def slowdownsummary(crossings, ax=None, regress=True): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() entryspeed = crossings.entryspeed exitspeed = crossings.exitspeed ax.plot(entryspeed, exitspeed, ".") if regress: pltutils.regressionline(entryspeed, exitspeed, ax, color="k") ax.set_title("slowdown") ax.set_xlabel("entry speed (cm / s)") ax.set_ylabel("exit speed (cm / s)")
def slowdownsummary(crossings, ax=None, regress=True): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() entryspeed = crossings.entryspeed exitspeed = crossings.exitspeed ax.plot(entryspeed, exitspeed, '.') if regress: pltutils.regressionline(entryspeed, exitspeed, ax, color='k') ax.set_title('slowdown') ax.set_xlabel('entry speed (cm / s)') ax.set_ylabel('exit speed (cm / s)')
def figure1h(cr,path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) cut = getballistictrials(cr) conditions = cut[cut.trial > 0].groupby(level=['subject']) for subject,group in conditions: fig = plt.figure() entryspeed = group.entryspeed crossingspeed = group.crossingspeed plt.plot(entryspeed,crossingspeed,'.') pltutils.regressionline(entryspeed,crossingspeed,color='k') plt.xlabel('entry speed (cm / s)') plt.ylabel('crossing speed (cm / s)') plt.title('slowdown') fname = str.format("{0}_slowdown_stable.png",subject) fpath = os.path.join(path,fname) plt.savefig(fpath) plt.close(fig)
def figure1h(cr, path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) cut = getballistictrials(cr) conditions = cut[cut.trial > 0].groupby(level=['subject']) for subject, group in conditions: fig = plt.figure() entryspeed = group.entryspeed crossingspeed = group.crossingspeed plt.plot(entryspeed, crossingspeed, '.') pltutils.regressionline(entryspeed, crossingspeed, color='k') plt.xlabel('entry speed (cm / s)') plt.ylabel('crossing speed (cm / s)') plt.title('slowdown') fname = str.format("{0}_slowdown_stable.png", subject) fpath = os.path.join(path, fname) plt.savefig(fpath) plt.close(fig)
def summarize(path): fig = plt.figure() # Frame rate ax = fig.add_subplot(331) vidtime = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(path, 'Analysis/videotime.csv')) ax.hist(1.0 / np.diff(vidtime), 100, normed=True) ax.set_title('frame rate') ax.set_xlabel('fps') # Trajectories ax = fig.add_subplot(332) rawtraj = trajectories.genfromtxt(path) rawtraj = trajectories.trajectories(, rawtraj.slices[1:]) rawtraj = trajectories.scale(rawtraj) croph = [ 200 * trajectories.width_pixel_to_cm, 1000 * trajectories.width_pixel_to_cm ] traj = trajectories.crop(rawtraj, croph) for t in traj.tolist(): ax.plot(t[:, 0], t[:, 1], 'k', alpha=0.2) ax.set_title('trajectories') ax.set_xlabel('x (cm)') ax.set_ylabel('y (cm)') trajax = ax # Draw trial selection selecthandles = [] trajfilter = [] conditionfilter = [] def updateselection(): if len(trajfilter) > 0: ind = trajfilter if len(conditionfilter) > 0: ind = list(set(ind).intersection(conditionfilter)) else: ind = conditionfilter selector.ind[:] = ind sselector.ind[:] = ind selector.updateselection() sselector.updateselection() while len(selecthandles) > 0: handle = selecthandles.pop() if np.iterable(handle): for l in handle: l.remove() del l del handle for s in traj.slices[ind]: h1 = trajax.plot([s, 0],[s, 1], 'r', alpha=0.5) h2 = activityax.plot(trialsteps_x[ind, :], trialsteps[ind, :], 'r.') h3 = slipax.plot(trialslips_x[ind, :], trialslips[ind, :], 'rx') selecthandles.append(h1) selecthandles.append(h2) selecthandles.append(h3) def onselect(ind): trajfilter[:] = ind updateselection() # Trajectory