def train(): print(f"\n***** Initializing *****\n") x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = load() y_test_original = y_test.copy() print(f"\n***** One-Hot Encoding Dataset Labels *****\n") encoder = LabelEncoder() y_train = to_categorical(encoder.transform(y_train)) y_test = to_categorical(encoder.transform(y_test)) model = create_model() history =, y_train, validation_split=0.2, epochs=2, batch_size=5)"gas_predictor") y_pred_original = encoder.transform( [yp.argmax() for yp in model.predict(x_test)]) y_pred = to_categorical(y_pred_original) results = classification_report(y_test, y_pred, target_names=list(MOLECULES.keys())) print(f"\nClassification Report:\n{results}\n") plot_results(history)
def RunBagFiles(self): """Either process bag file via rosbag API""" if self.bag_file_path: # use rosbag API rospy.loginfo( "Processing file using rosbag API: {}. Please wait..".format( self.bag_file_path)) if self.bag_secs_to_skip > 0: rospy.loginfo( "Skipping {} seconds from the start of the bag file.". format(self.bag_secs_to_skip)) bag = rosbag.Bag(self.bag_file_path) total_time_secs = int(bag.get_end_time() - bag.get_start_time()) init_t = None last_info_time_secs = int(bag.get_start_time()) for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=[ self.gt_topic, self.dr_topic, self.ekf_topic, self.depth_topic, self.imu_topic ]): if not init_t: init_t = t continue if (t - init_t).to_sec() < self.bag_secs_to_skip: continue if rospy.is_shutdown(): break elapsed_time_secs = int(t.to_sec() - bag.get_start_time()) if elapsed_time_secs % 100 == 0 and elapsed_time_secs != last_info_time_secs: last_info_time_secs = elapsed_time_secs rospy.loginfo("Elapsed time: {}/{} [s]".format( elapsed_time_secs, total_time_secs)) if topic == self.gt_topic: self.GtCallback(msg) elif topic == self.dr_topic: self.DrCallback(msg) elif topic == self.ekf_topic: self.EkfCallback(msg) elif topic == self.depth_topic: self.DepthCallback(msg) elif topic == self.imu_topic: self.ImuCallback(msg) bag.close() rospy.loginfo("Bag processed.") if self.plot_results: rospy.loginfo("Preparing plots. Please wait..") if not os.path.exists(self.save_dir): os.makedirs(self.save_dir) plots.plot_results(self.results, self.save_dir, self.use_gt, self.use_dr, self.use_ekf, self.use_depth, self.use_imu) if self.compute_error: rospy.loginfo("Computing error. Please wait..") errorAnalysis.compute_results_error(self.error_results, self.use_gt, self.use_dr, self.use_ekf, self.use_depth, self.use_imu) rospy.spin()
def run(self): """Either process bag file via rosbag API or subscribe to topics""" if self.bag_file_path: # use rosbag API rospy.loginfo( "Processing file using rosbag API: {}. Please wait..".format( self.bag_file_path)) if self.bag_secs_to_skip > 0: rospy.loginfo( "Skipping {} seconds from the start of the bag file.". format(self.bag_secs_to_skip)) bag = rosbag.Bag(self.bag_file_path) total_time_secs = int(bag.get_end_time() - bag.get_start_time()) init_t = None last_info_time_secs = int(bag.get_start_time()) for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages( topics=[self.pose_topic, self.gps_topic, self.imu_topic]): if not init_t: init_t = t continue if (t - init_t).to_sec() < self.bag_secs_to_skip: continue if rospy.is_shutdown(): break elapsed_time_secs = int(t.to_sec() - bag.get_start_time()) if elapsed_time_secs % 100 == 0 and elapsed_time_secs != last_info_time_secs: last_info_time_secs = elapsed_time_secs rospy.loginfo("Elapsed time: {}/{} [s]".format( elapsed_time_secs, total_time_secs)) if topic == self.gps_topic: self.__gps_callback(msg) elif topic == self.pose_topic: self.__pose_callback(msg) elif topic == self.imu_topic: self.__imu_callback(msg) bag.close() rospy.loginfo("Bag processed.") if self.plot_results: rospy.loginfo("Preparing plots. Please wait..") if not os.path.exists(self.save_dir): os.makedirs(self.save_dir) plots.plot_results(self.__results, self.__fusion_name, self.save_dir, self.use_gps, self.use_pose) else: # subscribe to topics self.gps_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.gps_topic, NavSatFix, self.__gps_callback, queue_size=100) self.pose_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.pose_topic, PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.__pose_callback, queue_size=100) self.imu_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.imu_topic, Imu, self.__imu_callback, queue_size=1000) rospy.spin()
