def plot_results(self): """ Plot historical ranking """ #plots = [] import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go plots_py = [] player_names = self.get_player_names_sorted() for name in player_names: player_evolution = self.get_player_evolution(name) indexes = [int(i) for i in player_evolution] indexes_py = [str(self.all_daily_results[d].get_date()) for d in player_evolution.keys()] indexes.sort() indexes_py.sort() y_axis_data = [player_evolution[str(i)] for i in indexes] #plots.extend(plt.plot(indexes, y_axis_data, Color.get_color(), label=name)) plots_py.append(go.Scatter(x=indexes_py, y=y_axis_data, mode='lines+markers', name=name)) layout = go.Layout( title='Basket USA Fantasy historic', xaxis=dict(title='', titlefont=dict(family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#7f7f7f') ), yaxis=dict(title='Pts', titlefont=dict(family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#7f7f7f') ) ) fig = go.Figure(data=plots_py, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename='busa')
def plotlyUpload(table, columns, title, ylabel, limits, file_name, use_columns=columns, online=False): con = sqlite3.connect( "C:\ProgramData\ForSens\Projekte\StuttgarterBruecke\Data\Data.db3") df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * from "+table, con, parse_dates = ['TimeStep']) df.columns=columns con.close() df = df.sort_index() df = df[use_columns] fig, ax = plt.subplots() df.plot(ax=ax, x='TimeStep', legend=False) ax.set_xlabel('') ax.set_title(title) ax.set_ylim(-.5,.5) plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig) plotly_fig['layout']['plot_bgcolor'] = "rgb(213, 226, 233)" plotly_fig['layout']['xaxis']['gridcolor'] = "white" plotly_fig['layout']['yaxis']['gridcolor'] = "white" plotly_fig['layout']['xaxis']['ticks'] = "" plotly_fig['layout']['yaxis']['range'] = limits plotly_fig['layout']['yaxis']['title'] = ylabel plotly_fig['layout']['autosize'] = True plotly_fig['layout']['showlegend'] = True print dir(plotly_fig.layout) if online==False: plotly.offline.plot(plotly_fig, filename=file_name) if online==True: py.plot(plotly_fig, filename=file_name, fileopt='overwrite')
def create_user_station_contrib_bar_graph(): plotlyTraces = [] if os.path.exists('../data/contributionTotals.csv'): totalfile = open('../data/contributionTotals.csv', 'r') totalreader = csv.reader(totalfile, delimiter=',') firstrow = True for user in totalreader: if not firstrow: # Parse the contribution dict column contribution_dict_str = user[4].replace("-", ",").replace("\'", "\"") contribution_dict = json.loads(contribution_dict_str) if len(contribution_dict_str) > 2: #If there is at least one contribution plotlyTraces.append(go.Bar( x=list(contribution_dict.keys()), y=list(contribution_dict.values()), name=user[0])) firstrow = False totalfile.close() layout = go.Layout( barmode='stack' ) fig = go.Figure(data=plotlyTraces, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename='stacked-bar')
def plot_scatter(x_axis, y_axis, xax_name, yax_name, title): """ Plots a scatterplot of given input lists with axes labels Parameters: x_axis: a list that represents x-values y_axis: a list that represents y-values xax_name: a string for x-axis title yax_name: a string for y-axis title title: a string for title of plot and plotly page Returns None """ # Data features trace = go.Scatter( x = x_axis, y = y_axis, mode = 'markers', marker = dict( size = 20, color = y_axis) ) data = [trace] # Layout of plot layout = go.Layout( dict(title = title, xaxis = dict(title = xax_name), yaxis = dict(title = yax_name)) ) # Plots figure in browser using Plotly fig = dict(data = data, layout = layout) py.plot(fig, filename = title)
def draw_hermite(n, a, b, nodes, *args): func_values = [values(func, n, a, b) for func in args] xvalues = values(lambda x: x, n, a, b) traceHermite = go.Scatter( x=xvalues, y=func_values[1], mode='markers', name='Hermite' ) traceFunc = go.Scatter( x=xvalues, y=func_values[0], mode='markers', name='Original function' ) xi, yi = zip(*nodes) traceCoordinates = go.Scatter( x=xi, y=yi, mode='markers', name='Nodes', marker=dict( size=15, color='rgba(0,0,0, 1)' ) ) data = [traceHermite, traceFunc, traceCoordinates] tls.set_credentials_file(username='******', api_key='e78ht2ggmf') py.plot(data, filename='plot' + str(len(nodes)))
def plot(self): for j, k in self.word_count_list: self.words.append(j) self.counts.append(k) trace_bar1 = go.Bar( x=self.counts, y=self.words, orientation='h', marker=go.Marker(color='#E3BA22')) # Make Data object = go.Data([trace_bar1]) self.title = 'Word Frequency' # plot's title # Make Layout object self.layout = go.Layout( title=self.title, # set plot title showlegend=False, # remove legend orientation = 'h', yaxis= go.YAxis( title='Words', # y-axis title # range=[-15.5,25.5], # set range zeroline=False, # remove thick line at y=0 gridcolor='white' # set grid color to white ), paper_bgcolor='rgb(233,233,233)', # set paper (outside plot) plot_bgcolor='rgb(233,233,233)', # and plot color to grey ) # Make Figure object self.fig = go.Figure(, layout=self.layout) # (@) Send to Plotly and show in notebook py.plot(self.fig, filename='CITA-Bar-Graph')
def graph(self): stream_randomizer = Scatter( x=[], y=[], stream=dict( token=self.streamtoken, ) ) layout = Layout( title="IoTPy Randomizer" ) this = Figure(data=[stream_randomizer], layout=layout) py.plot(this, filename='IotPy Randomizer', auto_open=False) stream = py.Stream(self.streamtoken) time.sleep(5) counter = 0 while True: randomizerdata = randint(0,100) stream.write({'x': counter, 'y': randomizerdata}) counter += 1 time.sleep(0.25)
def main(): py.sign_in('JDGrillo', 'ymn6lb95az') trace = go.Scatter( x = [1991,1992,1993,1994], y = [2,4,3,9], mode = 'markers' ) data = [trace] layout = go.Layout( xaxis=dict( title="X-Axis", titlefont=dict( family='Arial, sans-serif', size = 18, color='grey' ), showexponent='All' ), yaxis=dict( title="Y-Axis", titlefont=dict( family='Arial, sans-serif', size = 18, color='lightgrey' ), showexponent='All' ) ) pplot = go.Figure(data = data, layout=layout) py.plot(pplot,filename= 'scatter')
def plot_sgd(x,y, name = "SGD"): import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go data = [go.Scatter(x = x, y = y, name = name)] layout = go.Layout(xaxis = dict(type = 'log', autorange = True),yaxis = dict(autorange=True)) fig = go.Figure(data = data, layout = layout) py.plot(fig,filename = name)
def create_hour_like_heatmap(posts): times=[] for i in range(24): #add 24 hours to the times list times.append({"hour": + i, "likes": 0, "posts": 0}) for post in posts: #loop through the posts for time in times: #loop through the times if post['time'].hour==time['hour']: #if the times are equal for the current post's time and the current loop's time: time['likes']+=post['likes'] time['posts']+=1 break #if we've found a match, break, since we already found the hour in times and we don't need to keep searching for it for time in times: #get the average number of likes if not time['posts']==0: time['avg_likes']=float(time['likes'])/time['posts'] else: #to prevent division by 0 time['avg_likes']=0 data=[ go.Heatmap( x=[time['hour'] for time in times], y=["Likes"]*24, z=[time['avg_likes'] for time in times] ) ] layout=go.Layout( title="Aces Nation Average Likes By Hour", xaxis=dict( title="Hour", ) ) fig=dict(data=data, layout=layout) plotly.plot(fig)
