def get_mapbox_graph(sbb, hovertext_cols, options_list, option_dropdown, colorbar, travel_time_cols, dropdown_locations=None): cmin = min(colorbar[option_dropdown]['intervals'])*3600 cmax = max(colorbar[option_dropdown]['intervals'])*3600 mapbox_graph = [Scattermapbox( lat=sbb["lat"], lon=sbb["lon"], mode="markers", hoverinfo='text', hovertext=sbb[hovertext_cols[options_list[option_dropdown]]], text=sbb[hovertext_cols[options_list[option_dropdown]]], marker=dict( showscale=True, color=sbb[travel_time_cols[options_list[option_dropdown]]], opacity=0.85, size=7.5, colorscale=colorbar[option_dropdown]['input'], cmax=cmax, cmin=cmin, colorbar=dict( title=colorbar[option_dropdown]['title'], x=0.035, xpad=0, tickvals=colorbar[option_dropdown]['tickvals'], ticktext=colorbar[option_dropdown]['ticktext'], tickfont=dict(color="#000000", size=14), titlefont=dict(color="#000000", size=16), ticksuffix=" hours", showticksuffix="all", thicknessmode="pixels", ), ), )] if dropdown_locations: mapbox_graph.append( # Plot of important locations on the map Scattermapbox( lat=[dropdown_locations[i]["lat"] for i in dropdown_locations], lon=[dropdown_locations[i]["lon"] for i in dropdown_locations], mode="markers", hoverinfo="text", text=[i for i in dropdown_locations], marker=dict(size=8, color="#000000"), ) ) return mapbox_graph
def plotly_map(locations): mapbox_access_token = 'pk.eyJ1Ijoic3VodHdpbnMiLCJhIjoi' +\ 'Y2pnNGJvbXRhMGpoNDJwcWRva3JieWgwcCJ9' +\ '.cmsuwG65XkGUh2pv07nIVg' data = [ Scattermapbox( lat=[location.latitude for location in locations], lon=[location.longitude for location in locations], text=[ for location in locations], mode='markers', ) ] layout = Layout( autosize=True, hovermode='closest', mapbox=dict( accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, bearing=0, center=dict( lat=mean([location.latitude for location in locations]), lon=mean([location.longitude for location in locations])), pitch=100, zoom=10), ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) output = plotly.offline.plot(fig, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div') return (output)
def plot_map(restos, cuisine_type='Thai'): """ Visualise restaurants on a map of NYC Parameters ---------- restos: DataFrame contains NYC restaurant inspection results cuisine_type: str type of cuisine to search for Returns ------- fig : plotly.Figure """ top_ten = get_top_N(restos, cuisine_type=cuisine_type) lat_lons = find_lat_lon(top_ten) nyc_central_lat = 40.7128 nyc_central_lon = -73.9 data = [ Scattermapbox( lon=[lat_lon['lon'] for lat_lon in lat_lons.values], lat=[lat_lon['lat'] for lat_lon in lat_lons.values], text=[lat_lon['name'] for lat_lon in lat_lons.values], mode='markers+text', showlegend=False, hoverinfo='text', textposition='top center', marker=dict(symbol='star', size=10), ) ] layers = [ dict(sourcetype='geojson', type='fill', color='rgba(163,22,19,0.8)') ] layout = Layout( title='', height=800, width=600, autosize=True, hovermode='closest', mapbox=dict(layers=layers, accesstoken=MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN, bearing=0, center=dict(lat=nyc_central_lat, lon=nyc_central_lon), pitch=0, zoom=10, style='light'), ) fig = Figure(layout=layout, data=data) iplot(fig, validate=False) return fig
