def round_2_plot(): if not os.path.exists(round_2_df_path): eprint(f'Downloading {round_2_df_url} to {round_2_df_path}') urlretrieve(round_2_df_url, round_2_df_path) verify_checksum(round_2_df_checksum, round_2_df_path) df = pd.read_json(round_2_df_path) p = ( ggplot(df) + aes(x='char_percent', y='correct', color='Dataset') + facet_wrap('Guessing_Model', nrow=1) + stat_summary_bin( fun_data=mean_no_se, bins=20, shape='.', linetype='None', size=0.5) + scale_y_continuous(breaks=np.linspace(0, 1, 6)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks=[0, .5, 1]) + coord_cartesian(ylim=[0, 0.7]) + ggtitle('Round 2 Attacks and Models') + xlab('Percent of Question Revealed') + ylab('Accuracy') + theme( #legend_position='top', legend_box_margin=0, legend_title=element_blank(), strip_text_x=element_text(margin={ 't': 6, 'b': 6, 'l': 1, 'r': 5 })) + scale_color_manual(values=['#FF3333', '#66CC00', '#3333FF', '#FFFF33'], name='Questions'))'2019_tacl_trick/auto_fig/round_2_json.pdf', width=7.0, height=1.7)
def test_discrete_x(): p = (ggplot(df, aes('xd', 'y')) + stat_summary_bin(fun_y=np.mean, fun_ymin=np.min, fun_ymax=np.max, geom='bar')) assert p == 'discrete_x'
def test_continuous_x(): p = (ggplot(df, aes('xc', 'y')) + stat_summary_bin(fun_y=np.mean, fun_ymin=np.min, fun_ymax=np.max, bins=5, geom='bar')) assert p == 'continuous_x'
def plot_char_percent_vs_accuracy_smooth( self, expo=False, no_models=False, columns=False ): if self.y_max is not None: limits = [0, float(self.y_max)] eprint(f"Setting limits to: {limits}") else: limits = [0, 1] if expo: if ( os.path.exists("data/external/all_human_gameplay.json") and not self.no_humans ): with open("data/external/all_human_gameplay.json") as f: all_gameplay = json.load(f) frames = [] for event, name in [ ("parents", "Intermediate"), ("maryland", "Expert"), ("live", "National"), ]: if self.merge_humans: name = "Human" gameplay = all_gameplay[event] if event != "live": control_correct_positions = gameplay[ "control_correct_positions" ] control_wrong_positions = gameplay[ "control_wrong_positions" ] control_positions = ( control_correct_positions + control_wrong_positions ) control_positions = np.array(control_positions) control_result = np.array( len(control_correct_positions) * [1] + len(control_wrong_positions) * [0] ) argsort_control = np.argsort(control_positions) control_x = control_positions[argsort_control] control_sorted_result = control_result[argsort_control] control_y = ( control_sorted_result.cumsum() / control_sorted_result.shape[0] ) control_df = pd.DataFrame( {"correct": control_y, "char_percent": control_x} ) control_df["Dataset"] = "Regular Test" control_df["Guessing_Model"] = f" {name}" frames.append(control_df) adv_correct_positions = gameplay["adv_correct_positions"] adv_wrong_positions = gameplay["adv_wrong_positions"] adv_positions = adv_correct_positions + adv_wrong_positions adv_positions = np.array(adv_positions) adv_result = np.array( len(adv_correct_positions) * [1] + len(adv_wrong_positions) * [0] ) argsort_adv = np.argsort(adv_positions) adv_x = adv_positions[argsort_adv] adv_sorted_result = adv_result[argsort_adv] adv_y = adv_sorted_result.cumsum() / adv_sorted_result.shape[0] adv_df = pd.DataFrame({"correct": adv_y, "char_percent": adv_x}) adv_df["Dataset"] = "IR Adversarial" adv_df["Guessing_Model"] = f" {name}" frames.append(adv_df) if len(gameplay["advneural_correct_positions"]) > 0: adv_correct_positions = gameplay[ "advneural_correct_positions" ] adv_wrong_positions = gameplay["advneural_wrong_positions"] adv_positions = adv_correct_positions + adv_wrong_positions adv_positions = np.array(adv_positions) adv_result = np.array( len(adv_correct_positions) * [1] + len(adv_wrong_positions) * [0] ) argsort_adv = np.argsort(adv_positions) adv_x = adv_positions[argsort_adv] adv_sorted_result = adv_result[argsort_adv] adv_y = ( adv_sorted_result.cumsum() / adv_sorted_result.shape[0] ) adv_df = pd.DataFrame( {"correct": adv_y, "char_percent": adv_x} ) adv_df["Dataset"] = "RNN Adversarial" adv_df["Guessing_Model"] = f" {name}" frames.append(adv_df) human_df = pd.concat(frames) human_vals = sort_humans(list(human_df["Guessing_Model"].unique())) human_dtype = CategoricalDtype(human_vals, ordered=True) human_df["Guessing_Model"] = human_df["Guessing_Model"].astype( human_dtype ) dataset_dtype = CategoricalDtype( ["Regular Test", "IR Adversarial", "RNN Adversarial"], ordered=True, ) human_df["Dataset"] = human_df["Dataset"].astype(dataset_dtype) if no_models: p = ggplot(human_df) + geom_point(shape=".") else: df = self.char_plot_df if 1 not in self.rounds: df = df[df["Dataset"] != "Round 1 - IR Adversarial"] if 2 not in self.rounds: df = df[df["Dataset"] != "Round 2 - IR Adversarial"] df = df[df["Dataset"] != "Round 2 - RNN Adversarial"] p = ggplot(df) if self.save_df is not None: eprint(f"Saving df to: {self.save_df}") df.to_json(self.save_df) if ( os.path.exists("data/external/all_human_gameplay.json") and not self.no_humans ): eprint("Loading human data") p = p + geom_line(data=human_df) if columns: facet_conf = facet_wrap("Guessing_Model", ncol=1) else: facet_conf = facet_wrap("Guessing_Model", nrow=1) if not no_models: if self.mvg_avg_char: chart = stat_smooth( method="mavg", se=False, method_args={"window": 400} ) else: chart = stat_summary_bin( fun_data=mean_no_se, bins=20, shape=".", linetype="None", size=0.5, ) else: chart = None p = p + facet_conf + aes(x="char_percent", y="correct", color="Dataset") if chart is not None: p += chart p = ( p + scale_y_continuous(breaks=np.linspace(0, 1, 6)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks=[0, 0.5, 1]) + coord_cartesian(ylim=limits) + xlab("Percent of Question Revealed") + ylab("Accuracy") + theme( # legend_position='top', legend_box_margin=0, legend_title=element_blank(), strip_text_x=element_text(margin={"t": 6, "b": 6, "l": 1, "r": 5}) ) + scale_color_manual( values=["#FF3333", "#66CC00", "#3333FF", "#FFFF33"], name="Questions", ) ) if self.title != "": p += ggtitle(self.title) return p else: if self.save_df is not None: eprint(f"Saving df to: {self.save_df}") df.to_json(self.save_df) return ( ggplot(self.char_plot_df) + aes(x="char_percent", y="correct", color="Guessing_Model") + stat_smooth(method="mavg", se=False, method_args={"window": 500}) + scale_y_continuous(breaks=np.linspace(0, 1, 6)) + coord_cartesian(ylim=limits) )
def plot_char_percent_vs_accuracy_smooth(self, expo=False, no_models=False, columns=False): if expo: if os.path.exists('data/external/all_human_gameplay.json' ) and not self.no_humans: with open('data/external/all_human_gameplay.json') as f: all_gameplay = json.load(f) frames = [] for event, name in [('parents', 'Dilettante'), ('maryland', 'Expert'), ('live', 'National')]: if self.merge_humans: name = 'Human' gameplay = all_gameplay[event] if event != 'live': control_correct_positions = gameplay[ 'control_correct_positions'] control_wrong_positions = gameplay[ 'control_wrong_positions'] control_positions = control_correct_positions + control_wrong_positions control_positions = np.array(control_positions) control_result = np.array( len(control_correct_positions) * [1] + len(control_wrong_positions) * [0]) argsort_control = np.argsort(control_positions) control_x = control_positions[argsort_control] control_sorted_result = control_result[ argsort_control] control_y = control_sorted_result.cumsum( ) / control_sorted_result.shape[0] control_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'correct': control_y, 'char_percent': control_x }) control_df['Dataset'] = 'Regular Test' control_df['Guessing_Model'] = f' {name}' frames.append(control_df) adv_correct_positions = gameplay[ 'adv_correct_positions'] adv_wrong_positions = gameplay['adv_wrong_positions'] adv_positions = adv_correct_positions + adv_wrong_positions adv_positions = np.array(control_positions) adv_result = np.array( len(adv_correct_positions) * [1] + len(adv_wrong_positions) * [0]) argsort_adv = np.argsort(adv_positions) adv_x = adv_positions[argsort_adv] adv_sorted_result = adv_result[argsort_adv] adv_y = adv_sorted_result.cumsum( ) / adv_sorted_result.shape[0] adv_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'correct': adv_y, 'char_percent': adv_x }) adv_df['Dataset'] = 'Round 1 - IR Interface' adv_df['Guessing_Model'] = f' {name}' frames.append(adv_df) if len(gameplay['advneural_correct_positions']) > 0: adv_correct_positions = gameplay[ 'advneural_correct_positions'] adv_wrong_positions = gameplay[ 'advneural_wrong_positions'] adv_positions = adv_correct_positions + adv_wrong_positions adv_positions = np.array(control_positions) adv_result = np.array( len(adv_correct_positions) * [1] + len(adv_wrong_positions) * [0]) argsort_adv = np.argsort(adv_positions) adv_x = adv_positions[argsort_adv] adv_sorted_result = adv_result[argsort_adv] adv_y = adv_sorted_result.cumsum( ) / adv_sorted_result.shape[0] adv_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'correct': adv_y, 'char_percent': adv_x }) adv_df['Dataset'] = 'Round 2 - NN Interface' adv_df['Guessing_Model'] = f' {name}' frames.append(adv_df) human_df = pd.concat(frames) if no_models: p = ggplot(human_df) + geom_line() else: df = self.char_plot_df if 1 not in self.rounds: df = df[df['Dataset'] != 'Round 1 - IR Interface'] if 2 not in self.rounds: df = df[df['Dataset'] != 'Round 2 - IR Interface'] df = df[df['Dataset'] != 'Round 2 - NN Interface'] p = ggplot(df) if os.path.exists('data/external/all_human_gameplay.json' ) and not self.no_humans: eprint('Loading human data') p = p + geom_line(data=human_df) if columns: facet_conf = facet_wrap('Guessing_Model', ncol=1) else: facet_conf = facet_wrap('Guessing_Model', nrow=1) if not no_models: if self.mvg_avg_char: chart = stat_smooth(method='mavg', se=False, method_args={'window': 400}) else: chart = stat_summary_bin(fun_data=mean_no_se, bins=20, shape='.') else: chart = None p = (p + facet_conf + aes(x='char_percent', y='correct', color='Dataset')) if chart is not None: p += chart p = ( p + scale_y_continuous(breaks=np.linspace(0, 1, 11)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks=[0, .5, 1]) + xlab('Percent of Question Revealed') + ylab('Accuracy') + theme( #legend_position='top', legend_box_margin=0, legend_title=element_blank(), strip_text_x=element_text(margin={ 't': 6, 'b': 6, 'l': 1, 'r': 5 })) + scale_color_manual(values=['#FF3333', '#66CC00', '#3333FF'], name='Questions')) if self.title != '': p += ggtitle(self.title) return p else: return ( ggplot(self.char_plot_df) + aes(x='char_percent', y='correct', color='Guessing_Model') + stat_smooth( method='mavg', se=False, method_args={'window': 500}) + scale_y_continuous(breaks=np.linspace(0, 1, 21)))
def plot_char_percent_vs_accuracy_smooth(self, expo=False, no_models=False, columns=False): if self.y_max is not None: limits = [0, float(self.y_max)] eprint(f'Setting limits to: {limits}') else: limits = [0, 1] if expo: if os.path.exists('data/external/all_human_gameplay.json') and not self.no_humans: with open('data/external/all_human_gameplay.json') as f: all_gameplay = json.load(f) frames = [] for event, name in [('parents', 'Intermediate'), ('maryland', 'Expert'), ('live', 'National')]: if self.merge_humans: name = 'Human' gameplay = all_gameplay[event] if event != 'live': control_correct_positions = gameplay['control_correct_positions'] control_wrong_positions = gameplay['control_wrong_positions'] control_positions = control_correct_positions + control_wrong_positions control_positions = np.array(control_positions) control_result = np.array(len(control_correct_positions) * [1] + len(control_wrong_positions) * [0]) argsort_control = np.argsort(control_positions) control_x = control_positions[argsort_control] control_sorted_result = control_result[argsort_control] control_y = control_sorted_result.cumsum() / control_sorted_result.shape[0] control_df = pd.DataFrame({'correct': control_y, 'char_percent': control_x}) control_df['Dataset'] = 'Regular Test' control_df['Guessing_Model'] = f' {name}' frames.append(control_df) adv_correct_positions = gameplay['adv_correct_positions'] adv_wrong_positions = gameplay['adv_wrong_positions'] adv_positions = adv_correct_positions + adv_wrong_positions adv_positions = np.array(adv_positions) adv_result = np.array(len(adv_correct_positions) * [1] + len(adv_wrong_positions) * [0]) argsort_adv = np.argsort(adv_positions) adv_x = adv_positions[argsort_adv] adv_sorted_result = adv_result[argsort_adv] adv_y = adv_sorted_result.cumsum() / adv_sorted_result.shape[0] adv_df = pd.DataFrame({'correct': adv_y, 'char_percent': adv_x}) adv_df['Dataset'] = 'IR Adversarial' adv_df['Guessing_Model'] = f' {name}' frames.append(adv_df) if len(gameplay['advneural_correct_positions']) > 0: adv_correct_positions = gameplay['advneural_correct_positions'] adv_wrong_positions = gameplay['advneural_wrong_positions'] adv_positions = adv_correct_positions + adv_wrong_positions adv_positions = np.array(adv_positions) adv_result = np.array(len(adv_correct_positions) * [1] + len(adv_wrong_positions) * [0]) argsort_adv = np.argsort(adv_positions) adv_x = adv_positions[argsort_adv] adv_sorted_result = adv_result[argsort_adv] adv_y = adv_sorted_result.cumsum() / adv_sorted_result.shape[0] adv_df = pd.DataFrame({'correct': adv_y, 'char_percent': adv_x}) adv_df['Dataset'] = 'RNN Adversarial' adv_df['Guessing_Model'] = f' {name}' frames.append(adv_df) human_df = pd.concat(frames) human_vals = sort_humans(list(human_df['Guessing_Model'].unique())) human_dtype = CategoricalDtype(human_vals, ordered=True) human_df['Guessing_Model'] = human_df['Guessing_Model'].astype(human_dtype) dataset_dtype = CategoricalDtype(['Regular Test', 'IR Adversarial', 'RNN Adversarial'], ordered=True) human_df['Dataset'] = human_df['Dataset'].astype(dataset_dtype) if no_models: p = ggplot(human_df) + geom_point(shape='.') else: df = self.char_plot_df if 1 not in self.rounds: df = df[df['Dataset'] != 'Round 1 - IR Adversarial'] if 2 not in self.rounds: df = df[df['Dataset'] != 'Round 2 - IR Adversarial'] df = df[df['Dataset'] != 'Round 2 - RNN Adversarial'] p = ggplot(df) if self.save_df is not None: eprint(f'Saving df to: {self.save_df}') df.to_json(self.save_df) if os.path.exists('data/external/all_human_gameplay.json') and not self.no_humans: eprint('Loading human data') p = p + geom_line(data=human_df) if columns: facet_conf = facet_wrap('Guessing_Model', ncol=1) else: facet_conf = facet_wrap('Guessing_Model', nrow=1) if not no_models: if self.mvg_avg_char: chart = stat_smooth(method='mavg', se=False, method_args={'window': 400}) else: chart = stat_summary_bin(fun_data=mean_no_se, bins=20, shape='.', linetype='None', size=0.5) else: chart = None p = ( p + facet_conf + aes(x='char_percent', y='correct', color='Dataset') ) if chart is not None: p += chart p = ( p + scale_y_continuous(breaks=np.linspace(0, 1, 6)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks=[0, .5, 1]) + coord_cartesian(ylim=limits) + xlab('Percent of Question Revealed') + ylab('Accuracy') + theme( #legend_position='top', legend_box_margin=0, legend_title=element_blank(), strip_text_x=element_text(margin={'t': 6, 'b': 6, 'l': 1, 'r': 5}) ) + scale_color_manual(values=['#FF3333', '#66CC00', '#3333FF', '#FFFF33'], name='Questions') ) if self.title != '': p += ggtitle(self.title) return p else: if self.save_df is not None: eprint(f'Saving df to: {self.save_df}') df.to_json(self.save_df) return ( ggplot(self.char_plot_df) + aes(x='char_percent', y='correct', color='Guessing_Model') + stat_smooth(method='mavg', se=False, method_args={'window': 500}) + scale_y_continuous(breaks=np.linspace(0, 1, 6)) + coord_cartesian(ylim=limits) )