def dataflow(X, y=None, cmd_plot=False): ''' Primary function responsible for predictions and GUI output from a pre-processed file. Returns signals used for plotting of features as well as generated summary statistics. ''' epochs = epochs_from_prep(X.copy(), None, settings.EPOCH_LENGTH, settings.OVERLAP_FACTOR, settings.SAMPLE_RATE, filter=False, removal=True) epochs = dataset(epochs, shuffle=False, exclude_ptt=False, only_rwa=True).epochs epochs = gru(load_graph=True, path=settings.BEST_MODEL).predict(epochs) epochs.sort(key=lambda x: x.index_start, reverse=False) yhat, timecol = reconstruct(X, epochs) full = epochs_from_prep(X, None, settings.EPOCH_LENGTH, settings.OVERLAP_FACTOR, settings.SAMPLE_RATE, filter=False, removal=False) full.sort(key=lambda x: x.index_start, reverse=False) wake, nrem, rem, illegal = timeseries(full) summary = summary_statistics(timecol, yhat, wake, nrem, rem, illegal) X, y, mask = make_features(X, y, settings.SAMPLE_RATE, removal=False) X = transpose(X) ss = X[6].copy().astype(float) for i, _ in enumerate(ss): if X[7, i]: ss[i] = 2.0 elif X[5, i]: ss[i] = 0.0 data = X[0] / settings.SAMPLE_RATE, [X[1], X[2], X[3], X[4], ss, yhat], [ 'RR', 'RWA', 'PTT', 'PWA', 'Sleep stage', 'Arousals' ], region(X[5]), region(X[7]), None, None, int(X[0, -1] / settings.SAMPLE_RATE) if cmd_plot: d = list(data) if y is not None: d[1] += [y] d[2] += ['y'] d[2][5] = 'yhat' plot_results(*d) return data, summary
def preprocess(subject, arousals=True): ''' Preprocessing of a single subject. each feature and annotation is handled by submodules. This method creates X matrix and y vector. ''' # Get data signals from container sig_ECG = subject.ECG_signal sig_PPG = subject.PPG_signal anno_SleepStage = subject.SleepStage_anno # Gets R-peak indexes and amplitudes index_sec, amp = QRS(subject) index = (array(index_sec) * settings.SAMPLE_RATE).astype(int) # Preprocess Features x_RR, x_RWA = RR(index_sec), array(amp).astype(float) x_PTT, x_PWA = PPG(sig_PPG, index_sec) x_SS = SleepStageBin(anno_SleepStage, subject.frequency, index) # Collect Matrix features = [index, x_RR, x_RWA, x_PTT, x_PWA, x_SS] X = empty((len(features), len(x_RR) - 1)) for i, feat in enumerate(features): X[i] = feat[1:len(feat)] X = transpose(X) # Include Arousals if arousals: anno_Arousal = subject.Arousal_anno y_AA = ArousalBin(anno_Arousal, subject.frequency, index) y = array(y_AA[1:len(y_AA)]) return X, y # plots Xt = transpose(X) plot_results(Xt[0], [x for x in Xt[1:]], ['rr+', 'rwa', 'ptt', 'pwa'], None, None, None, None, None, len(Xt[0])) return X
def find_best_settings_direct(G, filter_dim, epsilon, trisection_lim, train_iterations, predictor): if filter_dim < 1: raise Exception("The filter dimensions cannot be less than 1!") starting_filter_parameters = [[0, 1] for x in range(int(filter_dim))] rectangles = [ direct.Rectangle(G, starting_filter_parameters, -1, 0, train_iterations, np.nan, predictor) ] counter, direct_iteration = 0, 1 start = time.time() while True: indexes = direct.find_optimal_rectangles(rectangles, epsilon) rectangles, counter, predictor = direct.trisect( indexes, rectangles, counter, direct_iteration, trisection_lim, train_iterations, predictor) direct_iteration += 1 if counter >= trisection_lim: break fig = direct.draw_rectangles(rectangles) end = time.time() logger.log("The time it took for the DIRECT algorithm