def update_graph_user(user): zoom = 12.0 latInitial = 37.766083 lonInitial = -122.448649 bearing = 0 venue_list = session.execute("select venue_id, user_id, lat, log, rating from friendratingloc WHERE user_id = \'{}\'".format(user)) venue_name = [] venue_lat = [] venue_lon = [] venue_rating = [] for venue in venue_list: venue_name.append(venue.venue_id) venue_lat.append( venue_lon.append(venue.log) venue_rating.append(venue.rating) return go.Figure( data=[ Scattermapbox( #lat=["37.752443", "37.807771", "37.810088", "37.769361", "37.802067"], #lon=["-122.447543", "-122.473899", "-122.410428", "-122.485742", # "-122.418840"], lat = venue_lat, lon = venue_lon, mode='markers', hoverinfo="text", text = venue_rating, #text=["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], # opacity=0.5, marker=dict( size=12, color=venue_rating ), ), ], layout=Layout( autosize=True, height=750, margin=Margin(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0), showlegend=False, mapbox=dict( accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, center=dict( lat=latInitial, # 40.7272 lon=lonInitial # -73.991251 ), style='dark', bearing=bearing, zoom=zoom ) ) )
def makeborder3(name, lats, lons, color, shape, group, showlegend): return Scattermapbox( name=name, mode="markers", lon=lats, lat=lons, # SPECS marker=dict( size=15, color=color, symbol=shape, opacity=0.8, ), legendgroup=group, showlegend=showlegend, )
def maketrace(name, lats, lons, dataframe, color, shape, group, showlegend, sd): return Scattermapbox( name=name, mode="markers", lon=lats, lat=lons, text="ID: " + dataframe['ID'].astype(str) + "<br>Mask/Social Distance Compliance: " + sd, hoverinfo="lon+lat+text", # SPECS marker=dict( size=12, color=color, symbol=shape, opacity=0.8, ), legendgroup=group, showlegend=showlegend, )
def plot_cluster(days, param="End", peak="AM", marker_size_scale=30): config_plotly() color_scale = colorlover.scales['5']['qual']['Set1'] data = list() top_size = days['7'].max() for cluster in days.cluster_id.unique(): data.append( Scattermapbox( lat=days[days.cluster_id == cluster][param + "_Lat_mean" + peak], lon=days[days.cluster_id == cluster][param + "_Lon_mean" + peak], mode='markers', marker=Marker(size=days[days.cluster_id == cluster]['7'] / top_size * marker_size_scale, color=color_scale[cluster]), text="CL: " + str(cluster), hoverinfo='text')) data = Data(data) layout = Layout( title='Clusters centres of gravity:' + param + peak, autosize=True, hovermode='closest', showlegend=False, mapbox=dict(accesstoken=PLOTLY_API_KEY, bearing=0, center=dict(lat=40, lon=-73), pitch=0, zoom=7, style='light'), ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename='Clusters:' + param + peak)
def plot_vectors(days, peak="PM"): _scaler = 6 config_plotly() color_scale = colorlover.scales['5']['qual']['Dark2'] data = list() top_size = days['7'].max() for index, row in days.iterrows(): desc = str(index) + " cluster_id" + str(row['cluster_id']) data.append( Scattermapbox( lat=[row["Start_Lat_mean" + peak], row["End_Lat_mean" + peak]], lon=[row["Start_Lon_mean" + peak], row["End_Lon_mean" + peak]], mode='lines', text=desc, name=desc, opacity=0.7, line=Line(width=int(_scaler * row['7'] / top_size), color=color_scale[int(row['cluster_id'])]))) data = Data(data) layout = Layout( showlegend=False, autosize=True, hovermode='closest', mapbox=dict(accesstoken=PLOTLY_API_KEY, bearing=0, center=dict(lat=row["Start_Lat_mean" + peak], lon=row["Start_Lon_mean" + peak]), pitch=0, zoom=11), ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename='Vectors ' + peak)