def dataPlotlyHandler(): py.sign_in(username, api_key) trace1 = Scatter( x=[], y=[], stream=dict( token=stream_token, maxpoints=200 ) ) layout = Layout( title='Hello Internet of Things 101 Data' ) fig = Figure(data=[trace1], layout=layout) print py.plot(fig, filename='Hello Internet of Things 101 Plotly') i = 0 stream = py.Stream(stream_token) while True: stream_data = dataPlotly() stream.write({'x': i, 'y': stream_data}) i += 1 time.sleep(0.25)
def interval_by_hour(timeslice_dict, chartname="interval_by_hour.html"): datas = [] for num in range(0, 24): h = str(num) timeh = "time"+h if timeh in timeslice_dict: x = [] print "t", h, timeslice_dict[timeh] for i in timeslice_dict[timeh]: x.append(h) print x trace = Scatter( x=x, y=timeslice_dict[timeh], mode="markers", name=timeh ) datas.append(trace) data = Data(datas) layout = Layout( xaxis = dict(title="hours"), yaxis = dict(title="interval") ) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename=chartname)
def interval_count_until_noti(list_run, chartname="interval_count_until_noti.html"): datas = [] dict_by_appname = dict() for rows in list_run: name = rows[stdtable.DICT_APPNAME] if name in dict_by_appname: dict_by_appname[name].append([rows[stdtable.DICT_INTERVAL], rows[stdtable.DICT_NOTI_COUNT]]) else: dict_by_appname[name] = [[rows[stdtable.DICT_INTERVAL], rows[stdtable.DICT_NOTI_COUNT]]] for name in dict_by_appname: x = [] y = [] print name, dict_by_appname[name] for rows in dict_by_appname[name]: x.append(rows[1]) y.append(rows[0]) trace = Scatter( x=x, y=y, mode="markers", name=name ) datas.append(trace) data = Data(datas) layout = Layout( xaxis = dict(title="run count"), yaxis = dict(title="interval") ) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename=chartname)
def datagen(t, pmax, step): while (t < pmax): S1 = (2/3)*cos((sqrt(3)*t)/2)*e**(t/2) + 1/(3*e**t) S2 = (1/3*cos(sqrt(3)/2*t)+(1/sqrt(3))*sin((sqrt(3)/2)*t))*e**(t/2) + (-1)/(3*e**t) S3 = (-1/3*cos(sqrt(3)/2*t)+(1/sqrt(3))*sin((sqrt(3)/2)*t))*e**(t/2) + 1/(3*e**t) t = t + step value = S1, S2, S3 ss0 = pd.Series(S1, index=s0.append(S1)) ss1 = pd.Series(S2, index=s1.append(S2)) ss2 = pd.Series(S3, index=s2.append(S3)) # p0s = str(s0) # p1s = str(s1) # p2s = str(s2) # print(p0s + ", " + p1s + ", " + p2s) # print(str(ss0) + ", " + str(ss1) + ", " + str(ss2)) print("Plottable data has been generated.") trace1 = go.Scatter3d( x=s0, y=s1, z=s2 ) Data = [trace1] Layout = go.Layout( title='S3 Spiral Plot' ) fig = go.Figure(data=Data, layout=Layout) py.plot(fig, filename='')
def show_plot(self): plot_trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=self.x, y=numpy.subtract(self.y,self.base), mode='lines', name='Original Plot', ) maximums_trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=[self.x[i] for i in self.indices], y=[self.y[j]-self.base[j] for j in self.indices], mode='markers', marker=dict( size=8, color='rgb(255,0,0)', symbol='cross' ), name='Detected Maximums' ) minimums_trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=[self.x[i] for i in self.min_indices], y=[self.y[j]-self.base[j] for j in self.min_indices], mode='markers', marker=dict( size=8, color='rgb(0,0,255)', symbol='cross' ), name='Detected Minimums' ) data = [plot_trace, maximums_trace, minimums_trace] plotly.plot(data, filename='psc')
def test_vline_text(self):, self.yy2, text = 'vertical label').data) data = Data( figure = Figure(data = data) py.plot(figure, filename = 'carpet_plot/axvline_test_2', overwrite = True)
def __init__(self, title): self.title = title self.directorycurrent = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.directoryconfiguration = self.directorycurrent + '/../configuration/' self.configuration = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.credentialspath = self.directoryconfiguration + "credentials.config" self.username = self.configuration.get('plotly','username') self.apikey = self.configuration.get('plotly','apikey') self.streamtoken = self.configuration.get('plotly','streamtoken') py.sign_in(self.username, self.apikey) stream_data = Scatter( x=[], y=[], stream=dict( token=self.streamtoken, ) ) layout = Layout( title = self.title ) this = Figure(data=[stream_data], layout=layout) py.plot(this, filename=self.title, auto_open=False) = py.Stream(self.streamtoken) time.sleep(5)
def test_hline_with_new_linestyle(self):, self.xx, text = "Sample line", line = Line(color = 'grey', dash = 'dashed')).data) data = Data( figure = Figure(data = data) py.plot(figure, filename = 'carpet_plot/axhline_test_3', overwrite = True)
def test_basic_vline(self):, self.yy2).data) data = Data( figure = Figure(data = data) py.plot(figure, filename = 'carpet_plot/axvline_test_1', overwrite = True)
def test_basic_hline(self):, self.xx).data) data = Data( figure = Figure(data = data) py.plot(figure, filename = 'carpet_plot/axhline_test_1', overwrite = True)
def test_basic_hline_with_text(self):, self.xx, text = "Sample line").data) data = Data( figure = Figure(data = data) py.plot(figure, filename = 'carpet_plot/axhline_test_2', overwrite = True)
def rmsdist_histos(): """#different/similar vs rms_dist""" out_fig = Figure() inmatdb_df = read_csv('mpworks/check_snl/results/bad_snlgroups_2_in_matdb.csv') inmatdb_df_view = inmatdb_df.loc[inmatdb_df['category']=='diff. SGs'] different = inmatdb_df_view.loc[inmatdb_df_view['scenario']=='different'] similar = inmatdb_df_view.loc[inmatdb_df_view['scenario']=='similar'] def rmsdist(tupstr): if isinstance(tupstr, float) and math.isnan(tupstr): return None tup = map(float, tupstr[1:-1].split(',')) return math.sqrt(tup[0]*tup[0]+tup[1]*tup[1]) different_rmsdist = filter(None, map(rmsdist, different['rms_dist'])) similar_rmsdist = filter(None, map(rmsdist, similar['rms_dist'])) different_trace = Histogram(x=different_rmsdist, name='different', opacity=0.75) similar_trace = Histogram(x=similar_rmsdist, name='similar', opacity=0.75) out_fig['data'] = Data([different_trace,similar_trace]) out_fig['layout'] = Layout( title='rms_dist of different/similar matching SNLs w/ different SGs', xaxis=XAxis(showgrid=False, title='sqrt(rms_dist)'), barmode='overlay' ) filename = 'canonicals_rmsdist_' filename +='%Y-%m-%d') py.plot(out_fig, filename=filename, auto_open=False) py.image.save_as(out_fig, 'canonicals_rmsdist.png')