in total was", end - start, "secs or", (end - start) / 60, "hours.") fig = direct.draw_rectangles(rectangles) logger.log(counter, "trisections have been performed.") #logger.log("The lowest loss value was", loss_min, "and was found at the following filter:", best_rectangle.centre, ". At this filter, the sihlouette value was", best_rectangle.sihl) rec_results, rec_configs, train_results, train_configs = list_results( rectangles) fig2 = plots.plot_results(train_results, train_configs, rectangles, predictor) sorted_results = [ direct.sort_rectangles(rectangles, "loss"), direct.sort_rectangles(rectangles, "sihlouette") ] if predictor.test_predictor_acc: results_to_csv.cvalidation_data_to_csv(predictor.cvalidation_data) results_to_csv.export_results_to_csv(rec_results, rec_configs, train_results, train_configs, predictor, True, rectangles, sorted_results) return rectangles, sorted_results, counter, predictor
def main(): global encoding args = parse_args() # determine whether to use the aligned or unaligned data assert args.aligned in [0, 1], "Too many instances of --aligned switch, should be 0 or 1" aligned = bool(args.aligned) # and decide between feature encodings and character embeddings assert args.ortho in [0, 1], "Too many instances of --ortho switch, should be 0 or 1" ortho = bool(args.ortho) # load data data_file = Path( assert data_file.exists() and data_file.is_file(), "Data file {} does not exist".format(data_file) # determine model assert args.model in MODELS, "Model should be one of {}".format(MODELS) # determine path to alphabet file & encoding alphabet_file = None if args.model == "ipa": encoding = 'utf-16' alphabet_file = Path("../data/alphabets/ipa.csv") elif args.model == "asjp": encoding = 'ascii' alphabet_file = Path("../data/alphabets/asjp.csv") elif args.model == 'latin': encoding = 'utf-16' alphabet_file = Path("../data/alphabets/latin.csv") # load data from file assert alphabet_file.exists() and alphabet_file.is_file(), "Alphabet file {} does not exist".format(alphabet_file) alphabet = Alphabet(alphabet_file, encoding=encoding, ortho=ortho) # number of epochs assert isinstance(args.epochs, int), "Epochs not int, but {}".format(type(args.epochs)) assert args.epochs > 0, "Epochs out of range: {}".format(args.epochs) epochs = args.epochs # number of hidden layers # assert args.n_hidden > 0, "Number of hidden layers should be at least 1 ;)" # n_hidden = args.n_hidden # determine output directories, create them if they do not exist out_tag = "_{}".format(args.out_tag) # and tag for files with train/test indices indices_tag = args.out_tag plots_dir = Path("../out/plots{}_many2one".format(out_tag)) if not plots_dir.exists(): plots_dir.mkdir(parents=True) results_dir = Path("../out/results{}_many2one".format(out_tag)) if not results_dir.exists(): results_dir.mkdir(parents=True) # create file for results result_file_path = results_dir / "m2one_{}{}{}.txt".format(args.model, "_aligned" if aligned else "", "_ortho" if ortho else "") result_file_path.touch() result_file ='w', encoding=encoding) # determine ancestor ancestor = args.ancestor # create cognate sets cognate_sets = [] data ='utf-16').read().split("\n") cols = data[HEADER_ROW].split(COLUMN_SEPARATOR) langs = cols[2:] # import tensorflow here to comply with the wiki entry import tensorflow as tf # set random seed for weights tf.random.set_seed(seed=42) # start data extraction for li, line in enumerate(data[HEADER_ROW:]): # have to do that because the file with the latin characters doesn't contain aligned cognate sets if args.model == 'latin': if line == "": continue # but the other two do elif aligned: if line == "" or li % 2 == 0: continue # the unaligned case else: if line == "" or li % 2 != 0: continue row_split = line.split(COLUMN_SEPARATOR) id = row_split[ID_COLUMN] concept = row_split[CONCEPT_COLUMN] words = row_split[CONCEPT_COLUMN + 1:] cognate_dict = {} assert len(langs) == len(words), "Langs / Words mismatch, expected {}, got {}".format(len(langs), len(words)) for lang, word in zip(langs, words): cognate_dict[lang] = alphabet.translate(word) cognate_set = CognateSet(id=id, concept=concept, ancestor=ancestor, cognate_dict=cognate_dict, alphabet=alphabet) cognate_sets.append(cognate_set) # prepare train_test_split total_data = {str(i + 1): cognate_set for i, cognate_set in enumerate(cognate_sets)} train_indices = set(total_data.keys()) runs = cross_validation_runs(5, train_indices) # test_indices = Path("../data/{}_test_indices.txt".format(indices_tag)).open('r').read().split("\n") # train_data = {i: cognate_set for i, cognate_set in data.items() if i in train_indices} # test_data = {i: cognate_set for i, cognate_set in data.items() if i in test_indices} # define model model, optimizer, loss_object = create_many_to_one_model(lstm_dim=128, timesteps=len(langs) - 1, data_dim=alphabet.feature_dim, fc_dim=100, output_dim=alphabet.feature_dim) model.summary() # save model weights for reset initital_weights = model.get_weights() words_true = [] words_pred = [] wts = [] wps = [] epoch_losses = [] batch_losses = [] # Training with cross-validation for i, run in enumerate(runs): print("***** Cross-validation run [{}/{}] *****".format(i + 1, len(runs))) # reload initial model weights model.set_weights(initital_weights) # get train & test folds train_data = {i: cognate_set for i, cognate_set in total_data.items() if i in run['train']} test_data = {i: cognate_set for i, cognate_set in total_data.items() if i in run['test']} print("***** Start training *****") for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1): words_true.clear() words_pred.clear() batch_losses.clear() for batch, cognate_set in train_data.items(): output_characters = [] for lang_array in cognate_set: target = tf.keras.backend.expand_dims(lang_array.pop(ancestor).to_numpy(), axis=0) target = tf.dtypes.cast(target, tf.float32) data = [] for lang, vec in lang_array.items(): data.append(list(vec)) data = np.array(data) data = tf.keras.backend.expand_dims(data, axis=0) data = tf.dtypes.cast(data, tf.float32) # data = tf.reshape(data, (1, -1)) with tf.GradientTape() as tape: output = model(data) loss = loss_object(target, output) batch_losses.append(float(loss)) gradients = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_weights) optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, model.trainable_weights)) output_characters.append(alphabet.get_char_by_vector(output)) words_pred.append("".join(output_characters)) words_true.append(str(cognate_set.ancestor_word)) # print("".join(output_characters), str(cognate_set.ancestor_word)) if int(batch) % 100 == 0: print("Epoch [{}/{}], Batch [{}/{}]".format(epoch, epochs, batch, len(cognate_sets))) # calculate mean epoch loss mean_loss = np.mean(batch_losses) epoch_losses.append(mean_loss) print("Epoch[{}]/[{}], mean batch loss = {}".format(epoch, epochs, mean_loss)) # calculate levenshtein distance ld = LevenshteinDistance(true=words_true, pred=words_pred) ld.print_distances() ld.print_percentiles() words_pred.clear() words_true.clear() print("***** Training finished *****") print() # Testing # Do the same thing as above with the test data, but don't collect the gradients # and don't backpropagate print("***** Start testing *****") for i, cognate_set in test_data.items(): output_characters = [] for lang_array in cognate_set: target = tf.keras.backend.expand_dims(lang_array.pop(ancestor).to_numpy(), axis=0) target = tf.dtypes.cast(target, tf.float32) data = [] for lang, vec in lang_array.items(): data.append(list(vec)) data = np.array(data) data = tf.keras.backend.expand_dims(data, axis=0) data = tf.dtypes.cast(data, tf.float32) output = model(data) # loss = loss_object(target, output) output_characters.append(alphabet.get_char_by_vector(output)) # compile the