def update_graph(interval): zoom = 12.0 latInitial = 37.766083 lonInitial = -122.448649 bearing = 0 venue_list = session.execute( 'select venue_id, latitude, longitude,SUM(visit) AS totalvisit from venuevisitloc GROUP BY venue_id LIMIT 500' ) venue_name = [] venue_visit = [] venue_lat = [] venue_lon = [] for venue in venue_list: venue_name.append(venue.venue_id) venue_visit.append(venue.totalvisit) venue_lat.append(venue.latitude) venue_lon.append(venue.longitude) # to get fixed color range: y = np.array(venue_visit) color = np.array(['rgb(255,255,255)'] * y.shape[0]) for i in range(y.shape[0]): if y[i] < 10: color[i] = 'rgb(166,206,227)' elif y[i] >= 10 and y[i] < 100: color[i] = 'rgb(31,120,180)' elif y[i] >= 100 and y[i] < 200: color[i] = 'rgb(178,223,138)' elif y[i] >= 200 and y[i] < 400: color[i] = 'rgb(51,160,44)' elif y[i] >= 400 and y[i] < 800: color[i] = 'rgb(251,154,153)' else: color[i] = 'rgb(227,26,28)' return go.Figure( data=[ Scattermapbox( # lat=["37.752443", "37.807771", "37.810088", "37.769361", "37.802067", # "40.7127", "40.7589", "40.8075", "40.7489"], # lon=["-122.447543", "-122.473899", "-122.410428", "-122.485742", # "-122.418840", "-74.0134", "-73.9851", "-73.9626", # "-73.9680"], lat=venue_lat, lon=venue_lon, mode='markers', hoverinfo="text", text=venue_visit, #text=["Twin Peaks", "Golden Gate Bridge", # "Pier 39", "Golden Gate Park", # "Lombard Street", "One World Trade Center", # "Times Square", "Columbia University", # "United Nations HQ"], # opacity=0.5, marker=dict( size=8, #color="#ffa0a0" # color = venue_visit, color=color.tolist(), # colorbar=dict( # title='Colorbar' # ), # colorscale = [[0, 'rgb(166,206,227)'], [0.25, 'rgb(31,120,180)'], [0.45, 'rgb(178,223,138)'], [0.65, 'rgb(51,160,44)'], [0.85, 'rgb(251,154,153)'], [1, 'rgb(227,26,28)']], # colorscale='Jet', ), ), ], layout=Layout( autosize=True, height=750, margin=Margin(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0), showlegend=False, mapbox=dict( accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, center=dict( lat=latInitial, # 40.7272 lon=lonInitial # -73.991251 ), style='dark', bearing=bearing, zoom=zoom)))
def plotly_map(): mapbox_access_token = 'pk.eyJ1Ijoic3VodHdpbnMiLCJhIjoi' +\ 'Y2pnNGJvbXRhMGpoNDJwcWRva3JieWgwcCJ9' +\ '.cmsuwG65XkGUh2pv07nIVg' data = Data([ Scattermapbox( lat=['37.7765', '37.791377'], lon=['-122.4506', '-122.392609'], mode='markers', marker=Marker(size=15), text=["University of San Francisco, Main Campus", "University of San Francisco, Downtown Campus"])]) layout = Layout( autosize=True, hovermode='closest', mapbox=dict( accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, bearing=0, center=dict( lat=37.773972, lon=-122.431297 ), pitch=0, zoom=11 ), ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) output = plotly.offline.plot(fig, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div') activities_grouped_df = activities_df.groupby(['date'], as_index=False)['miles'].sum() activities_grouped_df['dow'] = x: x.weekday()) activities_grouped_df['week_start'] = x: x - timedelta(days=x.weekday())) miles_per_week = activities_grouped_df.groupby(['week_start'], as_index=False).miles.sum() by_week_df = pd.DataFrame(activities_grouped_df.week_start.unique(), columns=['week_start']) for i in range(7): by_week_df['{}'.format(i)] = i for i in range(7): by_week_df = pd.merge(by_week_df, activities_grouped_df, left_on=['week_start', '{}'.format(i)], right_on=['week_start', 'dow'], how='left', suffixes=('', '_{}'.format(i))) by_week_df = by_week_df[['week_start', 