features ax = fig.add_subplot(333) selector = trajectoryfeatures(traj, vidtime, ax, onselect) # Reward rate ax = fig.add_subplot(334) lr = np.atleast_1d( np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(path, 'left_rewards.csv'), dtype=str)) rr = np.atleast_1d( np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(path, 'right_rewards.csv'), dtype=str)) rewards = np.sort(np.concatenate((lr, rr))) rewardtimes = [dateutil.parser.parse(t) for t in rewards] rewardinterval = np.array( [d.total_seconds() for d in np.diff(rewardtimes)]) ax.plot(rewardinterval) ax.set_title('reward rate') ax.set_xlabel('trials') ax.set_ylabel('inter-reward interval (s)') # Summary statistics (Top) ax = fig.add_subplot(335) avgsdvheight = np.array([(np.mean(t[:, 1]), np.std(t[:, 1])) for t in traj.tolist()]) ax.boxplot(avgsdvheight) ax.set_ylabel('height (cm)') # Slowdown ax = fig.add_subplot(336) speed = trajectories.speed(traj, vidtime) midbounds = np.array([425, 850]) * trajectories.width_pixel_to_cm midpoints = [[s, 0] > midbounds[0] if[s.stop, 0] >[s.start, 0] else[s, 0] < midbounds[1] for s in traj.slices ] # midpoints = [(t[:,0] > midbounds[0]) & (t[:,0] < midbounds[1]) # for t in traj.tolist()] midspeed = np.array( [np.abs(np.mean(t[v, 0])) for t, v in zip(speed.tolist(), midpoints)]) edgespeed = np.array( [np.abs(np.mean(t[~v, 0])) for t, v in zip(speed.tolist(), midpoints)]) print edgespeed pts = ax.scatter(edgespeed, midspeed, s=10, marker='D', facecolors='b', edgecolors='none') pltutils.regressionline(edgespeed, midspeed, ax, color='k') sselector = CollectionSelector(ax, pts, color_other='r', onselection=onselect) ax.set_title('slowdown') ax.set_xlabel('entry speed (cm / s)') ax.set_ylabel('exit speed (cm / s)') # Summary statistics (Bottom) # ax = fig.add_subplot(338) # speed = trajectories.speed(traj,vidtime) # avgsdvspeed = np.array([(np.abs(np.mean(t[:,0])),np.std(t[:,0])) for t in speed.tolist()]) # ax.boxplot(avgsdvspeed) # ax.set_ylabel('speed (cm / s)') # Step activity ax = fig.add_subplot(337) stepactivity = np.genfromtxt( os.path.join(path, 'Analysis/step_activity.csv')) trialsteps = np.array( [np.sum(stepactivity[s, :], axis=0) for s in traj.slices]) stepnumbers = np.arange(8) + 1 trialsteps_x = np.tile(stepnumbers, (trialsteps.shape[0], 1)) ax.plot(trialsteps_x, trialsteps, 'k.') ax.set_title('stepping') ax.set_xlabel('step') ax.set_xlim(0, len(stepnumbers) + 1) ax.set_xticks(stepnumbers) activityax = ax # Slips ax = fig.add_subplot(338) slipactivity = np.genfromtxt( os.path.join(path, 'Analysis/slip_activity.csv')) trialslips = np.array( [np.sum(slipactivity[s, :], axis=0) for s in traj.slices]) gapnumbers = np.arange(7) + 1 trialslips_x = np.tile(gapnumbers, (trialslips.shape[0], 1)) ax.plot(trialslips_x, trialslips, 'kx') ax.set_title('slips') ax.set_xlabel('gap') ax.set_xlim(0, len(gapnumbers) + 1) ax.set_xticks(gapnumbers) slipax = ax # Trial conditions (WARNING! CONSIDER STEP STATE WRAPAROUND!!) ax = fig.add_subplot(339) width = 0.39 trialindices = trials.gettrialindices(path) steptrialpath = os.path.join(path, 'step{0}_trials.csv') stepstates = np.array([ trials.gettrialstate(str.format(steptrialpath, i), trialindices) for i in xrange(1, 7) ]).T steptrialstate = np.array([stepstates[s.start, :] for s in traj.slices]) fractionstabletrials = np.sum(steptrialstate, axis=0) / float( steptrialstate.shape[0]) fractionstabletrials = np.insert(fractionstabletrials, [0, stepstates.shape[1]], 1) unstablebars =, np.ones(stepnumbers.shape), width, color='r') stablebars =, fractionstabletrials, width, color='g') ax.set_title('manipulations') ax.set_xlabel('step') ax.set_xlim(0 + width / 2., len(stepnumbers) + 1 + width / 2.) ax.set_xticks(stepnumbers + width / 2.) ax.set_xticklabels(stepnumbers) conditionax = ax # Select trial conditions def selectstepindices(evt, bars, trialstate): try: step = next(i - 1 for i, bar in enumerate(bars) if bar.contains(evt)[0]) except StopIteration: return [] if step >= 0 and step < trialstate.shape[1]: ind = np.nonzero(trialstate[:, step])[0] else: ind = range(trialstate.shape[0]) return ind notsteptrialstate = np.bitwise_not(steptrialstate) def onbuttonpress(evt): if evt.inaxes == conditionax: ind = selectstepindices(evt, stablebars, steptrialstate) if len(ind) == 0: ind = selectstepindices(evt, unstablebars, notsteptrialstate) conditionfilter[:] = ind updateselection() ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onbuttonpress) plt.tight_layout(pad=0.5) return rawtraj, traj, vidtime, stepactivity, selector, sselector
def summarize(path): fig = plt.figure() # Frame rate ax = fig.add_subplot(331) vidtime = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(path, 'Analysis/videotime.csv')) ax.hist(1.0 / np.diff(vidtime),100,normed=True) ax.set_title('frame rate') ax.set_xlabel('fps') # Trajectories ax = fig.add_subplot(332) rawtraj = trajectories.genfromtxt(path) rawtraj = trajectories.trajectories(,rawtraj.slices[1:]) rawtraj = trajectories.scale(rawtraj) croph = [200*trajectories.width_pixel_to_cm,1000*trajectories.width_pixel_to_cm] traj = trajectories.crop(rawtraj,croph) for t in traj.tolist(): ax.plot(t[:,0],t[:,1],'k',alpha=0.2) ax.set_title('trajectories') ax.set_xlabel('x (cm)') ax.set_ylabel('y (cm)') trajax = ax # Draw trial selection selecthandles = [] trajfilter = [] conditionfilter = [] def updateselection(): if len(trajfilter) > 0: ind = trajfilter if len(conditionfilter) > 0: ind = list(set(ind).intersection(conditionfilter)) else: ind = conditionfilter selector.ind[:] = ind sselector.ind[:] = ind selector.updateselection() sselector.updateselection() while len(selecthandles) > 0: handle = selecthandles.pop() if np.iterable(handle): for l in handle: l.remove() del l del handle for s in traj.slices[ind]: h1 = trajax.plot([s,0],[s,1],'r',alpha=0.5) h2 = activityax.plot(trialsteps_x[ind,:],trialsteps[ind,:],'r.') h3 = slipax.plot(trialslips_x[ind,:],trialslips[ind,:],'rx') selecthandles.append(h1) selecthandles.append(h2) selecthandles.append(h3) def onselect(ind): trajfilter[:] = ind updateselection() # Trajectory features ax = fig.add_subplot(333) selector = trajectoryfeatures(traj,vidtime,ax,onselect) # Reward rate ax = fig.add_subplot(334) lr = np.atleast_1d(np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(path, 'left_rewards.csv'), dtype=str)) rr = np.atleast_1d(np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(path, 'right_rewards.csv'), dtype=str)) rewards = np.sort(np.concatenate((lr,rr))) rewardtimes = [dateutil.parser.parse(t) for t in rewards] rewardinterval = np.array([d.total_seconds() for d in np.diff(rewardtimes)]) ax.plot(rewardinterval) ax.set_title('reward rate') ax.set_xlabel('trials') ax.set_ylabel('inter-reward interval (s)') # Summary statistics (Top) ax = fig.add_subplot(335) avgsdvheight = np.array([(np.mean(t[:,1]),np.std(t[:,1])) for t in traj.tolist()]) ax.boxplot(avgsdvheight) ax.set_ylabel('height (cm)') # Slowdown ax = fig.add_subplot(336) speed = trajectories.speed(traj,vidtime) midbounds = np.array([425,850]) * trajectories.width_pixel_to_cm