コード例 #1
ファイル: plugin.py プロジェクト: prataprc/pluggdapps
def canonical_name( cls ):
    """Canonical names for plugins are defined as,

    .. code-block::


    where the entire string is lower-cased. This function is to be called only
    by PluginMeta class when a plugin class is about to be blue-printed.
    # TODO : This is a hack specific to tayra template file. Make it generic.
    mod = sys.modules.get( cls.__module__ )
    f = getattr( mod, '_ttlfile', getattr(mod, '__file__', None) )
    if f and isfile(f) :
        return (h.packagedin( abspath(f) )  + '.' + cls.__name__).lower()
    else :
        return cls.__name__.lower()
コード例 #2
def canonical_name(cls):
    """Canonical names for plugins are defined as,

    .. code-block::


    where the entire string is lower-cased. This function is to be called only
    by PluginMeta class when a plugin class is about to be blue-printed.
    # TODO : This is a hack specific to tayra template file. Make it generic.
    mod = sys.modules.get(cls.__module__)
    f = getattr(mod, '_ttlfile', getattr(mod, '__file__', None))
    if f and isfile(f):
        return (h.packagedin(abspath(f)) + '.' + cls.__name__).lower()
        return cls.__name__.lower()
コード例 #3
ファイル: plugin.py プロジェクト: prataprc/pluggdapps
def implements( *interfaces ):
    """Plugin classes can use this function to declare ``interfaces`` that
    are implemented by them. This function can be called only inside the scope
    of a class deriving from :class:`Plugin`."""
    frame = sys._getframe(1)

    if frame.f_code.co_name in core_classes : return # Skip

    # TODO : This is a hack specific to tayra template file. Make it generic.
    filen = frame.f_globals.get('_ttlfile', None)
    pkg = h.packagedin( abspath(filen) if filen else frame.f_code.co_filename )
    nm = (pkg + '.' + frame.f_code.co_name).lower()
    for i in interfaces :
        if isinstance(i, str) :
            i = PluginMeta._interfmap[i]['cls']
        if nm in list( PluginMeta._implementers.get(i, {}).keys() ) :
            raise Exception( 
                'Plugin %r implements interface %r twice' % (nm, i) )
        PluginMeta._implementers.setdefault( i, {} ).setdefault( nm, '-na-' )
コード例 #4
def implements(*interfaces):
    """Plugin classes can use this function to declare ``interfaces`` that
    are implemented by them. This function can be called only inside the scope
    of a class deriving from :class:`Plugin`."""
    frame = sys._getframe(1)

    if frame.f_code.co_name in core_classes: return  # Skip

    # TODO : This is a hack specific to tayra template file. Make it generic.
    filen = frame.f_globals.get('_ttlfile', None)
    pkg = h.packagedin(abspath(filen) if filen else frame.f_code.co_filename)
    nm = (pkg + '.' + frame.f_code.co_name).lower()
    for i in interfaces:
        if isinstance(i, str):
            i = PluginMeta._interfmap[i]['cls']
        if nm in list(PluginMeta._implementers.get(i, {}).keys()):
            raise Exception('Plugin %r implements interface %r twice' %
                            (nm, i))
        PluginMeta._implementers.setdefault(i, {}).setdefault(nm, '-na-')