reconstructed word words_pred.append("".join(output_characters)) # save the true word for the distance calculation words_true.append(str(cognate_set.ancestor_word)) wts.extend(words_true) wps.extend(words_pred) # create plots ld = LevenshteinDistance(words_true, words_pred) ld.print_distances() ld.print_percentiles() print("***** Testing finished *****") # save results after last run outfile = plots_dir / "many2one_test_{}{}{}.jpg".format(args.model, "_aligned" if aligned else "", "_ortho" if ortho else "") title = "Model [Test]: LSTM {}{}{}\n 5 cross-validation folds" \ .format(", " + args.model, ", aligned" if aligned else "", ", orthographic" if ortho else "") ld = LevenshteinDistance(wts, wps) plot_results(title=title, distances={"=<" + str(d): count / 5 for d, count in ld.distances.items()}, percentiles={"=<" + str(d): perc for d, perc in ld.percentiles.items()}, mean_dist=ld.mean_distance, mean_dist_norm=ld.mean_distance_normalized, losses=[], outfile=Path(outfile), testing=True)
def train(): # Command line call I used: # python --data=ipa --model=ipa --epochs=10 --out_tag=test --model=ipa --ancestor=ancestor global encoding args = parser_args() # determine whether the model should use feature encodings or character embeddings assert args.ortho in [ 0, 1 ], "Too many instances of --orthographic switch, should be 0 or 1" ortho = bool(args.ortho) # determine whether to use the aligned or unaligned data assert args.aligned in [ 0, 1 ], "Too many instances of --aligned switch, should be 0 or 1" aligned = bool(args.aligned) # load data data_file = None if == "ipa": encoding = 'utf-16' data_file = Path("../data/romance_ciobanu_ipa.csv") elif == "asjp": encoding = 'ascii' data_file = Path("../data/romance_ciobanu_asjp.csv") assert data_file.exists() and data_file.is_file( ), "Data file {} does not exist".format(data_file) # determine model assert args.model in MODELS, "Model should be one of {}".format(MODELS) # determine path to alphabet file & encoding alphabet_file = None if args.model == "ipa": encoding = 'utf-16' alphabet_file = Path("../data/alphabets/ipa.csv") elif args.model == "asjp": encoding = 'ascii' alphabet_file = Path("../data/alphabets/asjp.csv") # load data from file assert alphabet_file.exists() and alphabet_file.is_file( ), "Alphabet file {} does not exist".format(alphabet_file) alphabet = Alphabet(alphabet_file, encoding=encoding, ortho=ortho) assert isinstance(args.epochs, int), "Epochs not int, but {}".format(type(args.epochs)) assert args.epochs > 0, "Epochs out of range: {}".format(args.epochs) epochs = args.epochs # ancestor ancestor = args.ancestor # determine output directories, create them if they do not exist out_tag = "_{}".format(args.out_tag) plots_dir = Path("../out/plots{}_deep".format(out_tag)) if not plots_dir.exists(): plots_dir.mkdir(parents=True) results_dir = Path("../out/results{}_deep".format(out_tag)) if not results_dir.exists(): results_dir.mkdir(parents=True) # create file for results result_file_path = results_dir / "deep_{}{}{}.txt".format( args.model, "_aligned" if aligned else "", "_ortho" if ortho else "") result_file_path.touch() result_file ='w', encoding=encoding) print("alphabet:") print(alphabet) # initialize model model, optimizer, loss_object = create_model( input_dim=alphabet.get_feature_dim(), embedding_dim=28, context_dim=128, output_dim=alphabet.get_feature_dim()) model.summary() print("data_file: {}".format(data_file.absolute())) print("model: {}, orthographic={}, aligned={}".format( args.model, ortho, aligned)) print("alphabet: {}, read from {}".format(args.model, alphabet_file.absolute())) print("epochs: {}".format(epochs)) # create cognate sets cognate_sets = [] data ='utf-16').read().split("\n") cols = data[HEADER_ROW].split(COLUMN_SEPARATOR) langs = cols[2:] print("langs") print(langs) for li, line in enumerate(data[HEADER_ROW:]): if aligned: if line == "" or