def sg1_vs_sg2_plotly(): """plot SG #1 vs #2 via plotly""" out_fig = Figure() bisectrix = Scatter(x=[0,230], y=[0,230], mode='lines', name='bisectrix', showlegend=False) inmatdb_df = read_csv('mpworks/check_snl/results/bad_snlgroups_2_in_matdb.csv') inmatdb_text = map(','.join, zip( inmatdb_df['task_id 1'], inmatdb_df['task_id 2'] )) inmatdb_trace = Scatter( x=inmatdb_df['sg_num 2'].as_matrix(), y=inmatdb_df['sg_num 1'].as_matrix(), text=inmatdb_text, mode='markers', name='in MatDB' ) notinmatdb_df = read_csv('mpworks/check_snl/results/bad_snlgroups_2_notin_matdb.csv') notinmatdb_text = map(','.join, zip( map(str, notinmatdb_df['snlgroup_id 1']), map(str, notinmatdb_df['snlgroup_id 2']) )) notinmatdb_trace = Scatter( x=notinmatdb_df['sg_num 2'].as_matrix()+0.1, y=notinmatdb_df['sg_num 1'].as_matrix()+0.1, text=notinmatdb_text, mode='markers', name='not in MatDB' ) out_fig['data'] = Data([bisectrix, notinmatdb_trace, inmatdb_trace]) out_fig['layout'] = Layout( hovermode='closest', title='Spacegroup Assignment Comparison of matching Canonical SNLs', xaxis=XAxis(showgrid=False, title='SG #2', range=[0,230]), yaxis=YAxis(showgrid=False, title='SG #1', range=[0,230]), ) filename = 'spacegroup_canonicals_' filename +='%Y-%m-%d') py.plot(out_fig, filename=filename, auto_open=False) py.image.save_as(out_fig, 'canonicals_spacegroups.png')
def plot_POS_pred_results(results, results_b, tuple_size, num_trials, name): marker_scale = 100/num_trials trace1 = go.Scatter( x=results[0], y=results[1], mode='lines+markers', hoverinfo='text', name='pos', marker=dict(size=[n*marker_scale for n in results[2]], opacity=0.5), text=['Precision: {}<br>Count: {}'.format(p, c) for (p, c) in zip([round(n, 2) for n in results[1]], results[2])] ) trace2 = go.Scatter( x=results_b[0], y=results_b[1], mode='lines+markers', hoverinfo='text', name='pos_buckets', marker=dict(size=[n*marker_scale for n in results_b[2]], opacity=0.5), text=['Precision: {}<br>Count: {}'.format(p, c) for (p, c) in zip([round(n, 2) for n in results_b[1]], results_b[2])] ) data = [trace1, trace2] layout = go.Layout( title='POS Prediction Precision ({}-tuple, n={}, text={})'.format( tuple_size, num_trials, name), xaxis=dict(title='Delta Threshold'), yaxis=dict(title='Precision'), showlegend=False ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename='pos-prediction-delta-threshold'+name+str(tuple_size))
def create_plot(number_of_epochs_completed, y_train_loss_line_list, y_val_loss_line_list, name_of_plot): try: x_axis = np.linspace(1,number_of_epochs_completed, number_of_epochs_completed) y_train_loss_line = np.asarray(y_train_loss_line_list) y_val_loss_line = np.asarray(y_val_loss_line_list) tracetrainloss = go.Scatter( x = x_axis, y = y_train_loss_line, name = 'Training Loss', line = dict( color = ('rgb(205, 12, 24)'), width = 3) ) tracevalloss = go.Scatter( x = x_axis, y = y_val_loss_line, name = 'Validation Loss', line = dict( color = ('rgb(22, 96, 167)'), width = 3) ) data = [tracetrainloss, tracevalloss] py.plot(data, filename=name_of_plot , auto_open=False) except: traceback.print_exc() pass
def languageStats(self, database): reducer = Code("""function(obj, prev){ prev.count++; }""") results ={"Language":""}, condition="", initial={"count": 0}, reduce=reducer) base = list() values = list() for doc in results: base.append(doc['Language']) values.append(doc['count']) data = [ go.Bar( x = base, y = values ) ] plot_url = plt.plot(data, filename='LanguageStats') print plot_url base.pop(0) values.pop(0) data = [ go.Bar( x=base, y=values ) ] plot_url = plt.plot(data, filename='LanguageStatsWithoutEnglish') print plot_url
def paint_PAA(self, data_nomalize, data_PAA): data_time_1 = [] data_time_2 = [] tmp = 0 for i in range(len(data_PAA)): data_time_2.append(tmp) for j in range(self.w): data_time_1.append(tmp) tmp += 1 # matplotlib paint '''plt.plot(data_nomalize, 'g--', data_PAA_, 'b-')''' # plotly paint data1 = {'x': data_time_1, 'y': data_nomalize} trace1 = Scatter( data1, mode='lines', marker=Marker( color='blue', symbol='square')) data2 = {'x': data_time_2, 'y': data_PAA} trace2 = Scatter( data2, mode='lines', marker=Marker( color='green', symbol='square')) data = Data([trace1, trace2]) py.plot(data)
def create_heroes_dmg_cost_graphs(): heroes_data = read_heroes_dmg_cost_data('./Output/Heroes_Dmg_Cost') plotly.sign_in("haukurpalljonsson", "dr78f5q3yh") dps_data = [] dps_data_total = [] for x in range(1, len(heroes_data) + 1): axis_levels = [] axis_dps_increase = [] axis_dps_increase_total = [] hero_key = str(x) #I know (has to be fixed) that the first level inserted is 1 for y in range(1, int(len(heroes_data[hero_key])/2) + 1): level_key = str(y) level_key_total = str(y) + '+' axis_levels.insert(y-1, y) axis_dps_increase.insert(y-1, int(heroes_data[hero_key][level_key][1])) axis_dps_increase_total.insert(y-1, int(heroes_data[hero_key][level_key_total][1])) #moa dps_trace = Scatter(x=axis_levels, y=axis_dps_increase) dps_data.append(dps_trace) dps_trace_total = Scatter(x=axis_levels, y=axis_dps_increase_total) dps_data_total.append(dps_trace_total) print(plotly.plot(dps_data, filename='dps_increase')) print(plotly.plot(dps_data_total, filename='dps_increase_total'))
def plot(stats_dic): """Given a dictionary generated by stats_master, connects to and generates a bar graph representing the frequency of searched key words.""" new_dic = separate_stats(stats_dic) comment_dic = (new_dic[0]) thread_dic = (new_dic[1]) data_comments = go.Bar( x=['/r/'+key[0] for key in comment_dic], y=[count[1][1]/float(count[1][0]) for count in comment_dic], name='Comments' ) data_threads = go.Bar( x=['/r/'+key[0] for key in comment_dic], y=[count[1][1]/float(count[1][0]) for count in thread_dic], name='Threads' ) data = [data_comments, data_threads] layout = go.Layout( barmode='stack', title='Percentage of posts containing keywords', xaxis=dict( title='Subreddit' ), yaxis=dict( title='Percentage' ) ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename='comment-bar') return 0
def plot_city_bar(input_dict, xax_name, yax_name, title): """ Makes a bar graph of given input dictionary with axes labels Parameters: input_dict: a dictionary mapping strings to numbers xax_name: a string for x-axis title yax_name: a string for y-axis title title: a string for title of plot and plotly page Returns None """ # Data features data = [ go.Bar( x = input_dict.keys(), y = input_dict.values(), opacity = 0.8, name = title, marker = dict(color = input_dict.values()) ) ] # Layout of plot layout = go.Layout( title = title, xaxis = dict(title = xax_name), yaxis = dict(title = yax_name) ) # Plots figure to browser using Plotly fig = go.Figure(data = data, layout = layout) py.plot(fig, filename = title)
from funciones import gcl_uniforme import constante # Paso 1: Generamos muestras de la variable uniforme U x_n = constante.SEMILLA u = [] # array de uniformes x = [] # array de inversas for _ in range(constante.CANT_EXPERIMENTOS): x_n = gcl_uniforme(x_n) u.append(x_n) # Paso 2: Aplicar la transformacion inversa paramLambda = float(1) / float(15) for i in range(len(u)): x.append(-log(1 - u[i]) / paramLambda) # Transformacion inversa # Mostramos histograma del resultado data = [go.Histogram(x=x)] py.plot(data, filename='histograma-inversa-exponencial') # Mostramos media, varianza y moda muestrales y teoricos media = np.mean(x) varianza = np.var(x) moda = max(set(x), key=x.count) print("Media muestral: {0} Varianza muestral: {1} Moda muestral: {2}".format( media, varianza, moda)) print("Media teorica: {0} Varianza teorica: {1} Moda teorica: {2}".format( 15, 15 * 15, 0))
