コード例 #1
    def reprarms(self, nbPlayers=None, openTag='', endTag='^*', latex=True):
        """ Return a str representation of the list of the arms (like `repr(self.arms)` but better).

        - For Markovian MAB, the chain and the steady Bernoulli arm is represented.
        - If nbPlayers > 0, it surrounds the representation of the best arms by openTag, endTag (for plot titles, in a multi-player setting).

        - Example: openTag = '', endTag = '^*' for LaTeX tags to put a star exponent.
        - Example: openTag = '<red>', endTag = '</red>' for HTML-like tags.
        - Example: openTag = r'\textcolor{red}{', endTag = '}' for LaTeX tags.
        if nbPlayers is None:
            text = repr(self.matrix_transitions)
            assert nbPlayers >= 0, "Error, the 'nbPlayers' argument for reprarms method of a MAB object has to be a non-negative integer."  # DEBUG
            means = self.means
            bestArms = np.argsort(means)[-min(nbPlayers, self.nbArms):]
            if nbPlayers == 0: bestArms = []
            dollar = '$' if latex else ''
            text = r'{} Markovian rewards, {}[{}]{}'.format(
                "Rested" if self.rested else "Restless",
                dollar, ', '.join(
                    r"{}P: {}, \pi: {} ∼ {}{}".format(
                        openTag if armId in bestArms else "",
                        np.asarray(mat).tolist(), st, repr(arm),
                        endTag if armId in bestArms else ""
                    for armId, (arm, mat, st) in enumerate(zip(self.arms, self.matrix_transitions, self.steadys))
                ), dollar
        return wraplatex(text) if latex else wraptext(text)
コード例 #2
    def reprarms(self, nbPlayers=None, openTag='', endTag='^*', latex=True):
        """ Return a str representation of the list of the arms (like `repr(self.arms)` but better)

        - If nbPlayers > 0, it surrounds the representation of the best arms by openTag, endTag (for plot titles, in a multi-player setting).

        - Example: openTag = '', endTag = '^*' for LaTeX tags to put a star exponent.
        - Example: openTag = '<red>', endTag = '</red>' for HTML-like tags.
        - Example: openTag = r'\textcolor{red}{', endTag = '}' for LaTeX tags.
        if nbPlayers is None:
            text = repr(self.arms)
            assert nbPlayers >= 0, "Error, the 'nbPlayers' argument for reprarms method of a MAB object has to be a non-negative integer."  # DEBUG
            append_to_repr = ""

            means = self.means
            bestmean = np.max(means)
            bestArms = np.argsort(means)[-min(nbPlayers, self.nbArms):]
            repr_arms = [repr(arm) for arm in self.arms]

            # WARNING improve display for Gaussian arms that all have same variance
            if all("Gaussian" in str(type(arm)) for arm in self.arms) and len({arm.sigma for arm in self.arms}) == 1:
                sigma = self.arms[0].sigma
                repr_arms = [s.replace(', {:.3g}'.format(sigma), '') for s in repr_arms]
                append_to_repr = r", \sigma^2={:.3g}".format(sigma) if latex else ", sigma2={:.3g}".format(sigma)

            if nbPlayers == 0: bestArms = []
            text = '[{}]'.format(', '.join(
                openTag + repr_arms[armId] + endTag
                if (nbPlayers > 0 and (armId in bestArms or np.isclose(arm.mean, bestmean)))
                else repr_arms[armId]
                for armId, arm in enumerate(self.arms))
            text += append_to_repr
        return wraplatex('$' + text + '$') if latex else wraptext(text)
コード例 #3
 def reprarms(self, nbPlayers=None, openTag='', endTag='^*', latex=True):
     """Cannot represent the dynamic arms, so print the DynamicMAB object"""
     # print("reprarms of a DynamicMAB object...")  # DEBUG
     # print("  It has self._historyOfMeans =\n{}".format(self._historyOfMeans))  # DEBUG
     # print("  It has self.means =\n{}".format(self.means))  # DEBUG
     if latex:
         text = r"%s, %s with uniform means on $[%.3g, %.3g]$%s" % ("Bayesian MAB", str(self._arms[0]), self.args["lower"], self.args["lower"] + self.args["amplitude"], "" if self.args["mingap"] is None or self.args["mingap"] == 0 else r", min gap$=%.3g$" % self.args["mingap"])
         text = r"%s, %s with uniform means on [%.3g, %.3g]%s" % ("Bayesian MAB", str(self._arms[0]), self.args["lower"], self.args["lower"] + self.args["amplitude"], "" if self.args["mingap"] is None or self.args["mingap"] == 0 else r", min gap=%.3g" % self.args["mingap"])
     return wraptext(text)
コード例 #4
 def strPlayers(self, short=False, latex=True):
     """Get a string of the players and their activations probability for this environment."""
     listStrPlayersActivations = [
         ("%s, $p=%s$" if latex else "%s, p=%s") %
         (_extract(str(player)), str(activation))
         for (player, activation) in zip(self.players, self.activations)
     if len(set(listStrPlayersActivations)
            ) == 1:  # Unique user and unique activation
         if latex:
             text = r'${} \times$ {}'.format(self.nbPlayers,
             text = r'{} x {}'.format(self.nbPlayers,
         text = ', '.join(listStrPlayersActivations)
     text = wraptext(text)
     if not short:
         text = '{} players: {}'.format(self.nbPlayers, text)
     return text