li % 2 != 0: continue else: if line == "" or li % 2 == 0: continue row_split = line.split(COLUMN_SEPARATOR) id = row_split[ID_COLUMN] concept = row_split[CONCEPT_COLUMN] words = row_split[CONCEPT_COLUMN + 1:] # print("words") # print(words) cognate_dict = {} assert len(langs) == len( words), "Langs / Words mismatch, expected {}, got {}".format( len(langs), len(words)) for lang, word in zip(langs, words): # print("lang, word") # print(lang, word) cognate_dict[lang] = alphabet.translate(word) cs = CognateSet(id=id, concept=concept, ancestor=ancestor, cognate_dict=cognate_dict, alphabet=alphabet) cognate_sets.append(cs) # maybe we needn't do the evaluation, since we mainly want to know how # the model behaves with the different inputs split_index = int(valid_size * len(cognate_sets)) train_data = cognate_sets[:split_index] valid_data = cognate_sets[split_index:] print("train size: {}".format(len(train_data))) print("valid size: {}".format(len(valid_data))) # cognate_sets = cognate_sets[10:30] # print("cognate_sets in ral") # print(cognate_sets) words_true = [] words_pred = [] epoch_losses = [] batch_losses = [] for epoch in range(epochs): # reset lists epoch_losses.clear() words_true.clear() words_pred.clear() # iterate over the cognate sets for i, cs in enumerate(cognate_sets): # reset batch loss batch_losses.clear() # iterate over the character embeddings for j, char_embeddings in enumerate(cs): # add a dimension to the latin character embedding (ancestor embedding) # we add a dimension because we use a batch size of 1 and TensorFlow does not # automatically insert the batch size dimension target = tf.keras.backend.expand_dims(char_embeddings.pop( cs.ancestor).to_numpy(), axis=0) # convert the latin character embedding to float32 to match the dtype of the output (line 137) target = tf.dtypes.cast(target, tf.float32) # iterate through the embeddings # initialize the GradientTape with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape: for lang, embedding in char_embeddings.items(): # add a dimension to the the embeddings data = tf.keras.backend.expand_dims( embedding.to_numpy(), axis=0) output = model(data) # calculate the loss loss = loss_object(target, output) epoch_losses.append(float(loss)) batch_losses.append(float(loss)) # calculate the gradients gradients = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_weights) # backpropagate optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(gradients, model.trainable_weights)) # convert the character vector into a character output_char = alphabet.get_char_by_feature_vector(output) # append the converted vectors to a list so we can see the reconstructed word output_characters.append(output_char) # append the reconstructed word and the ancestor to the true/pred lists words_pred.append("".join(output_characters)) words_true.append(str(cs.ancestor)) # clear the list of output characters so we can create another word output_characters.clear() print("Batch {}, mean loss={}".format(i, np.mean(batch_losses))) # calculate distances ld = LevenshteinDistance(true=words_true, pred=words_pred) print("Epoch {} finished".format(epoch + 1)) print("Mean loss={}".format(epoch, np.mean(epoch_losses))) ld.print_distances() ld.print_percentiles() if epoch == epochs: outfile = "../out/plots_swadesh_deep/deep_{}{}{}.jpg".format( args.model, "_aligned" if aligned else "", "_ortho" if ortho else "") title = "Model: deep net{}{}{}".format( ", " + args.model, ", aligned" if aligned else "", ", orthographic" if ortho else "") plot_results(title=title, distances={ "=<" + str(d): count for d, count in ld.distances.items() }, percentiles={ "=<" + str(d): perc for d, perc in ld.percentiles.items() }, mean_dist=ld.mean_distance, mean_dist_norm=ld.mean_distance_normalized, losses=epoch_losses, outfile=Path(outfile)) # save reconstructed words (but only if the edit distance is at least one) import nltk for t, p in zip(words_true, words_pred): distance = nltk.edit_distance(t, p) if distance > 0: line = "{},{},distance={}\n".format( t, p, nltk.edit_distance(t, p)) result_file.write(line) result_file.close()