def test_plot_from_grid(): g = upload_and_return_grid() url = py.plot([Scatter(xsrc=g[0], ysrc=g[1])], auto_open=False, filename='plot from grid') return url, g
def plot(yaxis_values, positions, yaxis_title, xaxis_title, plot_title, box_name): """ Plot nba data :ages: list of the ages of players :positions: list of the positions :yaxis_title: title of the yaxis :xaxis_title: title of the xaxis :plot_title: title of the plot :box_name: name of the box :return: None, data sent to plotly via API """ data = Data([ Box( y=yaxis_values, x=positions, name=box_name, boxmean=True, boxpoints='all', jitter=0.5, whiskerwidth=0.5, fillcolor='rgb(106, 168, 79)', marker=Marker( color='rgba(7, 55, 99, 0.5)', size=4, symbol='circle', opacity=0.7 ), line=Line( color='rgba(7, 55, 99, 0.5)', width=2 ), opacity=1, showlegend=False ) ]) layout = Layout( title=plot_title, showlegend=False, autosize=True, width=792, height=469, xaxis=XAxis( title=xaxis_title, range=[-0.6799999999999999, 6.5], type='category', autorange=True, showexponent='all', side='bottom' ), yaxis=YAxis( title=yaxis_title, range=[17.944444444444443, 39.05555555555556], type='linear', autorange=True, showexponent='all' ), paper_bgcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)', plot_bgcolor='rgb(217, 217, 217)', hovermode='closest', boxmode='overlay', boxgap=0.4, boxgroupgap=0.4 ) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig)
def function(): mapbox_access_token = 'pk.eyJ1IjoiY2xlaXR1cyIsImEiOiJjamgwZ2c1a3Yxc3dtMnFtb2ptdDR5ZWs0In0.sjZdn45v32AojmWGWIN9Tg' pt.set_credentials_file(username='******', api_key='9LICBZ681YiPTiSZCuFX') # ########################### Reading Initial Data ################################### with open('fb_nodes.json') as f: nodes = json.load(f) with open('fb_edges.json') as f: links = json.load(f) for i in links: i['value'] = 'init' # ########################### Reading Initial Data ################################### #nodes = data['nodes'] #links = data['edges'] M = nx.Graph() M = nx.Graph( [(i['source'], i['target'], {'value': i['value']}) for i in links]) for i in range(len(M.nodes)): node = nodes[i]['id'] M.add_node(node, group=nodes[i]['group']) M.add_node(node, name=nodes[i]['name']) M.add_node(node, istrain=nodes[i]['istrain']) M.add_node(node, lat=nodes[i]['lat']) M.add_node(node, lon=nodes[i]['lon']) M.add_node(node, id=nodes[i]['id']) # ###################### Evolution #################### # Common Neighbors CN = [(e[0], e[1], len(list(nx.common_neighbors(M, e[0], e[1])))) for e in nx.non_edges(M)] CN.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True) # Jaccard coef jaccard = list(nx.jaccard_coefficient(M)) jaccard.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True) # Resource Allocation index RA = list(nx.resource_allocation_index(M)) RA.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True) # Adamic-Adar index AA = list(nx.adamic_adar_index(M)) AA.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True) # Preferential Attachement PA = list(nx.preferential_attachment(M)) PA.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True) # ###################### Prediction on Future Edge Linkage #################### FM = M for i in PA[0:int(0.1*len(M.edges()))]: FM.add_edge(i[0], i[1], value='new') for i in CN[0:int(0.1*len(M.edges()))]: FM.add_edge(i[0], i[1], value='new') #Layout pos=nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(FM, dim=3) lay=list() for i in pos.values(): lay.append(list(i)) N = len(FM.nodes()) ulti = {} for i in pos.keys(): ulti[i]=list(pos[i]) #Eigenvector centrality criteria (normalised) Geigen=nx.eigenvector_centrality(FM) for i in Geigen: ulti[i].append(float(Geigen[i])/max(Geigen.values())) #Closeness centrality Gclose=nx.closeness_centrality(FM) for i in Gclose: ulti[i].append(Gclose[i]) #Betweeness centrality Gbetween=nx.betweenness_centrality(FM) for i in Gbetween: ulti[i].append(Gbetween[i]) # ###################### Plot #################### # Nodes and Edges coordinates Xv=[lay[k][0] for k in range(N)]# x-coordinates of nodes Yv=[lay[k][1] for k in range(N)]# y-coordinates Zv=[lay[k][2] for k in range(N)]# z-coordinates Xed = [] Yed = [] Zed = [] Xned = [] Yned = [] Zned = [] for edge in M.edges(): Xed+=[pos[edge[0]][0],pos[edge[1]][0], None] Yed+=[pos[edge[0]][1],pos[edge[1]][1], None] Zed+=[pos[edge[0]][2],pos[edge[1]][2], None] for edge in [(i[0], i[1]) for i in list(FM.edges(data=True)) if i[2]['value'] == 'new']: Xned+=[pos[edge[0]][0],pos[edge[1]][0], None] Yned+=[pos[edge[0]][1],pos[edge[1]][1], None] Zned+=[pos[edge[0]][2],pos[edge[1]][2], None] trace1=Scatter3d(x=Xed, y=Yed, z=Zed, mode='lines', line=Line(color='rgb(125,125,125)', width=1), hoverinfo='none' ) trace2=Scatter3d(x=Xv, y=Yv, z=Zv, mode='markers', name='actors', marker=Marker(symbol='dot', color=[i[-3] for i in ulti.values()], # Eigenvector centrality #color=[i[-2] for i in ulti.values()], # Closeness centrality #color=[i[-1] for i in ulti.values()], # Betweeness centrality #color=[data['nodes'][k]['group'] for k in range(len(data['nodes']))], # size=6,colorbar=ColorBar( title='' ), colorscale='Viridis', line=Line(color='rgb(158,18,130)', width=0.5) ), text=ulti.keys(), # node Labels hoverinfo='text' ) data=Data([trace1, trace2]) py.plot(data, filename = 'fb-3d') return
#Setting Predictors and Target Values features_data = trainData[:, 0:4] target_data = trainData[:, 4] # Plotting the graph xd = trainData[:, 2] yd = trainData[:, 4] layout = dict( title='Average Open and Volumes of Shares', xaxis=dict(title='Open'), yaxis=dict(title='Volume'), ) trace = go.Scatter(x=xd, y=yd, mode='markers') data = [trace] py.plot(data, layout) #Tuning Predictors with the Pytorch datatype predictors = torch.from_numpy(np.array(features_data)).float() predictors = Variable(predictors) outputData = torch.from_numpy(np.array(target_data)).float() outputData = Variable(outputData) #Perfomring Linear Regression on the training dataset linearRegression = nn.Linear(4, 1) criterion = nn.MSELoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(linearRegression.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE) #Running the loop for 1000 times to findout the best accuracy result
def plotData(data_dict): ''' Plots the data on the Plotly Framework. ''' pData = data_dict['data'] pData = sorted(pData, key=lambda x: x[0]) processed_data = Scatter( x=[x[1] for x in pData], y=[y[2] for y in pData], mode='lines + text', text=list(range(1, len(pData) + 1)), name=mac, marker=Marker(color="red"), opacity="0.5", legendgroup=mac, ) startAndEndData = Scatter( x=[pData[0][1], pData[-1][1]], y=[pData[0][2], pData[-1][2]], mode='markers', marker=Marker(color="red", size="6"), showlegend=False, name=mac, text=["Start point", "End point"], legendgroup=mac, ) py.sign_in(plotly_username, plotly_api_key) tls.set_credentials_file(username=plotly_username, api_key=plotly_api_key) layout = Layout(showlegend=True, autosize=True, height=800, width=800, title="MAP", xaxis=XAxis(zerolinewidth=4, gridwidth=1, showgrid=True, zerolinecolor="#969696", gridcolor="#bdbdbd", linecolor="#636363", mirror=True, zeroline=False, showline=True, linewidth=6, type="linear", range=[0, data_dict["length"]], autorange=False, autotick=False, dtick=15, tickangle=-45, title="X co-ordinate"), yaxis=YAxis(zerolinewidth=4, gridwidth=1, showgrid=True, zerolinecolor="#969696", gridcolor="#bdbdbd", linecolor="#636363", mirror=True, zeroline=False, showline=True, linewidth=6, type="linear", range=[data_dict["width"], 0], autorange=False, autotick=False, dtick=15, tickangle=-45, title="Y co-ordinate")) data = Data([processed_data]) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename='Sample Code For History Of Clients ')