midpoints = [[s,0] > midbounds[0] if[s.stop,0] >[s.start,0] else[s,0] < midbounds[1] for s in traj.slices] # midpoints = [(t[:,0] > midbounds[0]) & (t[:,0] < midbounds[1]) # for t in traj.tolist()] midspeed = np.array([np.abs(np.mean(t[v,0])) for t,v in zip(speed.tolist(),midpoints)]) edgespeed = np.array([np.abs(np.mean(t[~v,0])) for t,v in zip(speed.tolist(),midpoints)]) print edgespeed pts = ax.scatter(edgespeed,midspeed,s=10,marker='D', facecolors='b',edgecolors='none') pltutils.regressionline(edgespeed,midspeed,ax,color='k') sselector = CollectionSelector(ax,pts,color_other='r',onselection=onselect) ax.set_title('slowdown') ax.set_xlabel('entry speed (cm / s)') ax.set_ylabel('exit speed (cm / s)') # Summary statistics (Bottom) # ax = fig.add_subplot(338) # speed = trajectories.speed(traj,vidtime) # avgsdvspeed = np.array([(np.abs(np.mean(t[:,0])),np.std(t[:,0])) for t in speed.tolist()]) # ax.boxplot(avgsdvspeed) # ax.set_ylabel('speed (cm / s)') # Step activity ax = fig.add_subplot(337) stepactivity = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(path, 'Analysis/step_activity.csv')) trialsteps = np.array([np.sum(stepactivity[s,:],axis=0) for s in traj.slices]) stepnumbers = np.arange(8) + 1 trialsteps_x = np.tile(stepnumbers,(trialsteps.shape[0],1)) ax.plot(trialsteps_x,trialsteps,'k.') ax.set_title('stepping') ax.set_xlabel('step') ax.set_xlim(0,len(stepnumbers)+1) ax.set_xticks(stepnumbers) activityax = ax # Slips ax = fig.add_subplot(338) slipactivity = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(path, 'Analysis/slip_activity.csv')) trialslips = np.array([np.sum(slipactivity[s,:],axis=0) for s in traj.slices]) gapnumbers = np.arange(7) + 1 trialslips_x = np.tile(gapnumbers,(trialslips.shape[0],1)) ax.plot(trialslips_x,trialslips,'kx') ax.set_title('slips') ax.set_xlabel('gap') ax.set_xlim(0,len(gapnumbers)+1) ax.set_xticks(gapnumbers) slipax = ax # Trial conditions (WARNING! CONSIDER STEP STATE WRAPAROUND!!) ax = fig.add_subplot(339) width = 0.39 trialindices = trials.gettrialindices(path) steptrialpath = os.path.join(path, 'step{0}_trials.csv') stepstates = np.array([trials.gettrialstate(str.format(steptrialpath,i), trialindices) for i in xrange(1,7)]).T steptrialstate = np.array([stepstates[s.start,:] for s in traj.slices]) fractionstabletrials = np.sum(steptrialstate,axis=0)/float(steptrialstate.shape[0]) fractionstabletrials = np.insert(fractionstabletrials,[0,stepstates.shape[1]],1) unstablebars =,np.ones(stepnumbers.shape),width,color='r') stablebars =,fractionstabletrials,width,color='g') ax.set_title('manipulations') ax.set_xlabel('step') ax.set_xlim(0+width/2.,len(stepnumbers)+1+width/2.) ax.set_xticks(stepnumbers+width/2.) ax.set_xticklabels(stepnumbers) conditionax = ax # Select trial conditions def selectstepindices(evt,bars,trialstate): try: step = next( i-1 for i,bar in enumerate(bars) if bar.contains(evt)[0]) except StopIteration: return [] if step >= 0 and step < trialstate.shape[1]: ind = np.nonzero(trialstate[:,step])[0] else: ind = range(trialstate.shape[0]) return ind notsteptrialstate = np.bitwise_not(steptrialstate) def onbuttonpress(evt): if evt.inaxes == conditionax: ind = selectstepindices(evt,stablebars,steptrialstate) if len(ind) == 0: ind = selectstepindices(evt,unstablebars,notsteptrialstate) conditionfilter[:] = ind updateselection() ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',onbuttonpress) plt.tight_layout(pad=0.5) return rawtraj,traj,vidtime,stepactivity,selector,sselector