, 'symbol': 'square' } } traces.append(trace) if self.only_subsets == False: trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name':, 'textposition': 'middle right', 'x': [-1000], 'y': [i], 'mode': 'markers', 'marker': { 'color': "#EEEEEE", 'size': 20, 'line': { 'width': 1, 'color': 'light grey' }, 'symbol': 'square' } } traces.append(trace) for sset in if hasattr(sset, "disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: color = trace = { 'type': "scatter", 'name': sset.label, 'textposition': 'middle right', 'x': [-1000], 'y': [i], 'mode': 'markers', 'marker': { 'color': color, 'size': 20, 'line': { 'width': 1, 'color': 'light grey' }, 'symbol': 'square' } } traces.append(trace) data = traces FigureWidget(data=data, layout=layout) return FigureWidget(data=data, layout=layout)
def createFigureWidget(self): x_id = self.dimensions[0] y_id = self.dimensions[1] z_id = self.dimensions[2] x_value =[x_id].flatten().astype('float') y_value =[y_id].flatten().astype('float') x_value, x_inv = np.unique(x_value, return_inverse=True) y_value, y_inv = np.unique(y_value, return_inverse=True) try: z_value = np.reshape([z_id].flatten(), (len(x_value), len(y_value))) except: t_value =[z_id].flatten() x_value = np.sort(x_value) y_value = np.sort(y_value) z_value = np.zeros((len(x_value), len(y_value))) for i, value in enumerate(t_value): z_value[x_inv[i]][y_inv[i]] = value #with self.debug: # print (x_value,y_value,z_value) traces = [] trace = { 'type': "contour", 'colorscale': self.options['color_scale'].value, 'showlegend': False, 'autocontour': False, 'ncontours': 1, 'contours': { 'coloring': 'heatmap' }, 'x': x_value.tolist(), 'y': y_value.tolist(), 'z': z_value.tolist(), 'zauto': False, 'zmin': self.options['color_range_min'].value, 'zmax': self.options['color_range_max'].value, } if self.only_subsets == False: traces.append(trace) for sset in if hasattr(sset, "disabled") == False or sset.disabled == False: color = color = 'rgba' + str(self.getDeltaColor(color, 0.6)) trace = { 'type': "scattergl", 'mode': "markers", 'name': sset.label + "_" + y_id, 'marker': dict({ 'symbol': 'circle', 'size': self.options['marker_size'].value, 'color': color, 'line': { 'width': self.options['line_width'].value, 'color': color } }), 'selected': { 'marker': { 'color': color, 'size': self.options['marker_size'].value } }, 'unselected': { 'marker': { 'color': color, 'size': self.options['marker_size'].value } }, 'x': sset[x_id].flatten(), 'y': sset[y_id].flatten(), } traces.append(trace) layout = { 'title': self.options['title'].value, 'margin': { 'l': self.margins['left'].value, 'r': self.margins['right'].value, 'b': self.margins['bottom'].value, 't': self.margins['top'].value }, 'xaxis': { 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': True, 'title': self.options['xaxis'].value, 'linecolor':, 'tickcolor':, 'ticklen': 4, 'linewidth': 4, }, 'yaxis': { 'autorange': True, 'zeroline': True, 'title': self.options['yaxis'].value, 'linecolor':, 'tickcolor':, 'ticklen': 4, 'linewidth': 4, }, 'showlegend': self.margins['showlegend'].value, 'legend': { 'orientation': self.margins['legend_orientation'].value, 'x': self.margins['legend_xpos'].value, 'y': self.margins['legend_ypos'].value }, } return FigureWidget({'data': traces, 'layout': layout})