def lbl(self, name): if name.lower() == 'lshell': return format(self.avg('lshell'), '.1f') elif name.lower() == 'mlt': return notex(timestr(3600 * self.avg('mlt'))[1][:5]) elif name.lower() == 'mlat': return notex(format(self.avg('mlat'), '+.0f') + '^\\circ') else: return '???'
def lbl(self, name): if name.lower()=='lshell': return format(self.avg('lshell'), '.1f') elif name.lower()=='mlt': return notex( timestr( 3600*self.avg('mlt') )[1][:5] ) elif name.lower()=='mlat': return notex(format(self.avg('mlat'), '+.0f') + '^\\circ') else: return '???'
def descr(self, mode, imax=None, harm=None): sfft = self.sfft(mode) # Choose the mode with the most power in the standing wave. if imax is None: imax = np.argmax( np.abs( np.imag(sfft) ) ) # Figure out the harmonic parity. if harm is None: harm = self.harm(mode)[imax] # Give the structure of this wave. modename = notex( {'p':'POL', 't':'TOR'}[mode] ) harmname = notex( {1:'ODD', 2:'EVEN'}[harm] ) freqname = 'f=' + format(self.frq()[imax], '.0f') + tex('mHz') lllsname = tex('L3S') + '=(' + cmt(sfft[imax], digs=2) + ')' + tex('mW/m^2') return '\\;\\;'.join( (modename, harmname, freqname, lllsname) )
def descr(self, mode, imax=None, harm=None): sfft = self.sfft(mode) # Choose the mode with the most power in the standing wave. if imax is None: imax = np.argmax(np.abs(np.imag(sfft))) # Figure out the harmonic parity. if harm is None: harm = self.harm(mode)[imax] # Give the structure of this wave. modename = notex({'p': 'POL', 't': 'TOR'}[mode]) harmname = notex({1: 'ODD', 2: 'EVEN'}[harm]) freqname = 'f=' + format(self.frq()[imax], '.0f') + tex('mHz') lllsname = tex('L3S') + '=(' + cmt(sfft[imax], digs=2) + ')' + tex('mW/m^2') return '\\;\\;'.join((modename, harmname, freqname, lllsname))
def coords(self, style, cramped=False): # Assemble a keyword dictionary to be plugged right into the Plot Window. kargs = {} # Plot electric and magnetic fields as a function of time. if style.lower().startswith('wave'): # Horizontal axis. kargs['x'] = self.get('t') kargs['xlims'] = (self.t0, self.t1) kargs['xlabel'] = notex('Time (hh:mm)') nxticks = 5 if cramped else 9 kargs['xticks'] = np.linspace(self.t0, self.t1, nxticks) kargs['xticklabels'] = [ '$' + notex(timestr(t)[1][:5]) + '$' for t in kargs['xticks'] ] kargs['xticklabels'][1::2] = [''] * len(kargs['xticklabels'][1::2]) # Vertical axis. # kargs['ylabel'] = notex('\\cdots (nT ; \\frac{mV}{m})') kargs['ylabel'] = notex('E (\\frac{mV}{m}) B (nT)') kargs['ylabelpad'] = -2 kargs['ylims'] = (-4, 4) kargs['yticks'] = range(-4, 5) kargs['yticklabels'] = ('$-4$', '', '$-2$', '', '$0$', '', '$+2$', '', '$+4$') # Plot coherence, cross-spectral density, etc in the frequency domain. else: # Horizontal axis. kargs['x'] = self.frq() kargs['xlims'] = (0, 40) kargs['xlabel'] = notex('Frequency (mHz)') nxticks = 5 if cramped else 9 kargs['xticks'] = np.linspace(0, 40, nxticks) kargs['xticklabels'] = [ '$' + znt(t) + '$' for t in kargs['xticks'] ] kargs['xticklabels'][1::2] = [''] * len(kargs['xticklabels'][1::2]) # Vertical axis. kargs['ylabel'] = tex('S') + notex(' (\\frac{mW}{m^2})') kargs['ylims'] = (-3, 0) kargs['yticks'] = (-3., -2.5, -2., -1.5, -1., -0.5, 0.) kargs['yticklabels'] = ('$0.001$', '', '$0.01$', '', '$0.1$', '', '$1$') kargs['axright'] = True ylabelpad = -50 return kargs
def coords(self, style, cramped=False): # Assemble a keyword dictionary to be plugged right into the Plot Window. kargs = {} # Plot electric and magnetic fields as a function of time. if style.lower().startswith('wave'): # Horizontal axis. kargs['x'] = self.get('t') kargs['xlims'] = (self.t0, self.t1) kargs['xlabel'] = notex('Time (hh:mm)') nxticks = 5 if cramped else 9 kargs['xticks'] = np.linspace(self.t0, self.t1, nxticks) kargs['xticklabels'] = [ '$' + notex( timestr(t)[1][:5] ) + '$' for t in kargs['xticks'] ] kargs['xticklabels'][1::2] = ['']*len( kargs['xticklabels'][1::2] ) # Vertical axis. # kargs['ylabel'] = notex('\\cdots (nT ; \\frac{mV}{m})') kargs['ylabel'] = notex('E (\\frac{mV}{m}) B (nT)') kargs['ylabelpad'] = -2 kargs['ylims'] = (-4, 4) kargs['yticks'] = range(-4, 5) kargs['yticklabels'] = ('$-4$', '', '$-2$', '', '$0$', '', '$+2$', '', '$+4$') # Plot coherence, cross-spectral density, etc in the frequency domain. else: # Horizontal axis. kargs['x'] = self.frq() kargs['xlims'] = (0, 40) kargs['xlabel'] = notex('Frequency (mHz)') nxticks = 5 if cramped else 9 kargs['xticks'] = np.linspace(0, 40, nxticks) kargs['xticklabels'] = [ '$' + znt(t) + '$' for t in kargs['xticks'] ] kargs['xticklabels'][1::2] = ['']*len( kargs['xticklabels'][1::2] ) # Vertical axis. kargs['ylabel'] = tex('S') + notex(' (\\frac{mW}{m^2})') kargs['ylims'] = (-3, 0) kargs['yticks'] = (-3., -2.5, -2., -1.5, -1., -0.5, 0.) kargs['yticklabels'] = ('$0.001$', '', '$0.01$', '', '$0.1$', '', '$1$') kargs['axright'] = True ylabelpad = -50 return kargs
def label(self): probename = notex( 'RBSP-' + self.probe.upper() ) lname = 'L\\!=\\!' + self.lbl('lshell') mltname = self.lbl('mlt') + notex('MLT') mlatname = self.lbl('mlat') + notex('MLAT') lppname = 'L_{PP}\\!=\\!' + format(self.lpp, '.1f') dstname = notex('Dst') + '\\!=\\!' + format(self.dst, '.0f') + notex('nT') t0name = timestr(self.t0)[1][:5] t1name = timestr(self.t1)[1][:5] return '\\quad{}'.join( (probename, notex(, lname, mltname, mlatname, lppname, dstname) )
def label(self): probename = notex('RBSP-' + self.probe.upper()) lname = 'L\\!=\\!' + self.lbl('lshell') mltname = self.lbl('mlt') + notex('MLT') mlatname = self.lbl('mlat') + notex('MLAT') lppname = 'L_{PP}\\!=\\!' + format(self.lpp, '.1f') dstname = notex('Dst') + '\\!=\\!' + format(self.dst, '.0f') + notex('nT') t0name = timestr(self.t0)[1][:5] t1name = timestr(self.t1)[1][:5] return '\\quad{}'.join((probename, notex(, lname, mltname, mlatname, lppname, dstname))