'miles', 'miles_1', 'miles_2', 'miles_3', 'miles_4', 'miles_5', 'miles_6']] by_week_df.columns = ['week_start', 'miles_0', 'miles_1', 'miles_2', 'miles_3', 'miles_4', 'miles_5', 'miles_6'] by_week_df['year'] = by_week_df['week_start'].apply(lambda x: x.year) by_week_df.fillna(0, inplace=True) by_week_df = pd.merge(by_week_df, miles_per_week, how='left', on='week_start') days_dict = {0: 'Monday', 1: 'Tuesday', 2: 'Wednesday', 3: 'Thursday', 4: 'Friday', 5: 'Saturday', 6: 'Sunday'} dimensions = list() for i in range(7): dimensions.append( dict(range=[0, 20], constraintrange=[0, 20], label='{}'.format(days_dict[i]), values=by_week_df['miles_{}'.format(i)])) data = [ go.Parcoords( line=dict(color=by_week_df['miles'], colorscale='Hot', showscale=True, reversescale=True), opacity=0.5, dimensions=dimensions, hoverinfo='text') ] layout = go.Layout( plot_bgcolor='#E5E5E5', paper_bgcolor='#E5E5E5', title='Miles per week broken down by day' ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) output2 = plotly.offline.plot(fig, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div') activities_df['week_start'] = x: x - timedelta(days=x.weekday())) activities_grouped_df_2 = activities_df.groupby(['workout_type', 'week_start'], as_index=False)['miles'].sum() by_week_activity_df = pd.DataFrame(activities_grouped_df_2.week_start.unique(), columns=['week_start']) for i in activities_df.workout_type.unique(): by_week_activity_df['{}'.format(i)] = i for i in range(4): by_week_activity_df = pd.merge(by_week_activity_df, activities_grouped_df_2, left_on=['week_start', '{}'.format(activities_df.workout_type.unique()[i])], right_on=['week_start', 'workout_type'], how='left', suffixes=('', '_{}'.format(activities_df.workout_type.unique()[i]))) by_week_activity_df = by_week_activity_df[['week_start', 'miles', 'miles_Workout', 'miles_Long Run', 'miles_Race']] by_week_activity_df.columns = ['week_start', 'miles_Run', 'miles_Workout', 'miles_Long Run', 'miles_Race'] by_week_activity_df.fillna(0, inplace=True) by_week_activity_df['miles_Run'] = np.array(by_week_activity_df['miles_Run']) + np.array( by_week_activity_df['miles_Long Run']) by_week_activity_df['miles_Run'] = np.array(by_week_activity_df['miles_Run']) + np.array( by_week_activity_df['miles_Long Run']) data = [] custom_colours = ['blue', 'orange', 'red'] j = 0 for i in ['Run', 'Workout', 'Race']: data.append(go.Bar( x=by_week_activity_df['week_start'], y=by_week_activity_df['miles_{}'.format(i)], marker=dict(color=custom_colours[j]), name=i)) j += 1 layout = dict( barmode='stack', hovermode='closest', title='Miles per week', xaxis=dict( rangeselector=dict( buttons=list([ dict(count=1, label='1m', step='month', stepmode='backward'), dict(count=6, label='6m', step='month', stepmode='backward'), dict(count=1, label='YTD', step='year', stepmode='todate'), dict(count=1, label='1y', step='year', stepmode='backward'), dict(step='all') ]) ), rangeslider=dict(), type='date' ) ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) output3 = plotly.offline.plot(fig, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div') return(output,output2,output3)