def plotly_gantt(self, best_solution): '''Generating and uploading gantt chart data''' j_keys = best_solution['num_lot'].unique() # m_keys = best_solution['machine'].unique() gantt_dataframe = [] # Adding extention gene code best_solution = FitnessCalculation.adding_gene_code( self, best_solution) # Calculate each gene completion time best_solution['processing_time'] = best_solution.apply( lambda row: FitnessCalculation.calculate_job_processing_time( self, row.part, row.operation, row.num_sequence), axis=1) best_solution['processing_time_plus'] = best_solution.apply( lambda row: FitnessCalculation.calculate_job_processing_time_plus( self, row.processing_time, row.machine, row.num_lot, best_solution), axis=1) # Calculate each gene completion time best_solution = FitnessCalculation.calculate_completion_time( self, best_solution.index.tolist(), best_solution) # Convert start time & completion time to UTC time best_solution['calendar_completion_time'] = best_solution.apply( lambda row: DataOutput.calculate_calendar_completion_time( self, row), axis=1) best_solution['calendar_start_time'] = best_solution.apply( lambda row: DataOutput.calculate_calendar_start_time(self, row), axis=1) #Slice the raw to the final report best_solution = best_solution[[ 'num_job', 'num_lot', 'part', 'operation', 'machine', 'num_sequence', 'lotsize_assign', 'processing_time', 'processing_time_plus', 'calendar_start_time', 'calendar_completion_time' ]] for _, row in best_solution.iterrows(): num_job = row['num_job'] machine = row['machine'] gantt_finish = row['calendar_completion_time'] gantt_start = row['calendar_start_time'] gantt_dataframe.append( dict(Task='Machine %s' % (machine), Start='%s' % (str(gantt_start)), Finish='%s' % (str(gantt_finish)), Resource='Job_%s' % (num_job))) color = { 'Job_%s' % (k): 'rgb' + str(tuple(np.random.choice(range(256), size=3))) for k in range(len(j_keys)) } fig = ff.create_gantt(gantt_dataframe, index_col='Resource', colors=color, show_colorbar=True, group_tasks=True, showgrid_x=True, title='LN Wedge Lot Scheduling') return py.plot(fig, filename='LN Wedge Lot Scheduling', world_readable=True)
def volunteer_population_region_command(input_4): ## 4.) Bar graph that displays the current volunteer population of world regions. conn = sqlite3.connect(DBNAME) cur = conn.cursor() selector = "SELECT C.Region, C.CurrentVolunteers " fromer = "FROM Countries AS C " orderer = "ORDER BY C.CurrentVolunteers DESC" limiter = "" joiner = "" wherer = "" statement = selector + fromer + joiner + wherer + orderer + limiter cur.execute(statement) data = cur.fetchall() conn.close() Europe = 0 Africa = 0 Americas = 0 Asia = 0 Oceania = 0 for region in data: if region[0] == "Europe": Europe += region[1] elif region[0] == "Africa": Africa += region[1] elif region[0] == "Americas": Americas += region[1] elif region[0] == "Asia": Asia += region[1] elif region[0] == "Oceania": Oceania += region[1] else: pass region_tuples = [("Europe", Europe), ("Africa", Africa), ("Americas", Americas), ("Asia", Asia), ("Oceania", Oceania)] regions = [] volunteers = [] for tupe in region_tuples: regions.append(tupe[0]) volunteers.append(tupe[1]) trace0 = go.Bar(x=regions, y=volunteers, text=regions, marker=dict(color='rgb(158,202,225)', line=dict( color='rgb(8,48,107)', width=1.5, )), opacity=0.6) data = [trace0] layout = go.Layout(title='Current Volunteers by Region', ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename='text-hover-bar')
def map_command(input_1): ## World Map Scatter Plot that displays a point for each Peace Corps country with a hover caption that displays number of current volunteers and the languages they speak. conn = sqlite3.connect(DBNAME) cur = conn.cursor() selector = "SELECT C.Name, C.CurrentVolunteers, C.Coordinates " fromer = "FROM Countries AS C" orderer = "" limiter = "" joiner = "" wherer = "" statement = selector + fromer + joiner + wherer + orderer + limiter cur.execute(statement) data = cur.fetchall() conn.close() coords_tuples = [] for country in data: coords = country[2].strip().split(",") coord_tuple = (float(coords[0]), float(coords[1]), country[0], int(country[1])) coords_tuples.append(coord_tuple) lat_vals = [] lon_vals = [] country_names = [] country_volunteers = [] for tupe in coords_tuples: if tupe[0] != "": lat_vals.append(tupe[0]) lon_vals.append(tupe[1]) country_names.append(tupe[2]) country_volunteers.append(tupe[3]) data = [ dict( type = 'choropleth', locations = country_names, locationmode = "country names", z = country_volunteers, text = 'Current Volunteers', colorscale = [[0,"rgb(5, 10, 172)"],[0.35,"rgb(40, 60, 190)"],[0.5,"rgb(70, 100, 245)"],\ [0.6,"rgb(90, 120, 245)"],[0.7,"rgb(106, 137, 247)"],[1,"rgb(220, 220, 220)"]], autocolorscale = False, reversescale = True, marker = dict( line = dict ( color = 'rgb(180,180,180)', width = 0.5 ) ), colorbar = dict( autotick = False, tickprefix = '', title = 'Current Volunteers'), ) ] layout = dict( title='Current Volunteers Serving in Peace Corps Countries<br>Source:\ <a href="">\ Peace Corps Countries</a>', geo=dict(showframe=False, showcoastlines=False, projection=dict(type='Mercator'))) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, validate=False, filename='d3-world-map')
def plotlyslider(date,Y1,Y2,name1='1',name2='2',\ TITLE='Time Series with Rangeslider'): trace_1 = go.Scatter( x=date, y=Y1, name = name1, # yaxis='y', line = dict(color = '#17BECF',width=3), opacity = 0.8) trace_2 = go.Scatter( x=date, y=Y2, name = name2, # yaxis='y2', line = dict(color = '#7F7F7F',width=3), opacity = 0.8) data = [trace_1,trace_2] layout = dict( title=TITLE, #start of xaxis xaxis=dict( rangeselector=dict( buttons=list([ dict(count=1, label='1m', step='month', stepmode='backward'), dict(count=3, label='3m', step='month', stepmode='backward'), dict(count=6, label='6m', step='month', stepmode='backward'), dict(count=1, label='YTD', step='year', stepmode='todate'), dict(count=1, label='1y', step='year', stepmode='backward'), dict(count=3, label='3y', step='year', stepmode='backward'), dict(count=5, label='5y', step='year', stepmode='backward'), dict(step='all') ]) ), rangeslider=dict( visible = True ), type='date' ), #end of xaxis legend=dict(orientation="h") ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) #fileopt='overwrite' url=py.plot(fig,auto_open=False,filename='SVI',fileopt='overwrite') return url
