コード例 #1
    def find_opt_ratio(pblm):
        script to help find the correct value for the ratio threshold

            >>> from ibeis.algo.verif.vsone import *  # NOQA
            >>> pblm = OneVsOneProblem.from_empty('PZ_PB_RF_TRAIN')
            >>> pblm = OneVsOneProblem.from_empty('GZ_Master1')
        # Find best ratio threshold
        infr = pblm.infr
        edges = ut.emap(tuple, pblm.samples.aid_pairs.tolist())
        task = pblm.samples['match_state']
        pos_idx = task.class_names.tolist().index(POSTV)

        config = {'ratio_thresh': 1.0, 'sv_on': False}
        matches = infr._exec_pairwise_match(edges, config)

        import plottool as pt
        thresholds = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 100)
        pos_truth = task.y_bin.T[pos_idx]
        ratio_fs = [m.local_measures['ratio'] for m in matches]

        aucs = []
        # Given the current correspondences: Find the optimal
        # correspondence threshold.
        for thresh in ut.ProgIter(thresholds, 'computing thresh'):
            scores = np.array([fs[fs < thresh].sum() for fs in ratio_fs])
            roc = sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(pos_truth, scores)
        aucs = np.array(aucs)
        opt_auc = aucs.max()
        opt_thresh = thresholds[aucs.argmax()]

        if True:
            pt.plt.plot(thresholds, aucs, 'r-', label='')
                        label='L opt=%r' % (opt_thresh, ))
            pt.set_xlabel('ratio threshold')
コード例 #2
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: Erotemic/mtgmonte
def shadowform_probability():
    """ its hearthstone, but whatev

    probability of
    raza + no shadowform on turn 5 +

    probability of
    raza + shadowform on turn 5 +

    probability of
    kazakus turn 4, raza turn 5, + no shadowform

    from scipy.stats import hypergeom

    def p_badstuff_shadowform(turn=5, hand_size=3):
        deck_size = 30
        num_shadowform = 2

        def prob_nohave_card_never_mulled(copies=2, hand_size=3):
            deck_size = 30
            prb = hypergeom(deck_size, copies, hand_size)
            # P(initial_miss)
            p_none_premul = prb.cdf(0)

            # GIVEN that we mul our first 3 what is prob we still are unlucky
            # P(miss_turn0 | initial_miss)
            prb = hypergeom(deck_size - hand_size, copies, hand_size)
            p_none_in_mul = prb.cdf(0)
            # TODO: add constraints about 2 drops
            #  P(miss_turn0) = P(miss_turn0 | initial_miss) *  P(initial_miss)
            p_none_at_start = p_none_in_mul * p_none_premul
            return p_none_at_start

        def prob_nohave_card_always_mulled(copies=2, hand_size=3):
            # probability of getting the card initially
            p_none_premul = hypergeom(deck_size, copies, hand_size).cdf(0)
            # probability of getting the card if everything is thrown away
            # (TODO: factor in the probability that you need to keep something)
            # for now its fine because if we keep shadowform the end calculation is fine
            p_nohave_postmul_given_nohave = hypergeom(deck_size - hand_size, copies, hand_size).cdf(0)
            # not necessary, but it shows the theory
            p_nohave_postmul_given_had = 1
            p_nohave_turn0 = (
                p_nohave_postmul_given_nohave * p_none_premul + (1 - p_none_premul) * p_nohave_postmul_given_had
            return p_nohave_turn0

        def prob_nohave_by_turn(p_none_turn0, turn, copies, hand_size):
            # P(miss_turnN | miss_mul)
            p_none_turnN_given_mulmis = hypergeom(deck_size - hand_size, copies, turn).cdf(0)
            # P(miss_turnN) = P(miss_turnN | miss_mul) P(miss_mul)
            p_none_turnN = p_none_turnN_given_mulmis * p_none_turn0
            return p_none_turnN

        p_no_shadowform_on_turn0 = prob_nohave_card_never_mulled(copies=num_shadowform, hand_size=hand_size)
        no_shadowform_turnN = prob_nohave_by_turn(p_no_shadowform_on_turn0, turn, num_shadowform, hand_size)

        # Assume you always mul raza
        p_noraza_initial = prob_nohave_card_always_mulled(copies=1, hand_size=hand_size)
        p_noraza_turnN = prob_nohave_by_turn(p_noraza_initial, turn, copies=1, hand_size=hand_size)
        p_raza_turnN = 1 - p_noraza_turnN

        # probability that you have raza and no shadowform by turn 5
        p_raza_and_noshadowform_turnN = p_raza_turnN * no_shadowform_turnN
        return p_raza_and_noshadowform_turnN

    import plottool as pt  # NOQA

    turns = list(range(0, 26))
    probs = [p_badstuff_shadowform(turn, hand_size=3) for turn in turns]
    pt.plot(turns, probs, label="on play")
    probs = [p_badstuff_shadowform(turn, hand_size=4) for turn in turns]
    pt.plot(turns, probs, label="with coin")
    pt.set_title("Probability of Having Raza without a Shadowform")
    pt.gca().set_ylim(0, 1)