def st_map(self, zoom=11, style='mapbox://styles/rmetfc/ck1manozn0edb1dpmvtzle2cp', build_order=None): if self.dataset.node_station_info is None or len( self.dataset.node_station_info) == 0: raise ValueError('No station information found in dataset') import numpy as np import plotly from plotly.graph_objs import Scattermapbox, Layout mapboxAccessToken = "pk.eyJ1Ijoicm1ldGZjIiwiYSI6ImNrMW02YmwxbjAxN24zam9kNGVtMm5raWIifQ.FXKqZCxsFK-dGLLNdeRJHw" # os.environ['MAPBOX_API_KEY'] = mapboxAccessToken # lat_lng_name_list = [e[2:] for e in self.dataset.node_station_info] build_order = build_order or list( range(len(self.dataset.node_station_info))) color = ['rgb(255, 0, 0)' for _ in build_order] lat = np.array([float(e[2]) for e in self.dataset.node_station_info ])[self.traffic_data_index] lng = np.array([float(e[3]) for e in self.dataset.node_station_info ])[self.traffic_data_index] text = [str(e) for e in range(len(build_order))] file_name = self.dataset.dataset + '-' + + '.html' bikeStations = [ Scattermapbox( lon=lng, lat=lat, text=text, mode='markers', marker=dict( size=6, # color=['rgb(%s, %s, %s)' % (255, # 195 - e * 195 / max(build_order), # 195 - e * 195 / max(build_order)) for e in build_order], color=color, opacity=1, )) ] layout = Layout( title= 'Bike Station Location & The latest built stations with deeper color', autosize=True, hovermode='closest', showlegend=False, mapbox=dict(accesstoken=mapboxAccessToken, bearing=0, center=dict(lat=np.median(lat), lon=np.median(lng)), pitch=0, zoom=zoom, style=style), ) fig = dict(data=bikeStations, layout=layout) plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename=file_name)
# Dataset: Starbucks Locations in USA # Data Source: df = pd.read_csv('/home/local/ALGOANALYTICS/sayali/Desktop/Data Visualisation/Satellite map/starbucks_us_locations.csv') df.columns = ['Longitude','Latitude','ADR_Line_1','ADR_Line_2'] # Open mapbox account and pass your access token over here # Mapbox account sign up and access token is free. # Mapbox information: mapbox_access_token = 'Enter_your_access_token' # Use Scattermap box for satellite maps data = Data([Scattermapbox( lat= df['Latitude'], lon= df['Longitude'], #color = df['MAPE_scaled'], text = [str(n) for n in df['ADR_Line_2']], mode='markers', marker = dict(color = 'rgb(139, 0, 139)',size=11), hoverinfo='skip' ) ]) # Declare Layout layout = Layout( title = "STARBUCKS LOCATIONS IN USA", font=dict(family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='rgb(0,0,0)'), autosize=False, hovermode='closest', showlegend=False, width=1800, height=1000,
ids.append(pf['id'][i]) if pf["Masksd"][i] == 1: masklon.append(pf['LON'][i]) masklat.append(pf['LAT'][i]) elif pf["Masksd"][i] == 0: nomasklon.append(pf['LON'][i]) nomasklat.append(pf['LAT'][i]) else: unknownlon.append(pf['LON'][i]) unknownlat.append(pf['LAT'][i]) trace1 = Scattermapbox( name="Buildings", mode="markers", lon=df['LAT'], lat=df['LON'], text=df['Location'], hoverinfo="lon+lat+text", marker=dict(symbol='square-stroked', size=12, color='black', opacity=1), legendgroup="Buildings", ) def maketrace(name, lats, lons, dataframe, color, shape, group, showlegend, sd): return Scattermapbox( name=name, mode="markers", lon=lats, lat=lons, text="ID: " + dataframe['ID'].astype(str) + "<br>Mask/Social Distance Compliance: " + sd,