name = 'Credit Risk = Good' ) trace2 = go.Histogram( x = risk_eq_bad__by_ages, histnorm = 'probability', name = 'Credit Risk = Bad' ) # make graph fig = tls.make_subplots(rows=2,cols = 1,shared_xaxes=False) fig.append_trace(trace1,1,1) fig.append_trace(trace2,2,1) fig['layout'].update(showlegend=True,title='Credit Risk by Age Distribution', bargap=0.05) py.plot(fig , filename = 'AgeDist', auto_open=True) # Let's search some correlation between credit amount and credit risk risk_eq_good_by_ca = data.loc[data['Risk'] == 'good']['Credit amount'].values.tolist() risk_eq_bad__by_ca = data.loc[data['Risk'] == 'bad']['Credit amount'].values.tolist() index_for_ca_riskG = data.loc[data['Risk'] == 'good']['Credit amount'].index.values.tolist() index_for_ca_riskB = data.loc[data['Risk'] == 'bad']['Credit amount'].index.values.tolist() # create lines trace1 = go.Scatter( x = index_for_ca_riskG, y = risk_eq_good_by_ca, name = 'Good Credit Risk' )
txt_row.append("no data") z.append(list(new_row)) ztxt.append(list(txt_row)) print(len(z[-1])) print(len(z[0])) print(len(z)) data = [ go.Heatmap(z=z, text=ztxt, y=xchart, x=ychart, colorscale=[[0.0, 'rgb(49,54,149)'], [0.1111111111111111, 'rgb(69,117,180)'], [0.1515151515151515, 'rgb(116,173,209)'], [0.2222222222222222, 'rgb(171,217,233)'], [0.2626262626262626, 'rgb(224,243,248)'], [0.3333333333333333, 'rgb(254,224,144)'], [0.3939393939393939, 'rgb(253,174,97)'], [0.5959595959595959, 'rgb(244,109,67)'], [0.8888888888888888, 'rgb(215,48,39)'], [1.0, 'rgb(165,0,38)']]) ] layout = go.Layout(title='Temperature Intake in kelvin ESP01', xaxis=dict(ticks='', nticks=36), yaxis=dict(ticks='')) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename='temp-heatmap-intake-ESP01')
open_rate = "{}%".format(int(o.get('open_rate', 0))) x.append(o.get('email_subject')) y.append(open_rate) data2 = [go.Bar( x=x, y=y, # orientation='h', text=y, textposition='inside', opacity=0.7, marker=dict( color=['rgb(49,130,189)', 'rgb(58,200,225)', 'rgb(58,200,225)', 'rgb(58,200,225)', 'rgb(58,200,225)'], line=dict( color='rgb(49,130,189)', width=1.5, ) ))] layout2 = go.Layout( title='Top 5 Posts by Open Rate', ) fig2 = go.Figure(data=data2, layout=layout2) # update charts print("Refreshing Top Opens chart...\n") py.plot(fig, filename='Top 5 Posts by Email Opens') print("Refreshing Top Open Rate chart...\n") py.plot(fig2, filename='Top 5 Posts by Open Rate')
traceControl = Scatter(x=Control_enzymeConcentration, y=Control_enzymeRate, mode='markers+lines', name='Alk.Phos. control', marker=Marker(symbol='x', size=9), line=Line(color=blue, width=0.5)) traceInhibitor = Scatter(x=Inhibitor_enzymeConcentration, y=Inhibitor_enzymeRate, mode='markers+lines', name='Alk.Phos. + inhibitor', marker=Marker(symbol='x', size=9), line=Line(color=red, width=0.5)) figure = Figure(data=Data([traceControl, traceInhibitor]), layout=Layout(title=title2, xaxis=XAxis(title='[PNPP] (ug/mL)', showgrid=True, zeroline=True, gridwidth=0.8), yaxis=YAxis(title='vi (au(410nm)/min)', showgrid=True, zeroline=True, gridwidth=0.8), font=dict(size=12), titlefont=dict(size=20))) py.plot(figure, filename='Enzyme Kinetics Plot 2a', stream=Stream(token=stream_ids[1], maxpoints=1000))
title='RSSI @ %sft.' % distance, titlefont=dict(family='verdana', size=18, color='#7F7F7F')), legend=dict( x=0.7070486656200942, y=1.1242331288343559, )) insideTrace = Scatter(x=ticksInside, y=rssiInsideVals, mode='lines+markers', name='Inside Hat', marker=Marker(size=3, color='#ff7f0e', symbol='circle-open', line=dict(width=1.5))) outsideTrace = Scatter(x=ticksOutside, y=rssiOutsideVals, mode='lines+markers', name='Outside Hat', marker=Marker(size=3, color='#1F77B4', symbol='circle-open', line=dict(width=1.5))) graphData = [insideTrace, outsideTrace] graphFig = dict(data=graphData, layout=graphLayout) py.plot(graphFig, filename='RSSI @ %sft.' % distance)
def PlotTopicDistribution(p_topic_dist, p_num_plot_topics, p_topic_palette, p_plot_type, p_chart_title): # Note: p_topic_dist is assumed to be ordered by topic ID only # 1. Create ordered tuple lists for topic IDs and topic weights depending on desired plot type topic_ids = [] topic_weights = [] color_list = [] #"elements are hex(#hexcolor)" if p_plot_type == "descending": sorted_topic_dist = [] for index in range(len(p_topic_dist)): sorted_topic_dist.append((index, p_topic_dist[index])) sorted_topic_dist = sorted(sorted_topic_dist, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for index in range(len(sorted_topic_dist)): topic_ids.append("Topic " + str(sorted_topic_dist[index][0])) topic_weights.append(sorted_topic_dist[index][1]) # Plot is limited by the suggested amount of topics full_topic_count = len(p_topic_dist) if p_num_plot_topics > full_topic_count: p_num_plot_topics = full_topic_count if p_num_plot_topics != full_topic_count: topic_ids = topic_ids[0:p_num_plot_topics] topic_weights = topic_weights[0:p_num_plot_topics] else: # bullseye plot sorted_topic_dist = [] for index in range(len(p_topic_dist)): sorted_topic_dist.append((index, p_topic_dist[index])) sorted_topic_dist = sorted(sorted_topic_dist, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # Bullseye distribution topic_ids.append("Topic " + str(sorted_topic_dist[0][0])) topic_weights.append(sorted_topic_dist[0][1]) full_topic_count = len(p_topic_dist) plot_limit = full_topic_count if p_num_plot_topics < full_topic_count: plot_limit = p_num_plot_topics for index in range(1, plot_limit): topic_ids.insert( 0, "Topic " + str(sorted_topic_dist[index][0]) + "_L") topic_weights.insert(0, sorted_topic_dist[index][1]) topic_ids.append("Topic " + str(sorted_topic_dist[index][0]) + "_R") topic_weights.append(sorted_topic_dist[index][1]) # 2. Create a marker list based on the topic IDs in the distribution for index in range(len(topic_ids)): topic_id_num = topic_ids[index][6:] if "bullseye" == p_plot_type and "_" in topic_id_num: topic_id_num = topic_id_num[0:topic_id_num.find("_")] color_list.append(p_topic_palette[int(topic_id_num)]) # 3. Create Plotly data structures trace0 = go.Bar( x=topic_ids, y=topic_weights, marker=dict(color=color_list, ), ) data = [trace0] layout = go.Layout(title=p_chart_title, ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) # 4. Plot the distribution plot_url = py.plot(fig, filename=p_chart_title.replace(" ", "-") + "-" + p_plot_type)
trace1 = go.Scatter(x=ty, y=ay - np.mean(ay), mode='markers', name='ay') trace2 = go.Scatter(x=tz, y=az - np.mean(az), mode='markers', name='az') data = go.Data([trace0, trace1, trace2]) layout = go.Layout( dict(title='Acceleration vs. Time', xaxis=dict(title='Time (HH:MM:SS)'), yaxis=dict(title='Acceleration (m/s^2)'))) ''' fig =, cols=1) fig.append_trace(trace0, 1, 1) fig.append_trace(trace1, 1, 1) fig.append_trace(trace2, 1, 1) fig['layout'].update(title='Acceleration vs Time') ''' fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) ''' trace3 = go.Scatter(x=freqx,y=powerx, mode='markers', name='FFTx', ) trace4 = go.Scatter(x=freqy,y=powery,mode='markers',name='FFTy') trace5 = go.Scatter(x=freqz,y=powerz,mode='markers',name='FFTz') data2 = go.Data([trace3,trace4, trace5]) fig.append_trace(trace3, 2, 1) fig.append_trace(trace4, 2, 1) fig.append_trace(trace5, 2, 1) ''' py.plot(fig, filename='acceleration-data')