H1 = [] H2 = [] for i in range(len(H)): H1.append(np.mean(H[i])) for i in range(len(H1) - 1000): H2.append(np.mean(H1[i:i + 1000])) loss_mean.append(np.asarray(H2))'mean_vector', vector_mean)'vector_mean1', vector_mean1)'negative_r1', negative_r1)'negative_r2', negative_r2)'pos_r', pos_r)'pos_r2', pos_r2)'null_r', null_r)'loss_mean', loss_mean)'LOSSES', LOSSES)'success_episodes', success_episodes) plot_results(vector_mean, vector_mean1, train_episode, negative_r1, negative_r2, pos_r, pos_r2, null_r, loss_mean, labels[0], LOSSES, success_episodes) #plot_training(VARIATIONS) #plot_memory_replay(SMR,GSMR,TMR,GTMR,Mappa,labels[v]) #plot_qvalues(VAR,MIN,MAX,MEAN,labels[v])'example',example1) #♦'test_nn',example)'training',example1)
"service_rate": 2, "queue_length": 50, "num_delays_required": n_delays, }, # Arrival Rate = 0.5 * Service Rate && Limited Queue maxsize = 50 ] current_config = configs[selected_config] # Main if __name__ == "__main__": print("\nQUEUING SYSTEM\n") print("Model (" + str(n_runs) + " runs):") # First Run: Also Prints Model Info result_time = run_queue_simulation(current_config, first=True) results.append(result_time) for i in range(n_runs): # Result of every run result_time = run_queue_simulation(current_config, first=False) results.append(result_time) print("Run " + str(i + 1) + " of " + str(n_runs) + " finished") print() # Expected analytic values expected = get_expected_values(current_config) # Show Analytic vs Simulated Results in Console values_comparison(results, expected) # Plot all the run's results (comparison with analytic values) plot_results(results, expected, save)
for n in np.arange(args.n_iter): X_pred[..., n] = model.predict(X_true, batch_size=int(1e4), verbose=1) X_pred = np.mean(X_pred, axis=2) print() # BKG SUPPRESION AND MASS SCULPTING METRIC wp_metric = 'Latent' if (args.OE_type == 'KLD' and 'Latent' in metrics) else 'MSE' # CUT ON RECONSTRUCTION LOSS if args.apply_cut == 'ON' or args.bump_hunter == 'ON': for cut_type in ['gain', 'sigma']: cut_sample = apply_best_cut(y_true, X_true, X_pred, sample, args.n_dims, model, wp_metric, cut_type) if args.bump_hunter == 'ON': bump_hunter(cut_sample, args.output_dir, cut_type) plot_distributions([sample, cut_sample], args.output_dir, bin_sizes={ 'm': 2.5, 'pt': 10 }, plot_var='m', sig_tag=sig_data, file_name='bkg_supp-' + cut_type + '.png') # PLOTTING RESULTS if args.plotting == 'ON': plot_results(y_true, X_true, X_pred, sample, args.n_dims, model, metrics, wp_metric, sig_data, args.output_dir)
args.n_dims, metric='X-S', cut_type='gain') samples = [sample, cut_sample] #bump_hunter(np.where(cut_sample['JZW']==-1,0,1), cut_sample, args.output_dir); sys.exit() var_distributions(samples, args.output_dir, sig_bins=200, bkg_bins=200, var='M', normalize=False) # PLOTTING RESULTS if args.plotting == 'ON': if not os.path.isdir(args.output_dir): os.mkdir(args.output_dir) plot_results(y_true, X_true, X_pred, sample, train_var, args.n_dims, metrics, model, args.encoder, args.output_dir) ''' from sklearn.manifold import TSNE from tensorflow.keras import models import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time #codings_layer = models.Model(inputs=model.inputs, outputs=model.get_layer('model').get_layer('codings').output) codings_layer = models.Model(inputs=model.inputs, outputs=model.get_layer('model').get_layer('mean').output) codings = codings_layer(np.float32(X_true)) print(codings.shape) start_time = time.time() tsne = TSNE(n_jobs=-1, random_state=0) codings_2D = tsne.fit_transform(codings) print(codings_2D.shape) #plt.scatter(codings_2D[:,0], codings_2D[:,1], c=['tab:orange', 'tab:blue'], s=10, label=['Tops', 'QCD'], alpha=0.5)