def update_graph(value, slider_value, selectedData, prevLayout, mapControls): zoom = 12.0 latInitial = 40.7272 lonInitial = -73.991251 bearing = 0 listStr = get_lat_lon_color(selectedData, value, slider_value) if (prevLayout is not None and mapControls is not None and 'lock' in mapControls): zoom = float(prevLayout['mapbox']['zoom']) latInitial = float(prevLayout['mapbox']['center']['lat']) lonInitial = float(prevLayout['mapbox']['center']['lon']) bearing = float(prevLayout['mapbox']['bearing']) return go.Figure( data=Data([ Scattermapbox( lat=eval(listStr)['Lat'], lon=eval(listStr)['Lon'], mode='markers', hoverinfo="lat+lon+text", text=eval(listStr).index.hour, marker=go.Marker(color=np.append( np.insert(eval(listStr).index.hour, 0, 0), 23), colorscale=[[0, 'rgb(153,236,21)'], [0.04167, 'rgb(218,240,23)'], [0.0833, 'rgb(187,236,25)'], [0.125, 'rgb(157,232,27)'], [0.1667, 'rgb(128,228,29)'], [0.2083, 'rgb(102,224,31)'], [0.25, 'rgb(76,220,32)'], [0.292, 'rgb(52,216,34)'], [0.333, 'rgb(36,210,73)'], [0.375, 'rgb(37,208,66)'], [0.4167, 'rgb(38,204,88)'], [0.4583, 'rgb(40,200,109)'], [0.50, 'rgb(41,196,129)'], [0.54167, 'rgb(42,192,147)'], [0.5833, 'rgb(43,188,164)'], [1.0, 'rgb(97,48,153)']], opacity=0.5, size=5, colorbar=dict(thicknessmode="fraction", title="Time of<br>Day", x=0.935, xpad=0, nticks=24, tickfont=dict(color='white'), titlefont=dict(color='white'), titleside='right')), ), Scattermapbox( lat=[ "40.7505", "40.8296", "40.7484", "40.7069", "40.7527", "40.7127", "40.7589", "40.8075", "40.7489" ], lon=[ "-73.9934", "-73.9262", "-73.9857", "-74.0113", "-73.9772", "-74.0134", "-73.9851", "-73.9626", "-73.9680" ], mode='markers', hoverinfo="text", text=[ "Madison Square Garden", "Yankee Stadium", "Empire State Building", "New York Stock Exchange", "Grand Central Station", "One World Trade Center", "Times Square", "Columbia University", "United Nations HQ" ], # opacity=0.5, marker=go.Marker(size=6, color="#ffa0a0"), ), ]), layout=Layout( autosize=True, height=750, margin=Margin(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0), showlegend=False, mapbox=dict( accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, center=dict( lat=latInitial, # 40.7272 lon=lonInitial # -73.991251 ), style='dark', bearing=bearing, zoom=zoom), updatemenus=[ dict(buttons=([ dict(args=[{ 'mapbox.zoom': 12, '': '-73.991251', '': '40.7272', 'mapbox.bearing': 0, '': 'dark' }], label='Reset Zoom', method='relayout') ]), direction='left', pad={ 'r': 0, 't': 0, 'b': 0, 'l': 0 }, showactive=False, type='buttons', x=0.45, xanchor='left', yanchor='bottom', bgcolor='#323130', borderwidth=1, bordercolor="#6d6d6d", font=dict(color="#FFFFFF"), y=0.02), dict(buttons=([ dict(args=[{ 'mapbox.zoom': 15, '': '-73.9934', '': '40.7505', 'mapbox.bearing': 0, '': 'dark' }], label='Madison Square Garden', method='relayout'), dict(args=[{ 'mapbox.zoom': 15, '': '-73.9262', '': '40.8296', 'mapbox.bearing': 0, '': 'dark' }], label='Yankee Stadium', method='relayout'), dict(args=[{ 'mapbox.zoom': 15, '': '-73.9857', '': '40.7484', 'mapbox.bearing': 0, '': 'dark' }], label='Empire State Building', method='relayout'), dict(args=[{ 'mapbox.zoom': 15, '': '-74.0113', '': '40.7069', 'mapbox.bearing': 0, '': 'dark' }], label='New York Stock Exchange', method='relayout'), dict(args=[{ 'mapbox.zoom': 15, '': '-73.785607', '': '40.644987', 'mapbox.bearing': 0, '': 'dark' }], label='JFK Airport', method='relayout'), dict(args=[{ 'mapbox.zoom': 15, '': '-73.9772', '': '40.7527', 'mapbox.bearing': 0, '': 'dark' }], label='Grand Central Station', method='relayout'), dict(args=[{ 'mapbox.zoom': 15, '': '-73.9851', '': '40.7589', 'mapbox.bearing': 0, '': 'dark' }], label='Times Square', method='relayout') ]), direction="down", pad={ 'r': 0, 't': 0, 'b': 0, 'l': 0 }, showactive=False, bgcolor="rgb(50, 49, 48, 0)", type='buttons', yanchor='bottom', xanchor='left', font=dict(color="#FFFFFF"), x=0, y=0.05) ]))