# Written by Jonathan Saewitz, released May 24th, 2016 for # Released under the MIT License ( import csv, plotly.plotly as plotly from collections import Counter c = Counter() with open('presidential_candidates.csv', 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) #skip the headers row for row in reader: #loop through the candidates if row[1] == 'C': #row[1] is the candidate's status; 'C' means statutory candidate party = row[12] #row[12] is the candidate's political party c[party] += 1 fig = { 'data': [{ 'labels': c.keys(), 'values': c.values(), 'type': 'pie' }], 'layout': { 'title': '2016 US Statutory Presidential Candidates\' Party Affiliation' } } plotly.plot(fig)
l=40, b=40, r=120, pad=0, ), # LEGEND legend=dict( x=1.02, y=1, font=dict(size=10), ), hovermode='closest', mapbox=go.layout.Mapbox( accesstoken=mapBoxToken, style="dark", bearing=0, center=go.layout.mapbox.Center( lat=48.35, lon=-99.99, ), pitch=0, ), ) figure = dict(data=traces, layout=layout) py.plot(figure, filename='Oil Assset Map')
name='High 2007', line=dict(color=('rgb(205, 12, 24)'), width=4, dash='dash') # dash options include 'dash', 'dot', and 'dashdot' ) trace3 = go.Scatter(x=month, y=low_2007, name='Low 2007', line=dict(color=('rgb(22, 96, 167)'), width=4, dash='dash')) trace4 = go.Scatter(x=month, y=high_2000, name='High 2000', line=dict(color=('rgb(205, 12, 24)'), width=4, dash='dot')) trace5 = go.Scatter(x=month, y=low_2000, name='Low 2000', line=dict(color=('rgb(22, 96, 167)'), width=4, dash='dot')) data = [trace0, trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4, trace5] # Edit the layout layout = dict( title='Average High and Low Temperatures in New York', xaxis=dict(title='Month'), yaxis=dict(title='Temperature (degrees F)'), ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename='styled-line') plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename='styled-line')
def plot_speciesloc(): lat_all = [] lon_all = [] name_all = [] for each in spe_nm_loc: lat_all.append(each[0]) lon_all.append(each[1]) name_all.append(spe_nm_loc[each]) data = Data([ Scattermapbox(lat=lat_all, lon=lon_all, text=name_all, mode='markers', marker=dict(size=20, symbol="circle", color="rgb(27, 167, 132)")) ]) #### find max range min_lat = 10000 max_lat = -10000 min_lon = 10000 max_lon = -10000 for each in lat_all: each_f = float(each) if each_f < min_lat: min_lat = each_f if each_f > max_lat: max_lat = each_f for each in lon_all: each_f = float(each) if each_f < min_lon: min_lon = each_f if each_f > max_lon: max_lon = each_f center_lat = (max_lat + min_lat) / 2 center_lon = (max_lon + min_lon) / 2 max_range = max(abs(max_lat - min_lat), abs(max_lon - min_lon)) padding = max_range * .10 lat_axis = [min_lat - padding, max_lat + padding] lon_axis = [min_lon - padding, max_lon + padding] layout = dict(geo=dict(scope='world', showland=True, landcolor="rgb(229, 229, 229)", countrycolor="rgb(255, 255, 255)", coastlinecolor="rgb(255, 255, 255)", lataxis={'range': lat_axis}, lonaxis={'range': lon_axis}, center={ 'lat': center_lat, 'lon': center_lon }, countrywidth=3, subunitwidth=3), ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename='Multiple Mapbox') return None
[ -2.23398006, -1.55343536, -1.00424328, 0.75614508, 2.74500261, -1.66698498, 3.53602341, 2.31842582, 3.82492448, 2.10852554 ], [ 0.10376833, -4.01058726, -5.17869981, -6.91027253, -1.32858634, -7.17423945, -4.24552815, -0.86084939, -1.23227484, -6.93129655 ], [ -3.7931981, -8.32937243, -2.4994021, -7.11710495, -0.70963085, -4.59666308, -4.35177052, -5.25894582, -5.35001709, -6.28746534 ]] twosample_results = scipy.stats.ttest_ind(mean[2], mean[5]) matrix_twosample = [['', 'Test Statistic', 'p-value'], [ 'Sample Data', twosample_results[0], twosample_results[1] ]] twosample_table = ff.create_table(matrix_twosample, index=True) print(twosample_table) py.plot(twosample_table, filename='twosample-table') for i in range(3): plt.subplot(2, 2, i + 1) plt.boxplot(mean[i], mean[i + 3], 'gD')
def handle(self, *args, **options): GET = {'gender_id': 1, 'year': 2012} gender_id = GET.get('gender_id', '') education_level_id = GET.get('education_level_id', '') income_level_id = GET.get('income_level_id', '') year = GET.get('year', '') items = IncomeData.objects.all() if gender_id != '': items = items.filter(gender_id=gender_id) if year != '': items = items.filter(year=year) if income_level_id != '': items = items.filter(income_level_id=income_level_id) if education_level_id != '': items = items.filter(education_level_id=education_level_id) # gender_id is '', so all genders # 23904823094, baker county, IL, male, 56 # 23904823094, baker county, IL, female, 102 # sum up all rows for a given county # start with an empty 'output' list # loop over all the items # if there already exists an item in the output list with the given county id # then add the population to it # otherwise add it counter = 0 output = {} for item in items: if item.county.fips == '': continue if item.county.fips in output: output[item.county.fips] += item.population else: output[item.county.fips] = item.population if counter%10 == 0: print(f'{round(counter/len(items)*100,2)}%') counter += 1 fips = list(output.keys()) values = list(output.values()) top_populations = list(sorted(values, reverse=True))[:20] max_value = sum(top_populations)/len(top_populations)/10 colorscale = ["#f7fbff", "#ebf3fb", "#deebf7", "#d2e3f3", "#c6dbef", "#b3d2e9", "#9ecae1", "#85bcdb", "#6baed6", "#57a0ce", "#4292c6", "#3082be", "#2171b5", "#1361a9", "#08519c", "#0b4083", "#08306b"] endpts = list(np.linspace(0, max_value, len(colorscale) - 1)) print(endpts) # fips = df_sample['FIPS'].tolist() # values = df_sample['Unemployment Rate (%)'].tolist() # fig = ff.create_choropleth( fips=fips, values=values, scope=['usa'], binning_endpoints=endpts, colorscale=colorscale, show_state_data=False, show_hover=True, centroid_marker={'opacity': 0}, asp=2.9, title='USA by Unemployment %', legend_title='% unemployed' ) url = py.plot(fig, filename='choropleth_full_usa')
mode='lines', name='Global_Avg_Temp' ) trace2 = go.Scatter( x=Seattle['year'], y=Seattle['city_avg_temp'], mode='lines', name='Seattle_Avg_Temp' ) trace3 = go.Scatter( x=NewYork['year'], y=NewYork['city_avg_temp'], mode='lines', name='NewYork_Avg_Temp' ) layout = go.Layout( title='Exploring Weather Trends', xaxis=dict( title='Year' ), yaxis=dict( title='Temperature in ( C )' ) ) fig = go.Figure(data=[trace1, trace2, trace3], layout=layout) # Plot data in the notebook py.plot(fig, filename='Exploring Weather Trends')
def plot_all_ew_tl_alg_vehicles(static, actuated, dynamic): size = list(range(len(static))) layout = graph_objs.Layout( title='East/West Vehicles Waiting Over All Three Algorithms', xaxis=dict( title='Time (s)', titlefont=dict( family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#7f7f7f' ) ), yaxis=dict( title='Num Vehicles', titlefont=dict( family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#7f7f7f' ), range=range_val ), legend=dict( traceorder='normal', font=dict( family='sans-serif', size=16, color='#000' ), bgcolor='#E2E2E2', bordercolor='#FFFFFF', borderwidth=2 ) ) static = Scatter( x=size, y=static, marker=dict(color="green"), name="Static" ) actuated = Scatter( x=size, y=actuated, marker=dict(color="blue"), name="Actuated" ) dynamic = Scatter( x=size, y=dynamic, marker=dict(color="red"), name="Dynamic" ) data = [static, actuated, dynamic] fig = graph_objs.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename='east-west-all-num-vehicles-waiting')
def submit(): # grab data from form function_a = request.forms.get('function_a') function_b = request.forms.get('function_b') MIN = request.forms.get('MIN') MAX = request.forms.get('MAX') # set up domain MIN = float(MIN) MAX = float(MAX) NUM = 100 xvals = np.linspace(MIN, MAX, NUM) # set up original curves by populating lists with eval() outputs a_yvals = [] b_yvals = [] for x in xvals: a_yvals.append(eval(function_a)) b_yvals.append(eval(function_b)) # get what we have so far into the data zvals = xvals * 0 line_a = go.Scatter3d(x=xvals, y=a_yvals, z=zvals, mode='lines', line=dict(color='red', width=4)) line_b = go.Scatter3d(x=xvals, y=b_yvals, z=zvals, mode='lines', line=dict(color='blue', width=4)) data = [line_a, line_b] # take each point on curve B, approximate tangent line to it, make perpendicular line to the tangent, # find point on curve A that it intersects, draw a circle with this point around B: for i in range(len(xvals)): b_x = xvals[i] b_y = b_yvals[i] # dont make a circle of radius 0... if a_yvals[i] == b_y: continue # get perpendicular slope to reflection point on curve B # use approx of slope if i >= 1: tan_slope = (b_yvals[i] - b_yvals[i - 1]) / (xvals[i] - xvals[i - 1]) else: tan_slope = (b_yvals[i] - b_yvals[i + 1]) / (xvals[i] - xvals[i + 1]) # find approx where perp_line and rotating line intersect solutions = [] if tan_slope == 0: # must make it so that flat lines work too solutions.append(b_x) else: # perpendicular is neg recip slope = tan_slope**(-1) slope = -slope perp_line = slope * (xvals - b_x) + b_y # check when difference in yvals changes sign, approx intersection positive = None for j in range(len(xvals)): diff = perp_line[j] - a_yvals[j] old_positive = positive if diff > 0: positive = True elif diff == 0: solutions.append(xvals[j]) else: positive = False if old_positive != None: if old_positive != positive: solutions.append(xvals[j]) # make a circle for every solution for a_x in solutions: # for eval() to work it must be an 'x' x = a_x a_y = eval(function_a) # calc radius, plot line of circle diameter otherwise if tan_slope == 0: # again, making sure it works for vertical lines radius = np.abs(a_y - b_y) circle_xs = [a_x] * 50 circle_ys = np.linspace(b_y - radius, b_y + radius, 50) else: # radius of circle is dist btwn point on line A and point on line B delta_x = np.abs(float(b_x - a_x)) delta_y = np.abs(float(b_y - a_y)) radius = np.sqrt((delta_x)**2 + (delta_y)**2) # make a line segment on xy plane that is circle's diameter circle_xs = np.linspace(b_x - delta_x, b_x + delta_x, 50) circle_ys = slope * (circle_xs - b_x) + b_y # z points are a function of x and y, make a circle circle_zs = [] for k in range(len(circle_xs)): # solve for z in distance formula magnitude = np.sqrt(radius**2 - (circle_xs[k] - b_x)**2 - (circle_ys[k] - b_y)**2) # bottom and top of circle circle_zs.append(magnitude) circle_zs.append(-magnitude) # double all the points on the x and y axes to account for top and bottom of circle circle_xs = np.repeat(circle_xs, 2) circle_ys = np.repeat(circle_ys, 2) # add this circle too the data list and do the next one circle = go.Scatter3d(x=circle_xs, y=circle_ys, z=circle_zs, mode='lines', opacity=.1, line=go.Line(color='green', width=2)) data.append(circle) ### make sure it's not distorted diff = MAX - MIN + 4 # length of one side of cubic graph diff = diff / 2.0 # half so we can start from midpoint # determine where the middle of the graph is on the y axis a_yvalsMIN = min(a_yvals) a_yvalsMAX = max(a_yvals) b_yvalsMIN = min(b_yvals) b_yvalsMAX = max(b_yvals) YMAX = max(a_yvalsMIN, b_yvalsMIN) YMIN = min(a_yvalsMAX, b_yvalsMAX) ymiddle = YMIN + (YMAX - YMIN) / 2.0 # set the axis limits to be a nice cube layout = go.Layout( title="Rotated Functions", scene=go.Scene( xaxis=dict( autorange=False, showspikes=False, range=[MIN - 2, MAX + 2] # set axis range ), yaxis=dict(autorange=False, showspikes=False, range=[ymiddle - diff, ymiddle + diff]), zaxis=dict(autorange=False, showspikes=False, range=[-diff, diff])), showlegend=False, hovermode=False) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) plot_url = py.plot(fig, filename=file, auto_open=False) return template('html2', plot_url=str(plot_url) + ".embed")
tls.set_credentials_file(username="******", api_key="c6hv1155p9") tokens = ["8nkkf6evch"] trace1 = Scatter( x=[], y=[], stream=dict(token="8nkkf6evch") ) trace2 = Scatter( x=[], y=[], stream=dict(token="j7zoksx3c0") ) data = Data([trace1,trace2]) py.plot(data) s = py.Stream("8nkkf6evch") s.write(dict(x=1, y=2)) s1 = py.Stream("j7zoksx3c0") s1.write(dict(x=2, y=1)) s1.close() s.close()
import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go trace0 = go.Bar( x=['Product A', 'Product B', 'Product C'], y=[20, 14, 23], text=['27% market share', '24% market share', '19% market share'], marker=dict( color='rgb(158,202,225)', line=dict( color='rgb(8,48,107)', width=1.5, ) ), opacity=0.6 ) data = [trace0] layout = go.Layout( title='January 2013 Sales Report', ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) plot_url = py.plot(fig, filename='text-hover-bar')
import plotly.plotly as py from plotly.graph_objs import * from getpass import getpass import numpy as np import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv('transcount.csv') df = df.groupby('year').aggregate(np.mean) gpu = pd.read_csv('gpu_transcount.csv') gpu = gpu.groupby('year').aggregate(np.mean) df = pd.merge(df, gpu, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True) df = df.replace(np.nan, 0) api_key = getpass() # Change the user to your own username py.sign_in('LearningPythonDataAnalysis', api_key) counts = np.log(df['trans_count'].values) gpu_counts = np.log(df['gpu_trans_count'].values) data = Data([Box(y=counts), Box(y=gpu_counts)]) plot_url = py.plot(data, filename='moore-law-scatter') print plot_url
height=1000, yaxis=go.layout.YAxis( title="Ratings", ticktext=values, automargin=True, titlefont=dict(size=30), ), xaxis=go.layout.XAxis( ticktext=labels, automargin=True, titlefont=dict(size=30), )) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.iplot(fig, filename='automargin') plot_url = py.plot(fig) '''Start new visualization ''' title = "Top Ten Song Ratings Over Time" cur.execute("SELECT song_title, rating FROM TopSpotifyData") top_wed_dictionary = {} for row in cur: song = row[0] rating = row[1] if song not in top_wed_dictionary: top_wed_dictionary[song] = rating else: top_wed_dictionary[song] += rating